· web viewopen the word document and complete all the given activities. please note down all...

Post on 14-May-2020






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Year 9 Spanish – Home Learning Activities

Below is the range of tasks that you should study over the next 2 weeks. Do the activities during the same lesson time slot that you have on your timetable. Each lessons worth of tasks should take you

approximately 45 minutes. Before you start make sure that you have all the things that you will need.

Lesson Number and Title

Things that you will need Instructions


WORD DOCUMENT Open the word document and complete all the given activities. Please note down all relevant vocabulary – you might want to begin a glossary and add to this every lesson.

2 SCHOOL SUBJECTS Comparatives & superlatives

WORD DOCUMENT Open the word document and complete all the given activities. Please note down all relevant vocabulary in your glossary.

3 SCHOOL SUBJECTSWriting about future plans

WORD DOCUMENT Open the word document and complete all the given activities. Please note down all relevant vocabulary in your glossary.

4 SCHOOL DAYEl dia del institutoTimetable

WORD DOCUMENT Open the word document and complete all the given activities. Please note down all relevant vocabulary in your glossary.



Open the word document and complete all the given activities. Please note down all relevant vocabulary in your glossary.

6 Creative WORD DOCUMENTA4 paper, stationery

Open the word document and complete all the given activities. Please note down all relevant vocabulary in your glossary.

7 Revision WORD DOCUMENT Open the word document and complete all the given activities. Please note down all relevant vocabulary in your glossary.

Extended Learning – reading and knowledge

Extended Learning – fun things to do and create

Watch a Spanish series or film on Netflix. I’m nearly finished Jane the Virgin and can highly recommend! It’s set in Miami but has a tonne of Spanish/Latin American links as it’s based on a South American family and their culture.You could also change the language to Spanish and any of your favourite TV programmes.

Additional resources, links and reading needed for the lesson activities:

If you have any questions about the tasks please contact.. aclewlow@jesmondparkacademy.org

Lesson 1 Supporting Word Document

Task 1: How much do you recall from the last 2 weeks? Write down:

• 5 jobs in Spanish• 4 chores in Spanish• 3 adjectives in Spanish• 2 opinion phrases in Spanish• 1 sentence in the future

Task2: Use www.wordreference.co.uk if you’re unsure of what any new words mean! A lot are near cognates!


Task 3 Traduce las frases, escribe los dos idiomas1) Pienso que el inglés es muy interesante.

2) Creo que la geografía es aburrida.3) Odio la religión porque es difícil.4) Prefiero las matemáticas a las ciencias.5) I really like Science.6) Tecnology interests me.7) Music annoys me.8) For me Spanish is fun.

Task 4 Traduce el texto.Translate this text into English. You may wish to write the Spanish paragraph too, so you have a full comparison. EXT: Can you identify 3 opinions, 2 phrases/verbs that indicate future plans and 1 example of a verb that has been conjugated to talk about ‘we’.

Estudio matemáticas y dibujo. Me gusta la geografía porque es interesante. No me gustan las ciencias pero me encanta el inglés. Sin embargo, prefiero el francés al inglés porque para mí el francés no es aburrido. Pienso que la música es muy divertida. El teatro es fácil pero la historia es muy difícil. En mi opinión, me encanta la educación física porque jugamos al fútbol y en el futuro me gustaría ser futbolista.

Lesson 2 Supporting Word Document Comparatives and Superlatives

TASK 1: Create 6 different sentences using this word frame. Be careful! Not every combination will make sense e.g. A mi modo de ver, el dibujo porque me llevo bien con el profesor – you’d need to add an opinion phrase first. Here, it would need to be positive e.g. A mi modo de ver, me chifla el dibujo porque me llevo bien con el profesor. That’s better- it makes sense now!

Task 2- Grammar. Please take notes on the following grammar points. You’ll need them for later in the lesson.

Task 3: Completa e.g. 1 = La educaciøn fisica es mås divertida que las matemåticas (remember to check your masculine/feminine/plural agreement of adjectives!)

Task 4: Now, give the following in Spanish:• 3 Comparative sentences• 2 Superlatives sentences• 1 Traducid: El año que viene voy a dejar la historia para mi es la asignatura la más

difícil por eso me enfada.

Lesson 3 Supporting Word Document

Task 1: Rank the future time phrases, starting with the most recent. Can you think of any other phrases used to discuss the future? Add them to your list.

1. El año próximo2. En septiembre3. Por la tarde4. Mañana5. La semana que viene

Task 2

Task 3:

Task 4:

Lesson 4 Supporting Word Document

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Task 5:

Lesson 4 Supporting Word Document- El dia del Instituto

Task 1 Note down the key vocabulary and identify if they are masculine/feminine nouns- you will need it later in the lesson.

Task 2 Contesta las preguntas. Escribe la pregunta y la respuesta. Answer the questions. Write the question and the answer, please.

Task 3:

Lesson 5 Supporting Word Document

Creative task

Spend some time researching life at school in Spain. You can use Google to do this and may find some short videos that demonstrate what it’s like to be an exchange student in Spain on Youtube.

Create a fact file / poster / venn diagram to show the similarities and differences that you can find about life at school in the UK vs. Spain. This can be done in English, but you should annotate your work with Spanish labels to accompany pictures. E.g. Name the subjects you find they study, label the timetable etc. Make it eye catching and colourful.

What do you think about studying in Spain? Would you like to? If so, why? / why not?

Lesson 6 Supporting Word Document –

Task 1

Make flash cards/key word lists with this topic vocabulary and test yourself. Practice your spellings of each word & ensure you get the masculine/feminine agreement correct, as this matters in Spanish! You could also add them to your existing glossary.

Task 2

Task 3:

Task 4:

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