weinberg and webb, the unfamiliar shelley

Post on 16-Oct-2021






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Weinberg and Webb, The Unfamiliar Shelley


Note: bold numbers refer to illustrations

Abinger, Lord, collection of 315, 316

Adamson, Carlene 32, 33n.40, 35n.41, 35n.42, 36n.43, 146n.40, 147, 151, 168n.26, 249n.43

see also BSM V and VI

Aeschylus 7

Agamemnon 143n.25

Persae 195, 321

Prometheus Unbound (lost play) 187

Agamben, Giorgio 284

AI: Artificial Intelligence 285

Alfieri, Vittorio 138

Il Misogallo 143n.27

Alighieri, Dante, see Dante

Alps 87–100 passim, 127, 163n.16

American War of Independence 232

anti-semitism 294

Apollo Belvedere 163

Apollonius Rhodius 8

Arch of Titus 6

Archimedes 221, 230

Argolis 167

Ariosto, Ludovico

Orlando Furioso 89, 248n.36

Aristophanes 15, 246–7, 281–4 passim

Armstrong, John

Juvenile Poems 53n.40

Arnold, Matthew 257, 257n.1

Arve, River 203

atheism 45, 74, 210, 222, 225, 232

see also Shelley (WORKS –PROSE): The Necessity of Atheism

Athenaeus 8

Athenäums Fragmente 27

Athenaeum, see under Medwin, Thomas

Athens 38, 168, 245, 252, 280

Augustine 219

Confessions 52

Austerlitz, Battle of 107

Austria 139, 145, 149, 152, 154–5

Bacon, Francis 12, 207, 209, 209n.36, 252, 260, 266n.25

De Augmentis Scientiarum 207

Advancement of Learning 257

‘Of Judicature’ 257n.2

Bagni di Lucca 168

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Baker, Carlos 69n.2

Bakhtin, Mikhail Mikhailovich 70n.5, 279, 282, 291n.41

Bamberg, Bishopric of 147

Barbauld, Anna Laetitia

Eighteen Hundred and Eleven 53n.39

Barebone, Praise-God 300

Barker, John W. 149n.59

Barker-Benfield, Bruce 8, 54n.44, 146, 146n.40, 147n.45, 149, 151, 163n.12, 164

see also BSM XXIII

Barruel, Abbé de 226, 226n.29

Histoire du Jacobinisme 226

Bartel, R. 284n.26

Bastwick, John 304, 304n.41, 305

Bateson, Gregory 187, 288n.34

Bayle, Pierre 266n.25

Beatles, The

‘Piggies’ 279n.3

Beazley, Elisabeth 87n.6

Beethoven, Ludwig van 247

Behrendt, Stephen C. 14, 70n.4, 104n.15, 111n.36, 183–4, 194, 214n.53, 222, 224n.19, 233, 259,

259n.5, 260n.7, 298, 299n.17, 321n.13

Benevento 15, 147–50, 154, 155, 156

Benjamin, Walter 295

Bennett, Betty T. 109n.33, 143n.23, 222n.3

Berkeley, George 199, 203–4, 205, 217

Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous 204

Bettelheim, Bruno 75

Bible 73–4, 82, 91, 212–13, 324

Old Testament 212–13

Genesis 74

Exodus 213

Deuteronomy 82

Job 15, 214, 215, 297n.3

Ecclesiastes 214

Isaiah 288, 292, 293

New Testament 212, 265, 265n.24, 293

Matthew 292

Mark 82

Luke 8, 215, 269–70

Bieri, James 41n.3, 54n.44, 93n.18, 121n.10, 140n.14, 207n.28, 222n.6, 227n.39

Binfield, Kevin 111n.36

Black Dwarf, see under Wooler, Thomas Jonathan

Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine 184

Blade Runner 285

Blake, William 7, 112, 315

‘The Clod and the Pebble’ 112

‘The Human Abstract’ 285

The Marriage of Heaven and Hell 214, 257

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Songs of Experience 112, 285

Blank, G. Kim 61n.64, 103

Bloodless Revolution (1688) 266, 273

Bodleian Library, Oxford 8, 315

Bodleian Shelley Manuscripts (BSM) 320–21, 327–8

vol. I 106n.23, 109n.33, 175n.54, 176n.59, 176n.60, 321

vol. II 306n.52

vol. IV (1) 201n.8, 205n.23

vol. IV (2) 173n.48, 174n.51

vol. V 168n.26, 172n.42, 172n.45, 241n.9, 247n.35, 249n.43

vol. VI 33n.40, 35n.41, 35n.42, 36n.43, 146n.40, 147n.46

vol. VII 192n.56, 321, 321n.14

vol. IX 154n.82, 172n.46, 250n.44, 250n.46, 250n.47, 251n.48

vol. XI 163n.16

vol. XII 21n.1, 30n.33, 30n.35, 154n.81, 154n.83, 297n., 299n.12, 301n.28, 302n.30, 302n.31,

303n.32, 303n.34, 303n.37, 304n.38, 304n.40, 305n.44, 305n.45, 305n.47, 308n.60

vol. XIII 164–5n.18, 167n.20, 167n.21

vol. XIV 101n.4, 119n.2, 122n.13, 128n.33, 131n.38, 133n.43, 215n.54, 215n.56, 215n.57,

215n.58, 216n.60, 269n.36, 293n.46, 294n.49

vol. XV 168n.26, 241n.10, 248n.39

vol. XVI 299n.12, 301n.26, 321

vol. XVII 167n.23, 168n.24, 168n.25

vol. XVIII 171n.39

vol. XIX 21n.2, 29n.28, 156n.90, 297n., 307n.54, 307n.55, 307n.56, 308n.58, 308n.61, 310n.71

vol. XX 241n.11, 243n.16, 244n.20, 245n.24, 245n.25, 245n.26, 245n.27, 246n.30, 247n.32,

247n.33, 247n.34, 248n.40, 254n.59, 254n.62

vol. XXI 41n.1, 46n.22, 201n.8, 202n.9, 202n.11, 203n.14, 206n.25, 251n.48

vol. XXII (1) 170n.35, 170n.36, 175n.55, 178n.63, 251n.48, 258n.5, 263n.23, 268n.30

vol. XXII (2) 93n.16, 93n.17, 140n.16, 140n.18, 151n.71, 151n.73, 156n.90

vol. XXIII 146n.40, 163n.14

Boétie, Étienne de la 262n.17

Discours de la servitude volontaire 138

Bologna 169

Bostetter, Edward E. 25n.11

Bourbon Restoration 143, 148, 155, 156

Boyle, Catherine 235

Bradley, Henry 326, 326n.22

Bradshaw, Michael 4, 16–17, 24n.7

Brailsford, H.N. 46n.19

Brandreth, Jeremiah 231–3

Bridges, Robert 326, 326n.22

The Spirit of Man 326, 326n.22

Brillat-Savarin, Jean Anthelme 294

Brinkley, Robert 87n.4

Brisman, Leslie 81

Brisman, Susan H. 173n.50

Bristol 283

Bristol Channel 49, 236

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British Constitution 226, 266–7

British empiricism 199, 217, see also Berkeley, Hume, Locke

Brougham, Henry 114, 114n.47, 230

Browne, Felicia 54

Poems 54n.44

Browning, Robert 120

Bunyan, John 75

Pilgrim’s Progress 71

Burdett, Francis 230, 237, 274, 274n.48

Burke, Edmund 228, 237, 246, 260, 262, 273n.43, 274, 284

Reflections on the Revolution in France 262–3, 266, 267, 273, 274, 279, 286

Butter, Peter H. 315

Buzard, James 97n.29

Byron, George Gordon (Lord) 7, 53n.42, 86, 95–7, 100, 104, 104n.15, 105, 120, 127, 131, 132, 133,

136, 145, 191, 192, 194, 274, 283, 297–8, 301–2, 305, 306, 310, 316, 317, 319, 320

Beppo 129

Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage 99, 169n.28, 319

Don Juan 71, 76, 116, 131, 234

The Giaour: A Fragment of a Turkish Tale 22

Hours of Idleness 53

Manfred 282

Marino Faliero 302

Ode on Venice 301–2

Cadiz 142

Calderón (de la Barca), Pedro 3, 123, 129, 134, 298n.7, 303

El Mágico Prodigioso 297, 309n.63

El Purgatorio de San Patricio 195n.66

La Cisma de Ingalaterra 305, 307n.57

Cameron, Kenneth Neill 41n.2, 44, 44n.11, 44n.12, 47n.23, 49n.32, 51n.36, 60n.61, 61n.64, 69n.3,

73n.9, 74, 102n.7, 105n.19, 144, 191n.54, 204n.19, 207n.28, 222n.6, 258, 259n.5, 261n.13,

298, 299, 308n.59, 309n.62, 310n.73, 316

Campbell, Thomas

‘The Wounded Horse’ 51

Campochiaro, Duke of 142, 143n.23

Canning, George 111

Carlile, Richard 101, 139n.12, 146n.44, 229n.46, 234, 234n.72, 236, 274

The Republican 236

Caroline, Queen 16, 279, 286

Carter, John 319

Cartwright, Major John 230, 237, 274

Casa Ricci 121–36 passim

Castlereagh, Lord 111, 236n.77, 286

Catholic Association 223n.11, see also Dublin Catholic Association

Catholic Emancipation 222–3, 225

Catholicism 94, 222, 224–5, 227, 264

Catholics (Irish) 222–8 passim

Cenci Palace 195

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Cervantes, Miguel de 134

Chamonix 87

Champion, Justin 260n.10

Chancery Court 111

Chandler, James 53n.39, 107, 232n.62

Charles I, King 274, 298n.8, 299–306 passim, 309

Charles of Anjou, King 150

Charlotte, Princess 231–3

Chartists 1, 73

Chatterton, Thomas 26, 54, 65

Rowley poems 26

Chaucer, Geoffrey

Troilus and Criseyde 309

Chernaik, Judith 2, 171n.39

Cheyne, George 291

Chillon 88n.8, 95

Christian romance 89, 90, 92, 98

Christianity 11, 13, 63, 71, 74–5, 77, 79n.21, 80, 91–2, 152, 199, 200, 206–17, 219, 225, 229, 241,

261, 265, 265n.24, 170, 294, 320, 322, 323, 324

see also Bible, Catholicism, Jesus Christ

Cicero 246, 319

Clairmont, Charles 318

Clairmont, Claire 97, 132, 138, 138n.8, 142, 145, 147, 150, 151, 154, 155, 156, 170, 251n.48,

311n.76, 317

Claris, John Chalk 184

Clark, David Lee 1, 201n.8, 259n.5

Clark, Timothy 45n.15, 49n.31, 202, 205

Clark, William 234

Claypole, Elizabeth 305

Clementi, Muzio 121

Clemit, Pamela 41n., 46, 49n.31, 64n.71, 100n.40

Cobbett, William 102, 111n.36, 221, 230, 232, 237, 274

The Political Register 146n.44, 234

Cobbett’s Weekly Register, see Cobbett, William: The Political Register

Cockney School of Poetry 102

Colbert, Benjamin 100n.41, 113n.45, 163n.16, 169n.28

Coleridge, John Taylor 93, 184, 194

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 7, 25, 45, 46, 63–4, 66–7, 105, 106n.24, 132, 191, 214n.53, 287, 311, 319

and prefaces 190–91, 193


Biographia Literaria 240, 252

‘Fire, Famine and Slaughter’ 63, 105

The Friend 234

Frost at Midnight 83

‘Kubla Khan’ 24n.10, 32, 190–91

Poems 65n.75

Preface to ‘Fire, Famine and Slaughter’ 105

Preface to ‘Kubla Khan’ 190–91

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The Rime of the Ancient Mariner 108, 284, 285

Sibylline Leaves 63

‘Sonnet: To Robert Southey …’ 65n.74

‘Sonnets on Eminent Characters’ 65n.74

‘To a Young Lady with a Poem on the French Revolution’ 65

Colman, George the Younger 298n.8

Columbia University 316

Colwell, Frederic S. 170n.36

Commonwealth 299–304 passim, 311

Commonwealth period 260

Condorcet, Marquis de 300

confessionalism 46, 49, 49n.31

Congress of Powers 145

Congress of Vienna 155

Constable, John 163

Constantinople 85, 121, 131n.39, 143, 213

constitutionalism 142–56 passim

Constitutionnel, Le 144, 145, 148

Cottington, Francis 303

Courtenay, John

Juvenile Poems 53n.40

Covent Garden 115, 115n.52, 298

Cowper, William 129

Cox, Jeffrey N. 298

Coxe, Rev. William 96

Travels in Switzerland 96

Craven, Richard Keppel 148

Crichton, William Arthur

Juvenilia 53n.40

Cromwell, Oliver 299–302 passim, 305

Cronin, Richard 78n.19, 101–2, 104, 106, 111n.36

Crook, Keith 169n.28

Crook, Nora 2n.1, 16, 21n.1, 21n.2, 29n.28, 30, 32, 143n.27, 154, 154n.83, 156n.90

see also BSM XII and XIX

Cruikshank, George, see Hone, William

Cumberland 61

Cuoco, Vincenzo

Saggio storico sulla rivoluzione di Napoli 147, 156

Curran, Amelia 145

Curran, John Philpot 246

Curran, Stuart 102, 117n.59, 222n.3, 298

Curtius, Ernst Robert 291n.41

Cwm Elan 49, 55, 57

Dacre, Charlotte (‘Rosa Matilda’) 53n.42

Hours of Solitude 53–4

‘The Poor Negro Sadi’ 53n.43

‘Queen Mab and her Fays’ 53n.43

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Zofloya: or The Moor 54n.43

Dante 3, 75, 111, 138, 195–6, 198, 239, 240, 244, 317, 320

Commedia / The Divine Comedy 14, 240, 244, 257n.2

Inferno 257n.2

Purgatorio 150

La Vita Nuova 196

Voi, ch’intendendo, il terzo ciel movete 196

Darnton, Robert 97n.28

Darwin, Charles 211

David, Jacques-Louis 167

Davie, Donald 120, 130

Dawson, P.M.S. 7, 46n.19, 101n.3, 101n.4, 113n.46, 119n.2, 137, 146n.44, 154n.83, 206, 215n.54,

221n.3, 226n.31, 258, 259n.5, 269n.36

see also BSM III and XIV

De Man, Paul 24n.8, 161, 174

deconstructivism 5, 24n.8, 25, 175, 316

deism 74, 78, 163, 165–7, 199, 204, 206–13, 216, 227

Delisle, Fanny 251n.49

Dellarosa, Franca 131n.39

Dermody, Thomas 65, 65n.76

Poems: Consisting of Essays … 65

Poems: Moral and Descriptive 65

‘The Retrospect’ 65

Derrida, Jacques 86, 186n.29, 188n.36

Descartes, René 204

determinism 73n.9, 276

Devil, the 74, 109–10, 111, 197, 213, 215–17, see also Satan, and under Shelley (WORKS –

PROSE): ‘On the Devil, and Devils’

Devonshire 49

Dickens, Charles

Hard Times 320

Diogenes 156

Donne, John 120

Donovan, Jack 2n.1, 14, 92n.14

Dornan, Stephen 65n.76

Dostoyevsky, Fyodor

The Brothers Karamazov 323

Dowden, Edward 97n.31

Drummond, William 204n.19

Academical Questions 204

Dublin 43, 65, 223, 225, 227, 234–6 passim, 283n.23

Dublin Castle 43n.7

Dublin Catholic Association 223

Dublin Journal 227

Dublin Weekly Messenger 227, 236

Duff, David 10, 70, 75–6n.14, 93n.18

Duffy, Cian 81, 82n.23, 204n.18

Duffy, Edward 49n.31

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Duke University 314, 315

Dworzan (Reiman), Hélène, see Reiman, Hélène

Dyer, Gary 279n.4

East India Company 318

Eaton, Daniel Isaac 229, 229n.46, 235

Politics for the People 279

Ecclesiastical States, see Papal States

Eclectic Review 184, 185, 197

Elgin Marbles 163n.16

Eliot, T.S. 17, 247, 313

Ellenborough, Lord 229, 236n.77

Ellis, F.S. 258n.4

Emmet, Robert 224

empiricism 11, 199–206 passim, 207, 209, 217–18

Engelberg, Karsten Klejs 139n.12

England 39, 47, 104, 125, 128–9, 132, 145, 163, 165, 263, 266–7, 273–4, 286, 288, 291, 292, 299–

306 passim

and Ireland 222–8 passim

see also Bodleian Library, Bristol, Bristol Channel, Chancery Court, Covent Garden,

Cumberland, Devonshire, Eton College, Field Place, Fitzwilliam Museum, Keswick, Lake

District, Lewes, London, Lynmouth, Marlow, Oxford University, Sotheby’s, Sussex, Thames


English Civil War 153, 274, 300n.21, 301

English nonconformism 46

Enlightenment 71, 74, 78n.19, 92, 217, 314, 320, 324

Erskine, Thomas Lord 293

An Appeal in Favour of the Agricultural Services of Rooks 293

The Farmer’s Vision 293

Esdaile family 44

Eton College 10, 92, 93, 235, 324


Bacchae 172, 173n.46, 325

The Cyclops 101, 280

Hippolytus 155

European Magazine 107

Eustace, John Chetwode 169n.28

Everest, Kelvin 2, 29n.29, 52, 55, 60n.61, 146n.42

Examiner, see under Hunt, James Henry Leigh

Feldman, Paula R. 169n.28

feminism 74n.11

Ferdinand IV, King of Naples 16, 142–3, 145

Ferris, David 159, 168n.27

Feuerbach, Ludwig 294

Ficino, Marsilio 242, 242n.13

Field Place 317

Finnerty, Peter 223n.11, 236, 236n.77

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Firchow, Peter 27n.21

First World War 326n.22

Fischer, Doucet Devin 319

Fitzwilliam Museum (Cambridge) 319

Fleetwood, Bridget 305

Florence 5, 144, 151, 152, 160, 169, 260

Foggi, Paolo 134

Foot, Paul 221n.3, 231, 259n.5

Ford, Richard 194

formalism 22, 88, 89n.9, 92

Forman, H. Buxton 28n.25, 170, 170n.35, 171, 173n.46, 251n.48

Forsyth, Joseph

Remarks on Antiquities, Arts and Letters … 152, 169n.28

Forsyth, Robert

The Principles of Moral Science 104n.16

Foss, Chris 259, 259n.5

Foucault, Michel 264, 273n.43, 287n.32

Fox, Charles James 223, 246

Foxite Whigs 221, 222–3

Fraistat, Neil 2, 44, 55, 60n.61, 63, 76, 140, 154n.82, 172–3n.46, 251n.48

see also BSM IX

France 104, 127, 145

see also Alps, Arve (River), Chamonix, Meillerie, Mont Blanc, Notre Dame, Paris

Francis I, Emperor of Austria 145

Franta, Andrew 178n.64

Fraser’s Magazine 139n.14

French National Assembly

Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizens 228

French Revolution 6, 43, 65, 90, 91, 93, 94, 100, 138, 153, 167, 226n.29, 229, 230, 263, 266, 267,

273, 274, 300, 300n.21, 303, 320

Frend, William 300n.21

Freudian theory/analysis 56, 59, 201

Frye, Northrop 315

Fuseli, Henry 26n.17

Galignani, Giovanni Antonio 129

Galignani’s Messenger 129, 145, 148n.52

Gandhi, Mohandas K. ‘Mahatma’ 326

Garland transcripts 4, 7–8, 10

see also Bodleian Shelley Manuscripts and The Manuscripts of the Younger Romantics

Garnett, Richard 306n.50

Garrick, David 281

Gazzetta di Firenze 144

Gelpi, Barbara Charlesworth 74n.11

Genette, Gérard 12, 183–6 passim

Geneva 97, 98, see also Lake Geneva

George III, King 104, 191, 223

George IV, King, as Prince Regent 104, 133, 223, 225, 231, 273, 274, 291

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Gerrie, John H.

Juvenilia 54n.45

Gettmann, Royal A. 313

Giannone, Pietro

Dell’istoria civile del regno di Napoli 150

Gifford, William 109

see also Quarterly Review

Gildea, Robert 142n.21, 145n.33

Gill, Christopher 242

Gisborne, John 119–36 passim, 138, 145

Gisborne, Maria 14–15, 114, 119–36 passim, 138, 142, 145

Gladden, Samuel 280n.8, 295

Glorious Revolution, see Bloodless Revolution (1688)

God 69, 74, 77–8, 79n.21, 82, 102, 109, 116, 163, 168, 204, 207–9, 211, 212, 214–16, 219, 226, 255,

263, 270, 288, 294, 322, 324, see also deism

Godwin, Mary, see Shelley, Mary

Godwin, William 6, 14, 15, 35, 46, 48–9, 49n.31, 61n.63, 64n.71, 66, 67, 73n.9, 77, 86, 93–4, 98–100,

105, 121, 127, 132, 134, 150n.68, 199, 205–6, 207, 217, 219, 221, 223–4, 260, 261–2, 264,

268, 274, 275–6, 300, 301n.25, 316, 317, 318

‘Analysis of Own Character’ 93n.18

Answer to Malthus 303

Enquiry Concerning Political Justice 46, 93, 93n.18, 94, 99, 100n.38, 137–8, 206n.24, 223–4,


Fleetwood 98–100

Mandeville 6, 153

St Leon 93n.18

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 3

Faust 297, 309n.63, 321

The Sorrows of Young Werther 57, 188n.37

Gold, Elise 183, 185–6

Goldberg, Brian 169

Good, J.M. 308n.60

Goslee, Nancy 17, 39n.46

see also BSM XVIII

gothic 6, 9, 10, 54n.43, 58, 61, 66, 119, 124, 188, 188n.37, 203

see also under Shelley (WORKS – PROSE): Gothic novels

Goulding, Christopher 93n.16

Grab, Alexander 142n.21

Graham, Edward Fergus 119

Greece 116

classical 6, 9, 159–68, 169, 172, 175n.55, 244, 248, 321

see also Athens

Greek War of Independence 321

Greimas, A.-J. 89n.9

Griffiths, J.

A Collection of Juvenile Poems 53n.40

Grimsley, Ronald 49n.31

Grise, Jehan de

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The Romance of Alexander 290n.38

Grotto del Cane 138

Grove, Harriet 51, 55, 61n.63, 317

Grove, Henry 51

Grove, Louisa 51

Grove, Thomas 49

Guiccioli, Countess Teresa 319

Hamilton, Paul 139

Hampden, John 299, 301–2, 301n.25, 301n.27

Hanover, House of 273

Hardy, Thomas 231

Harlequin and Asmodeus 282

Harrison, George

‘Piggies’ 279

Hawkins, Desmond 51n.35

Hays, Mary 300n.21

Hazlitt, William 105, 239, 274, 319

‘Character of Mr. Burke’ 246, 263n.20

Essay on the Principles of Human Action 206, 226

Healy, Dan 235, 236

Hearder, Harry 142n.21

Heffernan, James A.W. 160n.4

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 292

Hemans, Felicia, see Browne, Felicia

Henrietta Maria, Queen 299, 305, 309

Henry III, Holy Roman Emperor 147

Hermance 87, 88

Herrick, Robert

‘A Sweet Disorder’ 131

Herzog, Don 112–13, 116

historicism 25, 161, 168

Hitchener, Elizabeth 45n.18, 48, 54–5, 61, 224, 225, 236, 318

Hoagwood, Terence Allan 221n.3, 259, 259n.5, 274n.48

Hobbes, Thomas 266n.25

Ecclesiastical History 260n.10

Leviathan 257n.2

Hobhouse, John Cam

Historical Illustrations of the Fourth Canto of Childe Harold 169n.28

Hogg, Thomas Jefferson 6, 49n.31, 54n.44, 61, 127, 132, 164n.17, 207, 317

Memoirs of Prince Alexy Haimatoff 6

‘Leonora’ 50

Hogle, Jerrold E. 205, 221n.3, 239, 259, 259n.5, 270n.39

Holbach, Baron d’ 199, 208, 209n.34, 217

Système de la Nature 74, 208

Holbein, Hans the Younger

The Ambassadors 294

Holmes, Richard 222n.6, 223n.10, 227n.39, 231, 236n.78, 236n.80, 237n.85

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Holy Alliance 145, 149

Holy Roman Empire 149

Homer 77, 253

Iliad 195n.73, 240

Odyssey 89

Homeric hymns

‘Hymn to Mercury’, see under Shelley (WORKS): translations

Hone, William 274

The Political House that Jack Built 102, 275

The Political Showman – at Home! 102

Hookham, Thomas 43, 43n.4, 54, 55, 66, 96, 236

A Walk through Switzerland 96

House of Commons 114, 268

Hughes, A.M.D. 46n.19

Hugo, Victor

Cromwell 305

humanism 25, 99, 105, 200, 313, 320

Hume, David 12, 199–206 passim, 210–12, 213, 217, 219, 302, 303n.35, 319

Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion 210, 211, 215–16

Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding 205

History of England 301

‘Of Self-Love’ 206n.25

Treatise on Human Nature 202, 206n.24, 211

Hunt, Henry 237n.84, 274

Hunt, James Henry Leigh 53, 102, 103, 104, 105, 107–8, 109, 109n.33, 111, 114, 115, 117, 117n.59,

126, 127, 132, 144, 145, 162, 163, 164n.17, 183, 184, 198, 221n.2, 226, 229n.46, 230, 232,

237, 251, 260, 260n.9, 274, 274n.45, 310n.68, 316, 318

Examiner 101, 102, 104, 107, 117n.59, 144, 146n.44, 232, 237, 260n.9, 274n.45, 310n.68

Juvenilia 53

To Percy Shelley: On the Degrading Notions of Deity 272n.42

Hunt, John 230, 232

Hunt, Marianne 164n.17

Husserl, Edmund 202

Hutchinson, Thomas 31n.36

Hyde, Edward 301n.24

Illuminati 226, 226n.29, 227

Illuminism 226

Immaculate Conception 91

Imperial School of Naval Engineering 131n.39

Indicator 183n.1

Ingpen, Roger 28n.25, 170n.35

Ireland 9, 10, 43, 47, 65, 94, 279

political unrest in 47, 55, 65, 221, 222–8 passim

the Union 94, 222, 225

see also Dublin, Dublin Castle, Irish nationalism, Trinity College (Dublin)

Irish nationalism 43n.7, 65

Italy 1, 3, 4, 9, 119–36 passim, 137–56, 159, 163n.16, 168–79 passim, 247, 266, 284, 315, 318, 319

Formatted: French (France)

Formatted: Portuguese (Brazil)

see also Alps, Arch of Titus, Bagni di Lucca, Benevento, Bologna, Casa Ricci, Cenci Palace,

Florence, Grotto del Cane, Livorno (Leghorn), Lombardy, Massa, Naples, Nola, Padua, Palazzo

Lanfranchi, Palermo, Papal States, Parthenopean Republic, Piedmont, Pisa, Pontecorvo,

Ravenna, Rieti, Rome, San Giuliano (Baths of), Sicily, Sistine Chapel, Tuscany, Uffizi Gallery

Jacobinism 144, 168, 227, 235, 298n.7, 300, 301

James, William 200, 217–18

Jane, Lady Shelley 6

Janowitz, Anne 23n.5, 27n.19, 38n.46

Jefferson, Thomas

Declaration of Independence 257

Jena School 27n.19

Jesus Christ 12, 82, 199–201 passim, 212, 213–17, 219, 224, 228, 264–6, 269–70, 272–3, 275,

302n.30, 322, 323, 326

Jewett, William 299n.17

John Stockdale and sons 43

Johnston, Kenneth R. 108n.31, 300n.21, 302n.31, 309n.65

Jones, Chris 87n.6

Jones, Frederick L. 151n.72

Jones, Steven E. 102, 103, 192n.56

see also BSM XV and XVII

Jones, William

The Palace of Fortune 71

Joukovsky, Nicholas A. 318, 318n.6

Jowett, Benjamin

translation of Plato’s Symposium 242, 243, 244, 248

Judaism 75, 208, 214

juvenilia 3, 10, 53–4, 65

Kaloustian, David 121n.8

Kant, Immanuel 188, 209

Keach, William 3, 30, 78n.19, 174n.52, 239n.1

Kean, Edmund 310n.68

Keats, John 5, 7, 72, 73, 124, 136, 315, 319, 320

The Eve of St Agnes 71, 82

The Eve of St Mark 28

‘On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer’ 129

Keats-Shelley Association 322

Kelly, Gary 49n.31

Keswick 43, 45, 46

Kett, Henry

Juvenile Poems 53n.40

Kierkegaard, Søren 324

King, Martin Luther Jr 326

King-Hele, Desmond 69n.2, 72–3n.9

Klancher, Jon P. 234

Kleinhenz, Christopher 149n.59

Formatted: German (Germany)

Formatted: French (France)

Formatted: German (Germany)

Labrosse, Claude 97n.28

Laibach 145

Lake District 60, 225

see also Cumberland, Keswick

Lake Geneva 86–100 passim, 88n.6

Lake School / Lake poets 10, 45, 60–67, 317

see also Coleridge, Southey, Wordsworth

Lake Uri 98

Lamb, Charles 319, 320

Lamb, Lady Caroline

Glenarvon 192

Langland, William

Piers Plowman 71

Laplace-Sinatra, Michael 184, 194

Larrabee, Stephen 160, 161, 164n.17, 169n.31

Laud, Archbishop William 299, 300, 302n.29, 304, 305

Laven, David 142n.21, 145n.33

Lawless, John 227n.39, 236

Lawrence, D.H. 252

Leader, Zachary 2, 119n.2, 140

Lee, Monika H. 78n.19

Leghorn, see Livorno

Leigh, Chandos

Juvenile Poems 54n.45

Leighton, Alexander 305–6

Leo IX, Pope 147

Lessing, G.E. 170n.36

Levinson, Marjorie 22n.3, 22n.4, 25, 25n.11, 26, 27n.23

Lewes 236

libertarianism 11, 253, 321

Lind, Dr James 14, 92–3, 93n.16, 93n.18, 100

Literary Gazette 185

Livorno 15, 121–36 passim, 142, 144, 145, 309n.67

Locke, John 80, 199–204 passim, 207, 209, 217, 271

An Essay Concerning Human Understanding 207n.30

Two Treatises of Civil Government 271

Lockhart, John Gibson 184, 185, 193

Lombardy 143, 150

London 15, 43, 110–11, 120, 122, 125, 126–9, 132, 134, 136, 317

London Democrat 139n.12

Lonsdale, Earl of 114n.47

Louis XVI, King 300n.21

Lovell, Robert

Poems 64

Lowther, William 114, 114n.47

Lucas, F.L. 325

Lucian 215

Lucretius 72, 178, 210, 215

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Formatted: Portuguese (Brazil)

De Rerum Natura 210, 215, 308n.60

Ludlam, Isaac 231–2

Lynmouth 236

Macaulay, Catharine 300, 301, 301n.25, 302, 305n.46

The History of England 300n.20, 305n.46

MacCarthy, Dennis Florence 223n.10

Machiavelli, Niccolò 138, 306n.49

Il Principe 149

Mackenzie, Henry

The Man of Feeling 188n.37

Macpherson, James 26

Ossian poems 26

Madocks, William 87n.6

Malthus, Thomas 303

On Population 303n.36

Man of Kent 184

Mandela, Nelson 326

Manfred of Sicily, King 150, 150n.68

Manning, Thomas 223

Manuscripts of the Younger Romantics (MYR) 320, 328–9

vol. I 44n.11, 55n.49

vol. IV 28n.24, 28n.27

vol. V 140n.15, 147n.47, 147n.48, 147n.49

vol. VI 171n.39, 171n.40, 298n.7

vol. VII 297n., 299n.12, 299n.13, 301n.26, 305n.44, 310n.69

vol. VIII 318n.8

Marat, Jean-Paul 227, 300

Marie Antoinette, Queen 237

Marlow 164, 229, 317

Martin, Philip 282

Marx, Karl 221, 259, 271, 272

Capital 286, 289

‘Estranged Labour’ 272n.42

Mary (Virgin) 91

Mason, Mrs (Lady Mountcashel) 132

Massa 145

Massey, Edmund 156n.90

Massey, Irving 21n.1

see also BSM II

materialism 74, 108, 116, 118, 204

Matthews, Geoffrey 2–3, 29n.29, 52, 55, 60n.61, 151, 152, 298, 307n.53, 308n.59

Mavrocordato, Prince Alexander 140n.14

Mayer, David 282n.19

McFarland, Thomas 25, 25n.11, 25n.13, 27n.21, 27n.23

McGann, Jerome 53n.42

McNiece, Gerald 167n.23

Medici Venus 163

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Formatted: Italian (Italy)

Formatted: French (France)

Formatted: French (France)

Medicis, Queen Marie de 305 Medicis, Marie de (Queen of France) 305

Medwin, Thomas 16, 54n.44, 169–71, 175n.55, 297, 300, 303, 304, 307n.53, 309n.67

Athenaeum 169n.32, 171, 175n.55

‘Byron and Shelley on the Character of Hamlet’ 311n.77

‘Hazlitt in Switzerland: A Conversation’ 311n.77

Lady Singleton 311n.77

Life of Percy Bysshe Shelley 171

Memoir of Percy Bysshe Shelley 171

Mee, Jon 292n.44

Meillerie 95–6

Methodism 104, 107, 108

Metternich, Prince 144, 145, 155


revolution in 47, 55

Military Register 148

Miller, Christopher 10–11

Milton, John 75, 77, 136, 231, 248n.36, 300, 301, 311, 314, 317, 320

Areopagitica 302

Paradise Lost 71, 77, 79n.21, 176, 216–17, 216n.62, 219, 228, 240, 247, 257n.2, 294, 304

Minerva Press 50

Mitchell, W.J.T. 159, 160n.4, 170n.36

Mitford, Mary Russell 306n.49

Charles the First 298n.8, 306n.49

Moe, Nelson 150n.64

Mohammed 322

Molinari, Lori 167n.23

Mont Blanc 87, 100n.41, 322–3, 324

Montaigne, Michel de 319

Montalegre 86–7

Montgomery, James

‘The Battle of Alexandria’ 51

Monthly Magazine 108

Monty Python 285

Moore, Thomas 109, 114

The Fudge Family in Paris 114

More, Hannah 235, 286

Morning Chronicle 65n.74, 145, 237

Morning Post 63

Morton, Timothy 2n.2, 9, 15–16, 111n.37, 276n.51, 280n.9, 281n.10, 285n.29, 292n.43, 306n.48

Moscow 107

Moses 200, 213

Moulin Rouge 285

Mountcashel, Lady, see Mason, Mrs

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus 247

Murray, E.B. 1, 170, 170n.36, 200, 213n.47, 251n.48

see also BSM IV (1 and 2) and XXI

Murray, John (publisher) 109, 109n.33, 234, 298

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Naples 15, 120, 137–56 passim

Napoleon 144, 148, 149, 266, 298n.7, 300n.20

Napoleonic wars 47, 51, 107

National: A Library for the People 139n.12

Neapolitan Revolution 15, 137–56

necessitarianism 11, 72, 72–3n.9, 74, 79n.21, 82n.23

neoclassicism 24, 65, 227, 244, 305

Nerni 87n.6

New Critics 17, 316

New York Public Library 316

Newgate Monthly Magazine 139n.12

Newlyn, Lucy 216n.62

Newton, Isaac 209, 211

Nicholes, Joseph 300n.21, 302n.31, 309n.65

Nicholson, George

On Food 293

Nietzsche, Friedrich 284

Nola 142, 148, 156

Norfolk, 11th Duke of 222

Notopoulos, James Anastasios 38n.44, 242n.12, 242n.13, 249n.42, 250, 250n.44, 251n.48, 268n.30

Notre Dame 167

O’Brien, Paul 223n.7, 223n.11, 236n.77

O’Connell, Daniel 223n.11

O’Connor, David 246n.31

O’Neill, Michael 2, 2n.1, 3, 12–13, 30n.31, 119n.2, 138n.4, 140

see also BSM XX

Ollier, Charles 102, 103, 104, 114, 116, 151, 194, 236–7, 299

Olliers Literary Miscellany 151

Orel, Harold 224n.18

Orientalism 291

Orwell, George 285, 295

Animal Farm 279

Ottoman Empire 85, 131n.39

Owen, Robert 230, 237, 274

Owenson, Sidney (Lady Morgan) 65

The Missionary: An Indian Tale 65n.77

Poems 65

‘Retrospection’ 65

Oxford University 10, 55, 69, 207, 222, 226, 317

Ozouf, Mona 167n.23

Padua 144

Paget, William Henry 285

Paine, Thomas 46, 47, 199, 212–13, 217, 221, 227, 237, 261, 263n.23, 267, 274, 292

The Age of Reason 213, 229

Rights of Man 224, 228, 258n.2, 260, 261, 261n.12, 268, 270n.38

Palazzo Lanfranchi 306

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Formatted: Italian (Italy)

Palermo 144

Panichi, Nicola 138n.10

Papal States 147–50 passim, 154

Paribelli, Cesare 138

Paris 91, 127, 132, 144, 145

Parthenopean republic 138, 143, 147

Paulin, Tom 239

Paulson, William 192n.58, 197, 198

Payne, John Howard

Lispings of the Muse 54n.45

Peacock, Thomas Love 6, 87, 88, 88n.6, 95, 97, 115, 115n.52, 121, 123, 129, 132, 133, 138, 139,

139n.14, 146n.44, 154, 163, 168, 169n.28, 173, 227, 247, 248n.37, 253, 316, 317, 318

‘The Four Ages of Poetry’ 203n.13

Headlong Hall 87n.6

Melincourt 292

‘Memoirs of Percy Bysshe Shelley’ 97n.31, 298n.7

Nightmare Abbey 227

Rhododaphne 6

Peck, Walter E. 28n.25, 170n.35

Pentridge Rising 231–3, 274

Pepe, Guglielmo 142, 144, 145

Pericles 246

Perkins, Erasmus 234

Perrault, Charles

La Belle au bois dormant (Sleeping Beauty) 75

‘Peterloo’ 107, 115, 260, 260n.9, 274

Pforzheimer Foundation/Library 8, 44, 316, 319

philanthropy 226–7

Phillips, Mark Salber 301n.24

Philp, Mark 261n.12

Piedmont 139, 143, 145

Pierce, Charles Saunders 217

Pierpont Morgan Library 316

Pigott, Charles

A Political Dictionary 283

Pindar 7

Pink Floyd 285

Animals 279n.3

‘Pigs: Three Different Ones’ 279

Pisa 6, 16, 121, 123, 127, 130, 132, 133, 152, 170, 175, 175n.55, 297, 298n.5, 299, 306, 307n.53

Pite, Ralph 248n.37

Place, Francis 230

Plato 7, 12–13, 15, 33, 36–8, 138, 199, 210, 216n.58, 239–55, 319

Crito 200

Euthyphro 199

Ion 9, 12, 154, 172, 242n.13, 249–51

‘Kissing Agathon’ 38

Phaedo 38, 206–7

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Republic 155–6, 268n.30

Symposium 6, 12, 133, 200, 240–49, 252, 253

Pliny, the Elder

Natural History 209


Lives 29n.29

Poe, Edgar Allen

‘Marginalia’ 304

Pontecorvo 148

Pope, Alexander 314

The Dunciad 117, 118

Essay on Man 71

Night Primæval 117

The Rape of the Lock 131–2, 257n.2

Port Madoc 87n.6

Porter, Roy 291n.40

post-Enlightenment 320

postmodernism 285

poststructuralism 25, 27n.19, 320

Pound, Ezra 25

Powers, Sharon B. 2, 109n.33, 142

pragmatism 200, 207, 217–19, 275

Priestman, Martin 11, 12

Princeton Theological Seminary 323

Protestants (Irish) 222, 225

Prussia 145

Pulos, C.E. 314

Puritans 16, 82, 300, 304

Pym, John 301

Pyrrho of Elis 319

Quarterly Review 7, 93, 99, 184, 194

Quigley, Isabel 31n.36, 31n.37, 32n.38

Quinn, Mary A. 28n.27, 310n.69

see also MYR IV, VI and VII

Quint, David 175–6, 178

Raben, Joseph 41n.2

Rajan, Balachandra 24n.7, 25, 27, 46n.38

Rajan, Tilottama 174n.52

Rauber, D.F. 24

Ravenna 297, 319

Raymond, James Grant 65n.76

Reformation 266

Reiman, Donald H. 2, 8, 17–18, 39, 41n., 44, 54–5, 56, 63, 76, 109n.33, 115, 138, 140, 147, 151,

160n.6, 204n.19, 259n.5, 263n.23, 313–26


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The Bodleian Shelley Manuscripts (BSM) 4, 7, 8 10, 320–22, see also BSM I, VII and


The Complete Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley (CPPBS) 2, 44n.11, 50n.33, 51n.36, 56,

60n.61, 63n.68, 76n.16, 326 and passim for poems cited from vols I and II

The Manuscripts of the Younger Romantics (MYR) 4, 7, 8, 10, 54–5, 147n.47, 147n.48,

147n.49, 151, 320–21, see also MYR I, II, III, V and VIII

Shelley and his Circle (vols V–X) (SC) 39n.48, 115n.54, 138n.6, 259n.5, 263n.23, 316–

17, 318–19 and passim for transcripts cited from these vols


‘Byron in Italy: The Return of Augustus’ 319n.10

Intervals of Inspiration 204n.19, 319–20

Percy Bysshe Shelley (Twayne’s English Authors) 315–16

‘Romantic Collected Editions: Varieties of Editorial Experience’ 321n.12

The Romantic Context: Poetry 319

Romantic Texts and Contexts 319

The Romantics Reviewed 183–98 passim, 319 and Ch. 9 passim for reviews cited from

vols I and II INSERT

‘Shelley and the Human Condition’ 322

‘Shelley Comes of Age’ 58n.57

‘Shelley’s Manuscripts and the Web of Circumstance’ 321n.12

Shelley’s Poetry and Prose (Reiman and Fraistat) 2, 109n.33, 140, 160n.6 and passim for

poems cited from this edition

Shelley’s Poetry and Prose (Reiman and Powers) 2, 142

Shelley’s ‘The Triumph of Life’: A Critical Study 314–15

Shelley’s The Triumph of Life: A Variorum Edition (PhD dissertation) 313–14, 315

Reiman, Hélène (Dworzan) 316

see also BSM VII

Reiman, Mary Warner 315

relativism 23, 212, 248

Renaissance 72, 314

Republican, The, see under Carlile

republicanism 14, 16, 78n.19, 105, 118, 137–56 passim, 227, 265n.24, 274, 283, 300–301, 302n.31,


Restoration 300

Reveley, Henry 120–26 passim, 130, 131n.39, 318

Reynell, C.H. 236–7

Reynolds, John Hamilton 124

Peter Bell: A Lyrical Ballad 107, 321

Richardson, Samuel

Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded 188n.37

Rickman, John 61n.63

Riego, Rafael de 142

Rieti 145

Rimbaud, Arthur 247

Ritson, Joseph 294

Roberts, Hugh 12, 52, 105, 161, 166, 174, 175–6, 178, 226n.29

Roberts, William 235

Robespierre, Maximilien 167, 300

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Robinson, Charles E. 104n.15, 237, 237n.82, 297n.5

Robinson, Thomas Romney

Juvenile Poems 53n.40

Rodd, Thomas 237

Rogers, Neville 7, 23n.6, 38n.45, 44n.11, 171n.39, 315

Rognoni, Francesco 142

Roland, Jean-Marie 300

Rolleston, T.W. 258n.5

Romanticism 2, 3, 4, 8, 14, 17, 217, 250, 319–21

and fragment poetry 22, 25–6, 27, 28, 30, 32

and the Minor Poems 45, 53n.39, 54, 62, 64–7 passim

and prefaces 187, 188–90, 193, 196, 198

and Queen Mab 71, 75

and Swellfoot the Tyrant 282, 284–7 passim, 292, 294

Rome 121, 154, 195, 309n.67

Rosen, Michael 138n.9

Rossetti, William Michael 28n.25, 30n.34, 304n.38, 304n.40, 306n.50, 307

Rossington, Michael 2n.1, 15, 262n.16, 262n.17

Rousseau, G.S. 291n.40

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 14, 46, 49, 86, 95–100, 175–8, 188n.36, 227, 231

Confessions 49, 49n.31, 98, 99, 100n.42

Julie; ou, La Nouvelle Héloïse 95–100, 188n.37

Rowley, Thomas 26, see also Chatterton, Thomas

Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) 293

Russia 145

San Giuliano, Baths of 121, 281

Satan 77, 111, 212, 216–17, 216n.62, 228, 238, 294, 304, 322, see also Devil, the, and under Shelley

(WORKS – PROSE): ‘On the Devil, and Devils’

Sayers, Frank 63, 63n.69

scepticism 17, 70, 74, 152, 159–60, 161, 166, 174, 175, 178n.63, 200, 202, 204, 204n.19, 207, 217,

244, 250, 253, 259, 276, 294, 314, 319–20, 323, 324, 325

Schiller, Friedrich 187–8

‘On Naïve and Sentimental Poetry’ 189

Schlegel, A.W. 160

Schlegel, Friedrich 27, 27n.20

Athenäums Fragmente 27

Scotland 10, 279, 299

Scott, Grant 160n.4, 164n.17

Scott, Walter 73, 112

Scott-Kilvert, Diana 169n.28

Scrivener, Michael Henry 46n.19, 70n.4, 114, 116n.55, 116n.57, 213n.47, 221n.3, 237n.84, 237n.86,

259, 259n.5, 268n.33, 274n.48, 282n.15, 299, 300n.20, 304n.41

Seymour, Jane (Queen Jane) 305

Sgricci, Tommaso 6, 151–4, 297

La Morte d’Ettore 6, 151, 153–4

Shakespeare, William 194, 195

Hamlet 282

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Henry VI, Part 3 257n.2

King Lear 192, 195, 303

Love’s Labour’s Lost 307n.57

Macbeth 282

Othello 306, 308

The Rape of Lucrece 257n.2

Romeo and Juliet 69

Sonnet #73 72

The Tempest 15, 311, 311n.74

Timon of Athens 309, 310n.68, 310n.69

Troilus and Cressida 309

Shelley, Bryan 73n.10

Shelley, Harriet 84

see also Westbrook, Harriet

Shelley, Ianthe 75

Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft (Godwin) 6, 7, 10, 14, 30, 90n.11, 101, 112, 114, 119–36 passim, 137–

56 passim, 163, 163n.16, 169, 229, 299, 300, 303n.35, 310n.68, 317, 318

as editor and publisher of P.B. Shelley’s works 4, 13, 16, 28n.25, 30, 36n.43, 46n.22, 92,

101n.2, 109, 109n.33, 122, 137, 139, 145n.37, 146, 151, 170, 171, 178n.63, 201n.8, 213,

242n.11, 245–6, 247, 249n.43, 250n.44, 253, 258n.5, 263n.23, 281, 282, 306, 306n.50,

307, 310, 321

Swiss tour with P.B. Shelley 86, 97


Frankenstein 6, 143n.27, 284, 285

‘The Loves of the Poets’ 253n.58

‘Montaigne’ 138n.8

‘Note on The Cenci’ 298n.7

‘Note on Prometheus Unbound’ 3

‘Note on The Revolt of Islam’ 92

‘Note to Swellfoot’ 286n.31

Shelley, Percy Bysshe

death of 1, 5, 80, 132, 175

at Eton College 10, 92, 93, 235

in Ireland 10, 43, 47, 65, 94, 222–8 passim, 234–7 passim, 283n.23

in Italy 1, 3, 4, 14–15, 16, 104, 119–36 passim, 137–56, 159–62, 163n.16, 168–79 passim, 247,

260, 284, 297, 298n.5, 299, 306, 307n.53, 309n.67, 315, 318, 319

in Lake District 43, 45, 46, 60, 61

at Marlow 164, 229, 317

at Oxford (University College) 10, 55, 69, 207, 222, 226, 317

in Scotland 10

in Switzerland 86–100 passim, 163n.16

in Wales 10, 47, 55, 57, 87n.6

WORKS (NB See Editorial Note for typographical distinction between published

and unpublished works of Shelley, as listed below.)

letters 318n.7

to Lord Byron

4 May 1821: 145–6

to Claire Clairmont

18 Feb. 1821: 151–2

2 Apr. 1821: 163n.12

29 Apr. 1821: 121

to John Gisborne

30 Jun.1820: 122–3

26 Jan. 1822: 305n.43

18 Jun. 1822: 299n.15

to Maria Gisborne

13/14 Oct. 1819: 128

18 Jan. 1820 (postscript) : 126

8 May 1820 (postscript) : 119, 126

see also under Shelley (WORKS – POETRY): ‘Letter to Maria Gisborne’

to John and Maria Gisborne

6 Apr. 1819: 120–21

9 Feb. 1820: 126

11 Mar. 1820: 123, 138

26 May 1820: 122, 127, 132

30 Jun. 1820: 122, 123, 134

?7 Jul. 1820: 134–5

to the Gisbornes; and Henry Reveley 121

to William Godwin

16 Jan. 1812: 94n.19

?26 Jan. 1812: 48

24 Feb. 1812: 48–9, 62n.66, 94n.19

8 Mar. 1812: 94n.19, 98n.32, 225n.24

18 Mar. 1812: 94n.19

25 Apr. 1812: 98

25 Jul. 1818: 89n.11, 300n.19

to the Editor of The Examiner [Leigh Hunt]

3 Nov. 1819: 229n.46 [NB incomplete: fuller refs given under WORKS

PROSE] Perhaps give date and then say see WORKS–PROSE to avoid duplication

to Edward Fergus Graham (verse letter)

?14 May 1811: 119

to Elizabeth Hitchener

5 Jun. 1811: 48

?10 Dec. 1811: 45–6n.18, 47n.24, 60n.62

26 Dec. 1811: 46n.20, 48

7 Jan. 1812: 55, 61

26 Jan. 1812: 48, 54, 55, 225

14 Feb. 1812: 55, 62n.66

18 Feb. 1812: 224

27 Feb. 1812: 225n.25

to Thomas Jefferson Hogg

14 May 1811: 49n.31

c.19 Jun. 1811: 65n.77

22 Jan. 1818: 164n.17

to Thomas Hookham

17 Dec. 1812: 43n.5

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2 Jan. 1813: 45n.16, 47n.24, 54, 55

26 Jan. 1813: 43n.4

?15 Feb. 1813: 43

18 Aug. 1813: 45n.17

to Leigh Hunt

2 Mar. 1811: 226

8 Dec. 1816: 87n.6

15 Aug. 1819: 251

2 Nov. 1819: 109n.32, 114–15

2 Mar. 1822: 299n.15

see also to the Editor of The Examiner

to Leigh and Marianne Hunt

30 Jun. 1817: 164. n17

to Marianne Hunt

29 Oct. 1820: 170n.34

to Thomas Medwin

17 Jan. 1820: 311n.78

to Charles Ollier

15 Oct. 1819: 194

15 Dec. 1819: 109n.32

6 Mar. 1820: 104

16 Feb. 1821: 151, 154n.84

22 Feb. 1821: 151

11 Oct. 1821: 297n.1

to Thomas Love Peacock

from Italy 1818–19: 168–9

12 Jul. 1816: 87

17 July 1816: 88, 88n.6, 88n.8, 95–6, 97

25 Jul. 1818: 89n.11, 106n.25

6 Nov. 1818: 253

9 Nov. 1818: 169

17/18 Dec. 1818: 149n.62

25 Feb. 1818[9]: 138, 138n.7

6 Apr. 1819: 247

9 Sep. 1819: 115, 115n.52

21 Sep. 1819: 121

12 Jul. 1820: 123

15 Feb. 1820[1]: 154–5

21 Mar. 1821: 139, 139n.14

11 Jan. 1822: 304n.42

to Sir Bysshe Shelley

2 Jun. 1812: 54n.46

to Mary Shelley

30 Jul. 1820: 144, 145n.33

1 Sep. 1820: 144n.28, 145n.36

8 Aug. 1821: 143n.25, 244n.18

to Horace Smith

14 Sep. 1821: 302n.29

25 Jan. 1821[2]: 133n.42


from Greek authors 7

from Holbach 208–9

from Pliny, the Elder 209

from Spinoza 209

reviews of works

by Godwin, William (Mandeville) 6, 153

by Hogg, Thomas Jefferson (Memoirs of Prince Alexy Haimatoff) 6

by Peacock, Thomas Love (Rhododaphne) 6

by Sgricci, Tommaso (La Morte d’Ettore) 6, 151, 153–4

by Shelley, Mary (Frankenstein) 6

translations 3

of Calderón (de la Barca), Pedro 3

El Mágico Prodigioso 297, 309n.63

of Dante 3

of Euripides

The Cyclops 101

of Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 3

Faust 297, 309n.63

of Greek epigram

‘Eagle! Why soarest thou above that tomb’ 33, 36–8, 37, 39, 40

of Homeric hymns

‘Hymn to Mercury’ 3, 8

of Plato 12–13, 36–8, 156n.90, 239–55

Ion 9, 12, 154, 172n.46, 249–51

‘Kissing Agathon’ 38

Republic 268n.30

Symposium 6, 9, 12, 240–49, 252, 253

of Spinoza, Baruch

Tractatus Theologico-Politicus 209, 213n.47

of Virgil 3

WORKS – ART 17, 159–79

art sketches 17, 159–79 passim

see also illustrations (Figs. 1.1 to 8.5) and PROSE: notes on sculpture


The Cenci 5, 9, 101, 104, 115, 115n.52, 116, 134, 148n.51, 183n.1, 184, 187, 193, 195,

282, 287, 298, 321

‘Charles the First’ 5, 7, 9, 15, 16, 24, 30, 31, 32, 39, 297, 298, 299–306, 308n.60, 309–11

Hellas 5, 9, 26n.17, 39, 139n.14, 195, 198, 297n.3, 321

Job 15, 297

Modern Timon (of Athens) 15, 297, 309–10

Oedipus Tyrannus; or Swellfoot the Tyrant 9, 15–16, 192, 276, 279–95

Prometheus Unbound 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 48n.26, 64, 73n.9, 76n.17, 79, 82, 101, 103,

104n.16, 118, 123, 134, 146, 146n.42, 159, 160, 171, 185, 187, 193, 194–5, 196,

197, 198, 209n.34, 212, 216, 216n.62, 240, 247, 252, 258, 258n.3, 263, 264, 282,

287, 291, 292, 295, 298n.7, 299n.14, 303, 304, 304n.41, 315, 321, 325

scene for a play on Tasso 5

Troilus and Cressida 15, 297, 309

‘Unfinished Drama’ 5, 9, 15, 16, 297, 299, 306–11


Adonais 8, 9, 72, 73, 80, 159, 314, 321, 325

Alastor 5, 10, 41, 43n.9, 44, 52, 64, 67, 72, 73, 81, 104, 184–5, 193, 194, 198, 324–5

Alastor; or The Spirit of Solitude: and Other Poems 43n.9, 44, 64

‘Art thou pale for weariness’ 24, 28n.25, 30–32, 33, 39n.53, 40

‘Athanase’ 4

‘Autumn: A Dirge’ 32n.38

‘The Boat on the Serchio’ 4

The Cloud 120

‘The Crisis’ 45, 63, 66

‘Dares the Lama’ 324

‘Dark Spirit of the desart rude’ 57

‘Death-spurning rocks!’ 57

Dedication of Laon and Cythna 88, 92, 99, 322

The Devil’s Walk 47, 49, 283

‘An eagle floating in the golden glory’ 33–5, 36, 39, 40

‘England in 1819’ 101, 115, 134, 143, 232

Epipsychidion 5, 32, 32n.38, 33, 39, 52, 55, 62, 147, 151, 191, 195, 198, 240, 318

Esdaile Notebook 10, 41, 43, 44, 44n.10, 44n.11, 47, 51, 52, 60, 64, 324n.18, 324n.19,

325, 326, see also Minor Poems (Volume of)

‘Evening: Ponte al Mare, Pisa’ / ‘… Ponte a Mare, Pisa’ 4

‘Falshood and Vice’ 43n.9, 63, 66

‘Fiordispina’ 4, 24

‘The flowers have spread’ 21–2, 26, 40

‘The Fugitives’ 318

‘Ginevra’ 4

Hellas, see under WORKS – DRAMA

‘Henry and Louisa’ 51

‘How sweet it is to sit and read the tales’ 28–9

‘Hymn of Apollo’ 38n.44

Hymn to Intellectual Beauty 75, 78, 83, 214, 242, 322, 324

‘I will kneel at thine altar’ 324

‘Julian and Maddalo’ 3, 5, 52, 101, 120, 191, 192, 248, 248n.37, 321, 322

Laon and Cythna 3, 7, 9, 13, 14, 39, 64, 85–100, 160, 164–8, 164–6, 194, 196, 221, 272,

322, see also Revolt of Islam

‘Letter to Edward Fergus Graham’ 119

‘Letter to Maria Gisborne’ 3, 8, 9, 13, 14–15, 119–36

‘Lines Written among the Euganean Hills’ 3, 80, 144, 275n.50, 299n.14, 314 written

‘Marenghi’ (‘Mazenghi’) 4, 24

Mary poems 50, 51

‘The Mask of Anarchy’ 3, 101, 115, 134, 232, 258, 260, 267, 271, 286, 294, 321

‘Methought I was a billow in the crowd’ 8

‘Mighty eagle thou that soarest’ 33, 35–6, 39, 40

Minor Poems (Volume of) (NB poems cited from this volume are listed independently:

e.g. ‘The Crisis’, ‘Dares the Lama’ etc.) 10, 13, 41–67

‘The Monarch’s funeral / An Anticipation / 1810’ 45, 66

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Mont Blanc 203, 303, 314, 322–3, 324 / ‘Mont Blanc’ 5, 134

‘O thou whose cold hand …’ 21, 30

Ode to Heaven 76n.17

Ode to Liberty 172, 173n.47 / ‘Ode to Liberty’ 3, 39, 134, 146n.42, 281

‘Ode to Naples’ 3, 145, 148, 149, 151

Ode to the West Wind 62, 101, 117, 118, 160, 160n.6, 161, 169, 171–3, 174, 175, 176,

178n.64, 236, 240, 304 / ‘Ode to the West Wind’ 3, 5

‘On leaving London for Wales’ 49

‘On Robert Emmet’s tomb’ 62

Original Poetry of Victor and Cazire 41, 43n.7, 52

‘Ozymandias’ 139

‘The pale, the cold and the moony smile’ 43n.9

‘Passion’ 61, 63

‘Peter Bell the Third’ 3, 5, 8, 9, 13, 14, 101–18, 134, 195, 245, 260, 260n.7, 283, 321

‘Political Greatness’ 9, 13, 15, 137–56, 141, 262, 262n.16, 262n.17

political songs 3

Posthumous Fragments of Margaret Nicholson 27n.23, 41, 52n.38, 191

Posthumous Poems 30, 136, 306n.50

Prometheus Unbound, see under WORKS – DRAMA

Prometheus Unbound: A Lyrical Drama in Four Acts, with Other Poems 115, 116, 117,


Queen Mab 1, 6, 9, 10–11, 13, 43–7 passim, 48n.26, 54n.43, 58n.58, 63, 64n.71, 66, 67,

69–84, 124, 160, 163, 166, 167, 168, 208, 218, 221, 234, 234n.72, 236, 253, 257,

261, 272n.42, 286, 292, 299n.14, 310n.70

‘Rarely, rarely comest thou’ 3

‘The Retrospect’ 10, 44, 55–60, 64–7

‘A retrospect of Times of Old’ 46n.18

The Revolt of Islam 3, 92, 92n.14, 93, 166, 184, 294, see also Laon and Cythna

Rosalind and Helen 3, 117n.59, 299n.14

Rosalind and Helen: A Modern Ecologue; with Other Poems 144

‘A sabbath Walk’ 45, 63

‘Saint Edmond’s Eve’ 52

‘A Satire on Satire’ 5, 192

The Sensitive-Plant 314 / ‘The Sensitive-Plant’ 5

‘Similes for Two Political Characters’ 283

‘Song to the Men of England’ 115

‘Sonnet: “Lift not the painted veil”’ 324

‘Sonnet: Political Greatness’, see ‘Political Greatness’

‘Sonnet: To the Republic of Benevento’ 137–56, see also ‘Political Greatness’

‘Stanzas Written in Dejection, near Naples’ 5

‘A Tale of Society as it is’ 55, 61

‘To Harriet’ (‘It is not blasphemy’) 43n.9, 66

‘To Harriet’ (‘Never, O never, shall yonder Sun’) 63

‘To Harriet’ (various) 47, 54, 57

‘To Harriet’ (‘Whose is the love’) 43n.9

‘To Liberty’ 45, 66

‘To Mary I’ 50

‘To the Moon’ 21n.1, 30, 31n.36, 32n.38, see also ‘Art thou pale for weariness’

‘To November’ 47

‘To the Republic of Benevento’, see ‘Sonnet: To the Republic of Benevento’ and

‘Political Greatness’

‘The Triumph of Life’ 1, 5, 18, 24, 24n.8, 39–40, 80, 100, 104, 160, 160n.6, 161, 168,

174–8, 177, 178n.64, 200n.6, 264, 270, 286, 311, 313–15, 321

‘The Voyage’ 63

‘The Wandering Jew’ 186n.29

‘The wandering Jew’s soliloquy’ 43n.4, 60n.60

‘The Waning Moon’ 30, 32

‘The Witch of Atlas’ 3, 8, 11, 36, 39, 75, 308

‘With a Guitar, to Jane’ 311n.74

‘Within the surface of the fleeting river’ 8

‘The Woodman and the Nightingale’ 4

‘Written at Cwm Elan 1811’ 57

‘Written in very early youth’ 53, 54

‘Written on a beautiful day in Spring’ 58, 64

‘Zeinab and Kathema’ 53n.43, 63

‘The Zucca’ 4, 308n.59


An Address, to the Irish People 11, 94, 221, 223–5, 226, 228, 232, 233, 234–5, 236, 237,


An Address to the People on the Death of Princess Charlotte 9, 221, 227, 231–3, 237,

253, 274

‘Advertisement’ to Epipsychidion 39n.47, 52, 191, 195–6, 198 no quotes

‘Advertisement’ to the Mary poems 50, 51n.36, 52 no quotes

Advertisement to Posthumous Fragments of Margaret Nicholson 191

‘Advertisement to Swellfoot the Tyrant’ 192 no quotes, italicize title

= Advertisement to Swellfoot the Tyrant 192

arch of Titus 6

‘The Assassins’ 6, 64

‘Benevolence’ (‘There is a class of emotions …’), see speculations on morals

‘Biblical Extracts’ 47

‘The Coliseum’ 6

A Declaration of Rights 47, 49, 77n.18, 221, 228, 236, 238

Dedication of ‘Peter Bell the Third’ 9, 109, 109n.33, 195

‘A Defence of Poetry’ 1, 5, 6, 13, 27, 69n.1, 83, 116, 134, 154, 161, 162, 173, 178,

178n.64, 192, 197, 203n.13, 239–40, 243, 244, 248–9, 251–2, 254, 283, 306n.49,

321, 322

dialogue on the nature of Keats’s poetry 5

‘Difficulty of Analyzing the Human Mind’ 46n.22

see also speculations on metaphysics: ‘If it were possible …’

‘Discourse on the Manners of the Antient Greeks’ 168, 172, 175n.55, 241, 248

‘The Elysian Fields’ 6

Essays, Letters from Abroad 171, 201n.8

gothic and other fictions 6, 9

History of a Six Weeks’ Tour 6, 86–7, 88, 95, 98

‘Hubert Cauvin’ 6, 43, 47

‘If it were possible …’, see speculations on metaphysics

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‘Letter to the Editor of The Examiner’ (3 November 1819) 146n.44, 221n.22, n. 2,

229n.46, 234n.72

A Letter to Lord Ellenborough 9, 47, 199–200, 221, 229, 235, 236, 238

‘M[ost]any of the errors of philosoph[y]ers …’, see speculations on metaphysics

The Necessity of Atheism 11, 69, 207, 208, 211, 218, 222, 228, 229

Notes to Queen Mab 43n.9, 253

notes on sculptures 5, 6, 9, 169–73

‘The object of the forms …’, see speculations on morals

‘On Christianity’ 5, 9, 156, 199, 200, 213, 213n.47, 224, 255, 265n.24

‘On the Devil, and Devils’ 5, 8, 101, 110n.34, 199, 215, 218, 293, 294

‘On Friendship’ 5, 6

‘On a Future State’ 5

‘On the Game Laws’ 6, 268, 289, 290

‘On Life’ 5, 6, 69n.1, 84, 178, 203, 204, 263n.23, 266

‘On Love’ 6

‘On Marriage’ 5

‘A Philosophical View of Reform’ 5, 9, 13, 101, 115, 116, 134, 178n.63, 200, 203, 253,

257–76, 289, 292, 301n.25, 303n.36

‘A Poetical Essay’ 236n.77

Preface: ‘On the Symposium’ 241

Preface to Adonais 9

Preface to Alastor 52, 184–5, 193, 194, 198

Preface to The Cenci 9, 184, 187, 193, 195

Preface to Hellas 9, 26n.17, 195, 198

Preface to ‘Julian and Maddalo’ 52, 191, 192

Preface to Laon and Cythna 9, 93, 99, 194, 196, see also Preface to The Revolt of Islam

Preface to Prometheus Unbound 7, 9, 48n.26, 104n.16, 185, 187, 193, 194–5, 196, 197,

198, 216, 304n.41

Preface to The Revolt of Islam 184, see also Preface to Laon and Cythna

Preface to ‘The Wandering Jew’ 186n.29

A Proposal for Putting Reform to the Vote … 9, 162, 162, 221, 227, 229–31, 236, 237,

238, 260n.6

Proposals for an Association of Philanthropists 94, 221, 222, 225–8, 230, 235, 237

‘On the Punishment of Death’ 5

A Refutation of Deism 199, 207, 209–13, 218, 253

‘On the Revival of Literature’ 5–6

speculations on metaphysics (fragments) 41, 42, 46n.22, 199, 201–6, 201n.8

‘If it were possible that a person should give a faithful history …’ [‘But thought

can with difficulty’] 41, 42, 46n.22, 203

‘M[ost]any of the errors of philosoph[y]ers have arisen …’ 202–3

‘We do not attend sufficiently to what passes within ourselves …’ 201–2

speculations on morals (moral theory) (fragments) 199, 201n.8, 205–6

‘Benevolence’ (‘There is a class of emotions which we instinctively avoid.’) 206

‘The object of th[os]e forms according to which …’ [‘material happiness produced

by …’]) 205–6

St Irvine, or, The Rosicrucian 6

‘A System of Government by Juries’ 6

‘Una Favola’ 6

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A Vindication of Natural Diet 289

‘We do not attend sufficiently …’, see speculations on metaphysics

Zastrozzi 6

Shelley, Sir Timothy 6, 71, 72n.8, 119, 222, 317

Shelley, William 321

Sheridan, Richard Brinsley 246

Sicily 142, 144–5, 147, 152

see also Palermo

Sidmouth, Lord 236

Sidney, Algernon 300, 300n.22

Sidney, Sir Philip

Astrophil and Stella 32, 257n.2

Siegle, Robert 29, 29n.30

Simmel, Georg 38–9n.46

Sismondi, J.C.L. Simonde de

Histoire des républiques italiennes du moyen âge 143, 149, 150

Sistine Chapel 29n.29

Smith, Barbara Herrnstein 24n.10

Smith, Horace 132

Smith, Jessica 70n.5

Smith, Nigel 306n.48

Smith, Stevie 24n.10

Snowdon 49

Society for the Suppression of Vice 234

Socrates 11, 38, 155, 199, 200, 200n.6, 201, 206–7, 213, 214, 217, 219, 241, 244–50 passim, 253–5

passim, 268n.30, 326

Sophocles 195

Oedipus Coloneus 140n.14

Oedipus Rex / Oedipus Tyrannos 195, 280

Sotheby’s 319

Southey, Robert 45, 46, 60–61, 61n.63, 62–5, 65n.74, 105, 111, 114, 227, 286, 311

‘The Chapel Bell’ 63

The Curse of Kehama 63

‘The Retrospect’ 64

Roderick, the Last of the Goths 89, 90n.11

Thalaba the Destroyer 63

‘The Widow’ 63

‘Written on Sunday Morning’ 63

Spain 134, 142, 265

see also Cadiz

Spanish Armada 134

Spanish Civil War (1820–23) 142, 152n.76, 153

Spanish Inquisition 134, 265

Spence, Thomas 274, 280

Pig’s Meat 279

Spenser, Edmund 3, 13–14, 51, 70, 89, 120, 124, 134

The Faerie Queene 70, 75n.14, 89, 89n.11, 99

Sperry, Stuart M. 71n.8

Spinoza, Baruch 213n.47, 266n.25

Tractatus Theologico-Politicus 209, 213n.47

Spurgeon, Caroline 315

St Clair, William 234, 234n.68

Staël-Holstein, Anne Louise Germaine, baronne de

Corinne, ou l’Italie 143n.27

Stallybrass, Peter 294n.50

Stendhal (Henry Beyle) 144n.28

Sterne, Laurence 227

The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman 189, 191, 265

Stevens, Wallace

Notes toward a Supreme Fiction 244

Stockdale, John (of Dublin) 43, 43n.7, 59, 235

Stockdale, John Joseph 43n.7

Stocking, David M. 123n.16, 125n.22, 138n.6

Stocking, Marion Kingston 123n.16, 125n.22, 138n.6

Storey, Mark 64n.73

Strafford, Earl of 299, 309

Sussex 236

Swift, Jonathan

‘A Modest Proposal’ 280

Gulliver’s Travels 75

Switzerland 9, 86–100 passim, 163n.16

see also Alps, Chillon, Geneva, Hermance, Lake Geneva, Lake Uri, Montalegre, Nerni

Syberberg, Hans-Jürgen

Parsifal 287

Syle (printer) 236

Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles Maurice de 148

Tan-yr-Allt 49, 87n.6

Tasso, Torquato 5, 253

Gerusalemme Liberata 89

Tell, William 98

Tennyson, Alfred Lord 34 Alfred, Lord Insert comma

Tetreault, Ronald 101n.1

Thames valley 160, 165

see also Marlow

Theological Enquirer 209

Thomas, Keith 293n.47

Thompson, Ann 120n.4, 130

Thompson, E.P. 224, 231

Thomson, James

The Seasons: Spring 308n.60

Times 237

Timon of Athens 15

see also Shelley (WORKS – DRAMA): Modern Timon

Todd, Janet 145n.36

Tokoo, Tatsuo see BSM XXIII insert

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Tooke, Horne 231

Tott, Baron François de

Mémoires sur les Turcs et les Tartares 120, 131, 131n.39

Traeth Mawr 87n.6

Trelawny, Edward John 298, 303n.33, 307n.53, 309, 309n.67, 311n.74

Recollections of the Last Days of Shelley and Byron 298n.8, 309n.67

Trinity College (Dublin) 225

Troilus and Cressida 15, 297, 309

Troppau 145

Turkey 131n.39

Turner, J.M.W. 163

Turner, William 231–2

Tuscany 15, 137–56 passim

Uffizi gallery (Florence) 160, 161, 169, 170n.36, 171, 174, 175, 176

Ulmer, William 167

United Irishmen 222, 223, 235, 236

University of Illinois 313, 323

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 315

Urban IV, Pope 150

Uri, see Lake Uri

Valiante, Andrea 148, 149

Vane, Sir Henry the Younger 16, 299–303 passim

Varley, John 121

Vaughan Williams, Ralph 3

Vergineo, Gianni 148n.52, 149n.57

Versfeld, Marthinus 218–19

‘Morality and Moralism’ 219n.69

Victoria, Queen 104

Virgil 3, 77

Aeneid 89

Viviani, Emilia 39n.47

Volney, Constantin François Chassebœuf 163

Ruins 71, 74n.11

Voltaire 231, 319

Wade, John

The Black Book; or Corruption Unmasked! 260n.9

Wagner, Richard

Parsifal 287

Wales 10, 47, 87n.6

see also Cwm Elan, Port Madoc, Snowdon, Tan-yr-Allt, Traeth Mawr

Wallace, Jennifer 159

Walpole, Horace

The Castle of Otranto 188n.37

Wang, Orrin 161, 168, 174

Wasserman, Earl R. 5, 138, 193, 199, 204n.19, 217, 313–14, 321, 322

Watchman, The 65n.75

Waterloo, Battle of 107

Waters, Roger 279n.3, 295

Watson, J. Steven 223n.8

Webb, Timothy 2, 7, 14, 21n.2, 29n.28, 31n.36, 38n.44, 43n.7, 56n.56, 94n.20, 101n.4, 102–3, 105,

110n.35, 115, 119n.2, 137, 140, 142, 156n.90, 159n.2, 160n.6, 215n.54, 224n.17, 229n.43, 252,

260n.9, 269n.36, 280–81, 283, 298

see also BSM XIV and XIX

Weekly Messenger 227

Weinberg, Alan M. 13, 26n.18, 78n.20, 93n.16, 105, 106n.24, 110n.34, 111n.38, 129, 135, 146n.44,

151, 156n.90, 160n.7, 168n.26, 170, 173n.47, 175n.55, 209n.36, 248n.36, 251n.48, 258n.5,

261n.12, 282n.16, 310n.71

see also BSM XXII (1 and 2)

Wellington, Duke of 285

Wesleyan University Center for Advanced Studies 315

Westbrook, Harriet 10, 43, 47–8, 50, 55, 58, 60, 61, 64, 66, 71, 72n.8, 75, 84, 222, 229, 235, 236, 318

see also Shelley, Harriet

Westminster Review 113

Wheatley, Kim 160n.7

Wheeler, Kathleen 27n.21, 217n.65

Whigs 145, 221, 222, 229

White, Allon 294n.50

White, Newman Ivey 61n.63, 98n.32, 191, 280n.6, 316n.4

Whitehouse, Mary 279

Whitman, Walt 252

Who Kill’d the Dog; or, Harlequin’s Triumph 282

Wilkie, Brian 167

William of Ockham 319

William the Conqueror 260

William III, King 232, 266

William IV, King 306n.49

Williams, Edward 297, 298, 299n.10, 307n.53, 309

‘Boniface’ 298

‘Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua’ 298–9

Williams, Jane 306, 307n.53

Williams, Merle 11–12, 78n.20

Williamson, Andrew

Juvenile Poems 53n.40

Winckelmann, Johann Joachim 160, 161, 170n.36, 173, 174, 244

Histoire de l’Art Chez les Anciens 169n.28, 244

Wittgenstein, Ludwig

Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus 207–8

Wollstonecraft, Mary 91, 99, 100, 121, 145, 316

The Wrongs of Woman 100

Woodhouse, Richard 124

Woodings, R.B. 299n.17, 301n.27, 304n.38

Woodman, Ross 284n.25

Wooler, Thomas Jonathan 237n.84

Black Dwarf 237n.84

Woolf, Stuart 142n.21, 155

Woolf, Virginia

Mrs Dalloway 125

Wordsworth, William 3, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 25, 44–5, 46, 61–7, 194, 196, 245, 247, 252, 260, 316, 319

and ‘Peter Bell the Third’ 101–18, 245, 321

and prefaces 12, 189–90, 191, 193


‘The Affliction of Margaret’ 61

The Excursion 45n.14, 112, 113

‘The Idiot Boy’ 245

‘Ode. Intimations of Immortality’ 62, 65, 66, 79, 109

Lucy poems 231

Lyrical Ballads 60n.60, 61, 106, 107, 189–90, 196, 251

‘Ode, 1815’ 113

‘The Old Cumberland Beggar’ 112

Peter Bell 14, 104, 106–9, 110, 112, 117, 117n.59, 321

Poems in Two Volumes 54

‘A Poet’s Epitaph’ 61

Preface to The Excursion 45n.14

Preface to Lyrical Ballads 61, 189–90, 196, 251

The Prelude 44, 45n.14, 59, 190

The Recluse 44

‘A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal’ 109, 231n.56

‘The Thorn’ 106–7

‘Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey’ 60n.60, 62, 66, 108, 109, 190n.47

‘The World Is Too Much With Us’ 111

‘Written in Very Early Youth’ 54

Yeats, W.B.

‘The Philosophy of Shelley’s Poetry’ 315

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