week 2 exploration: storyboard

Post on 04-Aug-2015






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My MCBS story

By Samantha Matesig

Before I started the MCBS Program at Full Sail University, College wasn’t a real option for me.

I was the typical lower class family, angry teenager.

I acted out in school and didn’t turn my life around until eleventh grade.

My senior year of high school I decided to attend a Tech school to receive my CNA because I believed my accumulative GPA was not

high enough to do anything else and I heard the pay was good.

Since I came from a family where money was tight, that was all the incentive I needed to pursue

a career path I didn’t really want.

After I graduated from the Tech school, I landed a job as a Pediatric nurse for an in home company.

I have always loved children, and have spent most of my life helping to raise my younger siblings, so I figured this

was my best option.

I am still currently working for this company and I will admit that I do love helping these kids, but its not what I want to

do forever.

The first time I heard about Full Sail University was at a music festival called Warped Tour.

They had a tent set up next to my favorite bands tent, so while I was waiting for the band to show up for their

signing, I decided to check them out.

I was already familiar with what I thought were the only jobs worth doing in the music industry, but the people at

the tents opened my eyes.

I had no idea that I could turn my love for music, media and marketing into an actual career. It gave me the push I

needed to go for the career I knew I wanted.

When I returned home and told my dad, he was less than thrilled with my choice in career paths.

We eventually came to a compromise; I could attend the program and continue to live in his house as long as I

continued working full time.

Thrilled to finally have his approval, I signed up that week and started the next month.

I will admit that it is hard trying to balance work and school full time, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I know this is what I want to do, and I’m willing to put the work in for it.

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