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Post on 11-Sep-2020






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Element 1- Health and Safety PolicyQ: Where would you find a copy of the health and safety Policy Statement? (Locate it)A:

1. Posted on every job site board on each site in our company (usually in the lunchroom).

(Orange Policy)

2. Located in the company health and safety manual in both English and Spanish.

3. Located in the worker and subcontractor handbook given out during orientation.


Q: What are your responsibilities under the Policy Statement?

A: As a worker I must protect my own and fellow workers’ health and safety by working in compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and all applicable regulations an safe work practices and procedures established by the company.

Q: Explain what the Policy Statement means to you?

A: This statement means that my employer is acknowledging my right to work in a healthy and safe work environment and that my employer is committed to taking every reasonable precaution to protect me from harm.

Element 2- Hazard Assessment, Analysis and ControlQ: Are you involved in the hazard assessment process? If not who is?

A: Yes. A Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) is completed before any new projects and before the start of any activities which are new or unusual. We are all able to provide our input.(Ask worker to locate job hazard analysis book and give an example of an activity)

Element 3- Safe Work PracticesQ: Do you find the safe work practices easy to understand? Give me two examples of practices.

A: Yes, each safe work practice outlines how to perform a task and how to perform it safely.

*Worker to give examples from Health and Safety programi.e. Elevating Work Platforms pg 150 & 151, Step Ladders pg 158, Access and Egress pg 159, Manual Lifting pg 160, Defective Tools pg 182, Forklifts pg 186)Q: Where can you find safe work practices?

A: Located in 2015 Can Mar Health & Safety Program kept in the lunchroom. It is always readily available to us.

Q: Do you follow established safe work practices?

A: Yes.Q: Are you involved in the development or review of existing safe work practices? If not who is?A: Indirectly we are because safe work practices are developed based on need. Based on


accident/incident investigations, first aid documentation and consultation with Health and Safety Rep. These safe work practices are reviewed by the Health and Safety Department , Management and Joint Health and Safety Committee.

Element 4- Safe Job ProceduresQ: Do you find the safe job procedures easy to understand? Give me two examples of procedures.

A: Yes, each safe work procedure describes specific steps that guide us through a task from start to finish.

*Worker to give examples from Health and Safety Programi.e. Sika Patching pg 88, Hoarding/Mobilization pg 72, Shoring pg 74, Sand Blasting pg 78, Powerwashing pg 84)

Q: Where can you find safe job procedures?

A: Located in 2015 Can Mar Health & Safety Program kept in the lunchroom. It is always readily available to us.

Q: Do you follow established safe work procedures?

A: YesQ: Are you involved in the development and review of safe job procedures? If not who is?

A: Yes, because safe job procedures are developed through the input of the Job Hazard Analysis forms we completed on the field. It is reviewed by supervisors and superintendents and the Joint Health and Safety Committee before becoming part of our Company program.

Element 5- Company RulesQ: Were you given a copy of the company rules or do you know where a copy is posted?

A:1. Posted on every job site board on each site in our company (usually in the lunchroom).

2. Company rules are located in the 2015 Health and Safety Manual (i.e. pg 109)

3. New hires are given a copy of the worker and subcontractor handbook given out during orientation which includes the company rules.


Q: Were the company rules explained to you? Give some examples of the rules.

A: Yes. Company rules are explained during orientation, safety talks and annual Spring BBQ’s.

Examples of company rules:Page 109 in health and safety manual

Strictly adhere to the Occupational Health and Safety Act and all applicable regulations Workers must wear:1. C.S.A hard hats2. C.S.A Work boots (with green patch)3. Reflective safety vests4. Eye protection5. Skin Protection6. Other personal equipment when required by the act or regulations or employer.

Do no remove guardrails or coverings Never place tools or materials near edges to openings or levels. Keep all tools and materials

at least six feet back from edges and openings. If you should notice any unsafe practice or condition on the job, you are obligated by law

and by this company to report the situation immediately to your supervisor.

Q: What happens if someone breaks a company rule?

A:1st Offence- Worker will be given a verbal warning and supervisor will make note of this in his/her daily log

2nd offence- worker will be given a documented written warning which will be forwarded to management and placed in the employee worker file.

3rd Offence- worker will be given a written warning and will be sent home or the remainder of the work day (unpaid).

4th offence- Worker will be terminated

*Note: Violations that could result in a fatality or serious injury are grounds for immediate suspension or termination of contract.

Element 6-PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)Q: Is specialized PPE readily available when you need it?

A: Yes. The Health and Safety department provides appropriate specialized PPE before the start of an activity or as soon as possible when needed i.e. fall protection equipment, respirators etc.


Q: Have you received training on the care and use of specialized PPE? Give three examples.

A:Yes. There are written rules and/or guidelines for proper fitting, care and use of specialized PPE in the Health and Safety manual. We also receive training through safety talks. We are also provided with manufacturer’s instructions.

1. During the respirator fit testing process, the director of health and safety Anne-Marie Latter, told us how to store and maintain our respirators and how to correctly position the respirator. She also taught us the negative-or –positive-pressure user seal check to ensure the seal is correct. (Ask worker to perform it)

2. We have taken Fall Protection Training which included classroom and hands-on learning activities in regards to fall protection equipment (i.e. harness).

3. Our hearing protection program was discussed with us during spring BBQ and reviewed during Safety Talks and safety meetings. It outlines the noise levels found in construction and the relevant hearing protection that we must use to protect ourselves. It also outlines how to properly wear, inspect and care for both earplugs and ear muffs.

Element 7- Preventative MaintenanceQ: What do you do with defective/broken tools and/or equipment?

A: We inform our supervisor immediately. We remove all defective tools from the work area and mark “Do Not Use” on a red tag and attach it to the equipment. We also write what is wrong with the equipment on the other side of the tag.

Element 8- Training and CommunicationsQ: Have you ever attended company events where health and safety was included/discussed?

A: Yes. Health and safety requirements and policies, including updates and revisions, are discussed at our annual Spring BBQ. This past Spring BBQ included revision and updates on the health and safety policy, workplace harassment and violence and company health and safety rules.

Q: Does senior management attend and participate in these health and safety meetings?

A: Yes. Senior management is usually present for these safety meetings and the owner always begins the meeting with a speech outlining the importance of safety, “safety first” and that at the end of the day the priority is that all workers be able to safely go home to their families.

Q: Are you encouraged to participate (speak up) at these meetings?

A: We are always encouraged to participate. These meetings are set up in a way so as to allow for smaller groups which takes away the intimidation of speaking in front of a large group setting. There is always time for a question and answer period and open discussion.


Element 9- Workplace InspectionsQ: Does the supervisor do workplace inspections? How often?

A: Yes. Supervisors complete formal inspections once a week.

Q: Are you or any other workers involved in the inspection process?

A: Yes, workers participate in conducting the inspection with the supervisor. Also, the supervisor asks us if we are aware of any hazards during the inspection. By law we are required to report any known hazards.

Health and Safety Representatives (Paul A, Oscar C.) also inspect the workplace once a month.

Q: How do you find out about the inspection results?

A: A copy of Inspection reports are posted on the health and safety jobsite board (the yellow copy).(Ask workers to locate them)

Element 10- Investigations and ReportingQ: Does someone do an investigation when an incident occurs? Describe an incident that was investigated.A: Yes. Supervisors investigate all accidents and incidents that involve workers. Health and Safety Representatives, Health and safety coordinator, and members of the Joint Health and Safety committee assist in accident investigations.*Ask a worker to describe an incident that occurred on their site that was investigated.

Q: How do you report incidents and/or near misses?A: We immediately report to our supervisor.

Q: Do you report near misses? Explain to whom you report and how?A: We immediately report to our supervisor who then completes an incident report.

Q: After an incident or near miss how soon after are changes made to correct the problem(s)? Give one example.A: Changes are made as soon as possible depending on the occurrence. An incident report is completed.

*Provide one example

Q: How do you find out that an incident has occurred and what changes have been made?A: Corrective and preventive actions are communicated to us. We are informed verbally and through safety talks.


Element 11- Emergency PreparednessQ: What are your responsibilities should a workplace emergency occur?A:

Depending on the situation, my responsibility is to immediately notify the supervisor and follow the emergency protocol.

If there is a fire I would leave the nearest safe exit and meet at our muster point. If there is an emergency I am required to activate the air horn if I have safe access to it. I have had fire extinguisher training-if there is a fire I can contain, I would extinguish the fire.

If I am unable to contain it I will follow the evacuation protocol and dial 911. We have 2 workers who assist in the emergency evacuation plan. Worker 1 (Indicate Name)

- calls for outside assistance and directs the emergency vehicles. Worker 2 (indicate Name) - secures work area, ushers workers to muster point and does a re-head count.

If there is a medical emergency, the first aiders are the primary person to treat the injured worker.

Q: If an emergency were to occur right now how would you know?A: The activation of the air horn or a verbal indication.

Element 12- Statistics and RecordsNoneElement 13- LegislationQ: Tell me where to find workplace health and safety legislation if you need it?

A: On the health and safety job site board. Top left corner. (Ask worker to locate it)

Q: Have you been trained on your rights and responsibilities regarding health and safety in the workplace? Give some examples.

A: Yes. During orientation we are provided with information on what our worker rights and responsibilities are. We also review these topics during safety talks and our annual spring BBQ.

Our worker rights are:1) Right to know- about any potential hazards in the workplace2) Right to participate- in the process of identifying and resolving workplace health and safety concerns,


3) Right to refuse unsafe work- refuse work we believe is dangerous to my health and safety or another worker

Our worker responsibilities are: Work in compliance with OH&S acts and regulations

Use personal protective equipment and clothing as directed by the employer

Report workplace hazards and dangers

Work in a manner as required by the employer and use the prescribed safety equipment.

Element 14- Occupational HealthQ: Are you trained or do you know of anyone trained in the clean-up procedure to use when you have a chemical spill?

A: There is no formal training for spill containment and clean up. We follow the instructions set out in the company manual. Review Manual for all topics related to Spill Procedures. Our employer would contract a 3rd party for significant chemical spill clean-up.

Q: Are you aware of any special procedure to be followed before entering a confined space?

A: There is a procedure in place but it does not apply to us. If it did apply to us then our employer would train us or send us for training on confined space.Q: Are the toilets and wash-up areas kept clean? Are there always sufficient supplies?

A: Yes. We have portable restrooms that are cleaned and serviced once a week. If there are more workers on a site they are cleaned twice a week.

Q: Is there always a good supply of drinking water on site?

A: Our job sites are stocked with bottled water for our consumption.Q: What do you do if you find a WHMIS label that is missing or badly damaged?

A: We do not use the substance and we are to inform the supervisor immediately. Any missing or damaged labels must be immediately replaced.

Element 15- First AidQ: Who is in charge of the first aid station nearest you? Where are they now?A: Our Supervisor-All supervisors are qualified first aiders. A supervisor is always on site.

Element 16- H & S Rep. and Joint H & S CommitteeQ: Who is the health & safety representative on site? How are they selected?


A: Our certified Health and Safety representatives are Carlos Lopez, Oscar Cajamarca and Paul Apostolakas. A voting process takes place by the health and safety department. Health and safety reps are selected by workers who do not exercise managerial functions.Q: Who represents workers on the JH&SC?

A: Our health and safety representatives- Carlos Lopez, Oscar Cajamarca and Paul Apostolakas.Element 17- Workplace Violence and HarassmentQ: Where would you find a copy of the violence and harassment policy and guidelines? How does the policy apply to you?

A:1. The policies are posted on every job site board on each site in our company (usually located

in the lunchroom). (Ask worker to locate it)

2. The policies and guidelines are located in the company health and safety manual.

3. The policies and guidelines are located in the worker and subcontractor handbook given out during orientation.


How does it apply to you?The policies prevent and control workplace violence. The policies state that my employer is acknowledging my right to work in a harassment and violence free workplace. It states that harassment and violence is not tolerated and that I am to report any incidents or workplace harassment or violence and I will in no way be penalized for voicing my concern.

Q: How would you report an incident of violence or harassment?

A: I will report to management and they will investigate. I may also file an application with the Human Rights Tribunal on a harassment matter related to Ontario’s Human Rights Code.

Element 18- Return to Work and Re-employmentNoneElement 19- Management ReviewQ: Name two of your organization’s health and safety objectives for the upcoming year?A: 1. To achieve COR certification

2. Have all workers trained to the new Working at Heights standard.


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