web and mobile advertising to doctors

Post on 29-May-2015






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Helping companies use Web and Mobile Advertising to target Doctors and Hospitals


Web and Mobile Marketing for Medical Device Companies Reaching Doctors, Medical Centers and Hospitals

Healthcare Web Mobile

Mr. John Flynn

General Manager

Boston, MA



Healthcare Web Mobile Targeting Doctors and Medical Centers

For the last seven years we have been helping Medical Centers, Medical Device Companies, Colleges and many others target Doctors and Medical Centers. We have developed Web and Mobile Platforms that will target your demographic. With Web IP Targeting and Mobile Geo Fencing we can target selected Hospitals. Web Geo/Demo allows you to target by geographic location and demographic (by qualifiers such as age, household income, education and others). Using our behavior analysis database we can capture additional qualifiers such as Healthcare professionals. The new tools of Web and Mobile Marketing are allowing Medical Device companies to find their prospect in an exact location.

Web and Mobile Advertising and the Healthcare Sector

There is a rapid proliferation of Web and Mobile advertising in Healthcare Marketing. According to a survey of Marketing Directors (Acsysinteractive), 2013 will see tremendous growth in the use of Web/Mobile Advertising. 36.6% feel Online Channels will be a core part of their advertising plans 40.7% of Marketing Directors believe Web/Mobile Advertising will be a core part of their advertising plans. Web and Mobile Advertising will allow Company to implement Integrated Marketing for Audience Segmentation and Targeting, Increasing the Digital Experience and tying all advertising together in a strategic manner. Healthcare Web Mobile is here to help you ramp you Web/Mobile Marketing.

• Mobile “Premium Medical”

• Web IP Address Tracking

• Geo/Demo Web Targeting

• Mobile Geo Fencing

• Cookie Remarketing

What we offer

Mobile Marketing Targeting Healthcare: “Premium Medical”

We have set up a mobile network that will allow Medical Device Companies to target Medical Specialties and/or Healthcare Professions by location (Hospitals, Medical Centers and others) Our network has exclusive access to best-in-class professional apps. We have partnerships with Physicians Interactive (leader in providing mobile clinical resources and solutions), Remedy System (leader in designing and building mobile applications for ). Our network has over 400,000 Healthcare Professionals Users per month and growing. This is a unique opportunity to target by medical specialty, profession and location.

Here are some of the Apps in the “Premium Medical” Network

IP Address Demographic Tracking

Every internet connection has a IP Address. All Hospitals and Medical Centers have wireless networks. We have the ability to buy impressions generating from that IP Address. When a user of that IP Address goes to a partnered website (1,000 sites) your Ad appears on that site. Your Ad will only be seen by the user of the targeted IP Address. Professional Medical Trade Magazines are charging $200 CPM for banner ads that will only appear on their site. We can deliver better quality traffic at a much cheaper CPM rate. This allows Medical Device Companies to reach their demographic efficiently while being cost effective.

Web Geo Demo Targeting

You can select locations and drill down to demographic qualifiers. For example we can set up a campaign that will include the areas of Boston you wish to target and drill down to demographic qualifiers (household income, age, gender, web behavior and others) then use our behavior analysis database to help target your exact demographic. You can reach your target market where they work, live or play.

Our Web Platform In









Audience OpticsTM - Audience Segment Engine (DMP)

1st & 2nd Party Data

3rd Party Data Custom Sizing

& Indexing

Client Value: Proprietary Bidding 24/7 Reporting Analytics & Insights








Planning Creative Trafficking / Ad-Ops

Targeting / Optimizatio


Reporting Insights







Banners Rich media

Non-guaranteed &



In-stream In-banner

Mobile 2.0

Mobile web Tablet vs Phone

In-app Rich media Custom SDK


Facebook Exchange (FBX)



In-Stream Audio

Real-time Companion




Programmatic OOH


Mobile Geo Fencing

We can target a geographic area or location (Hospitals and Medical Centers). We can build a “Geo Fence” around the targeted areas. When a Smartphone user enters the “Geo Fence” their Smartphone’s ID is tagged. When they visit one of our 1,000 partnered Apps your banner ad appears. Only the Smartphones in the targeted radius will see your banner Ad. You can direct your message to the exact location you are targeting.


Cookie Remarketing

Our most powerful tool in Web Advertising is Cookie Remarketing. We can place a “Cookie Tracker” on your Website before your campaign begins and gather behavior information on your demographic. We can find underutilized pockets that your marketing may not be reaching. When we launch the campaign you will have a hyper targeted campaign that will increase your conversation rate dramatically. We can also track all the visitors that engage in the Web campaign. Tracking Websites they visit and other behaviors. While your campaign is running we will refocus your campaign and increase conversation rates.

Custom Algorithm

The Bidder is a unique genetic algorithm that accumulates data and self-refines as it runs against media to hone in on the ideal campaign cookies

The initial algorithm is based off of insights gained from site data, learning from previous campaigns, and industry benchmarks.

When looking at potential biddable cookies it acts as the “brain” or the decision engine therefore reducing

waste by only bidding on the most valuable cookies.

First Generation

Nth Generation

Final Generation

Audience OpticsTM

Desired Customer Segments

Why Integrated Web/Mobile Advertising in your Marketing

In the bad old days you would have to buy a whole pie to get the slice you want. Now Advertising has become sophiscated and allows companies to market directly to their demographic. You can run different campaigns geared to different products that have a different demographics. Web and Smartphone Advertising is exploding. We can help you put create a marketing plan that will enhace your present marketing. Web and Mobile Advertising can be integrated into your present marketing plans and enhance your message. Let’s talk about your options and possible ways Web and Mobile Marketing can work for you.


We have a proven ability to deliver Web and Mobile advertising campaigns to companies targeting Doctors and Hospitals. Healthcare Web Mobile Mr. John Flynn General Manager Boston, MA 617-595-0138 jflynn@healthcarewebmobile.com

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