webinar: bare minimum developers need to know to get started with kubernetes

Post on 21-Mar-2017






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Containers #101 Online Meetup

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Bare Minimum Developers Need to Know to Get Started with Kubernetes

About myselfDeveloper & entrepreneur. Organizer of containers 101 meetupCEO & founder of Codefresh

Follow me @RazielTabib

CodefreshCodefresh is a platform that builds, tests & deploys containers.

Sign up at www.codefresh.ioFollow us @codfresh

Kubernetes➢ Containers orchestration platform ➢ Automates the deployment and scaling of

containerized applications➢ Open source, designed by google

1500+ contributors

43,000+ commits

4000+ External project

200+ meetups

Agenda➢ Intro to K8s key objects➢ Demo application➢ Live demo

Resources● https://codefresh.io/blog/kubernetes-snowboarding-everything-intro-kubernetes/● https://github.com/containers101/demochat

Pods➢ Smallest deployable unit➢ Containers always run inside a Pod➢ A Pod usually has 1 containers but can

have more

Deployment➢ Bring up and recreate pods➢ Rollout and rollback changes

ServicesExpose replicas of pods both internally and externally

containers101/demochat mongo:latest

Demo application➢ 2 images

○ Web Server (containers101/demochat:2.0)○ Mongo (mongo:latest)

Resources● https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube/releases● https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/prereqs/

Demo flow➢ Run mongo image using a deployment

○ A pod and deployment object will be created

➢ Create a service to expose the mongo pod○ A service will be created exposing internal IP for the mongo pod○ ‘Mongo’ will be discoverable internally

➢ Run the demochat web server image○ A pod and deployment object will be created

➢ Create a service to expose the web server pod○ A service will be created exposing internally & externally IP for the web

server pod○ Demo chat can be access from the browser

➢ Scale a web server○ Total of 2 pods running demochat will be running


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Resources● Codefresh Blog

○ https://codefresh.io/blog● Getting started with K8s

○ https://codefresh.io/blog/kubernetes-snowboarding-everything-intro-kubernetes/

● Containers 101 meetup○ https://codefresh.io/meetups/

Sign up at www.codefresh.ioFollow us @codefresh

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