webquest on periodic table and valence electrons

Post on 24-Dec-2014






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Welcome: Periodic Table and Valence ElectronsDescription: Today you are going to take a look at the periodic table and how to read it. By read it I am talking about telling how many valence electrons an element has in it’s outer shell. This is very important to learn especially when we get into talking about bonding. In other words, focus as you go throughout this webquest and make sure you are understanding. If you are not getting something as a friend for help and after you have done that if they were not able to help than just raise your hand and I will come and help you.

Grade Level: 9-12 Curriculum: Science Keywords: chemistry reactions, reactions Author(s): Kevin Hall

Introduction: Thanks to the Russian Chemist Dmitri Mendeleev we have our modern day periodic table. The periodic table is something that every chemist to this day uses in everyday life and you will use every day you are inside your chemistry course. By the end of this webquest you will know what a valence electron is and how many valence electrons each element has in groups 1-8 on the periodic table. Please make sure you are focused when you are going throughout this webquest. These is basic rules that every chemist has to know and anyone doing chemistry has to follow

Task: By the end of the webquest you will be able to answer how many valence electrons does groups 1-8 on the periodic table have in their outer shells. You will be able to tell what types of bonds the elements in the groups are most likely will to form. You will be able to explain what a valence electron is and where it is located.


Step 1: Check these videos out. They will help you with getting introduced into valence electrons and which groups has however many valence electrons.

Vid eo 1

Video 2

Video 3

Step 2: Get together with everyone and have a discussion about the periodic table and things you found interesting. Talk about the different groups and different amount of valence electrons in each group. Make sure EVERYONE get to talk. I don’t want a handful of people just running the show. This is a discussion with the whole class.

Step 3: Now you have been introduced to valence electrons and the periodic table. Go to your twitter and create three tweets about your favorite group on the periodic table make sure and include the #hallchm so I can go in and see that you had done your task. Everyone is by themselves in this webquest. So make sure that you do it.

Evaluation: Your evaluation is easy for this webquest. I will be looking to see if you made the three tweets. Therefore, don’t forget to include the hashtag or I won’t be able to see them. Since this is such an important concept make sure your tweets are accurate and correct. You don’t want to be telling me that group 1 has seven valence electrons because that will create a 33% deduction from your grade.

Conclusion: Remember this is something you will be using in chemistry from here on out. Even when you get to college and start taking classes like Organic Chemistry and so on. So make sure to take your time now and get it so later on it is not killing you. Chemistry is like math, you have to have a good foundation and you just keep building on from there guys.

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