welcome covid and fire safety please

Post on 09-Nov-2021






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Covid and fire safety

Please once seated, stay in your seat; kindly don’t move around the church stick to the C of E guidelines, which require that the congregation don’t sing keep social distancing of two metres as you line up for Communion at the end, do enjoy some refreshments in the courtyard or meadow in socially

distanced groups of up to 30, or if you stay in church with your drink, maximum group size is 6, and please sit down if possible

do take care not to block exits for others as the new fire safety system has a very loud sounder, no verbal instructions will

be audible if it goes off. Please leave calmly by the nearest exit, with those nearest to the exit going first. Those with reduced mobility: someone will come to assist you.

Thank you for your cooperation

18 July 2021

The seventh Sunday after Trinity


A warm welcome to everyone, whether you are worshipping in church or taking part in the service at home

Please feel free to send prayer requests to ursula@stmatthewstpaul.org or contact Peter Seal on 854849


with the Anglican Communion we pray for the Church of Rwanda; for Archbishop Justin

within our diocese, for Bishops Tim, David and Debbie; the Parish Support Team in all it does to encourage good management and compliance in parishes and at every level of diocesan structures in order to create a strong foundation on which mission and ministry can be built

our mission giving: £150 for Spurgeons, using mentoring programmes to improve the lives of children and families affected by having a parent in prison

Estelle Swan, being baptised today, her parents Alice and David and godparents all who are expecting children or caring for young babies; those who have been

unable to have children; give thanks for the family of the church where all belong give thanks for our local schools, praying renewed strength for this last week of

term all who are making the commitment of marriage or civil partnership this summer those who are having relationship difficulties; for patience, sensitivity and

commitment those who provide us with supplies of clean water; that we may use it wisely those who have to walk many miles each day to fetch water our team of Parish Visitors offering to be alongside anyone in any kind of need;

those considering joining the team; give thanks for the gift of giving time to others and the skills of patient listening

the unwell: Becky Dunn, Bob and Elizabeth Harland, Tom Mounsey, Steph, Patricia Watts and Janis Williams

the long-term unwell: Caroline Behan, William Buncombe, Julia Jones, Kate Morgan, Jane Seal, Vera Willnecker and David Wilson

those who have died recently, including Barbara Mariner; all living with the pain of untimely death; God’s comfort for their families and friends and all who remember loved ones

Services for 18 July

9.30 am

Organ music from 9.15

The gathering

Sunday Eucharist with holy baptism at St Paul’s/live-streamed

Adagio by Tomaso Albinoni Cantique de Jean Racine by Gabriel Fauré Organ: Ian Rees


In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Opening hymn



At home, do join in, but if you’re in church, please meditate silently on the words.

1 Dear Lord and Father of mankind, forgive our foolish ways! Re-clothe us in our rightful mind, in purer lives thy service find, in deeper reverence, praise, in deeper reverence, praise.

2 In simple trust like theirs who heard, beside the Syrian sea, the gracious calling of the Lord, let us, like them, without a word, rise up and follow thee, rise up and follow thee.

3 O Sabbath rest by Galilee! O calm of hills above, where Jesus knelt to share with thee the silence of eternity, interpreted by love! Interpreted by love!

4 Drop thy still dews of quietness, till all our strivings cease; take from our souls the strain and stress, and let our ordered lives confess the beauty of thy peace, the beauty of thy peace.

5 Breathe through the heats of our desire thy coolness and thy balm; let sense be dumb, let flesh retire; speak through the earthquake, wind and fire, O still small voice of calm! O still small voice of calm!

John Greenleaf Whittier (1807–1892)

The children / young people go to their groups. Then please stand

Grace, mercy and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ be with you. And also with you.

Prayer of preparation


Liturgy of the word



Almighty God, to whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hidden: cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love you, and worthily magnify your holy name; through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Compassionate God, from far and near you gather your Church into one. Safeguard the unity of your flock through the teaching of Christ the Shepherd, that all your scattered children may find in him the guidance and nourishment they seek. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son. Amen.

Hear the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, according to Mark. Glory to you, O Lord.

The apostles gathered around Jesus, and told him all that they had done and taught. He said to them, ‘Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while’. For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat. And they went away in the boat to a deserted place by themselves. Now many saw them going and recognised them, and they hurried there on foot from all the towns and arrived ahead of them. As he went ashore, he saw a great crowd; and he had compassion for them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd; and he began to teach them many things.

When they had crossed over, they came to land at Gennesaret and moored the boat. When they got out of the boat, people at once recognised him, and rushed about that whole region and began to bring the sick on mats to wherever they heard he was. And wherever he went, into villages or cities or farms, they laid the sick in the market-places, and begged him that they might touch even the fringe of his cloak; and all who touched it were healed.

This is the gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, O Christ.


Canon Peter Seal

The Blessing, by Brendan Graham and David Downes Singer: Emma Steadman; piano: Vicki Tibbitts

Prayer for a baptism



God our Creator, we thank you for the wonder of new life and for the mystery of human love. We give thanks for all whose support and skill surround and sustain the beginning of life. As Jesus knew love and discipline within a human family, may this child grow in strength and wisdom. As Mary knew the joys and pains of motherhood, give these parents your sustaining grace and love; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The priest asks the people

Faith is the gift of God to his people. All of us share in the responsibility of making God’s love known in the world. Will you uphold this child who comes for baptism with your love and with your prayers? With the help of God, we will.

Parents and godparents move to the front

Parents and godparents, the Church receives Estelle with joy. Today we are trusting God for her growth in faith. Will you pray for her, draw her by your example into the community of faith and walk with her in the way of Christ?

Parents and godparents With the help of God, we will.

In baptism this child begins her journey in faith. You speak for her today. Will you care for her, and help her to take her place within the life and worship of Christ’s Church?

Parents and godparents With the help of God, we will.

In baptism, God calls us out of darkness into his marvellous light.

To follow Christ means dying to sin and rising to new life with him.

Those who bring children to be baptised must affirm their allegiance to Christ and their rejection of all that is evil. It is your duty to bring up this child to fight against evil and to follow Christ.

Therefore I ask these questions, which you must answer for yourselves and this child.

Signing with the cross

Profession of faith

Do you turn to Christ? Parents and godparents I turn to Christ.

Do you repent of your sins? Parents and godparents I repent of my sins.

Do you renounce evil? Parents and godparents I renounce evil.

Christ claims you for his own. Receive the sign of his cross. Fight valiantly as a disciple of Christ against sin, the world and the devil, and remain faithful to Christ to the end of your life. Amen.

May almighty God deliver you from the powers of darkness, restore in you the image of his glory, and lead you in the light and obedience of Christ. Amen.


Let us affirm together, and on behalf of this child who is being baptised, our common faith in Jesus Christ.

Do you believe and trust in God the Father, source of all being and life, the one for whom we exist? I believe and trust in God.

Do you believe and trust in God the Son, who took our human nature, died for us and rose again? I believe and trust in Jesus Christ.

Do you believe and trust in God the Holy Spirit, who gives life to the people of God and makes Christ known in the world? I believe and trust in the Holy Spirit.

This is the faith of the Church. This is our faith: we believe and trust in one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


Peruvian Gloria



Glory to God, glory to God, glory to the Father. Glory to God, glory to God, glory to the Father. To him be glory forever. To him be glory for ever. Alleluia, amen. Alleluia, amen, alleluia, amen, alleluia, amen.

Glory to God, glory to God, Son of the Father. Glory to God, glory to God, Son of the Father. To him be glory forever. To him be glory for ever. Alleluia, amen. Alleluia, amen, alleluia, amen, alleluia, amen.

Glory to God, glory to God, glory to the Spirit. Glory to God, glory to God, glory to the Spirit. To him be glory forever. To him be glory for ever. Alleluia, amen. Alleluia, amen, alleluia, amen, alleluia, amen.

Bless this water, that your servant who is washed in it may be made one with Christ in his death and in his resurrection, to be cleansed and delivered from all sin. Saving God, give us life.

Send your Holy Spirit upon her, bring her to new birth in the household of faith, and raise her with Christ to full and eternal life; for all majesty, authority and power are yours, now and forever. Saving God, give us life.

Estelle Victoria Lilia Swan, I baptise you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

May God, who has received you by baptism into his Church, pour upon you the riches of grace, that within the company of Christ’s pilgrim people you may daily be renewed by his anointing Spirit, and come to the inheritance of his saints in glory. Amen.

There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism: by one Spirit we are all baptised into one body. We welcome you into the fellowship of faith; we are children of the same heavenly Father; we welcome you.



1 The Spirit lives to set us free, walk, walk in the light. He binds us all in unity, walk, walk in the light. Walk in the light, (x 3) walk in the light of the Lord.

2 Jesus promised life to all, walk, walk in the light. The dead were wakened by his call, walk, walk in the light. Refrain

3 We know his death was not the end, walk, walk in the light. He gave his Spirit to be our friend, walk, walk in the light. Refrain

4 The Spirit lives in you and me, walk, walk in the light. His light will shine for all to see, walk, walk in the light. Refrain

Damian Lundy (1940–1997) © 1978 Kevin Mayhew Ltd. Used by permission

Intercessor: Christopher Seaman

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.


We are the Body of Christ. In one Spirit we were all baptised into one body. Let us then pursue all that makes for peace and builds up our common life.

The peace of the Lord be always with you. And also with you.


Offertory hymn

Liturgy of the sacrament

Eucharistic Prayer

1 God is working his purpose out as year succeeds to year. God is working his purpose out, and the day is drawing near. Nearer and nearer draws the time, the time that shall surely be, when the earth shall be filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea.

2 How can we do the work of God, how prosper and increase harmony in the human race and the reign of perfect peace? What can we do to urge the time, the time that shall surely be, when the earth shall be filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea?

3 All our efforts are nothing worth unless God bless the deed; vain our hopes for the harvest tide till he brings to life the seed. Yet ever nearer draws the time, the time that shall surely be, when the earth shall be filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea.

Arthur Campbell Ainger (1841–1919) adapted by Michael Forster (b. 1946) © 1996 Kevin Mayhew Ltd


Yours, Lord, is the greatness, the power, the glory, the splendour, and the majesty; for everything in heaven and on earth is yours. All things come from you, and of your own do we give you.

The Lord be with you. And also with you.

Lift up your hearts. We lift them to the Lord.

Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give thanks and praise.

It is right to praise you, Father, Lord of all creation; in your love you made us for yourself.

When we turned away you did not reject us, but came to meet us in your Son. You embraced us as your children and welcomed us to sit and eat with you.

In Christ you shared our life that we might live in him and he in us. He opened his arms of love upon the cross and made for all the perfect sacrifice for sin.

On the night he was betrayed, at supper with his friends he took bread, and gave you thanks; he broke it and gave it to them, saying: Take, eat; this is my body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of me. Father, we do this in remembrance of him: his body is the bread of life.

At the end of supper, taking the cup of wine, he gave you thanks, and said: Drink this, all of you; this is my blood of the new covenant, which is shed for you for the forgiveness of sins; do this in remembrance of me. Father, we do this in remembrance of him: his blood is shed for all.

As we proclaim his death and celebrate his rising in glory, send your Holy Spirit that this bread and this wine may be to us the body and blood of your dear Son.

As we eat and drink these holy gifts make us one in Christ, our risen Lord.

With your whole Church throughout the world we offer you this sacrifice of praise and lift our voice to join the eternal song of heaven:

The Lord’s Prayer

Breaking of the Bread

Agnus Dei

Giving of Communion

Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessèd is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.


As our Saviour taught us, so we pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours, now and for ever. Amen.

We break this bread to share in the body of Christ. Though we are many, we are one body, because we all share in one bread.

Jesus, Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world: have mercy on us.

Jesus, Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world: have mercy on us.

Jesus, Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world: grant us your peace.

Draw near with faith. Receive the body of our Lord Jesus Christ which he gave for you, and his blood which he shed for you. Eat and drink in remembrance that he died for you, and feed on him in your hearts by faith with thanksgiving.

Music during Communion

Post-Communion prayers

Post-Communion hymn

Loving Shepherd of thy sheep by Philip Ledger A Clare Benediction by John Rutter Singers: Ursula Payne, Jan Walley, Keith Jones, David Blunt

Lord God, whose Son is the true vine and the source of life, ever giving himself that the world may live: may we so receive within ourselves the power of his death and passion that, in his saving cup, we may share his glory and be made perfect in his love; for he is alive and reigns, now and for ever. Amen.

Almighty God, we thank you for feeding us with the body and blood of your Son Jesus Christ. Through him we offer you our souls and bodies to be a living sacrifice. Send us out in the power of your Spirit to live and work to your praise and glory. Amen.

1 Onward, Christian pilgrims, Christ will be our light; see, the heavenly vision breaks upon our sight! Out of death’s enslavement Christ has set us free, on then to salvation, hope and liberty. Onward, Christian pilgrims, Christ will be our light; see, the heavenly vision breaks upon our sight!

2 Onward, Christian pilgrims, up the rocky way, where the dying Saviour bids us watch and pray. Through the darkened valley walk with those who mourn, share the pain and anger, share the promised dawn! Refrain


Organ voluntary

11.15 am St Matthew’s

3 Onward, Christian pilgrims, in the early dawn; death’s great seal is broken, life and hope reborn! Faith in resurrection strengthens pilgrims’ hearts, every load is lightened, every fear departs. Refrain

4 Onward, Christian pilgrims, hearts and voices raise, till the whole creation echoes perfect praise; swords are turned to ploughshares, pride and envy cease, truth embraces justice, hope resolves in peace. Refrain

Michael Forster (b. 1946) © 1996 Kevin Mayhew Ltd


The God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ Jesus, establish, strengthen and settle you in the faith; and the blessing of God almighty, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, be upon you and remain with you always. Amen.

Go in peace to love and serve the Lord. In the name of Christ. Amen.

Toccata in Seven by John Rutter

Refreshments available at the back.

[BCP] Mattins

Services for 25 July

James the Apostle; the eighth Sunday after Trinity


9.30 am

11.15 am

p. 222

Parish Eucharist (St Paul’s/live-streamed) Readings: Jeremiah 45: 1–5; Acts 11: 27–12: 2; Matthew 20: 20–28 [p. 1161]

[BCP] Holy Communion (St Matthew’s) Booking for services: St Paul’s: Maggie Brecknell, 856552, brecknell1@uwclub.net St Matthew’s: Linda Russell-Smith, 853584


Answered prayer Vicky Scott writes, ‘Brett Tribe [for whom the parish has prayed for the past two years] has been restored to full health following his catastrophic head injury! We and the rest of the family are so grateful for your prayers and the gift the Lord has given here!! Praise to his holy name!’

Seeking welcomers for future baptisms As a parish we love welcoming in new families to have babies and young children baptised. At each service, a pair of volunteer welcomers prepare by filling the font and putting out the shell and oil, then welcome the family and friends in. Is this something you might like to do on an occasional basis? Please contact Mary Copping, 07921 886016, youth@stmatthewstpaul.org.

Prayer walk William Porter from Beacon House of Prayer, Stoke-on-Trent (https://www.beaconhop.org/), is undertaking a cross walk this July, driving to all 51 cities in England and walking there with the cross. He will be in Winchester on Wed 21 July and invites local Christians to join him on the walk, starting in front of the west door of the cathedral at 8 30 am, walking north, south, east and west from the city centre followed by 30 minutes of prayer, and finishing by 10 30 am.

Bring and share farewell lunch Please come along to the farewell lunch for Peter Seal and family at St Paul’s on Sunday 22 August, 12.30 pm! Sign up as soon as possible at the back of either church or contact Peter and Irene Casey, 808776, pheasants@picasey.me.uk. Everyone very welcome!

Nature-based solutions to climate change are a UK government priority on the agenda of COP26, the next annual UN climate change conference taking place in Glasgow in November, but what does this mean? Join A Rocha’s free webinar on Thurs 22 July, 11.30 am–1 pm, as it explores the risks and benefits of nature-based solutions with special guest speakers. Register via https://tinyurl.com/7ahh4he6.

Climate justice and creation care The Young Christian Climate Network has organised a UK Churches’ Relay to COP26. On 11 June they set off from St Ives, where the G7 met, and they plan to end in Glasgow in October. Their route passes through Winchester on 24–25 July and you are invited to join them in parts of the walk approaching or leaving our city or to welcome them as they arrive. https://www.yccn.uk/ suggests further ways to get involved.

Book launch at St Paul’s We Will Remember Them: The Great War Dead of Fulflood & Weeke, Winchester will be launched on Sun 25 July after the 9.30 am service, and all are welcome to attend (This is not a private but a parish event.) Specifically invited to the launch will be relatives of some of the men whose names appear on our memorial board, and whose stories are told in the text. As well as being a permanent record of the lives of those soldiers, the book is also a valuable addition to the local history of Winchester.

Knitting for the Mission to Seafarers The Beyond Ourselves committee write: ‘Jeanette Batt is very kindly co-ordinating this for us. If you would like to contribute, please be in touch with her on 860249 and she can give you more information. Knitting patterns are available from the parish office or can be downloaded from https://www.missiontoseafarers.org/wp-content/uploads/MtS-Knitting-Patterns.pdf. The items can be dropped off at Jeanette’s house or St Paul’s office and we’ll keep a record of how many we, as a parish, have sent. With many thanks.’

Parish visitors: looking for new recruits A training scheme for parish visitors is being run this coming autumn at St Paul’s. If you’d be interested, please contact Jan Walley, 808441, parish.visitor.1@stmatthewstpaul.org, for an informal discussion.

Cake! We hope you have been enjoying cake after the 9.30 service at St Paul’s. If you have a birthday, anniversary or other joy that falls on a Sunday and would like to share it in this way, you can: (1) bring cake you have made (wrapped in individual portions) (2) commission cake which will be made for you; donations to costs of ingredients / church funds will be welcome. We are building a team of ‘celebration bakers’; contact irene@picasey.me.uk.

St Paul's Toddler Group This is going really well. We need three people for each session and would be most grateful for offers of help (preparation Fridays 9 am, session 9.30–11, term-time and during the holidays). Please contact Mary Copping, 07921 886016, youth@stmatthewstpaul.org, to offer help, even on a very occasional basis.

Contact us

Canon Peter Seal, Rector 854849 (h) 844878 (office) M, Tu, W, Th, peter@stmatthewstpaul.org

Revd Mary Copping, Children/Youth Co-ordinator & Assistant Priest 07921 886016 M, Tu, W, F, youth@stmatthewstpaul.org

Revd Liz Stuart, Curate liz@stmatthewstpaul.org

Katy Palacio, Parish Administrator 844878 M, W, F, admin@stmatthewstpaul.org

Ursula Payne, Rector’s Assistant & Building for Life Administrator 844878 M, Tu, Th, ursula@stmatthewstpaul.org (please send me any notices)

Parish Office, St Paul’s Church, St Paul’s Hill, Winchester SO22 5AB, 844878, www.stmatthewstpaul.org

Please make cheques payable to St Matthew’s PCC – all gifts gratefully received Sort code 55-81-26, Account 73264024

Bible readings: New Revised Standard Version Bible: Anglicised Edition, copyright © 1989, 1995 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Common Worship: Times and Seasons copyright © The Archbishops’ Council 2006 and published by Church House Publishing. Eucharistic prayer from Joining the Angels’ Song: Eucharistic Prayers for Sundays and Holy Days, Years A, B, and C, copyright © Samuel Wells and Abigail Kocher 2016 and published by Canterbury Press, an imprint of Hymns Ancient & Modern. Hymns copied from HymnQuest: Copyright Licence Users’ Edition, licence CCL 5838. Streaming licence CCLI 111838.

Printed on recycled paper

Alek Rapoport (1933–1997), Trinity in Dark Tones (Genesis 18), 1994. Tempera on cotton, 48 x 63 in (121.9 x 160 cm). Collection of the artist’s family, USA

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