welcome to the cathedral-basilica of st. louis king of france · 19/07/2020  · ronald snyder+...

Post on 20-Jul-2020






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Welcome to the Cathedral-Basilica of St. Louis King of France...

On behalf of our Archbishop, Most Rev. Gregory M. Aymond, our parishioners, deacons, and priests, I welcome you to St. Louis Cathedral and hope that your visit will be a memorable one.

I invite you to consider the Cathedral your parish away from home. It is my prayer that your time here will be a spiritually uplifting experience. I appreciate your generosity in the support of our Cathedral. It is with your help that we are able to maintain its beautiful state, that we may continue to worship God within these walls as has been done since 1718. May God enrich you with many graces and blessings.

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 19, 2020

Those who are just must be kind. — Wisdom 12:19



Sunday: Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: St. Apollinaris Tuesday: St. Lawrence of Brindisi Wednesday: St. Mary Magdalene Thursday: St. Bridget Friday: St. Sharbel Makhlūf Saturday: St. James


First Reading — You taught your people that those who are just must likewise be kind (Wisdom 12:13, 16-19).

Psalm — Lord, you are good and forgiving (Psalm 86).

Second Reading — The Spirit comes to aid us in our weakness (Romans 8:26-27).

Gospel — Jesus proposes parables to the crowds, teaching them of the reign of God (Matthew 13:24-43 [24-30]).

The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.


Monday: Mi 6:1-4, 6-8; Ps 50:5-6, 8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23; Mt 12:38-42

Tuesday: Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Ps 85:2-8; Mt 12:46-50

Wednesday: Sg 3:1-4b or 2 Cor 5:14-17; Ps 63:2-6, 8-9; Jn 20:1-2, 11-18

Thursday: Jer 2:1-3, 7-8, 12-13; Ps 36:6-7ab, 8-11; Mt 13:10-17 Friday: Jer 3:14-17; Jer 31:10-12abcd, 13; Mt 13:18-23 Saturday: 2 Cor 4:7-15; Ps 126:1bc-6;

Mt 20:20-28 Sunday: 1 Kgs 3:5, 7-12; Ps 119:57, 72, 76-77, 127-130; Rom 8:28-30; Mt 13:44-52


Wanda Mary Aizpurua, Steven Bailey, Charlee P. Bath, Rodney Batistella, Kevin Baye, Jason Benigni, Sylvia Beyer, Gioambaotixita Binh, Samuel Blimling, Jr., Walter Bonam, Grayson Bond, Jon Bourdais, Kylan Broussard, John Bruno, Trey Michael Bruno, Barbara Butler, Diane Centanni, Drew Chambers, Joe & Susie Chenevert, Valerie Claverie, Mary Dahir, Don Daley, Jr., Adrianne DeCarolis, Ruth DeLaCerda, John DeVenney, Claire Duplantier, Ben Edmunson, Orly R. Elizondo, Betty Ellis, Brady Evans, Heidi Fletcher, Brad Freichter, Robert Friedman; Dylan Frught, Timmy Giroir, Olivia Gonzales, Michael Goodson, Daniel Grant, Julie Green, Joe Greenwood, Riley Griffin, Ann Griffiths, Louis Hilaire, Harriet Hill, Jessica Hong, Leroy and Joyce Houston, Charlene Hughes, Sput Hughes, Brandon Jackson, Emily Judice, Hollie Junius, Philip Klaas, Meredith Landry, Mickey Landry, Gloria Larousse, Tylor Lenart, Fr. Michael Levy, OMI, Cyrus Lohfink, Kenneth Maes, Maureen Mallory, George Markey, Eva Marin, Edward C. Martin, Darrell Martin, Doug Masters, Eva Lavard Mays, Joshua McAlister, John Moreale, Jr., Kole Munster, Steven Murphey, Maria Nelson, Heather Newell, Hannah Nguyen, Ky Nguyen, Julie Noto, Mike Oddo, C.J. Otillio, Sylvia Otillio; Mark Owens, Mary Luna Perez, Loriann and Joseph Pliska, Johnny Poche, Irlee Redmann, Joel Rivera, Ronald Rizzo, Deborah Roberts, Michael Rudiger, Nora Saldana, Jim Sansone, Bernadina Sceovern, Emma Scheuermann, Raymond Schexnayder, Schweda Family, Rosalia Serio, Maria Soares, Renee Sobojinski, Sister Mary Lou Specha, Jean Stephens, Rebecca Temple & Family, Noah Townsend, Sal Trabanino, Juan Valadez, Jim Viola, Mickey James & Pablo Welsh, Lee Whitaker, Marie Williams, Fritz Windhorst, Danielle Wolfe, Robert Yezak, Zickert Family, Chris Zimmer If you are ill or know of someone who is ill and should be included in our prayers, please contact the parish office.

The statement printed above expresses the gratitude felt in response to the generosity of the people of the St. Louis Cathedral parish. For it is your weekly contributions that make much of what is done here at the Cathedral possible. Thanks are extended to those who use Church Support envelopes regularly. If you are not currently using envelopes, please consider doing so that our parish may continue to prosper. If you would like to receive monthly envelopes, kindly visit the


9:00 AM Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Werling+ John Freshno+ Tom Benson+ Ursuline H. Smith+ Silvia Manto Coppi+ Eileen Fyfe+ Charles J. Hartman+ Stanley H. Culver+ Warren Edmund Davis, III+ Dorothy Homa+ John Devenney 11:00 AM For the People of the Archdiocese

MONDAY, July 20, 2020

12:05 PM Mathilde Landry+

TUESDAY, July 21, 2020

12:05 PM Noah Watkins+

WEDNESDAY, July 22, 2020

12:05 PM Virginia Romeo Klein+

THURSDAY, July 23, 2020

12:05PM Maria Ciardullo+

FRIDAY, July 24, 2020

12:05 PM Chip Wusthoff+

SATURDAY, July 25, 2020

5:00 PM Albin Guillot+ Ursuline H. Smith+ Alvin Clifton Grant+ Mark Visalli+ Ronald Snyder+ Rocky Francesconi+ Ronald Joseph Ledet, Sr.+ Beryl Mayeux Dufrene+

Mel Hock+ Julianna Lee Proctor+ William Gildea+ Lucille Ogden Sharon M. Primeaux



July 12, 2020 First Collection $3,339.00 Restoration and Renovation $1,510.00


The Church in the Crescent: Three Hundred Years of Catholicism

in New Orleans *Due to governmental advisories related to the coronavirus, the museum remains closed at this time.

Cathedral Sanctuary Lamp

Our Sanctuary Lamp burns this week in memory of

Lopés and Landry Families

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 19. 2020


Today Jesus continues to speak to his followers using parables. What a rich treasure we are given today in three parables about the kingdom of heaven! The kingdom is likened to a man sowing good seed in his field, a mustard seed, and yeast mixed with flour. As they did last week, today the disciples press Jesus for an interpretation of one of the parables—the parable of the man sowing good seed. Lest we think that these parables are simply amusing little anecdotes, Jesus’ interpretation should be seen for what it is—a warning. Wailing and grinding of teeth in a fiery furnace await those who are children of the evil one. This parable points to the struggle for today’s believer. Sometimes, through sin, we sow weeds and prevent the love of Christ from blossoming. Let today’s Gospel help put us back on track. Let us recommit ourselves to preparing for the last days, the harvest, by blossoming as the good seeds we were created in love to be.

Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

Archbishop Aymond’s Prayer (when faced with fears of Coronavirus)

Loving and faithful God, the coronavirus reminds us that we have no power and we are dependent on You. We place ourselves in Your loving hands. Please give eternal rest to all who have died from the virus. Please put Your healing hand on those who are ill, and give Your protection to us in this time of fear and uncertainty. Please, calm our fears and help us to trust You as our faithful God. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Our Lady of Prompt Succor, pray for us in this time of need.

Gift Shop Hours

The Cathedral gift shop is now open from 10:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and on Sunday from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 a.m. During this time of uncertainty related to the Coronavirus pandemic we have received many calls concerning the availability of blessed candles and bottles of holy water. We are happy to inform you that both are now available in the shop at the entrance to the Cathedral for minimal donations. We are also selling Cathedral masks. Please stop in and visit.



of Prompt Succor, New Orleans and the Gulf Coast region will be spared damage to life and property throughout the duration of the season.

2020 Hurricane Season

June 1st marked the beginning of the 2020 Hurricane Season. Please pray that through the intercession of Our Lady


Our Families

We pray that today's families may be accompanied with love, respect and guidance.

In addition, Pope Francis asks that we join him in prayer every day as he prays for intentions closely related to the pandemic, the great challenge that is facing humanity and the Church’s mission.


God, Master of this passing world, hear the humble voices of your children. The Sea of Galilee obeyed Your order and returned to its former quietude.

You are still the Master of land and sea. We live in the shadow of a danger over which we have no control: the Gulf, like a provoked and angry giant, can awake from its seeming lethargy, overstep its conventional

boundaries, invade our land, and spread chaos and disaster. During this hurricane season we turn to You, O loving Father. Spare us from past tragedies whose memories are still so vivid and whose wounds seem to refuse to heal with passing of time. O Virgin, Star of the Sea, Our beloved Mother, we ask you to plead with your Son on our behalf,

so that spared from the calamities common to this area and animated with a true spirit of gratitude, we will walk in the footsteps of your Divine Son to reach the heavenly Jerusalem,

where a stormless eternity awaits us. Amen.


For the health and safety of all during this pandemic we remind you of the following mandates and ask that you observe all during your visit to the Cathedral:

• Please be seated in a pew marked reserved and be seated by a cross, Families may be seated together. • Masks are required. • Social distancing of 6 feet must be practiced at all times, including while standing in line for Communion. • It is requested that Communion be received in the hand.



Phillip Domingue, Business & Comm. Coordinator

artres • Oldest Building in the Mississippi River Valley

Gordy Hyde, Larry Barabino, Facilities Coordinators


CHURCH NAME: St. Louis Cathedral BULLETIN NO. 507550 CONTACT: Maureen Scheuermann (504) 525-9585 x 5341 maureens@arch-no.org DATE: 07-19-2020 PAGES 8 TRANSMISSION DAY/TIME: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 SOFTWARE Publisher 2003 Adobe 5 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS:

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