welcome to learning spanish

Post on 04-Oct-2021






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Welcome to the Learn a Language programme of Queen Mary. Language learning broadens

the mind – you learn how different cultures and societies organize the world through language, you acquire a new vocabulary, new concepts, cultural knowledge, and become more interculturally aware. You can connect with people in another society in their language, a connection that is likely to be closer than if you make them speak your language or you communicate in a third language, such as English. You can use your language skills in your future career – employers consistently ask for better language skills in graduates. And, finally, language learning has cognitive benefits – studies show that bilinguals are more perceptive and have better memory. Speaking another language makes you more aware of language structure in general, and a better communicator.


Spanish is the world’s second largest international language, with more than 400 million speakers in more than 20 countries, including over 40 million in the US. The Hispanic community is the largest minority in the United States, making Spanish the second language in the USA. Learning to understand and to communicate effectively in Spanish, both orally and in the written form, will open doors to the discovery of Hispanic culture, rich in history, traditions, literature and music, and to follow various forms of media available throughout the Spanish-speaking world.



Module Aims The overall aims of this module are to help you to further develop your knowledge of the Spanish language, and develop your ability to approach communication in the language in a confident and competent manner. You will develop a high command of the language and develop your ability to function effectively and competently dealing with language occurring in more demanding and challenging situations, within a general or a professional context (equivalent to level B2+ of the Common European Framework of Reference, CEFR). You will improve your competence towards an advanced level through tasks designed to develop your skills in speaking and writing. You will also develop your receptive skills, by reading and listening to complex texts. The aim is to achieve a balance between fluency and accuracy, which means grammar and structure are an integral part of this course.

How is the module structured and how will it be taught? In the academic year 2020/21, this module will be taught online, via synchronous, timetabled weekly sessions on MS Teams (or Zoom), combined with asynchronous tasks that you complete in your own time, before and after the synchronous sessions. You will have two timetabled synchronous sessions (up to two hours each) per week, over two semesters (4 hours over 22 weeks). This means you will get 88 hours of tutor-led learning. You will be required to complete activities before sessions (e.g. watch a video, go over a PowerPoint presentation, read a text), as well as complete exercises and tasks after sessions for consolidation (e.g, exercises in the course book, on QMplus, recording yourself, etc.). The synchronous classes will be mainly used for interactive tasks and skills development (speaking, listening, writing), while explanations of grammar and introduction of new material will be delivered mainly via recorded video clips. The total learning hours for this module are 150 hours, which means that in addition to the 44 tutor-led hours, you need to invest an additional 156 hours through independent study. You will do this by completing tasks online on QMplus and in the course book before and after weekly sessions, doing homework set by your tutor, revising class materials and vocabulary, preparing for assessments, and using other opportunities to speak, listen to and read Spanish outside the classroom.

Module Learning Outcomes You should develop the following outcomes related to academic content:

A1 To achieve effective communication in Spanish at level B2+ CEFR with competent speakers of the language.

A2 To exploit, for a variety of purposes, a range of materials, written and spoken, in Spanish level B2+ CEFR.

A3 To demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of the structures, registers and, as appropriate, varieties of Spanish at level B2+ CEFR.

A4 To demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of Hispanic cultures and societies gained through the study of more complex written and aural texts and other cultural products in the target language.


You should develop the following disciplinary skills:

B1 To analyze aspects of the target language and make use of them in a broadly professional context.

B2 To gather and process information related to Spanish language and Hispanic cultures from a variety of paper, audiovisual and electronic sources and communicate this information, both orally and in writing.

B3 To use ICT effectively both as a means of communication and as an aid to learning.

B4 To demonstrate some ability as an independent learner of the language in order to take further the study of Spanish language and Hispanic cultures.

You should develop the following general attributes:

C1 To be able to operate in more than one language, develop a global perspective and use the knowledge acquired to increase employability and engage with the professional world.

C2 To apply analytical skills to investigate unfamiliar problems and to use the knowledge acquired to enrich research.

C3 To be able to work effectively in diverse communities.

C4 To work individually and in collaboration with others reflecting upon and assessing one's progress in learning the Target Language.



If you are taking this module for credit, you will get 15 credits, which equals 150 learning hours. 44 of those will be tutor-led through synchronous sessions, the rest you are expected to invest between the weekly sessions, in your own time, via guided learning, using resources on QMplus, in your course book, and other material as advised by your tutor. Even if you are not taking the module for credit, you should invest the same amount of time in order to make progress as expected.

15 credit module – 150 learning hours

Tutor-led learning 44 hours

Interactive classes

Self-directed learning 106 hours

Preparations for synchronous sessions 22

Completing set homework 22

Self-study after class (QMplus, course book, etc.) 44

Preparation for assessments 18

Total 150


Dr. Noèlia Díaz-Vicedo

Bancroft 1.36

n.diaz-vicedo@ qmul.ac.uk

Tuesdays and

Thursdays (1-2pm)

You can use tutors’ office hours to get advice and feedback. Please email your tutor to book an appointment.


tutor Office Email Online office




What is the main topic of the week?

What will I be able to do with the language I am learning this week

What particular language features will be covered?

What cultural information will I learn this week?

What am I expected to do outside class from one week to the next?

1 To be or not to be Hablar de la personalidad (puntos débiles y fuertes)

Ser y estar I. Formación adjetivos

¿Cómo eres? Ver el cortometraje ‘Eres’ (ejercicios)

2 Spanish-Speaking World

Utilizar estructuras con ser y estar a nivel coloquial y escrito. Estereotipos

Ser y estar II. Formación sustantivos

¿Somos todos los hispanohablantes iguales?

Escribe un texto sobre un país a tu elección

3 Journeys that change life

Hablar de viajes, describir paisajes, anécdotas en pasado

Tiempos de pasado indicativo I. El viaje de Cristóbal Colon y sus consecuencias

Escribe un texto sobre un viaje que cambió tu vida

4 Spanish Civil War and Pablo Picasso

Reflexionar, hablar sobre hechos históricos

Tiempos de pasado indicativo II La Guerra Civil española Escribir un texto sobre la

película ‘Guernika’

5 Work prospects? Expresar la probabilidad, el futuro y la condición

Futuro vs condicional (probabilidad). Anglicismos

La situación laboral de los jóvenes en los países hispanohablantes

Leer un artículo de Arturo Pérez Reverte y escribimos la respuesta

6 Day of the dead Expresar las emociones Repaso tiempos de indicativo. Expresiones de emoción (miedo, tristeza, etc.)

Celebración de todos los santos y el día de los muertos (origen)

Leer ‘Un día de estos’ (Los funerales de la Mama Grande 1962) de Gabriel García Márquez y la película ‘Coco’

7 READING WEEK: Please complete the following work during Reading Week: QMplus files (Reading, Grammar, Writing and Aural)

8 Mediterranean Diet Expresar influencia: consejos, recomendaciones, deseos, etc.

Subjuntivo I.

Gastronomía y sociedad española y Latinoamericana

Preparar una presentación oral de 5 minutos sobre la gastronomía y costumbres de tu país

9 Love and Social Networks

Expresar emoción o juicio personal: preocuparse, alegrarse, lamentar

Subjuntivo II El amor en español (Cervantes, Rubén Darío, etc.)

Ver el corto ‘El amor en los tiempos de whatsapp’. Reflexionar.

10 Immigration Expresar duda o desconocimiento Subjuntivo III Situación actual en España Ver el corto ‘Hijab’ y reflexionar

por escrito.

11 Christmas Expresión de la posibilidad y de acciones futuras

Subjuntivo IV Las navidad en los países hispano-hablantes (diferencias)

Cortometraje: ‘Una feliz navidad’

12 Revision (B2) Revisión nivel B2




What is the main topic of the week?

What will I be able to do with the language I am learning this week

What particular language features will be covered?

What cultural information will I learn this week?

What am I expected to do outside class from one week to the next?

1 Advertisements Expresar demandas, pedir y entender órdenes e instrucciones

Imperativo I Cultura bajo el régimen de la dictadura de Franco. La Sección Femenina.

Prepara una presentación oral sobre un producto de tu país relacionado con la historia.

2 Music Hablar, entender y formular hipótesis, expresar opinión crítica. Variedad de español: cubano

Imperativo II Tipos de música: salsa, bachata, flamenco, etc. Situación política de Cuba

Ver la película ‘Habana Blues’ (ejercicios)

Recycling and environment

Hablar, entender y comparar hábitos y costumbres, cuestionar a otros

Condicionales I Parques naturales y turismo rural

Prepara una presentación sobre la situación medioambiental de tu país parques naturales, etc.

4 Football Expresar hipótesis, dar opinión. Variedad de español: argentino

Condicionales II Lengua, cultura e historia argentina y el fútbol

Ver la película ‘El secreto de sus ojos’ (ejercicios)

5 Cinema Escribir el guion de una secuencia de cine. Entender y expresar crítica. Estructurar el discurso

Estilo Directo Pedro Almodóvar, el cine y la cultural popular española

Película ‘Todo sobre mi madre’ (ejercicios)

6 Don Quixote Argumentar a partir de diálogos. Relatar una historia, describir.

Estilo Indirecto Don Quijote de la Mancha de Cervantes

Prepara una biografía tuya

7 READING WEEK: Please complete the following work during Reading Week: qmplus ejercicios

8 ‘Machismo’ and Feminism

Pensamiento critico, expresar prejuicios

Subjuntivo/Indicativo El movimiento feminista, feminicidios y el fenómeno ‘un violador en tu camino’ (Chile)

Escoge un tema (violencia de género, brecha salarial, etc.) reflexiona.

9 Women Artists Expresión de opiniones, emociones que nos provoca el arte

Verbos con preposición Obras de pintoras y poetas españolas y latinoamericanas

Película Frida (texto y ejercicios)

10 Easter

Expresar e identificar expresiones de origen religioso en el español. Entender y explicar tradiciones de un país.

Oraciones pasivas

La semana santa (tradiciones y celebraciones)

Elige una ciudad y elabora una presentación oral sobre las tradiciones de semana santa.

11 Revision (C1)

12 Courseworks and Oral Exam


Semester 1 Dates

Teaching Weeks 1 to 6 21 Sep – 30 Oct 2020

Reading Week (Week 7) 2 Nov – 6 Nov 2020

Teaching Weeks 8 to 12 9 Nov – 11 Dec 2020

January exam period 7 Jan – 22 Jan 2021

Semester 2 Dates

Teaching Weeks 1 to 6 25 Jan – 5 Mar 2021

Reading Week (Week 7) 8 Mar – 12 Mar 2021

Teaching Weeks 8 to 12 15 Mar – 16 Apr 2021

Exam period 6 May – 28 May 2021

Summer Resit period 2 Aug – 13 Aug 2021



Websites: Instituto Cervantes Londres: https://londres.cervantes.es/es/default.shtm Radio Televisión Española: https://www.rtve.es Ejercicios interactivos: http://www.ver-taal.com Youtube channels: Instituto Cervantes TV: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCcOeMsOpXCLbe6_RZWvop Useful apps

Cultural events in London in 2020/21 related to Spanish:


Materials for this module are all included in the Qmplus Module area

Materials will be available on a weekly basis.


London Spanish Film Festival

El día Ñ del español (Instituto Cervantes)

QMplus Module page

The QMplus module page is the place to go to regularly before and after class, to prepare for the weekly sessions and find resources for self-study. Here you will find the materials used in class in addition to the course book, and additional resources and activities that help you consolidate and extend the material covered in class. You will also find links to web resources and videos on the language and cultural information.



- How can you check your progress throughout the module? - What feedback can you expect from your tutor?

Language classes are highly interactive and participative, which means your tutor will give you instant feedback on your participation on Teams when you have a synchronous session. Your tutor will also give you feedback on your submitted homework, and on activities that you complete on QMplus, if there is no automated feedback. Your tutor will also hold online office hours on Teams (check the times in the Tutor profile above), which you can use for a one-to-one meeting to discuss your progress. Please email your tutor beforehand.


Assessment if you take the module FOR credit If you are taking this module for credit, you need to complete and pass the assessments in order to gain the credits. The credits will count towards the total number of credits you need in each academic year (120 per year for undergraduate students).

Assessment if you take the module NOT for credit If you are taking this module as a non-credit bearing module, it will not count towards your programme and you will not receive credits. However, if you complete and pass the module, it will be shown on your transcript (which you can show to employers), and you will receive a Certificate of Attendance stating that you have passed the module, and with what grade. The requirements are that you:

1. Have attended at least 65% of the taught sessions

2. Take and pass the module assessment for non-credit seeking students to show that you have

achieved the learning outcomes of the module

Assessment is carried out through formal and informal reading, writing, listening and speaking tasks. The assessment structure depends on whether you are taking the module for credit or not, and whether you take the year-long or the one-semester option. Check your module code and note the assessment structure relevant to you, below:


Assessment structure: FOR CREDIT LAN6121: Spanish Language & Culture 3a: Students taking the module for credit, year-long (15 credits)

NOT FOR CREDIT LAN6126: Spanish Language & Culture 3a: Students taking the module NOT for credit, year-long In order to get a Certificate, you need to pass the following assessments:

Your tutor will give you assessment briefs for each of the assessments.

LAN6121 Assessment Title

Weight towards final grade %

Length Due Date


- Listening Test 10% Semester A Week 11 (December)

- Reading/Writing/Grammar test

15% Semester A Week 12 (December)

- Writing Project 15% 400-450


15 March 2021

Oral exam 25% Semester B Week 12 (April 2021)

Written exam 35% 3 hours Examination period (May 2021)

LAN6126 Assessment Title

Weight towards final grade %

Length Due Date


- Listening Test 20% Semester A Week 11 (December)

- Reading/Writing/Grammar test

30% Semester A Week 12 (December)

- Writing Project 20% 400-450


15 March 2021

- Oral test 30% Semester B Week 12 (April 2021)



Effective communication

Your ability to effectively communicate meaning and viewpoint to the reader.


Lexis Your command of appropriate use of vocabulary, collocation etc.


Grammar Your command of structure, tense, word order, agreement, etc.


Task completion

Degree to which you have completed all requirements in the question, including appropriate length*, degree of difficulty attempted, etc.


Total /20

Final Mark /20 x 5 %

*If you submit work significantly under the word limit, marks will be deducted.

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