week 8 october 28 and nov 1

Post on 18-May-2015






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Wathena Temple Holly Stevens 1303.003


Caesar – started out as a prosecutor, studied oratory, sent to Gaul for 9 years to fight, retained some soldiers and built up more troops and forcibly took rule of Rome. One of his rivals fled to Egypt to hide and was put to death by the 10 year old king, whose sister was Cleopatra – hmmmm.

100 bc to 44 bc (lived)

March 15, 44 B.C - Julius Caesar was killed, just one month after he proclaimed himself dictator of Rome. Three guys took over his job in a Triumvirate – Marc Antony (guess who he is going to start dating?), Lepidus and Octavian (Octavian is Julius Caesar’s grand nephew who is going to become Emperor and change his name to Augustus)

Cleopatra looked like this . . .

Not so much like this . . .

And definitely not like this.

Octavia – Octavian (Augustus’ sister, Marc Antony’s real wife)

Julius Caesar was married three times, but I have no slides of his wives.

Marc Antony

And now the Emperors . . .

Octavian aka Augustus

63 bc to 14 ad (lived)

27 bc to 14 ad (ruled)

Ara Pacis Augustae (The Altar of Augustan Peace) built by Caesar’s grand-nephew, Augustus

35 x 39 feet/architect unknown/originally painted

Lower band is lush foliage, signifying peace, prosperity and plenty

Upper band on sides is family and friends – Augustus was a big proponent of family life

Upper band near doors and on back are Romulus and Remus/the Aeneid (commissioned by Augustus)/goddesses

When I returned from Spain and Gaul, in the consulship of Tiberius Nero and Publius Quintilius, after successful operations in those provinces, the Senate voted in honor of my return the consecration of an altar to Pax Augusta in the Campus Martius, and on this altar it ordered the magistrates and priests and Vestal Virgins to make annual sacrifice.


Antsy child Behaved child

Forum of Augustus

Temple of Mars the Avenger

Prima Porta Augustae

Bare feet = divine status

Cupid on dolphin = reference to Venus, the supposed ancestor of the family

Tiberius – ruled when Jesus was crucified

42 bc to 37 ad (lived)

14 – 37 ad (ruled)

Gaius aka Caligula aka NutJob

12 – 41 ad (lived)

37 – 41 ad (ruled)

Nero aka NutJob II

37 – 68 ad (lived)

54 – 68 ad (ruled)

Possibly started the fire that raged for 9 days in Rome in order to claim THREE HUNDRED acres for himself and his house – conveniently blamed the Christians for the fire

Poppaea Sabina – one of Nero’s wives. This one he kicked to death while she was pregnant with his child.

Agrippina the Younger

Nero’s Golden Palace

Golden Palace now open to the public – originally 300 rooms, not all have been explored. 32 are open to tourists.

Boadicea – Queen of the Iceni – bad, bad military campaign

Curse Tablets

The one that has stolen my bronze bowl is accursed. I give the person to the temple of Sulis, whether woman or man, whether slave or free, whether boy or girl, and may the man who did this pour his own blood into the very bowl. I give you that thief who stole the item itself, for the god to find, whether woman or man, whether slave or free, whether boy or girl." (Tab. Sulis no. 44= CT no. 95, iii AD)

'To Minerva the goddess of Sulis I have given the thief who has stolen my hooded cloak, whether slave or free, whether man or woman. He is not to buy back this gift unless with his own blood.' (Bath)


9 – 79 ad (lived)

69 – 79 ad (ruled)




Circus Maximus


53 – 117 ad (lived)

98 – 117 ad (ruled)

Plotina, Trajan’s wife Matidia, Trajan’s niece

Trajan’s dad Trajan’s architect - Apollodorus



76 – 138 ad (lived)

117 – 138 ad (ruled)


Marcus Agrippa (son-in-law of Augustus) Hadrian

Temple of Hadrian, Ephesus

Fountain of Trajan


Marcus Aurelius

121 – 180 ad (lived)

161 – 180 ad (ruled)


Things covered in this lecture:

1)Greece and Rome

2)The fall of Rome

3)Who Jesus was


5)Original teachings of Jesus

6)What people thought of Christians at the time


8)Early Church ‘fathers’

9)Borrowed artistic ideas of the early Christians

10) Borrowed religious ideas of the early Christians

11) Rise of Christian monotheism

Artistic History

Synagogue in West Bloomfield, MI

Sadducees – wealthy, influential, rejected newer teachings, didn’t believe in life after death

Pharisees – strict observance of Sabbath, tithing, dietary laws

Essenes – writers of the Dead Sea scrolls, communal living, celebate

Zealots – against Roman occupation


CreationNoah’s Ark

Adam and Eve

John the Baptist

Mary Magdalene

What people thought of early Christians - Eucharist

Early Christian Burials - Catacombs

Beginnings of Medieval Art

Constantine’s arch – some new, some stolen from Hadrian’s arch

Similar structures for pagan Roman cremated remains

Sebastian the wine merchant

Chi-Rho, alpha, omega, victory wreath

First two letters of Christ in Greek, “I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end” – first and last letters of the Greek alphabet.

"We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where Jesus, who went before us, has entered on our behalf. He has become a high priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek." (Hebrews 6:19-20)

The fish symbol is an ancient one in Christianity, representing both Jesus and his followers. Jesus had told Peter, "I will make you fishers of men" (Matthew 4:19). But the fish through an acrostic also became a symbol of Jesus himself. The ICHTHUS symbol helped Christians identify one another as believers.


160 ad

Writing of the Vulgate Late 300’s, St. Jerome translates the Old Testament (Torah) from Hebrew into Latin and the New Testament from Greek into Latin (The Torah existed in Aramaic and Greek also – the Greek version is called the Septuagint)


When bad translations happen to good people

Sta. Costanza

350 ad

Old St. Peter’s, Rome

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