week 11 - empathy and interpersonal skills 1hw12

Post on 06-Mar-2016






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Emotional Skills measured on the EQ-i

Empathy People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. -Bonnie Jean Wasmund-

Emotional Skills measured on the EQ-i INTRAPERSONALSelf-regardEmotional self-awarenessAssertivenessIndependenceSelf-actualization

INTERPERSONALEmpathySocial responsibilityInterpersonal relationship

ADAPTABILITYReality testing FlexibilityProblem solving

STRESS MANAGEMENTStress toleranceImpulse control

GENERAL MOODOptimismHappiness

~ Strategies for Success ~ The Lawrence Kinlin School of Business ~2Empathyability to understand and appreciate what others might be thinking or feelingbeing sensitive to the feelings and thoughts of others caring about others showing interest in and concern for othersNon-judgmentally conveying your understanding of another persons perspective, even if you do not agree with it or find it ridiculous

~ Strategies for Success ~ The Lawrence Kinlin School of Business ~Question how do we tune in? how do we communicate understanding lets learn about that3TOO HighCant say noTaken advantage ofCant separate personal from businessParalysis/cant make tough decisionsTOO LowDont listenJudge or belittle others feelings

Empathy~ Strategies for Success ~ The Lawrence Kinlin School of Business ~Empathy is not being nice

It is not sympathy

It is not agreeing with or approving of the other persons position

It is simply acknowledging that they hold that viewpointEmpathy is not being nice making generally polite and pleasant statements

Nor should it be confused with sympathy. Sympathy puts the speaker first by putting into words our reactions to and feelings about another persons situation.

Making an empathetic statement is not agreeing with or approving of the other persons position it is simply acknowledging that they hold that viewpoint.

5Empathy has EvolvedDifference between empathic and empatheticEmpathy is crucial to our civilization todayRanks as one of the most important EQ skillsEmpathy does not equal perfection

Lets watch this video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7AWnfFRc7g

~ Strategies for Success ~ The Lawrence Kinlin School of Business ~Tips for Showing EmpathyListen to words.Listen for tone.Pay attention to body language (watch for hidden emotions). Don't interrupt. Don't be dismissive.Don't rush to give advice. Don't change the subject. Allow people their moment.Adapted from http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newLDR_75.htm

~ Strategies for Success ~ The Lawrence Kinlin School of Business ~Tips continuedFocus on non-verbal communication (many studies indicate that over 90% of a persons message comes from body language) Use people's names. Remember names of those important to them.Dont text or email when chatting with others.Dont take calls when talking with others.Smile at people.Encourage people when they speak. Give attentive nods.Give genuine recognition and praise. Take a personal interest in people.

~ Strategies for Success ~ The Lawrence Kinlin School of Business ~Interpersonal RelationshipsI get by with a little helpfrom my friends.- John LennonEvery person is a new doorto a different world. - From Six Degrees of Separation

"Your career success in the workplace of today - independent of technical expertise - depends on the quality of your people skills." - Max MessmerEmotional Skills measured on the EQ-i INTRAPERSONALSelf-regardEmotional Self-awarenessAssertivenessIndependenceSelf-actualization

INTERPERSONALEmpathySocial responsibilityInterpersonal relationship

ADAPTABILITYReality testing FlexibilityProblem solving

STRESS MANAGEMENTStress toleranceImpulse control

GENERAL MOODOptimismHappiness

~ Strategies for Success ~ The Lawrence Kinlin School of Business ~11TOO HighStruggle when working aloneToo revealingPromiscuity

TOO LowA lonerCant maintain friendships

Interpersonal RelationshipsInterpersonal skills refers to mental and communicative algorithms applied during social communications and interactions in order to reach certain effects or results~ Strategies for Success ~ The Lawrence Kinlin School of Business ~The Friendship Algorithm Big Bang Theory Clip 1Big Bang Theory Clip 2

~ Strategies for Success ~ The Lawrence Kinlin School of Business ~5 Elements of TrustStrong Role in Business5 elements:Integrity honest and sincereCompetence knowledge and abilityConsistency reliable know what to expectLoyalty faithful to friends and idealsOpenness aware of self and comfortable sharing information and feelings with others~ Strategies for Success ~ The Lawrence Kinlin School of Business ~Interpersonal skills are fostered by good communicationMost individuals spend 80-90% of their time communicatingwhatever the medium

Yet, too often, people dont mean what they say and dont say what they mean.~ Strategies for Success ~ The Lawrence Kinlin School of Business ~In-Class Activity:We know that empathy is an important part of emotional intelligence, and that emotional intelligence is paramount in effective leadership. Being empathetic means we can demonstrate active listening and relate to the people we lead. In conjunction with this, we utilize various other EQ skills that further enhance the communication skills necessary to lead a team.

Watch the following video (10 mins) of an interview conducted with Daniel Coleman, psychologist and a leader in research on emotional intelligence. Be sure to take notes:


After the video, write an approximate 200-400 word summary on the key points of Colemans interview. Submit this at the end of class.

~ Strategies for Success ~ The Lawrence Kinlin School of Business ~

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