welcome and introduction to the law ruler api€¦ · law ruler api 101 – the basics . let’s...

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Law Ruler Software, LLC - Confidential Document for Internal Usage by Law Ruler and its Vendor Partners

Welcome and Introduction to the Law Ruler API

Law Ruler API V1.71, Updated 10/15/2018

What is an API? An API is a way to share information between different software applications. The Law

Ruler API allows third party developers and vendor partners to “POST” new leads/intakes to Law Ruler.

We are glad you are here! ☺

Please make sure that all API requests are URL-encoded form data.

Also, you may also securely access data and trigger programmable actions in Law Ruler via the “GET”


Sample Posting URLs are provided so you can bootstrap your API posts to Law Ruler in minutes.

Using the POST Method, our API is instantly compatible with WordpressTM and other website forms including,

but not limited to: Contact Form 7TM, NinjaformsTM, Gravity FormsTM. It also is fully compatible with hundreds

of lead vendors, contact forms, CRMs and thousands of other 3rd party systems right out-of-the-box.

Security Key: Law Ruler will generate a unique AES 256-bit security (bank-grade) key for each client portal.

You may reuse this key for any API integrations with the same client portal. If you are a vendor, then ask

your Law Ruler client to please provide you with their API key to get started.

For Law Ruler clients, please watch this video about how to send your API key to each of your vendors:

Law Ruler Software, LLC - Confidential Document for Internal Usage by Law Ruler and its Vendor Partners

Table of Contents

Welcome and Introduction to the Law Ruler API ......................................................................................................... 1

Law Ruler API 101 – The Basics ..................................................................................................................................... 3

What fields are required to POST via API? ................................................................................................................... 4

Transmitting Files and Documents to Law Ruler via API: ............................................................................................. 4

Duplicate Checking via the Law Ruler API: ................................................................................................................... 4

Creating a Lead/Contact/Intake via the Law Ruler API................................................................................................. 4

Creating a Lead/Contact/Intake for the Same person for Multiple Cases (case types): .............................................. 5

Update Data of an Existing Lead/Contact in Law Ruler via API .................................................................................... 5

Posting to Custom Fields with Mail Merge Short Codes Programmatically ................................................................. 5

Lookup / Query Data from Law Ruler via API from a 3rd Party Application .................................................................. 6

Sample of an Actual XML Reply .................................................................................................................................... 6

How to Post Calls from Call Rail to Law Ruler ............................................................................................................... 7

Introduction to Programmable Actions via API .......................................................................................................... 10

Send Text/Email E-Signs & Check Status of E-signs via Programmable Actions ......................................................... 11

Create and Update Tasks as Programmable Actions with our API ............................................................................. 12

Send Referrals/Signed Packets as Programmable Actions with our API .................................................................... 14

Share Data/Attachments from Your Law Ruler Site to Another Firm’s Law Ruler Site .............................................. 16

Share Data with Attachments from Your Law Ruler Site to a 3rd Party Application ................................................... 17

Appendix 2.0 - Available Law Ruler API Fields ............................................................................................................ 19

Law Ruler Software, LLC - Confidential Document for Internal Usage by Law Ruler and its Vendor Partners

Law Ruler API 101 – The Basics

Let’s cover a few basics as we get started with some sample posts. Please request access to a test environment as

needed so you can do some live API tests when you are ready by emailing support@lawruler.com

The API and this document are evolving as needs arise. If you require any custom fields or other custom

actions not included in this API Guide, then feel free to contact us at support@lawruler.com and we can

discuss a scope of work to add this functionality to suit your requirements.

Law Ruler uses the “POST” method to instantly send your form data into Law Ruler via URL or

directly from your Form

Want to send data from your Wordpress or other form into Law Ruler?

The POST Method is similar to a webhook, the "Post form data to a URL" confirmation option lets you send

your form submissions via the POST method to a pre-defined external URL. Unlike a webhook (which sends

data via xml and json), the "Post form data to a URL" function sends a POST request with a message body

that contains the form information as a data set that contains control name/control value pairs (i.e.


The most common use for the feature is to post directly to a system that is set-up to accept application/x-

wwwform-urlencoded form data via an API POST.

Law Ruler’s API v1.5 and higher, can accept application/x-www-form-urlencoded form data via POST, using

"Post form data to URL" may still require some custom coding, but should be easier than building a custom

handler and a webhook.

Law Ruler also uses a “GET” method to query data, trigger programmable actions, and receive

Client/Lead/Contact/Other data from lead providers and other 3rd party vendors. Law Ruler is a REST API Web Service and it supports the GET URL Method for Law Ruler CRM Integration from

third party applications and this can be used to Insert, Update, and Query data out of Law Ruler as well as

trigger actions.

This API Guide includes the currently supported data fields, data field formats, descriptions, and examples, so

you will know how to post to Law Ruler with ease and get started now.

Note: The order of the data fields that you transmit to Law Ruler via the “GET” method does *not* matter,

and it does *not* need to be as illustrated in the examples provided in the API Guide. Most fields are

optional. Each field is separated by the “&” symbol when inserting fields in a URL string.

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What fields are required to POST via API? You will need the following required parameters to post a lead via API:

“FirstName” + “LastName” or “FullName”

“LeadProvider” - This should always be the source (UTM source) of the lead/intake/caller.

“Hear” - This should always be the provider name who is posting the data.

“CaseType” - This should be sent by default as “Unassigned”. Please verify with the firm’s IT/Marketing director if a specific case type is required for new lead posts/updating existing lead posts.

“Key” - This is the client’s secret posting key that will be provided to you; Contact support@lawruler.com if

you have not been given this yet.

Note: If the parameter “Status” is not included in the API posting string then it will default to “Status=NewLead”.

Please verify with the firm’s IT/Marketing director if a specific status is required for new lead posts/updating

existing lead posts.

Transmitting Files and Documents to Law Ruler via API:

The multipart/form-data method is needed to post files via API to our endpoint via HTTP POST.

Supported File Formats: .txt, .doc, .docx, .pdf, .xls, .xlsx, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .mp3

Duplicate Checking via the Law Ruler API:

How does duplicate checking work inside of Law Ruler?

If you attempt to post duplicate data into Law Ruler the post will fail. Our duplicate checking is ran against

the lead’s full name, email, cell & home phone fields. If you are posting duplicate data to update the lead in

anyway then the parameter “LeadID” is required. The Lead ID will then display in the error response.

Note: API error messages are enabled. If a post fails then the reason will be in the error response.

Creating a Lead/Contact/Intake via the Law Ruler API

Want to create a New Lead in Law Ruler or Update the data to an Existing Lead? Law Ruler uses the term

“Lead” and is the same as a Lead, Intake or Contact.

Create Lead Sample of a POST link with all of the fields, use the ones you would like to try: https://sample.lawruler.com/Lawruler-Parsing.aspx?FirstName=John&LastName=Smith &Address1=123


7899&Email1=test@testing.com&Summary=He was hit by a drunk Fedex driver&CaseType=Dog

Bite&LeadProvider=UTMSOURCEGOESHERE&Hear= Yourcompanyname &Key=Y8d7cMkSLGhONnZyjzVAVbhGV9eXX8

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Creating a Lead/Contact/Intake for the Same person for Multiple Cases (case types): This API allows you post two records that have the same contact info but a different case type. This allows you to create two separate records. Example: If a potential client has the same contact information but are opening up two different cases such as auto accident & workers compensation. Note: The duplicate check will be ignored because the case type is not the same.

Update Data of an Existing Lead/Contact in Law Ruler via API

A complete list of fields is available below in Appendix 2.0, Available Fields.

In this example, we are ONLY updating the Status field, and we are changing the Status of this

Lead/Contact/Intake to “Signed Retainer Contract”:

Sample of a POST link to change Status: https://sample.lawruler.com/Lawruler-

Parsing.aspx?LeadId=1203&Status=Signed Retainer


Posting to Custom Fields with Mail Merge Short Codes Programmatically

Have you ever wanted to post to a Firm’s custom fields in Law Ruler programmatically? This is now possible!

All you will need to do is get a list of custom fields from the firm or Law Ruler support

(support@lawruler.com) and add them to your posting string.

All custom field parameters to post to can be found inside the intake questionnaire form builder

(https://YOURSITENAME.lawruler.com/Questionnaire.aspx ) under each question label.

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Note: In order for the firm to see the non-global case specific custom field data you will need to also pass the

corresponding case type in the posting string .

In addition each custom field parameter is case sensitive and MUST be posted in lowercase.

Sample posting string with custom field parameters: https://sample.lawruler.com/Lawruler-Parsing.aspx?FirstName=John&LastName=Smith &Address1=123 AnystreetCity=WilkesBarre&State=PA&Zip=12345&CellPhone=570-123-7899&HomePhone=570-123-7899&Email1=test@testing.com&Summary=He was hit by a drunk Fedex driver&custom1=datagoeshere&custom2=datagoeshere&custom3=datagoeshere&custom4=data&CaseType=Dog Bite&LeadProvider=UTMSOURCEGOESHERE&Hear= Yourcompanyname &Key=Y8d7cMkSLGhONnZyjzVAVbhGV9eXX8

Lookup / Query Data from Law Ruler via API from a 3rd Party Application

Let’s say that you want to find out the status of a lead, or lookup something about a particular lead from Law

Ruler with an API Post. This can be done programmatically from the Law Ruler API using the operation

“GetStatus” or by using the parameter “ReturnXML=True”. This section will cover how to get data from Law

Ruler about a particular Lead/Contact/Intake from your application.

In order to do the lookup / query you will need either the Lead/Contact’s Lead Id (&LeadId).

If the Lead/Contact was created using a DNI (keyword tracking) integration you can also do the lookup using the

GCLID of the contact (GCLID)

Note: This outputs a feed of machine-readable XML Just use the appropriate start/end markers such as

<Lead> and </Lead> for XML.

Sample of a POST link to query data from Law Ruler via your application:

https://sample.lawruler.com/Lawruler-Parsing.aspx?Key =Y8d7cMkSLGhONnZyjzVAVbhGV9eXX8&LeadAssignee=Carolyn+Test&LeadID=6220&Opertation=GetStatus&ReturnXML=Tru

e&Lea dId=[LeadID]&GCLID=[GCLID]

And receive XML that your application can import that contains the queried fields:

Firstname, Lastname, address1, address2, city, state, zip, cellphone, homephone, businessphone,

email, leaddate. Leadtime, summary, domain, searchengine, keywords, currentpage, referringURL,

conversation, CaseType, LeadProvider, FirmName,Status, LeadOwner, LeadAssignee

Sample of an Actual XML Reply Please note: You will need to install an XML Viewer in your Internet Browser to see the XML or the Control-U

key will not do anything. We recommend the XML Tree Google Chrome Browser Extension.

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How to Post Calls from Call Rail to Law Ruler

Once fully integrated with Call Rail all your UTM data (UTM Source, Medium, Campaign,Term, Landing

&GCLID) can now be posted to Law Ruler very easily using the webhooks plugin.

1. Login to your CallRail Account.

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2. Inside CallRail, Click on the gear icon (Settings) --> Integrations.

3. Activate the "Webhooks" integration and enter the app’s settings by pressing on the webhooks logo.

4. Copy and Paste the following information into the two sections AFTER you insert the firm’s Law Ruler

site name & API key. (Contact support@lawruler.com / the firm for this information)



Post-call https://SITENAME.lawruler.com/Lawruler-


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5. Now that you have the webhooks set up you will need to make sure that your CallRail numbers are

configured with the correct source name.

To have your calls post to Law Ruler correctly you will need to make sure that the CallRail source

name is set in the number settings page for each active number.

You can access the settings by pressing the pencil icon next to your active number. Next scroll

down to the “Dynamic Number Insertion” section and make sure that there is a Source name set in

the “Web Referrals” text box.

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6. If you would like to have the call recordings sent over to Law Ruler after the call is completed, you

will need to make sure that “Enable call recording” is checked under the “Call Flow” section.

Congratulations! You now have your CallRail account integrated with Law Ruler. Please be sure to

make a few test calls to ensure that leads are creating in Law Ruler.

Introduction to Programmable Actions via API What is a Programmable Action via API? This allows a 3rd Party Application to trigger actions in Law Ruler

without a user logged in and using Law Ruler to do the same thing. WOW! This allows your developers or

programmers or tech-savvy personnel to trigger actions in Law Ruler using our API.

If you want to trigger a Programmable Action via API, then you need to use a special field called an

“operation” to be passed in the API POST in addition to the specified field.

There are several examples of using “operation” below so you can trigger actions such as:

• Send and Check Status of E-sign agreements

• Create and Update Tasks

• Send Referrals to other firms via Email w/ Attached ZIP or API POST(the recipient app will require

some light programming to receive documents via this method)

Note: If the recipient of the Sent Referral is also using Law Ruler, then any attached documents for the

lead/contact/intake will be inserted directly into Law Ruler with *no programming required* for the

API POST method. Other 3rd party application endpoints will require some light programming to

receive attached documents via API.

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Send Text/Email E-Signs & Check Status of E-signs via Programmable Actions

Using our Groupdocs Signature API, Law Ruler now has the capability to trigger sending of a specified e-sign

document using the “operation=esign” with an esigndoc # for signature via SMS Text/Email to a specified

LeadID # via API POST. (Note: This will not work for Adobe/DocuSign API integrations).

You can also check the Status of an E-sign with an API query using the “operation=esignstatus” field.

In Law Ruler, the Status of the lead/contact/intake will *automatically change* after the e-sign is sent to


Retainer Contract” or whatever you have renamed that Status to(ex: Sent e-sign) since the Law Ruler

database stores

Statuses by Status ID #’s not names. The Status names are editable. The e-sign functionality in Law Ruler

relates to LeadStatus ID # 10 which is defaulted to: “Sent Retainer Contract.”

Workflow automation: Once you have preconfigured notifications/reminders via SMS Text/Email setup

inside of Law Ruler, then these will automatically be triggered based on using our Programmable Action of E-

sign. In addition to follow-up Tasks since they will be dependent on the “Sent Retainer Contract” Status in

Law Ruler, or whatever you rename it to.

Where do I Locate the EsignDoc #?

The esigndoc #’s can be obtained by logging into your Law Ruler Portal and can be found inside of the

Settings E-Sign Settings page as shown here:

Screenshot of where to find the esigndoc # inside of Law Ruler:

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API Post requirements: LeadID, esigndoc #, Key needs to be passed, Operation=esign or

Operation=esignstatus need to be passed, when triggering or querying on update on esign each lead.

Sample of a POST link to trigger E-sign to SEND via SMS Text and Email with operation=esign and esigndoc

# to a specified Lead ID #:



Sample of a POST link to Check Status of an E-sign with operation=esignstatus and esigndoc # to a specified

Lead ID #:



Create and Update Tasks as Programmable Actions with our API

Using the Law Ruler API, you can now create and update tasks programmatically using “operation=task”

functionality with a specified LeadID # via API POST. This is very powerful workflow automation technology.

In order to better understand how this works inside the Law Ruler application, we have provided the

following screenshot that shows how a user would manually create a Task, and then it should be fairly

straightforward to understand how to use Tasks as actions in our programmable API.

Screenshot of Manually Adding a Task in UI:

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Planned usage of Creating a New Task (No Task ID # Needed): lawruler-parsing.aspx?leadid=11618& operation=task&TaskSubject=Test Task&TaskDescription=Test Task Description&TaskDate=01/11/2011&TaskTime=11:00&TaskTimeZone=EST&TaskAssignee=NULL&TaskPriority=Low&TaskStatus=Acti


API Post requirements: LeadID, TaskID, Key needs to be passed, Operation=Task needs to be passed, when

creating or updating a Task Status on each lead.

Planned usage to Update an Existing Task (Task ID # is Needed):

https://sample.lawruler.com/lawruler-parsing.aspx?leadid=11618& operation=task&TaskID=122&TaskSubject=Test Task&TaskDescription=Test Task Description&TaskDate=01/11/2011&TaskTime=11:00&TaskTimeZone=EST&TaskAssignee=NULL&TaskPriority=Low&TaskStatus=Acti ve&TaskSMSReminder=On&key=4YGH7PYA8BACHA3ZAAzhLiNJLG1IZj

Sample Reply on Screen:

Success. Lead ID # 11618

Task ID = 123 Updated/Created

Post Reply on screen, must be “TaskID=XXXXXXX” (TaskID #)

Planned usage to Update Status to “Completed” for an Existing

Task (Task ID # is Needed, Operation=TaskStatus needed):

https://sample.lawruler.com/lawruler-parsing.aspx?leadid=11618& operation=taskstatus&TaskID=122&TaskStatus=Completed&TaskSMSReminder=On&key=4YGH7PYA8BACHA3ZAAzhLiNJLG1IZj

New API Fields to allow for Operation=Task and Operation=TaskStatus

(Note: These are repeated again in the Available API Fields 1.0


LeadID (This already exists)

TaskID – the unique identifier for this task

TaskSubject – this is a user defined field and it is the actual Subject of the task, ex: Schedule a follow up

TaskDescription – this is a user defined field for the extended Description of the task

TaskDate – this is the Date that the Task is Due, must be MM/DD/YYYY format

TaskTime - this is the Time that the Task is Due, must be HH:MM format

TaskTimeZone – this is the Time Zone of the task

TaskAssignee – this is the user that will be Assigned to the Task, or leave as NULL

TaskPriority – this is the priority level of the task

TaskStatus – this is the Status of the Task

TaskSMSReminder – this will allow you to turn On/Off a SMS Text Reminder for the task

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Send Referrals/Signed Packets as Programmable Actions with

our API

Ever wanted to run your own distribution network….? Well, now you can, kinda… Using the Law Ruler API,

you can now transmit completed intakes/cases to other firms programmatically using

“operation=sendreferral” functionality with a specified LeadID # and ReferralID # via API POST.

Please note: If you want to send a completed packet with attached files to a 3rd Party Application (Not Law

Ruler), then it will require some light coding to be done by the recipient to allow their system to receive

attached files. Or, just do the External Post without attached files to the 3rd Party Application, or use the Send

Referral via Email feature.

This is supercharged workflow automation technology. In order to better understand how this works inside

the Law

Ruler application, we have provided the following screenshot that shows how a user would manually Send a

Referral, and then it should be fairly straightforward to understand how to Send Referrals as programmable

actions in our programmable API.

Note: Law Ruler will send the referral based on the Referral Firm settings as configured in the Settings

Manage Referral Firms screen, and will transmit the referral to each Referral Firm via email, external post, or


Current manual functionality in Law Ruler to Send a Referral:

API Post requirements: LeadID, Key needs to be passed, Operation=SendReferral, ReferralID= to determine

where to send the referral.

Planned Usage to Send Referral for a Specified Lead to a Referral

Firm: (Lead ID # and Referral ID # are Needed,

Operation=SendReferral): https://sample.lawruler.com/lawruler-

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Sample Reply on Screen:

Success. Lead ID # 11618

Referral was sent to Singh Law, Firm ID # 6 at 11:00am EST on 03/11/2017

Where do I Locate the ReferralID #?

Inside the Law Ruler UI, please navigate to: Settings Manage Referral Firms

Screenshot of where to find the Referral Firm ID # inside of Law Ruler:

Note: Law Ruler gives you the flexibility to send via any 1 of these options, or ALL.

• SendReferral via email(Default) – This attaches all Documents/Files/Data in ZIP format with CSV/XML

• SendReferral via email AND do external post

• SendReferral via external post ONLY

Screenshot that Shows Where to Configure Law Ruler with External Post to Law Ruler or a 3rd Party Application:

parsing.aspx? leadid=10375& operation=sendreferral&referralID=8 &key=4YGH7PYA8BACHA3ZAAzhLiNJLG1IZj

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Share Data/Attachments from Your Law Ruler Site to Another Firm’s Law Ruler Site

Did you know that you can literally insert a complete intake packet with attached files from your Law Ruler

portal into another firm’s Law Ruler’s portal with 1 Click? No more manual entry and wasted time to

collaborate with other firms.

Yes. We just made this possible. <Applause>

All you need to make this happen is the recipient’s encryption key which the recipient can provide upon

approval of your request. Then you just need to add a HTTP POST link inside of the Send Referral Firms area


“Webhook/Posting Link” as instructed below. Please be advised that this will not export Intake

Questions/Custom Fields, but it will attach that data in a PDF that will be inserted into the appropriate Lead

Record. This is not possible because each Law Ruler client has different data schemas for Intake Questions.

1. Planned Usage to Send Referral Packet with Files for a Specified Lead to a Referral Firm:

(Lead ID # and Referral ID # are Needed, Operation=SendReferral):

https://sample.lawruler.com/lawruler- parsing.aspx?leadid=10375&operation=sendreferral&referralID=8&key=4YGH7PYA8BACHA3ZAAzhLiNJLG1IZj

Sender’s API Post requirements: LeadID, Sender’s Key needs to be passed, Operation=SendReferral,

ReferralID= to determine where to send the referral. This also requires the Recipient’s Key (you will need to

request it from them).

2. Configuration of the Recipient’s Law Ruler Endpoint in the Referral Firm Screen:

This is an important step. If you do not setup the recipient’s endpoint with the recipient’s security key, then

you will ONLY be able to send referrals via E-mail.



YOU WILL PUT THE RECIPIENT’S API KEY (NOT YOURS) in the field marked “Recipient’s Key(not yours)”

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Screenshot of Sample Usage:

Share Data with Attachments from Your Law Ruler Site to a 3rd Party Application

Advanced API Feature: Light Software Programming is Required

Now, let’s pretend that you want to send a completed packet with attached files to a 3rd Party Application

(Not Law Ruler). This can also be supported with the Law Ruler API, but it will require some light coding to be

done by the recipient to allow their system to receive attached files. Please be advised that this will not

export Intake

Questions/Custom Fields, but it will attach that data in a PDF that will be inserted into the appropriate Lead

Record. This is not possible because each Law Ruler client has different data schemas for Intake Questions.

If the coding is not doable by your team, then you can just use the Send Referral via Email feature or do a

Webhook/HTTP Post without the attached files included. Also, if you need assistance doing this coding,

then Law Ruler’s software development team could do it for you per Scope of Work, but it is not included

with any Law Ruler Support Plans since it requires custom software development which is billed hourly.

How to Code Your 3rd Party Application to Accept Law Ruler External Posts with Attached Files:

Let’s get started.

First, we need to setup a way to view the data feed, also known as a “payload” that Law Ruler will attempt to

send to your 3rd Party Application.

1. There is a publicly available tool named http://requestb.in/ that can be used for viewing the payload

sent from any application (Including Law Ruler) so it can be coded to receive those payloads in the

future. Please note, this tool will only retain the payloads for a period of 24 hours so if you do not

use it by that time, then you will need to trigger another since it will say “Not Found” on the screen

after it expires.

Please allow http://requestb.in/ up to 5-10 minutes to display the payload. It takes 5-10 minutes on

average and is not instantaneous.

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2. On the Request Bin site, press “Create Bin” as shown below:

3. It will give you a URL to use to view the Law Ruler payload at that time. Copy/Paste that URL into

Law Ruler in the Send Referral Firm page and then API trigger the “operation=SendReferral” via API

or Manually Press “Send Referral” inside of the Law Ruler system.

4. You will view the payload and write your code to receive this data.

5. You are done!

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Appendix 2.0 - Available Law Ruler API Fields

(You can use these fields inside the API URL, each field is separated by the “&” symbol):

LeadID: This is the unique identifier for each Lead in Law Ruler (Type: Integer)

Hear: This field is for the provider of the lead. (Ex. – nGage, Apex, Alert Communications, Intake Desk)

esigndoc: This is the e-sign document # that you want to trigger to send to a specified Lead ID #

Note: This field is a Programmable Action and it will trigger the specified esigndoc # to send to a

specified Lead ID # (Type: Integer). The esigndoc field MUST be used in conjunction with the

“operation=esign” operator or it will not work

CaseType: Type: of Case as provided, ex: Motor Vehicle Accident, Divorce, Custody, Xarelto, Qui

Tam, etc (Type: Varchar Max Length 255)

LeadProvider: This is the Lead’s Marketing Source/UTM Source, where the Lead/Contact/Intake

came from. For example: Firmname.com, Main website page, Google, Big news TV

advertisement (Type: Varchar Max Length 255)

Status: The status of the Lead/Contact. You must map to existing statuses in Law Ruler. If you want

to create new statuses first, then please create them so you may map to them. Ex: New


Emailed Intake Questionnaire, Sent Retainer Contract, Signed Retainer Contract, Converted to

CaseApproved (Type: Varchar Max Length 255)

FirstName: First Name of the Lead/Contact (Type: Varchar Max Length 255)

LastName: Last Name of the Lead/Contact (Type: Varchar Max Length 255)

FullName: This is Optional in case First Name and Last Name is not provided (Type: Varchar Max

Length 255)

Address1: Street Address Line 1 (Type: Varchar Max Length 255)

Address2: Street Address Line 2 (Type: Varchar Max Length 255)

City: City name (Type: Varchar Max Length 255)

State: Short code abbreviation of State, or full name of the State (Type: Varchar Max Length 255)

Zip: Zip code varied length and international zip codes are okay (Type: Varchar Max Length 15)

Note: Cell Phone is a required field in Law Ruler and if only one phone number is provided, then please

default to Cell Phone field since you will not be able to send SMS Texts otherwise

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CellPhone: Cell Phone (If no Classification is present and only single number is present please insert

in Cell phone) (Type: Varchar Max Length 30) *** This is a Default Field that is Required ***

HomePhone: Home Phone No with OR without country code International Numbers are okay this

field is multi length. (If no Classification is present and only single number is present please insert in

Cell phone) (Type: Varchar Max Length 30)

BusinessPhone: Business Phone (If no Classification is present and only single number is present

please insert in Cell phone) (Type: Varchar Max Length 30)

Email1: Primary Email Address (Type: Varchar Max Length 255)

*** This is a Default Field that is Required ***

Email2: Secondary Email Address (Type: Varchar Max Length 255)

SSN: Social Security Number (Type: XXX-XX-XXXX must include the dashes, Ex: 123-45-6789)

DOB: Date of Birth (Type: Date Format MM/DD/YYYY or MM-DD-YYYY and must include the

slashes or dashes or it will not be accepted) Ex: 01/11/2001 or 01-01-2001

Language: The language of the lead/contact/intake. This can be used to trigger SMS

Text/Email/Task automation based on the language if you have created templates for that

language in the Law Ruler Command Center Scheduled Campaigns. Ex: “language=17”

The API Field “Language” requires the Language # to be passed in API

Posts. In Law Ruler, the Default Language=17 which is English.

Planned usage of Language field:


List of all Available Languages in Law Ruler:


LanguageID Language LanguageID Language LanguageID Language LanguageID Language

1 Afrikaans 21 Finnish 41 Laothian 61 Tamil

2 Albanian 22 French 42 Lithuanian 62 Telugu

3 Arabic 23 Galician 43 Macedonian 63 Thai

4 Azerbaijani 24 Georgian 44 Malay 64 Turkish

5 Basque 25 German 45 Maltese 65 Ukrainian

6 Bengali 26 Greek 46 Malayalam 66 Urdu

7 Belarusian 27 Gujarati 47 Marathi 67 Vietnamese

8 Bulgarian 28 Haitian Creole 48 Mongolian 68 Welsh

9 Catalan 29 Hebrew 49 Norwegian 69 Yiddish

10 Chinese (Hong Kong) 30 Hindi 50 Persian 70 Zulu

11 Chinese (Simplified) 31 Hungarain 51 Polish

12 Chinese (Traditional) 32 Icelandic 52 Portuguese

13 Croatian 33 Indonesian 53 Romanian

14 Czech 34 Irish 54 Russian

Law Ruler Software, LLC - Confidential Document for Internal Usage by Law Ruler and its Vendor Partners

15 Danish 35 Italian 55 Serbian

16 Dutch 36 Japanese 56 Slovak

17 English 37 Kannada 57 Slovenian

18 Esperanto 38 Korean 58 Spanish

19 Estonian 39 Latin 59 Swahili

20 Filipino 40 Latvian 60 Swedish

Lead Assignee: This is the current user assigned to managing the lead/contact/matter

Lead Owner: This is the current user that owns the lead/contact/matter

Date: Date of Lead/Contact Creation (Type: Date Format MM/DD/YYYY) Ex: 01/11/2011

Time: (Time Format hh:mm:ss) Time of Creation All times inserted in Central Time Zone UTC-6 in 24

hours format.

Summary: Case Description / Synopsis of the Case (No Max Length it is a text field)

UTMSource: Source URL (Type: Varchar Max Length 255)

UTMMedium: The medium of where the lead/contact is from, if Available (Type: Varchar Max Length


UTMTerm: Search Engine Source Keywords, if available (Type: Varchar Max Length 255)

UTMLanding: The landing page where the Lead/Contact was created from this URL (Type: Varchar

Max Length 255)

UTMCampaign: The landing page where the Lead/Contact was created from this URL (Type: Varchar

Max Length 255)

GCLID: The Goggle GCLID ID of the Lead/Contact (Type: Varchar Max Length 255)

Company: This will use the Company ID field if you have a multiple company version of Law Ruler.

Ignore and do not use this if you do not have a multiple company version.

Conversation: Example Chat or Other Transcripts (No Max Length it is a text field)

Key: This is the unique security token key that uses bank-grade AES 256-bit encryption for the client

portal and is generated by Law Ruler. This will prevent spam and garbage posts into the client portal.

API Fields to allow for Operation=Task and Operation=TaskStatus

TaskID – the unique identifier for this task

TaskSubject: this is a user defined field and it is the actual Subject of the task, ex: Schedule a follow


Law Ruler Software, LLC - Confidential Document for Internal Usage by Law Ruler and its Vendor Partners

TaskDescription: this is a user defined field for the extended Description of the task

TaskDate: this is the Date that the Task is Due, must be MM/DD/YYYY format

TaskTime: this is the Time that the Task is Due, must be HH:MM format

TaskTimeZone: this is the Time Zone of the task

TaskAssignee: this is the user that will be Assigned to the Task, or leave as NULL

TaskPriority: this is the priority level of the task

TaskStatus: this is the Status of the Task

TaskSMSReminder: this will allow you to turn On/Off a SMS Text Reminder for the task

API Fields to allow for Operation=SendReferral ReferralID – the unique identifier for the referral firm in Law Ruler

Need something else? Please share your feedback or any suggestions. You may reach our API

support at the Law Ruler support department at: support@lawruler.com

You may also view our Getting Started Videos and Support Forum about Law Ruler, or Submit a

Support Ticket anytime.

Thanks very much!

Law Ruler Support Team

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