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1. TOSSUP. First proposed by Belgian priest Georges Lemaitre in 1927, evidence supporting this concept includes the observation that the helium content of most stars, regardless of age, is around twenty-five percent. In 1965, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson observed a faint glow of radiation surrounding the earth from no specific source, an “echo” of this event. For 10 points—name this paradigm which suggests that the universe has been expanding since a primordial explosion fifteen billion years ago.ANSWER: Big Bang Theory [prompt on Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation]BONUS. Name these big band leaders for 10 points each.[10] This trombonist’s orchestra’s rendition of “Chattanooga Choo Choo” sold over one point two million copies and was awarded the first “gold record” certification. He’s also known for “In the Mood” and “Moonlight Serenade.”ANSWER: Alton Glenn Miller[10] Working with Cleveland band maestro Austin Wylie when he was sixteen, he arranged Interlude in B-flat for a string sextet, a rhythm section, and himself on clarinet. His recordings of “Begin the Beguine (beh-GEEN)” and “Stardust” were his most popular pieces.ANSWER: Artie Shaw<Chuck/Chuck>

2. TOSSUP. He attended the University of Cambridge, receiving a master’s degree in history before turning to writing full-time. His short story collections include East, West and Haroun and the Sea of Stories, written for his son, while his novels include Grimus, Shame, and The Moor’s Last Sigh. For 10 points—name this Indian author, the 1981 Booker Prize winner for Midnight’s Children and recipient of a fatwa for his Satanic Verses.ANSWER: Ahmed Salman RushdieBONUS. Censorship of Rushdie’s works may remind you of the regime in 1984. For 5 points each, name, in any order, the four ministries which comprise Ingsoc, responsible for the four aspects of the state: propaganda, warfare, famine, and torture.ANSWER: Ministry of Truth [or Minitrue]; Ministry of Peace [or Minipax]; Ministry of Plenty [or Miniplenty]; Ministry of Love [or Miniluv]<Potru/Gilstrap>

3. TOSSUP. Aristotle refers to this man as the founder of dialectic. He supported the teachings of his mentor Parmenides, who believed that the senses deceive and that change is illusory. He attempted to prove these assertions with examples such as one in which the swiftest runner, Achilles, can never catch up with a tortoise whom he allows a head start. For 10 points—name this Eleatic philosopher known for his paradoxes.ANSWER: Zeno of EleaBONUS. Given a key quote, name the philosopher for 10 points each.[10] This author of The Last Puritan said “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”ANSWER: George Santayana[10] This empirical idealist said “To be is to be perceived,” reflecting his belief that objects exist only in the mind. Johnson kicked a stone, stating “I refute you thus.”

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ANSWER: Bishop George Berkeley<Francis/Francis>

4. TOSSUP. Because many characters’ names are similar to those of Babylonian deities, and because it does not mention the monotheist God, some consider it an allegory on the political ascent of Babylon. A scheming Amalekite councilor is eventually hanged on gallows intended for one of the heroic figures after a chain of events beginning with the death of Vashti. For 10 points—identify this book, read on Purim, which explains how the murder of the Jews at the hands of Haman was averted by Mordecai and the titular wife of Ahaseurus.ANSWER: Book of Esther [prompt on Megillah]BONUS. Identify these classes of chemical compounds, for 10 points each.[10] These compounds contain a set of three nitrogen atoms bonded together as a structural unit.ANSWER: azides[10] This class of compounds contains two oxygen atoms linked together by a single covalent bond.ANSWER: peroxides<A. Ismail/A. Ismail>

5. TOSSUP. Gaspar Vargas and his son Sylvestre are both considered primary influences upon this genre of music. Most ensembles usually perform renditions of Cielito Lindo and Jalisco, with characteristic gritos interspersed. For 10 points—name this band of four to nine musicians who perform songs from the heritage of Mexico, usually while wearing sombreros.ANSWER: mariachiBONUS. Identify these English words that are derived from Spanish for 10 points each.[10] The Spanish word for “basket,” it also refers to a popular card game that originated in Uruguay in the 1940s.ANSWER: canastaDistribute handout here[10] The wool blanket-like shawl seen here is usually worn over the shoulders of men, though some women may also wear one as an accessory.ANSWER: serape<Chuck/Chuck>

6. TOSSUP. Statues of this man, born at Mallorca in 1713, now stand both in Golden Gate Park and at the US Capitol. Beatified by Pope John Paul II in 1987, his final resting place is at San Carlos Borromeo in California. Known as the Apostle of California, he is recognized as the founder of San Diego. For 10 points—name this Franciscan who maintained twenty-one missions along the Camino Real (cah-mee-no reh-ALL).ANSWER: Miguel José “Junípero” SerraBONUS. Name these other cities in California for 10 points each.[10] Settled between the Santa Ynez Mountains and the Pacific coast, this city is home to a branch of the University of California whose athletic teams are called the Gauchos.ANSWER: Santa Barbara

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[10] The third most populous city in California, it sits on the Guadalupe River south of San Francisco Bay.ANSWER: San Jose<Southard/Southard>

7. TOSSUP. Four crystals grown on it for students in Utah were found in a parking lot and will be used to complete experiments. While the ants used in an experiment for a high school in New York did not survive, worms contributed by researchers at Stanford did. Other experiments included observations by Ilya Ramon about the effect of dust storms on weather patterns. For 10 points—such tests were part of the mission of what vessel, which disintegrated upon re-entering the atmosphere on February 1, 2003?ANSWER: Space Shuttle ColumbiaBONUS. Name these devices put into orbit by space shuttle missions for 10 points each.[10] In 1990, Discovery placed this ultra-precise remote-controlled telescope into orbit.ANSWER: Hubble Space Telescope [accept HST][10] In 1999, Columbia deposited this X-ray observatory, named for an Indian-American astronomer, in orbit.ANSWER: Chandrasekar X-ray Observatory<Chuck/Chuck>

8. TOSSUP. After studying under Robert Lowell in 1959, this author wrote the poems published as The Colossus, Crossing the Water, and Winter Trees. Her famous works include “Daddy,” “Lady Lazarus,” and “Edge,” which has been dated to a week before her death. Using the pseudonym Victoria Lucas, she published her only novel the same year she died by putting her head in an oven. For 10 points—name this wife of Ted Hughes and author of The Bell Jar.ANSWER: Sylvia PlathBONUS. Name these places associated with suicide bombers for 10 points each.[10] In June 2003, a bus transporting pilots for the Russian Air Force was destroyed and fifteen were killed in the North Ossetia region, which borders this secessionist republic believed to be the source of the bomber.ANSWER: Chechnya[10] On May 12, 2003, thirty-four people were killed in several bombings in this Mideast city.ANSWER: Riyadh<Weiner/Weiner>

9. TOSSUP. Obstructive sleep apnea can be related to abnormally large size of these tissues. Generally applied to the palatine, lingual, and pharyngeal masses of lymphatic tissue found in most mammals, the pharyngeal pair is commonly known as the “adenoids.” For 10 points—name these oval-shaped tissues that doctors are now more hesitant to remove surgically, found in the throat.ANSWER: tonsilsBONUS. Answer these questions on surgery for 10 points each.[10] This medical specialist in the surgery room is responsible for the administration of various gases or medications that render a patient unconscious.ANSWER: anesthesiologist

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[10] This term can refer to any device that can be slipped into the body through veins or arteries via a flexible sterile plastic tube. It is common to use this device for angioplasty.ANSWER: catheter<Chuck/Chuck>

10. TOSSUP. It first appeared in a 1917 collection entitled Saltbush Bill, J.P., and Other Verses. This poem describes a hobo who drowns himself after being accosted by a Trooper inquiring about the jumbuck in a Tucker bag. It starts when a jolly swagman sits beside a billabong under the shade of a coolibah tree. For 10 points—name this unofficial national anthem of Australia.ANSWER: “Waltzing Matilda”BONUS. Answer the following about Queen Matilda of England for 10 points each.[10] This cousin of Matilda usurped the throne on the death of Henry I in 1135. He warred with Matilda and her son Henry II until 1153.ANSWER: Stephen of Blois[10] Stephen’s death allowed Henry to make an uncontested claim to the throne and found this house..ANSWER: Plantagenet <Chuck/Weiner>

The related/tossup bonus phase ends here. Check the score and ask for substitutions. Once substitutions are complete, hand out a copy of the category quiz topic list to each team.

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Upon getting a tossup correct, the team chooses its one-answer 15-point bonus question from the topic list. Once a topic is chosen, it cannot be selected again.

11. TOSSUP. Directed by Robert Fechner, it paid twenty-five dollars a month to three million recipients. Its projects included planting trees, building flood barriers, laying telephone lines, fighting forest fires, and maintaining forest roads and trails. For 10 points—name this “makework” agency of the New Deal.ANSWER: Civilian Conservation Corps [accept Emergency Conservation Work Act]<Abernathy>

12. TOSSUP. From his early works in Russia to landscapes he created in Munich during the 1910’s, many of his paintings feature a horse-and-rider motif that symbolized his defiance of the conservative aesthetic values of the Neue Kunstlervereinigung (KOONST-ler-vair-AYE-ni-gung). The motif also appeared on the cover of his manifesto, On the Spiritual in Art. For 10 points—name this painter of the Composition and Impression series who joined with Franz Marc to found Der Blau Reiter.ANSWER: Vassily Kandinsky<Chuck>

13. TOSSUP. His first novel, Mockery of the Fates, was written in 1939 when he was first working at the Ministry of Islamic Affairs. The Children of Gebelawi has been banned throughout most of the Arab world, and the book may have inspired the man who stabbed him in the neck. For 10 points—name this writer of Palace Walk, Palace of Desire, and Sugar Street, the Cairo Trilogy.ANSWER: Naghib Mafouz<Chuck>

14. TOSSUP. This phenomenon was first observed in mercury cooled to 4.2 Kelvin by Heike Kammerlingh Onnes, and its basic physics are described by the theory of John Bardeen, Robert Schrieffer, and Leon Cooper, in which electrons move in pairs. Modern ones involve ceramics containing rare earths, and the search for a room-temperature one is ongoing. For 10 points—name this property of materials that exhibit no resistance to the flow of electrons.ANSWER: superconductivity<Duke>

15. TOSSUP. In ruling on these documents, the Court held that the “heavy presumption” against prior restraint was not overcome. Justices Black and Douglas opined that the vague word “security” should not be used to supersede the First Amendment. Thus, the Nixon administration’s attempt to suppress their publication was overturned in New York Times v. United States. For 10 points—name these documents obtained by Daniel Ellsberg which expressed Defense Department concerns about the Vietnam War.ANSWER: Pentagon Papers<Abernathy>

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16. TOSSUP. Born in 1892, he fled to the U.S. as a young child in 1901 after his family was murdered and he was targeted for death. He is shot while purchasing two oranges from a street vendor and dies as an old man with an orange in his mouth. The son of Antonio Andolini, he made his mark by assassinating Fanucci and heading a successful olive oil company. For 10 points—name this character from The Godfather trilogy who was played by Robert DeNiro and Marlon Brando.ANSWER: Vito Corleone [accept Vito Andolini before “Andolini” is read; prompt on Corleone; prompt on The Godfather before it is read]<Frankel>

17. TOSSUP. Adjacent to St. James’s Park, it was built in 1703 by its namesake duke before being remodeled by John Nash in 1825. The eastern facade was added in 1847, the great ballroom was added in 1856, and in 1913 Sir Aston Webb designed a new front. For 10 points—name this 600-room residence purchased by George III in 1761.ANSWER: Buckingham Palace<Abernathy>

18. TOSSUP. His ship, Hringhorn, was the largest in the world, and upon his death it was set afire and pushed into the sea bearing his body and the body of his wife, Nanna, who died of a broken heart. After he died, Hel offered to resurrect him if every creature on earth mourned for him, though this effort failed because Loki disguised himself as a giantess and refused to mourn. For 10 points—name this Norse god who was killed when his blind brother Hodur hit him with a dart made of mistletoe.ANSWER: Baldur<Frankel>

The category quiz phase ends here. Check the score and ask for substitutions. Once substitutions are complete, begin the stretch round

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American Literature: BridesmaidsFrankie’s best friend left town before summer started, and she is having trouble adjusting to sleeping alone. In part 3, she turns 13 and uses the name “F. Jasmine”, but her housekeeper Berenice doesn’t like her new friend Mary Littlejohn because she’s Catholic. For 15 points—name this coming-of-age story in which Frankie becomes excited about the upcoming marriage of her brother Jarvis, authored by Carson McCullers.ANSWER: The Member of the Wedding<Chuck>

Computer Science: TransferIt has a maximum transfer rate of 12 megabits per second, with the ability to daisy-chain as many as 127 devices to one computer. Introduced in 1997, Macintoshes and Windows 98-or-newer machines are able to support peripherals using this technology, and iMacs have only these ports to connect peripherals. For 15 points—name this external bus, faster than SCSI but slower than FireWire, that was designed to replace RS-232 ports.ANSWER: Universal Serial Bus<Chuck>

Current Events: CoupsA charismatic populist, he led the Patriotic Pole alliance after serving two years in prison for a bloody coup against President Carlos Andrés Pérez in 1992. He has revised the constitution to allow indefinite re-election and sent the police against protestors. For 15 points—name this confidant of Fidel Castro and president of Venezuela.ANSWER: Hugo Chavez Frias<Abernathy>

European Geography: EndpointsThis inlet of the Atlantic Ocean receives such rivers as the Garonne, Adour, and Loire, and its port cites include Nantes, Bordeaux, and Bilbao. For 15 points—name this bay bordered by the western coast of France and the northern coast of Spain.ANSWER: Bay of Biscay<Frankel>

Mathematics: AnglesCQ BONUS: Given triangle ABC, AB has side length 24, BC has length 40, and AC has length AC. For 15 points—what is the length of the angle bisector BD where D is on line AC? You have 30 seconds.ANSWER: 15<Chuck>

Mythology: The Water BoyThe son of Tros and brother of Ilus, this Trojan is immortalized as the constellation Aquarius. For 15 points—name this boy carried to Mount Olympus by Zeus in the form of an eagle to replace Hebe as the divine cupbearer.

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ANSWER: Ganymede<Chuck>

Opera: Court IntrigueIn Act Three, Marcellina learns that the title character is in fact her son, so the proposal by her master Bartolo to marry the title character is moot. Cherubino sings Non si piu cosa son, cosa faccio, telling Suzanna how he is attracted to women. For 15 points—name this Mozart opera that takes place in the court of Count Almaviva.ANSWER: The Marriage of Figaro or Le Nozze di Figaro<Chuck>

Physical Science: Hands-On DemonstrationsIts discoverer, Thomas Midgeley, Jr., inhaled a lung-full and exhaled to extinguish a candle flame at the 1930 meeting of the American Chemical Society. For 15 points—give the trade name for carbon tetraflouride, a chemical compound used as a refrigerant and cleaning agent whose use has been curtailed due to its damaging the ozone layer.ANSWER: freon<Duke>

Popular Culture: FeatsMark Phillipi is one of the more frequent U.S. representatives, although he has often been outshined by such opponents as Norway’s Svend Karlsen, Sweden’s Magnus Samuelsson, and Iceland’s Magnus ver Magnusson, a four-time champion. Events include races involving carrying large metal kegs and pulling trucks. For 15 points—name this annual competition sponsored by Met-RX and frequently shown on ESPN and ESPN2.ANSWER: World’s Strongest Man Competition<Frankel>

World History: We Signed What?Article 1 recognized the autonomy of Korea, Article 2 ceded Formosa, and Article 4 stipulated an indemnity of two hundred million Kuping taels. For 15 points—such were the terms of what 1895 treaty ending the Sino-Japanese War?ANSWER: Treaty of Shimonoseki<Abernathy>

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Although the boni are not related to the tossups in this round of the match, they are associated; i.e., a tossup goes dead, the bonus immediately under it is skipped; the next correct tossup earns the bonus immediately under that tossup.

19. TOSSUP. It was formed by four Philadelphia Press staffers who later created the Society of Independent Artists. This group had no particular program but was held together by a common opposition to academicism, as seen in the works of Arthur B. Davies, Maurice Prendergast, Ernest Lawson, and John Sloan, which depicted urban life realistically. For 10 points—name this group, also called “the eight,” led by Robert Henri.ANSWER: Ashcan School [prompt on The Eight]<Abernathy>

S1. Identify these grammatical terms for 10 points each.[10] This is the formal term for a word with a meaning opposite another. Knowledge of them is no longer a standard section of the SAT.ANSWER: antonym[10] In the sentence, “They arrived,” the word arrived is this type of verb, which does not require an object.ANSWER: intransitive[10] This term is used to describe words that are formed out of parts of other words, such as “brunch” or “chocoholic.” Lewis Carroll was quite fond of them.ANSWER: portmanteau words<Chuck>

20. TOSSUP. Also called chronic adrenocortical insufficiency, deterioration of tissue in its sufferers causes a decrease in the secretion of steroid hormones, many of which are necessary for the maintenance of life. Visible symptoms include weight loss and abnormal pigmentation of the skin and mucous membranes. For 10 points—what is this progressive disease brought about by atrophy of the outer layer, or cortex, of the adrenal gland, a disease that most famously afflicted John F. Kennedy?ANSWER: Addison’s Disease<Abernathy>

S2. Identify the composers of these seasonal works, for 10 points each.[10] His song Ablösung im Sommer is based on the Wunderhorn, like his second symphony, the Resurrection.ANSWER: Gustav Mahler[10] His orchestral song cycle Les Nuits d’Été was composed after Romeo and Juliet but before The Trojans.ANSWER: Louis Hector Berlioz[10] His incidental music to A Midsummer Night’s Dream contains an oft-performed “Wedding March.”ANSWER: Jakob Ludwig Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy<A. Ismail>

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21. TOSSUP. It was conceived by John McConnell, who persuaded the San Francisco Board of Supervisors to pass a resolution in observance of it. It was first celebrated by the United Nations on March 21, 1971, with the ringing of the Peace Bell at the moment of the vernal equinox. That same year, Senator Gaylord Nelson declared a week-long celebration in April. For 10 points—name this environmental holiday.ANSWER: Earth Day<Chuck>

S3. Name these machines for 10 points each.[10] First demonstrated in the Panthéon in Paris in 1851 by its namesake scientist, this device demonstrates directly that the earth rotates.ANSWER: Foucault’s pendulum[10] In this device, used to build up large electrostatic charges, an insulating belt physically conveys electrons to a conductor through contact with a wire brush.ANSWER: Van der Graaf Generator[10] In this apparatus, named for a British tutor, two different masses are connected by a massless string pulling a massless pulley. The acceleration of the masses is proportional to the difference of the masses over their sum.ANSWER: Atwood’s machine<Chuck>

22. TOSSUP. In September 2002, he defeated Edmund Stoiber of the Conservative Social Union to retain his job. Since then, he has had to apologize for comments made by Joschka Fischer, his foreign minister, who took this man’s own anti-war line to extremes by calling George W. Bush “Adolf Nazi.” For 10 points—name this leader of the Social Democrats and Chancellor of Germany.ANSWER: Gerhard Schröder<Southard>

S4. Answer the following about church-state relations in medieval Europe for 10 points per part.[10] This feud between Pope Gregory VII and Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV was named for the process of installing new abbots and bishops.ANSWER: lay investiture controversy[10] After Gregory excommunicated Henry, the latter crawled barefoot in the snow for three days to obtain a pardon at this castle.ANSWER: Canossa[10] The investiture controversy was “resolved” in this 1122 agreement between Henry V and Calixtus II.ANSWER: Concordat of Worms<A. Ismail>

23. TOSSUP. After he deposed the powerful Praetorian Guard commander Perennis for conspiring against him, he installed Cleander, whose corruption outraged the people to riot. He banished his wife Crispina for another conspiracy and executed his sister Lucilla

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for a third. Coins and busts of him often depict him with a club and a lion skin wrapped around his shoulders, for he thought himself a reincarnation of Hercules. For 10 points—name this successor of Marcus Aurelius who actually was killed in a gladiatorial fight.ANSWER: Lucius Aelius Aurelius Commodus<Frankel>

S5. Answer the following about an event from Norse mythology for 10 points each.[10] This is the name of the epic battle between gods and giants that will bring about the death of the gods and the end of the world.ANSWER: Ragnarok[10] He blows the horn Gjall to announce the start of the battle.ANSWER: Heimdall[10] Odin, leader of the gods, is fated to be swallowed up by this canine monster at Ragnarok.ANSWER: Fenrir [or Fenris wolf]<Frankel>

24. TOSSUP. Tom grows up at Offal Court, where his drunken father punishes him whenever he comes home empty after a day of begging on the streets. When opportunity presents itself, he pardons the Duke of Norfolk and many prisoners to the adulation of the public. He is just about to be crowned when Edward storms in and declares his identity. For 10 points—name this story about switching places between social classes by Mark Twain.ANSWER: The Prince and the Pauper<Chuck>

S6. Name the American city given colleges and universities located in it, for 10 points each.[10] Charles Drew University, Pacific States University, Occidental CollegeANSWER: Los Angeles, California[10] Texas Southern University, University of Saint Thomas, Rice UniversityANSWER: Houston, Texas[10] Duquesne University, Robert Morris University, Carnegie Mellon UniversityANSWER: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania<Wiseman>

25. TOSSUP. The author stated that this poem “takes up the theme where A Tuft of Flower’s…laid it down.” The speaker comments that “Spring is the mischief in me, and I wonder / If I could put a notion in his head”. The speaker’s conversant “moves in darkness as it seems to me, / Not of woods only and the shade of trees.” For 10 points—identify this Robert Frost poem that ends with the statement “Good fences make good neighbours.” ANSWER: “Mending Wall”<Walker>

S7. Answer the following questions based on the graph for ten points each. Distribute handout here.

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[10] For a solid bar, this is the relationship of stress with increasing strain. The linear relationship of the material up to point A follows what physical law?ANSWER: Hooke’s law[10] Point B is the point beyond which the bar will not return to its original length. What limit is demarcated at point B?ANSWER: elastic limit[10] The derivative of the line from the origin to point A is the ratio of the stress to the strain upon the material, which is the same as what material “modulus?”ANSWER: Young’s modulus<Chuck>

26. TOSSUP. As of May 2003, any city official in Arcata, California, could be fined fifty-seven dollars for voluntarily complying with it. Passing 357 to 66 in the House and 98 to 1 in the Senate, it expands the “pen register” statute to allow the equivalent of wiretapping in Internet-based and cell-phone-based communications. For 10 points—name this legislation which expanded federal powers after the September 11 attacks.ANSWER: USA Patriot Act [or Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act]<Chuck>

S8. Delve into the papers of Diedrich Knickerbocker and identify the following acquaintances of Ichabod Crane for 10 points each.[10] Ichabod woos this “blooming lass of fresh eighteen” and acts as her choral instructor.ANSWER: Katerina Van Tassel[10] This Herculean contender for Katerina’s hand is “as dexterous on horseback as a Tartar,” and chills Ichabod with his tale of the Headless Horseman.ANSWER: Brom Bones [accept Abraham Van Brunt][10] Ichabod borrows this trusty horse from his friend, Hans Van Ripper. Though old, the horse proves true to its name during the incident at Sleepy Hollow.ANSWER: Gunpowder<Francis>

27. TOSSUP. The narrator laments, “I should have been a pair of ragged claws / Scuttling across the floors of silent seas.” Earlier, he comments he has “known the arms already, / known them all – / Arms that are braceleted and white and bare.” Later in this poem, the narrator and title character asserts he is “not Prince Hamlet, nor was meant to be”, and asks “Do I dare / Disturb the universe?” Beginning with the line “Let us go then, you and I,” for 10 points—identify this poem by T. S. Eliot about the women coming and going and talking of Michelangelo. ANSWER: “The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock”<Walker>

S9. Answer the following about therapy for 10 points each.[10] This therapy instituted by Freud involves looking at a person’s childhood through modes such as free association.

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ANSWER: psychoanalysis[10] The founder of this therapy, Carl Rogers, believed in congruence and unconditional positive regard.ANSWER: client-centered therapy [accept person-centered therapy][10] This fellow client-centered therapist developed a hierarchy of needs with self-actualization at the top.ANSWER: Abraham Maslow<Connolly>

28. TOSSUP. He angered many by making his lover George Villiers the Earl of Buckingham. Despite his affair with Villiers, he had eight children with Anne of Denmark, but only three survived past the age of two. A prolific author, he wrote a treatise against the use of tobacco and a defense of the divine right of kings. For 10 points—name this son of Mary Queen of Scots and father of Charles I, the first Stuart king of England and the patron of a namesake translation of the Bible.ANSWER: James I [prompt on James; accept James VI of Scotland]<Wolpert>

S10. Given a quotation from a British poem, name its author for 10 points each.[10] “What immortal hand or eye/Could frame thy fearful symmetry?”ANSWER: William Blake[10] “One short sleep past, we wake eternally,/And death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die.”ANSWER: John Donne[10] “Sunset and evening star,/And one clear call for me!”ANSWER: Alfred, Lord Tennyson<A. Ismail>

The regular match ends here. Check the score. If the score is not tied, the match is over. If there is a tie, do not allow teams or coaches to leave the room. Ask for substitutions for the tiebreaker and send one staffer to tournament headquarters for tiebreaker questions. No further substitutions are allowed at any point after the tiebreaker begins.

At the completion of the match, be sure to fill out the entire scoresheet, including the stat summary, and get the captains’ signatures.

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American Literature: BridesmaidsComputer Science: Transfer

Current Events: CoupsEuropean Geography: Endpoints

Mathematics: AnglesMythology: The Water Boy

Opera: Court IntriguePhysical Science: Hands-On Demonstrations

Popular Culture: FeatsWorld History: We Signed What?

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American Literature: BridesmaidsComputer Science: Transfer

Current Events: CoupsEuropean Geography: Endpoints

Mathematics: AnglesMythology: The Water Boy

Opera: Court IntriguePhysical Science: Hands-On Demonstrations

Popular Culture: FeatsWorld History: We Signed What?

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