weekly editing 4th grade q3. week 1- monday you may no the meaning of "leap year," but has...

Post on 25-Dec-2015






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Weekly Editing 4th Grade Q3

Week 1- Monday

You may no the meaning of "leap year," but has you herd of the leap second. In paris, a special groop of experts tracks the rotation of Earth from day to day. On December 31 each year, they may chose to add or subtract a second from clock time. It is necessary to add a leap second nearly onse a year on that day or june 30. All leap seconds since the first in 1972 have been aded to clock time. Subtractions are unlikely, but they are possible.

Day 2

Many people told her it was impossible four a woman to be a doctor, but Elizabeth Blackwell proved them wrong. First, she atended New York’s Geneva Medical College. Than in january 1849, she became the first women in America to earn an M.D degree. Blackwell helped open the New York Infirmary for Women and Children, which provided training for women doctor’s and medecal care for the poor. Even after she retired from medicine, she continue to support womens rights.

Day 3

A blizard is different from a snowstorm because blizzards have really strong wins that blow at over 35 miles per our. Blizzards don’t always produce a lot of snow, but blowing snow make it very hard to see. Blizzards can last for three hour or more. Severe blizzards have three qualities: winds over 45 Miles per hour pour visibility, and tempatures that are 10 degree or below.

Day 4Alan Alexander Milne authored a series of be loved children’s books about a stufed bear named Winnie-the-Pooh. the storys were based on his son, Christopher robin Milne. E.H Shepard illustrated the books using his own sons bear, Growler, as the modle. Originally named Edward, the bear was renamed Winnie-the-Pooh after Winnie, a Canadian World War I mascot who went to live at the london zoo.

Week 2- Monday

Ellis Island, an immigration station in New York harbor, opens for the first time on January 1, 1892. During its' busyest days, thousands of immigrants entered the United States there. More then 100 million Americans can trace there roots to an ancestor who past through Ellis Island. Today, Ellis island is a Museum. Museum visitors can lern what it was like for 12 million immigrants who arrived in America at the turn of the century.

Day 2

Alaska, what is nicknamed The Last Frontier," became a state on Janaury 3, 1959. Did you now that in 1867 the United States purchased Alaska from Russia four a price of $7.2 million. At just 2 cents an acre, that was a bargain! Alaska is rich in forests wildlife and minerals such as gold. The king salmon is the state fish, and it's state gem is jade Dog mushing, once a mane form of transportation in Alaska, is its official sport.

Day 3

On January 3, 1903, president Theodore Roosevelt named Wind Cave in South Dakota the nations seventh national park. Tails of American Indians described caves that "blew wind," but the first recorded discovery of such a cave was in 1881. Two brother's were drawn to the cave by a whistling noise when they reached the cave, the wind blowed the hat off one of the boy. Upon there return, the changing wind sucked yet an other hat into the cave! - See more at:

Day 4

At age 19, Carl Sandburg left his boyhood home in Illinois he took no bag or supplies. He was headed for the open rode where he would live as a hobo. Sandburgs hobo experiences wood appear later in his writing. He become best know for his poetry. He also wrote folk songs and a biography of abraham Lincoln. "Time is the coin of your life" Sandburg said. "It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent.

Week 3- Monday

What was floating above Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on January 9, 1793. It was Jean-Pierre Francois Blanchard on the first manned hot-air balloon flite in American History. Observed by president George Washington, the balloon stay in the air for about 15 miles and 45 minute. Blanchards flight sparked national interest in ballooning. Its reported that he take just one passenger with him on the flight -- a little black dog!

Day 2

On a stormy journey in the North Pacific ocean, thousands of rubber ducks and other bathtub toys were lost when a container was sweeped off a ship. Free to rid the ocean waves since January 1992, many of those ducks have found their way to Alaskas shores others still remain at see. Scientists continue too search for lost ducks as a weigh to study ocean currents. Lucky finder's of one of the ducks may claim a $100 reward!

Day 3

Do you own a Pluto Platter. if you have a Frisbee in you're closet, you do! The original flying discs was actually pie tins from a bakery. In 1948, Fred Morrison manufacture the first flying discs made of plastic. Then, in January 1957, a company called Wham-O introduced the Pluto Platter. The Pluto Platter was later renamed the "Frisbee" its estimated that more Frisbee's are sold each year than basketballs baseballs and footballs combined!

Day 4

Weather he is dangle from a balloon or searching for honey, Winnie The Pooh is a favorite character of young reeders. Pooh was created by author A. A. Milne, who was born in January 18, 1882. The Pooh character was inspired by Milnes son, Christopher Robin, and the boys stuffed bear. Other character in the Pooh storys came from his son's toy collection, but the tiger named Tigger were actually patterned after a lively dog!

Week 4- Monday

Half you ever heard of Benedict Arnold? Born in Norwich Connecticut, on January 14, 1741, Arnold shown great promise as a military leader he rose to the rank of Major General. Soon, however, he faced charges that he stole military property. Those charges lead Arnold to sell military secrets to the emeny. Now when people call some body "a Benedict Arnold," they are saying that person is a traitor.

Day 2

The third monday of January is the annual observance of the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. King was born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia. A minister and civil rights leader, King lead a bus boycott in Montgomery Alabama, in 1955. Devoted to nonviolence, he all so led a pieceful march in Washington, D.C, during which he delivered his famous "I Have a Dream speech King was kill in Tennessee in April 1968.

Day 3

If you're birthday falls between January 20 and February 19, your astrological sign is Aquarius, the water carrier. The story of Aquarius come from greek mythology. It comes from the tail of Ganymede, a young boy who was kidnap by Zeus, the leader of the gods as the boy cared for his sheep. Ganymede was made the servant to the gods it is said that Zeus like the boy so much that the constellation Aquarius were created in his honor.

Day 4

January 21, 1976 was a historic day. On that day, two supersonic Concorde aircraft made there first flights. One took of from London and the other from paris. Later that year, the first Concorde flew to New York. The flight from London to New York took about three ours. Other planes took twice the time to make that flight! The fleet of Concorde's was retierd in 2003. Over the years, the planes had carryed more then 2.5 million passengers. - See more at: http://www.educationworld.com/a_lesson/edit/edit0115.shtml#sthash.uu9Mzlgn.dpuf

Week 5- Monday

In January 1929, Dorothy Eustis established The Seeing Eye, the first American training school for dogs' and there blind owner's. An experienced breeder, Eustis had already trained german shepherds to serve army and police units across Europe. Soon Dorothy started a school in Germany that trained dogs to assist blind veterans she new they could be used to aid others too. The schools first canine helper was appropriately name buddy!

Day 2

One of the most popular American poems, "The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe was published on January 29, 1845. Once upon a midnight dreary," the poem begins. That poem braught fame to it's author, but it did not bring riches. Did you now that Poe was payed just $15 for his masterpiece! Each year in Baltimore, Maryland, a mysterious visitor leaves roses at Poes' grave on the eve of his Birthday.

Day 3

Carter G Woodson, Ph.D., was a teacher who studyed and wrote about African american history. When he saw that the accomplishments of black Americans where often left out of history books, he started a special week to help educate people In 1976, the week in february became a month-long celabration, known today as African American History Month. In school, have you learned how African American’s such as Harriet Tubman Martin Luther King, Jr., and Rosa Parks changed our world

Day 4Grand Central Terminal opened February 2 1913, in New York city. People were amazed by the train stations marble staircase tall windows, and cieling painted with stars. The new electric trains were safer then older steam trains. Years later, some talked about nocking down the terminal. others fought to save it. Work was done to fix the station and bring back it’s beauty. To day, travelers enjoy this piece of history. - See more at: http://www.educationworld.com/a_lesson/every-day-edit/grand-central-terminal.shtml#sthash.P8AhuQyE.dpuf

Week 6- Monday

Matt Groening is a Cartoonist and screenwriter best known four creating the television show “The Simpsons.” He allso invented the show “Futurama.” The members of the cartoon Simpsons family was named after Groenings own parents an sisters. Bart was named buy moving around the letters of “brat.” there have been hundreds of episodes of “The Simpsons.” Groening winned many awards and got his own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2012 -

Day 2

Its really easy to make ice cream from snow. Go out side and get five cups of fresh, clean sno. Don’t pack the snow! put it in the freezer until you needed it. In a bowl, mix together one cup of milk a ½ tea spoon of vanilla, and a ½ cup of sugar. Stir until the sugar disolves. Slowly add the snow to you’re mixture, stirring constantly until it’s thick. Would you like to try this winter treat!

Day 3

On february 27, 1984, Bruce McCandless II and robert L Stewart were the first astronauts on history to make untethered space walks. this means they walked with out being attached to anything During Space Shuttle mission STS-41B, they used equipment called MMUs (manned maneuvering units). The astronauts tested there MMUs before doing repair exercises out side the spacecraft four almost six hours.

Day 4

In February 1893, Thomas Edison opened the first movie set. Edisons studio, witch was only 50 feet long, could be turned easily so the son were always shining on it, one of Edison's earlyist films was called Fred Ott's Sneeze." Others' featured Annie Oakley and stars from Buffalo Bills Wild West Show. Movies sure have changed a lot since the days of Thomas Edison!

Week 7- Monday

Will their be six more weeks of winter? That is exactly what one pennsylvania groundhog announces each year in February 2. Groundhog day is a poplar American tradition that probably come from Europe. If Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow, he expects six more weeks of winter. If he don't see it, he predict an early spring. Did ya know that Phil is quite famous. He met President Reagan and has appeared on Oprah!

Day 2

In 1925, an sickness threatened the children of Nome Alaska. The only medicine that could save them was all most 1,000 miles away. Travel by air wasnt posible, so Gunner Kaassen traveled by sled. A husky named balto lead Kaassen and a team off dogs through wind and cold. On February 2, Kaassen return to Nome with the medicine. His life-saving trip inspired the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race, which is held in Alaska each march.

Day 3

How did Hank Aaron earn his Nick name. He earn the name "Hammerin' Hank" by hittin an amazing 755 homeruns. Aaron was born in mobile, Alabama, on February 5, 1934. He would go on to play for baseball teams in Milwaukee and Atlanta. He was a grate batter and a strong team player. He held records for most games played most at-bats, most total bases and most runs batted in he also play in 24 all-star games!

Day 4

"Government is not the solution to are problem, government is the problem, explaned president Ronald Reagan. Reagan tried to make government better by cuting taxes and spending less. Reagan was born on February 6 1911 in Tampico, Illinois. A former movie actor, Reagan was known for being a excellent speeker. When he was shot just 69 days into his term, he joked with his wife, Honey, I forgot to duck!

Week 8- Monday

On November 4, 1922 english archaeologist Howard Carter made one of the most important discoverys of modern times. While on an expedition to Egypt, Carter discovered the tomb of king Tutankhamen. King Tut had became Egypts ruler when he was 9 years old he died just a few years later. Discovered 3,000 years after Tuts's death, the tomb contained many priceless treasures that are now display in a Museum in the city of Cairo.

Day 2

On what holiday do many people sharing cards flowers and chocolate. Those are all sign's of Valentine's day. Valentine's Day is a time for family, friends and love! Celebrated on February 14, no one knows for sure how the special day got it's start. Some say a saints named Valentine may have secretly married young roman couple's. A note written in prison in 1415 by Charles, the Duke of Orleans is the oldest known valentine.

Day 3

Born on February 15, 1820, Susan B. Anthony learnt early in life about the value of justice. A teacher four many years, she become active in a movement that encouraged people not to drink liquor. Since Susan was a women, however, she was'nt allowed to speak at that movements rallys. So she found other causes. She traveled the country as a speaker against slavery and for womens rights Did you no that she was once arrested for voting.

Day 4

Basketball has many fine players, but Michael Jordan is one of the best who has ever play the game. As a guard for the Chicago bulls, Michael lead his team to six championships. He also claimed gold medals two time as a member of the U.S. olympic team. Born on February 17, 1963, Michael jumps so high he is often called His Airness"! "I don't know about flying" he said, but sometimes it feels like I has these little wings' on my feet."

Week 9- Monday

People around the world celebrate Pi Day on march 14. We use the greek letter π (called pi) to represent the number we get when we divide the circumference of a circle by it’s diamiter. Because it is a Mathematical constant, the value of pi never changes That value rounds to 3.14, and the digits after the decimal point continues infinitly without repeating in any pattern. The best calculations of pi can be trillions of digit long! Will your math class do special activity’s on Pi Day?

Day 2

St. Patrick’s Day celebrates a Catholic saint who livved long ago. The first St Patrick’s Day parade in the united States took place when Irish soldiers marched through New York City on March 17, 1762. Over the years, Irish immegrant groups began to holed parades with bagpipes and drums. In 1848, several groups unite their parades Today, New York City’s St. Patricks’ Day parade was the nation’s largest. Each year, nearly three milion people attend.

Day 3

“A persons a person, no matter how small, said author and illustrator Theodor Geisel, who was born on March 2, 1904. Geisels first book for children And to Think That I saw It on Mulberry Street, was rejected by 27 publishers before it was printed. At a time when many childrens books were dull, Geisel, who is also know as Dr. Seuss, published The Cat in the Hat since then, millions of Dr. Seuss books has been sold!

Day 4

They were the only airmen whom never lost a American bomber during there World War II missions. They were the Tuskegee Airmen, African-american pilots who took their name from the airfield in Tuskegee, Alabama where they trained. The 992 black pilots went to battle on March 22, 1941 they flew more than 15,000 missions in North Africa Sicily and Europe. They shot down more then 100 enemy plains.

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