website design and development: 5 important traits of a great web designing firm

Post on 16-Jul-2015






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Website Design and Development: 5 Important Traits of a Great Web Designing Firm

With the number of companies, whether big or small, expanding online, putting together a website to promote your own firm can perhaps seem a difficult, if not insurmountable task. There are several reasons. For one, you have the option to use plug-and-play website layouts, simply editing what can be edited. On the other hand, though using this kind of layout won't guarantee your site is noticeable enough. If you really want to stand out, you'll need a unique design not to mention a layout that really fits your business. Many companies are currently in that particular line of work – website design Dubai and development. So how do you know which firm you're better off

choosing? There are, in fact, certain traits to look out for, including the following.

1. Aware. It isn't just the overall design of the site. The phrase “the devil is in the details” applies to this field as much as any other – if not more so. A great web designer Dubai, then, should pay attention to both, instead of focusing on one or the other. It's not just the designer, but the team they're working with, too. After all, a single slip-up, like a missed letter in the code, and the site won't run. In addition, the team you eventually hire should be aware of any feedback from you and incorporate it in a re-design, if needed. That's because even the smallest changes can make a site truly stand out.

2. Experienced. It goes without saying that the more previous clients a firm has worked with, the more

experience the website designer Dubai and all other members of the team will have. This will help them guard against making mistakes when working with you. It also means a smoother work flow, so more work can be done in less time.

3. Creative. This is actually one of the bigger challenges in the field of web development, since the many

website designs make it hard to come up with one that's noticeably different. This can be especially true if a firm is handling more than one client at the same time. How a company approaches problems and how they solve them are also indicators of creativity, and an ability to think outside the box. Try to see, too, how easily they can get ideas out on paper; creativity should not mean complexity, after all.

4. Always improving. Good developers and designers rarely are always satisfied with their work; if they are,

they actually still have much to learn. Thus, the really good ones are constantly on the look-out for ways to improve their skills. Ask if they have any projects they feel they could have done better. If they reply with 'none', you'll want to look elsewhere for help on your website.

5. Incite positive feedback. Once you've narrowed your list down to 2 or 3 firms, you'll want to find a way to get

feedback from these firm's previous clients. The more positive feedback you get from prior clients, the better chances you'll also be satisfied with a certain firm's work.

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