webinar 20 · 2019-02-07 · webinar 20 list building ... • google search plr , • or private...

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Webinar 20

List Building – Part 2

• SYDNEY Mastermind 23-24 Feb

• Example Of The Week

• Where to email for support

• support@youthinbusiness.com.au



Featured in the

‘Gold Coast Bulletin’

Example of the


Book Of The Month - February

Week One Reading:

Chapter One: The Man Who Desired Gold

Chapter Two: The Richest Man In Babylon

Chapter Three: Seven Cures For A Lean Purse

Book Of The Month

Questions to Ponder:

• What was the main principle you learnt in the Chapter Two?

• Discuss the ‘Seven Cures For A Lean Purse’. Do you agree or disagree

with any of them? Do you think they can be successfully implemented?

• Arkad’s advice seems unbelievably simple but most people find it

incredibly hard to follow. Why do you think this is?

• Paying yourself first can be challenging to some people’s mindsets. What

are your thoughts and how does this make you feel?

Challenge Leader Board

Heaton Family

Most Sales $20 Challenge

Lewis Family

$20 Challenge Video

Heaton Family

Contact Someone Famous Challenge


Most Sales Pitch Challenge

1. Welcome webinar

2. Refining your idea

3. Selling to people and getting paid

4. Understanding sales and numbers

5. Perfecting Your Pitch

6. Sell it before you build it

7. Goal Setting

8. Selling At Markets

9. Creating An Outstanding Flyer

10.Understanding Your Target Market

What you’ve done so far 11. Introduction To Facebook

12. Getting Your Business Online

13. Creating Your Brand

14. Wholesale Vs Retail

15. Getting Into Retail

16. Being Retail Ready

17. Getting Awesome Results With

Your Time

18. Doing Good Is Great Business

19. List Building: Part One

Webinar 20

List Building – Part 2

Recap from

last week

How To Create An Awesome

Squeeze PageModel something that

is already working

or use the cook book in


How To Create An Awesome

Squeeze Page

Live demo

Best Types of Free gifts?• Video

• Case study

• Swipe file

• Report or guide (must be specific)

• Free trial

• Quiz or competition

• Printable poster

An easy way to create your free gift?

• Google search PLR <topic>,

• or Private Label Rights <topic>

• Look for PLRs where you can claim authorship,

where you have permission to give it away free, and

where you can make changes to the cover and text

Value of a list Revisited

How much is a

subscriber worth per


Value Of A List Revisited

• Average value of a name and email is

$1 - $2 per name per month.

• If they are also a Facebook Like, this

increases to $10 per month

• Advertising to your list on Facebook

as well as via email increases sales

by 300%

Q. So once people sign up - how do

we capture their details to create

lists we can email, all at once?

A. With Auto-Responder


What Is An Auto responder?

• Let’s break the name down in to the 2

words “Auto… Responder”

• It is basically software that sends out an

auto response via email, SMS, etc

• In most cases it is used to send out pre-

written emails to anyone who subscribes to

your list

Types of Auto responders?

Examples are

• Aweber

• Actionetics

• Mailchimp

• I contact

• Get response

Auto Responder Diagram

Opt- in Funnel Diagram

Recommended Auto responder?

• You can use any auto- responder that integrates

with Clickfunnels

Recommended Auto responder?

• We recommend starting with

• Mail Chip (Free)

• Aweber ( Starts at $19 per month)

• Ontraport (Full CRM $79pm – What we use)

• Clickfunnels ($297 Actionetics and Backpack)

Aweber pricing• 30 day free trial available

• From there it starts at $19

per month, for under 500


• Alternatively Clickfunnles

Actionetics and backpack

Cost $297 per month in


Mail Chimp pricing• Great to start with

• Free – The price is right

• for the first 2,000

How to open an Aweber account

• To open an Aweber account

• Visit https://www.aweber.com/

Aweber Getting Started • There is a 12 min ‘getting started’ video we recommend

watching http://videos.aweber.com/ (Live Demo)

• Heaps of easy videos to answer all your questions

Aweber Reporting• If you are looking to measure the performance of your

emails you can find detailed reports in Aweber when you

click on a message

Integrate Aweber With Clickfunnels

• Integrate it with Click funnels

Here is the link on how to





What to do once

you’ve built a list:

Build a relationship

Sell them something

Contact them

regularly giving them

useful stuff

What to give to build a relationship

• Helpful tips

• Media mentions

• Case studies of successful clients

• Links to register for your free webinars,

podcasts or events

• Quizzes

• Free gifts – trials, samples, discount

coupons, videos, audios, ebooks

Writing your first email…

• Be sure to welcome and thank your

new subscriber

• This is where you will briefly introduce

yourself and your story

• Email One “sets the stage” – goal is to

start building the relationship

Email One – Welcome & Thank You

Email One

• You should also include a download link

to the free gift

• Put a call to action link above ‘the fold’

and again at the end of the email

• Lastly conclude with a lead into the next

email- i.e. in the next email we are going

to talk about

Next Webinar

How to write engaging

emails that sell

Quick Win Challenge


Quick Win Challenges

• They are all designed around a business

concept to help you quickly learn the

concept fast

• Most of these challenges will include things where

you make quick money, others are longer term

concepts which will build a foundation for you to

make more money later on.

• Either way you will make money and learn

business concepts to build your business on.

Quick Win Challenge - FebInterview as many business owners as you can in your local area.

Ask them the following questions:

• Why did you go into business in the first place?

• What do you sell?

• Why should people buy from you rather than one of your


• What’s the best thing about owning a business?

• What’s the worst thing about owning a business?

• What words of advice would you give a teenage entrepreneur

starting a business today?

Quick Win Challenge - Feb

• Afterwards, think about the following questions:

1. Do you think the business is an old clunker or a sports car?

2. How would you improve this business if you owned it?

• There will be two winners this month!!!

– (1) the person who interviews the most business owners,

– (2) the most powerful learning.

• We will send out a form that you can fill out for each interview.

Cool Prizes …

• Bragging rights and a place on the leader


• Entrepreneur of the month Certificate

• Family Pass Movie tickets

• Go in the running to win the Youth In

Business Cup!

Challenge Leader Board Will it be you? – Interview Business

Owners Challenge

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