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Leesburg United Methodist Church Worship Program for July 16, 2017

Sixth Sunday after Pentecost Please remember to silence all electronic devices in preparation for worship.

Please fill in the Attendance Sheet—Turn inside for Orders of Worship

Welcome Our New Members!

Professing Members (8:30): Richard and Jody Graves, 410 Deerpath Ave SW

Leesburg, VA 20175-2517. Julia Graves, 211 Lake View Way, NW Leesburg, VA 20176. Baptized Member (9:45): Ginger Ziemski-Snodgrass, granddaughter of

Gary and Gina Snodgrass.

Sunday 7/16 8:30 AM Traditional Worship 9:45 AM Summer Sunday School (Asb) 9:45 AM Praise Worship 9:45 AM Adult Sun. School (AG1) 9:45 AM Summer Gallery (AG2) 11:00 AM Children's Experience (Asb) 11:00 AM Traditional Worship 5:00 PM Bluemont rain venue (Asb)

Monday 7/17 9:00 AM Mother Letters group (Trinity House

Cafe) 7:00 PM Finance (Wes) 7:30 PM Bread of Life (Parl)

Tuesday 7/18 12:30 PM Staff meeting (Lib) 7:00 PM Forgiveness class (Wes)

Wednesday 7/19 7:00 PM Raising Praise (Sanc) 7:00 PM Women's AA (Parl)

Thursday 7/20 12:00 PM Prayer group (Sanc) 2:00 PM Play & Learn (Asb) 7:00 PM Trustees (Wes) 7:00 PM SPRC (Parl) 7:00 PM PACE (AG1) 7:30 PM Chorus Old Dominion (Asb)

Friday 7/21 10:00 AM MOPS class (Wes, Nursery)

Saturday 7/22 9:00 AM OA (Parl)

Sunday 7/23 8:30 AM Traditional Worship 9:45 AM Summer Gallery (AG2) 9:45 AM Adult Sun. School (AG1) 9:45 AM Praise Worship 9:45 AM Summer Sunday School (Asb) 11:00 AM Traditional Worship 11:00 AM Children's Experience (Asb) 5:00 PM Bluemont rain venue (Asb) 5:00 PM College Student Cookout (Wishmyers)

(540) 429-5504

Activity and Facility Calendar WELCOME! Please ask an Usher if you need directions or any other assistance.

An Elevator (between the ground floor and Sanctuary level) is located inside the door near the playground.

Restrooms are located on each floor.

Parking is available in our lots across Market St., and behind the church (via Liberty St.). Metered spaces and the town parking garage (25 W. Market St.) are free on Sundays

Our Nursery is open during all worship services. It is located on the ground floor in the office corridor.

The Parlor is equipped as a Cry Room for the 8:30 and 11 am services, for parents who need a quiet place to go with young children to listen to the service.

Sunday School is at 9:45 with classes for children (Ed. Bldg.) and Adults (Aldersgate1 & Parlor). Youth meet for worship/small groups in Aldersgate2.

Worship Bags with an activity page and crayons are available for children to use during worship—ask an usher for one, and return it to “Used Worship Bags” box.

Hearing Assistance devices and Large Print hymnals are available from the ushers.

Hospitality Time is held each Sunday between services in Wesley Hall (located directly below the Sanctuary)

How to Reach Us Leesburg United Methodist Church

107 W. Market Street, Leesburg, VA 20176

703-777-2056, www.leesburgumc.org Office Hours: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Mon-Fri

Rev. Jim Wishmyer: jim@leesburgumc.org Cell: 540-429-5504; Home: 703-779-9655

Email Addresses:

Church Office: office@leesburgumc.org Angela Becek: angela@leesburgumc.org Rev. Heather Wray heather.wray@leesburgumc.org

Linda Stoutenburgh: linda@leeburgumc.org Debbie Dotson: debbie@leesburgumc.org Prayer Chain: prayerchain@leesburgumc.org

Ministers: All Pastor: The Rev. Jim Wishmyer Director of Discipleship Ministries:

Angela Becek Director of Children’s Ministries:

The Rev. Heather Wray Certified Lay Minister: Wayne Reynolds Preschool Director and Nursery Coord.:

Heather Gonzalez Office Manager and Financial Secretary:

Linda Stoutenburgh Treasurer: Belay Services

Administrative Assistant: Debbie Dotson Lay Pastoral Care Coord.: Judy Craun Lay Leaders: Kim Kadesch, Jill Ryan Music Directors: Nancy Riley (Traditional),

Chris Shelton (Contemporary), Kim Hardman (Handbells)

Organist: Debbie Buttery Custodian: Linda Flood District. Superintendent :

The Rev. Larry Thompson VA Conf. Bishop: Bishop Sharma Lewis

LUMC Staff

Our Mission and Vision The mission of LUMC: to make disciples of Jesus Christ who live transformed lives,

influencing this generation and the next with God’s love. We envision LUMC as a community of disciples who are becoming:

Followers of Jesus – One with God & with each other – Ministers to all the world.

InFellowship Launch!

*See more information located on the back of the

Weekly Info

6th Sunday of Pentecost The season after Pentecost, formerly “Kingdomtide”, is centered on sanctification,

the transforming work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the Christ-follower. The liturgical color for season is green, the color of life and growth. Through the gift of faith that comes from the Holy Spirit working through the means of grace, Christ-followers trust in Christ as Savior and proclaim Him in their daily lives by service to

others. The season after Pentecost is the longest season of the church year – from Trinity Sunday until the first Sunday of Advent. This is the non-festival portion

of the liturgical calendar during which the Church stresses vocation, evangelism, missions, stewardship, caring for the poor, and other works of mercy and charity as

ways in which Christ empowers us by His grace to share the Gospel with others.

8:30 am and 11:00 am Order of Worship

There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death.

-Romans 8:1-2 (from Revised Common Lectionary for today)

Welcome and Announcements


Prelude (Centering Prayer+) “When I look Into Your Holiness” (J. Bennett) Ruth Jacoby

Introit “Santo, Santo, Santo” (Argentine Folk Song) Janice Webb, soloist

*Call to Worship and Opening Prayer

L: Again and again, God calls: P: Rise up from discouragement, L: Come out from under anxiety, P: Step out of the shadows of grief, L: Let go of vain desires; P: Walk toward the light of God’s holiness, L: Come near the Source of grace, P: Breathe in the Spirit of God, L: Receive new life and strength, P: Lift your voice in humble prayer and joyful song! L: Let us pray: All: God of compassion and forgiveness, continue to imprint your love and thread

your will into the fabric of our lives. Spread your joy into our singing, knit your assurance into our praying, impart your justice into our living. Strengthen and equip us to live our faith in ways that bear witness to the One whom we follow: Jesus, the Christ. Amen.

*Hymn “O Worship the King” UMH 73

Offering/Offertory “El –Shaddai” (Arr. T. Wilhelmi) Ruth Jacoby

*Response “Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow” UMH 95

First Scripture Reading Genesis 15:1-6

Anthem “I Know Not What the Future Hath” (A. Abbey) Janice Webb

Second Scripture Reading Hebrews 11:1-6

Sermon “I Believe” Rev. Jim Wishmyer

Reception of New Member (8:30) Baptismal Covenant I UMH 33

Affirmation of Faith (11:00) Apostles’ Creed UMH 35.9

Prayers of the People “Open My Eyes, That I May See” UMH 454

(Following the song, we will lift our praise and our prayers to God as prompted by our prayer leader. Feel free to lift up your sentence prayers

aloud; after each our leader will say, “Lord, in your mercy…” to which all respond, “Hear our prayers”.)

Lord’s Prayer

9:45 am Order of Worship

There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death.

-Romans 8:1-2 (from Revised Common Lectionary for today)

Gathering Time

Opening Song

Opening Prayer

Welcome & Announcements

Songs of Praise


Offering Prayer

Scripture Reading Genesis 15:1-6 “and he believed God” Hebrews 11:1-6 “faith is the assurance of things hoped for”

Message “I Believe” Pastor Jim Wishmyer

Sacrament of Christian Baptism Baptismal Covenant I UMH 33

Closing Song

+++ +++ +++

8:30 and 11 am continued...

* Please stand if you are able.

Gallery (Youth) Order of Worship

Call to Worship

L: The Lord is the sower of seeds of love and redemption. P: But we have not always been ready to receive these seeds. L: Today we hear again the scriptures that remind us of the awesome generosity of

God. P: Help us be good soil, O God, prepared to receive your love and grow in that love.

Opening Prayer

God of abundant love, we come to you this day in the midst of a season of great growth and coming harvest. All around us are the signs of growth, in our earth, in our families, in our nation, in our world. We come this day, seeking your healing love and abounding mercy. Open our hearts to receive all that you offer that we may become fruitful workers for you. Amen.

Prayer of Confession

Lord, forgive us when we doubt your mercy and your love. We are so caught up in getting everything that we want; and we want it all right now. We have trouble waiting and remembering that it is in the waiting that we might hear your voice. It is difficult for us to believe that we can be fruitful, good soil for your words and your work. We find excuses not to be attentive to you, but to focus instead on our own desires. Slow us down, Lord. Remind us again of your mercy and your love; for we offer this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Words of Assurance

God hears your cries and heals your wounded hearts. God is preparing you for the good things to come. Place your trust in God who has always loved you and will always love you. Amen.

Pastoral Prayer

Lord, our spirits are on a summer time schedule. We change things around in our ives to accommodate new activities, times of rest, times of visiting with families and friends, times of travel and leisure. Help us remember that in all these things you are with us. Hear our cries of frustration when the plans that we have so carefully crafted do not work out. Be with us in all our journeys, guiding our lives and our steps. Again, lavishly pour your love and mercy on us. Prepare us to serve you in all that we do. Amen.

Benediction/Sending Forth

May the Lord bless you and keep you; may the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you; may the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. Amen!

+++ +++ +++

Today Acolytes: 8:30—Grayson Bradley; 9:45—Ginger Snodgrass; 11:00—Amber Gonzalez Ushers: 8:30—Ken James, Walt Halfmann; 9:45—TBD, Arlene Thompson, Heather Klein; 11:00—Jack King, Greg Grinnell, Jeff Bolyard (head)

Last Week: July 9, 2017 Attendance: Worship: 8:30—34, 9:45—50, 11:00—80, SPY—67, Nursery—3; Sunday School—18, Adult Groups—12, Children’s Experience—7 Giving: $12,989.72= $8,848(Operations) + $1,345 (Mortgage) + $1,096.72 (Designated & memorials) + $2,100 (Rent)

Prayers for LUMC Members

Healing: Steve Wolford, Gary Jones, Bill Haase

Flowers: The altar flowers

are given by Gary and Gina Snodgrass (Pap Pap and Nana)

in honor of the baptism of Ginger Snodgrass.

*Hymn “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms” UMH 133

Benediction “Bless and Keep Us, Lord” (Deter Trautwein) Janice Webb


*Postlude “Jubilate Deo!” (C. Nordman) Ruth Jacoby

+++ +++ +++

(Please feel free to use the “LUMC Cares” cards in the pew racks to share prayer concerns or to share other info. Completed cards may be placed in the offering plate or given to

the pastor following worship. Thank you!)

+ Centering Prayer is silent or quiet prayer in which we welcome the presence of God with us and within us. We let go of distractions and rest ourselves in God. Centering Prayer helps us focus on deepening our relationship with the living Christ as we turn our minds and hearts to an attitude of worship.

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