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BiologyKS4 Organisation

Homework BookletName: _________________________________________Class: _________________________________________Teacher: _______________________________________

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Homework Task Due Date

Teacher Signiture

OR01 Tissues and OrgansOR02 Human Digestive SystemOR03 Chemistry of FoodOR04 Required Practical – Food TestsOR05 Catalysts and EnzymesOR06 Required Practical – Enzyme ActivityOR07 Factors Affecting EnzymesOR08 How the Digestive System WorksOR09 The HeartOR10 Blood VesselsOR11 The BloodOR12 Cardiovascular DiseaseOR13 Breathing and Gas ExchangeOR 14 Plant TransportOR15 TranspirationOR16 Factors Affecting Transpiration

Read the OR01 sections on your knowledge organisers before you begin.Comprehension TaskTrue or false?

True False ReasonTissues are made up of lots of different types of cellOrgan Systems are made up of different types of tissuesAll organisms consist of many organ systems

For each of the following diagrams, state whether they show cells, tissues, organs or organ systems.

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OR01Tissues and Organs R A G

Describe the levels of organisation within living organisms

OR01 exam question practiceQ1.

The diagram below shows the parts of the body that digest and absorb food.

It also shows some details about the structure off the stomach.


(a)     Complete the table to show whether each structure is an organ, an organ system or a tissue.

For each structure, tick ( ) one box. 

Structure Organ Organsystem Tissue


Cells lining the stomach      

Mouth, oesophagus, stomach, liver,pancreas, small and large intestine      


(b)     (i)      The blood going to the stomach has a high concentration of oxygen.The cells lining the stomach have a low concentration of oxygen.

Complete the following sentence.

Oxygen moves from the blood to the cells lining the stomach by

the process of ___________________________________ .(1)

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(ii)     What other substance must move from the blood to the cells lining the stomach so that respiration can take place?

Draw a ring around the correct answer. 

glucose protein starch


(iii)    In which part of a cell does aerobic respiration take place?

Draw a ring around the correct answer. 

cell membrane mitochondria nucleus

(1)(Total 5 marks)

Q2.The image below shows some cells in the lining of the stomach.


(b)     Draw one line from each part of the human body to its correct scientific name. 

Part of human body   Scientific name

    An organ

Layer of cells lining the stomach    

    An organism


    An organ system

Mouth, stomach, intestines,liver and pancreas    

    A tissue

(3)(Total 6 marks)

Page 4 of 48


The Human Digestive System R A GDescribe the digestive system and how it works as an organ system (from KS3) Describe how the products of digestion are used

Read the OR02 sections on your knowledge organisers before you begin.

Comprehension TaskFind it and fix it. The following sentences are incorrect. Write the correct sentences in the spaces provided.

1. The function of the digestive system is to break down food molecules into small enough pieces that they are removed from the bloodstream into the intestines.

2. The large intestine is the longest section of the digestive tract.

3. The small intestine is lined with villi which decrease the surface area and therefore increase the rate of absorption into the blood.

4. Digestion begins when the food enters the stomach.

5. There are many organs in the digestive system. Food passes through each organ during the process of digestion.

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OR02 exam question practiceQ1.

The digestive system breaks down food into small molecules.The small molecules can be absorbed into the blood.The diagram below shows the human digestive system.


(a)     (i)      Which letter, A, B, C, D, E or F, shows each of the following organs? 

Write one letter in each box. 

large intestine small intestine stomach


(ii)     Different organs in the digestive system have different functions.Draw one line from each function to the organ with that function.


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(3)(b)     Glucose is absorbed into the blood in the small intestine.

Most of the glucose is absorbed by diffusion.How does the glucose concentration in the blood compare to the glucose concentration in the small intestine?

 Tick (✔) one box. The concentration in the blood is higher.

The concentration in the blood is


The concentration in the blood is

the same.(1)

(Total 7 marks)

Q2.Villi are found in some parts of the digestive system.

Diagram 1 shows two villi.

Diagram 1


(a)     Draw a ring around the correct answer to complete each sentence. 


(i) Structure A is a nerve.



(ii) The villi absorb the products of digestion by diffusion.


(Total 4 marks)

Page 7 of 48

OR03The Chemistry of Food R A GDescribe how the products of digestion are used

Comprehension TaskOdd one out: in each set, circle the odd one out and give a reason in terms of the products of digestion

Bread Potato Cheese

Egg White Red meat Pasta

Yoghurt Apples Milk

Draw a diagram to represent a protein molecule

Read the OR03 sections on your knowledge organisers before you begin.




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OR03 exam question practice

Q1.Figure 1 shows the proportion of different nutrients in the protein drink.

Figure 1

(c)     What is the ratio of sugar to protein in the protein drink? 

1:1 1:0:6 1:2 1:1:6

(1)(d)     Why is a high protein diet useful to an athlete?

Tick one box. 

Provides amino acids to make new muscle.

Provides fatty acids to produce urea.

Provides glucose for energy.

Provides lactic acid for anaerobic respiration.

(1)When the athlete drinks the protein drink the substances are digested.The products of digestion are absorbed into the bloodstream.Absorption happens in the small intestine.Figure 2 shows a section of the small intestine.

Figure 2

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(e)     How is the small intestine in Figure 2 adapted to absorb the products of digestion quickly?Tick two boxes.


It has a large surface area.

It has a long diffusion pathway.

It has a thin surface.

The concentration inside the small intestine is low.

It has a poor blood supply.

(2)(f)      Figure 3 shows the proportion of different nutrients in four protein drinks.

Figure 3

Which protein drink should an athlete with diabetes use?Give a reason for your answer.Drink ____________________Reason _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

(2)(Total 6 marks)

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OR04Required Practical: Food Tests R A GUse qualitative reagents to test for a range of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins

Read the OR04 sections on your knowledge organisers before you begin.

Comprehension Task Which statement best describes each type of food test reagent

a) Iodine solutiono A colourless liquid that goes red when in the presence of starcho A brown liquid that goes blue/black when in the presence of starch

b) Benedict’s solutiono A Blue solution that gradually changes to brick red in the presence of glucoseo A purple solution that gradually changes to green in the presence of glucose

c) Sudan IIIo A brown solution which forms a solid (precipitate) at the bottom of the solution when lipids

are presento A red solution which forms a layer at the top of the solution if lipids (fats) are present

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OR04 exam question practice

Q1.An athlete decides to try a new type of protein drink after he exercises.

(a)     The athlete tests the protein drink to check it contains protein.

Which solution is used to test for protein in the drink?

Tick one box. 




Universal indicator


(b)     What colour will the solution turn to if there is protein in the drink?

Tick one box. 

Blue-black Red

Purple Yellow

(1)(Total 2 marks)

Q2.Some students tested a red cabbage leaf for starch.

This is the method used.

1.   Boil the leaf in ethanol.

2.   Rinse the leaf in water.

3.   Add the reagent to test the leaf for starch.

(a)  Give one safety precaution the students should take in this test.



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(b)  Which reagent is used to test the boiled leaf for starch?

Tick one box. 

Benedict’s solution

Biuret solution

Iodine solution

Sodium chloride solution


(c)  What colour will be seen if the test for starch is positive?

Tick one box. 


Pale pink



(1)(Total 3 marks)

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Catalysts and Enzymes R A GDescribe basic features of enzymes (inc rate calculations for chemical reactions) Describe the lock and key theory as a model of enzyme action and explain how the shape a of the active sites makes the enzyme specific

Read the OR05 sections on your knowledge organisers before you begin.

Comprehension TaskUse the word wheel on the left to help describe what enzymes are and what they do

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OR05 Exam Question PracticeQ1.

(b)     Digestive enzymes are made by different organs in the digestive system.Complete the table below putting a tick (✓) or cross (✕) in the boxes.The first row has been done for you.


  Organ producing enzyme

  salivary glands stomach pancreas small



amylase ✓ ✕ ✓ ✓



(2)(c)     The stomach also makes hydrochloric acid.

How does the acid help digestion?



(d)     Draw one line from each digestive enzyme to the correct breakdown product. 

Digestive enzyme   Breakdown products


    amino acids.

Amylase breaks down starch into……    


Lipase breaks down fats into…    

    fatty acids and glycerol.

Protease breaks down proteins into…    


(3)(Total 6 marks)

Page 16 of 48

Q2.The body uses enzymes to digest (break down) large food molecules into smaller molecules.

(a)     (i)      Draw one line from each large food molecule to the enzyme that acts on it. 

Large foodmolecule










(ii)      Draw a ring around the correct answer to complete each sentence. 

Starch is broken down into… amino acids. fatty acids and glycerol. sugars.

Fat is broken down into… amino acids. fatty acids and glycerol. fructose.

Protein is broken down into amino acids. fructose. sugars.


(b)     Bile helps digestion.

Where is bile produced?

Draw a ring around one answer. 

liver mouth stomach

(1)(Total 7 marks)

Page 17 of 48

OR06Required Practical: Enzyme Activity R A Ginvestigate the effect of pH on the rate of reaction of amylase enzyme

Read the OR06 sections on your knowledge organisers before you begin.

Comprehension TaskDescribe in detailed steps how to conduct the enzymes required practical using starch solution and amylase – You can choose to describe the investigation into the effects of temperature or the effects of pH on enzyme activity.

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OR06 Exam Question PracticeQ1.

Catalase is an enzyme.Catalase controls the following reaction:

hydrogen peroxide       water  +  oxygenA student did an investigation on catalase activity.This is the method used.1.      Put 1 cm3 hydrogen peroxide solution in a test tube.2.      Add 1 cm3 of catalase solution.

•        Bubbles of oxygen are produced.•        Bubbles cause foam to rise up the tube.

3.     Measure the maximum height of the foam.The diagram below shows the experiment.


The experiment is carried out at 20 °C.

The table below shows some results from the investigation. 

Temperature in °C

Maximum height of foam in cm

Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Mean

10 1.3 1.1 0.9 1.1

20 0.0 3.3 3.1 3.2

30 5.2 5.0 5.3 5.2

40 4.2 3.5 4.4 4.0

50 2.1 1.9 2.3 2.1

60 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

(a) Why did the student carry out the experiment three times at each temperature?

Tick one box.  

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To make the experiment more accurate

To prove the experiment was correct

To show the experiment was more repeatable


(b)     The student thought one result was an anomaly.Circle the anomaly in the table above.

(1)(c)     What did the student do with the anomalous result?



(d)     Look at the table above.

What conclusion can be made as the temperature increases? Tick one box.  

Decreases the rate of reaction up to 30 °C

Increases the rate of reaction up to 30 °C

Decreases the rate of reaction up to 40 °C

Increases the rate of reaction up to 40 °C


(e)     At which temperature was catalase denatured? 

Tick one box.

10 °C 30 °C

40 °C 60 °C


(f)     The student thought the optimum temperature for catalase activity was between 30 °C and 40 °C.

How could the investigation be improved to find a more precise value for the optimum temperature?

 Tick one box.  

Do the experiment at 70 °C and 80 °C

Do the experiment at 30 °C, 35 °C and 40 °C

Use less hydrogen peroxide solution

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Use more catalase solution

(1)(Total 6 marks)

OR07Factors affecting enzymes R A GExplain the effect of temperature and pH on enzymes

Read the OR07 sections on your knowledge organisers before you begin.

Comprehension TaskMatch the keyword to the best definition

Active Site

a) The part of an enzyme which changes shape to fit the substrate it is trying to break down

b) The part of an enzyme that has a specific shape unique to a particular substrate

c) The part of an enzyme which is not involved in the breaking down/building up of a substrate


a) The process where the active site of an enzymes temporarily changes when exposed to extremes of temperature of pH

b) The process where the active site of an enzymes returns to it’s normal shape when optimum conditions are restored

c) The process where the active site of an enzyme alters the shape of the substance it is trying to break down.


a) If you continue to increase temperature, enzymes will continue to increase their rate of reaction. This is optimum temperature

b) If you increase the temperature where enzymes are active, the rate of reaction will increase for a specific amount of time. This is the optimum temperature

c) If you lower temperature where are enzymes are active, the rate of reaction will increase. This is called optimum temperature.

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OR07 Exam question PracticeQ1.

Enzymes are used in biological detergents.

(a)     Name the type of enzyme that digests stains containing fats.


(b)     A new detergent is marketed as being ‘environmentally-friendly’.Scientists compared the performance of this new detergent with an existing detergent.They measured the time taken by the two detergents to remove a fat stain at different temperatures.The graph shows their results.


(i)      Describe the effect of increasing the temperature on the time taken by the existing detergent to remove the stain.





(ii)     The new detergent works at a lower temperature than the existing one.Is the new detergent likely to be more ‘environmentally-friendly’ than the existing detergent?Draw a ring around your answer.       Yes / NoExplain the reason for your answer.





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(c)     Neither detergent works well at 60 °C.

Explain why.





(Total 7 marks) Q2.

There are enzymes in biological washing powders. Biological washing powder has to be used at temperatures below 45 °C.(a)     The enzymes in biological washing powders do not work on the stains on clothes at temperatures above 45 °C.

Explain why.





(b)     Some bacteria, called thermophilic bacteria live in hot springs at temperatures of 80 °C.Scientists have extracted enzymes from these thermophilic bacteria. These enzymes are being trialled in industrial laundries.The laundries expect to increase the amount of clothes they can clean by using enzymes from thermophilic bacteria instead of using the biological washing powders the laundries use now.

(i)      The laundries expect to be able to increase the amount of clothes that they can clean each day.

Suggest why.






(Total 4 marks)

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How the digestive system works R A GDescribe the digestive enzymes, including their names, sites of production and actionsDescribe the features and functions of bile and state where it is produced and released from

Read the OR08 sections on your knowledge organisers before you begin.

Comprehension Task

Find it and fix it. The following sentences are incorrect. Write the correct sentences in the spaces provided.

1. Carbohydrases are enzymes which digest proteins

2. Amylase is an example of a carbohydrase. Amylase is produced in the stomach.

3. A fat molecule consists of a fatty acid chains and three glycerol molecules

4. Bile is produced in the gall bladder and neutralises stomach acid as it enters the small intestine

5. Bile also acts on fats by giving them a smaller surface area in a process called emulsification

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OR08 Exam Question PracticeQ1.

The diagram shows part of the human digestive system.


(a)     Name the parts of the digestive system labelled A, B, C and D.

A ________________________________________

B ________________________________________

C ________________________________________

D ________________________________________(4)

(b)     A student has eaten a steak for dinner. The steak contains protein and fat.

(i)      Describe how the protein is digested.







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(ii)     Explain two ways in which bile helps the body to digest fat.







(c)     A group of students investigated the action of salivary amylase.The students:

•        collected a sample of salivary amylase

•        put a different pH solution and 5 cm3 of a food substance in each of 6 test tubes

•        added 1 cm3 of salivary amylase to each of the 6 test tubes

•        recorded the amylase activity after 10 minutes.

The results are shown in the table. 

pH 7 6 5 4 3 2

Amylase activity inarbitrary units 12 10 3 0 0 0

(i)      Name the food substance that amylase breaks down.


(ii)     Suggest what happens to the breakdown of this substance when food reaches the stomach.

Use information from the table to help you to answer this question.







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(Total 15 marks)

Read the OR09 sections on your knowledge organisers before you begin.

Comprehension TaskComplete each of the sentences below giving as much detail as possible (DON’T write the same thing three times!

The circulatory system is known as a double pump system because ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The circulatory system is known as a double pump system but ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The circulatory system is known as a double pump system so ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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The Heart R A GDescribe the structure of the human heart and lungs (inc how lungs are adapted for gaseous exchange)

Explain how the heart moves blood around the body (inc role and position of the aorta, vena cava, pulmonary artery & vein and coronary arteries)

OR09 Exam question practice

Q1.Some animals have a single circulatory system.

(a)     Why is the human heart referred to as part of a dual circulatory system?



Below is a diagram of a human heart.

(b)     Which label shows the pulmonary vein?

Tick one box. 




(c)     Which blood vessel takes oxygenated blood away from the heart?

Tick one box. 




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(d)     Name the blood vessels that deliver oxygen to the capillaries in heart muscle.


(e)     Pacemaker cells are a group of cells that control heart rate.

Where in the heart are the pacemaker cells located?


Q2.Complete each sentence about the heart by choosing the correct words from the box.



A ventricle fills with blood by the contraction of _________________________ .

          When a ventricle contracts, blood is forced into __________________________ .

          When a ventricle relaxes, the backflow of blood into it is prevented by the closing of

          _________________________ .(Total 3 marks)

Read the OR10 sections on your knowledge organisers before you begin.

Comprehension TaskCompare the structure and function of arteries, veins and capillaries. (Please excuse the text boxes 😊)

Artery Vein

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Blood Vessels R A GDescribe the structure and function of arteries, veins and capillaries Use simple compound measures such as rate and carry out rate calculations for blood flow

Comprehension TaskCompare the structure and function of arteries, veins and capillaries. (Please excuse the text boxes 😊)


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OR10 Exam Question PracticeQ1.

(a)     Draw a ring around one word to answer each of the following questions.(i)      Which type of blood vessel carries blood out of the heart?

artery                   capillary                      vein (1)

(ii)     Which type of blood vessel allows substances to enter and leave the blood?

artery                   capillary                      vein (1)

(b)     Use words from the box to complete the sentences.

 alveoli          cell membrane         nucleus           plasma          red blood cells          villi

          Oxygen enters the blood through the walls of the __________________________ .

          Most of the oxygen transported by the blood is carried in the

_________________________________________________________________ .

          A red blood cell is different from other body cells because it does not have a

________________________________ . (3)(Total 5 marks)

Q2.The drawings show the structure of three types of blood vessel, A, B and C. They are drawn to the scales indicated.


(a)     Name the three types of blood vessel.

A _______________________________

B _______________________________

C _______________________________(3)

(b)     Describe the job of blood vessel B.


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(Total 5 marks)

Q3.The diagram shows part of the circulatory system.

(a)     Name the types of blood vessel labelled A, B and C on the diagram.

A ________________________________

B ________________________________

C _______________________________ (3)

(b)     What is the job of the circulatory system?



(c)     Give two ways in which the composition of blood changes as it flows through the vessels labelled X on the diagram.

1. _________________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________________


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(2)(Total 6 marks)

Read the OR11 sections on your knowledge organisers before you begin.

Comprehension TaskColour in the real examples of the following adaptations of the different parts of the blood.

Red blood cell – highlight redWhite blood cell – highlight bluePlasma – highlight yellowPlatelets – highlight green

These have no nucleus to increase the useful volume of the cell

These have a biconcave shape to increase the surface area

These are small and flexible allowing them to fit through tiny capillaries

These are contain a protein called haemoglobin which oxygen binds to.

These have the ability to produce antibodies and antitoxins

These ingest pathogens in a process called phagocytosis

These change shape to surround pathogens before destroying them

These are formed from fragments of cells

They are responsible for blood clotting and forming scabs

A straw coloured liquid which makes up most of the blood.

A straw coloured liquid which makes up just over half of the blood

Transports CO2, digested food and other substances in the blood

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The Blood R A GDescribe blood and identify its different components, inc identifying blood cells from photographs/diagrams

Describe the functions of blood components, including adaptations to function

OR11 Exam Question PracticeQ1.

The figure below shows a scale drawing of one type of cell in blood.


(a)     Use the scale to determine the width of the cell.

Give your answer to the nearest micrometre.



Width of cell = _________________ micrometres(1)

(b)     Complete the table below. 

Part of the blood Function

  Carries oxygen around the body

  Protects the body against infection


(3)(c)     Platelets are fragments of cells.

Platelets help the blood to clot.Suggest what might happen if the blood did not clot.



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(Total 5 marks)

Q2.The photograph shows a red blood cell in part of a blood clot. The fibres labelled X are produced in the early stages of the clotting process.


(a)     Suggest how the fibres labelled X help in blood clot formation.


(c)     Some blood capillaries have an internal diameter of approximately 0.01 millimetres.

(i)      Use information given in part (b) to explain why only one red blood cell at a time can pass through a capillary.


(ii)     Explain the advantages of red blood cells passing through a capillary one at a time.







(Total 5 marks)

Page 35 of 48

Read the OR12 sections on your knowledge organisers before you begin.

Comprehension Task True or false?

True False ReasonCoronary Heart disease occurs when cholesterol block the arteries that supply blood to the bodyStents are small plastic tubes which are inserted into the coronary arteriesStatins are medicines which remove fatty deposits from the coronary arteriesArtificial hearts can be transplanted into patients when a donor cannot be foundThe cells that control the resting heart rate are called pacemaker cells which are found in the left ventricle of the heartDamaged heart valves are always replaced with biological alternatives

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Cardiovascular disease R A GDescribe what happens in coronary heart disease and what statins are used for

Describe and evaluate treatments for coronary heart disease and heart failure (inc drugs, mechanical devices or transplant)

Recall that heart valves can become faulty and describe the consequences of thisDescribe how patients can be treated in the case of heart failure Explain how the natural resting heart rate is controlled and how irregularities can be corrected

OR12 Exam Question Practice

Q1.Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a non-communicable disease.CHD is caused when fatty material builds up in the coronary arteries.The diagram below shows a coronary artery of someone with CHD.


(b)  Explain how CHD can cause a heart attack.







(c)  Explain how lifestyle and medical risk factors increase the chance of developing CHD.










(Total 9 marks)

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Q2.(c)     Coronary heart disease (CHD) develops when layers of fatty material build up in the

coronary artery.One treatment for CHD is to insert a stent into the coronary artery.Figure 2 shows a stent in a coronary artery.

Figure 2


Explain why the stent helps to prevent a heart attack.








___________________________________________________________________(Total 4 marks)

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OR13Breathing and Gas Exchange R A GDescribe the structure of the human heart and lungs (inc how lungs are adapted for gaseous exchange)

Read the OR13 sections on your knowledge organisers before you begin.Comprehension TaskDescribe the process of oxygen entering and carbon dioxide leaving the bloodstream in as much detail as possible, using the diagram to describe the processes and events.

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OR13 Exam Question Practice

Q1.Gas exchange takes place in the lungs.The diagram shows an alveolus next to a blood capillary in a lung.The arrows show the movement of two gases, A and B.


(a)     (i)      Draw a ring around the correct answer to complete the sentence. 

Gases A and B move by diffusion. osmosis respiration.


(ii)     Gas A moves from the blood to the air in the lungs.

Gas A is then breathed out.

Name Gas A.


(iii)    Which cells in the blood carry Gas B?

Draw a ring around the correct answer.

platelets                red blood cells                white blood cells(1)

(b)     The average number of alveoli in each human lung is 280 million.

The average surface area of 1 million alveoli is 0.25 m2.

Calculate the total surface area of a human lung.


Answer ___________________________________ m2


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(c)     An athlete trains to run a marathon. The surface area of each of the athlete’s lungs has increased to 80 m2.

Give one way in which this increase will help the athlete.



(Total 6 marks)

Q2.Figure 1 shows part of the lungs.

Figure 1

(a)     Give two ways the lungs are adapted for efficient exchange of gases.

Describe how each adaptation helps to maintain efficient gas exchange.

Adaptation 1 ________________________________________________________


Description _________________________________________________________


Adaptation 2 ________________________________________________________


Description _________________________________________________________


(Total 4 marks)

Page 41 of 48


Plant Transport R A GDescribe plant tissues (epidermal, palisade mesophyll, spongy mesophyll, xylem, phloem and meristem) and describe their functions

Explain how the structure of plant tissues are related to their function within the leaf (plant organ) inc stomata and guard cellsRecall the plant parts that form a plant organ system that transports substances around the plantExplain how root hair cells, xylem and phloem are adapted to their functions

Read the OR14 sections on your knowledge organisers before you begin.

Comprehension TaskMatch the key words to the most accurate definitions

Non-living tissues which transport water and dissolved minerals from root to leaves in a plant

Xylem Living tissues which transports water and dissolved minerals from roots to leaves in plantsLiving tissues which transports water and dissolved minerals from roots to leaves in plants

A layer of tissue in plant roots containing cells with a large number of mitochondria

Palisade Mesophyll

A layer of tissue in leaves containing cells with a large number of chloroplastsA layer of tissue in leaves containing cells with a large number of mitochondria

Non-living tissues in plants which transport dissolved sugars from the leaves to other parts of a plant

Phloem Living tissues in plants which transport water and minerals from the roots of plants to the leavesLiving tissues in plants which transport dissolved sugars from the leaves to other parts of a plant

A layer of mesophyll tissue in the leaves of plants which contain numerous guard cells which open and close the stoma.

Spongy Mesophyll

A layer of mesophyll tissue in the leaves of plants which contain many chloroplasts to maximise photosynthesisA layer of mesophyll tissue in the leaves of plants that contain many air spaces to maximise surface area

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OR14 Exam Question Practice


Figure 2 shows a section through a leaf.

Figure 2

(b)     The function of palisade cells is to photosynthesise.

Describe one way palisade cells are adapted to carry out their function.



(c)     Complete Table 1 to show whether each structure is a tissue, an organ or an organ system.

Tick one box for each structure. 

Table 1

Structure Tissue Organ Organ system



Roots, stem and leaves      

(2)(Total 3 Marks)

Page 43 of 48

Q2.The diagram below shows a cross-section of a plant root. The transport tissues are labelled.


(a)     (i)      What is tissue A?

Draw a ring around the correct answer.

cuticle                epidermis                xylem(1)

(ii)     Name two substances transported by tissue A.

1. ____________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________(2)

(c)     Plants must use active transport to move some substances from the soil into root hair cells.

(i)      Active transport needs energy.

Which part of the cell releases most of this energy?

Tick (✓) one box. 





(Total 4 marks)

Page 44 of 48

OR15 & 16

Transpiration R A GDescribe the process of transpiration and translocation including the role of the different plant tissues

Explain how the rate of transpiration can be affected by different factors (inc naming the factors)Describe the role of stomata and guard cells in the control of gas exchange and water loss

Read the OR15/16 sections on your knowledge organisers before you begin.

Comprehension TaskDescribe in detail how the stomata control the rate of transpiration from the leaves. Try to include details about the factors that affect transpiration rates!

Page 45 of 48

OR15/16 Exam Question Practice

Q1.The leaves of most plants have stomata.

(a)     (i)      Name the cells which control the size of the stomata.


(ii)     Give one function of stomata.



(b)     The image below shows part of the surface of a leaf.

 The length and width of this piece of leaf surface are both 0.1 mm.(i)      Calculate the number of stomata per mm2 of this leaf surface.



_______________________ per mm2

(2)(ii)     A different plant species has 400 stomata per mm2 of leaf surface.

Having a large number of stomata per mm2 of leaf surface can be a

disadvantage to a plant.

Give one disadvantage.



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(1)(c)     A student investigated the loss of water from plant leaves.

The student did the following:•        Step 1: took ten leaves from a plant•        Step 2: weighed all ten leaves•        Step 3: hung the leaves up in a classroom for 4 days•        Step 4: weighed all ten leaves again•        Step 5: calculated the mass of water lost by the leaves•        Step 6: repeated steps 1 to 5 with grease spread on the upper surfaces of the

leaves•        Step 7: repeated steps 1 to 5 with grease spread on both the upper and lower

surfaces of the leaves.All the leaves were taken from the same type of plant.The table below shows the student’s results.


Treatment of leaves Mass of water the leaves lost in g

No grease was used on the leaves 0.98

Grease on upper surfaces of the leaves 0.86

Grease on upper and lower surfaces of the leaves 0.01

(i)      What mass of water was lost in 4 days through the upper surfaces of the leaves?



Mass = ___________ g(1)

(ii)     Very little water was lost when the lower surfaces of the leaves were covered in grease.

Explain why.








(Total 9 marks)

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