welcome to ce-299 associates capstone in early childhood development esin esendal provitera, ph.d

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Welcome to CE-299 Welcome to CE-299 Associates Capstone in Early Associates Capstone in Early

Childhood DevelopmentChildhood Development

Esin Esendal Provitera, Ph.D.Esin Esendal Provitera, Ph.D.

Welcome to CE-299 Welcome to CE-299 Associates Capstone in Early Associates Capstone in Early

Childhood DevelopmentChildhood Development

Esin Esendal Provitera, Ph.D.Esin Esendal Provitera, Ph.D.


• Where are you joining us from

• What else would you like to share with us?

• What are your goals after this program?

After completing this unit you should be able to:After completing this unit you should be able to:• Complete an autobiography to include in your

capstone portfolio• Discuss what past learning experiences will

apply to the capstone course requirements• Describe an educational portfolio and its uses

in an educational setting


• Office hours- By Appointment• Seminar – option 1 (Live) OR 2• Course dates- August 1 – October 9, 2012     • [Note: Final Projects are due at the end of Unit 9,

Tuesday, October 2, 2012]• Course materials• Learning activities• Grading and due dates• Grading Outlines (Rubrics)- please see syllabus- there are

rubrics (grading outlines) for each of your assignments. • Plagiarism

No TextbookNo Textbook

This class does not include a textbook. All of the required readings are linked from these tabs:• Reading• Web Resource• Additional Resources

Course Topics

• Unit 1: Introduction to the Capstone Course and Portfolios 

• Unit 2: Portfolio Development  • Unit 3: Portfolios and the Role of Reflection  • Unit 4: Child Development and Learning Theory in

Early Childhood Settings • Unit 5: Building Family and Community Relationships • Unit 6: Developmentally Appropriate Observational

and Assessment Techniques• Unit 7: Creating Effective Learning Environments• Unit 8: Professional Standards, Ethics, Critical Inquiry,

and Advocacy• Unit 9: Importance of Individuality and Cultural

Diversity• Unit 10: Career Relevance and Wrap-Up

Discussion RequirementsDiscussion Requirements• For Full Credit:

1. Complete answers to all discussion questions. Make sure your responses provide a thorough discussion of the questions and include relevant examples of unit concepts.

2. Make sure your postings relate to the readings. Include reflections about how the unit objectives will be relevant to your “real world” experiences in the classroom.

3. Write responses that are at least 100 words. Read over your responses before posting to check for clear writing and correct spelling and grammar.

4. Interact with 2 or more students. Connect your response to course readings and content.


• Total course points: 1,000

• Weekly seminars: 20 points• Weekly discussions: 30 points• Unit 1 Project: 100 points• Unit 3 Project: 100 points• Unit 5 Project: 150 points• Final project: 200 points


• Taking another person’s words, ideas, or results as their own. (If you want to include someone else’s words, ideas, or results, be sure to give proper credit to the source by following APA citation guidelines.)

• Copying work or written text without properly citing it. If you want to quote an author, you must give proper credit to the author. Please use quotations sparingly in your projects.

• • Turning in an assignment that another

student either partially or wholly completed. Your projects need to be written entirely by you.

Final ProjectFinal Project

• Your Unit 9 Project is the construction of your capstone portfolio based on the program/course outcomes. You will include the Units 1, 3, and 5 Projects from this course directly into the Unit 9 Project. You will also include artifacts from throughout your program of study to demonstrate how you have met the program/course outcomes as discussed throughout the capstone course. All of the project details and requirements are available through the PDF document.

• Please use the template provided to complete your project

• Would you like to take a look at the complete directions now?

Unit 1: Introduction to the Capstone Course and Portfolios

Unit 1: Introduction to the Capstone Course and Portfolios

• The capstone course is designed for you to showcase how you have met the program outcomes. In fact, these are the course outcomes as well! Let’s look at the first program/course outcome:

• CE299-1: Demonstrate the ability to apply knowledge of child development and learning theory in early childhood settings


• What are Portfolios?

Portfolios are collections of your course work assignments/papers that highlight the curriculum you have mastered in this program.

• Have you ever used one?

• What are the benefits of having a portfolio?

Take a Look at Your Past ProjectsTake a Look at Your Past Projects

• Review projects you have completed in your associate’s degree program and choose one that showcases that you have met this outcome. The following may have projects that you can use for this question:

• CE100 Unit 6• CE101 Units 6 and 9• CE114 Units 4 and 9• CE215 Units 7 and 9• CE220 Unit 9

Choose a Past ProjectChoose a Past Project

• Why did you choose this project?

• How does the project meet the program/course outcome?

Unit 1 Project - AutobiographyUnit 1 Project - Autobiography• For this project, you will have the opportunity to write

your autobiography.• In a 1-2 page essay, using APA format please discuss:

A. Where you grew up (e.g., big city, rural, suburban) and the educational setting in which you participated (e.g., public school, private school, parochial school, home school). Describe these in as much detail as possible, giving specific examples.

B. What events influenced your beliefs and values concerning education?

C. Have you had any family members or mentors who were important in shaping your education and goals?

Unit 1 Project – cont.Unit 1 Project – cont.• You should use the template provided for your

project. Be sure to delete any text in red and replace with your own work. While you are encouraged to integrate material from the course readings and discussions, make sure to paraphrase (don’t copy word-for-word!) and provide the sources for your content.

• Your paper should be 1-2 pages long, typed, double-spaced and in a 12-point font size (Arial or Times New Roman). You must include a title page (and references if used), but this does not count in the 1-2 page guidelines.

• Please refer to grading rubric


• Please know that I am here to answer any and all questions. In fact, I enjoy answering questions and “elaborating.” Some of you have already seen what that means. I also respond to emails everyday.


• Your success is my success! Have a great semester!

Dr. P.

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