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Handbook for Sacristans

Diocese of Kerry



Table of Contents

The Ministry of the Sacristan 4

Working with other liturgical ministers 4

Knowing your way around the sacristy 5

Knowing your way around the sanctuary 7

Liturgical Vessels and Linen 8

Liturgical Books11

Liturgical Vestments13

Preparations for Liturgical Celebrations 14

Liturgical Calendar 20

Administration 23


Ministry of the SacristanThe role of the church sacristan is to prepare the church for prayer and worship. Their role enables all to celebrate the Eucharist and all other liturgies in a dignified and prayerful manner. They bring practicality and order to their preparations. In this way, whichever celebration is to take place, whether it is daily Mass or yearly Confirmation, weekly Baptisms or weddings, the prayer and liturgy of the celebration flows smoothly.

Much of the work of the sacristan is behind the scenes, often unseen or unnoticed. It is the sacristan who makes sure that all is ready, all is prepared, all is where it needs to be, before the prayer or liturgy begins.

The ministry of the sacristan is marked by reverence, as they prepare the church for liturgy and prayer. They also create a sense of welcome and hospitality, and maintain a sense of respect and solemnity.

Working with other Liturgical Ministers Work with the altar servers and those who supervise

them; Check the rotas for those sharing ministry at the

particular celebration e.g. Servers, Ministers of the Eucharist, Ministers of the Word and Collectors;

Ensure all the rotas of ministers are available in the sacristy;

Liaise with the church cleaners regarding the times of celebration and liturgies;


Work with the church liturgy group to create a cohesive celebration of the liturgy i.e. make sure banners on the ambo are changed according to the season.


Knowing your way around the sacristyThe sacristy is the room where the sacred vessels, the liturgical books, vestments and other items used in the celebration of the liturgy are stored and prepared. Different cupboards and areas of the sacristy are used to keep the different vessels, books, vestments and other items.

Everyday Practicalities Open and close church; Put on and off the alarm; Put on lights and heat; Open and lock door between sacristy and sanctuary; Ensure amplification for all ceremonies; Fill the shrines with candles and empty the shrines of

offerings; Check supplies for altar; Ensure purificators and finger towels are laundered

daily; Ensure that vestments and altar servers’ albs are clean

and presentable at all times.

Occasional Preparations A ciborium in the tabernacle should be cleaned every

month as there can be crumbs underneath the hosts. The hosts at the top are usually fresh but there is a chance that the sacred hosts at the bottom of the chalice could be going stale, or creating crumbs;

Use the specific sink in the sacristy for the washing sacred vessels.


Ringing of bells – for Mass, funerals, weddings, Angelus

Maintenance Keep sacristy organised and tidy Note any maintenance needed for the church and/or

sacred vessels, etc.; Check heating and lighting and any maintenance

needed Open toilets…keep them stocked; Clean the brass candlesticks; Clean the shrines and restock; Launder the vestments and altar linens; Wash altar servers’ garmentsSee that church grounds

are maintained, especially weeds and litter along the footpaths and around the entrance to the church;

Clean the toilets daily and make sure that they are fit for purpose:

Keep an eye to gulleys, chutes and gutters, especially the clearing of autumn leaves;

Flags: Papal flag and the Tricolour should be stored in the sacristy. Tricolour is on the right from the road when poles are of equal height; Tricolour is on the tallest pole when poles are of different heights. When they are flown, the Tricolour is removed at sunset.

The parish church may have an ambry, a small cabinet where the three holy oils are kept. Sacred Chrism is olive oil which has perfume mixed with it, which is consecrated annually by the bishop - used at Baptism, confirmation,


ordination of priests and consecration of the bishops. The oil of the Sick is olive oil blessed by the bishop annually. The oil of Catechumens is olive oil blessed by the bishop annually, and is used in the preparation for baptism.


Knowing your way around the sanctuary This is the main part of the church where the altar and the lectern is located.

The altar is the table where the priest celebrates Mass. The altar is both the shared table and symbol of Christ’s sacrifice.

The lectern/ambo is the table from which the Word of God is proclaimed.

A crucifix, a cross with the figure of Jesus Christ, is always visible in the sanctuary. The crucifix reminds us that Jesus died for all people.

The Sanctuary Lamp is a red light placed near the Tabernacle to signify the Presence of God contained in the Eucharist held in the Tabernacle.

The credence table is a table used to place vessels for use at Mass.

The presider’s chair is the seat for the priest at Mass. In the Cathedral church of the diocese, the chair used by the Bishop when he celebrates Mass. It is known as the Cathedra.

The Paschal Candle is lit each day from Holy Saturday night until Pentecost. After the Easter season, the candle should be kept with honour in the baptistery, so that in the celebration of baptism, the candles of the baptised may be lit from it.


It is important that the sanctuary does not become a storage area. Extra chairs, tables and kneelers which are generally not needed should be removed.


Liturgical Vessels

ChaliceThis is the cup used to hold the Precious Blood. The Chalice is covered by the folded purificator.

PatenThis is the plate used to hold the Sacred Host.

CiboriumThis is the vessel used to hold consecrated Hosts for distribution during Communion. It is usually chalice-shaped and may or may not have a lid. Some ciboria are smaller, in the shape of a bowl. The ciborium is also used to hold the consecrated hosts in the Tabernacle.

CruetsThese vessels hold the water and wine for use during Mass.

Thurible and BoatA thurible is the incense burner used at Mass. The boat is the vessel used to hold the incense until it is placed in the thurible.


PyxThis is a small container used to carry the Sacred Host when bringing communion to the sick and housebound.

Aspersory and AspergillumThe Aspersory [small bucket-like vessel] is a container for holding holy water. The Aspergillum is a stick-shaped implement with holes in it to hold the Holy Water for sprinkling people and objects during Mass and other ceremonies. These are more commonly known as the bucket and sprinkler.

MonstranceThe monstrance is used during Benediction and for processions, for adoration by the faithful. It is a vessel with a clear glass area, called a “luna,” so that the Blessed Sacrament may be seen. The Sacred Host is kept in place inside the luna by a crescent shaped clip called a “lunette”.

Liturgical Linen


Altar ClothThe altar cloth is a white linen cloth which covers the altar table, and may also hang down, as preferred.

Corporal A square linen cloth which is spread out on the centre of the altar. It is usually folded in three equal parts, both in its length and its width, thus creating a square. The corporal is opened out on the altar and on it are placed the chalice and paten.

PurificatorA rectangular linen cloth which is folded. It is used to wipe the Chalice after receiving the precious blood. It is also used by the presider to wipe the chalice after purifying it.

Altar PallThis is a stiff square of linen used to cover the chalice to prevent impurities from falling into it.

Finger TowelThere is a need for one with the water bowl used by the presider, and also at the water bowl(s) used by the Eucharistic Ministers before and after Communion.

All vestments and altar linens should be kept spotlessly clean. Purificators should be changed after every use.


Liturgical Books

The Lectionary contains the Scripture readings for the Ministers of the Word and the presider. There are three books:Lectionary 1 Contains the readings for the season of

Advent, Christmas, Lent, Eastertide, as well as the readings for Feast days. It also has all the readings for the Sundays in Ordinary Time;

Lectionary II Contains all the readings for weekdays;

Lectionary III Contains all the readings for other occasions e.g.

Marriages, Funerals, and Masses for Various Needs and


It is recommended that people read from the Lectionary rather than

from a Missalette, so that the readings are heard in the context of all of


God’s word.

The Roman Missal (Missale Romanum) is the liturgical book that contains the texts and rubrics for the celebration of the Mass in the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church.

The Ordo is published annually by the National Centre for Liturgy, Maynooth. It indicates what Mass is to be celebrated each day of the year, what options may be used, as well as the colour of vestments, the saints of the day and the settings for the Liturgy of the Hours.

One of the ways that the Church expresses its universality is through the Liturgy of the Mass and the ordo ensures that the same celebration takes place worldwide.


Liturgical Vestments

Alb Cincture

Chasuble Stole


Preparations for Liturgical Celebrations

For the Celebration of Eucharist Check the ordo for the readings and Mass of the day; Mark the lectionary and Missal for Mass; Place the lectionary on the ambo; Prepare the vestments for the priest; Put out the specific Mass intention of the day; Put out any funeral notices; Oversee the signing of the child protection register; Turn on the amplification; Turn on parish radio or webcam; Make sure sanctuary candle is always lit; Check the tabernacle and place the key of the

tabernacle where needed; Dress the altar for Mass; Prepare the wine and hosts; Put out chalice, paten, corporal, purificator, water

bowl and hand towel; Place the candles on the altar and light them; Ring the bell during Mass if there are no altar servers; See what else the priest might need;

At Weekends Make sure processional cross is ready for use


Put out Mass Leaflets at weekend; Put out baskets for collections; Prepare the offertory table with the gifts of bread and


For the Sacrament of Baptism Prepare table with white cloth; place oils, cotton wool,

small finger towel, small bottle for Holy Water , Baptism Booklets , details of child (or children) for baptism and jug of warm water for baptism on the table.

Open lid of the Baptistery and light Paschal Candle.

For the Sacrament of First Communion Prepare for practices in the church; Prepare the altar and ambo for Mass; Ensure there are enough ciboria and hosts.

For the Sacrament of Confirmation Prepare for and attend practice for Confirmation as it

is a different ceremony to any other. The altar is often prepared by the Confirmation children.

Prepare table with white cloth and lighted candle for Chrism Oil, which is brought on the day by the Bishop.


A purificator is also required to put under the oils while the priest is holding them.

Have a jug of hot water, bowl, towel, and half a lemon ready for the Bishop to use after the Anointing of the young people;

Place Confirmation Banner on ambo for Mass; Ensure there are enough ciboria and hosts.

For the Sacrament of Marriage Prepare the altar and ambo for Mass; Prepare kneelers, chairs, table for signing the register

and table for gifts; Make sure legal documents and Church papers are

ready; Ensure there are enough ciboria and hosts.

For Funerals Put out funeral trolley for coffin, funeral pall, holy

water, book of Gospels, cross, rosary beads, and table for personal mementoes, incense and thurible.

The funeral pall is the cloth used to cover the coffin at the Funeral Mass, placed on the coffin at the reception of the body and removed just before the coffin is taken from the church for burial;


The Paschal Candle should be placed near the coffin to indicate that the death of a Christian is their Passover. The paschal candle should not otherwise be lit nor placed in the sanctuary outside the Easter season.

For Benediction Prepare the altar, placing the monstrance on a

corporal; Light altar candles Light thurible and have it ready. Put out book for Benediction. Have vestments ready ( Cope and Stole)

Lent and Holy Week

Check List for Ash Wednesday Blessed Palms are burned to create the ashes.

Many parishes purchase them. Ashes (dry) are placed in a bowl….holy water is

used to bless the ashes. Have some ashes in paper envelopes for people

who take them to the housebound. It might also be helpful to put a prayer on a sticky label, on the front of the envelope. A minister could be available at school time or lunch-time. There is a Prayer for Ashes available on www.dioceseofkerry.ie/resources/liturgy


Check List for Palm Sunday Remove the Paschal Candle before Palm Sunday and

place in Sacristy Check that the Palm Sunday booklets are available for

all Prepare enough palms - for the people to take home Container of holy water to bless the palms Set up a large basket at/near the ambo with the palm

branches. Put it on the sanctuary just before Mass. Remove at Communion time and take some small baskets to the church doors

Set up for Mass as usual Set up for the reading of the Passion Readers (2) for Narrator and Other voices.

Order of Procession Thurifer Cross Bearer Candle Bearers Lectors Gospel Book Presider (& other clergy) The Assembly

Check List for Holy Thursday Set up for Mass as usual Check booklets for Triduum Bowl, jug and towels for the washing of the feet Chairs for the washing of feet


Prepare the Altar of Ease The tabernacle should be empty after Mass A sufficient number of bread should be consecrated at

this Mass for communion for the people on Good Friday

No shrine candles after Mass on Holy Thursday The altar is stripped and if possible, all crosses are

removed from the church and statues to be veiled.

Check List for Good Friday The altar should be completely bare; without

candles and without cloths

Check List for Easter Vigil Set up for Mass as usual Prepare the Paschal Candle to be lit during Mass Prepare the Easter Fire Prepare the water for blessing Check the light switches for darkness and light during

the beginning of the ceremony Check if there is a baby for baptism. If so, then

prepare also for a baptism.


Liturgical Calendar

In the words of the Second Vatican Council: "Within the cycle of a year, the Church unfolds the whole mystery of Christ, from his incarnation and birth until his ascension, the day of Pentecost, and the expectation of blessed hope and of the Lord’s return"

Constitution on the Liturgy, #102

The liturgical calendar guides our prayer and worship during the year.

Christmas CycleWe begin the liturgical year towards the end of November or early December with our preparatory time of Advent which includes the 4 Sundays before Christmas. The season of Christmas begins on the eve of the feast, Christmas Eve, and concludes with the Baptism of the Lord, in early January.


The Advent wreath comprises an evergreen circle and four candles, three purple and one pink. The pink candle is lit on the third Sunday of Advent, Gaudete Sunday, signifying joy at the impending birth of Jesus. The wreath may be removed prior to the celebration of Christmas Eve Mass.

However, if a white candle is placed in the centre of the wreath, this candle is lit on Christmas Day Masses. After this, the wreath may be removed.

Cribs should not be erected prior to Dec 17th and are left in place until the Baptism of the Lord.

Ordinary Time"Ordinary Time" refers to those Sundays of the Liturgical Year that are outside the seasons of Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter. While some of these Sundays occur between the end of the Christmas season and the beginning of the Lenten Season, most of Ordinary Time occurs after the close of the Easter season, from Pentecost to the end of the Liturgical Year, with the feast of Christ the King in November.

Easter CycleThe preparatory time of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and draws to a close on Holy Thursday. From Holy Thursday to the Vigil of Easter Saturday night, we celebrate the Triduum, a celebration of one liturgy which takes place over three days. The Easter season begins with the celebration of the Easter Vigil and concludes with the celebration of Pentecost.

Churches are restrained in colour and decoration during the Lenten season. Flowers may not be


used except on Laetare Sunday, 4th Sunday of Lent and Holy Thursday night.

Statues may be covered in purple from Palm Sunday until after the Easter Vigil.

Fill the Holy Water tank and make sure the water has been blessed.

Ordinary TimeAfter Pentecost, the Church returns to Ordinary Time. The season of Ordinary Time reflects the rhythm and tempo of our lives. The season helps us to meditate on the mighty works of God through Jesus Christ and the sending of the Spirit. It is a time to grow in our faith in response to God's invitation to follow Christ.

The liturgical year draws to a close with the celebration of the Feast of Christ the King. As the year closes, we look forward to Christ's coming again in glory and so we enter into the Advent prayer of "Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus!"

The different seasons of the year necessitate different preparations by the sacristan. The liturgical year and its seasons are signified by different coloured vestments. Check the ordo as you prepare for any celebration so that you know what colour vestments are to be worn. It is also important to note that the church hangings, banners, flowers and general décor are attuned to the particular season.


Administration Ensure the register for sacraments is written up,

which may include writing out certs e.g. Marriage, Baptism, Confirmation

Look after the noticeboards Helps, if necessary, to count monies with the collectors Take care of lost and found items Liaise with priest and congregation Make sure Catholic papers or parish Christmas cards

are available Put out literature that come from the diocese

My checklist




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