webb. thursday morning octobe. r 3, 1883. vol. vii. no. … 18/new york ny morning … · oik...

Post on 23-May-2020






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wmmmm M » « INI**-*^


P U B L I S H E D A T N O . .»» « A L L S i R E ? T. VT D*oJ l*<Kr Tru OsAsri »--r a«Be__ C oitr- !•»!•.' »»

XJ - ! . r , ~ r a-ia.m. p»T»*.'- in • * • ! > • or *"«™ *Avft*-*i _>•"* " " p^ii-ty I x a " • • - . « w ucrethe ssi»!s.-r>Mh-r i i nrn p**t H «-'"''»;'

en* wtirwn wittlN r*vmr*dl. v»>-_t rmftsr.tR >• * • •


W Irom 14 lo 1"5 years of age, to do * m a d s oi lw*

i l l ;


! \ V V V - V O K K A M * L 1 V K K P U O L

mmia*AJ*T __s.>j._,-._; OFFICL.

_ . \ T K U . - A O aci.ve lad in a w_oi«- . .e Ury Goods More, i . 2 l


4 \ T K I > - i » > Chair Stare at364 Greenwich street, a Boy irt

atndy at • Pearl stro.t,

fXtU A-At T K D — A boy about thirteen ye_re eld, to g o o f errands. » f Ai plv at S Cnurtlaiall -tr*el. o l 43

i u y A . V T E D - * Nurse, with a ireih breast of—ilk. Kaquiro ftY/' at No _U Church st. e l St"

/ i



F r o f i Ens'and, Ireland, Scotland and IVal'*. Thts»»iaol->r-.e.-:i has »t«u opened at 2 1 6 Peanstreei . for Ue |

l u i n i w r i oi M n M *fe'» mas feel Cesiroasoi se*- iag torthe.r 1 k » M i ( w a!i v«n» 01" Kneto-ft, Ireland. 9m*W* >wd w a > " • HStHitc a:.v •«( the part ly he-e, w - h la s»*l remittances to iht ,r !r e w b ta 'aid !_-•« n mi -chatting -tore- jr iaasif aOfcm aar .draf -MB HUB1N-»«»N B r t O l i l K K S . Liver] 00I. _ro,ak_ «• .tftt.caB a.-»,-:>«'« « blame l » i 'iii•>«<*:«<b iatiNtcnL . .

T t . e i r v , s _ i e t p ^ _ * o t :.. v . - l !«_ n the «ie*u»eM regularly «iy»«*5 : • 1. •*',• ••• lt««> 'he ean«._s puru 01 IreUial. sVoiiaiMand VVBIO-, r . -ders lu l saspee t lyamt r h - a p a t o i e o f eougratleB.

It is uoiie _ts_.v*_-to observe tha: every car* will h . duly manliest- | ed. l o n l a i ' • ttaeco«i»rts -nde t t redthe coavetueace of parse Bgeis ! a-'r.eabiv lo lneCon,pa~v"_g»oer»i trraagemertt. : (_Ti*;»riies;vre advised shoold th*;r I rier.t« not cotoe oat as anticipate. , ' , ! ! • . ,1 .'.,»•.:. .-1 passage wi i ibe forthwith reiume.. .

Passage from S r w York n> Liverpool, caa a l w . j * be en_a?ed • « j i».>il«-raie i t . tut. For fuii_*riiilciniaiJe_.or »pti ic_lio»li rp-s-aar, 1

DOT <U. V« ROBINSON k. Ct>. aifi Paarl atrtfi.

yOR MiBW <MU*S-*XaW-*V« "* 2 * ft* " Iv .—Tw* vnv «up.-ri .r firil c l » " *bip S\ l?< I PA1 1-. j J**, Vk , j.i .urv. nw<!*.-. is n»wr r»viy to comavrooe loai -mtf, Ji*4 »>H »'•''« lr*i ;»i at a I n * rats. SUe can Itaiu-

v aacaacxMlal* a f*v» cai»i» pas*«riE»rs, and being " f y bi« '1 t^-iw -emir-**. U-r ace isnii > t ttious l"»r iie^ra.-e pa*s»iis;er» are ver «»l>«nor ; a»rt i.« «he will laka «ieaai up the Mis.'issipji, n» beiUr

!—•>»« 1111 H.r titb"r ;»<•><- or pa»*."ii^'r»caa ofler. f * r frr.L-ut ^r pawaga, app.y ..-, h.mil . »t Jainri s l ip, nr to

SAM1 ».L TUOMP5U.N. l U f i a W a , A t e * m»re steeragep^»«ii i«r4 caa l>e taken in a Or>i rate rhipt'i j

n i l laf Ika al«>». port on the bih ia->l. by apply in? a»abo»e. _°j?_

Tt.e superior A I n e * t..i,|>ere.t »mp P«».\ I Ir r . Halhi-- 1 ' * j j . i »*d- -r . Kor irei.'ht, wr.ich »i:i be t iben lovr ,a | - |

J |» '»i tx .«rd,at t ier \ . j . 17. ur to 1 l \ K H \ M n MART, fl P ir*s tree t

Tlie a«cimiiiu>lati'ins for >l««Mi'« M*ss*ns..» are ».-ry spacious , a* i c i io im t-ble. . . i

The tv^i.flT v. i t take a 'team V.at up ihe river, ami eoorts ron-ijrn-r.t be tl.. . v- ,-ei to B « i » n a Hawthorn, will be farwarued by lb«.»i if.Mi N n i Orleai l i a lh?>ir rif«matK>i><*i bout charge, e i r e p u n g t i -p -r*> -i j,ti~itivr;» iacurre.l b> ibeni. »27 iw

r O R N K \ V - O K . L i f ! A WH. < M f '"»•—•_••• < • of -,tn iH-n.jei — The «rr> lit:e ana ta^t >.iiliii£ ship t«A-

' K*».\.\K. Capi. S»iiiU>, wi!l sail on ber rrjjmar any *•> aawhwte. Ifnt ireix'ht or pii»s*se, at ply un IhawM Retlor

O I K l>—An a • cr . nuce to a l- Uoe. Apply at ai John >t. «23 If

WA N T E D - T e n J»arneyawn Cabinal Makers, at N » 2 1 Charltin «ireei.

\v A "* T E I J , — * g i r l l o do the work of a small lainily. Apply iiii neuiately to "

LOTIS LEV^V. »2^hatham street

W k X T E D — •'» smart !••», 14 to 16 sears of a t . , ia a laacs and «• ) r.nsiaesv Good reiereacea wiltberequIrMl Apply a«6f»*

Cbtlhaat"street. o t 3l*

^ • L T A V r l C l * — A t o a n c , ael i te Maa, aa Waiter. Good tetoir,. 1 1 rnendatmn will be required. Enquire at Eastern Pearl street

Uouse, 309 Pearl st^ o2 3t

1 1 k ' A X ^ T B 0 . - * ) " « • • ' two activee!e»er Bays asaptjreniireaia I f aa En^inear aad Millwright. A pply at 4J2 Water street. s ^ T j f e o l '

W A 1 T E R W A N T E D . — W a a t e d a l i r s t rate colored Wal­ter who can proituee good recntmendalions. Applv at 15

|_ | Koy Place. ol at

A N T E D — A sKiart actire Boy. t«attend in a Store. Apply at lOLitwrty street ,npsiairs,b«twe*B3aiid5o'cloch, P.M. w

sl ie^i wharf, <.>oftn R i v » n o r t o s_j v.. _. J. i %KSTrtW It C*l. JSjsouth street

F O R M O B I L E . - - > « " ' A I M - T o viil i M Ot»— l'i,c.ie.» siiip w . sVEKi .KY. 1 ho . rbiilips. ruast-r.svii

Siiilasa:is.vc. foe l>*i.'bl or pa**a;«, Mehaj e '«»ai i aeceaaaaadaaaeaw applv on tioayl at Piaest. whart, or 10

KIPLKY, _i_4NTER k CO. 94 Pine street

r o i i S T . MVHKH A N U MAIUNOLIA. PL<»KI1>\.— To u i i im tkt 3:a Oi'ahtr —The ^plendi 1 •awn ii.er L A b l V. ASHING 1 « \ . H. II s»»aiai. mast . i . ••• >r IrciRht or pa~sat;v, haweaa eaafljaasl accommodation*.

iKiard, rwr •;, W M side Coenties slip, or ;o M! 1.1.Ml it BANCKKR. No. i9 Cwntk-s slip, west si.le.

* O l t - » T . A l C l S T I N K , f l ^ t l l t l D A -T w e t e a last amiiinf schooner S U S A N , Perry, eaajMat, mill l e i l for <la» ahoTapaJl next Thurniay. ("orfreisi.t

aaaaaerA is inz _saad aec-»nia»odaii.»ns,apply to KLWKLL V TATMMI.MCo<b»Mm»ee»Wat

r ' U K S i V A N X A H i - l W J i l i b l a i t u AJaa.— K;r-.< Ve.sel—Sails OeixU i i —1 heropiered packet shio MACON, T. J. Laavitt, lasste-. bBOWloartia-.'. and » i 1 ix.s . t isen s»ilasal«>»«. K>r balance a | freight or pa-sa»«\

ba«ia^e!e_.iKtit»! 'minofations, applv ••« :«'»•••! at Piucst wharl.or in SCOT I . • M A r T K a ^ Mv»KKtl .I . ,7 i South Mreet.

S T E A M P A C K E I ' K O K . C II A K L K V I O J . X I Th» ,-! ga ,1 „, ,s -l.:;iBi pa.'kel D \ \ ID B K O n \ , Col-

s* '*i»,'s\V lev. ii-.it-nr, wiii lesve »bi!«-iia!l «slMrf nearihe Batiere. • " ^ " h V " 1 ' SiiBriiay Miwi'uown.Mhtsrioaer.at 3 »'cloe»ftminrji

>vvS_k-^!l->iii - i-l'-r ti il ii.:sseHi«isft>r the >out» u.av kiiov* w h a . i>

ol 3t

n' A N T E D — * Waiter and Cooh—persons well qualified, wi h eaod cbaraeters will find eaiplot meat at No. iH CUaniber-st

s301w« _ [

W A N T E D - i o d o the lifht work of a small private famile, withoat children,) a girl twelve ur thirteen years old. Apply

at "K Bowery. s28

\ V A N T E D — A Woman to attend a fancy store. None need w » apply e tcept they are acquainted with the business. GHO«1

recomm.nd.stioi:s will be required. Enquireatb7 Maiden lane. s25Rf

W A N T E D — O n e j ' l u r r e y i n a n C a a c t i Trimmer, who is atirst rai- iv--r.nriii. ami t» > or threel larnes- makers, aiay have

cmstaa t employnie.-.tby apply i a | at ISAAC MIX Ji SONS, 34 Ca­nal - t o l

\ % " A N ' l ' E D — T w o second hand Anchor*, with iron stocks, one I T aiiout 6V0 and the other from 8 to 1000 lbs. Apply at 23 Wall

s treet , to •a t C. B O L T O N , FOX k L I V I N G S T O N .

W A N T E D . Part of asntall Hoase. l ora gentleman wit* and servant, till 1st May. A line addressed II. at the office of this

paper, will he ailemtad to, if slating the apartments and rent, vt Im h nin«t t>e moderate. s24

WA N T E D , two stout Boys, almut 15 years old. to learn ITe Cor>oersi:iith haxaswaa, ana one to learn the Tinplate and

Sh-e- I: sa working. Inquire at 33 W^ter si. N> Y. »24 .IHIIV BF.NSON.

10 -el 1 lie • 1 t»^i s il, viz

er, u,«iu hi •• Ii i.vme a w i e a r t a r a l «>ii ii ila>», ai;d a t w i n c i

mi'i'- i<ir the n.ont honr I'fctiK.'s, she will

* • / A N T E D — A smart active boy. almul l i o r Hi years 01 ago, l » t- wora at the gold beatiag bu-iness—none need apply with­

out 1 bet cau produce the most respectable references. Apply at the M M M M * , NO. 63 Watts str*et s2l tf

W A N T * D — A n apprentice to the Cake Raking business, a B y about 14 or 16 vears of age—be most coma well tecom-

w n d e d as to boaesty and induslrv. ~ Applv at 136 Bowerv. s i" t f JOHN S N E C K N E R .

W A N T E D — I n a dry good* joblring store in Pearl sireetTa yountr manaslMHikkieper. Onethat understands bookkrep

i n ; bv double entry, and can priHlureonqHesiu nablr rrfert nres. may h - i r of a ;;ood situation anda lair salary, by addressing H. I J., at l i . i .anicc. 0 | 31

W A N T « t A ^ I T U A T i o N " " ! T N ~ A N O K P j c l 4 I K STORE.—A young man who has been aceastonedtoal 'nunt-

IPZ Hoase. and would IK- willing to make himself gene alls useful.— Respeetab'e reb-ien'es given. Address to C. T. R. ai lais'oflice.

ol 3t*

Cram Hrw Vork, Saturday, 5th (tclolwr. 3, '• Char esf>n, " l i th *

NVn York, " l!<m Charlesls»o, " I6ih

9 #-*

P. M. do. do. da.

Letters by the PavM Brown wll! I>e Inun three to four days ia ad van- ol the mail, are! wail i>* charged 12* cent- each, packages iu Maw irtion, aaeablesa all c;«ses when left at the tiffice.

Wm oassasre, bavias elegJin'lv funrsh.d aceonimodation>, as per plan of ail a lift awn' of thecubio. to I - s<en at the Dific,-. Apply to

C H A U t R S MOUU AN, Jl South >trest, ••', -st- . Old aad Coenties slips.

H B. — \ o f r e i j h : whatevertaki-». si'i

E O B N E U - ( ) K L K A . \ S . - T " v Sneswifi sail IB1..nqips 1 f 1 Hi 1 wd aan* pperei sh <M«>N I Pr . l . l r . l . , Capt. William H. Aden, having a considerable part ft her cargo engaged and«oing an board, will sail wi indis -

Eor balance of freight, v» birh w ill be taken at low rate*, or having 1taxi aeconimiKlaitoas in cabin aud stterage, ape!

i>.i Wiaid, at pn r IS, r"asl Kiver, 01 to E L W E L L k TAYI.nR,<*4 Coffee Housesl.p.

Insurance by this ship aarranttt lat P " t l ____**_ _ * 2 7 6 t

^ T " E 0 i r X ' i f A H a 7 l > T s _ T 0 V . - r ' « r » . / iA.fi Line. -j ^ J H , N 4ails Saturd iv, 1 h-tober SIB.—The ia>l sailing c»pi*ri"J

A i W « n i : . C a X H l ' r \ , E .U.Sut ton . Blaster, will sail as alms.1. T F T T C W s,,rfreigl.t'ir passage, baviiigixitfusiveacc-)iHiuo<latioii.s.

apply 00 iKianl. ei«i « de Barlii-g slip, or to *:in GEO. S U T T O N . S; Si.utb street, corner Burling slip.

F O R C I I A R L E S T O N . - T b e copper mmmmf audi->ppered ihip A l ' i . l ' S I A. M. L Troll.ma.ster.wiii

lear lor Iheateive p.in on the 5th (>ctober. Kor freight W M B U * , a p p l v lothe Capla,n,on board,al pier U . E . i ; .

or I* KI'.TIARDS«IN Jt MeCOBB,.KlS.iit«hst _

I « » R x v i L A l l N U T O N . 3 1 . C < — A M Linr-iatkel»clicK».er URGI'Lt 'S , J. A. Dar

r - . * » . i n g freight BBMsed anil g.iine.o» U v n l • k U i u a B w i l i uiret »v ith despatch, as -will M stat'd hereafler. Eor

l.-i-'hi or paOMf. a^plv on LoBnl, slfunt Jam-•»" slip,or lo l l t L L K T r b. BBOWN, Jl KaeSwi s'ip-

^J^zSv l u c lii.-i sailing [« jJP|f5|4r rW.Bsaatet, havii:

r ' O R V V I L . V H V f c i l O V , . \ . C . - I » > *>,«•? -T b * suiienor List -a. ir.g packat brig CI MBr.KLANi) ,

' Darling, master, bavin? nearly all her cartfoej_;'ged^i»: •gomir on hoard, will he uisoali-heil •nouedia'ely. Far

reiu<iHler 01 frei.nt or passage, havmr very handsouie ar»o"1ra.i-datioos, apply on lioarii. at Central wbaif or to

s^7 6t JOHN O U D K N , Ke5 South s r r c t


• i E O U V\ A f i H l M v ' K I . V , N . I ' . - T o e f a s i s ni-'•J^BRV ingpachel»ebiH»nei-">VAKRINGTOfl, A. Ire'sml tia.ler,

. y y i r >> h o e ready to receive Iv.i'/ht.aml «ai! in t vv .lavs.— ^a42-3aa»Kurireigli« or p a s . a g e , i n h >n Iwanl, et Central WMlT.

or to B t A U T t T T k M l e e W l l i l Burliti/ *HyV

• • • i K t Q i l T t * O a t " N E W - O K L E A N S -YaBulii t.iuoa 11 New t i i lc • 9; can tie supplied »j^bjieav 1

• fwis;bi In ,*B\ qiiantiiv, bv ay ply lac to . s^4 " tJEU. L MEACHAM, 217 Front street.

• • • > K P H E I G H T O K C H A k l E R - A gawd substantial Swe«ti-h BRIG, of about 10* tons,ably com-

• ma "tesl. Applv to 24 tf DAVIS if n M H l I Broad street.

r O R K R E I G H T O R C H A R T E R - T h . fine last sailing sc«ooaer S I ' S A N N A H , Fn.ter, aiasier

" one hundred and forty six loos minheu, will be ready >>• •receive goods to- aorrow. Forfurihen »articulars,app<v

to kV AShHNGTON W R I G H T , 13"' Fmnt sireet.

f 0 1 1 r' R fc 1 l i l l i « > R ^ C l i A R T E R ~ - T l T . fine fast sailing, c»rP'fe<l and copper fasiea-d scbooari A d v i l , Haskell, master; Muss Wt) barrels, and is a flv»i

.rate vessel of l.er class. For terms, apply to lb* ruasur. on iHMTd.al swer No. 14, East River, or to

gsj E L W E b l . k TAYLOR, 84 Coffee House slip.

F O R F R K I B H T O R C H A R T E R - f h . new last sailing brig MONT1LLA, Camaia Churchill;

' burtbea 12U0 liarrels. Applv to iSI Iw F. A. BERTODY. IM Frontstreet

r ' O R E R E I U H T O R fellARTER. the ti-.l rlass copp.i iasteanl and coppered ship SI: PERIOR, I. Bailv. mt' irr , i l t tons, now ready for einploymvnt.—

• Apply on board, at Hector sireet wharf, or 10 -i,i W. C KOXRDMAN. ISOFrrntsv.

^X K O R r ' K K I G l l 1' O K «':. l A i t I E • - I b cooper fastened .T»I coppered brig F R A N K L I N , Ho.v-

•iauil , mazier; ban Lea 217 tons or 2200 barrels; is now BBBBSI to receive a cargd. Apply lothe Captainon board,

west side Old Slip, or 10 .23 FISH. G R I N N E L L fc CO. 134 Front street.

P U R K K r . l G H T O R C H A R T E R . V ESS E l.s from 30 to 90 tons require freight lor any ol

' the Virginia parts. Eoquire ol 01 tf HIRAM DIXON, 53 Whitehall street.

E t t R E R E l t i t i T O R C H A R T E R - T I , . snwriar c»t>jieilasieneil low deck brii: ^ l C ' l O K i . Troti matter; 1.18 tone or lino barrels; 10 mouths old ; i s i n f u -

BBatr order, ami will be ready to receive a cargo in a fen : . • ' APPIV lO

S4;l " Kit II \ K » » O N k McCOBB,38Snuth street. _ v K O R *ALE—The^aehiejaier HTLACK H A W K . o l

i J U O k Norfolk.ol 46 tons iHirthea, carries 3<>o barrels, new ami /*f1 _ _ • verv suustautially built af the best seasoned southern oa. ;

j l l B W : , remarkably well la.ieiMt. ae*l ahundantly supuls-d wl ih sails, rigging, he. ' For further particular; aad a view of brr •nveaiorv, apply on board. Pine street wharf, or to

o l T I N E H A M k H ART^OTPbtesireet^

K O R M A L E . F h . E l U H i O K t U A K I E h . I h e vo/y uoe Chesapeake built schooner WILLIAM

TOMPKINS, .ihout six m» uths old.ropoeredand copper iasleneti, ami in fi'st rale order—carries 8.0 barrels. Ap­

plv U> 1 .tpL Wes to t .on board.or to ol WOOD it T R I M B L E . 157 Maiden lane.

_ + K O R - » \ L E - T h e hue lieu • ' j » ' j \ - W W — . h l l b 01-ck, b a i t . t liad.i

* 2 S » e ''** ><"o. naiu c ib'ns—s.iilsfasl,a 1 T ^ ^ T i 11 ~i « « ' « , soy 1 le't when loaded.




-dav. W ill lea

-_- F O R S A L E . F R E I G H T O R C H A R T E R . '1 ht> new >hip ELI/. A JL St S . \ N . John Huntington

'master; burthen31Slil-Satons; length ol k*el9>feet 01 ••leek; 100leet2 inches; beam 2.5 feet 9 inches; denth 01

lo.ver bold 10 lelt 6 inches; between dacha I feet; built »t W i.min:-tott, N . of l:ve oak and cedar, ia the best and mast thorough n a n . u< r.diid is I iiihlollv copper lasteived.

This ship is calculated l«ra freighting vessel, and will carry a iaree M m tor her lonna-e. For more particulars, apply on board, a, lootal" Cliatonstreel .Easl l t iver, or to

.9), 11 H A L L K T T * BROWN,31 Burlingslir.

F ( > K S A LE.toclatf .ceacira—i'ue«ii i |<pariauea d ami eoppered shipt;AS.dANDEK ( Inn then r.19 75-95to»s;

' c i r r i e s a l<rge cargo a id sails last: van be sent to sea HI •a small exjieuse Apply on l>oard, to Captain Davenport,

at I adad a harf, or to , ; ti S C O T T k LAIDLAW.J9 South street^

K O R S A L E - T h e brig A K K T H l Vv—huTuwnTs per register A»7 ions—as-he now lies, j inl icturBeiifroiii

' >ea, ,1' 1 i n lor >tr- el wba.-i;—sails fast aad i., well founo. \ iwlv to

J O H N Dl HAND t CO. 116 Pearl street, or 10 JOHN J. B O Y 0 ± W W a l l * .

K O R > \ L E - T h e fine new scnoomr F I X T L ' R E , •v.—is iron fastened-

and m a w s n light drat: I- Applv to

i;. ii. j . HARsrovv .v cti. 7J s«mh si. K O R S A L E , or would, exchange lur a larger ves­

sel, me sioop it \ dK L -K, t. > tans burtbau, sails and rir-g i n g a e w . For terms,apv>iy to H. Gl'RNKY', au27 tf 3»«. (""Fulioa street, eoruer PearL

K O R S A L E The »«*• ropper fasteuau .b io H E N R Y K. S K E L D 1 N G ; bunhea 2.56 38-95 tons; huiii

' a i Stanford.Caon. ,of 1 be best oateriais; toe Main-'C •be .d ie ir i l :» suit 'oe pnrcbascr. Apply to Capt. I l .y i .

«'i lasarst, at Oavcr slr%et w b a r l . o i t s BIS A III IS BARD 1: CO.37 Peck slip.

, - , F O I S A L E —A first clas- ne .v copper tasieneu ^ l l l P o f 410 toi.s,.iiMle\(ieeted to carry 1300 bale-. Hew I'tle •us-olton Shi I vs.-: a put 1 t:t..f B'istou.i»ballas.e..i ami .e.idv lo j i aceedou a vol age. Apply 10

W. C BOARDMAN, IW Front s treet

4 K I S T A L I Z E O >l \ R B L E O R L 1 . V I E -» ' i O N E . - w inietl. a V E S S E L to briug a r a r g a n f atiove 11 ••1111 he Quarries. Apply to sa H E N D R I C K S k BJHOTHBRS. 85 Waters!.

"Vk A N I E I I T O i ' l i b t T s a K . Agoial S C H O O N E R o!7<J tons.nutto draw over 5; feel water far a vov»ge to i;«v of Mexico. Applv lo o'. . I SKII \M k II ART. .?>!; •*- tren

% E S S K L S \ V A N T i T D — T i s ^ V ^ s i b T r i r a w i ! T not over 6j leet w a t e r , a i . wanted lo transport stone in

' this rdv—old Vessels will answer the purpose. Apply •luuue -ialelv 10

J. D. N E A L . 172 Front street.

W U A X ' f E I • • — A gentleman and his lady are anxious lo pro S ~ cure permanent ii^iril in a house situ iteil not mare than 15 rr

20 minutes walk from Folio 1 and Pearl streets, a front room on ths-lirst or teeaaal ft ior is rrquesled. A line addressed lo M. C , and left ai this otitre. will meet with immediate attention. o2 6t '

\M A N T E l> » M M E D l 1 T E L Y - A ctMckaniTthw:h.>"u"r7-w I dei'stauds l i s business; also, a wood workman, wlround'ei-

-t- ndsjnbbing. To»ach, the highest wages and steady c n p l ••. term wul be" given. Apply al the cornerul'Grandand Wooster slreets.

«2 tf _

*_•.-' A N T E D , by a young married maa, altout thirty vears01 v l age , and who is perfectly competent, a situation as Bonk

Keeper, either by doable or single entry. He has had charge of books by donhie entry lor five «r six yfars past. Would act as Sales-mtn if required. Atldress and reference al No. «! Pearl -t. o2 31*

%»k* A N T E D " | M > I G M A y C L t — T i t m JourneylineT. T T Tailors who are first rale workmen, to whom crnsiant un.-

iiloyment will be given. KelVrencv, G. Spal'tine-. 66 Wall si E. C S T A N T O N .

<"2W Hartford eousty. IVSL' A N T E D—A purchaser for a first rate Liquor Store, stork v t and fixtures complete, wi tha good run ot custom, situaled in

central part ol the city. T h e place has the advantage of making a .•ood Kef.-ctorv insuting a handsome profit lo am person wishing ihe above business. Enquire ni 63 Cbalbam&t. corner Chambers.

ol 5t

m y A N T S A S I T U A T I O N - A n active man, whe undeT-1 1 stands business generally, and has a thorough knowledge of

the first manufacturers in cutlery and hardware in England?— or would join iu a partnership where £1000 would be an equivalent Letters, Jic. ta w . u. IL k&i Greenwich street. N. Y. No obje< tion l o g o up the country. c | 6t*

W~ A N T S A U T I A T I O N — A voting r u n . 21 vearsofra^e". Has lieen regularly bred 10 busiaess in a wholesale grocery

ami commission boasein an eastern city; it very active, and capable of rendering very valuable service 10 hiseniplover. T h e most satis-lactorv refereices as to bis integrity, ability and willingness to he c inslaaliy empkiyed in lutlhering the interests of hiseraplover. wi.l be given. Auy liottsQ in want of such a person 1 w ha at first will ex-.ect;!:idbesaiislitttwith «smallcomp,-nsatiou),mayaddress" Hunt " c a i e o f box 1066 Post Office. sSMdlf'

4k a • E \ V A R W wishes to obtain a situation as Steward on « m bMM a Sleamtio.it thai p y bctwern CiHcinnalti aad New Ot-leans.or .iny other part of Ihe South, having had mam vears expe­rience; can give reierences, satisfactory as to capability. ««, The applicanl bung al prcsu I m, board u'| a Steamboat. Ptease to iiidres.-. a line to W . J . ad the PosA offic, -7ill beiiumedialely all.titled *±_ Oi 31-

A ruspertab-' Young Woiian.al present uuenuarea, wistt. • a sii-uai ieuin a large family as seamstress, knows soaveiboig of dress

unking. Would M M in houseaecping, and be generally useful — Oai. iiv.-- respes-table reference as to character. Would give the ,-r-lere.t.tr ... aian.i ly goiugsoulb. For rurtb-r particulars aildress 01 ,\ A . G . a i tins office. o2 1w"

A k t E S P E C T A B L E miiirTreageduersoiiwishes t o • nqiioy 9 er 1 11: ...»inl dnllars advanlageoasly in any business where

-"cuti iyc . , : i ; . o givan. Any one wishing l o s e | | out a respectable Aanalv grocery well established In Ihe upper pt,rt ol Broadway, or thereabouls. would meet wi tha purchaser in «ue advertiser,—a co-I artnersMip in a w balesale business would be accepted, where the

ynvestiiiicnuld be securely invested; the advertiser, being a thorough ildS bin per, vni ...t, h acrnslomed to a most extensive foreign busi­

ness, w. ild probably lie found every where useful in anvconcern, s'.ere activity and industry would be requited to relieve a senior

otrtner. Str ictest testimonials of respectability and validity will lie required. Proposals from principalsdireried to A. B. C. 120'lit werv will meet every attention o2 2t"

QkT O T I C E . — T h e Uentl man that marked two Stale Rooms V.M onlH-ard the packet ship l ie. irge Washington, for Liverpool,

for Mr Lyssle? an 1 Lilly, of Montreal. Is requested ta leave his ad­dress on board said -hip, or at ihe office of the subscribers, orther-w | M the naaie will be erased.

s30 FISH. G R I N N E L L k CO. 134 Front ,1.

PA R T N E R W A N T E D - A pervm carrying on a pro-1 perous hardware esiahdshment, with a valuable set of custom­

ers wishes an inerease ot capital. Anyone who aan a svaucea sufficient sum, will find this a favorable

opportunity of entering inio business either as an active or limited paitner.

Communications addressed X.L. at the Postoffice, with realname and address, w ill meet ati tuion. s27

r V J i T • L ' L O A K 7 M A K E R S . - - W a n t e d , ^Trst^rat^l j l i ja l i • Makers. Sn.l i as understand the business thoroughly, will ap­

ply at 176 Pearl street Nuns but those who have been ia the habit 01" making ihe best styles need apply. 0 1

S J j p O T A I L O R S — W a n t e d , a situation as Cutt-r iVsTime Tiil-• loriiig estabii • liuient. by a young man who is acquainted with

the bu-ir.ess in all its branches. Gotal relerences can be given. A hue addressed toO.D. thioughtl ie Postoffice, will meet with inime-,li de ..tteiittt 11. H | j | ,

, f c i O T A 1 L O K S 1 S S E H . — 1 5 0 good pantalaon makers want-R ed immediately, nod about .50 vest makers. Apply at

H. M. LYON'S Clothing stare, o2 3t No. (0 Chatham street

TY O J O U R N E Y M E N T l N N E K S . - W a n T e d T m m e d i » alely, two or three men who understand the working of ti ,

plate nnd sheet lion. Apply al No. I Cliffstreet o j 3t

f j f J O ( X O A i t t T > l A K E R S . - V V a n i e d , 50 hands, to make lr.-1 dies' and genilemeii's cloaks ol various descriptions, at 73

Chathaai st. _28

f § 1 D T A I L O R S . — Wanted immediately, one er twof irs t ia le • Journeymen Tailors, to work ia the bouse on custom work

T o such steady employment wil l be given, street.

Apply at 78 Chatham B H

A C O A l ' f l M A N \ V A N T E D . - W a n i e d a c a l a r a d c o a c h -r m . mnnwhu can offer a good recommendation, and understands his eccupation. Enquire al 78 Broadway. ol if

DR V G O O D S S T O R E ' ( r J o i J N T E l t » . W l T N t M U W - . E R S , vt A N T E D . — A purchaser can be lound for seneralgaed

second hand Dry Gauds Store Counters, by apply lag al 147 Front street. o2 6t

0~N"KOativonrryi rntr*i ir>sisiiiBiMBiiTi his wife, can be acc.mmodated with pleasant airy rooms, ami

breakfast and tea. or board in a small respectable family, aad desira hie situation. Commuuicalions addressed B A. M„ at this office will receive attention.

\ V A N T E D " " A servant woman in a (mall family. Apply at No. fc N o n h Moore street. ^ _ _ _ _ _ ° ' 3 | *

f~ ~ » 0 A M l A l l l l | s O I M ) U | C ) J I W A M T S I I t fae.psWre ,e> nf ladies and gentlemen, to tbe number of 3D persons, hourly

expected to arrive in tbiscitv from Enrope. Any yerson w h o m i v •lisposeof sufficient accommodations, w ill please at ply to

E. B E R G O N / . K I. 8 Broad s t T ' W A N T E D , also a few more Chorus Singers for tbe Italian

Company. Apply as alntve. « | St

BO A R D I N G — < » t I S Daanestreet ,cornernt CbalhaaistreTt —Two or liiree single gentlrraen. or twugeatlemen and iheir

wives, may be actoromatlatetl Willi beard with long front roams, (tarnished or unfurnished ) T h e bouse Is airy aad pleasant, and every attention given to make it agreeable. Board without lodging ior one or two young gentlemen, all at moderate prices. irlft

B O A R D A T B R O O K L Y N H E I G H T S - S i n g l e g e n -tleinen. or feoilemen with their wives, can obtain pleasant

rooms, (parleurand lied rooms, if required) either permanently or lor the present, by applying at Mrs. Post's, corner of Craubriry and Columbia-str. ci>. sIB

W A N T E D — A VESSEL, of iifid to ** 0 bus ia . . ba.nli-e t» lakes one freight 10 York i i i . t r and brinr 1.. -•» a cargo ol eoru. Applv to s30 » t » O D k T R I M B L E . 157 Maiden lane

Y f c W S E L * B H i M . I M ^ A V l S G M O X K v j__3__hi 10 tUisciM.can a laavs bud a reauv sale and tunrn ii-. • T T T J r ' p a K b , b j . p p i y i u g i o GEO. L. MEACHAM.

WsSIU 217 Front sireet

W A N T E U T O C H A R T E R . T w o V ESjshLtf. al.ttui70li Sarrali eacb,f.-r voyage ta

tbe West ladies -u'i back. Applv ta S25 D. U. RORKRTStkN. lkJFinal *l.

\ Y A N T E D — A gouu V U . a S j L . o t a a e a s t draVwi water, carrvmg 2»H»I liarrels. lo g e S o . 1 h Appl to

J O S E P H S o l Cll vl D. *I3 •• f i e - af Exchange Place atel y < * s<H»Bt

K h t . i i . i i i K O 4 A E . 1 - O R L E A N S . t e s t bound lor New Orleaes. can alwavs be - ppl > •• w 1 !( a e a w l r e i ^ b l , in eayquanlitv. In apslt .»_• te

GE<» L. MEA< HAM, 217 Front street.

N O T I C K . F O R S H R E W s B I R Y .

Tbe -i •am b-.ai PEACOCK will leav far Kelt Bank on Monday , at 7 •>'<-,.•<• k. a. 1 will BOI reiarn froai Red Sank unlit W y.

ye f.,r Re I Bank as usual on Frni-y a t7or loek . via Hi

P l . ' B L i t ' A L ' C O M M O D A T I U N . ' T > l E « i s > nit»», at the stdiciialioa el l>

'r.ctyt-, ami t>n-ibeaccomaiedaliuitwl tbe pal 1 Uas eunuaeuced raamuf aa ebrgant new Ootailw

"X 4 » •< k r h ROV ER.) capahieol c a n 3 lagtwe 10 . . , 0 .1 s„ . . , l ihecher s ireet tiy tbe wsy 01" Military H«:.

SvaSh p i i u r .1 r'aurtb street, oa ibe Maith sale 01 Washing!, ><( »sre. tbrougu Kumiss ireet . crsMMug M'D>turad, I aorason. W,, ces»«r, (j ieeue, Mercer, rtraadaay, and La Fayette Place t . it, Btitverv. 'le.vu Use Bowerv and lb oug't Cbalhaas sireet. leuchia. •• Taiuiua iy l i s 11, and uMersecting Broadway at the lower and ol lb Park, lu Wall street

I n . i. ostie a dl be aerforniet every hvur during the day, from •>> , > • : . . « 1 ne .,o-io..,' uJtil «evea a'elaca in ibe even*"-, sll'oi nit

near> a li ect coai.aunicatiou 1 win the l lud*.n la ibe East Rive a* ».. :i a» if..., tit- u,»p" wards ol ibe rtiy 10 Wall siraei - a n d pa • I B ( y»- A twerv 1 le-eire will also accomatodate tbtate a-i.e may w.-lo vi-dlbat place.

I'x. P.1.,!. * iv re,t at.urerl Hut iheu'm-i t eara and alienti,.:. w ni Iw paid tatbe safety aad cynvenieneaal laose w ha may i .e l ui>-IHMasd "> ;i-- .nav He i « a « liar.

Mete \ J ra, \ a , O, B * ' i . - a a a if JOHN GRAY.

BO A R D . — A gentleman and bis wife, or two or three single •emlrmen.ean lie accommodated with genteel aparaimeifisane

Boar*. The rooms are large and spai.ious.au ihesetaii«t;fltior. frond \pply at 2=5 Pearl >t _ _ ^ _ s23 2wi

B~OAKlT~A.srD~E7obGING—iTimveluent and a g r e ^ l " . apart nwnts may be bait by a small family or single genl eim n

u Mrs. N»wport'., 2N Kultoastreet 03 If

BO A R D XV A N I ' E D . a — A widow lady wishes pcruianeiil board in a private family: no objection to ibe upper pari of ibe

city. Address Mrs. B. at the office 01 this paper. o? 21

BO A R D I N G — T w o uentlemen and their Ladies, and several single get.ik turn can be nrconnnaiiated with pleasant ROODS

and board, on reasonable terats,at Na.7 F ines t . 3d- orsfrom Broad­way. o2 HON

BO A R D I N G . — T w o o r t h r e e gentlemen can be -ccouunoda'cd with hoatd in a priva'e family, ami nanus with lire places, en

reasonable terms, bv anplying at No. 50 Hudson s treet None but respectable persons B«ed a pply. s24 If

B~ O A R D . — A Oentleiuan ami bis wile , and one or two single gentlemen, can b.* accommodated with hoard and pleasant

rooms, al 3 S Beach s t • apposite St. John's Park. ol 3t"

Ht»ARb-a»»A'srn^li»_ge"la*niaB can be acwnin; claled with Board, in a priv te genteel family in Greenwich stieel , south

of Canal s'reet. Board E5 per week. Address L., box 862, Post Office. o l M

HO A R D . — A gentleman and bis wile, and eighi or lea single gentlemen. «an be accommodated wit', board ami pleas.1, t

rooms, furnished or uufnrnishrd, at 4H9 Broome s iree t »lo II

djSA R D » — A l ieui le iuanand his Lady, or two or three Ladies, V / eaa be accommodated with Board aad rooms, in a most desira­ble kovalianin Jersey City, during Ihe a inter mom as ar until Ibe first of May n e x t A mie addressed t o S . H. and lelt al ibis,office w II receive alUntiou. 02 d3t

FR E N C H B O A R D I N G A N D L O D G I N G , n a y be had imuetliatelv. for a tew gemleii.en, i •. a family where l i e

French language 1. spoken, aff^rdiag aa oppoi lunity lo persons wl o wish to perfect ihem-elv .s in the French laaguage Terms motle-ratc. Apply at No. l-"6 I h.imherst. o 2 3 t *

iX1J4t%J«l»MIBO P A R L O R A N D B E D R U O M M lei to twonr threesiagle sjeull»nv-n, in a private family, a i d

»leasauilv ituvletl, west side of Broariwiy, with or without break -u taint tea. Applv al 32 tdatefSSM street Reieiences exchanged.

s24il '

I [ I N K l l t N l s H E D A P A R T > l E N 1 ft \ N A N f E D . \ j — v»a ted bv a Gentleman, Lady ami Servant, a Setting assd eriroom on tbe first Sear, lugeiber with the prlvilei-einthe kitcben.

It must new iibm five miautet . a l l af S t Paul's Church. Addiess J. C. 231 Broadwav. s.:0 Iw

4__j ( F l ' K ' E e - - T h e reitaeed rate* at Hufmken Ferry, vix: (61 a.^ cej>> • 'oaesanger) will tieenfltinwd until farther notice > (5

• 'miTaVVK it>>tt_r TO leKT* tsssssf %BS»S) tsltfft • f V parts of me cilv. T o a guod teu»nt the rent will be uotlerate. l B . f i ai 74 Chamber street, in Ike basement, between 9 an* I o'.hsck. sS tf TTuTlikS

FI R N 1 S H E D L O D G I N G S . 84 R r o n d w a ^ - T h i s new and oe-irable establishment, located I . the moai central a i d

tMisiuess part of the city, has u. dergaue tbe necessary repairs af aiming, kc- Tbe parlarsami Itstd-rasam* la-ing numerous and coo

•twi'd tbiougbcait, which makes il a most select ami aareeah e •late tar lite I,«.cooler. Eui«|>eaas wil l Sad ibsvestablistmem to

t-orresoonii with tie se of Europe; ihe sa t in , department being al the •ai' .n ot those that will patroaixe ibe proprietor. " 2 5 2w» J. OLIVER.

r i l H R E B elegantly finished unfurnished ROOMS, t o -• iwtct'd by finding dtnars, oa ihe secoutl Boor, ia a hous-

•cv-upied bv a private family. g 9 u Wasbia;tnn . 1 0 e l . in il.e 4.ak aa the coti.er of W a s h i a g l o . and Chambers s l i e e u , ran l « bl ' ined, wilb or wilboat Ueasrd.

A1.0, three or lour pleasantly situated well furnished rooms, by apply mg a* above. _ _ _

Rt>4J>l!» T O L E T - — T h r e e very pleweaet rooms iu a bwu * eligibly situated ia awe of the arose strewts within ibree do... s

•1 Broadway. T o t w o o r i b r - e s l a g b j gesslleosen,every indacrmeitt s hers offered, as the rooms all m m - i a V a i o . aad have a S r n c k v et

sutaeked. witii sbeivea. w a r t r o k e . k c . TS»7 w _ l be lurmsbeo or tan as may b> v.*.ired, aad akvi breakfast aad tea if requisite, in a •HUUI private l .milv. Address A Z. box 448, Post Oskce. witk real name ami a.lures .wbicuwit l 1»lakayawkttevy aMowwedjM. oS ht« _ A O R M t k i - i - a-ee* S i S s s s w m • / • rvdsa lJ_ .r -7 , _ • itmt, loeaved in a caatrai part •( the cAy a a _ e n a a - a d h i g 1 • e x c e l l e n t r _ 01 auetom. A^y peraoudeurou* ml e a t e n a c l a t . 11 is uusicess stnaot do better astu loeauoa. AdSlMs J. S. af taJaaftce, wpbrealaaare i t l eeeuce- S i

REMOVALS. RE . M O V A L - - S F R I S B E Y has removed bissjteckol Cloth­

ing from bis old stand No. 9 Hanover street to toe new 4 story Store No. 4i WillUmst. ( n e i t t o tbecoraerof wall st.) where he will continue la .upply bis customers with a complete a—ortvaeiit al every description ol goons made in the best style aad oa the in st liberal terms for casb or approved paper payable at Bauk in any part of the country. Country .Merchant* ia want of Hoiking are invited to call and examine Ihe Stock. j y i o a j

RE M O V A L . — J A S . H. BRL'NDAGE,Tabor , has removed from No. 2 l la idea Lane, up stairs, to N o 194 Broadway, op­

posite F'ITOWU. fftaat) where be Iniend* keeping a faskionable as-soiiruent of ai t icks in his line, wkich he will make ap in the best passible stylo for cash, or as may be agrees! «pan wbea the order is taken. • a a t t f ^

iSlitjHs"ER A t A M P B E L L ' S VABlAET WAKE-ITJJ. H O U S E . 441 Brood anv, removed to Day's Lock Factory,

83 Centre it .opposite Canal st., until their house is rebuilt, a u l t

l a B K . B A V A . 8 * C « .

HA V E R E M O V E D la l i U ) Pearl street, up stairs, a few dears above Wa I street

X T FOR S A L E - A full assortment ef Cloths, Ca-sisueret, Pad­dings. Petershaius, aad Baites , at 160 Pearl st. up stairs, by

s26 L E E , SAVAGE k C O .

_kT E L I « f B L _ O F r E R . ^ t a let, •atwIAw ftstejRftqj next, the whole, or a part nf a haidseme two sit.r.v Mouse,

elegantly larnisbed with every convenience, suitahle lor a genteel u>. in Iy of six or eight iwrsoas, without small children; siluatsd in one af ihe cross streets leading l iom Hudson 10 Piinceand Spring sireet*. LndemaMe ssceritv will Ite required, ar.d none bui tho-et f Ike highest respectability will be treated with.

For iheaddnss . apply for J. M. at ihe offi eo | I ' . i s paner. ol Iw

/ • • I D P H Y S I C I A N S k D R L G G I S T S e - T h e p r o p i i e t o r s I ul a Drag Store, eiegaetly filled dp with a choice scire: ion el

Medicines, situated lu one of the Iwsl locations in the city, offers the establishment, ur. for sale. T e a person whe is desirous al com­mencing tbe business, this situation offers inducements rarely to be met with, as Ibe conc-rn will lie sold on advantageous terms. Far iaiorfuaii>n.a| plv at No 364 Broadway.

N. B. Also a partner wanted in the Drug and manufacturing bu­siness. s27 2t

J O B W R I T I N G . * — A gentleman wb-. writes a handsome and expediiious hand, is desirousof empla.. ing bis leisure hours

either in a La • vers eture or elsewhere, wfere his services would be useful as a copyist A line addressed J. M. V.at ibis office will lie puntually attended to. o23t-

r i M ) B E D I S P O S E D . — A persoa wishing to leave tbe city 1 is desiious ef disposing of a lucrative ard increasing basinets,

which is capable of being extended, being the only one el the kind in this city; any person possessing a cash capital e f $2*00 to $3»f0 will bad this a valuable investment ;»nd Ihe profit certain, being a cash concern. Particulars ma;, be known by letter addressed T . G. box 1210 at Ihe Po.t Office, wiih real name and reference. o2 3t*

KN O R S A L E . — A Biewery and Malt House,at Brooklyn, with 1 six lots ot ground. Three on Raymond and three on tiivison

street,oeai the Navy Yard. Enquire if BEN.I. HAIGHT 60 Pine street,or H E N R Y ALDWORTH, 109Fultoii s treel ,BroAlyn. an.11

• ? _•>svs l f*Uk.a» P A H I a O R f t A N D ' H I E D - R O O M S * a v Ta LO. Eiitiune at 7G Lilieity street .of the House keener lih story, in room No. 13. jv3o

E~~DlN B I I S T G t l E N C Y C L O P B D l a V - s w W " s a l e low, a complete set of ibis rare and valuable work. Inquire of

s27 ft B. R E E V E k CO. Canal, St. opposite Gass Works.

» | 1 D S P O R T l . M E N . - T w o f u l l bio ided S E T I ER I U P S M four months old. for sale. Enquire al H!> Northmorestreet

ah.'i-elbey can be seen. ol 3t* » _ T O R A « « E AV A ^ K 5 rear of 145 aau 117 Front street, at reasonable rales Inquire of

02 Iw OAKLEY &. ROH.ME, H7 Fronisl . 1 4 5 s28

U f l l K A l i D ran be had in toe new lire proof Store No. >s5 From street. .Appiy asabove.

A C A R D . W1 LL IA Vl H i l l It kaji a» .at i l l i l . il kfmi. l l in l l f i rity for the purpose of transacting a general commission busi­

ness at \ e 24 Broad sireet. I T Advances made upon shipment South. s3A Im

R- E M O V r A L . : : C H A l t L E S S M B B A N baa rttasavad M i «#« fice 1,0111 37 Peck slip to 31 South street, between liltl and

Coenlies slips. sJO lw

i i r i R f j i T E R l T i i O N bus tcturned to 1 4 d Erontstreet. a (new stores) up stairs. s l9

UK M o V A la n ^ l a U f t U J a i ft t'WWTIllalivftW ISMrcmoe ad 10 No 70 Alaitb.lt lane (up stairs.) s!2 tl

(_ ^ R A l T E , P R I A 1 E tV C O . bavins; this day taken i . l o ST Copaitnersbip JOHN CLARKSON J.AV, will continue their

business under tuesame firm. ol 6t

f S t > 1 . Jk S . A L L A N . Commission Merchants for tbe sale • • of Domexic , and wholesale dealers in Foreign Goods, Asy­

lum street. Hartford. Connecticut • _ • _

4 . r* T H O M A S 7 N O . »ajaiiuBiiuri'^w'iJR. YOCUL,

ORNAMENTAL GILDER ON LEATHER.-iegnraa- . Card Cases, Portfolios, Bloitia-; Uasas, b e lor sale,

or made lo order. m8

J O H N B E N S O N . tVoppcrfmittrnnd limner gj Wsier street New York, will make toot .I»I all aiticics in his due. Al .o .Cop,

per Stills, Worms, and all the apparatus (or sugar boiling and raba-•tig, al the shortest notice,

tbipner Balking l'tihs. Pumps, Cranes, ke . kc . je5 1/

]t_T O T I C i i T 6 ~ P k i N T E R S . - W H I T F HAOAR a. CO a-M base removed then Type Foundry from No il Thames-si. 10 No 47 tiuld-st, where they are preiuired to exoeute all orders in their bnie of busiaess with correctness and despatch.

n6t t_ W i l l T E . H A G A R fc CO

C^ S O L D t s T s l L V E R "W 67 Watts-sL— Gobi, silver ami copper Leaf.ul superior qualities,

also gold, silver and copper Brontes, at the low est cash price, of sale at the niauui.ict.ir> Nt,..bi Wall, st. bv G E U R G E S. WAI 1'E

N. K. Foreien orders aliemle4 10 with care aud punrtualitv. F20

fk l a R l ' M S . — A g real variety 01 et .gant Albums with plates; Jim. Clarke's Cummenlary on the Old and New Testament, S vols. royal 8 vec do do 00 lha New do, 1 vol. do; Polyglot Testaments and Bibles, various and elegant bindings; the boek'uf Hearts, with a vari e iy ot other works, wholesale aad retail,by

mylHU J. «:. H IKER, 18 Ann street

r _ j i 6 T ' R I N T K H f t ftywl* J J J W O M I U M S A K M S . — • Printers and Binders are invited to examine a Patent Standing

Press, made and sold by C. B A K T L E T T . 76 Bowery. The above Presa is believed to be superior to any other in market i where great pressure is required, it takes but little room, and can be worked by one person wilb uase. Me also has for sale, t w o small Standing f 1 esse., vu.table far Bank Binders, for sale low. s2

Pt A T E N T L E V E R W A T C H E S . - A complete as­sortment of Gold and SiRvr Patent Levers, fold and hard dial

movements, ol Litberland, Daviisfe Co., Moncas 41 MS— manufac­ture constant Iv on band and for sale by

a g i s t DAVID H A P P E N k CO. 61 Piaestreet;

_• V O I ' A L * A K N I S H - V> Oils in all its varieties, warran.cd *i - a superior article. 20 brls. made to dry w il hwul sun. Also, black and brawn Japau, for sale by _nii23 W l l ^ I A M T l L D B N . IMJUvineton St.

H I E . I V I E N G I N E S . I'be subscriber off~rs far sale two MarineEnginnsof Dfly horses power oarh. with dupl ies ' - ma­

chinery and bo' lent complete, of Ihe lies! English workinamhip, hav­ing been made expressly to order. Drawings of iheu.m.v, be seen, and further particulars made known, by application to

slo R U P E R T I. COCHRAN, 25 SroadsL

ffpO BE sOLto OWEAP ANffNi'AMIft_MT|.l>^ I 3 da/en Si Domingo mahogaitv chairs, sent slutt wilb best

cushion horse hair, and covered with line hair seal ing, 4 ceuter ta­bles with marble tops—all of which arc uncle of the t>est inalerials aud w srkninnsbip. Enquire 01 J. R. WII I T E , 45 Courllandt street

sb _ _ _ _ _

O t T K l i ^ ^ B O O l i t * . ^ ^ M. K. ITNDERHILL has lor sale, on the most reasonable terms, al his Manufactory, No. 50

Fulton street, a full assoi tmeet ef Gill and Aheresqiie, lock and spiing.s ngleand double Wallets, Note Cases, kc. Also, Calf and Sheep-tithed Wallets, Book Board, ke . suitable far the hardware and country trade. s5 lm

a f N M l S A f * T A l i U Q c U N G B U f i . A B J L I f t H B l U - N T . ~ -VV ALEX. E F F R A Y . DraperS Tailor, 1 4 t i Fulton st reel,intorms his friends and the public, that he has on hand a handsome assortment ol cloths, ensstni'res, veslings, ke. of a superior quality. Persons desiring articles in his line, can Vave garme-ts made 111 the most (hsbsnaalile slyle.at the very lowest cash prices.

N.B. A. E. keeps always oa haad slocks, suspenders, bosoms, col lars. and every article in bis line. auu

A _ f U _ T » B t C f E v O l * l » 4 a t s l f t - e a Malaaa « . a a . . t q | • stairs. New Yoik—Importers of, and dealer in China-ware,

main > clocks, vases, engraving, perfumery and fancy goods in gene­ral, beg leave to introduce to public knowledge their new establish­ment In the above line, where they shall endeavor 10 merit a share in tbe patronage of the public, by their liberal way of accommodating the sauie: _ _ _ • " ' *

S~ ~ I L l T l s - A l * - F A C T O R E R . - T h e undersigned haseon* staidly on hand, a goad assortment of Italian si lk, twist fro.'

Buttons, Silk Braids, ladies' habit and pelisse Bullous, all matte «f Ike best materials and of the latest imported patterns, w holesale and retail. J. D E N M E A D , 134 Monroe,

s52a5w* 'ear Rolevrs street.

W A T E R A L C U R V _ 7 * * J U _ t i t l r t t T W p i g i _ * . WLA The use of ihe only successful apparatus for tbe treatment ol

Ibis affection will be explained, and terms made known, at Mr. CA­SEY'S residence, Nik 63 Waverly Place; or, at Mrs. J. M. Mabbett's. No. 177 Grand sireet, w here a lady will attend upon visitors.

Reforeucts—Dnt Val. \lntt, D • Kissnm. D Rovers. * c . s l l tf

H4Jf3_£__ * J-Ui«M9s*sft-w* JMLvOCIl B»ftt-TORY, 3» Moll st.—Articles ia Ihe above line, oa hand a i d

for sale by J. B. W E E D E N . N. B.—A quantity of Coach, Cart and Wagon Hubs, far sale. Ap­

ply as above. my28 f t L O T H I N G A T W H O L E S A L E , 4 f WILLIAM \ y street, ( twodoors belaw Wall) by the subscriber, onaccommia dating terms. Southern and Western Merchants are invited to call and examine for ttiemselves.

| y ! 3 t f ft E R I S B E Y . _

FO R S A L E O R T B L E T ~ > P « « i « i . n n a a u - i - . W , - T h e new brick warrbouse No. 9 Stone streel, (near Broad streat; )

six stories high, with a dry cellar and roof coppered. The store is 27 feel by («. Apply 1 . J. F D E L A P L A I N E , ft CO.

sl8 76 Water street

• S I N E P I S T O L S — A lew pair of cut, fine twist, patent _ T briichand percussion loek PISTOLS, suitable for shooting at Target, are for sale at the Sporting Siore, No. U Maiden laae, near Broadway, by ?*______ " u l 9

_ _ B O N O M E T E R . r r ~ " - ' - T - - " i m l r ^ _ I B . make, (No. 1709,) suppaseilto have been ordered by some house

in this city, was brought mil by the ship Ada, Capt. siu.p-.oB. (late C a o t Guttery,) from London. For further oarticalars, apply to

s26 E. k. COLLINS. 68 South street.

AM E R I C A N C R I M P I N G A P L U T E I N G M A ­C H I N E , on a better pianihau any yet sold in this market, for

saleat C H A R L E S R. TAYLUR's Store, 1_ Maklen lane. S23 __*r_ '* , !"* , , w a ' r -

rBJVo ftODTHEIIM A N l> W E S T E R N M E R -• C H A N T S C O N F E C i l o N A R Y -Manufactured by a n e w

process, by which method they aredivested of all impurities. Woods manufaciuredand put up expressly for tbe above markets,

at the lowest prices, aad warranted. s!4 T H O S . f. P E E R S . J4I WlUlam s t

AC C O U N T B O O K M A M F A C T O R Y . - C o m p l e t e setts or single Books, made to order at short notice.

Also, on band an extensive assortment e f Account Books, ruled to the various patterns in use, aS> bound in Ihe most approvedand sub­stantial style, at Stationers' Hall, 245 Pearl sireet, by


ST E A M B O A T I M P R O V E M E N T . - A mechanical person of this ciiy has dis.overall an entire new method af pro­

pelling sicam vessels, and wishes the assistance of some monied gen­tleman or public company lo enable him to bring it before the public.

Particulars may be known by addressing a notefu-itArail namron 1° addrvu) la G. N. i ., Grand street Hotel. W illiamsbui g. Long Island, whs re (if required) an iatei view ran be had wilb tbe discoverer.

saw lw*

^ S L O T H I N G A T W H O L E S A L E . F O R T H E \ j S O U T H E R N k W E S T E R N T R A D E — T b e subscriber bas on hand a very large stock of Clothing, made in good style, of mate rials purchased out .1 season, much bele.w their preseet value. T b e articles are all made wi lu-* si ie, and will be sold on liberal terms, nt •dices that oner Strang inducement 10 purchasers.

S20 F. J. CON A N T , 138 Pearl, aad 104 Water s t

HA R D W A R E . C U T L E R Y . A c - F R E N C H , W E B S T E R k CO. 1 formerly ol'Alnany,) 101 Ma bleu laae, ia this

city, have received and are apeniag their slot-kof Hardware, Cut lery, .addle iy , fcc. Their assortment Is very general anu suitable lor the country trade.

Country Merchants are respectfully invited to call and examine the (oods and prices previous to their pure basing. a23

FA T E N T B A L A N C E S . - The subscribers bare now oa band, a complete asssortmenl e l Patent Balances, and Appa­

ratus for weighing all kinds rf merchandize; aha. Balances a id Weights, graduated for foreign cauulries—together wilb all kinds of Scale Beams, Scale... Weights, b e all of a hiebare manufactured by themselves, and are warranted perfect

s!6 tl J. U BROWN k CO. 218 Water st. near Peck slip

f f t A l . E M A N I F O L D W R l T E K - C . P. DAKTN.Ntv i _L Maiden Lane, (up >t sirs.) manulast nrer of the above much im­

proved writing apparatus, offers for sale aa assortment, ia gill and plain portf lio cases aad bound. Lead Ponds of all s i tes manufac­tured as above. s36 2w

8T O C K S tt D I E S , assorted, | to If inch; cast steeTsecket Chissels. steal Sauares. American brick aad plastering Trowels,

Ship Scrapers, plated Squares, sliding Beyils. cast steel spring Di­viders aad Saw Sets , cast steel Drawiag Knives, screw and ab>e Wrenches. Turn Screws, plain and plated Braces—for sale al manu­facturer's prices, by

slO P E T T I B O N E fc LOXG, W Liltertyst.

PL A T E D A N D B R A S » \ V O U ' N D G U T r - A T l o t ior sale, suitable lot ibe mauufaclory ol Suspenders •*- Bass Viol

or Piano strings. Also a lot of Buckle. , suitable for children, sus­penders. For sale by

si-- if P A V I D HALL. 93 Maidea lane.

PA P E R H A N G I N G S . B O R D E R S . ^ _ c . - / u s t r e c e i v e d by 1 tie latest packets, twenty-st vea pact ages .1 ve.y superior

French Satin Paper Haagings, velvet ami gold Borders, ami imita­tion velvet Borders; a U r g e collectina of view sand BreboardPriat*; all of wbivh are o l tbe must approved patterns and s i . l e . For salt by the case or s e t t

s i b l m F R A N C I S P A R E S . N q 379 Pearl s t

| 1 V L I M I E E P A P E R M A C H 1 . N E S . - T k e sahscri-*A> hers manufacluie Cylindtr Paper Machines, Paper Drying Ala-chines, and Sawyers Patent Pulp Dressers.

s2l tf J. L. HCOWN _ CO. 248 Waier streel, near Peck slip

TO J E W E L L _ « R S . - R e c e i v e < i per skip Chanemane, a small invoice of Canwtis for breast pins, earrings, aetkiacrs,

e t c ALso, Button., and Studs— for saleat sS CALE MAM) fc K L E F F L E R ' s . Mg Pearl ft ap stair-.

J A C O N E T S , M L L L A N D B O O R A | L S L I N S . » f various lualiiits, received by tbe late arrival., aad oa t a l e . t

Ne. 132 Pear! st, by m BMElUIAIs l^ GILLILAN

FR E N C H W I N D O W G L A S B ^ - t S O b . . x e s m a n d d quatity French Window Gla_i, assisted from 61x71 to l ix ia ,

lB_dingam1f««-sale_» A. L E N I ILHOrt _ CO. auanf 4fi Exchange Place

I k S H l R T C O L L A R f t A N D B O S O M M . - L DURHAM S_r 177 Broadway,siga ol Ike _*ops_Sleeking, afiers far sa les larre

n e a t a f Skirt Collars aad Bee saw, wholesale and aud general asnortsneat a retail, al very tow priers. _m

L R R B L O C R k - S M I per ibe A l g > Metieatoe, fi

ARCHIBALD GORDOK. IW Orecawirbst . purchasers by


rt superior quaUry, just arrived asltovre. aad lor satoia lata to sail

PR | l W R * r - B r e _ k P i U - a s . i . plaia aaSf -ac j i bwas-T, toa.l.at aad tor tale by * • «• a i« . . . « „ . _ . . . .

aasatf L f c N T l L H o N fc r.r*.

46 Etefcaarc Plaee.

FA L E . O l l a — t B i K-lkwa pruae mil D_ . l i t o - d . Be_~__tpbaa (ftl.ior salrby

siysll W . A k C . » W A I N . l » O r e » w „ b » u


A L L O W — J 0 bbls Country Tallow, for sale by o2 CHA-S. JACRSOTv. 79 Water s treet

A N N E D S H E E P A N O C A L F S K I N S , for Rook Binders, for sale by CHAS. t>l BSON. -'.: Fine st. »2

• _ k _ r O L A » S E S - - 4 0 h i i d s . prime retailing nualitv— lor sale by ______! _ J-ORGAff k B U T L E R . 72 Courtlaadt st.

~ A R E ftBUNBft K U R S f o r »•«• by ' c a i u

n2 F. S. k P. S C r l b R S I N G ER. -^ Pine St. H


N D I A R U B B E R S H O E S . - ' . rase . . iu 101st,, »uu t d r L chasers.for sale by RICE k C O »t •oent ies Sliy. o2

LR G E N T A N O R G E R M A N S I L V E K - l a bais, rolled and drawn, constantly tor sale at 91 William street. ol

L D L E A D.—50 tons in lots ts> suit purchasers, for sale by ol 2w G E O R G E YOI/LE k CO. 24u Water s t *

sS P E L ! ' E R - 3 3 tt-ns Spelter f-r sale ksw by s30 W H I T T L E S E Y .- M c t R E A . II Old Slip.


B T N L O U R - I O ' O barrels Fit _r, Phenix Mills. Cayuga and oilier _T bravuU. for sale by W. _ J. JAMES, 18 Souib s l . _ .30 lw

BL A C K L E A D — l e l i b l s for sale cheap, t . d o s e valet _ _ _ • _ _ J. L. BROWN fc CO. 248 Waters!.

O »• F E E — I ' 1 ' b a g s prime Hie CoffVe. lata impnrtaiic.i.for sale s27ilt by ti. BOLTON, FOX k LIVINGSTON.

f S K I V E R S . — 2 c a s e , of first quality Skivers, just received aud t_r lor sale by S A M U E L HICKS k SONS. sg7 3t

1 J C f l i l H A I R S E A L S K l N R a - l e r s a l e b y R - f t P _ r * _ P * « 4 w AUSTIN M ELY IN, No. 5 Ferry s'.

B A S O S H MATlllN"uTPAi_ R - i U o a s tor sa'e"hy " t^" «»2 J M O . S. P o t T , No. 10 Peck slip.

« l C E . " • * ' tierces prime fresh beat, free 11 em mavel, new land­ing per brig Courier, and for sale k*

Qs3t WILLIAM LLOYD, M . tM B t - M l t t

«t I"1" i \ l t . 41 firki s. insmvil paeknges. suitable tor ship Mng, just received and for saie by

_«>2 2t M. C O O N - i -HSRMAN. «2 Front «t._

LE M O N S . — S S boxes"sicily Lemons, iu prime order, landing and for sale bv

02 CHAMBERLAIN. P H E L P S k C - k P B Frons t

H I tOXS 110B superior Rio IVoolini Hides, just received and landing, and for sale by

o2 E L W E L L k TAYLOJM4 Coffee House slip.

S" E Y T L L E O t ! Y - f i S T - v a - i r . jars, large size, in fi.ie oi-der, lot sale by

_ o l BALDWIN _ HENP.IQI'ES. 117 Front st.

[ A R D—'a5n kegs first quality northern leaf Laid, Lelamis's city WA rendering.for sale by

o2 CHAS. A. JACKSON, 79 Water street.

WINDOW etaA-Ok-lsR*ks__k *f sartssi tstM,«rt_n New Yark ami Wayne factories, for sale by

. 2 31 J. 8. POST, No. 10 Peck slip.

R R O T - s - l splendid assortment from tbe Pbenix lower, lantT-r*s, m ; and for sale by WM fc JNO. JAMES.

s 'Olw Agents for Ihe Company, 18 Sonth street

I A I l f . E and 5mall W'rapHin* Paper oi' g'ttiJquality, for sale t in lots to suit purchasers at th» commission paper warehouse

306 Pearl street. P. POI LLtIN. .1 r. sSfl

FI i f H L E T T R R r f t f _ | U « « f as^HMDa e«A_«, «« f t varinusother kinds for sale by R. POII.LON.Jr

s30 Iw 8R Pearl street.

E S T E R N - > A . R Y B I T I K R . - 7 J kegs in prime order, for sale by B E R G H k ARCI.LARII S,

s30 62 Water-sireet.

PB I N T I N G P A P E R a - l O o reams medium, gotta qua'ity farsalebv J. L. BROWN _ CO.

«3"tf 248 Water street^

FL O U R —150 oris, new Richmond Mountain Flour, landing from sehr Wasp, for sale bv

a_> THOS. IRVPV fc CO. 9R Front street.

SI N G L E A D O U B L E G U N S L . of fine qnaliiy. far sale at the Fishing mid Fowling Tackle Store, \\ Maiden lane, bv


PI S T O L S . G U N „ _fc S P O R T I N G A R T I C L K S . -A. W. S P I E S nffers (wholesale) a •omplete assortment of the

above arlic es on the most accommedaling terms, nt 192 Pearl st «26

HI D E S . — » » t ) Buenos AyresHitles, averaging 29 lbs" iiew landing from ship Romulus for sale by

s * S P O F F O R D , T I L E S T O N fc CO. 119 Waterstreet.

FA L L t ) I L - 4 n ( t 0 c a l l o n s Fall till, in hhds. tienses ami bbis" now landing and for sale Iw

tUn E D W A R D G. BARNEY.207 Front st.

BO O K B I N D E R S C A M B R 1 C S - I 5 0 " p i e c e s , assorted colors, for sale bv

•%%tm CHARLES GIBUON. 32 Pine sireet

SO U T l i K R N P I N E K I N D L I N G W O O D - I M . of tips useful article daily esperted—orders left with William

B l , _ ' _ ! ? _ _ ! _ _ _ S i r''",'' !___*! ___ u e attended to. s23 if f » G \ V O O D . ~ S 6 tons SL Domingo Logwood,' handsome

J quality, Ian .ing from brig Triton—for sale bv H _fc W. D E L A FI E LD. 40 South st.

I N E — * • « dozen hne Sauierne, (CJiateau de Lassale) just landed from the hri_ Pioneer, from Bordeaux, for sale be

ARCHIBALD GORDON. W f.reenwirh st.

O O L — t bags Merino Wool, receivedfrom Alexnndria, for sale by ISAAC G. O G D E N , 4 Joses Buildings,

___«f__ 18 Wall street.

L ' l - B S E A L C A P S . — A general assortment of Fur Seal R Caps and Collars, for sale by

aii29lf G A U L T , B I G t O W k CO. No. 144 Waterstreet.

HA I R C A PSa—A general assortment of their own manufac­ture, for sale by G A U L T , BIG LOW fc CO

No. 14) Waterstreet W H .il, E O I L-taSon gallons refined Whale Oil i 11 _ _ • _ _ _ _ •

W T bl.ls.oi superior quality, farsala bv m.v31 W A. _ C SWAIN. 199Greenwicbsl.

» | O H A l R A N D S l L f i T W l S T . - . l a c k . b l u e a a d a s IT _. sortuil is.laiii-.,lor sale bv

auStqf __________* V_ETH. 159 Pearl sireet

MO C K A S i r K S . — 4 rases patent furred MftriM WaMr Braal Mockasins. a superior article, lust received and for sale by

»»l Rl S . E L L , M A T T I 8 0 N k CO. 91 Maiden lane, upstairs.

T A f t ' A T E R C A S K S . Seventv-five see nd hand Water ' » t'asks.fio « one bii»drett to four hundred ga Ions,011 board

ships V iclery and Silvanus Jenkins, fur sale bv '•» tl E. B^RAW SON. 207 Front street

• Y N O K A J E N N 1 N G S have riceived, from the Boston am! RL4 Lynn litdta kubUer fattory, oue c.ise India l lutber I loll

which will be sold by Ihe yard or piece at 1!7 Broadway .opposite tit-City Hotel, nmlatijotning V U o V ol

T » _ E k V C O T T O N " 5 l i l K . V « H I M ' . ~ t ; bales new ANI saioplttti Cotton ; and 6 half toils, fresh turn tirist, laudiii" ai.il lor sate bv J. .*. MUNRO

»14t _ 39 Hurling Slip.

DU T C H B O L T I N G C L O T H E a t every _ _ _ _ _ » , re­gularly imported aud lor sale lu quantities to suit purchase!-

bv L E E , BIRD .V CO. s24 32 Exchange Place, corner of William st.

CH A M K A t s i N E B R A N I ) Y . - a pipes old Chanqwgn. i'«<tud\, Lerocq's braml, landing from brig Level, Iran ____•

denux, lor sale bv ol



J. KOI I IIAl'D. Corner of Exrhanee I'lacccnd \ > w siieet

DI M ' N B R A N D Y L A N D I N G . A lot of I) anna. Brand,, in pipes, halvi s, and qr. easks. la.tding from the bri-

Level,from Bordeaux, at pier No. 9 East River—For sale bv o l lw V. 'IARSALOU, 27pinest .

P f t V W E N T Y T O N S P I G I R O N . Baa, 1, of a very sup., ft nor quality, lahding from tbe sloop fraai Kenderhtmk, at foot

o* Dey sir. at, tor sale by H E N R Y P A T T O , . S a t e - _ 26 Cedar sireet.

MA C K E R E L Ai H E R R I N G S . - I O O barrels No. 2 Mac eral.and 60 bids. No. 1 English llerriogs. landing Ibis day, fat

sale by BROWN k B c T T f t S B i 4 w»i<"r street.

PO R K . - 2 3 0 brls. prime Pork. I t k T . brainf * 100 do. mess do heavy and o l superior quality

liirsaleby w . _ J. J.AMES. s30 lw 18 South sireet.

BR O A D C L O T H S fc C A S S I M E R E S - l h e s u b s c r i l s e t has just re-eivetl a handsome assortment ef blue, black, aud eo

hired Broadcloths aud Cassiuitrvs; also. Satinets ul various colors a qualities; Padding, Canvas, fcc at who'etale ami retail, by

»23 Im G I L B E R T II. IIORTON, 452 Pearl streel.

•A! A S H U i B K O i i K » H E K . T I N G ~ A w H I K T l N b . ___• l--a bales, J,, in. Nashua brow n shirting, ai liales 18 in Nashua brown Sheeting. For sale bv _s30 lw MON PGOMEKY. S M I T H k AMORY, 43 Pine st.

BL E A t n i N G P O W D E R S O R C H L O R I D E O K LIMi_—>l»nu! tc tured by • lemiani." and warranteil ave iv

suuehor artiele, for sale by s30 lw J A M E S L E E , 142 Penrlst.

BO R D E A U X A N D M A K S K I L L K S 4 I I L S -I4u haskelssuptrier quality Bordeaux Oil in stamped bottles

2W baskets Marseilles Sweet Oil, ol good quality—for sale by si* BALDWIN fc H E N R I Q I E S 117 Front streel.

(~ ^ R E S H B O R D E A U X P R U N K . S - . l u s l received, pe. 1 br.g Level. Irom Bordeaux, 69 cases fresh Bortlenux prunes in

fancy. tenth and quarter boxes. Apply to s27 Iw _____J_________J____________j

Ct A N A L B O A T G L A S S - - « ' Imxes Bosten kitassT I2xln ,' 11x9,- veryst-vui, for caual baals, steam boats, fcc—lur s a i e .

manufacturers' prises, by S27 CHARLES GOFF, 164 Maiden Lane.

W O O L - i . b t ' t i lbs. Saxout Fleece Wool, from one ef the In st flocks in the county of Dutchess, lor sale by

CON ELI N fc B O W N E , Poughkeepsie, >836l* Dutchess County.

f t O O D S F O R E . \ P O R T A T I O N . - 5 c a s e s very supei 1. "_•" 8-4 Kmhroideretl Salin Shawls, high colors, well adapted lot the Spanish market, fur sale bv F. V AR E T k SON, _s27 lw N. 147 Peurl sireet, up stairs.

f | V A R i i t U R P E N T l N E . - 5 0 U bkls. iarjjelixe roanv f a 1 • in store, in lots to suit purchasers; 21111 bbls. Turpentine alio.

for sale bv _S27 JL VAN BVB_JB K. 112 South si.

ME R I N O 4 ' L O T U S — 1 8 c a s e s welfassotVeil German Men no Cloths, 52 inches wide—jtsl received per brig Montaso

from llaxiburg. and lersalc by HENRY W. T. MALI. s U lm _ _ _ _ _ 16 Cedar s ireet

MA D E I R A W I N E . k T . - A few B - T S i i i and ' ' iwFqt casks superior Madeira Wine. Also, bottled Burgundy .V

deira, and Chateau Mai g a m all which will be sold low lo close a cunsirniiient Also a few bbls. Mouongaheie Whiskcv. very old, bv

827 tf L VAN BUSKIKK, 112 South St.

Ct A R P E T I N G S — Just received, Mip.rfine and fine Ingraix-/ ed Carpelitigs, of the newest and must approved patterns an 1

colors; also, Jackson,Orleans and Veniiian, lor sale in bales to suit purchasers by _s26 2w B E N J . HAIGHT. 60 Piae street.

| , M . \ _ O L l l J . l V A C O F F E E , romond eaashA for sale _T by WILDE fc CO. Coffee roasters and factors, at their office

No. 10 ft toad sireet, and at Iheir factory Ne. 252 Wooster s t X ' Ceffee roasted for the trade, ol_3t THOS. BRYAN. Agent

^ ! T . D O . M i . X G O t ' l l F F E E - W . tags , part new crop, now i c f landing from schr. Essex,lor sale by

OAKLEY k ROOME, 147 Fronts! Also in store, ISO bags Vt. Domingo Coifrc. ol

O l s ' T As B R A l I E R ft C O P P E R -20,wil)Ti ai. Bolt Con per, assorted, _ lo IJ Inch; SP.M'M lbs. Bra/iers Sheets and B M

10ms. rouiprisiug a full assortment of every description, for sale on libers! terms, bv 11* manufacturers,

au2l H E . N D H K K * B R O T H E R S . 15 Water st

AX E S A N D S C Y T H E S . loll dot. Simt ion's warranted cast steel Axes loo do Cone's warranted Grass Scathes 100 do Ihhoisnnfc Griffin's Corn Sv vibes, far sale by

a22 F R E N C H . W E B S T E R fc CO. I8| Maiden lane

YE L L O W P I N E T I M B E R - H H ) , 0 W feet i f inch Nnr row Flooring ft 40,000feet I. inch Broad Heard* 50,1*0 leet 2, _ and 3 inch Plank—for sale bv

j l j JOHN O G D E N , 168 South st

BL A C K B L O N D E L A C E S . - I m i t a t i o n Bluck Blende Lace, received per Skip Poland, an J ju-t opened at

J . M. J A C Q C M . L V 126 Pearl street. Also, a few dozen very rick linit tiou Binckl'dei.de Lace Mar-

tillas. Veils, fcc. s28 5t

AL M O N D a . F I L B E R T S At W A L N L T S . - J 0 b . -fresh Langaed'tc solt shelled alatonds. 5 bales paper shell do.,

landing from bug Hercules; 30 bales fresh Sicily Walnuts,Idea'hed ; 12 bales Iresb >icily Filberts, in lots to sun purchasers. For sab by

o2 BALDWIN fc H E N R I Q U E S . 1 U Front t t

UO I . E R S f t S O N S ' C U T L E R - " . - A . W7 S P I E S . 1 _ Pearl s i , has just received another fine assorimcm of fcodgt 1 s

fc Sons' Cutlery ; also, a complete assortmeiit ot Knives, oa cards, and a few sella of Table Cutlery of 128 piecas, ivory balance hand s, in mabogaay cases. s_

^ _ A L T A P L O A T . — S t . Ubes. uewTaodiag and for sale star i p _ 9 If applied fur 10 day ; I ' i ca Roek, t t i t a . n a ground and Livei-pool blown Salt, Factory filled and iu gtmd order, tor sale in lots o

E. P. fc A. WOODRUFF, suit pa. chasers, by o l 105 South sire.

WK A C K E R E L s - 1 3 brls. No. I; 55 half 4ml do. 1 _L l<5 do. No. 2; 6s half do. do.

43 do. No. 3 ; Portland inspection, lam g from brig Alary, for s a l . by

ol MORGAN fc B U T L E R ,

72 Counlandt street I M I L I T A R I M O U N T I N G - T k e subscribers have J .M . _ _ _ received a large aad choice ns ortmealof Military Sits, Brno-eons, Stirrups,ke, kandsttmelv assorted, brassaml sftaer.

j y l 2 k S L E E S O N , iSQWaiarsi

tt O R K S — A liaudsonav asaerunaal of Velvet SiHile, Pint Bon It / aad Viol Corks, is offered for taiu by

GEO. C E N G O I . M I t Water st. ol Tonieee (asffee house

b _ , H A \ Y L * - K l c k ftaaker Silk • 9 Moaraiog aad colaretl silk and ei tton

Primed So do Printed cot lea , B r a g a a i a d o for sale by

l_B L E E A BABCOCK .54 Pine-

HA T T I N G W O O L S . _ . . _ _ • _ _ _

50 bales Spanish Skeepe Wool; 85 d i . <\\ Lambs Wtol 15 d . Saxony Lambs de, suitable for Halting surpos.

Fos sale bv T O N N E L E fc H A L L 45 r ulton. s26 near Pearl street.

RA G S . C A N A R Y S E E D . S H U . M A C . A c -200 bales Mewiiaa Raffs; ati bags Canary Seed S B bagsSirrlv Shun.sc; 10 cases Licorice 24 casks Pocmcest me; 4S»bo_mUmoiis—landing froai brig

Powhatan, from Vesvina. for sale by s i . CHAMBJ(RLAIN, P H E L P S k CO. 168 Front 11.

W R O U G H T I R O N fteVVRft_Al*____r____*«_ The 1 ol« oners, manufacturers of Eire Proof Safes . d

Ckests, Have now on bandau aseortmeal of Hies, which they oSei tor tale on tbemoalfavorakle terms. Wroagbl Iroa Doors for baas Vaults, h e made to order, to the bast manner, at short notice.

s21 U J. L BROWN fc CO. 248 Water street,near Peek slip.

BK O T H E B S M E L L Y . 1 » Maidea laaa,are _M_Ma_j reeeieiaa aad offer far mm _ ,

W A T C H I M Ocsd. silver aad eampoaiUon Wamfata. CLOCKS and MaBcal B o i e s af every detenptioo,

—AUo— D iamomls. Real PearS aad P n a k i - l Stones, a_36 St a

i > IE C A f t k C L A R E T W I N E ,•4349 ti c a w s Satan. do

M bags Rio Coffee: 35 cheat Y. H. Tea 2 5 e _ e s t . H » s « B S _ i n do 17 do flmriairag da—torcaie hjr

C. S. T E H R B T T . Cmjuistma Mvrcharo »|7 m Waitf sir-et, w r i e r 1 ».

FL O U R F O R B A K E R S , madefiwra Old Wheat. 320 bbls. of Alexandria Mountain 5110 bbls.of Georgetown, branded Union 6i>0 do of do. do Georgetown Mills loo do of d-. do Potomac 310 do of do. ele Potomac anu Union 200 do manufactured from new soatbern wheat—for sale by

.27 iw M E E F I S fc STRY K EIL8I5 Frool s t _

JM B P H M e P A R T R I M I B . Brafcat in Dye Wouus, Dye SmA's, Cochineal, Inl ine. Madder, kc.

DUI'GS—Opium, Jalap, Uuirksiiver G l ' MS—Copal, Soellac, Senegal and Barbery OILS— Liu-evd end Olive.

I k Hanover street, between Wall st. aad s28 Exebang^Mi»c«._

M I E T M O V R . J B K R « _ U i R Vm» mmm ior »h» at their s_l Yard, corner of Cherry and Montgomery streets, Georgia Pite . of the follawino description.viz ;

2.2*.3,ana 4 inch Ship Plank 11 and 2 inch Plank, suiiablefor steps l and IJ inch Plank, suitable for itilcvsk heading 5. 6,7, ard 8 inch Floor Boards W ith Sc-utl inr and sawed Girders, of various dimensions.

•28 1m


' * • T R V O N ' S P H I L A . R I F L E S . _ I H E subscriber being sale agent far the sale of Ibe above arti­

cle, has just received another handsome assortment nf the same, vv bicb he will sell at the manufacturer's prices, at s i l months' credit for good acceptances, or fiveper 1 em. off for rash. Also, be basal--a»- an eveelleitl assortment of Fishing ami Few ling Tackle, lege

therw.ith fanry Cul lery .kc—at No. i f Maiden laae, Mar Bread] wav, N.York. _ _ _ _ _ _ j m 9 CHAS. P . t A Y L O R

g t L O T H I N G -Men's super goats Hair caiaOlct Cloaks; do Loa-\ j dan. ludo; do Plaid Cloaks, very low priced; da common Cam :

diet Cloaks do super Broadcloth do; V c i p n t i Camhlei. Merino, t in as.ian and Plaid do; do super Broadclolb Cloaks; Negro CI.-t lime.

Also, rlnth Dress Coats, various qualities.aw.rted sites aad colors, msde in good stvla; bcsiiles a general assortment ot common d o ­lling. For sale by oS 3t VAN EPS^k *R^ITHOUT, (2 Pearl St.

I E E E BIB_» B B j T B _ U R _ d n a M _ B l _ _ r t _ s R _ R » 500 West India Hides

6100 Patna do 30*0 Mogadore Goat Skint 7000 Cawapore do do .•ail 10 Patna do do 5000 Madras do do—for sale bv

s251 w All S T IN M B LVIN. 5 Ferry street.

AA i i l K A l N s . S H O V E L S A T O N G S . R - y - T _ S _ _ l scribers keep constantly on band, a large and general assart

ntCBt of Andirons, Shovel ami Tongs, Stove and Grate Balls and Or­naments . f a l l the different site* end newest patterns, at their Ma-• Rectory, N . . 1 0 9 Heart; street, which they after for sale oa very liberal l'rHIS.

Orders attended to from any part of the United States, with pane tualily aad dispatch. [_!_L _ R J K J f , 7 H * •_ !_________•

AN D I R O N S , S H O V E L S A N D T O N G S , k c - T h e subscriber keeps conatnidlv on band, a large and general as­

sortment ol Andirons, Shovel nnd Tongs, Steve and Orate Balls of all Ihe different sites and newest and latest patterns, at bis Manufac­tory, No. 7 3 1 lei iy street, which he offers for sale oa very liberal terms.

Orders attended to from any part of the United States, with punc­tuality nnd dispatch.

n24 6m« _________ SMVLIE. | _ M I T H A W O O D F O R D . 13M Chatham st. have just s_» received a choice asserleieul of French and English Merino and Circassian, and datk Prints, consisting 01

Mnrnnn. claret, purple anddnrk green French Merino Brown, olive, green, purple aud black English Merino Circassians of a very superior quality

Also, n very h noisome assortmeiii of dark Prints, of very choice style and patterns. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

f A O R S A L E , on llneral terms, by VV. IRVING. No. 113 Wilier 1 streel,

30 cases of Crude Cani|_or, lore lb*. Engl sh refined,

4 chests Gamboge. 10 brls. of Castor c l l ; Nutmegs, Mace, Cloves and Cassia,

Buds, Squitis. senna. E. I. Cubebs,and also 2 cases Turkey Opium, and other Drugs. *___

k ! A I ) l l L E R Y .—The subscribers ate now receiving 11 eir sup. k_l ply of goods for the fall business, eamprising a choice assort­ment of Plated, brass, and tinned Crude Bits; Stirrups, Harness buckles; _puts; Bridle Buckles; Terrrts and Hooks: tinned aad ja-paiincd roller Buckles; straining cotton and worsted Web; Saddle Trees; Hog Skius, Sneep ila; < each Handles, Knobs, and Steps; Lace, Pateul Leather: Malleable Iron Castings; Oil Cloth; Shoe Thread. Saddle Silk, I'lti-h. _c . Country merchant- will find it lu their iulerestto call previmis 10 pari basing Iheti stock.

au2l S U M M E R S fc OLF.ASON. 130 Walers t

W O M I . L E N C L O T H S . C A S S I M E R E S . A c r e finisbe.1 inasu|ierior style, by J«»UN O'CONNOR, Mo. DO

Centre street, opposite to Canal street, w here be has lilted up all the necessary machinery lor refinishing,,111 the latest autl most appraved plans, wuich will enable him 10 execute his work ia a style superior la any inner person in Ike city.

JOHN O'CONNOR will call daily onecstomeri to receive and de­liver goods.

Orders left at the office of Messrs. George W. Smith k Co. I5R Pear street, vvdl be piontptlvatte deal in ,»•) tf

A F . «. K O S t I K l > L ' _ _ I'me street, otleis ior sale at low / • prices.—

20 ootesassortedl'oys, for retailers and count iy dealers 5 do gilt and colored Flower Vases, newest patterns 5 Pianos, of supeiior workiaanshtp

10 boxes framed Looking Glasses, of very great variety 2 do Harmonicas and Jews Harps, 2 do Cologne Water

Also, a large assortmeiit ol fancy goods, gilt liquor cases, mock Jewellery, snull'boxes, glass beads, glass toys, clocks, chessboards, I w.nt cases, fcc. sM 2weod"

HA R I B W A R E B a f t t o J t . "Metai, fcc received- per late • m e e t s from Liverpool.—20 casks containing Locks of a l ldr-

scriplions; Bed Screws: tarry Comb. . Iron triiued Forks and Spoons; Coffee Mills; Kmvn- and Forks, in setts; Pocket Knives; •Mara, of various quali:tes, _c . _e .

1 cask containing 14 setts, 8 each, very superior Desk Covers. 6 cases Britannia Metal Ladles, Spoons ami Forks, a t d Butter

Knives. 1 catk Brass Candlesticks, different sites. 4 boxes well assorted Needles, of various descriptions ; Knitting

Pins, fcc. all entitle J to debenture, and for sale by • X bt J. N A AH fc SOIS. 106 Front street.

HO L L O W W A R E W O O D S C R E W S . A c — T h e Howell Works Company (Warehouse.) 261 From sireet. near

Dover street, manufavtuieaiid' have for sale the toll i w i i g Articles, viT :—

Hollow W'nru,(i;.eneral assortment Wood Screws, ul superior quality and finish, aad at a less price

than the impo iud Rrada.ma.le ,.1 ifc. best quality iron, and ol superior make Sparrow Ball0 do do do 1 ailors' and Halter.' Irons Anthracite Coal S_MM_a superior article for offices, bed roams.kr T k e above i .oods are offered lor sale upon the most favorable

terms either for cash or approved paper. If. B. All kinds ol Iron. Brass aad Composition Castings made to

order. • » _ _ • J E L L I N G O F F D R Y G O O D S A T C O S T ! ! ! — tsTB The attention ul Country Merchants, Families, nnd others, is parlicnlarly requested to a large aud select Vtock af Dry Gitods, now. Stllint iff HI <••«,•_ The assortineid comprises a great a m y . rich and lashiontdile go,iils. consisting in part of

Ciolhs and Cass.mrrrs of all qualities A superb assortment of Irish Linens' Sheetings and Diapers Damask Cloth, Napkins, Towelling, etc. BuM-k Silks of every description. Merino Cloths Coloured tiro de N a i s .ml Poui seesoui French ami London Bombesins, dark Fienak Prints Loud and American Prints, Merino ami Thibet Shawls Rose Blankstsof eveiy site and quality Table Covers. Counterpanes and Quilts—together with a great

variety of other articles usually kept in a well selected assortm. -at I >' From those who wish lo purchase total goods nt extremely low

!•• ici-s, a call is re specilully solicited at . t i l Maiden lane, a few doors from Wm street. s24tf

HA R D XV A R E . -10 casks Bull Hinges; 2do Parliament Hinges 5 do Norfolk and Bright Latches 1 do Shoe Pincers; ado steelyards 5 do Carolii'tiHilling Hia-s

15 do Card Wire; 8 d o L o and Coil Chain 20 -ags co,union Traces; 24 cases Slates 1- casks Marbles; 3 cases German Locks 8 casks Shoe and Butcher Knives 6 rases Cm Glass Beads 2 casks Jews Harps 4 cases Statin mid Toilet Glasses

10 do SiiuffBoxes, 3 do Knillinp Plot 1" do Web Saws; 5 do Anderson Scissors 6 do Violins; lo casks German Skates—and a general assort

mem of Hsidware. lor.-aie bv lii.ltawfw J A M E S J. ROOSEVELT fc SON. 94 Maiden lane

^_ « R E D , K . \ \ 1 S S M A N N . i \ ^ 4 U > - i r b d u „ e p m c e , o f f e i . ' for sale—

SILKS— Grosde Naples, mode colored and blue black Grosde Berlin, de do h'aiin Kusse. do do Gi » i l s Suisse, Lustrings ami Marrellines Silk Veslings. plain satin, and figured, new style Rich figured Saiin garniture Ribbons Satin figured Bett Ribbons » Taffria Ribtmns, assorted eo lars, plain and fringed

COTT11 \ GOODS—Turkey red'Calicoet New style I1r0r17.e11.1l high colon d do Ginghams, new fall patterns Prussian Shawls, from5.4 to 12.4

S T U F F G O O D S - 3 4 English Merlnoes, black and assorted col .rs Plain hint k and colored Bombntets High colored Moreens nnd Damasks

HOSIERY—Women'sleack worsted Hose Men's gray and wkite lamb's woo: Half Hose

HAIR C L O T n - P l a i n and damask Hair Cloth, fron 17 to 32 inches _s!7_tf^ ^

A A L O V E S A N D H O S I E R i ' - G E O K G - CLARK, bas _ T just receiveil per the late arrivals, a complete assortment of

hesl Paris ma-le gentlemens' horseskin and beaver Gloves A so, Norway doantl Berlin do a very superior article Also, lanib.wool, invriao, worsted colloa and domestic Hosa and

half Uase. Also, constantly on hand, a complete assortment of linen ami

muslin Shirts, made in the uewts i fashion and best work­manship

Under Shirts fc Drawsers, of merino lamh.weel , worsted royal ribbed, brown nnd white cotton, Canton, French, W elsh, English and American flannels

Rogers"paten do. warranted nut to shrink. Also, Stocks. Collars. Bosoms, Cravats nnd Pocket litlfks, new

stye and very splendid Those who wish ta purchase are invited to call nnd examine for

themselves before purchasing elsewhere. •21 Gentlemens" Furnishing Store. 175 Broadway.

TH O M S O N A D A Y T O N , 4 8 Maiden lane, bare just received the following articles which they offer a bolesahrand

retail at very low prices, vix— 1 case super 6.4 Fi erven merino cloth., including all toe most

fashionable colors, 3.4 j e t and blue black French bomb itines.from fine to super­

fine, 5 4 and 3 4 j e t black Italian lustring 3.4 jet and blue biack grode swiss 4.4 blue black lustring 1 case colored poult de soi, choice colors. Jusl opened, I case very heavy 4.4 Irish liaens, suitable for

pillow cases 1 case small figured French prints, entirely new style, jnst

received, warranted fast colors jet and blue black silk velvets; corded skirts thread laces and edgings, muslin insertings fc edgings bett

qualify black ami while Italian crape, do do wadding linen cambric and linen cambric hdkls hvavy salia faced vesting; florentinedo he . kc . t!>

OA K L E Y fc R O O M E have returned to their old stand, No. 147 Front streel and have now on hand, ready for sale al titer

Tobacco Warehouse— 1.50 hhds Kentucky Toltacro.amongst which is fine segar wrap­

pers, fine cut shipping nad smoking leaf Cnha leaf labaceo wrappers and fillers St. Domingo tobacco, old aud new crops 100 bales new crop St. Domingo, an entire let Kenlm ky tobacco in bales, put up under the direction ofO. k

R. mid r«u tor warranted free from trash and rubbish so common in N- Orleans bales

Virginia manufactured toOorro in boxes, kegs nad half kegs, af various sites, from 1 pound to 32 to the H. aad from supe­rior to common qualities

Spanish, half Spanish nod American segar. , in whale, balf and quarter boxes

Alexandria MMM »re regularly received from the 'Columbia factory,' of superior quality nnd constant supply on band 'Eagle mills' snuff all kinds, 'second to none'

Oil rose, tonqun and vanilla beans. s t* 2w

• L E W I S , grateful for tke very liberal support be has re _ L _ . ceived since bis commencement ia business 111 ibis country, which has exceeded by far any thing he could anticipate, lakes this opportunity of offering in return his most warm thanks; nnd trusts, fr.ro his assiduous attention lo, and a long practical experience In, the most fashionable part of London, which has made bim a pert, r l master af his business, to mainOiu that prefereuee which he has. in many instances, experienced. L. L .encouraged by Ids success, bas made arrangements in uis factory to work up a splendid assortment nf every description of Lamp*, which will lie ready for sale bv the latter end of Ibis month. In addition te which, he basreceived a let­ter of advice from bis brntber-i'i-law, Mr. Henry Davis, of No. 90 Quadrant, Regent st., LonCon, wherein ha finds shipped on board tbe Hanibal, Capt. Hebbard. t _ i e i containing » anUe Lustres, rirhlv ornamented with the richest cut glass tops, a splendid assortment of 1 oiebrookdale china ornaments, splendid bronxe Figures, bronte Inkstand.. Pasti eBurners. Paper Weights, Card Racks. Pan Travs, Watch Stands. Ring Travs.brnntsSegar Stands, and a groat variety of orioimeeteof various destitution.. L. L particularly, and most respectfully,calls the attention of h i . friends, nnd the ladies aad gen llemen in geaeral. to this fashionable ami well saleatcd stock, which will be ia view and sale oa the arrival of the above ship, at 445 Broadway, hetweea Howard and Giaud street. «_}

t t O - P A R T N E R B H l P N O T I C E . - C H A R I . E S BALD-j WIN fc MOSES J. HRNRIQI ES b a r . formed a Co-partocr.

ship for the parpose of transacting business at 117 Fraot street, an­il r tbe firm 01 BALD W IN fc H E N R I f i U E S .

N e w York, 1st September, 1*33.

C H A R L E S B A L D W I N . M. J H E R I U U E S .

BALDWIN fc HENRIQ.L ES , 117 Front street, ofler for ri-tnat OU—166 half chests,entitled to debenture (part ribb used Aardmna _ _ d OU—I5n baskets ia 'lamped trsntparct l bailies MarttiUa da—-vOO da in plain bottles Caaavaign-SS basket* " P . C ' a a d "Siilery M.nsseus" brand Pepper tooec 85 lauies W eat India >sf g'«e«—7«0 tevxes Common Fig.—I6tdrums Turkey, fair quality ; > _ . » - 1 5 frails Arabian J or dm _inw._h—10 boxes fre»b f e i r . da—10 beies hard sbell Afodrira IhmU— lu bags Palermo, w asked and nnwnsbed r i l a e r O - l . t i r l c lo bags Sicily „ , _ : _ Awls—18 brls. f'ruast—6 cases containing each tea fancy boxes C'larrf—30 botes Marseilles C'aatew Pnmnm 10 <__as eoataiaiag each 7 Baaare china lints

yams* Ginger, ia s_gar candy eyrup . S So do

AU—mt JHsde-ftv tela* rod aad wkSa.Maa. 1 ,1 aad S _ _ _ _ • "leoin and Ruoek. to ball boxes aad buiec sVattaaa Rmjdw-50 drams very k u l l i l

Sreem Steef—21 casks •' Barclay, Parkins fc C s " oust 11 - " Utitlci wwel's" si d •' T . V. Ha__phrey'.'- to far ami

glut* packages Oman—240jars Urge s i te Saville, St b e x w M a r s c _ e . _Sack.i-_.-Ji botes Oki Mmmirm A .mall parcel v c r y e - B k . a i m Wina,l»jttlad in V ,

d H r a , - l a l o 4 s t . s _ S b - r y e r t i M I s

^oDI.r Salts. B Y J A U N C E Y _ J k . C O . _ _ _ _ _ _

Sterv /*«. 125 Wmttr ttrtt.

CITTI.ERY.IIARDWARE.FANCY A R T I C L E k DRY GOODS - A t S iwelock .at thc auctianroom. • general assortment of Hani ware. _ _ _ _ _ _ Fancy Articles aud Dry Goods, suited lo the country t r a d . - a m . n _ s t Which nre prrcustion caps, table knives aad forks, forks, carving do, eon pocket and Spanish knives, green nnd wblo spectacles, do in cartons and cases, iapanned tea trays m sets, brass candlesticks, steel ami brass Sre irons, painted nnd transieirent snub boxes, side and pockctcambs, double and single brass and steel ivo-lishadpocket pistols, mosaic sod plated pe»* , n * P»"c,'«" ______ lion necklaces, sbavir.g boxes and brushes, finger rings, slleerd pur­ses, pearl buttons. Phipsoo's London pins, coat «ml vesi buttons, eo lopnc water, Germau boxes,Russia Quills, No* 1 . S a n d 4 violins, stal iaand loilctie glasses, magiium uunumand old English rators: jew .harps, gimbleu. hair brushes, iron braces, percuoum cajw, lenti pencils aad crayons l.nglis Windsor soap in cases and by the poumt

Alto! a M of eut P»«ls . coasietins; of belt ribbon*, pipinfr enrd. li­nen * inc id l_- , l fo*f*rtVl«vs*_^«f -_FW»t»'ht wontod tanding, silk braids, lace aaHsro, bambaf fc*t,t^M_«tlace caps. Irish linens and sheetings, mens woiiius and niis*es_»ls»yes. sBitatleld hdfs.swiss collars and mwlias, skein cotton, fcc Sale pe+lfi-e.

AT PSITATK ftALE. 50m. Russia quills; 150m. Memming's needle*; Senses LnndoS pSj*.

No. 5 aad 6; 250 braces; fi cases fowling pieces, comprising agcnrral nssoriment, direct from Ibe importer, and will be wild low, to dace a consignment-

B Y J F . S S E C A D Y . ______ 9:»rt A». 117 nmtte-Hjvrntrmf trail. T H I S DAY

Marmwmrt, Ouiltri.rUU* Ftnem GeedJ, * e . - A t 9.o'clock, at t i t auction room,* geiitralasf6Hmefti0f hardwaro.CHtlei^.eoniloi. hau soiit. kmkiug glasses, clothing and faacy goetft, sailed lo the coaoti trade > , . _ . a

Among wblcfc ar* ivwy and balance handled »etS of «*_ B eom»pn fable cull .T), buck ami other handle table ami desei l knlvesk forks, low price dodo, silver nnd plated lin'd iron, Britannia aud other me­tal table and lea spoons, gold, silver and plated and steel spectacle! assorted ages, heavy carving knives aud forks, common do, gold fc sil­ver pencil caws.do damask and chased, and crown headdo.silver and plated and Steel spectacles, si isocal do, gilt and coinraan cloak clasps knitting plat, extra fioe f a t o " , assorted qualities do. do in -etsol sev­en each, back,dressing, side and i t . r t combs, plaledsnuHers.deliTiys, srtste* tray-, fine and common do,goM»«d filvertbieilile*, tailors besi do; Hemming fc Sons needles, common do. rrt»d«. «ont aad vest, pearl ami born aud shirt buttons, snuff boxes, all qualities *mi kinds, steel bam) and panel saw*, hammers, , laae iroas, squares, looBmg glasses, beads, medallions, pearl and coral, aaeklaces, double and .ingle bar­rel fowling funs , brass and steel barrel pistols, pea caps, flints, violin, burns, flaw*, fifes, harmonicuns. brushes,fire lirasse.^encils.shovel,, coffee aad corn mills, chains and keys, Auger rings, tTtvod and low barns, flaw*, fifes, harmonicuns. brushes,fire lirasse.^encils.shovel,,

iffeeaad corn mills, chains and keys, Auger rings, t'ood and low priced watches, seals, pins, hooksnnd eyes, cologne water, |*rfuaiery wafer*, lead pencils, Flemish tacks.ink powder, bead parses,nno eo ._ screws, sealing w a l . glass knobs, curry comns, gimblels. augers,spurs pocket books end wallet*, bellows, bracefels.fancy lioxes, crayons a n whips, sun glasses, nor folk latches, bread, butclier,»hoe and slice 1 hln~ knivet.sailorslinNes,bra«esaudblttS,iron braces,stock batamlskoc buckles,steelyai-s,bridles.duminocs.cbeM »tm chequer boards am men,knifesbnrpnrrs,teabells,shavingboxes,dO brashes, laslmgkut lone.steel bullous,dates aad pencils, pocket compasses, invoices of R. Island jewelrv, fcc. logethei wilbolhrrgiMMls suited to Ihe soother n « western t-ade, receiving daily from the importer, and manulictureii , and wM I be sold in lots tosuit tbe trade, for cash oaly.

f :onibt—Also, ai 11 o'clock, 8500 dotea back • n t *id* nnd drestiBf combs.

AT PRIVATE 0ALE. 3000 kotetfanry snap, m o r t e d qualities, ION sets brace* and bin .

assorted from 1310 48 bills, common and extra quality; 100 do silvei pencil cases.

12 cases men's low priced fur bat*. BOY WANTED—OneJK-e is active and Industrious. A reason­

able compensation w*d be allowed. Apply in the afternoon at the auction room. ~i__P P _ T T I B O N E stTWHITELAW, have renioveu lo 194 Pearl

street, corner of Maiden Lane, where nil orders in their line will bt ihaukiully received, and punctually attended to.

B Y P _ r r T U M > B i K R W H I T E L A W . Start !*». 194 Pcarl-itrecf cor. MmitUn Lane,

, T l i l S DAY At 9f o'clock,at the auction room,

A general a>sorimeat nf Dry Goods, Hardware, Jewellery Cut­lery and Fancy Goods, suited tb 1 he country trade.

Aueing which will be lound, labie and desert knives and forks, plated and brilauuia tea and table spoons; scissors and knives, on cards ami ia dozens silver,steel, white metal and plated single and double eyed spectacles) silver and silver plated pencil cases; kail-ting pins; extra true razors, assortet qualities combs; mosaic pens; snuffboxes, of all qualities and kinds; heavy German pins, 3 cases Loudon do, Nos. 5,6 and 7| pearl buttons) ivory, born, wood and gi l l do; tooth,cloth, hair aad shaving brushes; pocket books and wal­lets,of every description; cloak clasps; scissor chains, guns, pistols, fcc , pocket lights, razor strops, lather boxes, with and without glass­es; corset luces, t o l u e n e water, gimbleis, violins, te* nays , shaving soap, Hemming's needle*.

Also, a lot of cut goods, by order of assignees, with which tbe sale will commence, cnuslstimg of blue,blkand olive bread cloths; (Bli­n d s , Circassians,cambists and plaids; merino, cashmere, tliibet and Prussian shaw s; silk do; 'anry lidkfs, g r . de Berlin and Italian silk. fancy prints. Clastic lies; Pongee, Bandanna and Spitalfield bitkls; large s i te company choppas; belts aud belt ribbons; cotlun balls; no tap.-; hoot lace.

At 12o'clock, a valuable assortment of gold and gilt Jewelry , con sitting ol pearl, garnet and je t and cornelian pins, and ear and fin ger ring*, plated aud gill 4 Mian ed wntcb chains, fcc.

AT PKIVATE I t U . 500,000 counter sank real drilled eyed needles, manufactured by

Tlkos. fc J. Bates a Co. warranted equal if not superior to any nee dies now in use. Also, bend,darning, worsted,sail ami packing nee ties, all nf the same manufacture and warranted, for sale low.

Also, sou 00" ll'.-ming b Son's needle-. 2 cases violins. B'Y ft P . I N U R A H A M .

Sfore Aa. 50 Ifiiiiem street.

AT PRIVATE SALE, Furniture—A large ard vnlu.il.le assortment of new cabinet far

nilure. consisting nf elegant nicrl.de top pier tables; ceairc do; sofas ol various descriptions, ini|xirled French marble top secretaries, de; mahogany bedsteads; mahogany chairs; bureaus; sideboards; dress ing bureaus; wardrobes; fancy chairs; pillar and claw lea and dining fables; dress do; work tables; candle and wash stands

Floor Oil Clotb-60 piece* floor oil cloth, of assorted widths and patterns.

Clocks and Astral Lamps—An invoice of gilt and bronte astr.t. lamps, marble aad alabaster clocks, plated candlesticks, snuffers and trays, fcc.

Hair Matrasses— Double and single hair Biatresscs, warranted all pure curled hair.

Fanry Chairs—60 dot. fancy cane seat chairs, wilb a variety of other articles, all of which will be sold at auciwii prices. S h l p p e o can have tbe furniture packed.

J_r N. B.—Out door sales of furniture, and nil descriptions "I coods, pc.-nnnlly attended in. Liberal advances made oa ail goods I eft at the nit n ine room for sale.

M Y R O R S R T M . D E s V I T T .Mare 150 rtrmt

T H I S DAY, Al .o'c lock, In Hie lata* room, nqanntityuf hardware; consisting

ol table and desert knives nnd forks, pen, pocket and Spanish knives on cards, visitors on cards,razors in rns-s.lead pencils, fcc.

Also, a 1 11 o'clock, a quantity of .tiring eioil.ii.it, comprising a gen aial assorimentol eonis, coatees, frock ami ova reacts, satinet, hang­up, roid and heaven, en puntaloons, roustdabouts Of different des scriplions, silk, Valencia nail nwrseilles vests.

Also, at 12. o'clock, dry goods, among which there is soma very fine blue,biack,and olive broudclolbs, sallneis, cassuueies, fcc;and skeatings and shirtings; muslins, silk flag hdl's. children* hdfs, men mi, cashmere, etnl Cyprus shawls, ladies ca|tes aad pelcriues, horsa skis and other gloves—and to dose tbe sabs, a valuable stock ol waicbc* and jewellery—cansisting of gold ami silver patent levers, leplnes horitonial aadchrisocal watches, watch chains, seals.,keys, finrerand .art iee« breast puis fcc

BV J . DAYMON. stmrt 191 BBjRaaa—.

THIS DAY A l i o .'el-ssf k, at tks aue nun room, a genera 1 assortment of House

bold awl Kitchen Furniture, viz: Bureaus; mab.gany dining ana tea Tsbiesi fancy and windior Chairs; ingrain Carpels; gilt a s si mabo­gaay Looking Miasms; Veniiian blinds; leailier beds; bolsters*.rid pillows; luedding; field and low post bedsteads; cots; andirons; shovel* and l u n g s knoes and forks; plated and bras* candlestick*; »ask stands: watches; clothing; carpenters'tools; mantel clacks, crockery and rinse ware, lie

__y J. DAYMON, Auctioneer,No. 191 Chatham Square,rotarnt his friends and patrons his sincere lhanks lor Ibe ninny favors con I'errcdon him in bis line nf business, and respectfully solicits a c m tinunace of their patronage. Fa—ilies breaking ap kousekeeptng, k per.ensdecliKing business,will Ite attended to penonally at tbrir MMM or stores. Fnimturc or nnv articles ot merchandize sent to his store wiil lie paid exery attentnvn ta. Payments promptly madi tbe tlay after sale.

T v R O B E R T C. MORRIS k CO. will attend personally In nl saelsot kousthould furniture, green i .s kc . in any part of tbe city.

R t o B E R T C . M O R R I S A C O . Mere Ac. ISO Wmttr-H. eppvit fk> sftr-si.

T H I S DAY At 9 o'clock, at their auction room,

Hnrmmmm, Cutlery, Fanry Geeds, kc—A general assortment ot hardware, cutlery, lancy goods,fcc among which are. table and de-serl knives ami lorks, carving, shoe pallet ami butcher k n i v s ; plated and Britannia tea andlable spoons; pen pocket Spanish and pruning knives; razors, scissors, plaled and steel spectacles, do iu cases, pla led and japanned snuffers and tray., japanned bread 1 rays, lea tray* fc waiters, do spit boxes.lea caddies, snuff boxes, pla'ecf and brass candlesticks; steel and brass fire irons in se t s , fanry and eoiumor bellow*, polished steel snuffers; dressing, side ana pocket combs packet books and wallets, paint bates; fancy drawing ami work bos et , partes, watch chains, steel and fancy watch key t, beads, and toy watches, finger rings, waist clasps, breast pins, enirings, seals nnd keys, gilt and fancy safely chains, fancy beads, perfumery botetnnd necklace*. Meming k Sons needles; French and German lot s; sliav-ing botes , German flutes, guns and pistols, handsaw files, Britannia ware in sets, black lead crayons, fcc.

Jewellery, Fancy Goods, fcc—At 3} o'clock,at tbeirniiction room, beads, medallions,necklaces, finger rings, fancy work boxes, enr rings, breast pins, waist clssps,buckles, watches,purses,pocket books awl wallets, seals aud keys, watcb chains, pencil eases,spectacles.

AT PRIVATE 0ALE. Tailors Shears—An elegant assortment of tailors shears, direct

from Ihe manufacturers, singly or by the tiucro 35 per cent cheaper than can be bought in the city.

Also, 700 dozen German u»-J French toys,in lots to suit rerchnsen. Te Painter*.— Tho le«*e ef • well established paint store in n cen

tral pnrt of tbe cltv, together with the stock nnd fixtures -a good opportunity for n young mnn to commence busiaess. For urthcr information. enquire at theanci inn room.

B Y V P . A W . S . S H A T T U C R . _(erc N: 37 C'aftom street.

T H I S DAY. At 9 o'clock in the auction 100m, a valuable Mock of dry raoos.

consisting of blue, blk,oliveandbrown broadcloths, casstmervs and satinets, shinintr aad sheeting, muslin, calico, gingham and vesting*, Irish linens and lawns, blk silk ei avals. sl|k baf., hosiery suspend ore, gloves, buttons, fcc Also, childienshdlt ami pins ami rai-iietin?

Al lo_ o'clock, watches, jewellery, fcc comprising a number of vn luable goal and silver lever aad lepiae wniches, gidd silver and cris-acals. plain and fancy dials watches with watch chains, seals, keys ear rings, breast pins, finger rings, guard cbains, aad many other things too numerous to mention.

At 1 o'clock, clothing, among which are very fine nnd fashionably mad* dress and frock coats and coatees, vests, pants, fcc. Alne.sMi net and curd pants, roundabout- and duel', trowsers.

At 61 o'clock in the evening, a valuable collection of standard ami miscellaneous Books, among which Rodin's Ancient History, Plu larch's Lives, Fox's Lives of Martyrs; Scott's Works, complete; Itv getker wilh a great variety of Medical and Theological Works, W'l worthy the attention of Profe ._u- andatber-—Cainlopoa.ml a * -

BV GEORGE ft. MANN. Store A c 7 Tmntine Vmffee Mouse, Wall tt.

AT PRIVATE SALE. Leather—A quantity, making a good assortment of S o l . aad Up­

per Lealher, Calf Skins, Seal skins and calf boob binding. Hides—3000 Patna nnd« aicui ia Hides in the hair, salted. Rubber Shoes—15 cases large sited India rubber overshoes, aa

tatire parcel. Paper—10 eases cap its per; 7 do letter paper. Cordage— I* bales Manilla dail ies lines; plough lines tybed cords

13 coils large ropsi. Oil—So bids, refined whale oil Gam Copal—61 bags (ahonl 6UKJ IM.) gum cope1

Hmtuet rnnd Let (tor Sale— Tbe property know n ns 45 Delanrry st near the Bowery,consisting of a gaud two story brisk front bouse, filled hi wi lb brick, s t .ne Hoop, iron railing*, good bant went rooms, fcc Alio, • l w . slorv back building anon tbe t u n e . T h e lot is 25 by 100 feet, with • tbret feel allay leading lothe rear. 1 his*proper ty is aow rented for fSSO. Kor term* a_d further particular*, oa quire at the auction room. »• f>'amu far saie—Situated in Newtown, L. Island, In nnd near Ihe village—ore term of 135 acre*; one do of 100 acres, aad one smaller of 18acres, suitably divided into mowings, grassing, wood and til­lage ; well watered, rood apple orchard and well stocked with other fruits; wi lh good building* 011 each U n a .

T M above property w ill bo sold eery low, and presents aa eopor. tunny for a sate and profitable investment not often met witb. T l e tiilas are Indisputable. For term* aad further particular* apply at I M auction rooms

B Y S T E P H E N H . L C I K I N S A C O . aft FOBOKKN.

AT PRIVATE CALE. A tfd-ndid Piano Forte. N. B.—S. II. L U T E I N S k CO.respectfullyassurethepMfclictlia

every exertion will he made, to make their Htbvken Hmru and Cat -riogt Sulci respectable—which will regularly take place a l 3 p m.ev erv Saturday. Jy4 3m

B t W M . M * D O N N E L L . OJBce Ae. 119 Ifrnter

17 N O T I C E . — W B . McDONMi'.LL wishes to inform l i t friends oi-rt the public, that ke bas removed bit office 10 tke sim-a <>l Menra. A i m Of, - e v e n •> Vm. HH PoarI. earner o f Piae and Pearl street*. All enlers lor t M sale of Ilou-enold Furniture, Real Es taie. Sheriff Sale*, aad ail oat door sates, will meet wilh prompt ai tenimn, if left at tbe ofter, 168 Pearl *t.,ar at No. 1 Tontine Coffee

GL__ _ _ _ _ . _ _. . . . . •' Mary Jane'*" and" BriliOnt's" cargoes, of superior qualit; 100 half p i | « sand 100 ban els.

_ba— Leasfiag Hut dey f e m the brig Level, from Bordeaux, at Pier N . . 9 , Enst River.

140 but? 00 . I Brandv; part « Basse k Co." and p a t " Ty-40 barrel* _>

h>r*-"telected <- Dumon"; hath a f which bt recammeaded as o f *ery cboiea qaaldy. F w sale by

E B E N . S T E V E N S fc SttNB, m I W _ HO Snath mrmet.

^t C l v ^ ^ . S E A L S R I N ft. O A T f t v C A P » . S L E l f . I I

R O S E S A N D C O L L A R S - T H O V i A * M M A C . off,, . ..„ Mb) at hi* CaatmiHksn Wareb-ntat. No. 301 Paatl In**,

» cases men'* black hair teal skin Cape, 10 do. Sre/'s do. do. do. •0 do. M0-*tbrowa da. da. 10 do. b o y . do. do. do. 10 do. for teal skin Cart, 10 am. tatia baaeer Hat*. 10 da. far Hat* I do. Sleigh Rot**, I do. ReeTTipprt*.

I t do tea Norwap Otter Callers 3000 bair Heal Bkb_,Maek; 3 0 M d . . d o . _ r a - _ , d r M M d to tbe be-i

maaiK r for cap makers, I0M do grey Seal Skla*. dressed in tb* beet a r a n r , far Trank

l _ m i a _ c ( ^ ^ r a a M d t o t W b t s « H W M r , f K i M | ^ r o b e t , a t o c ^ . . . . ._____ t m ) m

From Ike U. S. TeUsraph of Saturday. United S l a t e , vs . Wi l l iam Dougherty , ex parte Ann M c -

Danie l . United S t a l e * vt . Ann M c D a n i e ! , ex parte Wi l l iam Douglierljr.

T i n s al fccung and MMPSSMSg c a s e of broken hearts and broken comlis—itnitsed choulder* and scratcl .ed facet—torn caps and wounded feelings—dislocated rutlies and injured re­putat ions—came on before the D I S H I M Court , at the Ci ty Hall at 1(1 o'clock, on Thursday morning last . C h i e f Jus t i ce C ranch Judge Thurston, and Judge Morse!!, had the painful ta»k of prosiding. M r . L e e appeared for M M M c D a n i e l . M r . B t e n t for Mr. Dougherty , and Mr. K e y w a s the Attorney of the Uni­ted S t a t e s . T h e jury, composed of respectable citizen* o f Wash ing ton , were evidently much effected during the whole proceed ings—.nee , indi-ed.duriiig the evidence of Mr. Dougher­ty ( the R o m e o of IMS- d o m t s i c train-dy.) they w e r e s-o far over­c o m e , thai they asked permission of the court t a retire a-while — w e presume to give Vent to their feel ings.

W e have thong bt rt advisable to throw our report into this form oi • n a r r t l i o n , a s the ev idence wa* extremely lengthy, and in s o m e parts not altogether i t "for ear* polite"—o'tll pre­serving our notes to s u h s t t n i i t t e the truth of the facts s a here related.

T h e c ircumstances of the c a s e , a s _rt_i!ed in evidence, w e r e briefly as) fallows and may the narrative nerve a s • caution to alt other loving yottug ladies , and bewitching youm; gent lemen, not only in I n . city ol Wasl.itij.ioii, District «'f Columbia , but throughout Unc le Sam's dominions—wherever hts faithful r e ­cord o f l o v e and law, wooing am) whipping, shall In il its w a y .

M i s s M c D a n l f l — ( g a l l a n t r y dictates that Ire show our a t t en­tions first to to the lady , ) Miss McDarne l , the plaintiff in the second , and defendant 111 the first o f these truly n o w .indict­ment , is a young lady—not very "fair? nor very "fat"— but, we should judge , a t w u t — ( m a y w e be forgiven if w e irr in »i> ticklis-h a po int , ) about forty y e a r s of a g e . I T h e lady i s , by iirofes.ioit. u n r artiste dt* modet, in vulgar parlance, « milliner. S h e has been for • considerable time a deniMt» «f W a s h i n g t o n . Industrious, peaceab le , and content ­ed , she s a w f without a s igh, otuer r u » u , l ess matured than herself, plucked from 'he tree of ce l ibacy—she envied them not —she W M happy enough in her ecta iu M single b l e s s e d n e s s .

H e r only care w a s to increase her tlore, And keep (hard task!) her preBtise-girls at h o m e . S h e could then, ( a h . hatSjiy days ! ) M the Sorrows of W a r ­

ier , with a smile—laugh at the loves of Abeiard and E l o i s a — and wit s e t s the representation oi R o m e o nnd Jul iet , without a leer . Hut, a las , for human frailty ! too true, it i s —

• T h e y i - B at scars who never felt « wound." Her time had not vet come. Shu had not yet *ee» any one

who rea l i . ed !h«l beau ideal of wanly beauty and e t c e l l e n c e which her yoUn_f Hu-gin- l too had r.hadowcd forth. Af l a s t , however , in an evil horn- he c a m e , in all the charms of youthful reality before her e y e s , in the person of Mr. Wi l l i am D o u g h e r ­ty , a " young merchant, ' ' w h o kept, and still k e e p s , a dry-goed Store, 'j otoppos te ' to M i s s Mc0_niei) ' . -mil l inery e s tab l i shment . T o a most prepossessing countenance—symmetrical figure— and w n n i n g manners—and youth and wealth—united in a per­son of umblemished t h a r a c i e r : and there can be no wonder that Mi.ts McDanie l l fell in love with all these , a s she beheld them combined in the propria periona of her neighbor M r . Dougherty . A s w a s extremely natural. M i s s M e D a n i e l l , re ­quiring in her line many articles which Mr. D . had to dispoac of, in his l ine, she made her purchases al hi* store ; to which-she went and came.and went aea in— buying there bargain after bargain ; ribbon after ribbon, and piece after piece—litt le think­ing, poor maiden, how dear Mr . Doughertv's CACI.'JB bargains were ultimately to prove to her—how soon her peace w a s to be torn to piece*—and even her cap rent to ribbon* by 'hose obl ig­ing hands which were then so ready te s t i v e her. T i m e , which changes the blossom to a bnd.and then the l«nd to fruit, had the same effect, it appears on the affections _f M i s s M < D . lor the * young merchant." After • sort of ' l o v e across tin- coontet had subsisted for six or seven nieinths. M i s s M c D . O B taken sick. Hear iry that M r . Dougherty w a s in the hal it of visiting (tersons . H a c k e d , and believing it is iike'y that no doctor could cure her so s o t n RS Doctor D . t ig 'er ty . he .< nt for h im:—

Vent, I'idi. Viri! H e c a m e — h e saw—»nd he o_B*Jto red—n.-n only the d i s u s e ,

but it would appear, t l ie l i tart o f his fair patient also^—orraiher he finished his conquest ofthe letter. Sterne s a y s in his Sen­timental journey, "there are worse employments in the world than feeling o f a lady's purse." W e e . t p t c ' , b y this t ime . D r . Dougherty will be inclined to doubt the truth at this assert ion . H o w e v e r , M i s s M c D . soon recovered under the skilful hands of the "young merchant," and a s w a s natur . / • she a p p e a l e d very grateful." f r o m this time mutual interest and fnend.y feeling, became (he order of the day . S h e dealt wi lh tho '"younr merchant.'1 and the " y o u n g merchant" sent work to her. H e visited lur fr iquen' ly . Very dilf tent accounts in­deed , were given of the nature of the visits , by the r e s p e c t i v e parties . Be ing asked on her cross enanimat iot , if M r . D o u g h ­erty ever c a m e to visit her on his own accord—" W ithout e x ­aggeration, live hundred times," w a s the reply of the fair mil l i ­ner . " E v e r y evening after he closed his store, at 9 o'clock— every Sunday after he c a m e from church"—hail ,rain, or s h i n e , the • young merchnt" never failed. M r . D . o n the other hand , •dmi l s that he did visit the lady—"but," (oh cruel word for l a ­dy's e a r ! ) "never a s an equal !" " N e v e r but III eoni'tlikiico with a billet doux or business ." M i s s M c D . avov-1 d thai his discourse w a s of " love , marriage, and such and such things.'" M r . Dougherty swears it w a s not of love but of phys ic , not of. marriage, but of business and bonnets . T o return 10 lite nar­rative of the c a s e .

Soon after this t ime, as ill luck would have it, the mother o f Mr. Dougherty w a s taken sick. M i s s M c D . visited her, w a s all attention and kindness; and with the skill of her s o n , and the zeal of her nut*e, the lady soon recovered. And now it c a m e to M r . Dougherty's turn l o be graUful. S o far, s o good.

" And all went happy a s a marriage bell," as Byron s ings. B u t , if w e believe M r . Dougherty , w hilst he s a w in the "fair milliner" nothing more than an angel of charity —she thought he l .oked upon her as a wife in perspect ive—as she certainly did look upon htm as her "intended husband." T n complete lite mis-chief, Mr. D . w a s shortly after se ized himself with inflammation of the e y e s '

F o r who of mortal kind, C a n steadfast gaze On beauty's blaze,

A n d not, at last , go blind 1 • M i s s M c D a n i e l now look the liberty,'" s a y s the cruel

y o u n g met chant, " of visiting m e . S h e e.ame two or three t imcs a-duy, so often, that the young men in my store, took not ice of hcrfreqiieiitly coming in and going out." H e got b e t t e r , b o w -ever , but his e y e s were no lonser tt. be dazzled t y the c h a r m s of b e a m y . M i s s M c D . avers that the " y o u i . j merchant'' h__ desired t .Tct him know when she w a s alone, and that it w a s in compliance with the request of her swain—that she penned a billet doux to the following purport, ar.d sent it to his s t o r e : -" You may s tep across to-night at half past nine or ten , w h e n the young ladies are gone up stairs." And . g a i n , " T h i s e v e n ­ing you may c o m e as early a s you p lease , for the y o u n g ladies-are gone in George town." " I a rote thus familiarly, * s _ y s M i s s M c D . , "because he had given me reason te consider him as n y intended husband." But l i t e " young tin rchani "enine not at t h r " t r y s t e d hour;" on the contrary, he exposed these notes of love to the ey* of his shopmen,—and determined to forbid her his house and store; which he did. And now commenced hosi i l -t i e s .

T h e " y o u n g merchant's" mother w a s b latne . for her son's al­tered c o n d u c t : and the " young merchant" himself, ex|»osed by the " fair milliner," to his neighbours and friends, as a bad man —that she had forbid him her house for his bad conduct towards her—and only became r e c w : ! e r f to htm on his promise to c o m ­pensate her for his bad conduct, bv marriage—of which , indeed he only talked ind.-fii.v.1 y ;but that he " a l so went down o a his k n e e . " to ask her forgiveness ; that after winniu_; her af fec­t ions, he turned his attentions to another quarter, and w a s now endeavouring l o injure her business and reputation. All this tbe young merchant positively denied, recriminating, with the charge thai •__• had taken a ring Irom his linger, in fun, promis­ing 10 return i t ; . u l instead of doing s o , had shown it about the city a s a pledge of affection from h e r " intended husband." T h a t she had got a little nephew of his into her house , and e n d e a v ­oured to make him disclose family affairs; and on hearing that h e had t Id . f her conduct , ! -ok an opportunity of severe ly w h i p ­ping the child. That she bud sent hint m.iny letters which he returned unopened; lhal s h e w a s tn the habit of abusing him in the s treet—even when cemingfrom church—calling htm "villain," "scoundrel ," S i c . ; and he w a s actually afraid lo be seen stand­ing at the door of his s tore , to serve a customer. But the mat­ter which brought all to a cris is , w a s , that she had got him a-bused in M r s . Royal's Paul Pry . T h i s w a s the unkindeU eul o l a l l .

M i s t MX>. w a s on Mr. D's books to the amount of g n . H e tent one o f his young men to get her to settle it. In reply, she sands him back an abrupt note . Upon which M r . Dougherty sit* down and pens her a loving epist le , commencing with the emphatic terms, • infamous wretch !" and after reproaching her in no measured terms, it went on to inform her that unless she paid the f 17, the constables would as surely have her h e r e , a s name one e lse would hereafter—unless she repented of her s ins . T h i s w a s on a Saturday. T h e injured d a m s e l , in tho course o f the d a y , went over to show this unkind cut t . M r s . T h o m p s o n . In accomplishing this purpose, she had to pas s through a yard at the back of her intended huxband'* s t o r e . — It w a s hot weather , the wintlow w a s up, and M r . D . sat writ­ing at his desk. According ta his account , a s s h e entered the g a l e , she tainted him with the affectionate terms of "you t c - n n -drel, you " villain:" upon which , like B l a c k - e y e d Susan's W i l -liss^-

" S o » n as her wel l -known voice he heard, H e sigh'd and cast a look below,"

to the aide o f bis desk, where his walking rattan w a s p laced .— " W i s h i n g to make peace," but at the s a m e time resolved to be prepared for war, he bolted through the window into M r s . T ' s . yard, c a n e in hand. And now c a m e the tug of war : a s each party ha* given official, but somewhat different Accounts ol ihe battle, w e must compile our history from both. T h e lady s a y s , in the first p lace , that see ing the Knight j u m p nut of the w i n ­d o w , with a weapon in his hand, and believing his design w a s "to hurt her," she retreated into the kitchen M M r ' . T . to pre ­pare her arm* to rece ive kun; that he advanced l o the ki tchen door—not singing, in the soft (ones of love,

" C o m e shining forth, my dearest;" but shoutihg in a gruff uugentle vo ice , " C o m e out o f t h a t ! " S h e told h t m , " he had better c o m e in '—meaning, of course , if he dared '. and then , to intimidate Inra from ace_pti_g the invi­tation, she took a sn.all tfir/V from the fire \ !.-er, and threw it at him—it w a s not larger than a ni.tn's arm. T h e stick strnek betwixt the shoulder-blades, ind glancing <>ft. broke hit w.i .-dow. Nothing daunted by this fierce opening, the gallant Dougherty determined to assail the fortress—struck a Mow or t w o , which he s a y s fell on the door-sil l , and then boldly entered the kitchen. H e then gave M i s s M c D . a blow or two across the shoulders; but though unarmed, the dauntless Amazon rather courted than shrunk from the r e n c t i t r e : she grappli d with h im—he pushed her from him—and she staggered hack, but not until the enemy's face w a s somewhat scored. U n s u b ­dued and uiiequaling, she again charged 'he gallanl knight, wl o equally daring, stood Ins ground, ready, had i !er« boeti sd«,„i n M u s McDanic l l _ before him, to «seuuM with Roderick D i . u —

" C o m e o n e , c o m e al1, this rock shall fly From ita firm base a s soon as I."

W i t h the t ir.-ius bravery of A hungry l ioness, again returned our heroine ' o the fight, and w a s received by our hero with the we lcome of a few more blows across the s h o u l d e r s ; but this did not hinder her from again fattening her grappling-irons on her ** intended husband's" ruffles : w b o a o w began 10 s e e , that if t t t u e o f the iigbt w a s not doubtful, its dvration, a l least , w a s uncerta in .—And, a s a last resort, he determined to throw htr down, which , if .would appear, he accomplished. B u t , a l a s ! he had not calculated the difficulty o f extricating bis own gar­ment from her c lutch . He'ilmg o n , a s she f e l , t o me rut ins , • u r hero soon found that he must go d o w n too , or sacrifice his rutlies ; undetermined how to act far a few s e c o n d s , he bent hi* body over ihe prostrate foe to s a v e his ruffles, which she still c lutched with the tenacity o f a snapping turtle.

A thousand painful thought* rushed across his brain, it is pro­bable . Customers might be wait ing in the store ; a s y e t , hut bruises were but »• _i't ; what they might be , 1'" he renewed it o fight, it w a s impossible to s a y ; again, his breath—if his courage did—could not holdout all night—in short , now, if ever w a s the time to make a s ecure , if not an honorable retreat, f i n e last great effiri. then—it was made—off c a m e the ruffles in the lady'* ham! , and a w a y went the knight, through the kitchen door, and in at ihe window by which he c a m e out , with tin- ra­pidity of a Harlequin. T h e lady, it appear; , soon gather, d herself up a g a i n ; but tho-igh, like a conqueror, she had k->t the ground, and held in htr hand the trophies of victory, s h e had evidently got the worst of the contest . H e r cape w a s rent—her c a p w a s torn—her c o m b s broken, and her hair di -shelved ; still w o r s e , her lips were scratched , and her bones bruited ; and all because she had loved "fondly , but nut w i s e ­ly !"

T h u s ended this mentorab'e and extraordinary fight, which W M the r i u s e ol act ion. Lay ing down the award, the psrt ie t had again r c c o - r s " l o the p e n , and tin press ; aad both panics! publuhtd in tin- Paul P r y .

T h e chief discrepancy in the account of the battle MM a* f. the fact—who struck the lirst blow ; l ie . only difficulty with the l a w y e r s — w h o c o m m e n c e d the assaul t . T h e counm-l for t i e Uni ted S ta te* argued that the very fact o f M r . D V getting out o f Ihe w i n d o w , " t o make peace , with a weapon in h i . h a n d , wan in itself, tn tbe e y e of the l a w , an assault .

W e have now concluded our history of the unhappy loves" o f M i s s A n n M c D a n i e l and M r . W m . Dougherty , a s w e gath­ered it from the ev idence .

After patiently listening for eight hour* l o the ev idence , i a which the principal facts w i r e those above re lated—and hear­ing the arguments e f the learned counsel , the jury could nut agree upon a verdict, and separated. T h e y m e t the next d a y . but being ctill unable to agree a t the c lose oi the d a y , w e r e d i s ­missed , aad the cause has to be Died aga in .

Melancholy oerurrrmc* and Smicimie.—On the n o r n i n g of T u e s d a y lam, Doctor Charle* V . S w e a n n g e n , residing m a r C r u t a p t n w o , n thia count jut l to l a young man, M r . Bayard T h i s t l e , ton of M r . George T h i s t l e , ol thia c . tmiy . in the I _. k ; and t h e n , in about ten uusutea __fusr, shot hiuiaelf. T i e r>r-— n s r r o • i t c a d m g tmim tragical affair, w e learn, w e n aa follows; Mr. TIssUs « u « i nan to Dr. 8*.tstuntm'*, e hers

— a a . . d M ' 1* 111 1 S*t • y . . . 1 O n 111 iiSHs- ..._*____*. , _- r r It***""


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