web viewdubai. is . famed for. he ... uttered in remorse “many field s are rejected in this...

Post on 06-Feb-2018






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Career counseling hits a raw nerve

Not knowing what to do and the thought of having no knowledge of the future frightened me, I am sure it frightened everyone who reached high school and was expected to know which path to take. After days of talking about our fears with teachers ,a step was taken. Successful personas are invited to share their experience and values with us. By Noha


The puzzling nature of Passion

Your very own business cardAs we waited breathlessly for our guest to arrive,a beautiful woman enters her old school with a beaming smile.DANIA NASSER, a successful nutritionist who quickly rose to popularity in the industry is now part of the TV show “The Doctors” (Arabic version). It quickly became clear that the problems she faced all motivated her to reach where she is today. “Find your passion” a word she repeated throughout the session and by the end I understood what she meant. At about the age of 14 she, like any teenager of her age was overwhelmed. While casually talking to her parents, they suggested nutrition. She realized that it was linked to her lifestyle and habits more than any other career she had thought of. Many discouraged her saying it would be hard to find a job later. She denied to listen and pursued her passion.

In her second year she gave a conference that startled the audience and from there her path to success began. Dania said that what has empowered her is her passion. That if you truly love and believe in what you do ,it will follow you. Passion is a weapon she repeated again and again. It became clear to everyone in the room that a well paid job isn’t what makes you happy instead a well earned one does.

By Noha Shams[10]

By Noha Shams[10]

All eyes focused on him anticipating to hear every word he says.YOUSEF LOOTAH is a pioneering architect responsible for many modern buildings which Dubai is famed for. He, surprisingly, asked the teachers to leave. He then asks two students to help him distribute the colored papers he hadt. “Write your own business card as you see yourself in 10 years.” he said. We sat in circles and nervous smiles sprung in each group, worried as though writing our dreams would make them happen, although in a way it did. He read each card handed over to him. Reading someone’s dream, sympathizing with them and hoping for them, is very special indeed. “I am shocked at the amazing dreams.” “I never expected that.”He smiled as he took in more cards. And said “I will keep them to inspire my workers.“And at this I lost my breath, we all smiled, there was no need for a word. Arranging ourselves into a bigger circle ,he placed a chair in the middle and asked for volunteers. He was able to ask bold questions which we answered in no fear. There was no judgment then, no prejudice.

How do you find your passion? Most people would tell you to read about it,

visualize yourself in it but his advice was the most thoughtful.”Go to field, don’t only read about it.” “Talent alone isn’t

enough since effort must be made too.” Someone uttered in remorse “Many field s

are rejected in this part of the world”To which he answered optimistically’The

world is changing and so is the way the field is viewed”

“I feel frustrated when people judge a person by their academic grades .Simply because you are not an A student doesn’t mean you don’t have a right to dream.” Further discussions made him say “Why do people think there is no U-turn in life? It doesn’t mean that if you’re a chemist you can’t be a painter.” One girl stated “It is difficult for a girl to be successful in both work and family since either one must always suffer.”And at this his answer amazed me

“ Don’t use this as an excuse, you can balance both.”

“YOU must choose what you want because in life teachers won’t follow you and your parents won’t always be there.” “YOU must decide if you wish to be an employer or an employee.” ”Surround yourself with positivity and good people.”

After everyone left I entered back into the room and that special aurora still inhabited the place, a very peaceful aura.

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