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European Parliament2019-2024

Committee on BudgetsCommittee on Economic and Monetary Affairs



AMENDMENTS73 - 402Draft reportAlexandra Geese, Othmar Karas, Dragoș Pîslaru(PE655.852v01-00)

Establishing a Technical Support Instrument

Proposal for a regulation(COM(2020)0409 – C9-0148/2020 – 2020/0103(COD))

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EN United in diversity EN


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Amendment 73Hélène LaporteProposal for a regulationRecital 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(1) In accordance with Articles 120 and 121 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (‘the Treaty’), Member States are required to conduct their economic policies with a view to contributing to the achievement of the objectives of the Union and in the context of the broad guidelines that the Council formulates. Under Article 148 of the Treaty Member States shall implement employment policies that take into account the guidelines for employment. The coordination of the economic policies of the Member States is therefore a matter of common concern.


Or. fr

Amendment 74Joachim KuhsProposal for a regulationRecital 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(1) In accordance with Articles 120 and 121 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (‘the Treaty’), Member States are required to conduct their economic policies with a view to contributing to the achievement of the objectives of the Union and in the context of the broad guidelines that the Council formulates. Under Article 148 of the Treaty Member States shall implement employment policies that take into account the guidelines for employment. The coordination of the economic policies of the Member States is therefore a matter of common concern.


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Or. en

Amendment 75Joachim KuhsProposal for a regulationRecital 2

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(2) Article 175 of the Treaty provides, inter alia, that Member States should coordinate their economic policies in such a way as to attain the objectives on economic social and territorial cohesion set out in Article 174.


Or. en

Amendment 76Dimitrios Papadimoulison behalf of the GUE/NGL GroupProposal for a regulationRecital 3

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(3) The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 changed the economic outlook for the years to come in the EU and in the world. In the Union, new priorities have emerged, linked with the crisis, specifically focussing on recovery and resilience. They require an urgent and coordinated response from the Union in order to cope with the economic consequences for Member States as well to mitigate the social and economic fallouts. The current COVID-19 pandemic as well as the previous economic and financial crisis have shown that developing sound and resilient economies and financial systems built on strong economic and social structures helps Member States to respond more efficiently to shocks and recover more swiftly from them. Growth enhancing reforms and investments to address structural weaknesses of the economies and strengthen their resilience will therefore be essential to set the

(3) The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 changed the economic and social outlook for the years to come in the EU and in the world. In the Union, new challenges and priorities have emerged, linked with the crisis, specifically focussing on recovery and resilience. They require an urgent and coordinated response from the Union in order to cope with the social and economic consequences for Member States as well to mitigate the social and economic fallouts. The current COVID-19 pandemic as well as the previous economic and financial crisis of 2008 have shown that developing sound and resilient economies and financial systems built on strong and sustainable economic and social structures helps Member States to respond more efficiently to shocks and recover more swiftly from them. At the same time, they have clearly indicated the need for rapid and coherent responses to major external shocks that

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economies and societies back on a sustainable recovery path and overcome the economic, social and territorial divergences in the Union.

require preparedness of health systems, of essential public services and of key public sectors as well as the existence of effective social protection mechanisms. Growth enhancing reforms and investments to address structural weaknesses of the economies and the societies and strengthen their resilience will therefore be essential to set the economies and societies back on a fair, inclusive and sustainable recovery path and overcome the economic, social and territorial divergences in the Union that have been exacerbated due to the pandemic.

Or. en

Amendment 77Hélène LaporteProposal for a regulationRecital 3

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(3) The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 changed the economic outlook for the years to come in the EU and in the world. In the Union, new priorities have emerged, linked with the crisis, specifically focussing on recovery and resilience. They require an urgent and coordinated response from the Union in order to cope with the economic consequences for Member States as well to mitigate the social and economic fallouts. The current COVID-19 pandemic as well as the previous economic and financial crisis have shown that developing sound and resilient economies and financial systems built on strong economic and social structures helps Member States to respond more efficiently to shocks and recover more swiftly from them. Growth enhancing reforms and investments to address structural weaknesses of the economies and strengthen their resilience will therefore be essential to set the economies and societies back on a sustainable recovery path and overcome

(3) The COVID-19 outbreak in early 2020 and the paralysis of the economy changed the economic outlook for the years to come in the Union and in the world. In the Union, new priorities have emerged, linked with the crisis, specifically focussing on recovery and resilience. They require an urgent and coordinated response from the Member States in order to cope with the economic consequences for Member States as well to mitigate the social and economic fallouts. The current COVID-19 pandemic as well as the previous economic and financial crisis have shown that developing sound and resilient economies and financial systems built on strong economic and social structures does not help the Member States to respond more efficiently to shocks and recover more swiftly from them.

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the economic, social and territorial divergences in the Union.

Or. fr

Amendment 78Aurore LalucqProposal for a regulationRecital 3

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(3) The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 changed the economic outlook for the years to come in the EU and in the world. In the Union, new priorities have emerged, linked with the crisis, specifically focussing on recovery and resilience. They require an urgent and coordinated response from the Union in order to cope with the economic consequences for Member States as well to mitigate the social and economic fallouts. The current COVID-19 pandemic as well as the previous economic and financial crisis have shown that developing sound and resilient economies and financial systems built on strong economic and social structures helps Member States to respond more efficiently to shocks and recover more swiftly from them. Growth enhancing reforms and investments to address structural weaknesses of the economies and strengthen their resilience will therefore be essential to set the economies and societies back on a sustainable recovery path and overcome the economic, social and territorial divergences in the Union.

(3) The COVID-19 outbreak in early 2020 changed the economic outlook for the years to come in the Union and in the world. In the Union, new priorities have emerged, linked with the crisis, specifically focussing on recovery and resilience. They require an urgent and coordinated response from the Union in order to cope with the economic consequences for Member States as well to mitigate the social and economic fallouts. The current COVID-19 pandemic as well as the previous economic and financial crisis have shown that developing sound and resilient economies and financial systems built on strong economic and social structures helps Member States to respond more efficiently to shocks and recover more swiftly from them. This health crisis has also shown the severe lack of public investment and infrastructure in the Member States. This instrument must enable our economic model to refocus on the well-being of European citizens and on social and environmental objectives. It must seek to make the recovery sustainable, leading to investments which contribute to reinforcing economic, territorial, environmental and social cohesion, to stimulating public investment and to fostering a high level of employment and less inequality in the Union.

Or. fr

Amendment 79Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra Geese

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Proposal for a regulationRecital 3

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(3) The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 changed the economic outlook for the years to come in the EU and in the world. In the Union, new priorities have emerged, linked with the crisis, specifically focussing on recovery and resilience. They require an urgent and coordinated response from the Union in order to cope with the economic consequences for Member States as well to mitigate the social and economic fallouts. The current COVID-19 pandemic as well as the previous economic and financial crisis have shown that developing sound and resilient economies and financial systems built on strong economic and social structures helps Member States to respond more efficiently to shocks and recover more swiftly from them. Growth enhancing reforms and investments to address structural weaknesses of the economies and strengthen their resilience will therefore be essential to set the economies and societies back on a sustainable recovery path and overcome the economic, social and territorial divergences in the Union.

(3) The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 changed the economic outlook for the years to come in the EU and in the world. In the Union, new priorities have emerged, linked with the crisis, specifically focussing on recovery and resilience. They require an urgent and coordinated response from the Union in order to cope with the economic and public health consequences for Member States as well as mitigate the social and environmental fallouts. The current COVID-19 pandemic as well as the previous economic and financial crisis have shown that developing sound and resilient economies and financial systems built on strong economic and social structures helps Member States to respond more efficiently to shocks and recover more swiftly from them. Reforms and investments that make our economies and societies more sustainable and resilient will therefore be essential to set the economies and societies back on a sustainable recovery path and overcome the economic, social and territorial divergences in the Union. The Union’s commitments under the Paris Climate Agreement, the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the European Pillar of Social Rights and the European Green Deal should be the guiding principles for the recovery.

Or. en

Amendment 80Olivier Chastel, Martin Hojsík, Nicolae Ştefănuță, Nils Torvalds, Valérie Hayer, Mauri PekkarinenProposal for a regulationRecital 3

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

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(3) The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 changed the economic outlook for the years to come in the EU and in the world. In the Union, new priorities have emerged, linked with the crisis, specifically focussing on recovery and resilience. They require an urgent and coordinated response from the Union in order to cope with the economic consequences for Member States as well to mitigate the social and economic fallouts. The current COVID-19 pandemic as well as the previous economic and financial crisis have shown that developing sound and resilient economies and financial systems built on strong economic and social structures helps Member States to respond more efficiently to shocks and recover more swiftly from them. Growth enhancing reforms and investments to address structural weaknesses of the economies and strengthen their resilience will therefore be essential to set the economies and societies back on a sustainable recovery path and overcome the economic, social and territorial divergences in the Union.

(3) The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 changed the economic and budgetary outlook for the years to come in the EU and in the world. In the Union, new priorities have emerged, linked with the crisis, specifically focussing on recovery and resilience. They require an urgent and coordinated response from the Union in order to cope with the economic and financial consequences for Member States as well to mitigate the social and economic fallouts. The current COVID-19 pandemic as well as the previous economic and financial crisis have shown that developing sound and resilient economies and financial systems built on strong economic and social structures helps Member States to respond more efficiently to shocks and recover more swiftly from them. Sustainable growth enhancing reforms and sustainable public and private investments to address structural weaknesses of the economies and strengthen their resilience will therefore be essential to set the economies and societies back on a sustainable recovery path, overcome the economic, social, heath and territorial divergences in the Union and therefore prevent the gap from widening ever further between Member States;.

Or. en

Amendment 81Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, Costas MavridesProposal for a regulationRecital 3

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(3) The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 changed the economic outlook for the years to come in the EU and in the world. In the Union, new priorities have emerged, linked with the crisis, specifically focussing on recovery and resilience. They require an urgent and coordinated response from the Union in order to cope with the economic

(3) The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 changed the economic outlook for the years to come in the EU and in the world. In the Union, new priorities have emerged, linked with the crisis, specifically focussing on social, environmental and economic recovery and resilience. They require an urgent and coordinated response from the Union in

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consequences for Member States as well to mitigate the social and economic fallouts. The current COVID-19 pandemic as well as the previous economic and financial crisis have shown that developing sound and resilient economies and financial systems built on strong economic and social structures helps Member States to respond more efficiently to shocks and recover more swiftly from them. Growth enhancing reforms and investments to address structural weaknesses of the economies and strengthen their resilience will therefore be essential to set the economies and societies back on a sustainable recovery path and overcome the economic, social and territorial divergences in the Union.

order to cope with the social and economic consequences for Member States as well to mitigate the social and economic fallouts. The current COVID-19 pandemic as well as the previous economic and financial crisis have shown that developing sound and resilient economies and financial systems built on strong economic and social structures helps Member States to respond more efficiently to shocks and recover more swiftly from them. Growth enhancing sustainable and socially inclusive reforms and investments to respond to the new challenges, address structural weaknesses of the economies and strengthen their resilience will therefore be essential to set the economies and societies back on a sustainable recovery path and overcome the economic, social and territorial divergences in the Union.

Or. en

Amendment 82Alfred SantProposal for a regulationRecital 3

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(3) The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 changed the economic outlook for the years to come in the EU and in the world. In the Union, new priorities have emerged, linked with the crisis, specifically focussing on recovery and resilience. They require an urgent and coordinated response from the Union in order to cope with the economic consequences for Member States as well to mitigate the social and economic fallouts. The current COVID-19 pandemic as well as the previous economic and financial crisis have shown that developing sound and resilient economies and financial systems built on strong economic and social structures helps Member States to respond more efficiently to shocks and recover more swiftly from them. Growth

(3) The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 changed the economic outlook for the years to come in the EU and in the world. In the Union, new priorities have emerged, linked with the crisis, specifically focussing on recovery and resilience. They require an urgent and coordinated response from the Union in order to cope with the economic consequences for Member States as well to mitigate the social and economic fallouts. The current COVID-19 pandemic as well as the previous economic and financial crisis have shown that developing sound and resilient economies and financial systems built on strong economic and social structures helps Member States to respond more efficiently to shocks and recover more swiftly from them. Growth

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enhancing reforms and investments to address structural weaknesses of the economies and strengthen their resilience will therefore be essential to set the economies and societies back on a sustainable recovery path and overcome the economic, social and territorial divergences in the Union.

enhancing reforms and investments to address structural weaknesses of the economies and strengthen their resilience in a socially and environmentally acceptable manner will therefore be essential to set the economies and societies back on a sustainable recovery path and concretely overcome the economic, social and territorial divergences in the Union.

Or. en

Amendment 83Joachim Kuhs, Gunnar Beck, Hélène LaporteProposal for a regulationRecital 3

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(3) The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 changed the economic outlook for the years to come in the EU and in the world. In the Union, new priorities have emerged, linked with the crisis, specifically focussing on recovery and resilience. They require an urgent and coordinated response from the Union in order to cope with the economic consequences for Member States as well to mitigate the social and economic fallouts. The current COVID-19 pandemic as well as the previous economic and financial crisis have shown that developing sound and resilient economies and financial systems built on strong economic and social structures helps Member States to respond more efficiently to shocks and recover more swiftly from them. Growth enhancing reforms and investments to address structural weaknesses of the economies and strengthen their resilience will therefore be essential to set the economies and societies back on a sustainable recovery path and overcome the economic, social and territorial divergences in the Union.

(3) The national and regional lockdown measures following the COVID-19 pandemic in the first half of 2020 changed the economic outlook for the years to come in the EU and in the world. In the Union, new priorities have emerged, linked with the crisis, specifically focussing on recovery and resilience. They require an urgent and coordinated response from the Union in order to cope with the economic consequences for Member States as well to mitigate the social and economic fallouts. The current COVID-19 pandemic as well as the previous economic and financial crisis have shown that developing sound, solvable and resilient economies and financial systems built on strong equity-based economic and social structures helps Member States to respond more efficiently to shocks and recover more swiftly from them. Growth enhancing reforms and investments to address structural weaknesses of the economies, strengthen their resilience and reduce their dependency on debt-financing will therefore be essential to set the economies and societies back on a sustainable recovery path.

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Or. en

Amendment 84Markus FerberProposal for a regulationRecital 3

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(3) The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 changed the economic outlook for the years to come in the EU and in the world. In the Union, new priorities have emerged, linked with the crisis, specifically focussing on recovery and resilience. They require an urgent and coordinated response from the Union in order to cope with the economic consequences for Member States as well to mitigate the social and economic fallouts. The current COVID-19 pandemic as well as the previous economic and financial crisis have shown that developing sound and resilient economies and financial systems built on strong economic and social structures helps Member States to respond more efficiently to shocks and recover more swiftly from them. Growth enhancing reforms and investments to address structural weaknesses of the economies and strengthen their resilience will therefore be essential to set the economies and societies back on a sustainable recovery path and overcome the economic, social and territorial divergences in the Union.

(3) The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 changed the economic outlook for the years to come in the EU and in the world. In the Union, new priorities have emerged, linked with the crisis, specifically focussing on recovery and resilience. They require an urgent and coordinated response from the Union in order to cope with the economic consequences for Member States as well to mitigate the social and economic fallouts. The current COVID-19 pandemic as well as the previous economic and financial crisis have shown that developing sound and resilient economies and financial systems built on strong economic and social structures as well as sufficient fiscal buffers helps Member States to respond more efficiently to shocks and recover more swiftly from them. Growth enhancing reforms and investments to address structural weaknesses of the economies and strengthen their resilience will therefore be essential to set the economies and societies back on a sustainable recovery path and overcome the economic, social and territorial divergences in the Union.

Or. en

Amendment 85José Manuel FernandesProposal for a regulationRecital 3

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(3) The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 changed the economic outlook for the years to come in

(3) The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 changed the economic outlook for the years to come in

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the EU and in the world. In the Union, new priorities have emerged, linked with the crisis, specifically focussing on recovery and resilience. They require an urgent and coordinated response from the Union in order to cope with the economic consequences for Member States as well to mitigate the social and economic fallouts. The current COVID-19 pandemic as well as the previous economic and financial crisis have shown that developing sound and resilient economies and financial systems built on strong economic and social structures helps Member States to respond more efficiently to shocks and recover more swiftly from them. Growth enhancing reforms and investments to address structural weaknesses of the economies and strengthen their resilience will therefore be essential to set the economies and societies back on a sustainable recovery path and overcome the economic, social and territorial divergences in the Union.

the EU and in the world. In the Union, new priorities have emerged, linked with the crisis, specifically focussing on recovery and resilience. They require an urgent and coordinated response from the Union in order to cope with the economic consequences for Member States as well to mitigate the territorial, social and economic fallouts. The current COVID-19 pandemic as well as the previous economic and financial crisis have shown that developing sound and resilient economies and financial systems built on strong economic and social structures helps Member States to respond more efficiently to shocks and recover more swiftly from them. Growth enhancing reforms and investments to address structural weaknesses of the economies and strengthen their resilience will therefore be essential to set the economies and societies back on a sustainable recovery path and overcome the economic, social and territorial divergences in the Union.

Or. en

Amendment 86Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, Costas MavridesProposal for a regulationRecital 3 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(3a) The green and just transition must be at the heart of the Union’s recovery and the European Green Deal as the new growth strategy must be delivered. In this context it is crucial to continue to establish a Wellbeing Economy, by interlinking convergence of the economies, economic and social progress for the people and sustainable development.

Or. en

Amendment 87Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra Geese

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Proposal for a regulationRecital 4

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(4) At Union level, the European Semester of economic policy coordination is the framework to identify national reform priorities and monitor their implementation. Member States develop their own national multiannual investment strategies in support of those reform priorities. Those strategies are presented alongside the yearly National Reform Programmes as a way to outline and coordinate priorities to be supported by national and/or Union funding. They should also serve to use Union funding in a coherent manner and to maximise the added value of the financial support to be received notably from the programmes supported by the Union under the structural and cohesion funds, and from other programmes.

(4) At Union level, the European Semester of economic policy coordination is principal in the framework to identify national reform priorities in the economic and social policy areas and monitor their implementation. The European Parliament has stated that socially responsible reforms in the context of the European Semester must be based on solidarity, integration, social justice and a fair distribution of wealth and income, thereby creating a model that ensures equality, equal opportunities and social protection, protects vulnerable groups and improves living standards for all citizens, which are key principles of the European Pillar of Social Rights. A particular focus should be put on Gender Equality, since women have been hit especially hard by economic consequences of the Covid-19 crisis, as highlighted by EU agencies such as the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) and the Joint Research Centre (JRC). Member States develop their own national multiannual investment strategies in support of those reform priorities. Those strategies are presented alongside the yearly National Reform Programmes as a way to outline and coordinate priorities to be supported by national and/or Union funding.

Or. en

Amendment 88Aurore LalucqProposal for a regulationRecital 4

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(4) At Union level, the European Semester of economic policy coordination

(4) At Union level, the European Semester of economic policy coordination,

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is the framework to identify national reform priorities and monitor their implementation. Member States develop their own national multiannual investment strategies in support of those reform priorities. Those strategies are presented alongside the yearly National Reform Programmes as a way to outline and coordinate priorities to be supported by national and/or Union funding. They should also serve to use Union funding in a coherent manner and to maximise the added value of the financial support to be received notably from the programmes supported by the Union under the structural and cohesion funds, and from other programmes.

refocused on the principles of the European Green Deal, those of the European Pillar of Social Rights and the SDGs, is the framework which makes it possible to establish national reform priorities and monitor their implementation. Member States develop their own national multiannual investment strategies in support of those reform priorities. Those strategies are presented alongside the yearly National Reform Programmes as a way to outline and coordinate priorities to be supported by national and/or Union funding. They should also serve to use Union funding in a coherent manner and to maximise the added value of the financial support to be received notably from the programmes supported by the Union under the structural and cohesion funds, and from other programmes. In the long term, the semester must take account of the fact that any change in economic activity is essentially far more dependent on our capacity to keep climate change under control and protect the environment than on short-term gains in competitiveness; Reforms undertaken in the context of the semester shall take the long-term social, climate-related and environmental consequences into consideration.

Or. fr

Amendment 89José GusmãoProposal for a regulationRecital 4

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(4) At Union level, the European Semester of economic policy coordination is the framework to identify national reform priorities and monitor their implementation. Member States develop their own national multiannual investment strategies in support of those reform priorities. Those strategies are presented

(4) At Union level, the European Semester of economic policy coordination has been the framework to identify national reform priorities and monitor their implementation. Currently, on the other hand, the European Green Deal, the Sustainable Development Goals and the European Pillar of Social Rights must be

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alongside the yearly National Reform Programmes as a way to outline and coordinate priorities to be supported by national and/or Union funding. They should also serve to use Union funding in a coherent manner and to maximise the added value of the financial support to be received notably from the programmes supported by the Union under the structural and cohesion funds, and from other programmes.

the guide for the economic recovery, which ought to be in line with the principles of solidarity and social justice. In this sense, efforts to tackle the economic downturn must be based on a significant degree of wealth redistribution, in order to ensure that the costs of the crisis are not borne solely by the most vulnerable social groups, as has happened in the past. Member States develop their own national multiannual investment strategies in support of those reform priorities. Those strategies are presented alongside the yearly National Reform Programmes as a way to outline and coordinate priorities to be supported by national and/or Union funding. They should also serve to use Union funding in a coherent manner and to maximise the added value of the financial support to be received notably from the programmes supported by the Union under the structural and cohesion funds, and from other programmes.

Or. en

Amendment 90Hélène Laporte, Joachim Kuhs, Gunnar BeckProposal for a regulationRecital 4

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(4) At Union level, the European Semester of economic policy coordination is the framework to identify national reform priorities and monitor their implementation. Member States develop their own national multiannual investment strategies in support of those reform priorities. Those strategies are presented alongside the yearly National Reform Programmes as a way to outline and coordinate priorities to be supported by national and/or Union funding. They should also serve to use Union funding in a coherent manner and to maximise the added value of the financial support to be

(4) Member States should develop their own national multiannual investment strategies. They should also serve to use Union funding in a coherent manner and to maximise the added value of the financial support to be received notably from the programmes supported by the Union under the structural and cohesion funds, and from other programmes.

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received notably from the programmes supported by the Union under the structural and cohesion funds, and from other programmes.

Or. fr

Amendment 91Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, Costas MavridesProposal for a regulationRecital 4

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(4) At Union level, the European Semester of economic policy coordination is the framework to identify national reform priorities and monitor their implementation. Member States develop their own national multiannual investment strategies in support of those reform priorities. Those strategies are presented alongside the yearly National Reform Programmes as a way to outline and coordinate priorities to be supported by national and/or Union funding. They should also serve to use Union funding in a coherent manner and to maximise the added value of the financial support to be received notably from the programmes supported by the Union under the structural and cohesion funds, and from other programmes.

(4) At Union level and together with the different commitments of the European Union such as towards the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the European Pillar of Social Rights and the EU climate and biodiversity targets, the European Semester of economic policy coordination is one of the frameworks to identify challenges and monitor how Member States respond to those challenges. Member States develop their own national multiannual investment strategies in support of those priorities. Those strategies are presented alongside the yearly National Reform Programmes as a way to outline and coordinate priorities to be supported by national and/or Union funding. They should also serve to use Union funding in a coherent manner and to maximise the added value of the financial support to be received notably from the programmes supported by the Union under the structural and cohesion funds, and from other programmes.

Or. en

Amendment 92Fabio Massimo Castaldo, Tiziana Beghin, Mario FuroreProposal for a regulationRecital 4

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(4) At Union level, the European (4) National multiannual investment

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Semester of economic policy coordination is the framework to identify national reform priorities and monitor their implementation. Member States develop their own national multiannual investment strategies in support of those reform priorities. Those strategies are presented alongside the yearly National Reform Programmes as a way to outline and coordinate priorities to be supported by national and/or Union funding. They should also serve to use Union funding in a coherent manner and to maximise the added value of the financial support to be received notably from the programmes supported by the Union under the structural and cohesion funds, and from other programmes.

strategies are presented alongside the yearly National Reform Programmes as a way to outline and coordinate priorities to be supported by national and/or Union funding. They should also serve to use Union funding in a coherent manner and to maximise the added value of the financial support to be received notably from the programmes supported by the Union under the structural and cohesion funds, and from other programmes.

Or. en

Amendment 93Isabel Benjumea BenjumeaProposal for a regulationRecital 4

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(4) At Union level, the European Semester of economic policy coordination is the framework to identify national reform priorities and monitor their implementation. Member States develop their own national multiannual investment strategies in support of those reform priorities. Those strategies are presented alongside the yearly National Reform Programmes as a way to outline and coordinate priorities to be supported by national and/or Union funding. They should also serve to use Union funding in a coherent manner and to maximise the added value of the financial support to be received notably from the programmes supported by the Union under the structural and cohesion funds, and from other programmes.

(4) At Union level, the European Semester of economic policy coordination is the framework to identify national reform priorities and monitor their implementation. Member States develop their own national multiannual investment strategies in support of those reform priorities with the principal objective of developing competitive economies. Those strategies are presented alongside the yearly National Reform Programmes as a way to outline and coordinate priorities to be supported by national and/or Union funding. They should also serve to use Union funding in a coherent manner and to maximise the added value of the financial support to be received notably from the programmes supported by the Union under the structural and cohesion funds, and from other programmes.

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Or. es

Amendment 94Dimitrios Papadimoulison behalf of the GUE/NGL GroupProposal for a regulationRecital 4

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(4) At Union level, the European Semester of economic policy coordination is the framework to identify national reform priorities and monitor their implementation. Member States develop their own national multiannual investment strategies in support of those reform priorities. Those strategies are presented alongside the yearly National Reform Programmes as a way to outline and coordinate priorities to be supported by national and/or Union funding. They should also serve to use Union funding in a coherent manner and to maximise the added value of the financial support to be received notably from the programmes supported by the Union under the structural and cohesion funds, and from other programmes.

(4) At Union level, the European Semester of economic policy coordination is considered as the framework to identify national reform priorities and monitor their implementation. However, the current COVID-19 pandemic as well as the previous economic and financial crisis of 2008 have shown the need for the repeal of the Growth and Stability Pact and its replacement by a Sustainable Development and Employment Pact that will promote fair, inclusive and sustainable growth, high-quality employment and environmental protection, in line with the European Green Deal, the Paris Agreement, the Sustainable Development Goals and the European Pillar of Social Rights.

Or. en

Amendment 95Stéphanie Yon-Courtin, Gilles BoyerProposal for a regulationRecital 4 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(4a) In order to deepen the Economic and Monetary Union and improve the democratic accountability thereof, the role of a European Minister of Economy and Finance should be created, as laid down in the communication of the Commission of 6 December 2017 on a European Minister of Economy and Finance and the European Parliament resolution of 16 February 2017 on

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improving the functioning of the European Union building on the potential of the Lisbon Treaty. The European Minister of Economy and Finance would be a member of the Commission and would preside over the Eurogroup and the Board of Governors of the European Stability Mechanism. He or she would be accountable to the European Parliament, with regard to both the euro area format and the extended format. The European Minister of Economy and Finance would play an active role in overseeing, monitoring and evaluating technical support, for Member States whose currency is the euro.

Or. en

Amendment 96Hélène Laporte, Joachim Kuhs, Gunnar BeckProposal for a regulationRecital 5

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(5) Regulation (EU) 2017/825 of the European Parliament and the Council15established the Structural Reform Support Programme (SRSP) for the period 2017 to 2020, with a budget of EUR 142 800 000. The SRSP was established to strengthen the capacity of Member States to prepare and implement growth-sustaining administrative and structural reforms, including through assistance for the efficient and effective use of the Union funds. Technical support under that programme is provided by the Commission, upon request from a Member State, and can cover a wide range of policy areas. This Regulation is designed as a continuation of that programme which has been positively received by the Member States.


_________________15 Regulation (EU) 2017/825 of the European Parliament and of the Council

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of 17 May 2017 on the establishment of the Structural Reform Support Programme for the period 2017 to 2020 and amending Regulations (EU) No 1303/2013 and (EU) No 1305/2013 (OJ L 129, 19.5.2017, p. 1).

Or. fr

Amendment 97Dimitrios Papadimoulison behalf of the GUE/NGL GroupProposal for a regulationRecital 5

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(5) Regulation (EU) 2017/825 of the European Parliament and the Council15 established the Structural Reform Support Programme (SRSP) for the period 2017 to 2020, with a budget of EUR 142 800 000. The SRSP was established to strengthen the capacity of Member States to prepare and implement growth-sustaining administrative and structural reforms, including through assistance for the efficient and effective use of the Union funds. Technical support under that programme is provided by the Commission, upon request from a Member State, and can cover a wide range of policy areas. This Regulation is designed as a continuation of that programme which has been positively received by the Member States.

(5) Regulation (EU) 2017/825 of the European Parliament and the Council15 established the Structural Reform Support Programme (SRSP) for the period 2017 to 2020, with a budget of EUR 142 800 000. The SRSP was established to strengthen the capacity of Member States to prepare and implement growth-sustaining administrative and structural reforms, including through assistance for the efficient and effective use of the Union funds. Technical support under that programme is provided by the Commission, upon request from a Member State, and can cover a wide range of policy areas. This Regulation is designed as a continuation of that programme which has been positively received by the Member States, while incorporating the necessary improvements and adjustments.

_________________ _________________15 Regulation (EU) 2017/825 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2017 on the establishment of the Structural Reform Support Programme for the period 2017 to 2020 and amending Regulations (EU) No 1303/2013 and (EU) No 1305/2013 (OJ L 129, 19.5.2017, p. 1).

15 Regulation (EU) 2017/825 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2017 on the establishment of the Structural Reform Support Programme for the period 2017 to 2020 and amending Regulations (EU) No 1303/2013 and (EU) No 1305/2013 (OJ L 129, 19.5.2017, p. 1).

Or. en

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Amendment 98Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, Costas MavridesProposal for a regulationRecital 6

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(6) Member States have increasingly taken up technical support under the SRSP in the past, therefore, through this Regulation, a technical support instrument should be established with a view to continuing to support Member States in the implementation of reforms.

(6) Member States have increasingly taken up technical support under the SRSP in the past, therefore, through this Regulation, a technical support instrument should be established with a view to strengthening the support for Member States in the implementation of reforms and investments. The Technical Support Instrument should play a key role to support Member States in designing and implementing their Recovery and Resilience Plans pursuant to Regulation establishing the Recovery and Resilience Facility.

Or. en

Amendment 99Nicolae Ştefănuță, Olivier ChastelProposal for a regulationRecital 6

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(6) Member States have increasingly taken up technical support under the SRSP in the past, therefore, through this Regulation, a technical support instrument should be established with a view to continuing to support Member States in the implementation of reforms.

(6) Member States have increasingly taken up technical support under the SRSP in the past, therefore, through this Regulation, a technical support instrument should be established with a view to continuing to support Member States in the implementation of reforms as well to support the urgent implementation of the national recovery and resilience plans under the temporary Recovery and Resilience Facility.

Or. en

Amendment 100Hélène LaporteProposal for a regulationRecital 6

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Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(6) Member States have increasingly taken up technical support under the SRSP in the past, therefore, through this Regulation, a technical support instrument should be established with a view to continuing to support Member States in the implementation of reforms.

(6) Member States have increasingly taken up technical support under the SRSP in the past, therefore, through this Regulation, a technical support instrument should be established with a view to continuing to support Member States in the implementation of reforms, it being noted that, due to the urgent nature of the proposal, no new impact assessment has been carried out.

Or. fr

Amendment 101Dimitrios Papadimoulison behalf of the GUE/NGL GroupProposal for a regulationRecital 6

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(6) Member States have increasingly taken up technical support under the SRSP in the past, therefore, through this Regulation, a technical support instrument should be established with a view to continuing to support Member States in the implementation of reforms.

(6) Member States have increasingly taken up technical support under the SRSP in the past, therefore, through this Regulation, a technical support instrument should be established with a view to continuing to support Member States in the implementation of reforms and investments that promote fair, inclusive and sustainable growth and economic, social and territorial convergence.

Or. en

Amendment 102Joachim Kuhs, Gunnar BeckProposal for a regulationRecital 6

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(6) Member States have increasingly taken up technical support under the SRSP in the past, therefore, through this Regulation, a technical support instrument should be established with a view to

(6) Member States have increasingly taken up technical support under the SRSP in the past, therefore, through this Regulation, a technical support instrument could be established with a

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continuing to support Member States in the implementation of reforms.

view to continuing to support Member States in the implementation of reforms.

Or. en

Amendment 103Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationRecital 6

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(6) Member States have increasingly taken up technical support under the SRSP in the past, therefore, through this Regulation, a technical support instrument should be established with a view to continuing to support Member States in the implementation of reforms.

(6) Member States have increasingly taken up technical support under the SRSP in the past, therefore this Regulation established a reinforced technical support instrument with a view to continuing to support Member States in the implementation of reforms.

Or. en

Amendment 104Dimitrios Papadimoulison behalf of the GUE/NGL GroupProposal for a regulationRecital 7

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(7) Reflecting the European Green Deal as Europe’s growth strategy and the translation of the Union’s commitments to implement the Paris Agreement and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, the technical support instrument will contribute to mainstreaming climate actions and to the achievement of an overall target of 25% of the EU budget expenditures supporting climate objectives. Relevant actions should be identified during the instrument’s preparation and implementation, and reassessed in the context of the relevant evaluations and review processes. This should also tackle broader environmental and social challenges within the Union, including the protection of natural capital and the support to the circular economy and be in

(7) Reflecting the European Green Deal as Europe’s growth strategy and the translation of the Union’s commitments to implement the European Green Deal, the Paris Agreement and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, the technical support instrument will contribute to mainstreaming climate actions and to the achievement of an overall target of at least 30% of the EU budget expenditures supporting climate objectives and at least 10% supporting biodiversity objectives. Moreover, reflecting the Union’s commitment to implement the European Pillar of Social Rights, the technical support instrument should contribute to delivering socially responsible reforms that are based on solidarity, integration, social justice and a

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line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

fair distribution of wealth so as to ensure equality, inclusion and social protection, protect vulnerable groups, create high-quality jobs and improve the living conditions of all citizens. Relevant actions should be identified during the instrument’s preparation and implementation, and reassessed in the context of the relevant evaluations and review processes. This should also tackle broader environmental and social challenges within the Union, including the protection of natural capital and the support to the transition to a fair, inclusive, sustainable and resilient circular economy and be in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Or. en

Amendment 105Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, Costas MavridesProposal for a regulationRecital 7

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(7) Reflecting the European Green Deal as Europe’s growth strategy and the translation of the Union’s commitments to implement the Paris Agreement and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, the technical support instrument will contribute to mainstreaming climate actions and to the achievement of an overall target of 25% of the EU budget expenditures supporting climate objectives. Relevant actions should be identified during the instrument’s preparation and implementation, and reassessed in the context of the relevant evaluations and review processes. This should also tackle broader environmental and social challenges within the Union, including the protection of natural capital and the support to the circular economy and be in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

(7) Reflecting the European Green Deal as Europe’s sustainable growth strategy and the translation of the Union’s commitments to implement the Paris Agreement, the European Pillar of Social Rights and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, the technical support instrument will contribute to mainstreaming climate actions and to the achievement of an overall target of 30% of the EU budget expenditures supporting climate objectives and 10% supporting biodiversity objectives. The Technical Support Instrument should also contribute to the implementation of the commitments of the Union and of Member States in the context of the European Pillar of Social Rights. Relevant actions should be identified during the instrument’s preparation and implementation, and reassessed in the

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context of the relevant evaluations and review processes. This should also tackle broader environmental and social challenges within the Union, including the biodiversity and the protection of natural capital and the support to the circular economy and be in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Or. en

Amendment 106Joachim Kuhs, Gunnar BeckProposal for a regulationRecital 7

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(7) Reflecting the European Green Deal as Europe’s growth strategy and the translation of the Union’s commitments to implement the Paris Agreement and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, the technical support instrument will contribute to mainstreaming climate actions and to the achievement of an overall target of 25% of the EU budget expenditures supporting climate objectives. Relevant actions should be identified during the instrument’s preparation and implementation, and reassessed in the context of the relevant evaluations and review processes. This should also tackle broader environmental and social challenges within the Union, including the protection of natural capital and the support to the circular economy and be in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

(7) The sense of urgency stemming from the COVID-19 crisis requires the Union to shelve the European Green Deal as Europe’s growth strategy and the translation of the Union’s commitments to implement the Paris Agreement and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, until the health crisis is resolved and the virus is exterminated. Relevant actions should be identified during the instrument’s preparation and implementation, and reassessed in the context of the relevant evaluations and review processes.

Or. en

Amendment 107Hélène LaporteProposal for a regulationRecital 7

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

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(7) Reflecting the European Green Deal as Europe’s growth strategy and the translation of the Union’s commitments to implement the Paris Agreement and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, the technical support instrument will contribute to mainstreaming climate actions and to the achievement of an overall target of 25% of the EU budget expenditures supporting climate objectives. Relevant actions should be identified during the instrument’s preparation and implementation, and reassessed in the context of the relevant evaluations and review processes. This should also tackle broader environmental and social challenges within the Union, including the protection of natural capital and the support to the circular economy and be in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

(7) Reflecting the European Green Deal as Europe’s growth strategy and the translation of the Union’s commitments to implement the Paris Agreement and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, the technical support instrument will contribute to mainstreaming climate actions and to the achievement of an overall target of 25% of the EU budget expenditures supporting climate objectives. Relevant actions should be identified during the instrument’s preparation and implementation, and reassessed in the context of the relevant evaluations and review processes by integrating key indicators of performance, results and impact which will be gathered regularly and which will include the target values to be achieved. This should also tackle broader environmental and social challenges within the Union, including the protection of natural capital and the support to the circular economy and be in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Or. fr

Amendment 108Olivier Chastel, Martin Hojsík, Nicolae Ştefănuță, Mauri Pekkarinen, Nils Torvalds, Valérie HayerProposal for a regulationRecital 7

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(7) Reflecting the European Green Deal as Europe’s growth strategy and the translation of the Union’s commitments to implement the Paris Agreement and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, the technical support instrument will contribute to mainstreaming climate actions and to the achievement of an overall target of 25% of the EU budget expenditures supporting climate objectives. Relevant actions should be identified during the instrument’s preparation and implementation, and reassessed in the

(7) Reflecting the European Green Deal as Europe’s growth strategy and the translation of the Union’s commitments to implement the Paris Agreement and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, the technical support instrument will contribute to mainstreaming climate actions and to the achievement of an overall target of 30% of the EU budget expenditures supporting climate objectives and 10% of the Union budget supporting biodiversity objectives. Relevant actions should be identified during the

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context of the relevant evaluations and review processes. This should also tackle broader environmental and social challenges within the Union, including the protection of natural capital and the support to the circular economy and be in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

instrument’s preparation and implementation, and reassessed in the context of the relevant evaluations and review processes. This should also tackle broader environmental and social challenges within the Union, including the protection of natural capital and the support to the circular economy and be in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Or. en

Amendment 109Aurore LalucqProposal for a regulationRecital 7

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(7) Reflecting the European Green Deal as Europe’s growth strategy and the translation of the Union’s commitments to implement the Paris Agreement and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, the technical support instrument will contribute to mainstreaming climate actions and to the achievement of an overall target of 25% of the EU budget expenditures supporting climate objectives. Relevant actions should be identified during the instrument’s preparation and implementation, and reassessed in the context of the relevant evaluations and review processes. This should also tackle broader environmental and social challenges within the Union, including the protection of natural capital and the support to the circular economy and be in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

(7) Reflecting the European Green Deal as Europe’s growth strategy and the translation of the Union’s commitments to implement the Paris Agreement, the Pillar of Social Rights and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, the technical support instrument will contribute to mainstreaming climate actions and to the achievement of an overall target of 40% of the EU budget expenditures supporting climate objectives. Relevant actions should be identified during the instrument’s preparation and implementation, and reassessed in the context of the relevant evaluations and review processes. This should also tackle broader environmental and social challenges within the Union, including the protection of natural capital and the support to the circular economy and be in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Or. fr

Amendment 110Roberts Zīle, Johan Van OvertveldtProposal for a regulationRecital 7

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Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(7) Reflecting the European Green Deal as Europe’s growth strategy and the translation of the Union’s commitments to implement the Paris Agreement and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, the technical support instrument will contribute to mainstreaming climate actions and to the achievement of an overall target of 25% of the EU budget expenditures supporting climate objectives. Relevant actions should be identified during the instrument’s preparation and implementation, and reassessed in the context of the relevant evaluations and review processes. This should also tackle broader environmental and social challenges within the Union, including the protection of natural capital and the support to the circular economy and be in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

(7) Considering the European Green Deal as a contribution towards Europe’s growth strategy and the translation of the Union’s commitments to implement the Paris Agreement and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, the technical support instrument will contribute to mainstreaming climate actions and to the achievement of an overall target of 25% of the EU budget expenditures supporting climate objectives. Relevant actions should be identified during the instrument’s preparation and implementation, and reassessed in the context of the relevant evaluations and review processes. This should also tackle broader environmental and social challenges within the Union, including the protection of natural capital and the support to the circular economy and be in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Or. en

Amendment 111José GusmãoProposal for a regulationRecital 7

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(7) Reflecting the European Green Deal as Europe’s growth strategy and the translation of the Union’s commitments to implement the Paris Agreement and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, the technical support instrument will contribute to mainstreaming climate actions and to the achievement of an overall target of 25% of the EU budget expenditures supporting climate objectives. Relevant actions should be identified during the instrument’s preparation and implementation, and reassessed in the context of the relevant evaluations and

(7) Reflecting the European Green Deal as Europe’s growth strategy and the translation of the Union’s commitments to implement the Paris Agreement and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, the technical support instrument will contribute to mainstreaming climate actions and to the achievement of an overall target of 25% of the EU budget expenditures supporting climate objectives. Relevant actions should be identified during the instrument’s preparation and implementation, and reassessed in the context of the relevant evaluations and

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review processes. This should also tackle broader environmental and social challenges within the Union, including the protection of natural capital and the support to the circular economy and be in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

review processes. This should also tackle broader environmental and social challenges within the Union, including the protection of natural resources and the promotion of the energy transition and be in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Or. en

Amendment 112Isabel Benjumea BenjumeaProposal for a regulationRecital 7

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(7) Reflecting the European Green Deal as Europe’s growth strategy and the translation of the Union’s commitments to implement the Paris Agreement and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, the technical support instrument will contribute to mainstreaming climate actions and to the achievement of an overall target of 25% of the EU budget expenditures supporting climate objectives. Relevant actions should be identified during the instrument’s preparation and implementation, and reassessed in the context of the relevant evaluations and review processes. This should also tackle broader environmental and social challenges within the Union, including the protection of natural capital and the support to the circular economy and be in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

(7) Reflecting the European Green Deal as Europe’s growth strategy and the translation of the Union’s commitments to implement the Paris Agreement and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, the technical support instrument will contribute to mainstreaming climate actions. Relevant actions should be identified during the instrument’s preparation and implementation, and reassessed in the context of the relevant evaluations and review processes. This should also tackle broader environmental and social challenges within the Union, including the protection of natural capital and the support to the circular economy and be in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, taking account of growth targets and the stability pact.

Or. es

Amendment 113Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationRecital 7

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(7) Reflecting the European Green (7) Reflecting the European Green

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Deal as Europe’s growth strategy and the translation of the Union’s commitments to implement the Paris Agreement and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, the technical support instrument will contribute to mainstreaming climate actions and to the achievement of an overall target of 25% of the EU budget expenditures supporting climate objectives. Relevant actions should be identified during the instrument’s preparation and implementation, and reassessed in the context of the relevant evaluations and review processes. This should also tackle broader environmental and social challenges within the Union, including the protection of natural capital and the support to the circular economy and be in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Deal and the translation of the Union’s commitments to implement the Paris Agreement and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, the technical support instrument will contribute to mainstreaming climate actions and to the achievement of an overall target of 30% of the EU budget expenditures supporting climate objectives. Relevant actions should be identified during the instrument’s preparation and implementation, and reassessed in the context of the relevant evaluations and review processes. This should also tackle broader environmental, social and digitalisation challenges within the Union, including the protection of natural capital and the support to the circular economy, and be in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Or. en

Amendment 114Roberts Zīle, Johan Van OvertveldtProposal for a regulationRecital 7 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(7a) Acknowledging the importance of digitisation across all areas of the Union economy and society, the Technical Support Instrument should support Member States in ensuring a digital recovery and transition via reforms and investments in digital infrastructure and skills and e-government solutions that will contribute to the aim of creating a Digital Single Market.

Or. en

Amendment 115Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationRecital 8

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

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(8) The general objective of the technical support instrument should be to promote the Union’s economic, social and territorial cohesion by supporting Member States efforts to implement reforms necessary to achieve economic and social recovery, resilience and convergence. To that effect, it should support the strengthening of the administrative capacity of the Member States to implement Union law, in relation to challenges faced by institutions, governance, public administration, and economic and social sectors.

(8) The general objective of the technical support instrument should be to strengthen the administrative capacity of the Member States and regional and local authorities insofar as their institutions, public administration and economic and social sectors are concerned and should assist national, regional and local authorities in their endeavours to design, develop and implement reforms. Furthermore it should promote the Union’s economic, social and territorial cohesion by supporting Member States efforts to implement reforms and investments that will support a sustainable and fair economic, social and gender-equal recovery beyond the COVID-19 pandemic. To that effect, it should support the strengthening of the administrative capacity of the Member States to implement Union law, in relation to challenges faced by institutions, governance, public administration, and economic and social sectors.

Or. en

Amendment 116Dimitrios Papadimoulison behalf of the GUE/NGL GroupProposal for a regulationRecital 8

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(8) The general objective of the technical support instrument should be to promote the Union’s economic, social and territorial cohesion by supporting Member States efforts to implement reforms necessary to achieve economic and social recovery, resilience and convergence. To that effect, it should support the strengthening of the administrative capacity of the Member States to implement Union law, in relation to challenges faced by institutions,

(8) The general objective of the technical support instrument should be to promote the Union’s economic, social and territorial cohesion and regional development by supporting Member States efforts to implement reforms and investments necessary to achieve economic and social recovery, resilience and convergence in a fair and inclusive way. To that effect, it should support the strengthening of the administrative capacity of the Member States to

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governance, public administration, and economic and social sectors.

implement Union law, in relation to challenges faced by institutions, governance, public administration, and economic and social sectors, as well as core priorities and objectives such as the European Green Deal, the Paris Agreement, the “do no significant harm” principle, the Sustainable Development Goals, the European Pillar of Social Rights, digital transformation and innovation.

Or. en

Amendment 117Joachim Kuhs, Gunnar Beck, Hélène LaporteProposal for a regulationRecital 8

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(8) The general objective of the technical support instrument should be to promote the Union’s economic, social and territorial cohesion by supporting Member States efforts to implement reforms necessary to achieve economic and social recovery, resilience and convergence. To that effect, it should support the strengthening of the administrative capacity of the Member States to implement Union law, in relation to challenges faced by institutions, governance, public administration, and economic and social sectors.

(8) The general objective of the technical support instrument should be to support Member States' efforts to implement reforms necessary to achieve economic and social recovery, resilience and convergence, with full respect for national sovereignty.

Or. en

Amendment 118Isabel Benjumea BenjumeaProposal for a regulationRecital 8

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(8) The general objective of the technical support instrument should be to promote the Union’s economic, social and

(8) The general objective of the technical support instrument should be to promote the Union’s economic, social and

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territorial cohesion by supporting Member States efforts to implement reforms necessary to achieve economic and social recovery, resilience and convergence. To that effect, it should support the strengthening of the administrative capacity of the Member States to implement Union law, in relation to challenges faced by institutions, governance, public administration, and economic and social sectors.

territorial cohesion by supporting Member States efforts to implement reforms necessary to achieve economic and social recovery, competitiveness, resilience and convergence. To that effect, it should support the strengthening of the administrative capacity of the Member States to implement Union law, in relation to challenges faced by institutions, governance, public administration, and economic and social sectors, in order to better meet citizens' needs.

Or. es

Amendment 119Antonio Maria Rinaldi, Anna Bonfrisco, Valentino Grant, Marco ZanniProposal for a regulationRecital 8

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(8) The general objective of the technical support instrument should be to promote the Union’s economic, social and territorial cohesion by supporting Member States efforts to implement reforms necessary to achieve economic and social recovery, resilience and convergence. To that effect, it should support the strengthening of the administrative capacity of the Member States to implement Union law, in relation to challenges faced by institutions, governance, public administration, and economic and social sectors.

(8) The general objective of the technical support instrument should be to support Member States in implementing reforms to achieve economic and social recovery, resilience and convergence. To that effect, it should be strengthened the administrative capacity of the Member States to implement all the measures decided at national level to underpin recovery.

Or. en

Amendment 120Alfred SantProposal for a regulationRecital 8

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(8) The general objective of the technical support instrument should be to promote the Union’s economic, social and

(8) The general objective of the technical support instrument should be to promote the Union’s economic, social and

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territorial cohesion by supporting Member States efforts to implement reforms necessary to achieve economic and social recovery, resilience and convergence. To that effect, it should support the strengthening of the administrative capacity of the Member States to implement Union law, in relation to challenges faced by institutions, governance, public administration, and economic and social sectors.

territorial cohesion by supporting Member States efforts to implement tailor-made reforms necessary to achieve economic and social recovery, resilience and upward convergence. To that effect, it should support the strengthening of the administrative capacity of the Member States to implement Union law, in relation to challenges faced by institutions, governance, public administration, and economic and social sectors.

Or. en

Amendment 121José Manuel FernandesProposal for a regulationRecital 8

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(8) The general objective of the technical support instrument should be to promote the Union’s economic, social and territorial cohesion by supporting Member States efforts to implement reforms necessary to achieve economic and social recovery, resilience and convergence. To that effect, it should support the strengthening of the administrative capacity of the Member States to implement Union law, in relation to challenges faced by institutions, governance, public administration, and economic and social sectors.

(8) The general objective of the technical support instrument should be to promote the Union’s economic, social and territorial cohesion by supporting Member States efforts to implement reforms necessary to achieve economic and social recovery, resilience and convergence. To that effect, it should support the strengthening of the administrative capacity of the Member States to implement Union law, in relation to challenges faced by institutions, governance and public administration, including at regional and local levels, as well as economic and social sectors.

Or. en

Amendment 122Olivier Chastel, Martin Hojsík, Nicolae Ştefănuță, Nils Torvalds, Valérie Hayer, Mauri Pekkarinen, Moritz KörnerProposal for a regulationRecital 8

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(8) The general objective of the technical support instrument should be to

(8) The general objective of the technical support instrument should be to

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promote the Union’s economic, social and territorial cohesion by supporting Member States efforts to implement reforms necessary to achieve economic and social recovery, resilience and convergence. To that effect, it should support the strengthening of the administrative capacity of the Member States to implement Union law, in relation to challenges faced by institutions, governance, public administration, and economic and social sectors.

promote the Union’s economic, social and territorial cohesion by supporting Member States efforts to implement reforms necessary to achieve economic and social recovery, resilience and convergence. To that effect, it should support the strengthening of the institutional and administrative capacity of the Member States to implement Union law, in relation to challenges faced by institutions, governance, public administration, and economic and social sectors.

Or. en

Amendment 123Markus FerberProposal for a regulationRecital 8

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(8) The general objective of the technical support instrument should be to promote the Union’s economic, social and territorial cohesion by supporting Member States efforts to implement reforms necessary to achieve economic and social recovery, resilience and convergence. To that effect, it should support the strengthening of the administrative capacity of the Member States to implement Union law, in relation to challenges faced by institutions, governance, public administration, and economic and social sectors.

(8) The general objective of the technical support instrument should be to promote the Union’s economic, social and territorial cohesion by supporting Member States efforts to implement reforms necessary to achieve economic and social recovery, competitiveness, resilience and convergence. To that effect, it should support the strengthening of the administrative capacity of the Member States to implement Union law, in relation to challenges faced by institutions, governance, public administration, and economic and social sectors.

Or. en

Amendment 124Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, Costas MavridesProposal for a regulationRecital 8

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(8) The general objective of the technical support instrument should be to promote the Union’s economic, social and

(8) The general objective of the technical support instrument should be to promote the Union’s economic, social and

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territorial cohesion by supporting Member States efforts to implement reforms necessary to achieve economic and social recovery, resilience and convergence. To that effect, it should support the strengthening of the administrative capacity of the Member States to implement Union law, in relation to challenges faced by institutions, governance, public administration, and economic and social sectors.

territorial cohesion by supporting Member States efforts to implement reforms and investment to achieve economic and social recovery, resilience and fair convergence. To that effect, it should support the strengthening of the administrative capacity of the Member States to implement Union law, in relation to challenges faced by institutions, governance, public administration, and economic and social sectors.

Or. en

Amendment 125Hélène Laporte, Joachim Kuhs, Gunnar BeckProposal for a regulationRecital 8

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(8) The general objective of the technical support instrument should be to promote the Union’s economic, social and territorial cohesion by supporting Member States efforts to implement reforms necessary to achieve economic and social recovery, resilience and convergence. To that effect, it should support the strengthening of the administrative capacity of the Member States to implement Union law, in relation to challenges faced by institutions, governance, public administration, and economic and social sectors.

(8) The general objective of the technical support instrument should be to promote economic, social and territorial cohesion in the Member States, to implement reforms necessary to achieve economic and social recovery, resilience and convergence. To that effect, it should support the strengthening of the administrative capacity of the Member States to implement Union law, in relation to challenges faced by institutions, governance, public administration, and economic and social sectors.

Or. fr

Amendment 126Sirpa PietikäinenProposal for a regulationRecital 9

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(9) The specific objectives of the technical support instrument should be to assist national authorities in their endeavours to design, develop and

(9) The specific objectives of the technical support instrument should be to assist national authorities in their endeavours to design, develop and

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implement reforms, including through exchange of good practices, appropriate processes and methodologies and a more effective and efficient human resources management.

implement reforms, including through exchange of good practices, appropriate processes and methodologies and a more effective and efficient human resources management.

While these economic changes are quite often paradigm-changing in nature and they need the whole societal and business ecosystem to support the change, it is necessary for the Member States to facilitate new kind of public-private partnerships and project nurseries where different, business initiatives can be brought together and made to support each other to create viable business models and initiatives to meet the Green Deal and Climate Transition targets. The technical support instrument can be used to finance such initiatives.

Or. en

Amendment 127Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, Costas MavridesProposal for a regulationRecital 9

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(9) The specific objectives of the technical support instrument should be to assist national authorities in their endeavours to design, develop and implement reforms, including through exchange of good practices, appropriate processes and methodologies and a more effective and efficient human resources management.

(9) The specific objectives of the technical support instrument should be to assist national authorities in their endeavours to design, develop and implement reforms and investments and notably the preparation, implementation, revision and improvement of national recovery and resilience plans pursuant to Regulation establishing the Recovery and Resilience Facility, including through exchange of good practices, appropriate processes and methodologies and a more effective and efficient human resources management.

Or. en

Amendment 128Alfred Sant

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Proposal for a regulationRecital 9

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(9) The specific objectives of the technical support instrument should be to assist national authorities in their endeavours to design, develop and implement reforms, including through exchange of good practices, appropriate processes and methodologies and a more effective and efficient human resources management.

(9) The specific objectives of the technical support instrument should be to assist national authorities in their endeavours to design, develop and implement tailor-made  reforms, including through exchange of good practices where applicable, appropriate processes and methodologies, digital upgrading and a more effective and efficient human resources management.

Or. en

Amendment 129Hélène Laporte, Joachim Kuhs, Gunnar BeckProposal for a regulationRecital 9

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(9) The specific objectives of the technical support instrument should be to assist national authorities in their endeavours to design, develop and implement reforms, including through exchange of good practices, appropriate processes and methodologies and a more effective and efficient human resources management.

(9) With a view to achieving the goal of ensuring the instrument adds value, which should be demonstrated on a case by case basis, the specific objectives of the technical support instrument should be to assist national authorities in their endeavours to design, develop and implement reforms, including through exchange of good practices, appropriate processes and methodologies and a more effective and efficient human resources management.

Or. fr

Amendment 130Antonio Maria Rinaldi, Anna Bonfrisco, Valentino Grant, Marco ZanniProposal for a regulationRecital 9

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(9) The specific objectives of the technical support instrument should be to

(9) The specific objective of the technical support instrument should be

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assist national authorities in their endeavours to design, develop and implement reforms, including through exchange of good practices, appropriate processes and methodologies and a more effective and efficient human resources management.

provide grants to Member States that should be used to support their national public administrations in the endeavours to design, develop and implement reforms, including through exchange of good practices, appropriate processes and methodologies and a more effective and efficient human resources management.

Or. en

Amendment 131Roberts Zīle, Johan Van OvertveldtProposal for a regulationRecital 9

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(9) The specific objectives of the technical support instrument should be to assist national authorities in their endeavours to design, develop and implement reforms, including through exchange of good practices, appropriate processes and methodologies and a more effective and efficient human resources management.

(9) The specific objectives of the technical support instrument should be to assist national authorities in their endeavours to design, develop and implement reforms, including through exchange of good practices, appropriate processes and methodologies, with a preference for digital, interoperable approaches, and a more effective and efficient human resources management.

Or. en

Amendment 132Olivier Chastel, Martin Hojsík, Nicolae Ştefănuță, Nils Torvalds, Valérie Hayer, Mauri Pekkarinen, Moritz KörnerProposal for a regulationRecital 9

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(9) The specific objectives of the technical support instrument should be to assist national authorities in their endeavours to design, develop and implement reforms, including through exchange of good practices, appropriate processes and methodologies and a more effective and efficient human resources management.

(9) The specific objectives of the technical support instrument should be to assist national authorities in their endeavours to design, develop and implement reforms, including through exchange of good practices, in particular by providing experts appropriate processes and methodologies and a more effective and efficient human resources

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Or. en

Amendment 133Dimitrios Papadimoulison behalf of the GUE/NGL GroupProposal for a regulationRecital 9

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(9) The specific objectives of the technical support instrument should be to assist national authorities in their endeavours to design, develop and implement reforms, including through exchange of good practices, appropriate processes and methodologies and a more effective and efficient human resources management.

(9) The specific objectives of the technical support instrument should be to assist national authorities in their endeavours to design, develop and implement sustainable reforms and investments, including through exchange of good practices, appropriate processes and methodologies and a more effective and efficient human resources management.

Or. en

Amendment 134Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationRecital 9

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(9) The specific objectives of the technical support instrument should be to assist national authorities in their endeavours to design, develop and implement reforms, including through exchange of good practices, appropriate processes and methodologies and a more effective and efficient human resources management.

(9) The specific objectives of the technical support instrument should be to assist national authorities in their endeavours to design, develop and implement sustainable reforms, including through exchange of good practices, appropriate processes and methodologies and a more effective and efficient human resources management.

Or. en

Amendment 135Hélène Laporte, Joachim Kuhs, Gunnar BeckProposal for a regulationRecital 10

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Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(10) With a view to helping Member States address reform needs in all the key economic and societal areas, technical support should continue to be provided by the Commission, upon request from a Member State, in a broad range of policy domains, which include areas related to public financial and asset management, institutional and administrative reform, business environment, the financial sector, markets for products, services and labour, education and training, sustainable development, public health and social welfare. Specific emphasis should be given to the actions that foster the green and digital transitions.

(10) With a view to helping Member States address reform needs in all the key economic and societal areas, technical support should continue to be provided by the Commission, upon request from a Member State, on the condition that it can be shown that, in line with the principle of subsidiarity, the objectives cannot be achieved sufficiently by the Member States alone, and where intervention on the part of the Union may add more value than leaving each Member State to act alone, in a broad range of policy domains, which include areas related to public financial and asset management, institutional and administrative reform, business environment, the financial sector, markets for products, services and labour, education and training, sustainable development, public health and social welfare. Specific emphasis should be given to the actions that foster the green and digital transitions.

Or. fr

Amendment 136Aurore LalucqProposal for a regulationRecital 10

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(10) With a view to helping Member States address reform needs in all the key economic and societal areas, technical support should continue to be provided by the Commission, upon request from a Member State, in a broad range of policy domains, which include areas related to public financial and asset management, institutional and administrative reform, business environment, the financial sector, markets for products, services and labour, education and training, sustainable development, public health and social welfare. Specific emphasis should be given

(10) With a view to helping Member States address reform needs in all the key economic and societal areas, technical support should continue to be provided by the Commission, upon request from a Member State, in a broad range of policy domains, which include areas related to public financial and asset management, institutional and administrative reform, business environment, the financial sector, markets for products, services and labour, education and training, sustainable development, public health and social welfare. Specific emphasis should be given

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to the actions that foster the green and digital transitions.

to the actions that foster the green and digital transitions. These reforms should not be subject to the expenditure accounting requirements of the Stability and Growth Pact.

Or. fr

Amendment 137José Manuel FernandesProposal for a regulationRecital 10

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(10) With a view to helping Member States address reform needs in all the key economic and societal areas, technical support should continue to be provided by the Commission, upon request from a Member State, in a broad range of policy domains, which include areas related to public financial and asset management, institutional and administrative reform, business environment, the financial sector, markets for products, services and labour, education and training, sustainable development, public health and social welfare. Specific emphasis should be given to the actions that foster the green and digital transitions.

(10) With a view to helping Member States address reform needs in all the key economic and societal areas, technical support should continue to be provided by the Commission, upon request from a Member State, in a broad range of policy domains, which include areas related to public financial and asset management, institutional and administrative reform, business environment, the financial sector, markets for products, services and labour, education and training, sustainable development, public health and social welfare, promotion of active ageing, as well as economic, social and territorial cohesion, civil protection, asylum, migration and border policies. Specific emphasis should be given to the actions that foster the green and digital transitions.

Or. en

Amendment 138Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, Costas MavridesProposal for a regulationRecital 10

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(10) With a view to helping Member States address reform needs in all the key economic and societal areas, technical support should continue to be provided by the Commission, upon request from a

(10) With a view to helping Member States to design, develop and implement reforms and investments in all the key economic and societal areas, technical support should continue to be provided by

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Member State, in a broad range of policy domains, which include areas related to public financial and asset management, institutional and administrative reform, business environment, the financial sector, markets for products, services and labour, education and training, sustainable development, public health and social welfare. Specific emphasis should be given to the actions that foster the green and digital transitions.

the Commission, upon request from a Member State, in a broad range of policy domains, which include areas related to public financial and asset management, institutional and administrative reform, business environment, the financial sector, markets for products, services and labour, education and training, sustainable development, energy and climate, public health, care and child care, housing, social infrastructure and social welfare. Specific emphasis should be given to the actions that foster the green and digital transitions.

Or. en

Amendment 139Dimitrios Papadimoulison behalf of the GUE/NGL GroupProposal for a regulationRecital 10

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(10) With a view to helping Member States address reform needs in all the key economic and societal areas, technical support should continue to be provided by the Commission, upon request from a Member State, in a broad range of policy domains, which include areas related to public financial and asset management, institutional and administrative reform, business environment, the financial sector, markets for products, services and labour, education and training, sustainable development, public health and social welfare. Specific emphasis should be given to the actions that foster the green and digital transitions.

(10) With a view to helping Member States address reform needs in all the key economic and societal areas, technical support should continue to be provided by the Commission, upon request from a Member State, in a broad range of policy domains, which include areas related to public financial and asset management, institutional and administrative reform, business environment, the financial sector, markets for products, services and labour, education and training, reskilling and upskilling of workers, children and youth policies, sustainable development, public health, social infrastructure and social welfare. Specific emphasis should be given to the actions that foster the green and digital transitions.

Or. en

Amendment 140Joachim Kuhs, Gunnar Beck, Hélène LaporteProposal for a regulation

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Recital 10

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(10) With a view to helping Member States address reform needs in all the key economic and societal areas, technical support should continue to be provided by the Commission, upon request from a Member State, in a broad range of policy domains, which include areas related to public financial and asset management, institutional and administrative reform, business environment, the financial sector, markets for products, services and labour, education and training, sustainable development, public health and social welfare. Specific emphasis should be given to the actions that foster the green and digital transitions.

(10) With a view to helping Member States address reform needs in all the key economic and societal areas, technical support should continue to be provided by the Commission, upon request from a Member State, in a broad range of policy domains, which include areas related to public financial and asset management, institutional and administrative reform, business environment, the financial sector, markets for products, services and labour, education and training, sustainable development, public health and social welfare.

Or. en

Amendment 141José GusmãoProposal for a regulationRecital 10

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(10) With a view to helping Member States address reform needs in all the key economic and societal areas, technical support should continue to be provided by the Commission, upon request from a Member State, in a broad range of policy domains, which include areas related to public financial and asset management, institutional and administrative reform, business environment, the financial sector, markets for products, services and labour, education and training, sustainable development, public health and social welfare. Specific emphasis should be given to the actions that foster the green and digital transitions.

(10) With a view to helping Member States address reform needs in all the key economic and societal areas, technical support should continue to be provided by the Commission, upon request from a Member State, in a broad range of policy domains related to sustainable development, the fight against poverty and inequality and social welfare, including areas related to public financial and asset management, institutional and administrative reform, business environment, the financial sector, markets for products, services and labour, education and training, ,public health. Specific emphasis should be given to the actions that foster the green and digital transitions.

Or. en

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Amendment 142Alfred SantProposal for a regulationRecital 10

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(10) With a view to helping Member States address reform needs in all the key economic and societal areas, technical support should continue to be provided by the Commission, upon request from a Member State, in a broad range of policy domains, which include areas related to public financial and asset management, institutional and administrative reform, business environment, the financial sector, markets for products, services and labour, education and training, sustainable development, public health and social welfare. Specific emphasis should be given to the actions that foster the green and digital transitions.

(10) With a view to helping Member States address their reform needs in all the key economic and societal areas, technical support should continue to be provided by the Commission, upon request from a Member State, in a broad range of policy domains, which include areas related to public financial and asset management, institutional and administrative reform, business environment, the financial sector, markets for products, services and labour, education and training, sustainable development, relaunching the tourism sector, public health and social welfare. Specific emphasis should be given to the actions that foster the green and digital transitions.

Or. en

Amendment 143Sirpa PietikäinenProposal for a regulationRecital 10

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(10) With a view to helping Member States address reform needs in all the key economic and societal areas, technical support should continue to be provided by the Commission, upon request from a Member State, in a broad range of policy domains, which include areas related to public financial and asset management, institutional and administrative reform, business environment, the financial sector, markets for products, services and labour, education and training, sustainable development, public health and social welfare. Specific emphasis should be given to the actions that foster the green and

(10) With a view to helping Member States address reform needs in all the key economic and societal areas, technical support should continue to be provided by the Commission, upon request from a Member State, in a broad range of policy domains, which include areas related to public financial and asset management, institutional and administrative reform, business environment, the financial sector, markets for products, services and labour, education and training, sustainable development, public health and social welfare and creating project nurseries. Specific emphasis should be given to the

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digital transitions. actions that foster the green and digital transitions.

Or. en

Amendment 144Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationRecital 10

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(10) With a view to helping Member States address reform needs in all the key economic and societal areas, technical support should continue to be provided by the Commission, upon request from a Member State, in a broad range of policy domains, which include areas related to public financial and asset management, institutional and administrative reform, business environment, the financial sector, markets for products, services and labour, education and training, sustainable development, public health and social welfare. Specific emphasis should be given to the actions that foster the green and digital transitions.

(10) With a view to helping Member States address reform needs in all the key economic and societal areas, technical support should continue to be provided by the Commission, upon request from a Member State, in a broad range of policy domains, which include areas related to public financial and asset management, institutional and administrative reform, business environment, the financial sector, markets for products, services and labour, education and training, sustainable development, public health and social welfare. Specific emphasis should be given to the actions that foster the green and open digital transitions.

Or. en


Open digital transformation refers to the idea that the actions financed by the RRF should contribute to open solutions, whose software and hardware will be available for verification and studying by anyone. Contrary to proprietary solutions, this will increase innovation and transparency.

Amendment 145Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationRecital 10 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(10a) In order for the reforms to gather wide support, Member States that wish to benefit from the Programme should be required, as part of the process of

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drawing up proposals for packages, to consult relevant stakeholders, such as local and regional authorities, the economic and social partners and civil society, in line with the relevant provisions of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 240/2014, as well as national parliaments.

Or. en

Amendment 146Hélène Laporte, Joachim Kuhs, Gunnar BeckProposal for a regulationRecital 11

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(11) This Regulation lays down a financial envelope for the Technical Support Instrument, which is to constitute the prime reference amount, within the meaning of the Interinstitutional Agreement on budgetary discipline, on cooperation in budgetary matters and on sound financial management16, for the European Parliament and the Council during the annual budgetary procedure.


_________________16 Interinstitutional agreement between the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission on better law-making of 13 April 2016 (OJ L 123, 12.5.2016, p. 1–14)

Or. fr

Amendment 147José Manuel FernandesProposal for a regulationRecital 11 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(11a) In order to attain the objectives set out in this Regulation, the allocation of the financial envelope should be made in stages. In the first stage, lasting twenty

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months, half of the overall financial envelope should be made available to the Member States, during which they could receive up to their maximum allocation. In the second stage, the amount that has not yet been allocated should be allocated on top of the remaining of the financial envelope.

Or. en

Amendment 148Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, Costas MavridesProposal for a regulationRecital 12

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(12) In order to cater for additional needs under the Technical Support Instrument, Member States should have the possibility to transfer to the budget of that instrument resources programmed in shared management under the Union funds, in accordance with the procedure thereof. Transferred resources should be implemented in accordance with the rules of that instrument and should be used exclusively for the benefit of the Member State concerned. The Commission should provide feedback to the Member State concerned on the use of the additional voluntary contributions.


Or. en

Amendment 149Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationRecital 12

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(12) In order to cater for additional needs under the Technical Support Instrument, Member States should have the possibility to transfer to the budget of that instrument resources programmed in shared management under the Union funds,

(12) In order to cater for additional needs under the Technical Support Instrument, Member States should have the possibility to transfer to the budget of that instrument resources programmed in shared management under the Union funds,

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in accordance with the procedure thereof. Transferred resources should be implemented in accordance with the rules of that instrument and should be used exclusively for the benefit of the Member State concerned. The Commission should provide feedback to the Member State concerned on the use of the additional voluntary contributions.

in accordance with the procedure thereof. Those budget transfers should be capped at 2% of the financial means attributable to the Member State in question under shared management programmes during the 2021-2027 period. Transferred resources should be implemented in accordance with the rules of that instrument and should be used exclusively for the benefit of the Member State concerned. The Commission should provide feedback to the Member State concerned on the use of the additional voluntary contributions.

Or. en

Amendment 150Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, Costas MavridesProposal for a regulationRecital 12 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(12a) In order to cater for additional needs under the Technical Support Instrument, Member States should have the possibility to transfer to the budget of that instrument resources programmed under the Recovery and Resilience Facility, in accordance with the procedure thereof. Transferred resources should be implemented in accordance with the rules of that instrument and should be used exclusively for the benefit of the Member State concerned. The Commission should provide feedback to the Member State concerned on the use of the additional voluntary contributions. Those additional resources should be used under the rules and for the purpose of the Technical Support Instrument in accordance with this Regulation.

Or. en

Amendment 151José Manuel FernandesProposal for a regulation

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Recital 12 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(12a) Due to the exceptional circumstances deriving from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, relevant actions started from 1 February 2020 onwards should be eligible for financing under the Instrument, provided they pursue the objectives set out in this Regulation.

Or. en

Amendment 152Hélène Laporte, Joachim Kuhs, Gunnar BeckProposal for a regulationRecital 13

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(13) The Technical Support Instrument should be provided on request, in order to support the implementation of reforms undertaken at the initiative of the Member States, reforms in the context of economic governance processes or actions related to the implementation of Union law, and reforms in relation to the implementation of economic adjustment programmes. It should also provide technical support for the preparation and implementation of recovery plans to be undertaken under Regulation (EU) No YYY/XX.

(13) The Technical Support Instrument should be provided on request, in order to support the implementation of reforms undertaken at the initiative of the Member States, reforms in the context of economic governance processes or actions related to the implementation of Union law, and reforms in relation to the implementation of economic adjustment programmes. It should also provide technical support for the preparation and implementation of recovery plans to be undertaken under Regulation (EU) No YYY/XX. Given the severe economic downturn with which the European Union is grappling, economic recovery plans need to be prioritised.

Or. fr

Amendment 153Dimitrios Papadimoulison behalf of the GUE/NGL GroupProposal for a regulationRecital 13

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(13) The Technical Support Instrument (13) The Technical Support Instrument

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should be provided on request, in order to support the implementation of reforms undertaken at the initiative of the Member States, reforms in the context of economic governance processes or actions related to the implementation of Union law, and reforms in relation to the implementation of economic adjustment programmes. It should also provide technical support for the preparation and implementation of recovery plans to be undertaken under Regulation (EU) No YYY/XX.

should be provided on request, in order to support the implementation of reforms and investments undertaken at the initiative of the Member States that promote fair, inclusive and sustainable growth, boost the creation of high-quality jobs, increase productivity, stimulate sustainable investment in the real economy and strengthen economic, social and territorial cohesion in the Union or actions related to the implementation of Union law. It should also provide technical support for the preparation and implementation of recovery plans to be undertaken under Regulation (EU) No YYY/XX.

Or. en

Amendment 154Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, Costas MavridesProposal for a regulationRecital 13

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(13) The Technical Support Instrument should be provided on request, in order to support the implementation of reforms undertaken at the initiative of the Member States, reforms in the context of economic governance processes or actions related to the implementation of Union law, and reforms in relation to the implementation of economic adjustment programmes. It should also provide technical support for the preparation and implementation of recovery plans to be undertaken under Regulation (EU) No YYY/XX.

(13) The Technical Support Instrument should be provided on request, in order to support the implementation of reforms and investments undertaken at the initiative of the Member States, reforms and investments in the context of economic governance processes or actions related to the implementation of Union law, and reforms in relation to the implementation of economic adjustment programmes. It should also provide technical support for the preparation and implementation and revision of recovery plans to be undertaken under Regulation on Recovery and Resilience Facility.

Or. en

Amendment 155Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationRecital 13

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Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(13) The Technical Support Instrument should be provided on request, in order to support the implementation of reforms undertaken at the initiative of the Member States, reforms in the context of economic governance processes or actions related to the implementation of Union law, and reforms in relation to the implementation of economic adjustment programmes. It should also provide technical support for the preparation and implementation of recovery plans to be undertaken under Regulation (EU) No YYY/XX.

(13) The Technical Support Instrument should be provided on request, in order to support the implementation of reforms undertaken at the initiative of the Member States, reforms in the context of economic governance processes or actions related to the implementation of Union law, and reforms in relation to the implementation of economic adjustment programmes. It should also provide technical support for the preparation, implementation and, if necessary, revision of recovery plans to be undertaken under Regulation (EU) No YYY/XX.

Or. en

Amendment 156Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationRecital 14

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(14) In line with the rules and practice already existing under the previous programme, the SRSP, a light process for the submission of requests for technical support should be established. For this reason, requests by Member States should be submitted by 31 October of a calendar year. Respecting the overarching principle of equal treatment, sound financial management and transparency, appropriate criteria for the analysis of the requests submitted by Member States should be laid down. Those criteria should be based on the urgency, the severity and extent of the problems, as well as on the support needs identified in respect of the policy areas where technical support is envisaged.

(14) In line with the rules and practice already existing under the previous programme, the SRSP, a light process for the submission of requests for technical support should be established. For this reason, requests by Member States or regional and local authorities should be submitted by 31 October of a calendar year. Respecting the overarching principle of equal treatment, sound financial management and transparency, appropriate criteria for the analysis of the requests submitted by Member States should be laid down. Those criteria should be based on the urgency, the severity and extent of the problems, as well as on the support needs identified in respect of the policy areas where technical support is envisaged.

Or. en

Amendment 157Hélène Laporte

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Proposal for a regulationRecital 14

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(14) In line with the rules and practice already existing under the previous programme, the SRSP, a light process for the submission of requests for technical support should be established. For this reason, requests by Member States should be submitted by 31 October of a calendar year. Respecting the overarching principle of equal treatment, sound financial management and transparency, appropriate criteria for the analysis of the requests submitted by Member States should be laid down. Those criteria should be based on the urgency, the severity and extent of the problems, as well as on the support needs identified in respect of the policy areas where technical support is envisaged.

(14) In line with the rules and practice already existing under the previous programme, the SRSP, a light process for the submission of requests for technical support should be established. For this reason, requests by Member States should be submitted by 31 October of a calendar year. Respecting the overarching principle of equal treatment, sound financial management and transparency, appropriate criteria for the analysis of the requests submitted by Member States should be laid down. Those criteria must be based on the urgency, the severity and extent of the problems, as well as on the support needs identified in respect of the policy areas where technical support is envisaged.

Or. fr

Amendment 158Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, Costas MavridesProposal for a regulationRecital 14 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(14a) Beneficiaries of the Technical Support Instrument must consult, as part of the request for technical support, local and regional authorities, social partners and representatives of civil society.

Or. en

Amendment 159Stéphanie Yon-Courtin, Gilles BoyerProposal for a regulationRecital 16

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(16) For the purposes of accountability, transparency and to ensure visibility of the

(16) For the purposes of accountability, transparency and to ensure visibility of the

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Union action, subject to certain conditions that protect sensitive information, the cooperation and support plans should be provided to the European Parliament and the Council and communication activities should be carried out by the Commission as appropriate.

Union action, subject to certain conditions that protect sensitive information, the cooperation and support plans should be provided to the European Parliament and the Council and communication activities should be carried out by the Commission as appropriate. In addition, the competent committee(s) of the European Parliament can invite representatives from the Commission to appear before the committee(s) to discuss the measures envisaged and taken pursuant to this Regulation.

Or. en

Amendment 160Olivier Chastel, Martin Hojsík, Nicolae Ştefănuță, Nils Torvalds, Valérie Hayer, Mauri Pekkarinen, Moritz KörnerProposal for a regulationRecital 16

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(16) For the purposes of accountability, transparency and to ensure visibility of the Union action, subject to certain conditions that protect sensitive information, the cooperation and support plans should be provided to the European Parliament and the Council and communication activities should be carried out by the Commission as appropriate.

(16) For the purposes of accountability, to guarantee the transparency and to ensure visibility of the Union action, subject to certain conditions that protect sensitive information, all the cooperation and support plans should be provided to the European Parliament and the Council and communication activities should be carried out by the Commission as appropriate. The Commission will publish on its website a complete and regularly updated list of the projects supported and for each of them the amount allocated;

Or. en

Amendment 161Joachim Kuhs, Gunnar Beck, Hélène LaporteProposal for a regulationRecital 16

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(16) For the purposes of accountability, transparency and to ensure visibility of the

(16) For the purposes of accountability, transparency and to ensure democratic

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Union action, subject to certain conditions that protect sensitive information, the cooperation and support plans should be provided to the European Parliament and the Council and communication activities should be carried out by the Commission as appropriate.

legitimacy of the Union action, subject to certain conditions that protect sensitive information, the cooperation and support plans should be provided to the European Parliament, the national parliament of the Member State concerned and the Council and communication activities should be carried out by the Commission as appropriate.

Or. en

Amendment 162José Manuel FernandesProposal for a regulationRecital 16

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(16) For the purposes of accountability, transparency and to ensure visibility of the Union action, subject to certain conditions that protect sensitive information, the cooperation and support plans should be provided to the European Parliament and the Council and communication activities should be carried out by the Commission as appropriate.

(16) For the purposes of accountability, transparency and to ensure visibility of the Union action, subject to certain conditions that protect sensitive information, the cooperation and support plans should be provided to and scrutinised by  the European Parliament and the Council and communication activities should be carried out by the Commission as appropriate.

Or. en

Amendment 163Roberts Zīle, Johan Van OvertveldtProposal for a regulationRecital 16

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(16) For the purposes of accountability, transparency and to ensure visibility of the Union action, subject to certain conditions that protect sensitive information, the cooperation and support plans should be provided to the European Parliament and the Council and communication activities should be carried out by the Commission as appropriate.

(16) For the purposes of accountability, transparency and to ensure visibility of the Union action, subject to certain conditions that protect sensitive information, the cooperation and support plans should be provided to the European Parliament and the Council.

Or. en

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Amendment 164Hélène LaporteProposal for a regulationRecital 16

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(16) For the purposes of accountability, transparency and to ensure visibility of the Union action, subject to certain conditions that protect sensitive information, the cooperation and support plans should be provided to the European Parliament and the Council and communication activities should be carried out by the Commission as appropriate.

(16) For the purposes of accountability, transparency and to ensure visibility of the Union action, subject to certain conditions that protect sensitive information, the cooperation and support plans must be provided to the European Parliament and the Council and communication activities must be carried out by the Commission as appropriate.

Or. fr

Amendment 165Hélène LaporteProposal for a regulationRecital 17

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(17) Provisions on the implementation of the Technical Support Instrument should be laid down, in particular the management modes, the forms of funding for the technical support measures and the content of work programmes, which should be adopted by way of implementing acts. In view of the importance of sustaining the efforts of Member States in pursuing and implementing reforms, it is necessary to allow for a co-financing rate for grants of up to 100% of the eligible costs. To allow for a rapid mobilisation of technical support in case of urgency, provision should be made for the adoption of special measures for a limited period of time. To that effect, a limited amount of the budget within the work programme of the Technical Support Instrument should be set aside for special measures.

(17) Provisions on the implementation of the Technical Support Instrument should be laid down, in particular the management modes, the forms of funding for the technical support measures and the content of work programmes, which should be adopted by way of implementing acts. In view of the importance of sustaining the efforts of Member States in pursuing and implementing reforms, it is necessary to allow for a co-financing rate for grants of up to 100% of the eligible costs. To allow for a rapid mobilisation of technical support in case of urgency, after consulting the European Parliament in view of the temporary derogation, provision should be made for the adoption of special measures for a limited period of time. To that effect, a limited amount of the budget within the work programme of the technical support instrument should be set aside for special measures.

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Or. fr

Amendment 166Engin ErogluProposal for a regulationRecital 17

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(17) Provisions on the implementation of the Technical Support Instrument should be laid down, in particular the management modes, the forms of funding for the technical support measures and the content of work programmes, which should be adopted by way of implementing acts. In view of the importance of sustaining the efforts of Member States in pursuing and implementing reforms, it is necessary to allow for a co-financing rate for grants of up to 100% of the eligible costs. To allow for a rapid mobilisation of technical support in case of urgency, provision should be made for the adoption of special measures for a limited period of time. To that effect, a limited amount of the budget within the work programme of the Technical Support Instrument should be set aside for special measures.

(17) Provisions on the implementation of the Technical Support Instrument should be laid down, in particular the management modes, the forms of funding for the technical support measures and the content of work programmes, which should be adopted by way of implementing acts. In view of the importance of sustaining the efforts of Member States in pursuing and implementing reforms, it is necessary to allow for a co-financing rate for grants of up to 80% of the eligible costs. To allow for a rapid mobilisation of technical support in case of urgency, provision should be made for the adoption of special measures for a limited period of time. To that effect, a limited amount of the budget within the work programme of the technical support instrument should be set aside for special measures.

Or. de

Amendment 167Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationRecital 17

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(17) Provisions on the implementation of the Technical Support Instrument should be laid down, in particular the management modes, the forms of funding for the technical support measures and the content of work programmes, which should be adopted by way of implementing acts. In view of the importance of sustaining the efforts of Member States in pursuing and implementing reforms, it is necessary to

(17) Provisions on the implementation of the Technical Support Instrument should be laid down, in particular the management modes, the forms of funding for the technical support measures and the content of work programmes, which should be adopted by way of delegated acts. In view of the importance of sustaining the efforts of Member States or regional and local authorities in pursuing and implementing

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allow for a co-financing rate for grants of up to 100% of the eligible costs. To allow for a rapid mobilisation of technical support in case of urgency, provision should be made for the adoption of special measures for a limited period of time. To that effect, a limited amount of the budget within the work programme of the Technical Support Instrument should be set aside for special measures.

reforms, it is necessary to allow fora co-financing rate for grants of up to 100% of the eligible costs. To allow for a rapid mobilisation of technical support in case of urgency, provision should be made for the adoption of special measures for a limited period of time. To that effect, a limited amount of the budget within the work programme of the Technical Support Instrument should be set aside for special measures.

Or. en

Amendment 168Dimitrios Papadimoulison behalf of the GUE/NGL GroupProposal for a regulationRecital 17

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(17) Provisions on the implementation of the Technical Support Instrument should be laid down, in particular the management modes, the forms of funding for the technical support measures and the content of work programmes, which should be adopted by way of implementing acts. In view of the importance of sustaining the efforts of Member States in pursuing and implementing reforms, it is necessary to allow for a co-financing rate for grants of up to 100% of the eligible costs. To allow for a rapid mobilisation of technical support in case of urgency, provision should be made for the adoption of special measures for a limited period of time. To that effect, a limited amount of the budget within the work programme of the Technical Support Instrument should be set aside for special measures.

(17) Provisions on the implementation of the Technical Support Instrument should be laid down, in particular the management modes, the forms of funding for the technical support measures and the content of work programmes, which should be adopted by way of delegated acts. In view of the importance of sustaining the efforts of Member States in pursuing and implementing reforms and investments, it is necessary to allow for a co-financing rate for grants of up to 100% of the eligible costs. To allow for a rapid mobilisation of technical support in case of urgency, provision should be made for the adoption of special measures for a limited period of time. To that effect, a limited amount of the budget within the work programme of the Technical Support Instrument should be set aside for special measures.

Or. en

Amendment 169Joachim Kuhs, Gunnar BeckProposal for a regulationRecital 17

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Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(17) Provisions on the implementation of the Technical Support Instrument should be laid down, in particular the management modes, the forms of funding for the technical support measures and the content of work programmes, which should be adopted by way of implementing acts. In view of the importance of sustaining the efforts of Member States in pursuing and implementing reforms, it is necessary to allow for a co-financing rate for grants of up to 100% of the eligible costs. To allow for a rapid mobilisation of technical support in case of urgency, provision should be made for the adoption of special measures for a limited period of time. To that effect, a limited amount of the budget within the work programme of the Technical Support Instrument should be set aside for special measures.

(17) Provisions on the implementation of the Technical Support Instrument should be laid down, in particular the management modes, the forms of funding for the technical support measures and the content of work programmes, which should be adopted by way of implementing acts. In view of the importance of sustaining the efforts of Member States in pursuing and implementing reforms, it is necessary to allow for a co-financing rate for grants of up to 33% of the eligible costs. To allow for a rapid mobilisation of technical support in case of urgency, provision should be made for the adoption of special measures for a limited period of time. To that effect, a limited amount of the budget within the work programme of the Technical Support Instrument should be set aside for special measures.

Or. en

Amendment 170Markus FerberProposal for a regulationRecital 17

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(17) Provisions on the implementation of the Technical Support Instrument should be laid down, in particular the management modes, the forms of funding for the technical support measures and the content of work programmes, which should be adopted by way of implementing acts. In view of the importance of sustaining the efforts of Member States in pursuing and implementing reforms, it is necessary to allow for a co-financing rate for grants of up to 100% of the eligible costs. To allow for a rapid mobilisation of technical support in case of urgency, provision should be made for the adoption of special measures for a limited period of time. To

(17) Provisions on the implementation of the Technical Support Instrument should be laid down, in particular the management modes, the forms of funding for the technical support measures and the content of work programmes, which should be adopted by way of delegated acts. In view of the importance of sustaining the efforts of Member States in pursuing and implementing reforms, it is necessary to allow for a co-financing rate for grants of up to 75% of the eligible costs. To allow for a rapid mobilisation of technical support in case of urgency, provision should be made for the adoption of special measures for a limited period of time. To

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that effect, a limited amount of the budget within the work programme of the Technical Support Instrument should be set aside for special measures.

that effect, a limited amount of the budget within the work programme of the Technical Support Instrument should be set aside for special measures.

Or. en

Amendment 171Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationRecital 17 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(17a) All measures financed by the Reform and Resilience Facility should contribute to an open digital transformation in the sense that any soft- or hardware resulting from them should be available to the general public for verification and study. This will increase innovation and transparency. Therefore, to ensure as efficient and transparent use of public funds as possible, all the results and by-products of technical support under this Instrument should be open access and available to the public.

Or. en

Amendment 172Hélène Laporte, Joachim Kuhs, Gunnar BeckProposal for a regulationRecital 18

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(18) In order to ensure an efficient and coherent allocation of funds from the Union budget and to respect the principle of sound financial management, actions under this Regulation should be consistent with and be complementary to ongoing Union programmes, whilst avoiding double funding for the same expenditure. In particular, the Commission and the Member State should ensure, in all stages of the process, effective coordination in order to safeguard the consistency,

(18) In order to ensure an efficient and coherent allocation of funds from the Union budget and to respect the principle of sound financial management, actions under this Regulation should be consistent with and be complementary to ongoing Union programmes, whilst avoiding double funding for the same expenditure. In particular, the Commission and the Member State should ensure, in all stages of the process, effective coordination in order to safeguard the consistency,

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coherence, complementarity and synergy among sources of funding, including technical assistance thereof.

coherence, complementarity and synergy among sources of funding, including technical assistance thereof. Since the risk of double financing cannot be ruled out, in so far as a less onerous procedure has been put in place on account of urgency, each file must be studied with the utmost care.

Or. fr

Amendment 173Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationRecital 18

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(18) In order to ensure an efficient and coherent allocation of funds from the Union budget and to respect the principle of sound financial management, actions under this Regulation should be consistent with and be complementary to ongoing Union programmes, whilst avoiding double funding for the same expenditure. In particular, the Commission and the Member State should ensure, in all stages of the process, effective coordination in order to safeguard the consistency, coherence, complementarity and synergy among sources of funding, including technical assistance thereof.

(18) In order to ensure an efficient and coherent allocation of funds from the Union budget and to respect the principle of sound financial management, actions under this Regulation should be consistent with and be complementary to ongoing Union programmes, whilst avoiding double funding for the same expenditure. In particular, the Commission and the Member State or regional and local authority should ensure, in all stages of the process, effective coordination in order to safeguard the consistency, coherence, complementarity and synergy among sources of funding, including technical assistance thereof.

Or. en

Amendment 174José Manuel FernandesProposal for a regulationRecital 19

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(19) Pursuant to paragraphs 22 and 23 of the Interinstitutional Agreement for Better Law-Making of 13 April 2016, there is a need to evaluate the instrument established by this Regulation on the basis of

(19) Pursuant to paragraphs 22 and 23 of the Interinstitutional Agreement for Better Law-Making of 13 April 2016, there is a need to evaluate the instrument established by this Regulation on the basis of

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information collected through specific monitoring requirements, while avoiding overregulation and administrative burdens, in particular on Member States. These requirements, where appropriate, should include measurable indicators, as a basis for evaluating the effects of the instrument on the ground.

information collected through specific monitoring requirements, while avoiding overregulation and administrative burdens, simplifying administrative procedures and promoting administrative cooperation,  in particular on Member States. These requirements, where appropriate, should include measurable indicators, as a basis for evaluating the effects of the instrument on the ground.

Or. en

Amendment 175Hélène LaporteProposal for a regulationRecital 19

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(19) Pursuant to paragraphs 22 and 23 of the Interinstitutional Agreement for Better Law-Making of 13 April 2016, there is a need to evaluate the instrument established by this Regulation on the basis of information collected through specific monitoring requirements, while avoiding overregulation and administrative burdens, in particular on Member States. These requirements, where appropriate, should include measurable indicators, as a basis for evaluating the effects of the instrument on the ground.

(19) Pursuant to paragraphs 22 and 23 of the Interinstitutional Agreement for Better Law-Making of 13 April 2016, there is a need to evaluate the instrument established by this Regulation on the basis of information collected through specific monitoring requirements, in particular on Member States. These requirements, where appropriate, should include measurable indicators, as a basis for evaluating the effects of the instrument on the ground.

Or. fr

Amendment 176Roberts Zīle, Johan Van OvertveldtProposal for a regulationRecital 19

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(19) Pursuant to paragraphs 22 and 23 of the Interinstitutional Agreement for Better Law-Making of 13 April 2016, there is a need to evaluate the instrument established by this Regulation on the basis of information collected through specific

(19) Pursuant to paragraphs 22 and 23 of the Interinstitutional Agreement for Better Law-Making of 13 April 2016, there is a need to evaluate the instrument established by this Regulation on the basis of information collected through specific

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monitoring requirements, while avoiding overregulation and administrative burdens, in particular on Member States. These requirements, where appropriate, should include measurable indicators, as a basis for evaluating the effects of the instrument on the ground.

monitoring requirements, while avoiding overregulation and administrative burdens, in particular on Member States. These requirements should include measurable indicators, as a basis for evaluating the effects of the instrument on the ground.

Or. en

Amendment 177Dimitrios Papadimoulison behalf of the GUE/NGL GroupProposal for a regulationRecital 20

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(20) It is opportune that Commission provides an annual report to the European Parliament and the Council on the implementation of this Regulation. An independent mid-term evaluation, looking at the achievement of the objectives of the instrument established by this Regulation, the efficiency of the use of its resources and its added value should be carried out. An independent ex-post evaluation should, in addition, deal with the long-term impact of the instrument.

(20) It is opportune that Commission provides an annual report to the European Parliament and the Council on the implementation of this Regulation. An independent mid-term evaluation, looking at the achievement of the objectives of the instrument established by this Regulation, the efficiency of the use of its resources and its added value should be carried out. Where necessary, this mid-term evaluation report should be accompanied by legislative proposals for amending this Regulation. An independent ex-post evaluation should, in addition, deal with the long-term impact of the instrument.

Or. en

Amendment 178Hélène LaporteProposal for a regulationRecital 20

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(20) It is opportune that Commission provides an annual report to the European Parliament and the Council on the implementation of this Regulation. An independent mid-term evaluation, looking at the achievement of the objectives of the

(20) It is opportune that Commission provides an annual report to the European Parliament and the Council on the implementation of this Regulation. An independent mid-term evaluation, looking at the achievement of the objectives of the

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instrument established by this Regulation, the efficiency of the use of its resources and its added value should be carried out. An independent ex-post evaluation should, in addition, deal with the long-term impact of the instrument.

instrument established by this Regulation, the efficiency of the use of its resources and its added value should be carried out. An independent ex-post evaluation shall deal with the long-term impact of the instrument and the results shall be shared with the European Parliament.

Or. fr

Amendment 179Nicolae Ştefănuță, Olivier ChastelProposal for a regulationRecital 20 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(20a) In order to achieve a better evaluation of the Instrument, each time a Member State requests for technical support, an ex post evaluation per request should be made public by the national authorities unless the parts of which the disclosure would jeopardise public interests of the Member State. This will not only allow a better evaluation but will also ensure a better collaboration between the Commission and the national and local authorities.

Or. en

Amendment 180Hélène Laporte, Joachim Kuhs, Gunnar BeckProposal for a regulationRecital 21

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(21) The work programmes for the implementation of technical support should be established. In order to ensure uniform conditions for the implementation of this Regulation, implementing powers should be conferred on the Commission. Horizontal financial rules adopted by the European Parliament and the Council on the basis of Article 322 of the Treaty apply to this Regulation. These rules are laid

(21) The work programmes for the implementation of technical support should be established. In order to ensure uniform conditions for the implementation of this Regulation, implementing powers should be conferred on the Commission. Horizontal financial rules adopted by the European Parliament and the Council on the basis of Article 322 of the Treaty apply to this Regulation. These rules are laid

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down in Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Council (the Financial Regulation)17and determine in particular the procedure for establishing and implementing the budget through grants, procurement, prizes, indirect implementation, and provide for checks on the responsibility of financial actors. Rules adopted on the basis of Article 322 TFEU also concern the protection of the Union's budget in case of generalised deficiencies as regards the rule of law in the Member States, as the respect for the rule of law is an essential precondition for sound financial management and effective EU funding.

down in Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Council (the 'Financial Regulation')17 and determine in particular the procedure for establishing and implementing the budget through grants, procurement, prizes, indirect implementation, and provide for checks on the responsibility of financial actors.

_________________ _________________17 Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 July 2018 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union, amending Regulations (EU) No 1296/2013, (EU) No 1301/2013, (EU) No 1303/2013, (EU) No 1304/2013, (EU) No 1309/2013, (EU) No 1316/2013, (EU) No 223/2014, (EU) No 283/2014, and Decision No 541/2014/EU and repealing Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012 (OJ L 193, 30.7.2018, p. 1).

17 Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 July 2018 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union, amending Regulations (EU) No 1296/2013, (EU) No 1301/2013, (EU) No 1303/2013, (EU) No 1304/2013, (EU) No 1309/2013, (EU) No 1316/2013, (EU) No 223/2014, (EU) No 283/2014, and Decision No 541/2014/EU and repealing Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012 (OJ L 193, 30.7.2018, p. 1).

Or. fr

Amendment 181Bogdan RzońcaProposal for a regulationRecital 21

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(21) The work programmes for the implementation of technical support should be established. In order to ensure uniform conditions for the implementation of this Regulation, implementing powers should be conferred on the Commission. Horizontal financial rules adopted by the European Parliament and the Council on

(21) The work programmes for the implementation of technical support should be established. In order to ensure uniform conditions for the implementation of this Regulation, implementing powers should be conferred on the Commission. Horizontal financial rules adopted by the European Parliament and the Council on

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the basis of Article 322 of the Treaty apply to this Regulation. These rules are laid down in Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Council (the Financial Regulation)17 and determine in particular the procedure for establishing and implementing the budget through grants, procurement, prizes, indirect implementation, and provide for checks on the responsibility of financial actors. Rules adopted on the basis of Article 322 TFEU also concern the protection of the Union's budget in case of generalised deficiencies as regards the rule of law in the Member States, as the respect for the rule of law is an essential precondition for sound financial management and effective EU funding.

the basis of Article 322 of the Treaty apply to this Regulation. These rules are laid down in Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Council (the Financial Regulation)17 and determine in particular the procedure for establishing and implementing the budget through grants, procurement, prizes, indirect implementation, and provide for checks on the responsibility of financial actors.

_________________ _________________17 Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 July 2018 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union, amending Regulations (EU) No 1296/2013, (EU) No 1301/2013, (EU) No 1303/2013, (EU) No 1304/2013, (EU) No 1309/2013, (EU) No 1316/2013, (EU) No 223/2014, (EU) No 283/2014, and Decision No 541/2014/EU and repealing Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012 (OJ L 193, 30.7.2018, p. 1).

17 Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 July 2018 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union, amending Regulations (EU) No 1296/2013, (EU) No 1301/2013, (EU) No 1303/2013, (EU) No 1304/2013, (EU) No 1309/2013, (EU) No 1316/2013, (EU) No 223/2014, (EU) No 283/2014, and Decision No 541/2014/EU and repealing Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012 (OJ L 193, 30.7.2018, p. 1).

Or. en

Amendment 182Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationRecital 21

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(21) The work programmes for the implementation of technical support should be established. In order to ensure uniform conditions for the implementation of this Regulation, implementing powers should be conferred on the Commission. Horizontal financial rules adopted by the

(21) The work programmes for the implementation of technical support should be established. In order to ensure uniform conditions for the implementation of this Regulation, implementing powers should be conferred on the Commission. Horizontal financial rules adopted by the

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European Parliament and the Council on the basis of Article 322 of the Treaty apply to this Regulation. These rules are laid down in Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Council (the Financial Regulation)17 and determine in particular the procedure for establishing and implementing the budget through grants, procurement, prizes, indirect implementation, and provide for checks on the responsibility of financial actors. Rules adopted on the basis of Article 322 TFEU also concern the protection of the Union's budget in case of generalised deficiencies as regards the rule of law in the Member States, as the respect for the rule of law is an essential precondition for sound financial management and effective EU funding.

European Parliament and the Council on the basis of Article 322 of the Treaty apply to this Regulation. These rules are laid down in Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Council (the Financial Regulation)17 and determine in particular the procedure for establishing and implementing the budget through grants, procurement, prizes, indirect implementation, and provide for checks on the responsibility of financial actors. Rules adopted on the basis of Article 322 TFEU also concern the protection of the Union's budget in case of generalised deficiencies as regards the rule of law in the Member States in accordance with Regulation (EU) YYY/XX of the European Parliament and of the Council [Rule of Law Mechanism in the MFF], as the respect for the rule of law is an essential precondition for sound financial management and effective EU funding.

_________________ _________________17 Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 July 2018 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union, amending Regulations (EU) No 1296/2013, (EU) No 1301/2013, (EU) No 1303/2013, (EU) No 1304/2013, (EU) No 1309/2013, (EU) No 1316/2013, (EU) No 223/2014, (EU) No 283/2014, and Decision No 541/2014/EU and repealing Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012 (OJ L 193, 30.7.2018, p. 1).

17 Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 July 2018 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union, amending Regulations (EU) No 1296/2013, (EU) No 1301/2013, (EU) No 1303/2013, (EU) No 1304/2013, (EU) No 1309/2013, (EU) No 1316/2013, (EU) No 223/2014, (EU) No 283/2014, and Decision No 541/2014/EU and repealing Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012 (OJ L 193, 30.7.2018, p. 1).

Or. en

Amendment 183Dimitrios Papadimoulison behalf of the GUE/NGL GroupProposal for a regulationRecital 21

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(21) The work programmes for the implementation of technical support should

(21) The work programmes for the implementation of technical support should

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be established. In order to ensure uniform conditions for the implementation of this Regulation, implementing powers should be conferred on the Commission. Horizontal financial rules adopted by the European Parliament and the Council on the basis of Article 322 of the Treaty apply to this Regulation. These rules are laid down in Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Council (the Financial Regulation)17 and determine in particular the procedure for establishing and implementing the budget through grants, procurement, prizes, indirect implementation, and provide for checks on the responsibility of financial actors. Rules adopted on the basis of Article 322 TFEU also concern the protection of the Union's budget in case of generalised deficiencies as regards the rule of law in the Member States, as the respect for the rule of law is an essential precondition for sound financial management and effective EU funding.

be established. In order to ensure uniform conditions for the implementation of this Regulation, power to adopt delegated acts should be conferred on the Commission. Horizontal financial rules adopted by the European Parliament and the Council on the basis of Article 322 of the Treaty apply to this Regulation. These rules are laid down in Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Council (the Financial Regulation)17 and determine in particular the procedure for establishing and implementing the budget through grants, procurement, prizes, indirect implementation, and provide for checks on the responsibility of financial actors. Rules adopted on the basis of Article 322 TFEU also concern the protection of the Union's budget in case of generalised deficiencies as regards the rule of law in the Member States, as the respect for the rule of law is an essential precondition for sound financial management and effective EU funding.

_________________ _________________17 Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 July 2018 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union, amending Regulations (EU) No 1296/2013, (EU) No 1301/2013, (EU) No 1303/2013, (EU) No 1304/2013, (EU) No 1309/2013, (EU) No 1316/2013, (EU) No 223/2014, (EU) No 283/2014, and Decision No 541/2014/EU and repealing Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012 (OJ L 193, 30.7.2018, p. 1).

17 Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 July 2018 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union, amending Regulations (EU) No 1296/2013, (EU) No 1301/2013, (EU) No 1303/2013, (EU) No 1304/2013, (EU) No 1309/2013, (EU) No 1316/2013, (EU) No 223/2014, (EU) No 283/2014, and Decision No 541/2014/EU and repealing Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012 (OJ L 193, 30.7.2018, p. 1).

Or. en

Amendment 184Hélène LaporteProposal for a regulationRecital 23

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(23) Since the objective of this deleted

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Regulation cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States alone, but can rather be better achieved at Union level, the Union may adopt measures in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty on European Union. In accordance with the principle of proportionality, as set out in that Article, this Regulation does not go beyond that which is necessary to achieve that objective.

Or. fr

Amendment 185Joachim Kuhs, Gunnar BeckProposal for a regulationRecital 23

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(23) Since the objective of this Regulation cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States alone, but can rather be better achieved at Union level, the Union may adopt measures in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty on European Union. In accordance with the principle of proportionality, as set out in that Article, this Regulation does not go beyond that which is necessary to achieve that objective.

(23) The objective of this Regulation still has to pass the subsidiarity test required in Article 5 of the Treaty of the European Union. In accordance with the principle of proportionality, as set out in that Article, this Regulation does not go beyond that which is supposedly necessary to achieve that objective.

Or. en

Amendment 186Dimitrios Papadimoulison behalf of the GUE/NGL GroupProposal for a regulationArticle 1 – paragraph 2

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

It lays down the objectives of the instrument, the budget for the period 2021 – 2027, the forms of Union funding and the rules for providing such funding.

It lays down the general and specific objectives of the instrument, the budget for the period 2021 – 2027, the forms of Union funding and the rules for providing such

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Or. en

Amendment 187Aurore LalucqProposal for a regulationArticle premier – paragraph 2 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

This programme shall not be subject to the rules laid down in the Stability and Growth Pact.

Or. fr

Amendment 188Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, Costas MavridesProposal for a regulationArticle 2 – paragraph 1 – point 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(1) technical support’ means measures that help Member States to carry out institutional, administrative and growth-sustaining and resilience-enhancing reforms;

(1) technical support’ means measures that help Member States to carry out institutional, administrative, sustainable, socially inclusive and growth-sustaining and resilience-enhancing reforms and investments; and to strengthen the social dialogue.

Or. en

Amendment 189Alfred SantProposal for a regulationArticle 2 – paragraph 1 – point 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(1) technical support’ means measures that help Member States to carry out institutional, administrative and growth-sustaining and resilience-enhancing reforms;

(1) technical support’ means measures that help Member States to carry out institutional, administrative and growth-sustaining, and socially and environmentally sustainable resilience-enhancing reforms;

Or. en

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Amendment 190Dimitrios Papadimoulison behalf of the GUE/NGL GroupProposal for a regulationArticle 2 – paragraph 1 – point 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(1) technical support’ means measures that help Member States to carry out institutional, administrative and growth-sustaining and resilience-enhancing reforms;

(1) ‘technical support’ means measures that help Member States to carry out reforms and investments that promote fair, inclusive and sustainable social and economic growth, convergence and resilience;

Or. en

Amendment 191Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationArticle 2 – paragraph 1 – point 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(1) technical support’ means measures that help Member States to carry out institutional, administrative and growth-sustaining and resilience-enhancing reforms;

(1) technical support’ means measures that help Member States or regional and local administrative units to carry out institutional and administrative reforms that improve sustainability and resilience;

Or. en

Amendment 192Olivier Chastel, Martin Hojsík, Nicolae Ştefănuță, Nils Torvalds, Valérie Hayer, Mauri Pekkarinen, Moritz KörnerProposal for a regulationArticle 2 – paragraph 1 – point 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(1) technical support’ means measures that help Member States to carry out institutional, administrative and growth-sustaining and resilience-enhancing reforms;

(1) technical support’ means measures that help Member States to carry out institutional, administrative, structural and growth-sustaining and resilience-enhancing reforms;

Or. en

Amendment 193

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Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationArticle 2 – paragraph 1 – point 1 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(1a) ‘sustainable reforms’ means measures that:

(i) modify in a lasting and sustainable way the structure of an economy, the institutional and regulatory framework in which societies operate, and the ability of public services in particular schools and childcare institutions as well as healthcare services, public administration and civil society to adapt to change, including improving their resilience to crises;

(ii) enhance cohesion, convergence and reduce the regional disparities in accordance with Article 174;and

(iii) are aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, especially the fifth goal concerning the gender equality, the Paris Agreement, and the European Pillar of Social Rights;

Or. en

Amendment 194Dimitrios Papadimoulison behalf of the GUE/NGL GroupProposal for a regulationArticle 2 – paragraph 1 – point 1 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(1a) ‘reforms’ means reforms that:

(i) are linked to the implementation of Treaty objectives; or

(ii) aim at addressing economic, social, environmental and health challenges with a view to enhancing convergence and cohesion and reducing regional disparities; or

(iii) promote fair, inclusive and

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sustainable growth in line with the European Green Deal, the Paris Agreement, the “do no significant harm” principle, the Sustainable Development Goals and the European Pillar of Social Rights.

Or. en

Amendment 195Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationArticle 3 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

The general objective of the instrument shall be to promote the Union’s economic, social and territorial cohesion by supporting Member States efforts to implement reforms necessary to achieve economic and social recovery, resilience and upward economic and social convergence, and to support Member States’ efforts to strengthen their administrative capacity to implement Union law in relation to challenges faced by institutions, governance, public administration, and economic and social sectors.


Or. en

Amendment 196Stéphanie Yon-Courtin, Gilles BoyerProposal for a regulationArticle 3 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

The general objective of the instrument shall be to promote the Union’s economic, social and territorial cohesion by supporting Member States efforts to implement reforms necessary to achieve economic and social recovery, resilience and upward economic and social convergence, and to support Member States’ efforts to strengthen their

The general objective of the instrument shall be to promote the Union’s economic, social and territorial cohesion by supporting Member States efforts to implement reforms and encourage investment that will support a sustainable and fair economic, social and gender equal recovery beyond the COVID-19 pandemic necessary to achieve resilience

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administrative capacity to implement Union law in relation to challenges faced by institutions, governance, public administration, and economic and social sectors.

and upward economic and social convergence, to effectively address the country-specific recommendations adopted in the context of the European Semester, and to support Member States' efforts to strengthen their administrative capacity to implement Union law in relation to challenges faced by institutions, governance, public administration, and economic and social sectors and to implement policy objectives in line with the commitments of the Union and of Member States in the context of the Paris Agreement, in particular the objective to achieve the Union's 2030 climate and energy targets, and climate neutrality by 2050, of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and of the European Pillar of Social Rights.

Or. en

Amendment 197José GusmãoProposal for a regulationArticle 3 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

The general objective of the instrument shall be to promote the Union’s economic, social and territorial cohesion by supporting Member States efforts to implement reforms necessary to achieve economic and social recovery, resilience and upward economic and social convergence, and to support Member States’ efforts to strengthen their administrative capacity to implement Union law in relation to challenges faced by institutions, governance, public administration, and economic and social sectors.

The general objective of the instrument shall be to promote the Union’s economic, social and territorial cohesion by supporting Member States efforts to implement reforms and promote the necessary public investment to achieve economic and social recovery, resilience, upward economic and social convergence and the reduction of poverty and inequality, and to support Member States’ efforts to strengthen their administrative capacity to implement Union law in relation to challenges faced by institutions, governance, public administration, and economic and social sectors. Technical support shall be requested by Member States and shall not be binding. Policy objectives shall be in line with the European Green New Deal, the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and the

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European Pillar of Social Rights.

Or. en

Amendment 198Dimitrios Papadimoulison behalf of the GUE/NGL GroupProposal for a regulationArticle 3 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

The general objective of the instrument shall be to promote the Union’s economic, social and territorial cohesion by supporting Member States efforts to implement reforms necessary to achieve economic and social recovery, resilience and upward economic and social convergence, and to support Member States’ efforts to strengthen their administrative capacity to implement Union law in relation to challenges faced by institutions, governance, public administration, and economic and social sectors.

The general objective of the instrument shall be to promote the Union’s economic, social and territorial cohesion and regional development by supporting Member States efforts to implement reforms and investments necessary to achieve economic and social recovery, resilience and upward economic and social convergence in a fair and inclusive way, to support Member States’ efforts to strengthen their administrative capacity to implement Union law in relation to challenges faced by institutions, governance, public administration, and economic and social sectors and to contribute to the implementation of core Union’s priorities and objectives such as the European Green Deal, the Paris Agreement, the “do no significant harm” principle, the Sustainable Development Goals, the European Pillar of Social Rights, digital transformation and innovation.

Or. en

Amendment 199Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, Costas MavridesProposal for a regulationArticle 3 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

The general objective of the instrument shall be to promote the Union’s economic, social and territorial cohesion by supporting Member States efforts to implement reforms necessary to achieve

The general objective of the instrument shall be to promote the Union’s economic, social and territorial cohesion by supporting Member States efforts to implement reforms and investments

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economic and social recovery, resilience and upward economic and social convergence, and to support Member States’ efforts to strengthen their administrative capacity to implement Union law in relation to challenges faced by institutions, governance, public administration, and economic and social sectors.

necessary to achieve fair economic and social recovery, resilience and upward economic and social convergence, to support Member States’ efforts to strengthen their administrative capacity to implement Union law in relation to challenges faced by institutions, governance, public administration, and economic and social sectors, and to contribute to  the implementation of the commitments of the Union and of Member States in the context of the European Green Deal, Paris Agreement, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, gender mainstreaming and the European Pillar of Social Rights.

Or. en

Amendment 200Hélène Laporte, Joachim Kuhs, Gunnar BeckProposal for a regulationArticle 3 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

The general objective of the instrument shall be to promote the Union’s economic, social and territorial cohesion by supporting Member States efforts to implement reforms necessary to achieve economic and social recovery, resilience and upward economic and social convergence, and to support Member States’ efforts to strengthen their administrative capacity to implement Union law in relation to challenges faced by institutions, governance, public administration, and economic and social sectors.

The general objective of the instrument shall be to promote economic, social and territorial cohesion in the Member States with a view to implementing reforms necessary to achieve economic and social recovery, resilience and upward economic and social convergence, and to strengthening their administrative capacity.

Or. fr

Amendment 201Joachim Kuhs, Gunnar Beck, Hélène LaporteProposal for a regulationArticle 3 – paragraph 1

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Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

The general objective of the instrument shall be to promote the Union’s economic, social and territorial cohesion by supporting Member States efforts to implement reforms necessary to achieve economic and social recovery, resilience and upward economic and social convergence, and to support Member States’ efforts to strengthen their administrative capacity to implement Union law in relation to challenges faced by institutions, governance, public administration, and economic and social sectors.

The general objective of the instrument shall be to support Member States' efforts to implement reforms necessary to achieve economic and social recovery, resilience and upward economic and social convergence, with full respect for national sovereignty.

Or. en

Amendment 202Antonio Maria Rinaldi, Anna Bonfrisco, Valentino Grant, Marco ZanniProposal for a regulationArticle 3 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

The general objective of the instrument shall be to promote the Union’s economic, social and territorial cohesion by supporting Member States efforts to implement reforms necessary to achieve economic and social recovery, resilience and upward economic and social convergence, and to support Member States’ efforts to strengthen their administrative capacity to implement Union law in relation to challenges faced by institutions, governance, public administration, and economic and social sectors.

The general objective of the instrument shall be to support Member States in implementing reforms to achieve economic and social recovery, resilience and upward economic and social convergence by strengthening their administrative capacity to implement all the measures decided at national level to underpin recovery.

Or. en

Amendment 203Isabel Benjumea BenjumeaProposal for a regulationArticle 3 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

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The general objective of the instrument shall be to promote the Union’s economic, social and territorial cohesion by supporting Member States efforts to implement reforms necessary to achieve economic and social recovery, resilience and upward economic and social convergence, and to support Member States’ efforts to strengthen their administrative capacity to implement Union law in relation to challenges faced by institutions, governance, public administration, and economic and social sectors.

The general objective of the instrument shall be to promote the Union’s economic, social and territorial cohesion by supporting Member States efforts to implement reforms necessary to achieve economic and social recovery, competitiveness, resilience and upward economic and social convergence, and to support Member States’ efforts to strengthen their administrative capacity and judicial framework to implement Union law in relation to challenges faced by institutions, governance, public administration, and economic and social sectors.

Or. es

Amendment 204Alfred SantProposal for a regulationArticle 3 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

The general objective of the instrument shall be to promote the Union’s economic, social and territorial cohesion by supporting Member States efforts to implement reforms necessary to achieve economic and social recovery, resilience and upward economic and social convergence, and to support Member States’ efforts to strengthen their administrative capacity to implement Union law in relation to challenges faced by institutions, governance, public administration, and economic and social sectors.

The general objective of the instrument shall be to promote the Union’s economic, social and territorial cohesion by supporting Member States in their efforts to implement tailor-made reforms necessary to achieve economic and social recovery, resilience and upward economic and social convergence, and to support Member States’ efforts to strengthen their administrative capacity to implement Union law in relation to challenges faced by institutions, governance, public administration, and economic and social sectors.

Or. en

Amendment 205Nicolae Ştefănuță, Olivier ChastelProposal for a regulationArticle 3 – paragraph 1

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Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

The general objective of the instrument shall be to promote the Union’s economic, social and territorial cohesion by supporting Member States efforts to implement reforms necessary to achieve economic and social recovery, resilience and upward economic and social convergence, and to support Member States’ efforts to strengthen their administrative capacity to implement Union law in relation to challenges faced by institutions, governance, public administration, and economic and social sectors.

The general objective of the instrument shall be to promote the Union’s economic, social and territorial cohesion by supporting Member States efforts to implement reforms necessary to achieve economic and social recovery, resilience and upward economic and social convergence, including the accession to the euro area of the Member States who have committed to join, and to support Member States’ efforts to strengthen their administrative capacity to implement Union law in relation to challenges faced by institutions, governance, public administration, and economic and social sectors.

Or. en

Amendment 206José Manuel FernandesProposal for a regulationArticle 3 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

The general objective of the instrument shall be to promote the Union’s economic, social and territorial cohesion by supporting Member States efforts to implement reforms necessary to achieve economic and social recovery, resilience and upward economic and social convergence, and to support Member States’ efforts to strengthen their administrative capacity to implement Union law in relation to challenges faced by institutions, governance, public administration, and economic and social sectors.

The general objective of the instrument shall be to promote the Union’s economic, social and territorial cohesion by supporting Member States efforts to implement reforms necessary to achieve economic and social recovery, resilience and upward economic and social convergence, and to support Member States’ efforts to strengthen their administrative capacity to implement Union law in relation to challenges faced by institutions, governance and public administration, including at regional and local levels, as well as economic and social sectors.

Or. en

Amendment 207Olivier Chastel, Martin Hojsík, Nicolae Ştefănuță, Nils Torvalds, Valérie Hayer, Mauri Pekkarinen, Moritz Körner

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Proposal for a regulationArticle 3 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

The general objective of the instrument shall be to promote the Union’s economic, social and territorial cohesion by supporting Member States efforts to implement reforms necessary to achieve economic and social recovery, resilience and upward economic and social convergence, and to support Member States’ efforts to strengthen their administrative capacity to implement Union law in relation to challenges faced by institutions, governance, public administration, and economic and social sectors.

The general objective of the instrument shall be to promote the Union’s economic, social and territorial cohesion by supporting Member States efforts to implement reforms necessary to achieve economic and social recovery, resilience and upward economic and social convergence, and to support Member States’ efforts to strengthen their institutional and administrative capacity to implement Union law in relation to challenges faced by institutions, governance, public administration, and economic and social sectors.

Or. en

Amendment 208Markus FerberProposal for a regulationArticle 3 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

The general objective of the instrument shall be to promote the Union’s economic, social and territorial cohesion by supporting Member States efforts to implement reforms necessary to achieve economic and social recovery, resilience and upward economic and social convergence, and to support Member States’ efforts to strengthen their administrative capacity to implement Union law in relation to challenges faced by institutions, governance, public administration, and economic and social sectors.

The general objective of the instrument shall be to promote the Union’s economic, social and territorial cohesion by supporting Member States efforts to implement reforms necessary to achieve economic and social recovery, resilience and upward economic and social convergence, competitiveness and to support Member States’ efforts to strengthen their administrative capacity to implement Union law in relation to challenges faced by institutions, governance, public administration, and economic and social sectors.

Or. en

Amendment 209Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulation

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Article 3 – paragraph 1 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

The general objective of the Instrument shall be:

(a) to protect and promote the Union’s economic, social and territorial cohesion following the exceptional symmetric economic shock experienced in the Union as a consequence of the outbreak of Covid-19 by enabling all regions and Member States to support a sustainable recovery, and to incentivise and support regions and Member States to improve their economic, social and administrative crisis preparedness and resilience to future shocks;

(b) to support Member States’ efforts to improve their administrative capacity at all levels of administration to implement Union law and policy objectives in line with the commitments of the Union and of Member States in the context of the Paris Agreement, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and the European Pillar of Social Rights;

(c) to contribute to addressing national reform challenges of a structural nature aimed at improving the performance of the national economies and at promoting resilient economic, social and institutional structures in the Member States, thereby contributing to sustainable and gender-responsive economic development, cohesion, competitiveness, productivity, job creation, gender equality, social inclusion and sustainable real convergence; and

(d) to contribute to strengthening the administrative and institutional capacity of the Member States, including, where appropriate, at regional and local levels, in relation to challenges faced by institutions, governance, public administration, schools and childcare institutions, the public health system and

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economic and social sectors; and

(e) to contribute to the economic, social, environmental and administrative resilience of Member States in the face of large-scale shocks at Union or national level.

Or. en

Amendment 210Aurore LalucqProposal for a regulationArticle 3 – paragraph 1 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

The refocusing of the European Semester as established in the Commission Communication of 17 December 2019 should be integrated. This communication calls for a stronger focus on climate and environmental policies to reinforce the European Semester as an encompassing tool for economic and employment policy'.

Or. fr

Amendment 211Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationArticle 4 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

To achieve the general objective set out in Article 3, the instrument shall have the specific objectives of assisting national authorities in improving their capacity to design, develop and implement reforms, including through exchange of good practices, appropriate processes and methodologies and a more effective and efficient human resources management. Those specific objectives shall be pursued in close cooperation with the Member States concerned.

To achieve the general objective set out in Article 3, the instrument shall have the specific objectives of supporting national and, where appropriate, regional and local authorities in improving their capacity to design, develop, implement and monitor reforms, such as the preparation, implementation, revision and improvement of national recovery and resilience plans in accordance with Regulation (EU) No YYY/XX. It shall do so through, among other things, exchange of good practices, appropriate processes

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and methodologies, broad stakeholder involvement, and a more effective and efficient human resources management. Those specific objectives shall be pursued in close cooperation with the Member States concerned.

Or. en

Amendment 212Dimitrios Papadimoulison behalf of the GUE/NGL GroupProposal for a regulationArticle 4 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

To achieve the general objective set out in Article 3, the instrument shall have the specific objectives of assisting national authorities in improving their capacity to design, develop and implement reforms, including through exchange of good practices, appropriate processes and methodologies and a more effective and efficient human resources management. Those specific objectives shall be pursued in close cooperation with the Member States concerned.

To achieve the general objective set out in Article 3, the instrument shall have the specific objectives of assisting Member States and their competent national authorities in improving their capacity to design, develop and implement reforms and investments, including through exchange of good practices, appropriate processes and methodologies and a more effective and efficient human resources management. Those specific objectives shall be pursued in close cooperation with the Member States and the competent national authorities concerned.

Or. en

Amendment 213Roberts Zīle, Johan Van OvertveldtProposal for a regulationArticle 4 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

To achieve the general objective set out in Article 3, the instrument shall have the specific objectives of assisting national authorities in improving their capacity to design, develop and implement reforms, including through exchange of good practices, appropriate processes and methodologies and a more effective and

To achieve the general objective set out in Article 3, the instrument shall have the specific objectives of assisting national authorities in improving their capacity to design, develop and implement reforms, including through exchange of good practices, appropriate processes and methodologies, in particular digital or e-

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efficient human resources management. Those specific objectives shall be pursued in close cooperation with the Member States concerned.

government approaches, and a more effective and efficient human resources management. Those specific objectives shall be pursued in close cooperation with the Member States concerned.

Or. en

Amendment 214Hélène LaporteProposal for a regulationArticle 4 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

To achieve the general objective set out in Article 3, the instrument shall have the specific objectives of assisting national authorities in improving their capacity to design, develop and implement reforms, including through exchange of good practices, appropriate processes and methodologies and a more effective and efficient human resources management. Those specific objectives shall be pursued in close cooperation with the Member States concerned.

To achieve the general objective set out in Article 3, the instrument shall have the specific objectives of assisting national authorities in improving their capacity to design, develop and implement reforms that are in keeping with the subsidiarity principle, including through exchange of good practices, appropriate processes and methodologies and a more effective and efficient human resources management. Those specific objectives shall be pursued in close cooperation with the Member States concerned.

Or. fr

Amendment 215Olivier Chastel, Martin Hojsík, Nicolae Ştefănuță, Nils Torvalds, Valérie Hayer, Mauri Pekkarinen, Moritz KörnerProposal for a regulationArticle 4 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

To achieve the general objective set out in Article 3, the instrument shall have the specific objectives of assisting national authorities in improving their capacity to design, develop and implement reforms, including through exchange of good practices, appropriate processes and methodologies and a more effective and efficient human resources management. Those specific objectives shall be pursued

To achieve the general objective set out in Article 3, the instrument shall have the specific objectives of assisting national authorities in improving their capacity to design, develop and implement reforms, including through exchange of good practices, in particular the exchange of experts, appropriate processes and methodologies and a more effective and efficient human resources management.

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in close cooperation with the Member States concerned.

Those specific objectives shall be pursued in close cooperation with the Member States concerned.

Or. en

Amendment 216Joachim Kuhs, Gunnar Beck, Hélène LaporteProposal for a regulationArticle 4 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

To achieve the general objective set out in Article 3, the instrument shall have the specific objectives of assisting national authorities in improving their capacity to design, develop and implement reforms, including through exchange of good practices, appropriate processes and methodologies and a more effective and efficient human resources management. Those specific objectives shall be pursued in close cooperation with the Member States concerned.

To achieve the general objective set out in Article 3, the instrument shall have the specific objectives of assisting national authorities in improving their capacity to design, develop and implement reforms, including through exchange of good practices, appropriate processes and methodologies and a more effective and efficient human resources management. Those specific objectives shall be pursued in close cooperation with the Member States concerned and their national parliaments.

Or. en

Amendment 217José GusmãoProposal for a regulationArticle 4 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

To achieve the general objective set out in Article 3, the instrument shall have the specific objectives of assisting national authorities in improving their capacity to design, develop and implement reforms, including through exchange of good practices, appropriate processes and methodologies and a more effective and efficient human resources management. Those specific objectives shall be pursued in close cooperation with the Member States concerned.

To achieve the general objective set out in Article 3, the instrument shall have the specific objectives of assisting national authorities in improving their capacity to design, develop and implement reforms and promote public investment, including through exchange of good practices, appropriate processes and methodologies and a more effective and efficient human resources management. Those specific objectives shall be pursued in close cooperation with the Member States

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Or. en

Amendment 218Antonio Maria Rinaldi, Anna Bonfrisco, Valentino Grant, Marco ZanniProposal for a regulationArticle 4 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

To achieve the general objective set out in Article 3, the instrument shall have the specific objectives of assisting national authorities in improving their capacity to design, develop and implement reforms, including through exchange of good practices, appropriate processes and methodologies and a more effective and efficient human resources management. Those specific objectives shall be pursued in close cooperation with the Member States concerned.

To achieve the general objective set out in Article 3, the instrument shall have the specific objective to provide grants to Member States that should be used to support their national public administrations' capacity to design, develop and implement reforms, including through exchange of good practices, appropriate processes and methodologies and a more effective and efficient human resources management.

Or. en

Amendment 219Alfred SantProposal for a regulationArticle 4 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

To achieve the general objective set out in Article 3, the instrument shall have the specific objectives of assisting national authorities in improving their capacity to design, develop and implement reforms, including through exchange of good practices, appropriate processes and methodologies and a more effective and efficient human resources management. Those specific objectives shall be pursued in close cooperation with the Member States concerned.

To achieve the general objective set out in Article 3, the instrument shall have the specific objectives of assisting national authorities in improving their capacity to design, develop and implement reforms, including through exchange of good practices where applicable, appropriate processes and methodologies and a more effective and efficient human resources management. Those specific objectives shall be pursued in close cooperation with the Member States concerned.

Or. en

Amendment 220

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Aurore LalucqProposal for a regulationArticle 4 – paragraph 1 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

The instrument shall not, except for the outermost regions, directly or indirectly cover the cost of decommissioning or building nuclear power plants, of investments linked to the production, handling, distribution, storage or burning of fossil fuels, or of investments in airport infrastructure.

Or. fr

Amendment 221Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – introductory part

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

The specific objectives set out in Article 4 shall refer to policy areas related to cohesion, competitiveness, education, productivity, research and innovation, smart, fair, sustainable, and inclusive growth, jobs and investment, with specific emphasis to actions that foster the green and digital transitions, and in particular to one or more of the following:

The specific objectives set out in Article 4 shall refer to policy areas related to convergence, the improvement of economic, social and administrative resilience, sustainable development, cohesion, gender equality, childcare, health care, elderly care, education, research and innovation, smart, fair, sustainable, and inclusive growth, jobs and investment, with specific emphasis on actions that foster the green and open digital transitions, such as one or more of the following:

Or. en

Amendment 222Dimitrios Papadimoulison behalf of the GUE/NGL GroupProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – introductory part

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

The specific objectives set out in Article 4 The specific objectives set out in Article 4

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shall refer to policy areas related to cohesion, competitiveness, education, productivity, research and innovation, smart, fair, sustainable, and inclusive growth, jobs and investment, with specific emphasis to actions that foster the green and digital transitions, and in particular to one or more of the following:

shall refer to policy areas related to upward convergence, cohesion, resilience, social justice and inclusion, competitiveness, education, public healthcare, social infrastructure, productivity, research and innovation, smart, fair, sustainable and inclusive growth, high-quality jobs and investment, with specific emphasis to actions that foster the green and digital transitions, and in particular to one or more of the following:

Or. en

Amendment 223Joachim Kuhs, Gunnar Beck, Hélène LaporteProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – introductory part

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

The specific objectives set out in Article 4 shall refer to policy areas related to cohesion, competitiveness, education, productivity, research and innovation, smart, fair, sustainable, and inclusive growth, jobs and investment, with specific emphasis to actions that foster the green and digital transitions, and in particular to one or more of the following:

The specific objectives set out in Article 4 shall refer to policy areas related to cohesion, competitiveness, education, productivity, research and innovation, smart, fair, sustainable, and inclusive growth, jobs and equity investment, and in particular to one or more of the following:

Or. en

Amendment 224José GusmãoProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – introductory part

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

The specific objectives set out in Article 4 shall refer to policy areas related to cohesion, competitiveness, education, productivity, research and innovation, smart, fair, sustainable, and inclusive growth, jobs and investment, with specific emphasis to actions that foster the green and digital transitions, and in particular to

The specific objectives set out in Article 4 shall refer to policy areas related to cohesion, competitiveness, education, productivity, research and innovation, smart, fair, sustainable, and inclusive growth, jobs and investment, with specific emphasis to actions that foster the green and digital transitions as well as the fight

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one or more of the following: against poverty and inequality, focusing in one or more of the following:

Or. en

Amendment 225Alfred SantProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – introductory part

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

The specific objectives set out in Article 4 shall refer to policy areas related to cohesion, competitiveness, education, productivity, research and innovation, smart, fair, sustainable, and inclusive growth, jobs and investment, with specific emphasis to actions that foster the green and digital transitions, and in particular to one or more of the following:

The specific objectives set out in Article 4 shall refer to policy areas related to cohesion, competitiveness, education, productivity, research and innovation, smart, fair, sustainable, and inclusive growth, jobs and investment, with specific emphasis to actions that foster the green and digital transitions in a socially conscious manner, and in particular to one or more of the following:

Or. en

Amendment 226Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, Costas MavridesProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – introductory part

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

The specific objectives set out in Article 4 shall refer to policy areas related to cohesion, competitiveness, education, productivity, research and innovation, smart, fair, sustainable, and inclusive growth, jobs and investment, with specific emphasis to actions that foster the green and digital transitions, and in particular to one or more of the following:

The specific objectives set out in Article 4 shall refer to policy areas related to cohesion, competitiveness, education, productivity, research and innovation, smart, fair, sustainable, and inclusive growth, high-quality jobs and investment, with specific emphasis to actions that foster the green and digital transitions, and in particular to one or more of the following:

Or. en

Amendment 227Hélène LaporteProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – point a

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Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a) public financial and asset management, budget process, macro-fiscal framework, debt and cash management, expenditure and tax policy, tax compliance, aggressive tax planning, tax fraud and evasion and revenue administration and customs union;

(a) tax fraud and evasion;

Or. fr

Amendment 228Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – point a

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a) public financial and asset management, budget process, macro-fiscal framework, debt and cash management, expenditure and tax policy, tax compliance, aggressive tax planning, tax fraud and evasion and revenue administration and customs union;

(a) modern and effective administrative structures and information management systems for public financial and asset management, budget process, in particular gender budgeting, macro-fiscal framework, debt and cash management, expenditure and tax policy, tax compliance, combatting aggressive tax planning, tax fraud and evasion, and revenue administration and customs union;

Or. en

Amendment 229Jessica Polfjärd, Jörgen WarbornProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – point a

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a) public financial and asset management, budget process, macro-fiscal framework, debt and cash management, expenditure and tax policy, tax compliance, aggressive tax planning, tax fraud and evasion and revenue administration and customs union;

(a) public financial and asset management, independent review of fiscal and budgetary policies, budget process, macro-fiscal framework, debt and cash management, expenditure and tax policy, especially tax reform towards less distortive revenues, tax compliance, aggressive tax planning, tax fraud and evasion and revenue administration and

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customs union;

Or. en

Amendment 230Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, Costas MavridesProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – point a

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a) public financial and asset management, budget process, macro-fiscal framework, debt and cash management, expenditure and tax policy, tax compliance, aggressive tax planning, tax fraud and evasion and revenue administration and customs union;

(a) public financial and asset management, budget process, macro-economic framework, debt and cash management, expenditure and tax policy, tax compliance, aggressive tax planning, tax evasion, tax fraud and evasion and revenue and expenditure administration and customs union;

Or. en

Amendment 231Dimitrios Papadimoulison behalf of the GUE/NGL GroupProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – point a

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a) public financial and asset management, budget process, macro-fiscal framework, debt and cash management, expenditure and tax policy, tax compliance, aggressive tax planning, tax fraud and evasion and revenue administration and customs union;

(a) public financial and asset management, budget process, macro-fiscal framework, debt and cash management, expenditure and tax policy, tax compliance, aggressive tax planning, tax fraud, tax evasion and tax avoidance and revenue administration and customs union;

Or. en

Amendment 232José GusmãoProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – point a

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a) public financial and asset management, budget process, macro-fiscal

(a) public financial and asset management, budget process, macro-fiscal

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framework, debt and cash management, expenditure and tax policy, tax compliance, aggressive tax planning, tax fraud and evasion and revenue administration and customs union;

framework, debt and cash management, expenditure and tax policy, tax compliance, the fight against aggressive tax planning, tax fraud and evasion and revenue administration and customs union;

Or. en

Amendment 233Nicolae Ştefănuță, Olivier ChastelProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – point a

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a) public financial and asset management, budget process, macro-fiscal framework, debt and cash management, expenditure and tax policy, tax compliance, aggressive tax planning, tax fraud and evasion and revenue administration and customs union;

(a) public financial and asset management, budget process, macro-fiscal framework, debt and cash management, expenditure and tax policy, tax compliance, aggressive tax planning, tax fraud and evasion, legal system and revenue administration and customs union;

Or. en

Amendment 234Aurore LalucqProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – point a

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a) public financial and asset management, budget process, macro-fiscal framework, debt and cash management, expenditure and tax policy, tax compliance, aggressive tax planning, tax fraud and evasion and revenue administration and customs union;

(a) public financial and asset management, budget process, macro-fiscal framework, debt and cash management, expenditure and tax policy, tax compliance, aggressive tax planning, tax fraud, avoidance and evasion and revenue administration and customs union;

Or. fr

Amendment 235Joachim Kuhs, Gunnar BeckProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – point a

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

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(a) public financial and asset management, budget process, macro-fiscal framework, debt and cash management, expenditure and tax policy, tax compliance, aggressive tax planning, tax fraud and evasion and revenue administration and customs union;

(a) public financial and asset management, budget process, reduction of overreliance on debt, macro-fiscal framework, debt and cash management, expenditure and tax policy, tax compliance, tax fraud and evasion and revenue administration and customs union;

Or. en

Amendment 236Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – point b

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(b) institutional reform and efficient and service-oriented functioning of public administration and e-government, including, where appropriate, through the simplification of rules, effective rule of law, reform of the justice systems and reinforcement of the fight against fraud, corruption and money laundering;

(b) institutional reform and efficient and service-oriented functioning of public administration and digitalisation of public administration, including secure digital communication systems including video-conferencing, to promote e-government, including the digitalisation of public administration and, where appropriate, through the clarification or simplification of rules, effective rule of law, reform of the justice systems, well-equipped competition and antitrust authorities, and reinforcement of the fight against fraud, corruption and money laundering;

Or. en

Amendment 237José Manuel FernandesProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – point b

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(b) institutional reform and efficient and service-oriented functioning of public administration and e-government, including, where appropriate, through the simplification of rules, effective rule of law, reform of the justice systems and reinforcement of the fight against fraud, corruption and money laundering;

(b) institutional reform and efficient and service-oriented functioning of public administration and e-government, including, where appropriate, through the simplification of procedures and promotion of administrative cooperation, effective rule of law, reform of the justice systems and reinforcement of the fight

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against fraud, corruption and money laundering;

Or. en

Amendment 238Markus FerberProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – point b

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(b) institutional reform and efficient and service-oriented functioning of public administration and e-government, including, where appropriate, through the simplification of rules, effective rule of law, reform of the justice systems and reinforcement of the fight against fraud, corruption and money laundering;

(b) institutional reform and efficient and service-oriented functioning of public administration and e-government, including, where appropriate, through the simplification of rules, effective rule of law, reform of the justice systems and reinforcement of the fight against fraud, corruption and money laundering and strengthening financial supervision;

Or. en

Amendment 239Joachim Kuhs, Gunnar Beck, Hélène LaporteProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – point b

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(b) institutional reform and efficient and service-oriented functioning of public administration and e-government, including, where appropriate, through the simplification of rules, effective rule of law, reform of the justice systems and reinforcement of the fight against fraud, corruption and money laundering;

(b) institutional reform and efficient and service-oriented functioning of public administration and e-government, including, where appropriate, through the simplification of rules, effective rule of law, reform of the justice systems and reinforcement of the fight against fraud, corruption, money laundering and terrorist financing;

Or. en

Amendment 240Alfred SantProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – point c

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

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(c) business environment, including for small and medium-sized enterprises and social economy enterprises, re-industrialisation, private sector development, product and service markets, investment, public participation in enterprises, privatisation processes, trade and foreign direct investment, competition and public procurement, sustainable sectoral development and support for research and innovation and digitisation;

(c) business environment, including for small and medium-sized enterprises and social economy enterprises, re-industrialisation, private sector development, product and service markets, investment, public participation in enterprises, reduction of red tape, privatisation processes, trade and foreign direct investment, competition and public procurement, sustainable sectoral development, relaunching the tourism sector, and support for research and innovation and digitisation;

Or. en

Amendment 241Joachim Kuhs, Gunnar Beck, Hélène LaporteProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – point c

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c) business environment, including for small and medium-sized enterprises and social economy enterprises, re-industrialisation, private sector development, product and service markets, investment, public participation in enterprises, privatisation processes, trade and foreign direct investment, competition and public procurement, sustainable sectoral development and support for research and innovation and digitisation;

(c) business environment, including for small and medium-sized enterprises and social economy enterprises, re-industrialisation, private sector development, product and service markets, investment, public participation in enterprises, privatisation processes, trade and foreign direct investment, competition and public procurement, sustainable sectoral development and support for research and innovation, digitisation and the reduction of red tape;

Or. en

Amendment 242Aurore LalucqProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – point c

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c) business environment, including for small and medium-sized enterprises and

(c) business environment, including for small and medium-sized enterprises and

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social economy enterprises, re-industrialisation, private sector development, product and service markets, investment, public participation in enterprises, privatisation processes, trade and foreign direct investment, competition and public procurement, sustainable sectoral development and support for research and innovation and digitisation;

social economy enterprises, re-industrialisation, reshoring of businesses within Europe, private sector development, product and service markets, public investment, public participation in enterprises, privatisation processes, trade and foreign direct investment, competition and public procurement, sustainable sectoral development and support for research and innovation and digitisation;

Or. fr

Amendment 243Dimitrios Papadimoulison behalf of the GUE/NGL GroupProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – point c

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c) business environment, including for small and medium-sized enterprises and social economy enterprises, re-industrialisation, private sector development, product and service markets, investment, public participation in enterprises, privatisation processes, trade and foreign direct investment, competition and public procurement, sustainable sectoral development and support for research and innovation and digitisation;

(c) business environment, including for small and medium-sized enterprises and social economy enterprises, re-industrialisation, private sector development, product and service markets, public investment policy, private investments, public participation in enterprises, privatisation processes, trade and foreign direct investment, competition and public procurement, sustainable sectoral development and support for research and innovation and digitisation;

Or. en

Amendment 244Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – point c

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c) business environment, including for small and medium-sized enterprises and social economy enterprises, re-industrialisation, private sector development, product and service markets, investment, public participation in

(c) a sustainable competitive business environment, including for small and medium-sized enterprises and social economy enterprises, removing barriers to entry in product and service markets, promoting sustainable investment, public

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enterprises, privatisation processes, trade and foreign direct investment, competition and public procurement, sustainable sectoral development and support for research and innovation and digitisation;

participation in enterprises, trade, competition, increasing efficiency and transparency in public procurement, sustainable sectoral development and support for research and innovation and digitisation;

Or. en

Amendment 245Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, Costas MavridesProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – point c

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c) business environment, including for small and medium-sized enterprises and social economy enterprises, re-industrialisation, private sector development, product and service markets, investment, public participation in enterprises, privatisation processes, trade and foreign direct investment, competition and public procurement, sustainable sectoral development and support for research and innovation and digitisation;

(c) business environment, including for small and medium-sized enterprises and social economy enterprises, re-industrialisation, private sector development, product and service markets, public and private investment including public participation in enterprises, trade and foreign direct investment, competition and public procurement, sustainable sectoral development and support for research and innovation and digitisation;

Or. en

Amendment 246José Manuel FernandesProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – point c

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c) business environment, including for small and medium-sized enterprises and social economy enterprises, re-industrialisation, private sector development, product and service markets, investment, public participation in enterprises, privatisation processes, trade and foreign direct investment, competition and public procurement, sustainable sectoral development and support for research and innovation and digitisation;

(c) business environment, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises and social economy enterprises, re-industrialisation, private sector development, product and service markets, investment, public participation in enterprises, privatisation processes, trade and foreign direct investment, competition and public procurement, sustainable sectoral development and support for research and

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innovation and digitisation;

Or. en

Amendment 247Jessica Polfjärd, Jörgen WarbornProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – point c

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c) business environment, including for small and medium-sized enterprises and social economy enterprises, re-industrialisation, private sector development, product and service markets, investment, public participation in enterprises, privatisation processes, trade and foreign direct investment, competition and public procurement, sustainable sectoral development and support for research and innovation and digitisation;

(c) business environment, including for small and medium-sized enterprises and social economy enterprises, re-industrialisation, private sector development, product and service markets, investment, privatisation processes in relevant sectors, trade and foreign direct investment, competition and public procurement, sustainable sectoral development and support for research and innovation and digitisation;

Or. en

Amendment 248Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, Costas MavridesProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – point d

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(d) education and training, labour market policies, including social dialogue, for the creation of jobs, up- and re-skilling, in particular digital skills, media literacy, active citizenship, the fight against poverty and excessive income inequality, gender equality, the promotion of social inclusion, adequate and inclusive social security and social welfare systems, accessible and affordable public health and healthcare systems, as well as cohesion, asylum, migration and border policies;

(d) education and training, labour market policies, including social dialogue, for the creation of high-quality jobs, up- and re-skilling, in particular digital skills, media literacy, active citizenship, the fight against poverty and income inequality, gender equality, fight against racism and all forms of discrimination, the promotion of social inclusion, adequate and inclusive social security and social welfare systems, social public infrastructure, accessible and affordable public health, healthcare and care systems, including housing policy, as well as cohesion, asylum, migration and border policies;

Or. en

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Amendment 249Joachim Kuhs, Gunnar Beck, Hélène LaporteProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – point d

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(d) education and training, labour market policies, including social dialogue, for the creation of jobs, up- and re-skilling, in particular digital skills, media literacy, active citizenship, the fight against poverty and excessive income inequality, gender equality, the promotion of social inclusion, adequate and inclusive social security and social welfare systems, accessible and affordable public health and healthcare systems, as well as cohesion, asylum, migration and border policies;

(d) education and training, labour market policies, including social dialogue, for the creation of jobs, up- and re-skilling, in particular digital skills, media literacy, active citizenship, the fight against poverty and excessive income inequality, adequate social security and systems, accessible and affordable public health and healthcare systems;

Or. en

Amendment 250Jessica Polfjärd, Jörgen WarbornProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – point d

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(d) education and training, labour market policies, including social dialogue, for the creation of jobs, up- and re-skilling, in particular digital skills, media literacy, active citizenship, the fight against poverty and excessive income inequality, gender equality, the promotion of social inclusion, adequate and inclusive social security and social welfare systems, accessible and affordable public health and healthcare systems, as well as cohesion, asylum, migration and border policies;

(d) education and training, increased labour market participation of under-represented groups, labour market policies, including social dialogue, for the creation of jobs, up- and re-skilling, in particular digital skills, media literacy, active citizenship, the fight against poverty and excessive income inequality, gender equality, the promotion of social inclusion, adequate and inclusive social security and social welfare systems, accessible and affordable public health and healthcare systems, as well as cohesion, asylum, migration and border policies;

Or. en

Amendment 251José Manuel FernandesProposal for a regulation

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Article 5 – paragraph 1 – point d

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(d) education and training, labour market policies, including social dialogue, for the creation of jobs, up- and re-skilling, in particular digital skills, media literacy, active citizenship, the fight against poverty and excessive income inequality, gender equality, the promotion of social inclusion, adequate and inclusive social security and social welfare systems, accessible and affordable public health and healthcare systems, as well as cohesion, asylum, migration and border policies;

(d) education and training, labour market policies, including social dialogue, for the creation of jobs, up- and re-skilling, in particular digital skills, media literacy, active citizenship, the fight against poverty and excessive income inequality, gender equality, the promotion of social inclusion, adequate and inclusive social security and social welfare systems, accessible and affordable public health and healthcare systems, promotion of active ageing, as well as economic, social and territorial cohesion, civil protection, asylum, migration and border policies;

Or. en

Amendment 252Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – point d

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(d) education and training, labour market policies, including social dialogue, for the creation of jobs, up- and re-skilling, in particular digital skills, media literacy, active citizenship, the fight against poverty and excessive income inequality, gender equality, the promotion of social inclusion, adequate and inclusive social security and social welfare systems, accessible and affordable public health and healthcare systems, as well as cohesion, asylum, migration and border policies;

(d) education and training, labour market policies, including social dialogue, for the creation of high quality jobs, up- and re-skilling, in particular digital skills, media literacy, active citizenship, the fight against poverty and income inequality, gender equality, the promotion of social inclusion, adequate and inclusive social security and social welfare systems, accessible and affordable public health and healthcare systems, affordable high-quality child care, affordable care for the elderly and for persons with disabilities, as well as cohesion policies;

Or. en

Amendment 253Dimitrios Papadimoulison behalf of the GUE/NGL GroupProposal for a regulation

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Article 5 – paragraph 1 – point d

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(d) education and training, labour market policies, including social dialogue, for the creation of jobs, up- and re-skilling, in particular digital skills, media literacy, active citizenship, the fight against poverty and excessive income inequality, gender equality, the promotion of social inclusion, adequate and inclusive social security and social welfare systems, accessible and affordable public health and healthcare systems, as well as cohesion, asylum, migration and border policies;

(d) education and training, inclusive labour market policies, including social dialogue, for the creation of high-quality jobs, up- and re-skilling, in particular digital skills, media literacy, active citizenship, the fight against poverty and income inequality, gender equality, the promotion of social inclusion, adequate and inclusive social security and social welfare systems, accessible and affordable public health and healthcare systems, child care, housing, social infrastructure as well as cohesion, asylum, migration, border policies and integration;

Or. en

Amendment 254José GusmãoProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – point d

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(d) education and training, labour market policies, including social dialogue, for the creation of jobs, up- and re-skilling, in particular digital skills, media literacy, active citizenship, the fight against poverty and excessive income inequality, gender equality, the promotion of social inclusion, adequate and inclusive social security and social welfare systems, accessible and affordable public health and healthcare systems, as well as cohesion, asylum, migration and border policies;

(d) education and training, labour market policies, including social dialogue, for the creation of high quality and stable jobs, up- and re-skilling, in particular digital skills, media literacy, active citizenship, the fight against poverty, income inequality and precariousness, the promotion of gender equality, the promotion of social inclusion, adequate and inclusive social security and social welfare systems, accessible and affordable public health and healthcare systems, as well as cohesion, asylum, migration and border policies;

Or. en

Amendment 255Markus FerberProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – point d

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Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(d) education and training, labour market policies, including social dialogue, for the creation of jobs, up- and re-skilling, in particular digital skills, media literacy, active citizenship, the fight against poverty and excessive income inequality, gender equality, the promotion of social inclusion, adequate and inclusive social security and social welfare systems, accessible and affordable public health and healthcare systems, as well as cohesion, asylum, migration and border policies;

(d) education and training, including vocational training, labour market policies, including social dialogue, for the creation of jobs, up- and re-skilling, in particular digital skills, media literacy, active citizenship, the fight against poverty and excessive income inequality, gender equality, the promotion of social inclusion, adequate and inclusive social security and social welfare systems, accessible and affordable public health and healthcare systems, as well as cohesion, asylum, migration and border policies;

Or. en


Vocational training systems have a good track record in teaching skills that are relevant for the labour market thus reducing (youth) unemployment.

Amendment 256Olivier Chastel, Martin Hojsík, Nicolae Ştefănuță, Nils Torvalds, Valérie Hayer, Mauri Pekkarinen, Moritz KörnerProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – point d

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(d) education and training, labour market policies, including social dialogue, for the creation of jobs, up- and re-skilling, in particular digital skills, media literacy, active citizenship, the fight against poverty and excessive income inequality, gender equality, the promotion of social inclusion, adequate and inclusive social security and social welfare systems, accessible and affordable public health and healthcare systems, as well as cohesion, asylum, migration and border policies;

(d) education and training, labour market policies, including social dialogue, for the creation of jobs, up- and re-skilling, in particular digital skills, media literacy, active citizenship, the fight against poverty, excessive income inequality and discrimination, gender equality, the promotion of social inclusion, adequate and inclusive social security and social welfare systems, accessible and affordable public health for all and healthcare systems, as well as cohesion, asylum, migration and border policies;

Or. en

Amendment 257

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Isabel Benjumea BenjumeaProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – point d

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(d) education and training, labour market policies, including social dialogue, for the creation of jobs, up- and re-skilling, in particular digital skills, media literacy, active citizenship, the fight against poverty and excessive income inequality, gender equality, the promotion of social inclusion, adequate and inclusive social security and social welfare systems, accessible and affordable public health and healthcare systems, as well as cohesion, asylum, migration and border policies;

(d) education and training, labour market policies, including social dialogue, for the creation of jobs, up- and re-skilling, in particular digital skills, media literacy, active citizenship, the fight against poverty and excessive income inequality, gender equality, the promotion of social inclusion, adequate and inclusive social security and social welfare systems, accessible and affordable public health, healthcare and social care systems, as well as cohesion, asylum, migration and border policies;

Or. es

Amendment 258Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – point e

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(e) policies for implementing the digital and the green transitions, e-government solutions, e-procurement, connectivity, data access and governance, e-learning, use of Artificial Intelligence based solutions, the environmental pillar of sustainable development and environmental protection, climate action, mobility, promoting the circular economy, energy and resource efficiency, renewable energy sources, achieving energy diversification and ensuring energy security, and for the agricultural sector, soil and biodiversity protection, fisheries and the sustainable development of rural areas; and

(e) climate change mitigation, policies for implementing the green and open digital transitions, e-government solutions, e-procurement, connectivity, data access and governance, e-learning, use of Artificial Intelligence based solutions, open software and open hardware solutions, personal data protection, the environmental pillar of sustainable development and environmental protection, climate action, sustainable mobility, promoting the circular economy, energy and resource efficiency, renewable energy sources, achieving energy diversification and ensuring energy security, and for the agricultural sector, soil and biodiversity protection, fisheries and the sustainable development of rural and remote areas; and

Or. en

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Amendment 259Joachim Kuhs, Gunnar BeckProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – point e

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(e) policies for implementing the digital and the green transitions, e-government solutions, e-procurement, connectivity, data access and governance, e-learning, use of Artificial Intelligence based solutions, the environmental pillar of sustainable development and environmental protection, climate action, mobility, promoting the circular economy, energy and resource efficiency, renewable energy sources, achieving energy diversification and ensuring energy security, and for the agricultural sector, soil and biodiversity protection, fisheries and the sustainable development of rural areas; and

(e) policies for implementing the digital transition, e-government solutions, e-procurement, connectivity, data access and governance, environmental protection, mobility, promoting the circular economy, energy and resource efficiency, sustainable energy sources, achieving energy diversification and ensuring energy security, and for the agricultural sector, soil and biodiversity protection, fisheries and the sustainable development of rural areas; and

Or. en

Amendment 260Alfred SantProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – point e

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(e) policies for implementing the digital and the green transitions, e-government solutions, e-procurement, connectivity, data access and governance, e-learning, use of Artificial Intelligence based solutions, the environmental pillar of sustainable development and environmental protection, climate action, mobility, promoting the circular economy, energy and resource efficiency, renewable energy sources, achieving energy diversification and ensuring energy security, and for the agricultural sector, soil and biodiversity protection, fisheries and the sustainable development of rural areas; and

(e) policies for implementing the digital and the green transitions, e-government solutions, e-procurement, connectivity, data access and governance, e-learning, use of Artificial Intelligence based solutions, the environmental pillar of sustainable development and environmental protection, climate action, mobility and connection including public transport, promoting the circular economy, energy and resource efficiency, renewable energy sources, achieving energy diversification and ensuring energy security and autonomy, and for the agricultural sector, soil and biodiversity protection, fisheries and the sustainable

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development of rural, remote and insular areas; and

Or. en

Amendment 261Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, Costas MavridesProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – point e

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(e) policies for implementing the digital and the green transitions, e-government solutions, e-procurement, connectivity, data access and governance, e-learning, use of Artificial Intelligence based solutions, the environmental pillar of sustainable development and environmental protection, climate action, mobility, promoting the circular economy, energy and resource efficiency, renewable energy sources, achieving energy diversification and ensuring energy security, and for the agricultural sector, soil and biodiversity protection, fisheries and the sustainable development of rural areas; and

(e) policies for implementing the digital and the green just transitions, mitigating climate change, a sustainable and circulate economy, e-government solutions, e-procurement, connectivity, data access and governance, e-learning, use of Artificial Intelligence based solutions, the environmental pillar of sustainable development and environmental protection, climate action, mobility, promoting the circular economy, energy and resource efficiency, renewable energy sources, achieving energy diversification and ensuring energy security, and for the agricultural sector, soil and biodiversity protection, fisheries and the sustainable development of rural areas; and

Or. en

Amendment 262Olivier Chastel, Martin Hojsík, Nicolae Ştefănuță, Nils Torvalds, Valérie Hayer, Mauri Pekkarinen, Moritz KörnerProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – point e

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(e) policies for implementing the digital and the green transitions, e-government solutions, e-procurement, connectivity, data access and governance, e-learning, use of Artificial Intelligence based solutions, the environmental pillar of sustainable development and environmental protection, climate action, mobility, promoting the circular economy,

(e) policies for implementing the digital and the green transitions, e-government solutions, e-procurement, connectivity, data access and governance, data protection, e-learning, use of Artificial Intelligence based solutions, the environmental pillar of sustainable development and environmental protection, climate action, mobility, promoting the

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energy and resource efficiency, renewable energy sources, achieving energy diversification and ensuring energy security, and for the agricultural sector, soil and biodiversity protection, fisheries and the sustainable development of rural areas; and

circular economy, energy and resource efficiency, renewable energy sources, achieving energy diversification and ensuring energy security, and for the agricultural sector, soil and biodiversity protection, fisheries and the sustainable development of rural areas; and

Or. en

Amendment 263Dimitrios Papadimoulison behalf of the GUE/NGL GroupProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – point e

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(e) policies for implementing the digital and the green transitions, e-government solutions, e-procurement, connectivity, data access and governance, e-learning, use of Artificial Intelligence based solutions, the environmental pillar of sustainable development and environmental protection, climate action, mobility, promoting the circular economy, energy and resource efficiency, renewable energy sources, achieving energy diversification and ensuring energy security, and for the agricultural sector, soil and biodiversity protection, fisheries and the sustainable development of rural areas; and

(e) policies for implementing the digital and the green transitions, e-government solutions, e-procurement, connectivity, data access and governance, e-learning, use of Artificial Intelligence based solutions, the environmental pillar of sustainable development and environmental protection, climate action, mobility, promoting the circular economy, energy and resource efficiency, renewable energy sources, achieving energy diversification and ensuring energy security, tackling energy poverty, and for the agricultural sector, soil and biodiversity protection, fisheries and the sustainable development of rural and remote areas; and

Or. en

Amendment 264Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – point f

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(f) financial sector policies, including: the promotion of financial literacy, financial stability, access to finance and lending to the real economy; and

(f) financial sector policies, especially the promotion of financial stability through improved and harmonised supervision, as well as policies to improve

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production, provision and quality monitoring of data and statistics.

access to finance, lending to the real economy and financial and general economic education; and production, provision and quality monitoring of data and statistics;

Or. en

Amendment 265Joachim Kuhs, Gunnar BeckProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – point f

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(f) financial sector policies, including: the promotion of financial literacy, financial stability, access to finance and lending to the real economy; and production, provision and quality monitoring of data and statistics.

(f) financial sector policies, including: the promotion of financial literacy, financial stability, access to finance and reduction of overreliance on debt-financing to the economy; and production, provision and quality monitoring of data and statistics.

Or. en

Amendment 266Dimitrios Papadimoulison behalf of the GUE/NGL GroupProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – point f

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(f) financial sector policies, including: the promotion of financial literacy, financial stability, access to finance and lending to the real economy; and production, provision and quality monitoring of data and statistics.

(f) financial sector policies, including: the promotion of financial literacy, financial stability, access to finance and lending to the real economy with a special focus on SMEs; and production, provision and quality monitoring of data and statistics.

Or. en

Amendment 267José GusmãoProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – point f

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

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(f) financial sector policies, including: the promotion of financial literacy, financial stability, access to finance and lending to the real economy; and production, provision and quality monitoring of data and statistics.

(f) financial sector policies, including: the promotion of financial literacy, financial stability and financial regulation, access to finance and lending to the real economy; and production, provision and quality monitoring of data and statistics.

Or. en

Amendment 268Nicolae Ştefănuță, Olivier ChastelProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – point f a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(fa) infrastructure sector policies, including the design, preparation and implementation of the infrastructure construction projects such as highways, railways, bridges, water and water waste management, telecommunications networks, power generation, power generation and transmission, hazardous waste removal and storage and water supply and resources, as well the support to advise for the legal reforms necessary to ensure the implementation of the projects in time;

Or. en

Amendment 269Sirpa PietikäinenProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – point f a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(fa) local technical support for project promoters and innovation, and for project nurseries to help projects to mature to receive financing.

Or. en

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Amendment 270Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – point f a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(fa) policies that are relevant for the preparation for euro-area accession.

Or. en

Amendment 271Nicolae Ştefănuță, Olivier ChastelProposal for a regulationArticle 5 – paragraph 1 – point f b (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(fb) healthcare policies, including reforms to ensure a better resilience of healthcare systems, legal reforms to ensure a more equitable access to healthcare, as well as support in design, preparation and implementation of hospitals.

Or. en

Amendment 272Hélène LaporteProposal for a regulationArticle 6 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1. The financial envelope for the implementation of the instrument for the period 2021-2027 shall be EUR 864 406 000 in current prices.


Or. fr

Amendment 273Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationArticle 6 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

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1. The financial envelope for the implementation of the instrument for the period 2021-2027 shall be EUR 864 406 000 in current prices.

1. The financial envelope for the implementation of the instrument for the period 2021-2027 shall be EUR 2 000 000 000 in current prices.

Or. en

Amendment 274Joachim Kuhs, Gunnar BeckProposal for a regulationArticle 6 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1. The financial envelope for the implementation of the instrument for the period 2021-2027 shall be EUR 864 406 000 in current prices.

1. The financial envelope for the implementation of the instrument for the period 2021-2027 shall be EUR 500 000 000 in current prices.

Or. en

Amendment 275Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, Costas MavridesProposal for a regulationArticle 6 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1. The financial envelope for the implementation of the instrument for the period 2021-2027 shall be EUR 864 406 000 in current prices.

1. The financial envelope for the implementation of the instrument for the period 2021-2027 shall be EUR 1 000 000 000 in current prices.

Or. en

Amendment 276Hélène Laporte, Joachim Kuhs, Gunnar BeckProposal for a regulationArticle 6 – paragraph 2

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

2. The financial envelope for the instrument may also cover expenses pertaining to preparatory, monitoring, control, audit and evaluation activities, which are required for the management of

2. The financial envelope for the instrument may also cover expenses pertaining to preparatory, monitoring, control, audit and evaluation activities, which are required for the management of

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the instrument and the achievement of its objectives, in particular studies, meetings of experts, information and communication actions, including corporate communication of the political priorities of the Union, in so far as they are related to the objectives of this Regulation, expenses linked to IT networks focusing on information processing and exchange, including corporate information technology tools, and all other technical and administrative assistance expenses incurred by the Commission for the management of the instrument. Expenses may also cover the costs of other supporting activities such as quality control and monitoring of technical support projects on the ground and the costs of peer counselling and experts for the assessment and implementation of structural reforms.

the instrument and the achievement of its objectives, in so far as they are related to the objectives of this Regulation, expenses linked to IT networks focusing on information processing and exchange, including corporate information technology tools, and all other technical and administrative assistance expenses incurred by the Commission for the management of the instrument. Expenses must also cover the costs of other supporting activities such as quality control and monitoring of technical support projects on the ground and the costs of peer counselling and experts for the assessment and implementation of structural reforms.

Or. fr

Amendment 277Joachim Kuhs, Gunnar BeckProposal for a regulationArticle 6 – paragraph 2

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

2. The financial envelope for the instrument may also cover expenses pertaining to preparatory, monitoring, control, audit and evaluation activities, which are required for the management of the instrument and the achievement of its objectives, in particular studies, meetings of experts, information and communication actions, including corporate communication of the political priorities of the Union, in so far as they are related to the objectives of this Regulation, expenses linked to IT networks focusing on information processing and exchange, including corporate information technology tools, and all other technical and administrative assistance expenses incurred by the Commission for the management of the instrument. Expenses may also cover

2. The financial envelope for the instrument may also cover expenses pertaining to preparatory, monitoring, control, audit and evaluation activities, which are required for the management of the instrument and the achievement of its objectives, in particular studies, meetings of experts, information and communication actions, expenses linked to IT networks focusing on information processing and exchange, including corporate information technology tools, and all other technical and administrative assistance expenses incurred by the Commission for the management of the instrument. Expenses may also cover the costs of other supporting activities such as quality control and monitoring of technical support projects on the ground and the costs of peer

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the costs of other supporting activities such as quality control and monitoring of technical support projects on the ground and the costs of peer counselling and experts for the assessment and implementation of structural reforms.

counselling and experts for the assessment and implementation of structural reforms.

Or. en

Amendment 278Olivier Chastel, Martin Hojsík, Nicolae Ştefănuță, Nils Torvalds, Valérie Hayer, Mauri Pekkarinen, Moritz KörnerProposal for a regulationArticle 6 – paragraph 2

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

2. The financial envelope for the instrument may also cover expenses pertaining to preparatory, monitoring, control, audit and evaluation activities, which are required for the management of the instrument and the achievement of its objectives, in particular studies, meetings of experts, information and communication actions, including corporate communication of the political priorities of the Union, in so far as they are related to the objectives of this Regulation, expenses linked to IT networks focusing on information processing and exchange, including corporate information technology tools, and all other technical and administrative assistance expenses incurred by the Commission for the management of the instrument. Expenses may also cover the costs of other supporting activities such as quality control and monitoring of technical support projects on the ground and the costs of peer counselling and experts for the assessment and implementation of structural reforms.

2. The financial envelope for the instrument may also cover expenses pertaining to preparatory, monitoring, control, audit and evaluation activities, which are required for the management of the instrument and the achievement of its objectives, in particular studies, meetings of experts, information and communication actions, including corporate communication of the political priorities of the Union, in so far as they are related to the objectives of this Regulation, expenses linked to IT networks focusing on information processing and exchange, including corporate information technology tools, and all other technical and administrative assistance expenses incurred by the Commission for the management of the instrument. Expenses may also cover the costs of other supporting activities such as quality control and monitoring of technical support projects on the ground, in particular by sending experts, and the costs of peer counselling and experts for the assessment and implementation of structural reforms.

Or. en

Amendment 279Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulation

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Article 6 – paragraph 2

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

2. The financial envelope for the instrument may also cover expenses pertaining to preparatory, monitoring, control, audit and evaluation activities, which are required for the management of the instrument and the achievement of its objectives, in particular studies, meetings of experts, information and communication actions, including corporate communication of the political priorities of the Union, in so far as they are related to the objectives of this Regulation, expenses linked to IT networks focusing on information processing and exchange, including corporate information technology tools, and all other technical and administrative assistance expenses incurred by the Commission for the management of the instrument. Expenses may also cover the costs of other supporting activities such as quality control and monitoring of technical support projects on the ground and the costs of peer counselling and experts for the assessment and implementation of structural reforms.

2. The financial envelope for the instrument may also cover expenses pertaining to preparatory, monitoring, control, audit and evaluation activities, which are required for the management of the instrument and the achievement of its objectives, in particular studies, meetings of stakeholders and experts, information and communication actions, including corporate communication of the political priorities of the Union, in so far as they are related to the objectives of this Regulation, expenses linked to IT networks focusing on information processing and exchange, including corporate information technology tools, and all other technical and administrative assistance expenses incurred by the Commission for the management of the instrument. Expenses may also cover the costs of other supporting activities such as quality control and monitoring of technical support projects on the ground and the costs of peer counselling and experts for the assessment and implementation of structural reforms.

Or. en

Amendment 280José Manuel FernandesProposal for a regulationArticle 6 – paragraph 2 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

2a. For a period of twenty months from the date of application of this Regulation, the Commission shall make available for allocation 50% of the overall envelope referred to in paragraph 1. Each Member State may propose to receive up to the full amount of the financial contribution referred to paragraph 1 in order  to pursue the objectives set out in Articles 3 and 4 of this Regulation.

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Or. en

Amendment 281José Manuel FernandesProposal for a regulationArticle 6 – paragraph 2 b (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

2b. For the period starting after the end of the period referred to in the previous paragraph, the Commission shall make available the remaining 50% of the overall envelope referred to in paragraph 1, plus the amount that has not yet been allocated.

Or. en

Amendment 282Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, Costas MavridesProposal for a regulationArticle 6 – paragraph 3

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

3. Resources allocated to Member States under shared management may, at their request, be transferred to the instrument. The Commission shall implement those resources directly in accordance with point (a) of Article 62(1) of the Financial Regulation or indirectly in accordance with point (c) of that Article. Those resources shall be used for the benefit of the Member State concerned.


Or. en

Amendment 283Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationArticle 6 – paragraph 3

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

3. Resources allocated to Member States under shared management may, at

3. The amount of resources transferred to the instrument shall not

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their request, be transferred to the instrument. The Commission shall implement those resources directly in accordance with point (a) of Article 62(1) of the Financial Regulation or indirectly in accordance with point (c) of that Article. Those resources shall be used for the benefit of the Member State concerned.

exceed 2% of the total amount allocated to a Member State under shared management over the 2021-2027 period.

Or. en

Amendment 284José Manuel FernandesProposal for a regulationArticle 6 – paragraph 3

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

3. Resources allocated to Member States under shared management may, at their request, be transferred to the instrument. The Commission shall implement those resources directly in accordance with point (a) of Article 62(1) of the Financial Regulation or indirectly in accordance with point (c) of that Article. Those resources shall be used for the benefit of the Member State concerned.

3. Resources allocated to Member States under shared management may, at their request, be transferred to the instrument. The Commission shall implement those resources directly in accordance with point (a) of Article 62(1) of the Financial Regulation or indirectly in accordance with point (c) of that Article. Those resources shall be used for the benefit of the Member State concerned, including at regional and local levels.

Or. en

Amendment 285Dimitrios Papadimoulison behalf of the GUE/NGL GroupProposal for a regulationArticle 7 – paragraph 1 – point a

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a) expertise related to policy advice, policy change, formulation of strategies and reform roadmaps, as well as to legislative, institutional, structural and administrative reforms;

(a) expertise related to policy advice, policy change, formulation of strategies and reform and investment roadmaps, as well as to legislative, institutional, structural and administrative reforms;

Or. en

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Amendment 286Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationArticle 7 – paragraph 1 – point a a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(aa) auditing and administrative or criminal investigative support to reinforce the fight against fraud, corruption and money laundering;

Or. en

Amendment 287Joachim Kuhs, Gunnar Beck, Hélène LaporteProposal for a regulationArticle 7 – paragraph 1 – point b

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(b) the short-term or long-term provision of experts, including resident experts, to perform tasks in specific domains or to carry out operational activities, where necessary with interpretation, translation and cooperation support, administrative assistance and infrastructure and equipment facilities;

(b) the short-term or long-term provision of experts permanently residing and employed in one of the EU Member States, including resident experts, to perform tasks in specific domains or to carry out operational activities, where necessary with interpretation, translation and cooperation support, administrative assistance and infrastructure and equipment facilities;

Or. en

Amendment 288Aurore LalucqProposal for a regulationArticle 7 – paragraph 1 – point b

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(b) the short-term or long-term provision of experts, including resident experts, to perform tasks in specific domains or to carry out operational activities, where necessary with interpretation, translation and cooperation support, administrative assistance and infrastructure and equipment facilities;

(b) the provision of European Parliament-approved experts, including resident experts, for a short or long period, to perform tasks in specific domains or to carry out operational activities, where necessary with interpretation, translation and cooperation support, administrative assistance and infrastructure and

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equipment facilities;

Or. fr

Amendment 289Nicolae Ştefănuță, Olivier ChastelProposal for a regulationArticle 7 – paragraph 1 – point c – introductory part

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c) institutional, administrative or sectoral capacity building and related supporting actions at all governance levels, also contributing to the empowerment of civil society, including social partners, as appropriate, in particular:

(c) institutional, administrative or sectoral capacity building and related supporting actions at all governance levels, also contributing to the empowerment of civil society, including social partners, under the condition of a strong motivation for the added value to the purpose of the instrument and all the information concerning the organisation and the costs of these activities to be made public in order to ensure transparency and accountability in particular:

Or. en

Amendment 290José GusmãoProposal for a regulationArticle 7 – paragraph 1 – point c – introductory part

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c) institutional, administrative or sectoral capacity building and related supporting actions at all governance levels, also contributing to the empowerment of civil society, including social partners, as appropriate, in particular:

(c) institutional, administrative or sectoral capacity building and related supporting actions at all governance levels, also contributing to the empowerment of civil society, including social partners, including social partners such as trade unions and representatives of vulnerable social groups, in particular:

Or. en

Amendment 291Isabel Benjumea BenjumeaProposal for a regulationArticle 7 – paragraph 1 – point c – introductory part

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Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c) institutional, administrative or sectoral capacity building and related supporting actions at all governance levels, also contributing to the empowerment of civil society, including social partners, as appropriate, in particular:

(c) institutional, administrative or sectoral capacity building and related supporting actions at all governance levels, prioritising the use of communication and information technologies, also contributing to the empowerment of civil society, including social partners, as appropriate, in particular:

Or. es

Amendment 292Joachim Kuhs, Gunnar BeckProposal for a regulationArticle 7 – paragraph 1 – point c – introductory part

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c) institutional, administrative or sectoral capacity building and related supporting actions at all governance levels, also contributing to the empowerment of civil society, including social partners, as appropriate, in particular:

(c) institutional, administrative or sectoral capacity building and related supporting actions at all governance levels, also contributing to the empowerment of social partners, as appropriate, in particular:

Or. en

Amendment 293José Manuel FernandesProposal for a regulationArticle 7 – paragraph 1 – point c – point i

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(i) seminars, conferences and workshops;


Or. en

Amendment 294Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationArticle 7 – paragraph 1 – point c – point i a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(ia) consultations with a broad range

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of stakeholders through different fora, including women’s organisations, representatives of vulnerable groups and the social partners;

Or. en

Amendment 295José Manuel FernandesProposal for a regulationArticle 7 – paragraph 1 – point c – point ii

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(ii) working visits to relevant Member States or third countries to enable officials to acquire or increase their expertise or knowledge in relevant matters;


Or. en

Amendment 296Joachim Kuhs, Gunnar BeckProposal for a regulationArticle 7 – paragraph 1 – point c – point ii

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(ii) working visits to relevant Member States or third countries to enable officials to acquire or increase their expertise or knowledge in relevant matters;

(ii) working visits to relevant Member States or third countries to enable officials to acquire or increase their expertise or knowledge in relevant matters, excluding travel expenses;

Or. en


In order to be consistent with its green agenda, the instrument should only be used to finance the work visits themselves, which can also be organised via teleconference. The instrument should not be used to subsidize cross-border travel.

Amendment 297José Manuel FernandesProposal for a regulationArticle 7 – paragraph 1 – point c – point ii

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

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(ii) working visits to relevant Member States or third countries to enable officials to acquire or increase their expertise or knowledge in relevant matters;

(ii) exchange of best practices with relevant Member States or third countries to enable officials to acquire or increase their expertise or knowledge in relevant matters;

Or. en

Amendment 298Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationArticle 7 – paragraph 1 – point c – point iii

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(iii) training actions and the development of online or other training modules to support the necessary professional skills and knowledge relating to the relevant reforms;

(iii) training actions, especially in the field of gender equality, and the development of online or other training modules to support the necessary professional skills and knowledge relating to the relevant reforms;

Or. en

Amendment 299Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationArticle 7 – paragraph 1 – point c – point iii a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(iiia) gender impact assessments and gender-based aggregated and non-aggregated data bases;

Or. en

Amendment 300Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationArticle 7 – paragraph 1 – point c – point iii b (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(iiib) climate and biodiversity mainstreaming across regional or national programmes, including a

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coherent and consistent tracking methodology;

Or. en

Amendment 301Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationArticle 7 – paragraph 1 – point d

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(d) collection of data and statistics, development of common methodologies and, where appropriate, indicators or benchmarks;

(d) collection of data and statistics, especially data that is disaggregated by gender and income levels to promote socially and gender-sensitive policies, development of common methodologies for, among others, gender and climate mainstreaming, and, where appropriate, indicators or benchmarks;

Or. en

Amendment 302Isabel Benjumea BenjumeaProposal for a regulationArticle 7 – paragraph 1 – point d

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(d) collection of data and statistics, development of common methodologies and, where appropriate, indicators or benchmarks;

(d) collection of data and statistics, development of common methodologies and, where appropriate, indicators or benchmarks in relation to the objectives of the European Semester and the mid-term evaluation systems of the various programmes;

Or. es

Amendment 303Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, Costas MavridesProposal for a regulationArticle 7 – paragraph 1 – point d

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(d) collection of data and statistics, development of common methodologies

(d) collection of data and statistics, including gender disaggregated data,

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and, where appropriate, indicators or benchmarks;

development of common methodologies, including gender and climate mainstreaming and tracking, and, where appropriate, indicators or benchmarks;

Or. en

Amendment 304Joachim Kuhs, Gunnar Beck, Hélène LaporteProposal for a regulationArticle 7 – paragraph 1 – point e

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(e) organisation of local operational support in areas such as asylum, migration and border control;


Or. en

Amendment 305Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationArticle 7 – paragraph 1 – point e

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(e) organisation of local operational support in areas such as asylum, migration and border control;

(e) organisation of local operational support in areas such as asylum, migration and the integration of migrants and refugees;

Or. en

Amendment 306José Manuel FernandesProposal for a regulationArticle 7 – paragraph 1 – point e

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(e) organisation of local operational support in areas such as asylum, migration and border control;

(e) organisation of local operational support in areas such as civil protection, asylum, migration and border control;

Or. en

Amendment 307

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Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, Costas MavridesProposal for a regulationArticle 7 – paragraph 1 – point e

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(e) organisation of local operational support in areas such as asylum, migration and border control;

(e) organisation of local operational support in areas mentioned in Article 5;

Or. en

Amendment 308Isabel Benjumea BenjumeaProposal for a regulationArticle 7 – paragraph 1 – point f

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(f) IT capacity building, including expertise related to development, maintenance, operation and quality control of the IT infrastructure and applications needed to implement the relevant reforms, cybersecurity, as well as expertise related to programmes geared towards the digitalisation of public services;

(f) IT capacity building, including expertise related to development, maintenance, operation and quality control of the IT infrastructure and applications needed to implement the relevant reforms, as well as expertise related to programmes geared towards the digitalisation of public services, in particular in services such as healthcare, social care, education or the judiciary which have a major public-facing component;

Or. es

Amendment 309Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationArticle 7 – paragraph 1 – point f

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(f) IT capacity building, including expertise related to development, maintenance, operation and quality control of the IT infrastructure and applications needed to implement the relevant reforms, cybersecurity, as well as expertise related to programmes geared towards the digitalisation of public services;

(f) IT capacity building, including expertise related to development, maintenance, operation and quality control of the IT infrastructure and applications needed to implement the relevant reforms, cybersecurity, development of open software and open hardware contributing to the digital transition and the reinforcement of personal data

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protection, as well as expertise related to programmes geared towards the digitalisation of public services;

Or. en

Amendment 310Roberts Zīle, Johan Van OvertveldtProposal for a regulationArticle 7 – paragraph 1 – point f

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(f) IT capacity building, including expertise related to development, maintenance, operation and quality control of the IT infrastructure and applications needed to implement the relevant reforms, cybersecurity, as well as expertise related to programmes geared towards the digitalisation of public services;

(f) IT capacity building, including expertise related to development, maintenance, operation and quality control of the IT infrastructure and applications needed to implement the relevant reforms, cybersecurity, as well as expertise related to programmes geared towards the digitalisation of public services, with an emphasis on interoperable or common solutions amongst Member States;

Or. en

Amendment 311Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationArticle 7 – paragraph 1 – point g

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(g) studies, research, analyses and surveys, evaluations and impact assessments, and the development and publication of guides, reports and educational material;

(g) studies, research, analyses and surveys, evaluations and impact assessments, gender impact assessments, the results of which shall be automatically exchanged amongst Member States and with the Commission in order to ensure the highest level of transparency and to secure Union-wide policy coherence in the field of gender equality, and the development and publication of guides, reports and educational material;

Or. en

Amendment 312

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Isabel Benjumea BenjumeaProposal for a regulationArticle 7 – paragraph 1 – point g

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(g) studies, research, analyses and surveys, evaluations and impact assessments, and the development and publication of guides, reports and educational material;

(g) studies, research, analyses and surveys, evaluations and assessments of results and impacts, both quantitative and qualitative, in line with the objectives set, and the development and publication of guides, reports and educational material;

Or. es

Amendment 313Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, Costas MavridesProposal for a regulationArticle 7 – paragraph 1 – point g

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(g) studies, research, analyses and surveys, evaluations and impact assessments, and the development and publication of guides, reports and educational material;

(g) studies, research, analyses and surveys, evaluations and impact assessments, including gender impact assessments, and the development and publication of guides, reports and educational material;

Or. en

Amendment 314José Manuel FernandesProposal for a regulationArticle 7 – paragraph 1 – point g

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(g) studies, research, analyses and surveys, evaluations and impact assessments, and the development and publication of guides, reports and educational material;

(g) studies, research, analyses and surveys, evaluations and impact assessments, and the development and publication of guides, reports and educational material, preferably made available online;

Or. en

Amendment 315Hélène Laporte, Joachim Kuhs, Gunnar Beck

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Proposal for a regulationArticle 7 – paragraph 1 – point h

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(h) communication projects for learning, including e-learning, cooperation, awareness raising, dissemination activities and exchange of good practices; organisation of awareness-raising and information campaigns, media campaigns and events, including corporate communication and communication, where appropriate, through social networks;

(h) communication projects for learning, including e-learning, cooperation, awareness raising, dissemination activities and exchange of good practices;

Or. fr

Amendment 316Isabel Benjumea BenjumeaProposal for a regulationArticle 7 – paragraph 1 – point h

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(h) communication projects for learning, including e-learning, cooperation, awareness raising, dissemination activities and exchange of good practices; organisation of awareness-raising and information campaigns, media campaigns and events, including corporate communication and communication, where appropriate, through social networks;

(h) communication projects for learning, including e-learning, cooperation, awareness raising, dissemination activities and exchange of good practices; organisation of awareness-raising and information campaigns, media campaigns and events, including corporate communication and communication, through social networks or platforms taking into account the needs of a communication strategy;

Or. es

Amendment 317Joachim Kuhs, Gunnar BeckProposal for a regulationArticle 7 – paragraph 1 – point h

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(h) communication projects for learning, including e-learning, cooperation, awareness raising, dissemination activities

(h) communication projects for learning, including e-learning, cooperation, dissemination activities and exchange of

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and exchange of good practices; organisation of awareness-raising and information campaigns, media campaigns and events, including corporate communication and communication, where appropriate, through social networks;

good practices; organisation of awareness-raising and information campaigns, corporate communication and communication, where appropriate, through social networks;

Or. en

Amendment 318Olivier Chastel, Martin Hojsík, Nicolae Ştefănuță, Nils Torvalds, Valérie Hayer, Mauri PekkarinenProposal for a regulationArticle 7 – paragraph 1 – point j

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(j) any other relevant activity in support of the general and specific objectives set out in Articles 3 and 4.

(j) any other relevant activity in support of the general and specific objectives set out in Articles 3 and 4, facilitating absorption capacity.

Or. en

Amendment 319Jessica Polfjärd, Jörgen WarbornProposal for a regulationArticle 7 – paragraph 1 – point j

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(j) any other relevant activity in support of the general and specific objectives set out in Articles 3 and 4.

(j) any other relevant activity in full and relevant support of the general and specific objectives set out in Articles 3 and 4.

Or. en

Amendment 320Sirpa PietikäinenProposal for a regulationArticle 7 – paragraph 1 – point j a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(ja) to help projects to mature for financing and to be feasible to succeed in practice.

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Or. en

Amendment 321José Manuel FernandesProposal for a regulationArticle 7 – paragraph 1 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

The types of action foreseen in the last paragraph should be eligible for financing if started from 1 February 2020 onwards, provided they pursue the objectives set out in Articles 3 and 4 of this Regulation.

Or. en

Amendment 322Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationArticle 8 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1. A Member State wishing to receive technical support under the instrument shall submit a request for technical support to the Commission, identifying the policy areas and the priorities for support within the scope as set out in Article 5. These requests shall be submitted by 31 October of a calendar year. The Commission may provide guidance on the main elements to be included in the request for support.

1. A Member State or regional and local authority wishing to receive technical support under the instrument shall submit a request for technical support to the Commission, identifying the policy areas and the priorities for support within the scope as set out in Article 5. These requests shall be submitted by 31 October of a calendar year. The Commission may provide guidance on the main elements to be included in the request for support.

Or. en

Amendment 323José GusmãoProposal for a regulationArticle 8 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1. A Member State wishing to receive technical support under the instrument shall submit a request for technical support

1. A Member State wishing to receive technical support under the instrument shall submit a request for technical support

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to the Commission, identifying the policy areas and the priorities for support within the scope as set out in Article 5. These requests shall be submitted by 31 October of a calendar year. The Commission may provide guidance on the main elements to be included in the request for support.

to the Commission, identifying the policy areas and the priorities for support within the scope as set out in Article 5. These requests shall be submitted by 31 October of a calendar year. The Commission may provide suggestions on the main elements to be included in the request for support.

Or. en

Amendment 324Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, Costas MavridesProposal for a regulationArticle 8 – paragraph 1 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1a. Beneficiaries of the Technical Support Instrument must consult, as part of the request for technical support, local and regional authorities, social partners and representatives of civil society.

Or. en

Amendment 325Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationArticle 8 – paragraph 1 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1a. Member States that wish to benefit from the Instrument shall consult, where appropriate, relevant stakeholders as part of their requests for technical support.

Or. en

Amendment 326Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationArticle 8 – paragraph 2 – introductory part

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

2. Members States may submit a request for technical support in the following circumstances linked to:

2. Members States or regional and local authorities may submit a request for technical support in the following

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circumstances linked to:

Or. en

Amendment 327Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationArticle 8 – paragraph 2 – point a

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a) the implementation of reforms by Member States, undertaken on their own initiative, in particular to support recovery [in line with Regulation (EU) No YYY/XX], achieve sustainable economic growth and job creation and enhance resilience;

(a) the implementation of reforms by Member States or regional and local authorities, undertaken on their own initiative, in particular to support a sustainable recovery [in line with Regulation (EU)No YYY/XX], achieve sustainable economic growth, promote high-quality job creation, social inclusion, environmental protection, climate change mitigation, gender equality as well as social and economic resilience;

Or. en

Amendment 328Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, Costas MavridesProposal for a regulationArticle 8 – paragraph 2 – point a

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a) the implementation of reforms by Member States, undertaken on their own initiative, in particular to support recovery [in line with Regulation (EU) No YYY/XX], achieve sustainable economic growth and job creation and enhance resilience;

(a) the implementation of reforms and investments by Member States, undertaken on their own initiative, in particular to support recovery [in line with Regulation (EU) No YYY/XX], achieve sustainable and socially inclusive economic growth and high-quality job creation and enhance resilience;

Or. en

Amendment 329Dimitrios Papadimoulison behalf of the GUE/NGL GroupProposal for a regulationArticle 8 – paragraph 2 – point a

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Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a) the implementation of reforms by Member States, undertaken on their own initiative, in particular to support recovery [in line with Regulation (EU) No YYY/XX], achieve sustainable economic growth and job creation and enhance resilience;

(a) the implementation of reforms and investments by Member States, undertaken on their own initiative, in particular to support recovery [in line with Regulation (EU) No YYY/XX], achieve fair, inclusive and sustainable social and economic growth, social inclusion and high-quality job creation and enhance resilience;

Or. en

Amendment 330Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, Costas MavridesProposal for a regulationArticle 8 – paragraph 2 – point a a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(aa) the implementation of policies contributing to the objectives of the European Green Deal, the Sustainable Development Goals, the European Pillar of Social Rights and the Union’s 2030 energy and climate goals.

Or. en

Amendment 331Dimitrios Papadimoulison behalf of the GUE/NGL GroupProposal for a regulationArticle 8 – paragraph 2 – point b

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(b) the implementation of economic adjustment programmes for Member States that receive Union financial assistance under existing instruments, in particular in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 472/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council24 as regards the Member States whose currency is the euro and Council Regulation (EC) No 332/200225 as regards Member States whose currency is not the


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_________________24 Regulation (EU) No 472/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on the strengthening of economic and budgetary surveillance of Member States in the euro area experiencing or threatened with serious difficulties with respect to their financial stability (OJ L 140, 27.5.2013, p. 1)25 Council Regulation (EC) No 332/2002 of 18 February 2002 establishing a facility providing medium-term financial assistance for Member States' balances of payments (OJ L 53, 23.2.2002, p. 1)

Or. en

Amendment 332Hélène Laporte, Joachim Kuhs, Gunnar BeckProposal for a regulationArticle 8 – paragraph 2 – point c

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c) the implementation of growth-sustaining and resilience-enhancing reforms in the context of economic governance processes, in particular the country-specific recommendations issued in the context of the European Semester or actions related to the implementation of Union law;


Or. fr

Amendment 333Dimitrios Papadimoulison behalf of the GUE/NGL GroupProposal for a regulationArticle 8 – paragraph 2 – point c

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c) the implementation of growth-sustaining and resilience-enhancing reforms in the context of economic governance processes, in particular the

(c) actions related to the implementation of Union law;

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country-specific recommendations issued in the context of the European Semester or actions related to the implementation of Union law;

Or. en

Amendment 334Fabio Massimo Castaldo, Tiziana Beghin, Mario FuroreProposal for a regulationArticle 8 – paragraph 2 – point c

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c) the implementation of growth-sustaining and resilience-enhancing reforms in the context of economic governance processes, in particular the country-specific recommendations issued in the context of the European Semester or actions related to the implementation of Union law;

(c) the implementation of growth-sustaining and resilience-enhancing reforms in the context of economic governance processes;

Or. en

Amendment 335Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, Costas MavridesProposal for a regulationArticle 8 – paragraph 2 – point c

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c) the implementation of growth-sustaining and resilience-enhancing reforms in the context of economic governance processes, in particular the country-specific recommendations issued in the context of the European Semester or actions related to the implementation of Union law;

(c) the implementation of growth-sustaining and resilience-enhancing reforms in the context of economic governance processes, in particular the country-specific recommendations issued in the context of the European Semester or actions related to counter-cyclical long term investment and/or  the implementation of Union law;

Or. en

Amendment 336Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationArticle 8 – paragraph 2 – point c

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Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c) the implementation of growth-sustaining and resilience-enhancing reforms in the context of economic governance processes, in particular the country-specific recommendations issued in the context of the European Semester or actions related to the implementation of Union law;

(c) the implementation of socially balanced, employment-sustaining and resilience-enhancing reforms in the context of Union economic governance processes or actions related to the implementation of Union law;

Or. en

Amendment 337Markus FerberProposal for a regulationArticle 8 – paragraph 2 – point c

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c) the implementation of growth-sustaining and resilience-enhancing reforms in the context of economic governance processes, in particular the country-specific recommendations issued in the context of the European Semester or actions related to the implementation of Union law;

(c) the implementation of growth-enhancing and resilience-enhancing reforms in the context of economic governance processes, in particular the country-specific recommendations issued in the context of the European Semester or actions related to the implementation of Union law;

Or. en

Amendment 338Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationArticle 8 – paragraph 2 – point d

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(d) the preparation of recovery and resilience plans pursuant to Regulation (EU) No YYY/XX and the implementation thereof undertaken by Member States;

(d) the preparation and revision of recovery and resilience plans pursuant to Regulation (EU) No YYY/XX and the implementation thereof undertaken by Member States or regional and local authorities;

Or. en

Amendment 339Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, Costas Mavrides

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Proposal for a regulationArticle 8 – paragraph 2 – point d

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(d) the preparation of recovery and resilience plans pursuant to Regulation (EU) No YYY/XX and the implementation thereof undertaken by Member States;

(d) the preparation, amendment or improvement of recovery and resilience plans pursuant to Regulation (EU) Recovery and Resilience Facility and the implementation thereof undertaken by Member States;

Or. en

Amendment 340Olivier Chastel, Nicolae Ştefănuță, Martin Hojsík, Nils Torvalds, Valérie Hayer, Mauri PekkarinenProposal for a regulationArticle 8 – paragraph 2 – point d

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(d) the preparation of recovery and resilience plans pursuant to Regulation (EU) No YYY/XX and the implementation thereof undertaken by Member States;

(d) the development and implementation of recovery and resilience plans pursuant to Regulation (EU) No YYY/XX and the implementation thereof undertaken by Member States;

Or. en

Amendment 341Dimitrios Papadimoulison behalf of the GUE/NGL GroupProposal for a regulationArticle 8 – paragraph 2 – point d a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(d a) the implementation of core Union’s priorities and objectives such as the European Green Deal, the Paris Agreement, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the European Pillar of Social Rights, digital transformation and innovation;

Or. en

Amendment 342

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Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationArticle 8 – paragraph 3 – introductory part

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

3. Taking into account the principles of transparency, equal treatment and sound financial management, and further to a dialogue with the Member State, including in the context of the European Semester, the Commission shall analyse the request for support referred to in paragraph 1 based on the urgency, breadth and depth of the problems identified, support needs in respect of the policy areas concerned, analysis of socioeconomic indicators and general administrative capacity of the Member State.

3. Taking into account the principles of transparency, equal treatment and sound financial management, and further to a dialogue with the Member State or the regional or local authority, including in the context of the European Semester, the Commission shall analyse the request for support referred to in paragraph 1 based on the urgency, breadth and depth of the problems identified, support needs in respect of the policy areas concerned, analysis of socioeconomic indicators and general administrative capacity of the Member State or the regional or local authority.

Or. en

Amendment 343Olivier Chastel, Martin Hojsík, Nicolae Ştefănuță, Nils Torvalds, Valérie Hayer, Mauri Pekkarinen, Moritz KörnerProposal for a regulationArticle 8 – paragraph 3 – introductory part

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

3. Taking into account the principles of transparency, equal treatment and sound financial management, and further to a dialogue with the Member State, including in the context of the European Semester, the Commission shall analyse the request for support referred to in paragraph 1 based on the urgency, breadth and depth of the problems identified, support needs in respect of the policy areas concerned, analysis of socioeconomic indicators and general administrative capacity of the Member State.

3. Taking into account the principles of transparency, equal treatment and sound financial management, and further to a dialogue with the Member State, including in the context of the European Semester, the Commission shall analyse the request for support referred to in paragraph 1 based on the urgency, breadth and depth of the problems identified, support needs in respect of the policy areas concerned, analysis of socioeconomic indicators and institutional and general administrative capacity of the Member State.

Or. en

Amendment 344

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Fabio Massimo Castaldo, Tiziana Beghin, Mario FuroreProposal for a regulationArticle 8 – paragraph 3 – introductory part

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

3. Taking into account the principles of transparency, equal treatment and sound financial management, and further to a dialogue with the Member State, including in the context of the European Semester, the Commission shall analyse the request for support referred to in paragraph 1 based on the urgency, breadth and depth of the problems identified, support needs in respect of the policy areas concerned, analysis of socioeconomic indicators and general administrative capacity of the Member State.

3. Taking into account the principles of transparency, equal treatment and sound financial management, and further to a dialogue with the Member State, the Commission shall analyse the request for support referred to in paragraph 1 based on the urgency, breadth and depth of the problems identified, support needs in respect of the policy areas concerned, analysis of socioeconomic indicators and general administrative capacity of the Member State.

Or. en

Amendment 345José GusmãoProposal for a regulationArticle 8 – paragraph 3 – introductory part

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

3. Taking into account the principles of transparency, equal treatment and sound financial management, and further to a dialogue with the Member State, including in the context of the European Semester, the Commission shall analyse the request for support referred to in paragraph 1 based on the urgency, breadth and depth of the problems identified, support needs in respect of the policy areas concerned, analysis of socioeconomic indicators and general administrative capacity of the Member State.

3. Taking into account the principles of transparency, equal treatment and sound financial management, and further to a dialogue with the Member State, the Commission shall analyse the request for support referred to in paragraph 1 based on the urgency, breadth and depth of the problems identified, support needs in respect of the policy areas concerned, analysis of socioeconomic indicators and general administrative capacity of the Member State.

Or. en

Amendment 346Hélène Laporte, Joachim Kuhs, Gunnar BeckProposal for a regulationArticle 8 – paragraph 3 – introductory part

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Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

3. Taking into account the principles of transparency, equal treatment and sound financial management, and further to a dialogue with the Member State, including in the context of the European Semester, the Commission shall analyse the request for support referred to in paragraph 1 based on the urgency, breadth and depth of the problems identified, support needs in respect of the policy areas concerned, analysis of socioeconomic indicators and general administrative capacity of the Member State.

3. Taking into account the principles of transparency, equal treatment and sound financial management, and further to a dialogue with the Member State, the Commission shall analyse the request for support referred to in paragraph 1 based on the urgency, breadth and depth of the problems identified, support needs in respect of the policy areas concerned, analysis of socioeconomic indicators and general administrative capacity of the Member State.

Or. fr

Amendment 347Dimitrios Papadimoulison behalf of the GUE/NGL GroupProposal for a regulationArticle 8 – paragraph 3 – introductory part

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

3. Taking into account the principles of transparency, equal treatment and sound financial management, and further to a dialogue with the Member State, including in the context of the European Semester, the Commission shall analyse the request for support referred to in paragraph 1 based on the urgency, breadth and depth of the problems identified, support needs in respect of the policy areas concerned, analysis of socioeconomic indicators and general administrative capacity of the Member State.

3. Taking into account the principles of transparency, equal treatment and sound financial management, and further to a dialogue with the Member State, the Commission shall analyse the request for support referred to in paragraph 1 based on the urgency, breadth and depth of the problems and challenges identified, support needs in respect of the policy areas concerned, analysis of socioeconomic indicators and general administrative capacity of the Member State.

Or. en

Amendment 348José GusmãoProposal for a regulationArticle 8 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

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Based on that analysis, and taking into account the existing actions and measures financed by Union funds or other Union programmes, the Commission shall come to an agreement with the Member State concerned on the priority areas for support, the objectives, an indicative timeline, the scope of the support measures to be provided and the estimated global financial contribution for such technical support, which shall be set out in a cooperation and support plan.


Or. en

Amendment 349Markus FerberProposal for a regulationArticle 8 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

Based on that analysis, and taking into account the existing actions and measures financed by Union funds or other Union programmes, the Commission shall come to an agreement with the Member State concerned on the priority areas for support, the objectives, an indicative timeline, the scope of the support measures to be provided and the estimated global financial contribution for such technical support, which shall be set out in a cooperation and support plan.

Based on that analysis, and taking into account the existing actions and measures financed by Union funds or other Union programmes, the Commission shall come to an agreement with the Member State concerned on the priority areas for support, the objectives taking the form of clear reform commitments, an indicative timeline, binding milestones, the scope of the support measures to be provided and the estimated global financial contribution for such technical support, which shall be set out in a cooperation and support plan.

Or. en


The cooperation and support plan should include specific and binding milestones in order to measure the progress of the implementation.

Amendment 350Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationArticle 8 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 1

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Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

Based on that analysis, and taking into account the existing actions and measures financed by Union funds or other Union programmes, the Commission shall come to an agreement with the Member State concerned on the priority areas for support, the objectives, an indicative timeline, the scope of the support measures to be provided and the estimated global financial contribution for such technical support, which shall be set out in a cooperation and support plan.

Based on that analysis, and taking into account the existing actions and measures financed by Union funds or other Union programmes, the Commission shall come to an agreement with the Member State or with the regional or local authority concerned on the priority areas for support, the objectives, an indicative timeline, the scope of the support measures to be provided and the estimated global financial contribution for such technical support, which shall be set out in a cooperation and support plan.

Or. en

Amendment 351Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationArticle 8 – paragraph 4

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

4. The cooperation and support plan referred to in paragraph 3 shall identify, separately from other technical support, the measures linked to the recovery and resilience plans for the Member States pursuant to Regulation (EU) No YYY/XX.

4. The cooperation and support plan referred to in paragraph 3 shall identify, separately from other technical support, the measures linked to the recovery and resilience plans for the Member States or the regional and local authorities pursuant to Regulation (EU) No YYY/XX.

Or. en

Amendment 352José Manuel FernandesProposal for a regulationArticle 9 – title

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

Information to the European Parliament and the Council and communication on the cooperation and support plans

The European Parliament and the Council and communication on the cooperation and support plans

Or. en

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Amendment 353Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationArticle 9 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1. The Commission shall transmit, with the consent of the Member State concerned, the cooperation and support plan to the European Parliament and the Council without undue delay. The Member State concerned may refuse to give such consent in the case of sensitive or confidential information, the disclosure of which would jeopardise public interests of the Member State.

1. The Commission shall transmit the cooperation and support plan to the European Parliament and the Council without undue delay.

Or. en

Amendment 354Markus FerberProposal for a regulationArticle 9 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1. The Commission shall transmit, with the consent of the Member State concerned, the cooperation and support plan to the European Parliament and the Council without undue delay. The Member State concerned may refuse to give such consent in the case of sensitive or confidential information, the disclosure of which would jeopardise public interests of the Member State.

1. The Commission shall transmit, with the consent of the Member State concerned, the cooperation and support plan to the European Parliament and the Council without undue delay. If the Member State concerned raises concerns in the case of sensitive or confidential information, the disclosure of which would jeopardise public interests of the Member State, the Commission shall liaise with the European Parliament in order to provide the relevant information in a confidential manner without undue delay.

Or. en

Amendment 355José Manuel FernandesProposal for a regulationArticle 9 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

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1. The Commission shall transmit, with the consent of the Member State concerned, the cooperation and support plan to the European Parliament and the Council without undue delay. The Member State concerned may refuse to give such consent in the case of sensitive or confidential information, the disclosure of which would jeopardise public interests of the Member State.

1. The Commission shall transmit, with the consent of the Member State concerned, the cooperation and support plan to the European Parliament and the Council without undue delay, namely for the purposes of democratic accountability and to ensure visibility of the Union action. The Member State concerned may refuse to give such consent in the case of sensitive or confidential information, the disclosure of which would jeopardise public interests of the Member State.

Or. en

Amendment 356Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationArticle 9 – paragraph 2

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

2. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1, the Commission shall transmit the cooperation and support plan to the European Parliament and the Council in the following circumstances:


(a) as soon as the Member State concerned has redacted all sensitive or confidential information, the disclosure of which would jeopardise public interests of the Member State;

(b) after a reasonable period of time, when the disclosure of relevant information would not adversely affect the implementation of the support measures, and in any case no later than two months after the delivery of such measures under the cooperation and support plan.

Or. en

Amendment 357Stéphanie Yon-Courtin, Gilles BoyerProposal for a regulation

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Article 9 – paragraph 2 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

2a. The competent committee(s) of the European Parliament can invite representatives from the Commission to appear before the committee(s) to discuss the measures envisaged and taken pursuant to this Regulation.

Or. en

Amendment 358Hélène Laporte, Joachim Kuhs, Gunnar BeckProposal for a regulationArticle 9 – paragraph 3

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

3. The Commission may engage in communication activities to ensure the visibility of the Union funding for the support measures envisaged in the cooperation and support plans, including through joint communication activities with the national authorities concerned.


Or. fr

Amendment 359Olivier Chastel, Martin Hojsík, Nicolae Ştefănuță, Nils Torvalds, Valérie Hayer, Mauri Pekkarinen, Moritz KörnerProposal for a regulationArticle 9 – paragraph 3

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

3. The Commission may engage in communication activities to ensure the visibility of the Union funding for the support measures envisaged in the cooperation and support plans, including through joint communication activities with the national authorities concerned.

3. The Commission may engage in communication activities to ensure the visibility of the Union funding for the support measures envisaged in the cooperation and support plans, including through joint communication activities with the national authorities concerned. The Commission will publish on its website a complete and regularly updated list of the projects supported and for each of them the amounts allocated: It will

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regularly inform the European Parliament Liaison Offices (EPLOs) and the Europa Experience centres of these projects in the Member States concerned.

Or. en

Amendment 360Roberts Zīle, Johan Van OvertveldtProposal for a regulationArticle 9 – paragraph 3

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

3. The Commission may engage in communication activities to ensure the visibility of the Union funding for the support measures envisaged in the cooperation and support plans, including through joint communication activities with the national authorities concerned.

3. The Commission may engage in communication activities to ensure the visibility of the Union funding for the support measures envisaged in the cooperation and support plans, through joint communication activities with the national authorities concerned.

Or. en

Amendment 361Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, Costas MavridesProposal for a regulationArticle 10 – paragraph 1 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1a. In addition to the financial envelope set out in Article 6(1), Member States may propose to allocated part of their Reform and Resilience Plan to the Technical Support Instrument. The amount allocated shall contribute to increase the technical support for preparing, amending and improving their Recovery and Resilience Plans. The amount allocated shall be implemented in accordance with the rules of the Technical Support Instrument. The Commission shall implement those resources in accordance with point (a) of Article 62(1) of the Financial Regulation.

Or. en

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Amendment 362Olivier Chastel, Martin Hojsík, Nicolae Ştefănuță, Nils Torvalds, Valérie Hayer, Mauri Pekkarinen, Moritz KörnerProposal for a regulationArticle 11 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

Actions financed under the instrument may receive support from other Union programmes, instruments or funds under the Union's budget provided that such support does not cover the same costs.

Actions financed under the instrument may receive support from other Union programmes, instruments or funds under the Union's budget provided that such support does not cover the same costs and this in order to help a good absorption capacity of funds by Member States.

Or. en

Amendment 363Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationArticle 12 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1. The Commission shall implement the instrument in accordance with the Financial Regulation.

1. The Commission shall implement the instrument in accordance with the Financial Regulation, including full compliance with the rules for the protection of the Union’s budget in the case of generalised deficiencies as regards the rule of law in the Member States in accordance with Regulation (EU) YYY/XX of the European Parliament and of the Council [Rule of Law Mechanism in the MFF].

Or. en

Amendment 364Dimitrios Papadimoulison behalf of the GUE/NGL GroupProposal for a regulationArticle 12 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1. The Commission shall implement the instrument in accordance with the

1. The Commission shall implement the instrument in accordance with the

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Financial Regulation. Financial Regulation and Regulation (EU) No YYY/XX regarding the protection of the Union's budget in case of generalised deficiencies as regards the rule of law in the Member States.

Or. en

Amendment 365Joachim Kuhs, Gunnar BeckProposal for a regulationArticle 12 – paragraph 2 – point e

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(e) actions carried out through indirect management.


Or. en

Amendment 366Markus FerberProposal for a regulationArticle 12 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

The co-financing rate for grants shall be up to 100 % of the eligible costs.

The co-financing rate for grants shall be up to 75 % of the eligible costs.

Or. en


In order to ensure a careful use of EU funds, Member States should contribute to the implementation of reforms.

Amendment 367Engin ErogluProposal for a regulationArticle 12 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

The co-financing rate for grants shall be up to 100 % of the eligible costs.

The co-financing rate for grants shall be up to 80 % of the eligible costs.

Or. de

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Amendment 368José Manuel FernandesProposal for a regulationArticle 12 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

The co-financing rate for grants shall be up to 100 % of the eligible costs.

The co-financing rate for grants shall be of 100 % of the eligible costs.

Or. en

Amendment 369Markus FerberProposal for a regulationArticle 12 – paragraph 3 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

3a. Grants shall only be paid out incrementally and in a way that is consistent with the progress made in the achievement of the milestones as set out in the cooperation and support plans.

Or. en

Amendment 370Dimitrios Papadimoulison behalf of the GUE/NGL GroupProposal for a regulationArticle 12 – paragraph 6 – introductory part

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

6. In order to implement the technical support, the Commission shall adopt work programmes by way of implementing acts, and inform the European Parliament and the Council thereof.

6. In order to implement the technical support, the Commission shall adopt work programmes by way of delegated acts.

Or. en

Amendment 371José GusmãoProposal for a regulationArticle 12 – paragraph 6 – introductory part

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

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6. In order to implement the technical support, the Commission shall adopt work programmes by way of implementing acts, and inform the European Parliament and the Council thereof.

6. In order to study the implementation of the technical support, the Commission shall follow the developments in each Member State and inform the European Parliament and the Council thereof.

Or. en

Amendment 372Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationArticle 12 – paragraph 6 – introductory part

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

6. In order to implement the technical support, the Commission shall adopt work programmes by way of implementing acts, and inform the European Parliament and the Council thereof.

6. In order to implement the technical support, the Commission shall adopt work programmes by way of delegated acts in accordance with Article 16b.

Or. en

Amendment 373Markus FerberProposal for a regulationArticle 12 – paragraph 6 – introductory part

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

6. In order to implement the technical support, the Commission shall adopt work programmes by way of implementing acts, and inform the European Parliament and the Council thereof.

6. In order to implement the technical support, the Commission shall adopt work programmes by way of delegated acts, and inform the European Parliament and the Council thereof.

Or. en

Amendment 374Olivier Chastel, Martin Hojsík, Nicolae Ştefănuță, Nils Torvalds, Valérie Hayer, Mauri PekkarinenProposal for a regulationArticle 12 – paragraph 6 – introductory part

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

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6. In order to implement the technical support, the Commission shall adopt work programmes by way of implementing acts, and inform the European Parliament and the Council thereof.

6. In order to implement the technical support, the Commission shall adopt work programmes by way of delegated acts, and inform the European Parliament and the Council thereof.

Or. en

Amendment 375Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationArticle 12 – paragraph 7 – introductory part

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

7. To ensure timely availability of resources, a limited part of the work programme shall be reserved for special measures in the event of unforeseen and duly justified grounds of urgency requiring an immediate response, including a serious disturbance in the economy or significant circumstances seriously affecting the economic or social conditions in a Member State going beyond its control.

7. To ensure timely availability of resources, a limited part of the work programme shall be reserved for special measures in the event of unforeseen and duly justified grounds of urgency requiring an immediate response, including a serious disturbance in the economy or significant circumstances seriously affecting the economic or social conditions in a Member State or a regional or local authority going beyond its control.

Or. en

Amendment 376José Manuel FernandesProposal for a regulationArticle 12 – paragraph 7 – introductory part

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

7. To ensure timely availability of resources, a limited part of the work programme shall be reserved for special measures in the event of unforeseen and duly justified grounds of urgency requiring an immediate response, including a serious disturbance in the economy or significant circumstances seriously affecting the economic or social conditions in a Member State going beyond its control.

7. To ensure timely availability of resources, a limited part of the work programme, not exceeding 5%, shall be reserved for special measures in the event of unforeseen and duly justified grounds of urgency requiring an immediate response, including a serious disturbance in the economy or significant circumstances seriously affecting the economic or social conditions in a Member State going beyond its control.

Or. en

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Amendment 377Olivier Chastel, Nicolae Ştefănuță, Martin Hojsík, Nils Torvalds, Valérie Hayer, Mauri Pekkarinen, Moritz KörnerProposal for a regulationArticle 12 – paragraph 7 – introductory part

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

7. To ensure timely availability of resources, a limited part of the work programme shall be reserved for special measures in the event of unforeseen and duly justified grounds of urgency requiring an immediate response, including a serious disturbance in the economy or significant circumstances seriously affecting the economic or social conditions in a Member State going beyond its control.

7. To ensure timely availability of resources, a limited part of the work programme shall be reserved for special measures in the event of unforeseen and duly justified grounds of urgency requiring an immediate response, including a serious disturbance in the economy or significant circumstances seriously affecting the economic, social or health conditions in a Member State going beyond its control.

Or. en

Amendment 378Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationArticle 12 – paragraph 7 – subparagraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

The Commission may, on request by a Member State wishing to receive technical support, adopt special measures in accordance with the objectives and actions defined in the instrument to provide technical support to the national authorities in addressing urgent needs. Such special measures shall be interim in nature, and shall be linked the circumstances laid down in Article 8(2). The special measures shall end within six months and may be replaced by technical support measures in accordance with the conditions set out in Article 8.

The Commission may, on request by a Member State or a regional or local authority that wishes to receive technical support, adopt special measures in accordance with the objectives and actions defined in the instrument to provide technical support to the national authorities in addressing urgent needs. Such special measures shall be interim in nature, and shall be linked the circumstances laid down in Article 8(2). The special measures shall end within six months and may be replaced by technical support measures in accordance with the conditions set out in Article 8.

Or. en

Amendment 379Markus FerberProposal for a regulation

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Article 12 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

Article 12 a

Non-Regression Clause

1. A Member State shall repay to the Commission any financial contribution paid to it pursuant to  this Regulation with respect to a reform commitment, where, within five years of the payment, the conditions that allowed such payments have changed significantly in the Member State concerned.

2. The following cases shall represent a significant change in the conditions that allowed the payment:

(a)  the elements that led to the achievement of the reform commitments were reversed; or

(b)  the elements that led to the achievement of the reform commitments were significantly modified by other measures.

3. The Commission shall take a decision on the repayment after having given the Member State concerned the possibility to present its observations within a period of two months of the communication of its conclusions.

4. Only genuinely new reforms are eligible for funding under this programme. Reform commitments that have been implemented under previous programmes and since been reversed are not eligible for funding under this programme.

5. The European Commission shall monitor the durability of the reforms supported under this programme.

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It should be ensured that the reforms supported under this programme are stable over time. If the reforms supported by this programme are reversed shortly after their implementation, the receiving Member State has to pay back the support received.

Amendment 380José GusmãoProposal for a regulationArticle 13 – paragraph 1 – point a

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a) ensure complementarity, synergy, coherence and consistency among different instruments at Union, national and, where appropriate, regional levels, in particular in relation to measures financed by Union funds, both in the planning phase and during implementation;

(a) study the complementarity, coherence and consistency among different instruments at Union, national and, where appropriate, regional levels, in particular in relation to measures financed by Union funds, both in the planning phase and during implementation;

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Amendment 381José Manuel FernandesProposal for a regulationArticle 13 – paragraph 1 – point a

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(a) ensure complementarity, synergy, coherence and consistency among different instruments at Union, national and, where appropriate, regional levels, in particular in relation to measures financed by Union funds, both in the planning phase and during implementation;

(a) ensure complementarity, synergy, coherence and consistency among different instruments at Union, national, regional and local levels, in particular in relation to measures financed by Union funds, both in the planning phase and during implementation;

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Amendment 382José GusmãoProposal for a regulationArticle 13 – paragraph 1 – point b

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(b) optimise mechanisms for coordination to avoid duplication of effort;

(b) promote mechanisms for coordination to avoid duplication of effort;

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and and

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Amendment 383José GusmãoProposal for a regulationArticle 13 – paragraph 1 – point c

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c) ensure close cooperation between those responsible for implementation at Union, national and, where appropriate, regional levels to deliver coherent and streamlined support actions under the instrument.

(c) assess the close cooperation between those responsible for implementation at Union, national and, where appropriate, regional levels to deliver coherent and streamlined support actions under the instrument.

Or. en

Amendment 384José Manuel FernandesProposal for a regulationArticle 13 – paragraph 1 – point c

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(c) ensure close cooperation between those responsible for implementation at Union, national and, where appropriate, regional levels to deliver coherent and streamlined support actions under the instrument.

(c) ensure close cooperation between those responsible for implementation at Union, national, regional and local levels to deliver coherent and streamlined support actions under the instrument.

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Amendment 385José GusmãoProposal for a regulationArticle 13 – paragraph 2

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

2. The Commission shall endeavour to ensure complementarity and synergies with support provided by other relevant international organisations.


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Amendment 386Markus FerberProposal for a regulationArticle 14 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1. The Commission shall monitor the implementation of the instrument and measure the achievement of the general and specific objectives set out in Articles 3 and 4. Indicators to be used for reporting on progress and for the purpose of monitoring and evaluation of this Regulation towards the achievement of the general and specific objectives are set in the Annex. The monitoring of implementation shall be targeted and proportionate to the activities carried out under the instrument.

1. The Commission shall monitor the implementation of the instrument and measure the achievement of the general and specific objectives set out in Articles 3 and 4 by making use of the milestones agreed in the cooperation and support plans. Indicators to be used for reporting on progress and for the purpose of monitoring and evaluation of this Regulation towards the achievement of the general and specific objectives are set in the Annex. The monitoring of implementation shall be targeted and proportionate to the activities carried out under the instrument.

Or. en

Amendment 387José GusmãoProposal for a regulationArticle 14 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1. The Commission shall monitor the implementation of the instrument and measure the achievement of the general and specific objectives set out in Articles 3 and 4. Indicators to be used for reporting on progress and for the purpose of monitoring and evaluation of this Regulation towards the achievement of the general and specific objectives are set in the Annex. The monitoring of implementation shall be targeted and proportionate to the activities carried out under the instrument.

1. The Commission shall study the implementation of the instrument and measure the achievement of the general and specific objectives set out in Articles 3 and 4. Indicators to be used for reporting on progress and for the purpose of monitoring and evaluation of this Regulation towards the achievement of the general and specific objectives are set in the Annex. The assessment of implementation shall be targeted and proportionate to the activities carried out under the instrument.

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Amendment 388

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Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationArticle 14 – paragraph 2

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

2. The performance reporting system shall ensure that data for monitoring the implementation of the instrument and results are collected efficiently, effectively, and in a timely manner. To that end, proportionate reporting requirements shall be imposed on recipients of Union funding.

2. The performance reporting system shall ensure that data for monitoring the implementation of the instrument and results are collected efficiently, effectively, in a timely manner and, whenever possible, disaggregated by gender and income level. To that end, proportionate reporting requirements shall be imposed on recipients of Union funding.

Or. en

Amendment 389Joachim Kuhs, Gunnar BeckProposal for a regulationArticle 14 – paragraph 2 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

2a. In case of fraud or breach of the requirements in Articles 7 and 8, 110% of the grant shall be paid back.

Or. en

Amendment 390Aurore LalucqProposal for a regulationArticle 15 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1. The Commission shall provide an annual report to the European Parliament and the Council on the implementation of this Regulation.

1. The Commission shall provide an annual report to the European Parliament and the Council on the implementation of this Regulation. The European Parliament may hold hearings with the Commission on the content of this annual report.

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Amendment 391

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Dimitrios Papadimoulison behalf of the GUE/NGL GroupProposal for a regulationArticle 15 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1. The Commission shall provide an annual report to the European Parliament and the Council on the implementation of this Regulation.

1. The Commission shall submit an annual report to the European Parliament and the Council on the implementation of this Regulation.

Or. en

Amendment 392Alfred SantProposal for a regulationArticle 15 – paragraph 2 – point e

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(e) implementation of support measures.

(e) implementation of support measures per country and region.

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Amendment 393Joachim Kuhs, Gunnar Beck, Hélène LaporteProposal for a regulationArticle 16 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1. Four years after the entry into force of this Regulation, the Commission shall provide the European Parliament, and the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions with an independent mid-term evaluation report on the implementation of this Regulation. The Commission shall also provide those institutions with an independent ex post evaluation report no later than three years after the end of the period specified in Article 1.

1. Three years after the entry into force of this Regulation, the Commission shall provide the European Parliament, and the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions with an independent mid-term evaluation report on the implementation of this Regulation. The Commission shall also provide those institutions with an independent ex post evaluation report no later than three years after the end of the period specified in Article 1.

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Amendment 394

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Dimitrios Papadimoulison behalf of the GUE/NGL GroupProposal for a regulationArticle 16 – paragraph 1

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

1. Four years after the entry into force of this Regulation, the Commission shall provide the European Parliament, and the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions with an independent mid-term evaluation report on the implementation of this Regulation. The Commission shall also provide those institutions with an independent ex post evaluation report no later than three years after the end of the period specified in Article 1.

1. Four years after the entry into force of this Regulation, the Commission shall submit to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions with an independent mid-term evaluation report on the implementation of this Regulation. The Commission shall also submit to those institutions an independent ex post evaluation report no later than three years after the end of the period specified in Article 1.

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Amendment 395Dimitrios Papadimoulison behalf of the GUE/NGL GroupProposal for a regulationArticle 16 – paragraph 2

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

2. The mid-term evaluation report shall, in particular, assess to which extent the objectives of the instrument referred to Articles 3 and 4 have been achieved, the efficiency of the use of resources and the European added value. It shall also consider the continued relevance of all objectives and actions.

2. The mid-term evaluation report shall, in particular, assess to which extent the objectives of the instrument referred to Articles 3 and 4 have been achieved, the efficiency of the use of resources and the European added value. It shall also consider the continued relevance of all objectives and actions. Where necessary, the mid-term evaluation report shall be accompanied by legislative proposals for amending this Regulation.

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Amendment 396José Manuel FernandesProposal for a regulationArticle 16 – paragraph 2

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Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

2. The mid-term evaluation report shall, in particular, assess to which extent the objectives of the instrument referred to Articles 3 and 4 have been achieved, the efficiency of the use of resources and the European added value. It shall also consider the continued relevance of all objectives and actions.

2. The mid-term evaluation report shall, in particular, assess to which extent the objectives of the instrument referred to Articles 3 and 4 have been achieved, the sufficiency and the efficiency of the use of resources and the European added value. It shall also consider the continued relevance of all objectives and actions.

Or. en

Amendment 397Dimitrios Papadimoulison behalf of the GUE/NGL GroupProposal for a regulationArticle 16 – paragraph 3

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

3. The ex-post evaluation report shall consist of a global assessment of the implementation of this Regulation and shall include information on its impact in the long-term.

3. The ex-post evaluation report shall consist of a global assessment of the implementation of this Regulation and shall include information on its social and economic impact in the long-term.

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Amendment 398Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationArticle 16 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

Article 16 a


1. Beneficiaries shall ensure, for the benefit of the general public, maximum transparency concerning the actions and financial flows under this instrument. Such transparency may only be limited by legal acts related to commercial confidentiality, applicable data protection rules or undergoing administrative or criminal investigations by  the Union bodies.

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2. Beneficiaries shall, in line with Directive (EU) 2019/1024 on open data and the re-use of public sector information, publish all relevant information concerning their projects in a standardised and comparable open and machine readable format on an official publicly available register, including but not only: project proposals, declaration on non-conflict of interest, meeting minutes, impact assessments, contracts, evaluation and audit reports, as well as all public procurements shall be published on the EU Open Data Portal.

3. The Member States should by default make all the results of the cooperation (including data, studies, software tools etc.) available to the general public or explain the nature of the confidentiality of the file.

4. All the published data mentioned in 1-3 should be available indefinitely. Institutions of the Union and the Member States should offer cooperation in logistical measures to keep all these data available to the general public even after the beneficiary ceases to exist.

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Amendment 399Mikuláš Peksa, Alexandra GeeseProposal for a regulationChapter 3 a (new)

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment


Exercise of the delegation

Article 16b

Exercise of the delegation

1. The power to adopt delegated acts is conferred on the Commission subject to the conditions laid down in this Article.

2. The power to adopt delegated acts referred to in Article 12(6) shall be

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conferred on the Commission until 31 December 2028.

3. The delegation of power referred to in Article 12(6) may be revoked at any time by the European Parliament or by the Council. A decision to revoke shall put an end to the delegation of the power specified in that decision. It shall take effect the day following the publication of the decision in the Official Journal of the European Union or at a later date specified therein. It shall not affect the validity of any delegated acts already in force.

4. Before adopting a delegated act, the Commission shall consult experts designated by each Member State in accordance with the principles laid down in the Interinstitutional Agreement of 13 April 2016 on Better Law-Making.

5. As soon as it adopts a delegated act, the Commission shall notify it simultaneously to the European Parliament and to the Council.

6. A delegated act adopted pursuant to Article 12(6) shall enter into force if no objection has been expressed either by the European Parliament or by the Council within a period of three months of notification of that act to the European Parliament and the Council or if, before the expiry of that period, the European Parliament and the Council have both informed the Commission that they will not object. That period shall be extended by three months at the initiative of the European Parliament or of the Council.

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Amendment 400Olivier Chastel, Martin Hojsík, Nicolae Ştefănuță, Nils Torvalds, Valérie Hayer, Mauri Pekkarinen, Moritz KörnerProposal for a regulationArticle 17 – paragraph 2

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

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2. The Commission shall implement information and communication actions relating to the instrument, its actions and its results. Financial resources allocated to the instrument shall also contribute to the corporate communication of the political priorities of the Union, as far as they are related to the objectives referred to in Articles 3 and 4.

2. The Commission shall implement information and communication actions relating to the instrument, its actions and its results. Financial resources allocated to the instrument shall also contribute to the corporate communication of the political priorities of the Union, as far as they are related to the objectives referred to in Articles 3 and 4. The Commission will publish on its website a complete and regularly updated list of the projects supported and for each of them the amount allocated. It will regularly inform the European Parliament Liaison Offices (EPLOs) and Europa Experience centres of these projects in the Members States concerned.

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Amendment 401Dimitrios Papadimoulison behalf of the GUE/NGL GroupProposal for a regulationAnnex I – point d

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

(d) outcomes of the technical support activities provided, such as adoption of a strategy, adoption of a new law /act or modification of an existing one, adoption of (new) procedures and actions to enhance the implementation of reforms;

(d) outcomes of the technical support activities provided, such as adoption of a strategy, adoption of a new law /act or modification of an existing one, adoption of (new) procedures and actions to enhance the implementation of reforms and investments;

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Amendment 402Dimitrios Papadimoulison behalf of the GUE/NGL GroupProposal for a regulationAnnex I – paragraph 3

Text proposed by the Commission Amendment

The ex-post evaluation referred to in The ex-post evaluation referred to in

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Article 16 shall be undertaken by the Commission also with the purpose of establishing the links between the technical support provided and the implementation of the relevant measures in the Member State concerned with a view to enhancing resilience, sustainable growth, jobs and cohesion.

Article 16 shall be undertaken by the Commission also with the purpose of establishing the links between the technical support provided and the implementation of the relevant measures in the Member State concerned with a view to enhancing resilience, fair, inclusive and sustainable economic and social growth, high-quality job creation and economic, social and territorial cohesion.

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