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Post on 18-Oct-2019






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Curriculum OverviewSpring Term 2019

Year 3

Around the World

As sportsmen we will learn to contribute to a game by helping to keep possession of the ball, use simple attacking tactics using a range of throwing, catching and dribbling skills. We will start by playing uneven and then move onto even sided games. We will also start to think about defending another player. In our indoor lessons we will explore basic body actions, e.g. jumping, shapes and travel, and use different parts of our body to make movements. We will use our imagination to create and repeat short dances inspired by a stimulus.

In PSHE we will be focusing on our school’s chosen values for the half term following the School Parliament last July. We will discuss and explore the meaning of these values and the implications for everyone within our school environment. We will start the half term by continuing to think about our value for February which is ‘Patience ’. In class we will be learning about the meaning of each of the Values and how we can incorporate them into our everyday lives. We will then move on to ‘Integrity’ where we will think about the importance of being honest and having strong morals.

This term you can help you child at home by:

Making sure that they read day and at least three times a week out loud to an adult. Aim to ask your child questions about the books and refer to the Reading Record where you can see which objectives we are focusing on for reading.

Regularly rehearsing times tables up to 12x12 with them, making sure that they really do know them

Supporting and encouraging them to complete their homework on time, learn grammar and talk about their day

Ensuring that they are accessing Fronter regularly and when required to submit work

Keeping up to date with current affairs around the world (either through discussion with an adult or through websites such as BBC Newsround.

As mathematicians we will be developing our understanding of addition and subtraction, including both mental and informal methods. We will also develop our ability to estimate the answer to a calculation and use the inverse to check our answers. We will work on our ability to recall and use multiplication and division facts for all multiplication tables and apply our understanding to multiplication and division using formal written formal written methods. We will also revisit and develop our understanding of the properties of 2D and 3D shapes, including angles and will work on volume and capacity. Throughout the course of the year we will also be completing regular mental maths tasks and sharpening our investigation and word problem skills.

This term we will be travelling around the world, stamping our passport in a range of exotic destinations! We will develop our geographical understanding of how different cultures live around the world through a range of curriculum areas including literacy, art and ICT. We will learn how to name and locate countries and cities using an atlas and world map. We will discover what type of homes people in different countries live in and explore the types of food popular in each of the countries we visit.

As scientists we will begin to understand that light is needed for us to see things and that some objects are easier to see than others. We will develop our understanding of how light is reflected from surfaces and investigate how different surfaces reflect different amounts of light. We will explore and compare different materials on the basis of their ‘shininess’ and relate this to how they reflect the light. We will investigate how light reflects off a mirror and use what we have seen to describe how light behaves. We will become aware of what make shadows form and how they change with varying amounts/positions of light.

As geographers we will be developing our knowledge of places around the world. We will learn how to locate countries and cities in the UK and around the world using both an atlas and a map of the world. We will learn how to identify a range of human and physical features and contrast these with wider world.

As authors we will be developing our understanding of writing for an audience by looking at a range of performance poetry, learning about their key features and structure. We will read and discuss a range of performance poems, identifying distinctive features such as repetition, rhyme, rhythm, alliteration and the use of oral language based on speech. We will then create our own performance poems, which we will rehearse and evaluate before creating our own Podcasts. We will also be looking at Information texts where will read and evaluate a wide range of persuasive texts, before writing our own. In addition, we will be dedicating time to guided reading sessions grammar, punctuation and spellings.

As designers we will design and build our own tourist gift connected to the country we research as part of our ‘Around the World’ topic. We will plan, research, design and then create our own Snow Globe based on the facts we have collected about our chosen country.

In ICT we will be focusing on the creative use of ICT across the curriculum. We will be using a variety of different programs to support our English, Mathematics, Art, Geography and Design and Technology lessons in a creative and purposeful way.

Some of the skills we will develop include the use of Podcasting to broadcast Performance Poetry we create in English and the use of PowerPoint as a presentation device in our Geography lessons.

As language specialists we will continue learning Spanish which includes learning and practising new words and phrases. We will continue to develop accurate pronunciation and intonation.

As musicians we will be developing our confidence to sing by performing a range of rhythmic patterns and modern songs.

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