welcome lodge no. 255 trestle boardoct 09, 2018  · rentals october 13 (sat), 27 (sat)...

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Making Good Men Better, Since Time Immemorial! October 2018

Stated Meeting 1st Thursday

Dinner 6:30pm Meeting 7:30pm

Special Meetings Thursdays

Dinner 6:15pm Meeting 7:00pm

Concordant Bodies

Lucerne Lake, Ch. 13 OES 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 7:00pm Jobs’ Daughters, Bethel #288 1st and 3rd Mondays, 7:00pm

A Note to the Family

If you are receiving the Trestle Board and wish to continue to receive it, we

are happy to continue mailing it. We also know that some of the families

of our departed Brothers no longer wish to receive it. If that is the case,

please notify Jack Cloud at jwcloud@comcast.net and we will be happy to

update our mailer. We would also just enjoy hearing how the family is

doing if you want to let us know. Thank you.

Welcome Lodge No. 255 647 W. Bush St.

Lemoore, CA 93245

Phone: (559) 381-2112 Website: http://welcomelodge255.org

Email: welcomelodgeno255@gmail.com

Welcome Lodge No. 255

Trestle Board F. & A. M. of the State of California

From the East Worshipful Jack Cloud, PM


As promised, September was a very active month. I personally want to thank all of my Brothers for their support in September as we accomplished all of our goals. I have been extremely preoccupied lately with my daughter’s wedding; so, in particular, thanks to Worshipful Hermie Valdeabella, for taking the lead on these projects and making them happen. Also, thanks to our Inspector, Worshipful Peter Cunningham. Without his support and willingness to ask Most Worshipful Galloway to intervene on our behalf, the 3rd Degree for Brother Jojo Randa would not have happened.

On a sad note, our Senior Warden, Worshipful Mel Perez, has asked to resign due to his unpredictable and heavy work schedule. He sends his regrets to all of our Brethren, and I hope that someday soon his schedule allows him to return to the Lodge. Worshipful, I truly appreciate your efforts. Thank you. In the meantime, we will elect a new Senior Warden to finish out the 2018 Masonic Year at the October Stated meeting.

October is ahead of us, and with it, the end of the year. We know how quickly the holidays start to roll around once Halloween arrives. There will be a lot to do in the lodge as we close out the year. Our newest Brothers are working diligently on their proficiencies and we have several degrees to finish up. We also have Welcome Lodge Officer elections in November, and of course a Christmas Party to plan, and for the 3rd year in a row we will be entering a float in the Christmas Parade. There are plenty of opportunities to get involved. I hope each of you will take the time to put your talents to work for the Lodge.


Jack W. Cloud, PM Worshipful Master


Master Jack W. Cloud, PM

Senior Warden

Junior Warden Edwin J. Kaczynski


Clayton Holmes

Treasurer Richard D. Cadiente


Joel Gonzalez

Lodge Leadership

Building Manager Edwin J. Kaczynski

Trustee / Board Member

Fabian V. Gonzalez Trustee / Board Member

Rupert R. Beckford Trustee / Board Member

Virgilio S. Algador

Senior Deacon Eli A. Malicsi

Junior Deacon

Tracy J. Miranda

Marshal Rupert R. Beckford

Senior Steward

Virgilio S. Algador

Junior Steward Billie B. Solomon


James L. Withycombe

Candidate Coaches Jack W. Cloud, PM Danilo T. Espiritu, PM Edwin J. Kaczynski James L. Withycombe

Audit Billie B. Solomon Allan N. Overby

2018 Lodge Committee Members

Lemoore Masonic Temple Association Secretary / Ex-Officio: Master

Jack W. Cloud, PM

Scholarship Bermie E. Pascual, PM* Charles D. Dimaano, PM

James L. Withycombe Norman W. Stewart

Delinquent Dues Herminio E. Valdeabella, PM*

Clayton Holmes Richard D. Cadiente

Hiram Award Norman Stewart*

Pat P. Cerdenola, PM Joselito R. Sanchez, PM James L. Withycombe

Rupert R. Beckford

Masonic Widows Edwin J. Kaczynski*

Eli A. Malicsi Richard D. Cadiente

James L. Withycombe Rupert R. Beckford

Membership Development Edwin J. Kaczynski*

Billie B. Solomon Allan N. Overby Audie T. Bedia

Investments Richard D. Cadiente* Charles D. Dimaano, PM Edwin J. Kaczynski

*Chairman: Shall call at least one regular meeting of the Committee and present minutes to the Secretary.

Ex-Offico: Senior Warden Melvin L. Perez, PM

Charity Jack W. Cloud, PM* Pending Edwin J. Kaczynski

Officers Coach

Herminio E. Valdeabella, PM

President Eli A. Malicsi

Chief Financial Officer Tracy J. Miranda


Bro. Eli Malicsi

Temple Board President

Temple Board Association

Bro. Ed Kaczynski

Building Manager


Temple Board Meeting Tuesday, October 2nd, 6pm


October 13 (Sat), 27 (Sat)

Secretary’s Corner Brother Clayton Holmes



Welcome Lodge Celebrates Your Special Day!

Happy Birthday Brothers!

2nd Angel Luna 3rd Godwin Apostol 3rd Jake Villanueva 7th Michael Leach Jr. 10th Danny Britton 10th Eddie Ferreras 14th Joel Castillo 14th Peter Clark 15th Jcid David 16th Terry Snowden 16th Ronald Villi 19th Joseph Randa 20th Walter Kendall 20th Jason Noralez 24th Eduardo Yumang 26th Jose Fontanos 26th Ralph Oglesby 27th Richard McClelland 30th Jose Pascual 31st Daniel Guevara

Solar Panels Bids are submitted to Grand Lodge for approval to install solar panels on the Lodge. (Pending Documentation)

Wireless PA System The Board has approved the purchase of a

wireless PA system for the Lodge, depending on compatibility of current speaker system.

(Awaiting Funding)

Hand Rails in the East The rails are ready for installation at the October Maintenance Day. Saturday, 6

October, 9am.

October Calendar

1st Mon 7pm Job’s Daughters, Bethel 288 Meeting

2nd Tue 6pm LMTA Meeting

4th Thu 7:30pm WL255 Stated Meeting

6th Sat 9am WL255, Maintenance Day

9th Tue 7pm Lucerne Lake, Ch. 13 Meeting

11th Thu 7pm WL255, 2nd Degree, Brother Villanueva

15th Mon 7pm Jobs Daughter, Bethel 288 Meeting

18th Thu 7pm WL255, (Degree Pending)

19-21 NA Grand Lodge Communication

23rd Tue 7pm Lucerne Lake, Ch. 13

25th Thu 7pm WL255, (Degree pending)

30th Tue 6pm LMTA Meeting


Candidates and Degrees

There are two open dates in October to advance through the degrees. November and December are busy with Lodge

elections and the Holidays. Study your Proficiencies and Grand Lodge Course. It’s great information to teach you the

philosophies and values of Masonry.

Coaches are available to assist you!!! Just Ask!!!



Entered Apprentice

Bro. Jake Villanueva

Bro. Paul Jones

Bro. Billy Antes

Fellow Craft

Bro. Christopher Hausvik

Bro. Matthew Baggett


On September 8th, it was our pleasure to have raised you as a Master Mason and the night

was made even more special with your family patiently waiting in attendance. You now

possess the basic tools to build on a life in Masonry. I am sure that you will take advantage

of the lessons taught to you and use them to not only improve your own life, but to improve

the lives of those around you.

Congratulations Brother Eduardo!


Conferrals (Cont’d)

On September 13th, our newly obligated Brother Matthew Baggett was initiated into the

Fraternity as an Entered Apprentice Mason. His zeal and enthusiasm to learn has been

impressive. Welcome to the Fraternity Brother.

Congratulations Brother Matthew!

On September 20th, we passed Brother Christopher Hausvik and Brother Matthew Baggett to

the degree of Fellowcraft. We look forward to your Raising in the near future.

Congratulations Brother Chris and Brother Matt!


ANNUAL DUES Notices for dues will be mailed by the end of October. Current dues of $113.75 include the annual

per capita from Grand Lodge. Dues may be adjusted depending on new per capita.


The Compass and the Constitution John L. Cooper III, PGM Reprinted from the Fall 2002, California Freemason Magazine

Each September, Masons in California celebrate the U.S. Constitution — that beacon of freedom written in

Philadelphia in the summer of 1787. It is the oldest such document in existence, and is not only the symbol of our

freedom but also its guarantee. After more than 200 years, it still symbolizes that people can govern themselves.

The new American Republic was an experiment in self-government. Once it gained independence from Great Britain,

very few of the established nations of the day expected the American Revolution to result in anything more than the

creation of a collection of tyrannical states. But they were wrong. The freedom won in the Revolution endured largely

due to the U.S. Constitution and its principle of constitutionalism.

We know that many Masons were involved in writing our Constitution. Not so widely known is that the principle on

which the Constitution is based is Masonic — one whose symbol is the compass. Masons such as George Washington

(who presided over the Constitutional Convention) and Benjamin Franklin (the oldest delegate) knew and understood

the use of the compass as a Masonic symbol. They knew that this symbol could be transformed into an instrument of

government that would guarantee the liberties won in the hard-fought battles of the American Revolution.

The compass is an emblem of the limitation of power. We are taught to use it to keep our passions within due bounds

towards all mankind. We are to use it to respect the boundary between our own desires and needs and the desires and

needs of others. This is the principle of constitutionalism. The noble words with which the Preamble begins, “We the

people of the United States,” are followed by clause after clause of limitations on how the people are to exercise those

rights and powers for good or for ill. Our freedoms have survived because we have accepted the principle that the

powers inherent to the people are expected to be limited.

It would be interesting to know if the Masons at the Constitutional Convention explained this to the non-Mason

delegates. In all probability, the non-Masons did not know the connection between Masonic teachings and what they

were trying to create. But we may be thankful that the Masons understood the use of the compass and that

constitutionalism as well as the Constitution became the cornerstone of our nation. Respect for the rule of law and

respect for the Constitution are Masonic ideals. It is therefore most fitting that we honor the Constitution of the United

States each September and honor constitutionalism every time we place the compass on our altar when a Masonic

lodge is at work.

Masonic Wisdom



Bethel No. 288 Lemoore

Raisa Beckford Bethel Guardian


What an exciting evening! On September

15 Welcome Lodge and Hanford Lodge

came together to celebrate these

wonderful ladies! They day included

sparkling cider bottle services, a very

tasty meal, and a grand entrance in a

Limo! Thank you, gentlemen, so much for

all the support that you give to these


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