louiseheathorn.files.wordpress.com · web viewi used the same font as the masthead on the cover to...

Post on 04-Oct-2020






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To start my contents page I opened a new document in Photoshop and created a page with the measurements of; Height-29.7, Width-21 (cm) to get the standard A4 page. To start off, I used the Rectangle Tool to create a banner in which a headline would go across. I chose a red because I thought it would match the style of my front cover. To create a depth to the colour I added the Inner Shadow option on the Blending Options panel. This made the banner look more interesting. I then added the writing ‘Inside this week’ and the contents headline. To make the font look less tidy and reflect the target reader more, I used the Eraser Tool to make the font look shabby and unfinished. When this was put onto the red banner, I didn’t like it in black or white, as both of the colours didn’t seem to look right. Instead I changed the banner shape colour to black and the writing to yellow. This yellow still linked with my front cover as there was yellow put on the cover as well. But most of all the yellow against black seemed very striking to look at.

The next thing I did was add in the headings for the categories of the contents. To do this I used the Rectangle Tool to make a black rectangle and then I placed them on different parts of the left hand side of the page. To make sure they were the same size as each other, I only made one rectangle and duplicated the layer. Inside the rectangles, I added the headings News!, Features, and Rogue Legends. I used the same font as the masthead on the cover to show that my magazine has character and changed the colour to the same yellow as the banner title so that it all matched. Now I added in all of the sub-headings and blurbs to each section. As this was the contents, I used a blurb so that the reader could easily figure out what the article is about from just one of the first pages. I also added the page number in red to the left of this writing. I used red because I thought I needed some of the colour to make the colour scheme of the whole magazine consistent. As my mock up included the majority of the content I wanted to use in the real thing, I just opened the mock up and used the Object Tool brush to drag the text onto the contents page.

To make the page look neater and set out properly, I used the line tool to create I line down the whole of the page, slightly apart from the heading shapes. As the line was in front of the banner, I dragged the layer of the line behind the banner layer.

The next thing I did was write out my editor’s letter. As the focus of the magazine was around the band on the double page spread, I thought it would be a good idea to focus the letter informing the readers of the band. I thought doing this would also make the letter seem like a discussion, rather than getting talked down on. I used the same font as the writing of the blubs and for my signature, I used the font Segeo Script which made it looked more hand written and personally written. I also made my name larger than the rest because I wanted to signify it was the end of the letter.

Now that I had the left side of the page sorted out, I wanted to work on the right. To start with I added the picture of the lead vocalist of the band Wild Fire, so I could play around with the sizing of it and I would then have an idea of the room I’d have left. For the photograph I took it from the same shoot as the image on the front cover. I took out the exacts same steps as the main image on the front cover, apart from that I did not colour the lips in and that I also added a gradient to the photo. I added the gradient by creating a new layer and then selecting the Radial Gradient option. I then dragged the gradient across the page, which gave me a block gradient. To change this I changed the layer option to Multiply and lowered the opacity of the Gradient layer.

Using the Line Tool I used three lines to go around the photo, making it look neater. At this point I thought I didn’t have enough contents written so I added two images with a blurb underneath them. The images again were taken from different gigs in the London area. As the images were part of the contents I needed to a page number for the reader to refer to. As these were the only contents pieces with images, I thought i could add a symbol with the page number and have the two contents ideas as cover stories. To make the symbol I use the Ellipse Tool to create a circle and with the Custom Tool, I put a Rounded Diamond shape in the circle. I changed the circle to a red and then the diamond to a black. I then placed the shaped at the bottom corner of the two images and then used the Type Tool write a page number.

To follow the aspect of common magazine conventions, I finished my contents page by creating a niche to go in the lower right corner. I placed this in the corner because after looking at other music magazines, this was done. To create the logo, I started by using the Rectangle Tool and created a blue shape. To link with the idea of music, I created the niche around a ticket company. As I couldn’t use the name of an existing company, I made up my own and called it Ticket Pro. I wrote the company name in the font Impact and changed the Stroke to black and the size 9 to make it seem like the writing had a thick border. I then added a black Inner Shadow to the blue rectangle to make the niche seem more professional. As a company would also include a website and phone number, I did the same. Now that this was complete, I had finished my contents page.

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