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Smith 1

Unit PlanThe American Dream

Cami Smith

7/12/11Cami Smith

Smith 2

The American Dream:Unit Objectives:

1. At the end of the unit the students will be able to identify how the American dream has changed throughout time, using literature.

2. At the end of the unit the students will be able to list and explain the values that encompass the American dream.

3. At the end of the unit the students will have discovered what the phrase “American Dream” means to them.

4. At the end of the unit the students will be able to understand various works and the themes associated with them.

The students will accomplish these objectives by reading the following:

1. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

2. Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller

3. “Let America be America Again” by Langston Hughes; “Mother to Son” by Langston Hughes; “The American Dream” by Gary Hess; “My Country” by

Missy Lyn

Smith 3

October 3rd-21st [2011] Unit Plan The American Dream

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

3 4 5 6 7• Discuss American Dream• Book Promotion for Great Gatsby• Read Great Gatsby while identifying vocabulary • HW- read chapter 2, and vocab wkst

• Bell Work- SSR 10 min• Take chpt 1$2 quiz• Go over discussion questions for chapter 2 •Answer any questions about vocab-collect worksheets • GG outlines• HW-read chapter 3

• Bell work- “when I grow up..” prompt • Go over discussion questions for chpt 3• Talk about plays• Read Death of a Salesman• HW- read chapter 4

• Bell work- SSR 10 min• Take chpt 3&4 quiz• Go over chpt 4 discussion questions• Finish reading play• Discuss characters• HW- read chapter 5&6 and finish in class assignment

• Bell work- SSR 10 min• Collect assignment• Chapter 5$6 quiz• Discuss chapters/ball game• Assign Essay• Prewriting activity • HW-read chapter 7, finish prewriting

10 11 12 13 14• Bell work- Predict what will happen next in GG• Discuss chapter seven• Read Langston Huges Poetry• Write your own poetry•HW- write 2 poems, come to class prepared to share

• Bell work- One thing you learned about yourself • Students share poetry• Song about American Dream• Worksheet on American Dream • HW-read chapter 8 and bring in song that illustrates what the American dream means to you

• Bell work-Share songs• Read chapter 9 in class• Discuss chapters 8&9• HW-none

• Bell work-Did you like the book, why/why not?• Start Great Gatsby movie• Movie worksheet • Great Gatsby study guide

• Finish Great Gatsby movie• Turn in movie worksheet

17 18 19 20 21• Bell work- Discuss with a neighbor the GG study Guide• Answer any questions• Great Gatsby Test • Can turn in Great Gatsby study guide for extra credit

Bell work- Thesis statement• Go over tests• Work on rough draftShare main ideas w/peers• HW finish rough draft

• Bell work- Sentence corrections • Revise and edit peers papers

• Computer Lab • Type final papers • Print papers and turn in Final Draft of essay

•Bell work Discuss your favorite part of the unit• Redo American Dream posters, share w/class• Write paper describing poster• Compare two posters and discuss in class

Smith 4

Day one- American Dream Unit

Name: Cami Smith Grade Level/Class Title: 9th Grade English Differentiation Strategies: Group workIndividual study timeClass discusssion

Objective: 1. Students will understand basic

concepts about the American Dream

2. Students will be able to use context analysis to determine the meanings of word

State Standard:9.LA.1.8.2 Use context analysis to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words

Assessment:Students will draw what the American Dream is to themStudents will complete vocabulary worksheetStudents will participate in class discussion about the book

Time Learning Style (visual, auditory, kinesthetic)

Activities and Notes

5 minutes

V, A Show pictures that relate to the American Dream. Have the students write down the first thing that comes into their mind when they see them. Go back to the pictures and have them share what the pictures meant to them.

10 Minutes

V, K Have students draw what the American Dream means to them. Then share their drawings with a peer group. Discuss that our unit it on the American Dream and we are going to study how it’s changed and what we believe it is.

8 Minutes

A, V, K Book Promotion on The Great Gatsby. Have different objects that reflect the book. Let the students come up and play with them. Then give them a brief summary about the book, only using terms they will understand. Hand a book out to every student, and start reading it.

30 Minutes

A Put the desks in a large circle and start reading the book. Stop every two pages to explain what is going on. Have each student take a turn to read. Read until finished with chapter one.

30 Minutes

V, A While the class is reading, give them a vocabulary sheet with words from the first two chapters in the book. Put matching definitions, and have the students find out the definitions by just using the context. When we come to the word during the reading, stop and let the students work on the worksheet.

5 Minutes

A Go over discussion questions for chapter one. Make sure the students understand what is going on so far.

Smith 52 Minutes

A Hand out homework: have students read chapter two. They will finish the vocabulary sheet, and be prepared for a quiz for tomorrow.

Pictures I would show the class that represent American Dream:

Smith 6

Name:_________________________________Vocabulary: Chapters one and Two

Directions: No dictionaries are allowed on this assignment. Instead use the in-text clues to match the correct word to the correct definition.

A. Supercilious (pg 5)

B. Fractiousness (pg 5)

C. Fragilely (pg 6)

D. Imperceptibly (pg 7)

E. Languidly (pg 9)

F. Murmurous (pg 13)

G. Sauntered (pg 18)

H. Incessant (pg 22)

I. Discreet (pg 25)

J. Ambiguously (pg 25)

K. Flounced (pg 23)

L. Rakish (pg 22)

M. Swank (pg 5)

N. Sumptuous (pg 18)

O. Peremptorily (pg 15)

P. Contemptuous (pg 14)

Q. Cynical (pg 13)

R. Contributory (pg 13)

S. Vigil (pg 12)

T. Feigned (pg 1)

____1. Careful and circumspect in one's speech or actions, esp. in order to avoid causing offense or to gain an advantage____2. Go or move in an exaggeratedly impatient or angry manner____3. Behaving or looking as though one thinks one is superior to others ____4. A soft, indistinct sound made by a person or group of people speaking quietly or at a distance____5. A period of keeping awake during the time usually spent asleep, esp. to keep watch or pray ____6. Having or displaying a dashing, jaunty, or slightly disreputable quality or appearance____7. Easily irritated; bad-tempered____8. Pretend to be affected by (a feeling, state, or injury____9. Playing a part in bringing something about____10. Of something regarded as unpleasant continuing without pause or interruption____11. Walk in a slow, relaxed manner, without hurry or effort____12. Display one's wealth, knowledge, or achievements in a way that is intended to impress others____13. Flimsy or insubstantial; easily destroyed____14. Believing that people are motivated by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity or integrity____15. Impossible to perceive____16. Open to more than one interpretation; having a double meaning____17. Displaying or having a disinclination for physical exertion or effort; slow and relaxed____18. Splendid and expensive-looking____19. Showing contempt; scornful____20. Insisting on immediate attention or obedience, esp. in a brusquely imperious way

Smith 7Answer Key: 1:I; 2:k; 3:A; 4:F; 5:S; 6:L; 7:B; 8:T; 9:R; 10:H; 11:G; 12:M; 13:C; 14:Q; 15: D;16:J;17:E; 18:N;19: P;20:O

Day Two- American Dream Unit

Name: Cami Smith Grade Level/Class Title: 9th grade English Differentiation Strategies: Class presentationsGroup Work AssessmentsClass discussion

Objective: Students will understand The Great Gatsby by creating an outline of the book so far

State Standard:9.LA.2.1.3 Clarify an understanding of text by creating outlines, notes, annotations charts, and/or diagrams

Assessment:Students will complete reading quiz for chapters 1&2 Students will participate in class discussion for chapter 2 of The Great Gatsby Students will create an outline that shows their knowledge of the book so far, they will also have to get up and explain it to the class

Time Learning Style (visual, auditory, kinesthetic)

Activities and Notes

10 Minutes

A Bell work- Silent Sustained Reading time. Students must read during this time. They are welcome to read whatever book they want to.

10 Minutes

V, A Reading quiz for chapters one and two. Also have students turn in vocabulary worksheet.

10 minutes

A Go over discussion questions for chapter one and two. Clarify any muddy points. Do this by making a diagram on the board, this will help the students with the project they will do next.

20 Minutes

V, A, K Have students get into peer groups. Give them a large poster. They will make an outline of the novel so far, in order to demonstrate understanding. They can use pictures, graphs, charts, ect. Whatever helps them to organize the text.

9 Minutes

V, A, K The students will each share their poster with the class and explain what is going on so far in the book.

1 Minute

A Student’s homework-read chapter 3.

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Chapter one and two discussion questions: 1. What is your opinion of the narrator? What is his purpose in the novel so far?

2. How would you describe East Egg and West Egg? What would you compare them to today?

3. How do Tom, Daisy, Nick, and Jordan know each other?

4. What do you think Doctor T. J. Eckleburg’s eyes symbolize?

5. Are any of the characters living the American dream? If so, who and how?

6. Daisy says, “I’m glad it’s a girl. And I hope she’ll be a fool – that’s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful littler fool.” (13)

Why would Daisy say this about her daughter? Does Daisy feel this way about her own life?

7. Nick spots Gatsby looking over the water late one night, “he stretched out his arms towards the dark water in a curious way . . .and

was trembling.” (16) What do you think Gatsby was doing? Why would he do this?

8. In New York a peculiar group get together to have a small party. What do you think about each member of the group? What do you

think about the party? It is lacking anything?

9. Daisy is Nick’s cousin, but he doesn’t do or say anything about Tom being with Myrtle. What would you have done if you were in

Nick’s shoes?

10. Nick often tried to leave the party, but always ended up staying. Have you had the similar experience in your life? Have you tried to

leave, or wanted to leave but because of curiosity stayed? Why did you stay?

Reading Quiz 1: Give the quiz orally at the beginning of class.

1. Where is Nick Carraway from, and where does he live now?

Answer: He is from the Middle West, and is now living on West Egg page 2 and 32. Who does Nick live next to?

Answer: Jay Gatsby page 43. What does Tom Buchannan get up and do during dinner?

Answer: He goes in the house to take a phone call, most likely from his lover page 10 and 114. What is the first stop that Tom and Nick get off on, on their way to New York? Who lives at this stop?

Smith 9Answer: A stop in the valley at an old garage. George Wilson and Myrtle Wilson live there. Page 18

5. What did Tom do to Myrtle when she mentioned Daisy’s name?

Answer: He broke her nose page 27Day Three- American Dream Unit

Name: Cami Smith Grade Level/Class Title: 9th grade English Differentiation Strategies: Class discussionClass presentation

Objective: Students will be able to identify the basic components of a dramaStudents will feel comfortable speaking and acting in front of the class

State Standard:9.LA.2.3.1 Read and respond to literature from a variety of genres.

Assessment:Students will respond to discussion questions from chapter 3

Time Learning Style (visual, auditory, kinesthetic)

Activities and Notes

10 Minutes

A, V Bell work- students will respond to “When I grow up I am going to . . .” prompt on board. When done, have a few students share the responses.

5 Minutes

A Go over discussion questions from chapter 3.

15 Minutes

V, A, Go over all of the components in a play. Discuss why each one is important and how they all play into the production. Show some short videos of performances.

30 minutes

A, K, V, Transform the classroom into a mini stage. Have some props available. Assign some students to play parts in Author Millers Death of a Salesman. Involve the audience by having the student’s clap, gasp, and laugh when the corresponding poster is held up. Read the play for the rest of the class.

1 Minute

A Homework- read chapter 4 in Great Gatsby and be prepared for a quiz over chapters 3 and 4

Chapter Three Discussion Questions:1. What would you compare one of Gatsby’s parties to today?

Smith 102. Gatsby has a lot of rumors floating around about him; do you believe any of them? If so, which ones? If you don’ believe any of them,

who do you think Gatsby is?

3. How would you describe the guests at Gatsby’s party?

4. Nick describes himself as one of the most honest people that he knows, but he is dating Jordan Baker who is the opposite. Why do you

think he is doing this? Do you think he is honest, or does he just think he is honest?

5. Nick prides himself in being one of the only one with real values, but we find out that he’s writing a girl back home while dating

Jordan. How does this fact affect your opinion of him?

Components of a Drama:

Theme: The theme of a drama refers to the central idea of the play. It can either be clearly stated through dialogue or action or can be

inferred after watching the entire performance.

Plot: The order of events occurring in a play is referred to as the plot of the drama. It is the basic storyline that is narrated through a play.

The entertainment one derives from a play depends largely on the sequence of events that occur in the story. The logical connection between

the events and the characters, which enact the story form an integral part of the plot of drama.

Characters: The characters that form a part of the story are interwoven with the plot of the drama. Each character in a play has a

personality of its own and has a distinct set of principles and beliefs. Actors who play various roles in a drama have the very important

responsibility of bringing the characters to life.

Dialogue: The story of any play is taken forward by means of the dialogue. The story is narrated to the audiences through the dialogue

written by the playwright. The success of a drama depends hugely on the contents of the dialogue and the quality of dialogue delivery by the

actors of the play.

Smith 11Music: This element of drama comprises of the melody in the use of sounds and rhythm in dialogues as well as melodious compositions,

which form a part of many plays. The background score, the songs and the sound effects that are used in a play make up the musical element

of drama. Music composers and lyricists sit together to create music that can go well with the theme of the play. If the scenes of a play are

accompanied by well-suited pieces of music, they become more effective on the audiences. Hence, music forms a very important element of


Visual Element: While the dialogue and music constitute the audible aspect of drama, the visual element deals with the scenes, costumes

and special effects used in it. The visual element of drama, also known as the spectacle, renders a visual appeal to it. The costumes worn by

the artists must suit the characters they are playing. Besides, it is important for the scenes to be dramatic enough to hold the audiences to

their seats. The special effects used in a play add to the visual appeal. Thus, the spectacle forms an essential component of drama.

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Day Four- American Dream Unit

Name: Cami Smith Grade Level/Class Title: 9th grade English Differentiation Strategies: Class presentationsIndividual work timeClass discussion

Objective: Students will be able to determine character traits and how they play apart of the overall drama Students will exhibit skills in writing and textual analysis

State Standard:9.LA.2.3.2 Determine characters’ traits by what the characters say about themselves in narration, dialogue, and soliloquy

Assessment:Student will take chapter 3 and 4The Great Gatsby quiz Student will participate in chapter 4 discussionStudents will complete mini-essays that demonstrate their knowledge of character traits

Time Learning Style (visual, auditory, kinesthetic)

Activities and Notes

10 Minutes

A Bell work- Silent Sustained Reading, students may read any book of their choice.

10 Minutes

A The Great Gatsby quiz on chapters 3 and 4.

5 Minutes

A, V Discuss chapter 4. Make sure students understand what is going on thus far in the text

20 Minutes

A, V, K Finish reading Death of a Salesman in class

5 Minutes

A Give students character assignment. They will choose their favorite character in the drama, explain why they are their favorite, using textual examples. They will also say what they don’t like about that character using textual examples.

Smith 1310 Minutes

V Let the students have the rest of the class time to work on the assignment. It is due tomorrow. They will also read chapter 5 and 6 for homework.

Quiz two:

1. Where does Gatsby tell Nick he is from?

Answer: San Francisco page 482. Who did Nick and Gatsby have lunch with in the city?

Answer: A Jew named Mr. Wolfsheim page 473. What was one thing that Jordan lied about?

Answer: She lied about leaving the top off of a car when it rained, and she cheated during a golf tournament page 43. 4. How does Gatsby know Nick?

Answer: They were in the war together page 35. 5. What does Gatsby want from Nick?

Answer: He wants to know if Nick will invite Daisy over to his house, then let him come over so. Page 58

Chapter Four discussion questions:

1. Have you ever has a friend like Gatsby? Someone who throws elaborate parties and does elaborate things, for not one particular

reason? What did you think of them?

2. Does Gatsby’s story seem unrealistic to you? Why or why not?

3. How do you think Gatsby became wealthy?

4. What was Gatsby actually doing in chapter one, when Nick saw him starring across the water?

5. Now that you know more about Gatsby, what do you think about him? Do you like him? Do you like him or Tom more?

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Character Assignment (20 points): Name: ______________________________

Choose your favorite character from Death of a Salesman. Explain why they are your favorite character, use textual examples to support your claim. Also explain the trait you like the least about your character, use textual examples. Overall use at least four examples from the text, must be at least a page long. The assignment is due 10/7/11.

Smith 15

Day Five- American Dream Unit

Name: Cami Smith Grade Level/Class Title: 9th grade English Differentiation Strategies: Class discussionIndividual work timeGroup work

Objective: Students will learn to affectively pre-write for an essayStudents will share their work with a classmate

State Standard:9.LA.3.1.1 Apply organizational strategies to plan writing9.LA.3.1.3 Generate a main idea or thesis appropriate to a type of writing

Assessment:Students will take quiz for chapters 5&6Students will demonstrate knowledge of prewriting but producing an outline and prewritingStudents will participate in class discussion

Time Learning Style (visual, auditory, kinesthetic)

Activities and Notes

10 Minutes

A Bell work- Silent sustained reading time, students may read any book they choose.

10 Minutes

A Quiz on chapters 5 and 6.

20 Minutes

A, K Go over discussion questions for chapters 5 and 6. Put the desks in a circle. Pass a ball to whoever wants to answer the question. You can only talk if you have the ball. You may be passed the ball randomly, so you must be ready at all times to answer the questions.

10 Minutes

A Go over essay guidelines for the end of the unit. Hand out various prompts and discuss them with the students. Teach students how to affectively write a thesis statement. What they should contain, and their importance for the rest of the paper.

15 Minutes

V Give students graphic organizers they can use for their prewriting. Have the students work on their pre-write individually.

Smith 165 Minutes

K, V, A, Have the students move up and get with a partner. Have them explain their essay ideas to each other.

1 Minute

A Homework for Monday-read chapter seven and finish prewriting activity if they didn’t in class.

Chapter five and six discussion questions:

1. Why would Gatsby say, “that’s all right” when Nick tells him that he is inviting Daisy over for tea tomorrow, when it was Gatsby that

wanted that in the first place?

2. Nick described Gatsby as, “pale, and there were dark signs of sleeplessness beneath his eyes” (63) when he came over for tea. Can you

relate to Gatsby’s nervousness in meeting Daisy?

3. What do you think about the reuniting of Daisy and Gatsby? Did it go how you imagined?

4. What do you think the rain symbolizes during the beginning of chapter 5?

5. It has been five years since Gatsby has seen or talked to Daisy, yet it seems like the absence has only made him fonder of her. In his

eyes she can do nothing wrong. Do you think Gatsby has gone overboard, and not evaluated the fact that Daisy is not the same person

she was? How will he deal with the changes?

6. Why do you think Gatsby still attended the dinner party even though it was obvious they didn’t want him there?

7. Why doesn’t Tom like Gatsby? Does he suspect an affair between him and Daisy at this point in the novel?

8. So far in the novel, what have you learned about the 1920’s? Do the people seem to be living the American dream?

9. Do you think a relationship would work between Gatsby and Daisy? Consider the conversation between Nick and Gatsby on page 84.

10. What makes Gatsby Great?

Quiz Three:The students have to match the quote with the correct speaker.

Smith 17Character Bank: Jay Gatsby Daisy Buchanan Nick Carraway Tom Buchanan Jordan Baker

Mr. Solan Mrs. Solan1. “ I love it, but I don’t see how you live there all alone.”

Answer: Daisy Buchanan 2. “I’ve got a man in England who buys me clothes. He sends over a selection of things at the beginning of each

season, spring and fall.”Answer: Jay Gatsby

3. “The pompadour! You never told me you had a pompadour – or a yacht.”Answer: Daisy Buchanan

4. “You come to supper with me. . .both of you.” Answer: Mrs. Solan

5. “Well, he certainly must have strained himself to get this menagerie together.” Answer: Tom Buchanan

6. “I wouldn’t ask to much of her . . .you can’t repeat the past.” Answer: Nick Carraway

Essay Prompts: Name:__________________________________________

We are going to be reading three different authors that focus on the American dream. We have already completed Millers Death of A Salesman and started The Great Gatsby. Throughout the rest of the reading be thinking of ideas that you could write your essay on. I am not going to give you a specific prompt, but instead some ideas that you can consider. Choose a topic that is interesting to you, because we will be working on this essay for the next few weeks. Also, your writing will reflect if you were interesting in the subject, or not. The more enjoyable it is to you, the better your paper will be. Although I am giving you the freedom to choose your topic it still needs to relate to some specific work, theme, character, setting, or idea that we have covered in this unit. Some examples of what you can do are listed below:

1. How does (insert characters name here) represent the American dream? 2. How does the setting affect the American dream?3. How has the American dream differed?4. How do the various themes in the novel relate to each other (ex. wealth, time, dream)?5. Compare and contrast characters, works, settings, ect. 6. Is the American dream still alive today?

Smith 187. What are the different views of the American dream throughout the various works?8. Analyze a character and describe their actions. 9. Analyze a theme other than the American dream.10. Compare the movie to the novel.

Prewriting activity: Select a topic for your essay (this canBe a working topic and may be changed) and place itin the middle of the organizer. Fill in the surrounding bubbles with subtopics. This will help you organize your thoughts and eventually your essay. This will be due Monday.

Smith 19

Day Six- American Dream Unit

Name: Cami Smith Grade Level/Class Title: 9th grade English Differentiation Strategies: Class discussionsGroup workIndividual work time

Objective: Students will understand the major events that happened in chapter seven of The Great Gatsby Students will learn how to write poetry by looking at examples of Langston Hughes poetry

State Standard:9.LA.2.3.1 Read and respond to literature from a variety of genres.9.LA.4.1.2 Write original creative works including prose and poetry

Assessment:Students show knowledge of book by predicting what will happen nextStudents participate in class discussion about The Great GatsbyStudents show knowledge of poetry by writing their own poetry

Time Learning Style (visual, auditory, kinesthetic)

Activities and Notes

10 Minutes

V, A Bell work- students will answer question, “What do you predict will happen next in The Great Gatsby?” We will discuss a few predictions.

15 Minutes

A Go over discussion questions for chapter seven. Clarify any muddy points.

10 Minutes

A, V, K Separate the class into 4 groups. Give each group a poem and set of questions that they have to answer about that poem

10 Minutes

A, K Have the whole group come up, read the poem, explain what it is about and answer at least one of the assigned questions. Do this for each group.

Smith 2015 Minutes

V Give the students poetry assignment. Have them write three original poems about the things we’ve talked about so far in this unit. They could write them on the American Dream, Death of A Salesman, the poems we read today, or anything that relates to what we are learning now.

1 Minute

A Homework for tomorrow-finish three poems and come prepared to share one tomorrow.

Chapter seven discussion questions: 1. At what point does Tom realize that there is something going on between Daisy and Gatsby? How does he

handle it?2. Do you think it ironic how upset Tom is about the affair between Gatsby and Daisy? Why do you think he gets so

upset when he has been doing the same thing?3. What do you think Gatsby meant when he said, “her voice is full of money?”4. What are the similarities of Tom and Mr. Wilson? How does Tom react when he finds out that Wilson knows about

the affair? 5. Why did Tom want to win Daisy over so badly? Why the change in attitude?6. Who committed the worse deed, Daisy saying she never loved Tom, but married him anyways, or Tom having

multiple affairs? Explain your answer.7. What would you do if you were in Daisy’s shoes? Here there is a man that she used to love, but forgot. And a

Man that she is married too and did learn to love. How would you handle the situation? 8. By the end of chapter seven, who do you think really loves Daisy, and who do you think deserves her?9. What is the significance of Daisy hitting Myrtle? Why is this so ironic?10. To what extent will you go to succeed?

Smith 21

Group Members Names:__________________________________________________________________

Group One: Mother To Son By Langston Hughes

Well, son, I'll tell you:Life for me ain't been no crystal stair.It's had tacks in it,And splinters,And boards torn up,And places with no carpet on the floor—Bare.But all the time I'se been a-climbin' on,And reachin' landin's,And turnin' corners,And sometimes goin' in the darkWhere there ain't been no light.So, boy, don't you turn back.Don't you set down on the steps.'Cause you finds it's kinder hard.

Smith 22Don't you fall now—For I'se still goin', honey,I'se still climbin',And life for me ain't been no crystal stair.

Questions:1. What do you think the poem means?2. Do you find it inspiring, or sad?3. What images do you see when you read it?

Group Members Names:__________________________________________________________________

Group TwoLet America Be America AgainBy Langston Hughes

Let America be America again.Let it be the dream it used to be.Let it be the pioneer on the plainSeeking a home where he himself is free.

(America never was America to me.)

Let America be the dream the dreamers dreamed--Let it be that great strong land of loveWhere never kings connive nor tyrants schemeThat any man be crushed by one above.

(It never was America to me.)

O, let my land be a land where Liberty

Questions:1. What does the poem mean to you?2. What images does this poem evoke?3. Does this change your view on the American dream, why or why not?

Of profit, power, gain, of grab the land!Of grab the gold! Of grab the ways of satisfying need!Of work the men! Of take the pay!Of owning everything for one's own greed!

I am the farmer, bondsman to the soil.I am the worker sold to the machine.I am the Negro, servant to you all.I am the people, humble, hungry, mean--Hungry yet today despite the dream.Beaten yet today--O, Pioneers!I am the man who never got ahead,The poorest worker bartered through the years.

Yet I'm the one who dreamt our basic dreamIn the Old World while still a serf of kings,Who dreamt a dream so strong, so brave, so true,That even yet its mighty daring singsIn every brick and stone, in every furrow turnedThat's made America the land it has become.O, I'm the man who sailed those early seasIn search of what I meant to be my home--For I'm the one who left dark Ireland's shore,And Poland's plain, and England's grassy lea,And torn from Black Africa's strand I cameTo build a "homeland of the free."

Smith 23Is crowned with no false patriotic wreath,But opportunity is real, and life is free,Equality is in the air we breathe.

(There's never been equality for me,Nor freedom in this "homeland of the free.")

Say, who are you that mumbles in the dark? And who are you that draws your veil across the stars?

I am the poor white, fooled and pushed apart,I am the Negro bearing slavery's scars.I am the red man driven from the land,I am the immigrant clutching the hope I seek--And finding only the same old stupid planOf dog eat dog, of mighty crush the weak.I am the young man, full of strength and hope,Tangled in that ancient endless chain

The free?

Who said the free? Not me?Surely not me? The millions on relief today?The millions shot down when we strike?The millions who have nothing for our pay?For all the dreams we've dreamedAnd all the songs we've sungAnd all the hopes we've heldAnd all the flags we've hung,The millions who have nothing for our pay--Except the dream that's almost dead today.

O, let America be America again--The land that never has been yet--

Sure, call me any ugly name you choose--The steel of freedom does not stain.From those who live like leeches on the people's lives,We must take back our land again,America!

O, yes,I say it plain,America never was America to me,And yet I swear this oath--America will be!

Out of the rack and ruin of our gangster death,The rape and rot of graft, and stealth, and lies,We, the people, must redeemThe land, the mines, the plants, the rivers.The mountains and the endless plain--All, all the stretch of these great green states--And make America again!

Smith 24And yet must be--the land where every man is free.The land that's mine--the poor man's, Indian's, Negro's, ME--Who made America,Whose sweat and blood, whose faith and pain,Whose hand at the foundry, whose plow in the rain,Must bring back our mighty dream again.

Group Members Names:____________________________________________________________________

Group Three:The American DreamBy Gary R. Hess

America America The land of the brave I love you so dearly But they treat you so bad The politicians and businessmen Treat you like mad

What we once loved is suddenly fading Our dreams won't come true Our lives broken for you

Smith 25

We need to preserve the great nation And turn it from bad For you are our hope And everything for we stand

Questions:1. What is the overall mood of this poem?2. What is Hess claiming about the American dream?3. Do you agree with Hess, why or why not?

Group Members Names:____________________________________________________________________Group Four:

My CountryBy Missy Lyn

Each blade of grass And every stretch of rode Everywhere you set foot Is America The home in which you buildWhether on mountain or ocean Whether Hall or hut Is America Each Olympic game you see Every election you vote in Every NASCAR race you watch

Questions:1. What is the mood towards America in this poem?2. Did you like this poem, why or why not?3. Does this poem reflect the American dream?

Smith 26Is America Each of mom’s apple pies Each BK burger Every spot of property you claimIs America Every bus stop Every truck stop Every tollbooth Is America Every slack jawed hick Every movie hunk Every Paris Hilton Is AmericaEvery stupid thing on TVIs America Black and Asian, Hispanic and white Every color and creed Is America Celebrate That you live in America


Poetry Assignment:

Write three original poems about the things we’ve talked about so far in this unit. This could be on the American Dream, Death of A Salesman, the poems we read today, or anything that relates to what we are learning now. Be creative! Poetry does not have a set form, or limit. Express yourself! Be prepared to share one of those in class tomorrow.

Smith 27

Day Seven-American Dream Unit

Name: Cami Smith Grade Level/Class Title: 9th grade English Differentiation Strategies: DiscussionGroup workPresentation

Objective: Students will perform their poem in front of the class, exhibiting the different uses of languageStudents will connect the different works we have studied, using an American Dream worksheet

State Standard:9-12.Spch.6.2.5 Use effective and interesting language, including formal expressions for effect, standard English for clarity, and technical language for specificity.

Assessment:Students will share their poetry to classStudents will complete American Dream worksheet

Time Learning Style (visual,

Activities and Notes

Smith 28auditory, kinesthetic)

10 Minutes

V, A Bell work- Students will answer question “The one thing that I learned about myself while writing poetry was . . .” Share a few examples in class.

20 Minutes

V, A, K Each student will share one poem that they wrote. It will be like a café reading, with lemonade and cookies. After each student is done we will snap our fingers.

10 Minuets

A, V Share song about the American Dream; put the lyrics on the board. Discuss how poetry comes in all forms and we hear it almost every day.

5 Minutes

A Transition to talking about the American Dream. Talk about the different stories we’ve read that reflect the American dream. Talk about how each story relates to this idea.

15 Minutes

V, A Have students get into groups to complete American Dream worksheet.

1 Minute

A Homework- read chapter 8 of The Great Gatsby and bring a song that reflects what the American dream means to you. If possible bring the lyrics on an overhead and the actual song.

Song Lyrics: This Is My Now Lyrics: by Jordin Sparks There was a time I packed my dreams away.Living in a shell, hiding from myself.

There was a time when I was so afraid.I thought I'd reached the end,But baby that was thenI am made of more than my yesterdays.

This is my now, and I am breathing in the moment.As I look aroundI can't believe the love I see.My fears behind me, gone are the shadows and doubtThat was then, this is my now.

I have to decide,Was I gonna to play it safe.Or look somewhere deep in side,Try to turn the tide,And find the strength to take that step of faith.

Smith 29

This is my now, and I am breathing in the moment.As I look aroundI can't believe the love I see.My fears behind me, gone are the shadows and doubtThat was then, this is my now.

And I have the courage like never before, yeah.I've settled for less now I'm ready for more,Ready for more.

This is my now, and I am breathing in the moment.As I look around I can't believe the love I see.My fears behind me, gone are the shadows and doubtThat was then, this is my now.

I'm living in the momentI look around I can't believe the love I see.My fears behind me, gone are the shadows and doubtThat was then, this is my now.This is my now.

Group Members Names:________________________________________________________

American Dream worksheet:

1. Where do you see yourself in ten years and how do you plan on achieving that?

2. After listening to the different poetry, what do you think the overall consensus of the American dream is? Has the idea deteriorated over time?

Has it improved? Give examples.

3. Is the American dream illustrated differently in The Great Gatsby compared to Death of a Salesmen? Why or why not?

4. Do you feel more prepared to face the future after studying the American dream, or less prepared, or is your opinion unchanged. Why or why not?

5. Do you feel like you are living the American dream now? Give examples.

Smith 30

Day Eight- American Dream Unit

Name: Cami Smith Grade Level/Class Title: 9th grade English Differentiation Strategies: Group activityGroup DiscussionIndividual study time Group workStudent Presentations

Objective:Students will finish The Great GatsbyStudents will identify the main themes in the novel

State Standard: 9.LA.2.3.5 Compare and contrast themes across works of prose, poetry, and drama.

Assessment:Students will participate in class discussionsStudents will share song that illustrates their idea of the American dream

Time Learning Activities and Notes

Smith 31Style (visual, auditory, kinesthetic)

25 Minutes

A, V, K Bell work- share songs for homework. Share 30 seconds of song and tell the class why you chose that song.

5 Minutes

A Compare/contrast the various songs people chose and the themes that are represented in them.

15 Minutes

A, K Move desks into a big circle and finish reading novel. Use the popcorn style, only use a ball instead.

15 Minutes

A, K, V Go over discussion questions from chapters 8 and 9. Use the ball, whoever is talking must have the ball. The person with the ball can pass it to anyone they choose.

Chapter eight and nine discussion questions: Discussion Questions:1. Why did Gatsby fall in love with Daisy in the first place? Do you think this is a good reason to be in love? 2. Explain the events that transpired the next day. Do you think Gatsby deserved to die? Why do you think Wilson also shot

himself?3. What is your opinion of Daisy now that the story is over? Do you think she should have confessed to hitting Mrs. Wilson? 4. Gatsby through elaborate parties every night that were full of important people and many guests, but at his funeral there was

no one. What does this tell us about Gatsby? About his friends?5. What lessons does Nick learn from living on West Egg? Did he enjoy his time there?6. What does this story tell you about the upper class, or the stereotypes of the upper class?

Smith 327. Gatsby had the American dream to be wealthy, marry well, and live happily ever after. What did he do to enable his dream

from coming true. What could he have done differently?8. Do you think Gatsby actually loved Daisy, or simply the idea of Daisy? Explain.9. What do you expect to get out of life? How are you going to accomplish it? What are you willing to sacrifice to achieve it? 10.What would you have changed about the book? Why?

Day Nine- America Dream Unit

Name: Cami Smith Grade Level/Class Title: 9th grade English Differentiation Strategies:

Objective: Students will demonstrate a better understanding of Great Gatsby characters by watching movieStudents will be able identify the successful and unsuccessful element of Great Gatsby movie

State Standard:9-12.Spch.6.3.5 Identify the aesthetic appeal of a media presentation and evaluate the techniques used to create the effects9.LA.2.3.2 Determine characters’ traits by what the characters say about themselves in narration, dialogue, and soliloquy

Assessment:Class discussion about the book Students will fill out movie worksheet

Smith 33Time Learning

Style (visual, auditory, kinesthetic)

Activities and Notes


V, A Bell work- Students will answer question: “Did you like the book? Why or why not?”

5 Minutes

A Discuss answers to bell work.

5 Minutes

A Pass out movie worksheets and mini bags of popcorn.

40 Minutes

V, A Students will start watching The Great Gatsby movie. This will help them gain a better understanding of the novel. They will also be able to identify the aesthetic appeal of the movie.

1 Minute

A Pass out the Great Gatsby study guide. The test is on Monday.

Movie Worksheet: Name:__________________________________________1. Does this movie appeal to you aesthetically, why or why not? (Answer must be at least 5 sentences long, and give specific examples from the

movie).2. How does the book differ from the movie? Give specific examples. 3. How does the characters dialogue change in the movie? 4. Are you given more information in the movie than you were in the book? Why would this happen?5. Are the characters perceived differently in the movie than they were in the book? How? Give specific examples.

Name:_________________________________________Great Gatsby Study Guide

You can turn in the study guide the day of the test for extra credit.

1. Know who said what. Study important quotes.

2. What is the setting?

3. Why is the setting important?

4. What are the characters impressions of each other?

Smith 345. Where do the main events take place at in the story?

6. Who gets murdered, and who kills who?

7. Know the details of Gatsby’s funeral.

8. Who is Dr. Eckleburg? What is his significance?

9. Why does Daisy want to be with Gatsby?

10. Explain the relationship between Nick and Jordan.

11. Explain the relationship between Tom and Myrtle.

12. Who is Meyer Wolfsheim? Why is he important?

13. What makes Gatsby Great?

14. Why is this a classic novel?

15. How would the story differ if Nick wasn’t the narrator?

16. How is the theme of the American dream incorporated into the novel?

17. Was the theme easily recognized? Why or why not?

18. How does Tom treat Myrtle? What does he buy her?

Day Ten- American Dream Unit

Name: Cami Smith Grade Level/Class Title: 9th grade English Differentiation Strategies: Movie

Objective: Students will demonstrate a better understanding of Great Gatsby characters by watching movieStudents will be able identify the successful and unsuccessful element of Great Gatsby movie

State Standard:9-12.Spch.6.3.5 Identify the aesthetic appeal of a media presentation and evaluate the techniques used to create the effects9.LA.2.3.2 Determine characters’ traits by what the characters say about

Assessment:Students will turn in movie worksheet

Smith 35themselves in narration, dialogue, and soliloquy

Time Learning Style (visual, auditory, kinesthetic)

Activities and Notes

60 Minutes

V, A Students will finish watching the Great Gatsby movie. This will help them gain a better understanding of the novel. They will also be able to identify the aesthetic appeal of the movie.

1 Minute

A Collect worksheets at the end of class. Homework- study for test on Monday

Day Eleven - American Dream Unit

Name: Cami Smith Grade Level/Class Title: 9th grade English Differentiation Strategies: Class discussionTest

Objective: Students will display their knowledge of The Great Gatsby by taking a testStudents will complete essay questions within a set amount of time

State Standard:9.LA.3.1.5 Produce a piece of writing within a set period of time

Assessment:Great Gatsby test

Smith 36

Time Learning Style (visual, auditory, kinesthetic)

Activities and Notes

10 Minutes

A Bell work- Students can get into groups of three and discuss the study guide.

5 Minutes

A Student can choose to ask me any questions about the test. Collect the Great Gatsby study guide for extra credit.

45 Minutes

V Students will take the test. If the student’s finish early they are welcome to work on the paper for this class, read a book, work on other homework assignments, or relax. They must sit quiet and still.

Name: _________________________Date: _________________________

Class period: _________________________

Great Gatsby Final TestTrue/False. Write T on the line if it is true, and F on the line if it is false. (2 points each)_______1. Daisy knows Nick from going to Yale with him.

Smith 37_______2. West Egg is considered the home of the “newly rich”. _______3. Nick came out east to become a bond man._______4. After saying Daisy’s name, Tom hit Myrtle in the nose, breaking it. _______5. Gatsby moved out East because he has family and friends out there._______6. Gatsby hit Myrtle Wilson when he was driving home from New York one night._______7. Tom respects Gatsby and believes that they could potentially be good friends._______8. Gatsby’s funeral was as well attended and exciting as his parties were._______9. At the end of the novel, Nick leaves New York, almost disgusted with his time there._______10. Jordan Baker is a professional tennis player, and one time cheated in a match._______11. Gatsby was once in the military and very poor. _______12. Tom Buchanan flaunts his relationship wit Myrtle while in the city, but hides it in East Egg._______13. George Wilson decides to move his family out West because he got a new job opportunity, and could make better money. _______14. The story takes place in the year of 1922. _______15. Jordan and Nick first met at one of Gatsby’s parties.

Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer. (2 points each)16. Where does Gatsby’s reunion with Daisy take place.A. At Nick’s House B. In Gatsby’s BackyardC. On the train to New York D. None of the above.

17. Tom has an apartment in New York for:A. Business trips in the city B. When family comes to visitC. Him and Myrtle D. He doesn’t own an apartment in the city

18. When Tom first meets Gatsby he:A. Really likes him B. Suspects he is having an affair with DaisyC. Is good looking and well-dressed D. Suspects he is a bootlegger

19. Why did Gatsby drop out of college?A. He was offered a job that did not require an educationB. He had to move citiesC. He was embarrassed that he had to work as a janitor to pay for tuitionD. He didn’t drop out of college

20. Where did Daisy first meet Gatsby?A. New York City B. California

Smith 38C. East Egg D. Louisville

21. Gatsby fires all of his servants because:A. He is afraid they will talk of his affair with DaisyB. They are too expensive and he was able to find cheaper onesC. He didn’t think that they were doing a good jobD. All of the above

22. Who actually shoots Gatsby?A. Tom B. George WilsonC. Mr. Wolfsheim D. Nick

23. Who attended Gatsby’s funeral?A. Tom B. Gatsby’s DadC. Nick D. B and C

24. In the hotel Daisy says that she loves:A. Tom B. GatsbyC. Nick D. All of the above

25. What does Jordan tell Nick that Gatsby wants from him?A. To buy his house C. For him to invite Daisy over for teaC. To become his new friend D. To introduce him to important West Egg residents

26. Who is Meyer Wolfsheim?A. One of Gatsby’s friendsB. Known for rigging the 1919 World SeriesC. A notorious underworld figure involved in organized crimeD. All of the above

27. Who is Dr. Eckleburg?A. A guest at Gatsby’s PartyB. A friend of Nicks from schoolC. Daisy’s personal doctorD. An eye doctor whose billboard overlooks the road to West Egg

Smith 3928.Where are Gatsby’s shirts from?A. New York B. EnglandC. California D. Paris

29. What does Tom by for his Mistress while in New York?A. New Perfume B. New shoesC. A Puppy D. None of the above

30. How does Jay Gatsby really earn his money?A. He does well at the stock marketsB. He has a successful business overseasC. He inherited it from his familyD. None of the above

Matching. Match the quote to the person who said the quote. People can be used more than once. (2 points each)

A. Jay Gatsby

B. Daisy Buchannan

C. Tom Buchanan

D. Nick Carraway

E. Jordan Baker

F. George Wilson

G. Myrtle Wilson

______31. “In two weeks it'll be the longest day in the year... Do you always watch for the longest day of the year and then miss it? I always watch for the longest day in the year and then miss it.”______32. "He thinks she goes to see her sister in New York. He's so dumb he doesn't know he's alive."______33. "I married him because I thought he was a gentleman...I thought he knew something about breeding, but he wasn't fit to lick my shoe."______34. "I hope she'll be a fool--that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool... You see, I think everything's terrible anyhow... And I know. I've been everywhere and seen everything and done everything."______35. "I believe that on the first night I went to Gatsby's house I was one of the few guests who had actually been invited. People were not invited--they went there."

______36. "If it wasn't for the mist we could see your home across the bay... You always have a green light that burns all night at the end of your dock."______37. "Can't repeat the past?... Why of course you can!"______38. "I suppose the latest thing is to sit back and let Mr. Nobody from Nowhere make love to your wife. Well, if that's the idea you can count me out."______39. "God knows what you've been doing, everything you've been doing. You may fool me, but you can't fool God!"______40. “You come to supper with me. . .both of you.” ______41. “I wouldn’t ask to much of her . . .you can’t repeat the past.” ______42. “Yeah, Gatsby’s very careful about women. He would never so much as look at a friend’s wife.” ______43. “So I’ve got my wife locked up in there . . .she’s going to stay there till the day after tomorrow, and then we’re going to move away.” ______44. "It makes me sad because I've never seen such - such beautiful shirts before."______45. “I hate careless people. That’s why I like you.”

Smith 40H. Mr. Solan

I. Mrs. Solan

J. Mr. Wolfsheim

Short Answer: Answer two of the questions below on a separate sheet of paper. Your answers need to be at least one paragraph long. (5 points each)

46. Gatsby had the American dream to be wealthy, marry well, and live happily ever after. What did he do to enable his dream from coming true. What could he have done differently? Use specific examples from the text. 47. Who committed the worse deed, Daisy saying she never loved Tom, but married him anyways, or Tom having multiple affairs?

Explain your answer.

48. What makes Gatsby Great?

49. What makes The Great Gatsby a classic novel? Why has it maintained its place in American literature?

50.How does Nick Carraway’s narration influence the story? Does he shed a different light on the story, if so how and what? What are some specific aspects that he brings into the story, and why are those important?

Essay Question: Write at least a three-paragraph essay on the topic below (20 points)51.Discuss the different ways Fitzgerald interprets the American dream in his novel. Include setting, characters, symbols, and

themes. Is he effective at communicating his point, why or why not?

Day Twelve - American Dream Unit

______31. “In two weeks it'll be the longest day in the year... Do you always watch for the longest day of the year and then miss it? I always watch for the longest day in the year and then miss it.”______32. "He thinks she goes to see her sister in New York. He's so dumb he doesn't know he's alive."______33. "I married him because I thought he was a gentleman...I thought he knew something about breeding, but he wasn't fit to lick my shoe."______34. "I hope she'll be a fool--that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool... You see, I think everything's terrible anyhow... And I know. I've been everywhere and seen everything and done everything."______35. "I believe that on the first night I went to Gatsby's house I was one of the few guests who had actually been invited. People were not invited--they went there."

Smith 41

Name: Cami Smith Grade Level/Class Title: 9th grade English Differentiation Strategies: Class discussionIndividual work time Group Work

Objective: Students will work individually and create a rough draft for their paper.

State Standard:9.LA.3.2.1 use the ideas generated and organized through prewriting to write a draft9.LA.3.2.2 Sequence ideas in a cohesive meaningful order

Assessment:Students will have almost a complete rough draft

Time Learning Style (visual, auditory, kinesthetic)

Activities and Notes

10 Minutes

V Bell work- Students will answer question. “What is your thesis statement for your essay?”

5 Minutes

A Answer any questions the students may have about their tests.

35 Minutes

V Students will work quietly on completing their rough drafts. They are welcome to sign up for a mini tutor session during that class where they can ask me questions.

10 Minutes

A, K Students will share the main ideas of their rough drafts with their peer groups. They will give the feedback, so they can add and/or fix their drafts.

1 Minute

A Homework- finish rough draft.

*There aren’t any handouts for this section.

Day Thirteen- American Dream Unit

Smith 42

Name: Cami Smith Grade Level/Class Title: 9th grade English Differentiation Strategies: Peer groupsClass Discussion Individual study time

Objective:Students will revise other students final papersStudents will give and receive feedback on papers

State Standard:Writing process- Goal 3.3 and 3.2 and all objectives associated with that goal

Assessment:Students will use a red pen to make marks on their peers papers

Time Learning Style (visual, auditory, kinesthetic)

Activities and Notes

10 Minutes

V Bell work- Correct the sentences that are on the board. Go over corrections with class.

25 Minutes

A, K Have students get into groups. Each student will read their paper to their group. As they are reading their peers are writing down notes to give to the student. When they are done reading they discuss the papers, the strengths and weaknesses. They do this for each member of the group.

20 Minutes

V The members in the group switch papers and edit the grammar of them. They do this enough for every student to have their paper edited three times.

5 Minutes

A We will move the desks back and discuss the papers. Talk about the common strengths and weaknesses in general. Final drafts are due tomorrow, so make sure you are ready to type them tomorrow. Make sure you bring the information for your sources because we will be doing work cited pages in the computer lab.

*There aren’t any handouts for this section.

Smith 43

Day Fourteen American Dream Unit

Name: Cami Smith Grade Level/Class Title: 9th grade English Differentiation Strategies: Class discussionIndividual work time

Objective:Students will have a completed draft of paper

State Standard:9.LA.4.4.1 Write responses to literature that demonstrate an understanding of the significant ideas of literary works.

Assessment:Students will turn in final paper

Time Learning Style (visual, auditory, kinesthetic)

Activities and Notes

5 Minuets

V, A Students will find a seat in the computer lab. They will log in and then follow my directions.

50 Minutes

K, V Students will type final drafts of their papers. If necessary they will also type a works cited. They can ask me for any assistance.

5 Minutes

A All the students will print and turn in their final drafts of their papers.

*There aren’t any handouts for this section.

Smith 44

Day 15 American Dream Unit

Name: Cami Smith Grade Level/Class Title: 9th grade English Differentiation Strategies: Class discussionGroup activityIndividual activity

Objective: Students will demonstrate what the American Dream means to them now.

State Standard:9.LA.4.1.1 Write reflective autobiographical narratives or short stories that explore the significance of personal experiences and communicate the significance of events.

Assessment:Students will draw poster that tells what the American dream is to them and write a paper about their poster

Time Learning Style (visual, auditory, kinesthetic)

Activities and Notes

10 Minutes

V, A Bell work- Students will answer question on board, “What was your favorite part of the unit and why?”

5 Minutes

A Go over bell work with students. Have students share what they wrote.

20 Minutes

K, V Have students draw what the American Dream means to them. Have them write a one-page paper on their drawing. It should include specific examples from the unit, and how they relate to their picture

10 Minutes

K, V, A Students will get into groups and share their posters and papers with their groups.

10 Minutes

A, V Pass out the original American dream posters and have the students compare the two. Have them discuss the differences of the two in their groups.

5 Minutes

A, V Have some volunteers share their posters and explain the difference in them. Discuss how the American Dream has changed for them.

Smith 45

Essay Grading Rubric Name __________________________________________ Essay # _______________  

CRITERIAPoints 1 to 5

THESIS and CONTENT (Development)The essay has a thesis—a single, central point that is interesting, original, striking and substantial. The central idea is developed in the essay through well-chosen, appropriate, concrete details that show originality and freshness. Author shows rather than merely tells. Generalizations and assertions are defended. Arguments are logical.    


ORGANIZATION The essay is organized and well structured (there is a beginning, a body, and a conclusion). The essay exhibits a clear strategy for persuasion and pattern of development (chronological order, spatial order, comparison/contrast, etc.). The organization works with the thesis so that the thesis and the organization contribute to serving the purpose of the essay. Essay does not digress from central point. Transitions help the paper flow smoothly. Introductory paragraph(s) is (are) interesting and appropriate. Concluding paragraph is satisfying.      


Smith 46PARAGRAPHSParagraphs are organized, unified and coherent. Each supporting paragraph has a controlling idea (which may be expressed in a topic sentence). In supporting paragraphs, topic idea helps further the thesis.      


STYLESentences are mature and parallel. Writer avoids modifier problems. Sentences show variety of pattern and are rhetorically effective. The essay is written in a style and tone appropriate to the audience, topic and purpose. Words are appropriate and well chosen. Writer avoids jargon and sexist language. Writer seems to be speaking in an authentic voice. Paper is enjoyable and interesting.     


SUBTOTAL  GRAMMAR, SPELLING, MECHANICSSubtract points for errors in grammar (comma splices, fragments, fused sentences, agreement, etc.), spelling, and mechanics (margins, format, etc.).




I didn’t create my own rubric because this one was exactly what I had imagined. I love how it has mechanics at the end, instead of including it in the main grade of the paper. It is also easy to understand, straightforward, and clean-cut.

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