web governance for higher ed

Post on 14-Jul-2015






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Web Governance Bring Order to Higher Ed’s Wild, Wild Web

Prepared by Matt Herzberger Principal Consultant / CEO – Aligned Path


Hi, I’m Matt

Icon  by  Ma*  Brooks  


I live here

Icon  by  Brandon  Gamm  

I work here  

And here  


I have also worked at: •  University of Iowa •  Texas A&M University •  Florida International University •  Creighton University •  Consulted with many more…

Icon  by  James  Keuning    

Introduction In one way or another I was involved in central or organic Web leadership at each organization. Both top down and bottom up.

“Been there, done that, got a t-shirt… and have the scars to show for it”   Icon  by  Phillip  Green  


But I also learned a lot along the way.

“We are all truly passionate and genuinely want the best for our

institutions, issues arise as to the path to get there.”


So, what is this Web governance you speak of? Web governance encompasses everything needed to manage your university’s Web presence in an efficient and orderly way. The scale or size of your website will drive the activities required to manage it and the resources needed to perform those activities

“How to manage Web in a sustainable way to meet your


How can this benefit me?

Having Web governance in place ensures all current and future investments in your Web presence will have a better chance of success.

Icons  by  Diego  Naïve,  Luis  Prado,  Krisada,  Ma*  Brooks  

Strategic focus Less risk and waste Collaboration and accountability


How can this benefit EVERYONE?Everyone has their interests taken care of

Engaged staff

67% of high school seniors say a college website affects their perception of an institution SOURCE: 2014 E-Expectations Report  

At ease leadership Successful users

Icons  by  Wilson  Joeseph  





Sans Governance �Looks a little scary?�

There is an opportunity�

How do we get there?�This is not a finite project, this is a framework and a commitment that requires continuous effort to keep balance�

What is at play?

People Processes Tools

Resources based on size and complexity

Governance framework – Institutional LeadershipThis requires true buy-in and guidance from university leadership, from whom Web leaders should have a top down understanding of the strategic goals of the organization and how Web will contribute to them. Leadership champions who can provide •  Goals •  Metrics / performance indicators •  Money/ budget to meet resource requirements •  Backing to policies and standards

Governance framework – Web LeadershipActualize the vision set forth by institutional leadership into a strategy and activities to meet those goals Web Leadership will •  Create Web strategy •  Create Web standards •  Report on metrics •  Provide monitoring, optimization and maintain quality assurance •  Staff based on demand and roles needed •  Onboard system and tools to meet the goals

Governance framework – Web Governance Committee

Represent campus- wide stakeholders, advise and collaborate with Web leadership to create a cohesive direction to campus Web efforts Web Committee will •  Verify and validate the efforts of the web team for overall organization

alignment •  Identify Campus leadership champion with definition of new ownership,

leadership & authority •  Highlight the needs of resourcing, including staff, skills, tools & budget •  Find opportunities to augment and create efficiencies on a campus wide level •  Prioritization of projects •  Create comprehensive digital roadmap

Governance framework – Organization

Seems like a lot of work �Where is the pay off?�

Examples in actionWorked with a school that had a queue well in excess of 60 projects and growing, regularly shifting priorities could not get ahead of the curve Actions: •  Created procedures to inbound work in a clear centralized way •  Created Web team mission / vision based on organization strategic plan •  Built Web governance committee, with campus-wide representation

–  Group helped prioritize Web projects –  Group helped with transparency, buy-in and understanding –  Group successfully made case for additional resources

•  Created digital roadmap to guide future work

Examples in actionWorked with a school that had multiple Web teams with vastly different sites and no collaboration Actions: •  Started with bottom up, grass root collaborative group •  Group evolved into Web steering committee –  Created a comprehensive, progressive and enabling Web policy –  Worked towards campus wide Web strategy –  Units worked collaboratively towards” the greater good”

•  Analysis of reasons for previous non participation –  Created plan to address those needs centering around needs of tools

Examples in actionWorked with a school that was severely under resourced based on scale of work Actions:

•  Created clear list of roles and responsibilities to complete work •  Created a gap analysis of skills and team members •  Made a case around ROI for particular projects to which team members

would participate

Learn more - http://bit.ly/he-roi

Examples in actionWorked with a school needing to select a campus wide CMS Actions:

•  Started with content, resource and workflow analysis for campus •  Created campus wide group to build RFP gathering all users needs •  Held open sessions with all CMS vendors and allowed all campus members to

participate •  Held hands on sessions to try out system •  Allowed everyone to voice feedback to smaller voting, representative group

Learn more - http://bit.ly/he-cms

Overwhelmed?�You may have bits and pieces already today, it does not begin perfect. It will evolve and grow over time�

Start small

Icons  by  Sco*  Lewis,  Krisada,  Michael  Erdmann,  Lil  Squid  

Champion Issues Relationships You

Key takeawaysTrue Web leaders understand their role is greater than leading the Web, but contributing to the success of the whole organization

“Your website represents your university 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It’s the

intersection of marketing and IT, enrollment and advancement, student life

and alumni relations, and so on.”

Key takeawaysWebsites must be thought of holistically

“Each entity must understand they are part of a larger Web presence. In the

eyes of our users it is all one site” 55% of the prospective college student respondents cited difficulty with site navigation among the greatest challenges encountered with college websites. SOURCE: 2012 E-Expectations Report

Key takeawaysWeb strategy must be just that, strategic. We must move from a production focused mindset

“Web governance frees you up to focus on strategic objectives. You’ll be able to plan for the future instead of

putting out fires in the present.”

Key takeawaysMany organizations believe their issues can be solved by investment in a new strategy or design.

“An investment in internal efficiencies makes all future investments pay off

many times over with increased chances for success.”

Questions / Follow ups Matt Herzberger

http://alignedpath.com matt@alignedpath.com


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