welcome guide 2016 shaday lodge, extended diploma in art...

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Welcome Guide 2016Extended Diploma in Art & Design (Year 1)

Shaday Lodge,Extended Diploma in Art & Design,

UCA Rochester

In this section you’ll find your enrolment and induction timetables. Please take careful note of the dates and times you’ll need to attend during your first week.


If you’re not able to make any of these dates, please let your Campus Registry contact know as soon as possible. You can find their contact details in this Welcome Guide.




Enrolment: surnames A – M

Course Leader’s Address followed by Art Pack distribution Lecture Theatre 1 and then

Lower 3rd Floor, Room 119

1.00pmFormal enrolment: surnames A – M New Seminar Room 507,

1st Floor


Enrolment: surnames N - Z

Course Leader’s Address followed by Art Pack distribution Lecture Theatre 1 and then

Lower 3rd Floor Room 119

1.30pmFormal enrolment: surnames N - Z New Seminar Room 507,

1st FloorFollowing enrolment, students are permitted to go home.



(Continued on next page)

Attendance not required

Attendance not required


Group A

10.00 – 11.00 Learning and

Student Support Induction

11.00 – 11.45 Student Union


Group B

11.45 – 12.45 Learning and

Student Support Induction

12.45 – 13.30 Student Union



This will include an overview of IT, myUCA, Health & Safety,

Library, Student Support and how to be elected as a student rep

(please see an additional timetable to be given out during the

enrolment process).

Following the Studentship Day and Students’ Union Induction,

there will also be a CTX Induction (please see additional timetable

for further information).

No further attendance is required after you’ve completed your


Lower 3rd Floor, FE Studios



Lower 3rd Floor, FE StudiosReview of Summer Project work – Please bring all work in

completed during the summer period to this session.



Lower 3rd Floor, FE StudiosStudio Activity - other timetabled activities for the rest of the week

will be published at this point through your tutors.


RefectoryWelcome Talk/Drinks 4.00pm - 6.00pm


Lower 3rd Floor, FE StudiosStudio Activity 9.30am


Lower 3rd Floor, FE StudiosAttendance not required 9.30am


Lower 3rd Floor, FE StudiosStudio Activity 9.30am


Reception/FoyerFreshers’ Fair 11.00am - 3.00pm

Reception/FoyerInternational and EU Welcome Event

(An event for new non-UK students which includes awelcome from

the leadership team, free food and drink and an opportunity to

meet other new students).

4.00pm - 6.00pm


For general course enquiries & absence/sickness reporting please contact Campus Registry on:

Tel: 01634 888777campusregistryrochester@uca.ac.uk

An answer phone service is available on all of the above lines for any out of hours enquiries.

All absences have to be notified to the Campus Registry Office before 10.00am on each day of absence. Please note if you are under 18, the call must be made by a parent or guardian.

UCA ROCHESTER2 years, full-time

Welcome to UCA! We’re delighted you’ve chosen to study with us and become part of our creative community. To help you prepare before joining us in September, this guide outlines your reading list, the equipment you’ll need for your course, and any projects you should do over the summer. Remember to look at your course timetable in this guide too.

If you have any questions, the contact details for your Faculty are opposite – get in touch and they’ll be happy to help. We look forward to seeing you at UCA.

Ash Burnett, Extended Diploma in Art & Design,

UCA Rochester

PRE-ARRIVAL In this section you’ll find a list of activities to complete before you join us in September.


In England, your leaving age depends on when you were born. You can leave school on the last Friday in June as long as you’ll be 16 by the end of that year’s summer holidays. You must stay in some form of education or training until your 18th birthday if you were born on or after 1 September 1997.

Your options are:-Full-time education - eg. at a school or college-An apprenticeship or traineeship-Part-time education or training - as well as being employed, self-employed or volunteering for 20 hours or more a week.

For more information visit:



Please note there have been changes to Further Education courses, including for some EU students, which are intended to support successful achievement of art and design courses and some of the entry requirements to Higher Education.Students unable to provide evidence of attainment in GCSE English language or mathematics at grade C or higher (or acceptable equivalent) will be required to enrol on Functional Skills or GCSE courses and continue to work towards achieving at least GCSE at grade C. The UCA enrolment process in September will require confirmation of GCSE attainment in English language and mathematics or acceptable international equivalent.

We’ll offer an initial assessment to determine the most suitable level for you to start studying and support you in achieving the required grades. In return, we’ll expect you to be fully committed to your learning.

Anna Gudanich, Extended Diploma in Art & Design, UCA Rochester


Maria Collin, Extended Diploma in Art & Design,UCA Rochester

Your course is a full-time course, which is made up of 540 directed learning hours and 150 self-directed hours (minimum of five hours per week).

Students are expected to attend all Directed Learning days and evidence all Self-Directed learning. Students have access to the University to use facilities throughout the week.

Here is the Weekly Timetable for your course; students are expected to attend as follows:

Monday 9.30am – 4.00pmTuesday 9.30am – 4.00pmWednesday Self-directed study day/ tutorials (students should not book work on these days) - studios a UCA resources accessible to all studentsThursday 9.30am – 4.00pmFriday 9.30am – 4.00pmLunchtime 12.30pm – 1.30pm

Lectures begin at 9.30am; all students need to be registered by 9.15am.

University opening times

Monday - Thursday 8.30am – 7.30pmFriday 8.30am – 6.45pm Saturday 10.00am – 5.00pmSunday 1.00pm – 5.00pm


FE Graphics Studio,UCA Rochester

The course will pay for, or subsidise, most of the essential materials used during studio activities such as drawing and in practical workshops. There will be some costs incurred during your course.

In addition, we supply a Personal Art Pack of equipment and specialist consumables to be purchased from UCA’s online store for £100 in Year 1, with a top-up of key consumables to be purchased from UCA’s online store for £85* in Year 2.

There is a separate annual University Materials Charge of £130*. Students under the age of 19 years at the start of their course must pay this Materials Charge during online enrolment for each year of their course; for students aged over 19 at the start of the course the Materials Charge is included in the course fee.


As you progress through your course and decide which pathway to study you may require further specialist materials and equipment.

Many will continue to be provided free of charge but the cost of others will vary depending on the nature and ambition of your work. There’s a very competitively priced shop on campus where you can purchase additional notebooks, art materials, mounting materials, papers, etc.

Photocopying and professional quality digital printing (A4 up to large format A0+ sizes) is available through our print bureau at much reduced prices from those available commercially.


To pay for ‘The separate University Materials Charge (£130)’ and your ‘Specialist Consumables (£100)’, go to store.ucreative.ac.uk


Sam Lane, Extended Diploma in Art & Design,

UCA Rochester

Each year there are a number of local day visits to museums, galleries and locations that play an important part in your study and serve to inform and enrich your studio work and portfolio.

The range of visits will vary according to availability of venue and cost of entry fees, etc. Visits are for all students and the cost inclusive of transport is £60* each year.

There is also a residential 5-6 day educational visit to Amsterdam in Year 2. This visit provides an opportunity to develop ideas and practical work in a stimulating and dynamic international context and will serve to further enhance your work and portfolio. The cost of the visit to Amsterdam is £290* and includes travel, B&B accommodation and entry to most venues.

We offer an alternative UK programme with 2-3 single day visits for those few students unable to travel overseas. The cost of this alternative schedule is £50*. In Year One your local day visits (£60) and Personal Pack (£185) will need to be to be purchased from UCA’s online store during online enrolment.

We are committed to securing the best value for all visits by planning ahead and will only change the cost if circumstances are beyond our control.

*Costs are for 2016/17 and may be subject to amendment for 2017/18.




Visual journals have existed throughout history as part of the process of reflective thinking, and as a record of image making. Throughout history great thinkers recorded and reflected on their ideas using a variety of visual journaling techniques.

From Thomas Edison’s light bulb sketches to Leonardo da Vinci’s visual journals of flying machines, to Stephen Hawking’s space-time diagrams, this record of image making also served as a record of the thought process. Da Vinci (1452-1519) carried a visual journal with him at all times so that he could record ideas, impressions, and observations as they occurred.

First lst of paintings:

The visual journal is a creative way to explore, express and record our thoughts, ideas, life experiences, emotional reactions and our inner world - visually and verbally. It’s a tool to becoming a better artist, to being more creative and finding enjoyment in the visual arts as a creative student. In essence, the visual journal can become a major component in our art making process.

You’re required to produce a visual journal of work responding to the work of other artists. You may like to make your own book or use one purchased from a shop. The book should contain at least 16 pages, fulfilling the tasks set out in this section of the Welcome Guide.

Leonardo Da Vinci, Mona Lisa,The Louvre,Paris France

Pablo Picasso,The Dream,Private Art Collection,Europe

Salvador Dali,Persistence of Memory,Museum of Modern Art,

New York

-Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci (The Louvre, Paris France)-The Dream by Pablo Picasso (Private Art Collection, Europe)-Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dali (Museum of Modern Art, New York)-The Scream by Edvard Munch (National Gallery, Oslo, Norway)

-A Bigger Splash by David Hockney (Tate Gallery, London)-Luncheon at the Boating Party by Auguste-Pierre Renoir (The Phillips Collection, Washington)-Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh (Musee d’Orsay, Paris, France)-The Kiss by Gustav Klimt (Osterreichische Galerie, Belvedere, Vienna, Austria).

Secondary list of paintings:

-Marilyn Monroe by Andy Warhol-Cafe Terrace at Night by Vincent Van Gogh-Sunday Afternoon on the Island of Grand Jatte by Georges-Pierre Seurat-Le Moulin de la Galette by Auguste-Pierre Renoir-Water Lily Pond by Claude Monet-Son of Man by Rene Magritte-The Last Supper (Mural) by Leonardo da Vinci-Girl with the Pearl Earring by Jan Vanmeer-The Last Judgement (Mural) by Michelangelo-Nude Green Leaves & Bust by Pablo Picasso

-Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud-Lavender Mist by Jackson Pollock-Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli-From the Lake by Georgia O’Keefe-Nude Descending a Staircase by Marcel Duchamp-The Weeping Woman by Pablo Picasso-The Red Nude by Amedeo Modigliani-The Dream by Henri Rousseau-The Kiss by Gustav Klimt (Osterreichische Galerie, Belvedere, Vienna, Austria).

Gustav Klimt,The Kiss, Osterreichische Galerie, Belvedere, Vienna Austria


Select two of the paintings from the list on the previous page and consider them carefully.

These should be the two paintings that interest you the most, as they will form the beginning of your own personal visual reference bank. You’re required to make visual studies of these paintings.

What does that mean?

You must describe the colours the artist has used. Decide what colours they are and try to mix them yourself. Then take three different sections of both paintings and see how well you can copy each section, using the paint you’ve mixed. Don’t worry if it doesn’t look exactly like the artist’s original work, it’s more important that you experiment and enjoy this activity.


Consider the artists themselves. For each artist you have chosen, produce research (approximately 2 x A4 sheets for each artist). These research sheets should include:

-A short biography of each artist, approximately 50 words-Other examples of their work-Photographs and your small copy paintings-A 50-word evaluation of why you like their work.


From the secondary image list, choose another painting or artwork and repeat Tasks 1 and 2.

For Task 1 use collage (torn or cut magazines and newspapers, coloured paper) for your colour palette instead of paint.


Pick another painting, this time of your own choice and repeat Tasks 1 and 2. It must be a living artist.

You’ll need to visit a gallery and view the artwork first hand.

Good galleries to visit are:

-Tate Modern-Tate Britain-Turner Contemporary.

Draw directly from the artwork using dry media only (pencil, pastels, charcoal etc.).

All of the listed tasks are directly aligned to the work you’ll be doing when you begin in September. It’s essential that it is completed, on time!


Unit 1

-Understand the characteristics of visual language in art and design.

-Be able to apply visual language to a range of art and design activities.

Unit 2

-Understand research tools, methods and skills.

-Understand primary and secondary research sources.

-Be able to use research tools, methods and skills to inform ideas.

This work must be brought to college on Thursday 8 September 2016 for assessment.

Fatima Khan, Extended Diploma in Art & Design, UCA Rochester


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