web viewto make sure alice overloads her ability she must work hard to believe in herself and her...

Post on 06-Feb-2018






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TUESDAY 7 OCTOBER AND THURSDAY 9 OCTOBERTraining the Three Performance Priorities

Sports Performance

AreaSpecific Progressive Overload Reversibility Moderation Variation

Tackling One on One


To practice tackling the athlete will spend a training session using tackle shields where game scenarios will be replicated. In the session Alice will learn how to tackle from different angles with the opponents running at different angles (I.E from the side, front on) and having to make the tackle. The training session is specific to the rugby 7’s because replicating game scenarios help creates memory traces which is a game Alice is able to recall and to create the same skill

Creating progression over the 6-8 week program for Alice’s will include making sure there is progression she will train for 1 hour a week focusing upon her tackling in one on one situations. over the weeks starting at week one the time of the training session (involving tackle shields) will increase meaning she is working for a longer time without a rest period which increases the intensity which can then be replicated to the game and also with a higher intensity will progress Alice further. Over the weeks to also increase the number of people she has to tackle repetitively and decrease the time she has to create the same amount of tackles.

Overload can be achieved by increasing the intensity of the workload which Alice has and having a frequency of 2 times a week will make sure Alice is working at her hardest.to ensure she Is working at her hardest this will involve her working between 60-80% of her aerobic threshold.

To prevent reversibility Alice will have to make sure that she is consistently training every week and also to make sure that she is training at a high intensity where she is pushing her body to work within the 60-80% aerobic thresholds to also improve her ability. Also to make sure her technique isn’t lost she must make sure that each time she does the tackle correctly and doesn't pick up bad habits in the tackling which could end up being replicated within the game.

To modify the training I will make sure that one a weekly basis was evaluate her progression and see how she feels about the training program and if the intensity of training isn't enough to increase this to ensure progression. Also making she sure she sticks to 2 days a week because if she overs trains she is more likely to cause an injury to herself which may leave her out of sport for a couple weeks which will affect reversibility and will lose fitness.

This training will be partially interval training due to the high intensity of tackling the tackle shields for a series of repetitions and then having a short break and then doing the exercise again. to also prevent Alice getting bored throughout the training by creating different situations give her a chance to try different types of tackles

Confidence with their decision making


This training would help develops the players confidence in their decision making. The player will replicate one on one situations in training to help build confidence in their decision making and also teaching Alice to use self-talk to her boost her confidence in games. By improving her confidence levels means that her training and play in games will increase helping in all skills.

To make her training progressive she should have one on one situation. Over the weeks the intensity must increase. In week 1 the intensity of training. Also by increasing the amount of players she is with which over weeks can develop into 2v1 and 3v2 which will keep expanding each week until there is a game situation with 7v7 situations. To also get progression within her training, As each session progresses the skill should take part under a quick pace and a shorter time for her to approach the defence and so the defence will come off their line at high pace to increase the intensity of the training session aiding her progression.

To make sure Alice overloads her ability she must work hard to believe in herself and her own decisions and must work hard throughout the training sessions to help develop her understanding decisions she makes. By training 2 times a week on her confidence levels which can be trained in the same sessions as tackling in one on one situation, training 2 times a week every week throughout the program will be true frequency is consistent. Also by creating different scenarios which would happen in a game and by making them happen at a quick pace will increase how hard she pushes herself the get results out of training.

To prevent reversibility in her training means that she will consistently train twice a week, by decreasing the time she has to think before attacking will help her to make decisions quicker when replicated in a game. Also by teaching she self-talk to motivate her and to boost her confidence when playing a game will help reversibility within psychology because the self-talk can be practiced in all training situations and then also replicated in the game situations.

To make sure her training is modified, to re take the confidence test which Alice previously took half way through the training program at the end of week 3 to see if her confidence has increase. If this is unable to see and increase then the program will be modified. To also keep it modified by decreasing the time she has to complete the task and to make the decision each training session over the weeks will help. By training twice a week on her confidence means that she is frequently training and so she is getting modification each session and improving her ability. Also making sure she doesn’t over train which if she does can cause injury.

This training will involve Alice to mentally prepare herself for playing 7’s rugby. It will help her to develop understanding of the game. This type of training will involve and conditioned approach whereby it will improve her fitness levels but will relate to her sporting performance when playing.

Aerobic Endurance


To improve Aerobic endurance, interval training would help benefit Alice because it replicates the high intensity of game situations with some low intensity/rest sections which in a game would replicate when Alice is able to get rests I.E. when setting up a line out and she has time to gain little rest but still have the intensity of the game.

For Alice to make progress over the weeks the frequency of the training will remain the same due to her having allocated time to train she will be able to train aerobically for 2 times a week which will also allow time to improve the other aspects; confidence and tackling. In week 1 to make the running specific to her sport she should run at a high intensity for 1 minute and then walk for 1 minute repeating this for a total of 20 minutes. As the weeks go on she should increase the amount of running time and decrease the rest time. To also ensure progression she must be working at 60-80% of her threshold.

To make sure there is overload with Alice and making sure her body is working within the 60-80% thresholds as the weeks continue the intensity increases by minimizing her rest times throughout the intervals of training and increasing the amount of high intensity activity.

To make sure Alice's training doesn't reverse meaning she will lose her current fitness levels over the weeks she will train aerobically twice a week, every week for the 6-8 week period, if she is unable to train one day due to other commitments she will need to find time within the week to complete the session. To prevent reversibility she must also make sure to stick to the training plan like it suggests and if believed to be found to easy the program must be modified to prevent reversibility.

To make sure the program is moderated after each session with talking to Alice, if she believes the training to be of an easy level or we are to believe there is no progress being made over the sessions, the program will be re-evaluated and changed to ensure the progression of the athlete.in moderation I will make sure they don’t over train which could cause injury.

Type…To maintain variation in the program when doing the interval training the aerobic activity has the ability to be changed. Through having 2 sessions a week Alice is able to do running interval training one day but also to change up the aerobic activity and to use the watt bike machine which will also help increase her aerobic endurance but will help prevent her feeling tedious of the task. Also by increasing the intensity of the task over the weeks to help prevent her getting bored and also to help further


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