web 2.0 tools for assessment

Post on 09-Apr-2017






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E WEB 2.0 TO





Luaran . Eds


Johan Eddy Luaran

Universiti Teknologi MARAR

Johan Eddy Luaran

Universiti Teknologi MARAR




i-Learn Center

Universiti Teknologi MARA



There are three important elements in education- the learners, the learning process

and the learning environment. These three elements are significantly interrelated,

and the goal of education is to optimize the learning environment to ensure sound

learning is taking place by the learners. But how does a teacher know if learning

has occurred? And if the learning objectives have been achieved?

Assessment plays an important part in answering these questions, as it informs

educators on the effectiveness of their teaching apart from providing a good

instructional strategy to increase students’ learning. However, assessment can be

a daunting task as it involves marking the answer scripts, calculating student’s

achievement in a test, analyzing scores or measure the improvement one child has

obtained for a particular term. This book is written with an intention to navigate

educators who are interested to ease the assessment process by leveraging on

available platforms on the Web. With these clever online assessment tools, teaching

and assessment can become fun and seamless.

This book features 9 different assessment platforms, namely ExamTime, TestMoz,

GotoQuiz, QuizWorks, Classmarkers, Proprofs, MakeAQuiz, QuizEgg, and QuizBean.

Most of these tools do not require the user to register for an account, which

provides convenience when a teacher needs to have a quick assessment on

students’ understanding. These assessment platforms also provide one-click away

performance analysis and scores the students obtained upon the completion of a

particular quiz. Each chapter starts by simply introducing the name of the

assessment tool that follows with descriptions and benefits of the respective

assessment tool. Readers will appreciate the inclusion of screenshots to ease their

navigation in making the most out of the online resources. It is hoped that this

book will provide a resource to advocate for the best possible ways to learn from the

open world.

Best Regards

Johan Eddy Luaran













Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment



ExamTime is a website that provides platform for the users to transform their potential.

This website allows the user to create, share and discover resources on the internet. It

permits the users to build mind maps, flash cards, notes and quizzes for free. It helps

students to get better depth of understanding and enhance their learning experience.

Students who use this website will have the chance to be creative and have fun while

creating their notes and their flash cards. The users can also monitor their progress by

trying the quizzes that are provided in the website. The website also provides the users

online study planner which will help the students to keep focused and motivated.

You can sign up ExamTime by using three different ways. You can either use your

email, Facebook or Google account. You can always create your own resource or you

can just view the public resource and can use it for free. You can always share your

resources to worldwide. Besides that, you can also have your friends and groups in the

programme. This app is good as it allows you to exchange your ideas with people all

around the world. Besides that, you can also create your own quiz or you can try to

answer the quiz provided in the app.

You can also view, edit, pin and print what others are sharing. Besides that, the users

can create learning communities in a very short time and they can create groups,

discuss and share resources. Students and teachers all around the world can create the

mind maps, flashcards, notes and quizzes by using the ExamTime. It also allows

teachers the freedom to form learning groups to share resources and conduct

discussions. It also gives study tips like College Prep Guide, SAT test device, GED test

help, NY regents, assessment tools and study resources.



Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


Benefits of Using ExamTime

1. Active Learning

ExamTime provides both students and teachers to actively engage in the

content. The website provides apps which allow the students to create their own

study content in more fun and active way. These apps enable students to:

Brainstorming and outline any topic with Mind Maps.

Learn facts, formulas, dates, vocab and other types of information

with Flashcards.

Test their understanding and knowledge retention in a fun and

engaging way with Quizzes.

Compile and organise a lot of info and resources in one place with


2. Flipping Classroom

The tools that are used in the website are fun and easy to utilize. By creating the

contents through ExamTime, teachers can present ideas and information outside

of the classroom. Students can take some of the information and ideas that you

have shared and create their own in their creative ways. The group sharing tools

make it easy to distribute learning material in a very safe and confidential


3. Upgrade the Materials

Teachers and students can upgrade the information and materials that they want

to use in class to something interactive. Instead of having lame notes and slides,

the students can present their ideas by creating a proper presentation. The mind

maps and the notes they created can simply be turned into an interesting

presentation by clicking the ‘play’ button. Teachers can also attract students’

attention by creating a dynamic teaching aids and give better introductory

presentation during class.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment



a. Signing Up

1. Go to https://www.examtime.com/

2. Sign up by using your email.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


3. Sign up by using your social network account.

4. Go to your email to confirm your account.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


5. Once you have confirmed your account, this screen will appear.

6. Set up your profile.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


b. Create a Subject

1. Before you start creating your mind maps, flashcards, quizzes, and notes, it is

advisable to create your subject so that you can arrange each note in the subject.

2. This screen will appear once you have decided to create a subject.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


c. Managing your subject

1. Click on the subject you prefer.

2. This is how it looks like once you clicked on the subject.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


3. Add a new topic in your subject.

4. Then, you can add your own resource or you can find related resources from the

public library.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


5. You can pin the related source to the topic that you have.

6. Once you have decided which one to pin, you can choose where to pin it.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


7. Then, this is how it will look like. You would have to click manage in order to let the

pin fall under hamlet topic.

8. Manage your resource. Somehow, you cannot add your resource under the topic you

want automatically so you have to drag it manually by clicking the manage tab.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


9. Click on the resource icon to get back to the view of the all resources.

10. This is how it will look like once you have clicked on resource.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


d. Creating Resource: Mind Map

1. This will appear once you have signed in.

2. Scroll down to view other examples.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


3. Start creating your own mind map by clicking Create.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


4. Insert your mind map title in the space provided.

5. Edit the title of your mind map.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


6. Edit the node.

7. Edit the text in the node.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


8. Edit the background of your mind map.

9. Insert image in your mind map.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


10. This screen will appear when you click insert an image.

11. Add nodes and child nodes.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


12. Add notes to your nodes.

e. Creating Resource: Quiz (Multiple Choice)

1. Do not worry about the previous mind map, it will be saved automatically. Just click

create if you want to create a new one.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


2. This screen will appear once you clicked Quiz.

3. Click Multiple Choice.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


4. Add title.

5. This is how it looks like once you click to add title.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


6. Add questions.

7. Type in the answers.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


8. Add an additional answer if its needed.

9. Save and add another question.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


10. Save and return to the question list.

11. This screen will appear after you click Save And Return To Question List. You can

delete, edit and change the position of the question.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


12. View the quiz.

f. Creating Resource: Quiz (Checkboxes)

1. Click create.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


2. This screen will appear once you clicked quiz. Choose Checkboxes.

3. Add title for your quiz.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


4. This screen will appear once you decided to add title.

5. Set up your question and your privacy setting.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


6. Add questions.

7. Type in your answers.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


8. Click on Save and Add Another Question if you want to add another question.

9. Click Save and Return to Question List once you have done creating the quizzes.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


10. This is how it looks like after you click Save and Return to Question List. You can

delete, edit and change the position of the question.

11. You can view the quiz after you have done creating the quiz.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


g. How to Create Resource: Quiz (True or False)

1. Click create.

2. This is how it will look like once you have clicked “Quiz” box. Pick true or false.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


3. Add title for your quiz.

4. This is how it will look like once you have decided to add title.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


5. Add questions.

6. Set the possible answer for the question.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


7. You can save and add another question.

8. Once you have done, you can click save and return to the question list.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


9. This is how it looks like after you click save and return to question list. You can

delete, edit and change the position of the question.

10. You can also view the set of the questions.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


h. How to Create Resource: Flashcards

1. Click create.

2. This is how it will look like.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


3. Create a title for the flashcards.

4. Edit the title of the flashcards.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


5. Tools to edit the flashcards.

6. You can add text on the flashcards.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


7. Besides that, you can also upload an image on the cards. Just click on ‘upload image’

and you can choose images in your computer.

8. You can change the position of the picture on the card by using the tools provided.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


9. Once you have finished with creating your flashcards, you can add the flashcards to

the deck.

10. The flashcards in the deck can be removed. Their position can be moved as well by

ticking the checkbox.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


11. You do not have to worry as the flashcards are automatically saved. You can view,

delete, print, or move the flashcards once you have done editing.

12. This is how it looks like once you click to view the flashcards. You can test yourself

by clicking on the icons.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


13. Once you have tested your memory on the flashcards, you can view your results.

14. You can view your performance stats at the end of the test.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


15. This is how it looks like once you click on the icon to check your performance stats.

g. How to Create Resource: Note

1. Click create to create.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


2. Create the title by clicking on the selected icon.

3. This is how it looks like once you have clicked to create the title.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


4. You can use the tools to edit the text and also to insert image or media into the note.

5. You can add clipping, which contains text, resource, image and media to your note.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


6. You can add text and image to your note and this is how it will look like.

7. Click actions once you have done in order to view, print, delete, copy or move the


Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


8. This is how it looks like if you click to view the note.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


Managing Your Resource

1. Every time you view a resource, scroll down until you have reached the end of the

resource. Then, you will find the tools either to edit, show tracking, move, and share or

print the resource. You can also give your comment.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment



Testmoz is one of the best platforms for the test maker to create the test. It is simple yet

provides all the things needed by the test maker to create the test. The app provides 4

types of question which are True/false, multiple choice, multiple response, and fill in the

blank questions. One of the best parts of this app is that the maker of the test does not

have to sign up an account in order to do the free version. However, if the maker wants

to have better features in creating the test, the maker are advised to sign up and pay

$20 per year.

The students can just do the test by inserting the name of the test and the password

that they can get from their teachers. Once they have finished answering the test, the

test result will be shown and they can get the chance to know their marks. However,

one of the small drawbacks from this free feature is that the teacher or the test make

cannot monitor their students’ progress or marks. But, if the test maker pays the app, he

can see the scores, averages and actual responses to questions.



Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


Benefits of using Testmoz

1. Professional Appearance

The neutral color scheme works with any business or school. The test maker does not

have to worry about the appearance of the test as it looks formal and suitable for

professional purposes.

2. Detailed Reports

See the scores, averages and actual responses to questions. You can even export the

data to CSV. However, for the free version, the detailed reports are not included.

3. No Registration

Neither you nor your test takers have to register. So, the test takers and the test makers

do not have to go through the hassles to register and which will consume some time.

The only thing that they need to know is the password for the test.

4. No Ads

You won't find any text ads, banners, or popups. You do not have to worry about getting

ads while answering the text as this will interrupt your focus.

5. Passcode Protected

The passcode will prevent strangers from taking your test. You can only focus at your

students’ achievement and their progress in answering the text and not other strangers’


Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment



a. Create the Test without Sign Up

1. Click on the link and you will be brought to this page. It is advisable to sign up

because you will get special features once you have signed up.

2. Click the green icon to start to make a test and sign up.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


3. Once you have clicked the green icon, you will be brought to this page to create a

test or to sign up.

4. After that, adjust the setting of the test. Please remember the link of the test as you

will not be able to retrieve the link again if you forgot it.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


5. After you have done adjusting the settings of your test, you can add questions to your


6. Edit your question. You can add as many questions as you can.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


7. You can add new questions or update your questions.

8. Once you have finished, publish the test.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


9. Click the red icon.

10. This is how it looks like once you click the red icon. Don’t forget to give the

password to your students.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


b. Answer the Test (student)

1. Click on the link that has been given by your teacher.

2. Answer the test.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


3. This is how it looks once you have finished answering the question.

4. Click log out once you have done answering your test.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


c. Create the Test by Signing Up

1. Go to the homepage and click the green icon.

2. Click sign up.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


3. Fill up the details needed.

4. Fill up the details required to register and sign up.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment



Gotoquiz is one of the sites that provide platform for the test developer to develop their

own test and then, share it to public. The websites have three kinds of tests which are

The Test, The Multi-result Quiz and The Classic. The developer can choose any kinds

of test that they prefer to test the students. Besides that, the website provides tips in

order to help the test to be viewed by many people. This website allows you to be

creative and fun while creating the test so that the test takers would enjoy answering the


Other than that, this website does not require the developer to sign up. The only thing

that the test developer needs to do is to name the test and provide the password. If the

developer decided to edit or add another questions, they can just login by providing the

test’s name and the password. The interface of the website is very simple as there is no

advertisement while the developer develops the questions. It also does not have

advertisement while the test taker answering the test.

Furthermore, you can publish your test on any social network and share it with your

friends. Your friends can try to answer the test. You can also put it in your websites by

copying the html codes and can have your viewers answer your test. Moreover, you can

also create poll by using this website. Now, you can ask people’s opinion with less




Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


Benefits of using Gotoquiz

1. Easy and simple

The major benefit of this website is the construction of the test is easy and simple. It

does not require the developer to sign up for the account. For a free website, the simple

features that it provides for the developer of the test are worth to try. Besides that, there

is no advertisement during the construction of the questions which would definitely

speed the construction of the test.

2. Free

As what have been mentioned above, it is free to use so students can develop their own

test and at the same time, sharing what they have with people all around the world.

Gotoquiz does not require the test maker to subscribe or to even sign up so it is less-

hassle. Since it has three kinds of quizzes, students can have more chances to be

creative in creating their own quizzes.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment



a. Create the Quiz: The Test

1. Pick the type of the quiz that is preferred.

2. Scroll down and click to continue to step 2.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


3. Fill in some basic information before the questions are created.

4. Create questions. However, you can only move to the next step once you have

created 10 questions at least.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


5. Once you have created all 10 questions, you can proceed to the next step.

6. You need to decide the sentence that needs to appear once the test takers have

done the quiz. Be creative.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


7. Once you have done adding text that can be viewed once the test takers have done

taking the exam, scroll down and click continue.

8. Then, you need to give introduction and conclusion to your quiz

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


9. Scroll the page until the end of the page. Then, click on the grey icon to continue.

10. This is how it looks like once you click on the grey icon.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


11. Preview your quiz first.

12. Try to answer your own question, and then, scroll down until you found the grey

icon. Click to submit answers.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


13. View the result after the test. Please return to the summary page in order to make

changes or to publish the test.

14. Finalize the quiz once you have confirmed of the questions.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


15. You can publish your quiz by sharing it to your friends or you can share the html/link

in your websites.

b. Create the Quiz: The Classic Quiz

1. Pick the type of quiz that is preferred.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


2. Click the grey icon to continue to the next step.

3. Fill in the details required.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


4. Move the adjustor to adjust the level of the effect of the age question

5. Scroll down until you see the grey icon and click on the grey icon to continue.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


6. You can start creating your questions by adding text to the boxes provided. You must

have at least 12 questions. Click continue once you have finished.

7. You can move the adjustor according to the level that you prefer.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


8. You can click the grey icon to continue.

9. You can edit your question by clicking on the edit button on your left.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


10. Once you have finished creating the questions for at least 12 questions, you can

proceed to the next step.

11. Choose your result sentence by adding text into the boxes required.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


12. Once you have finished describing the results of the test takers, click the grey iconto


13. This is the final step. You need to give your quiz a description. Add text to the


Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


14. Scroll down and continue to add text in the specified box for the parting words. Click

the grey icon once you have finished writing.

14. Once you click the grey icon, this is how it will look like. You can preview your test.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


15. This is how it will look like when you click to preview.

16. You can try to answer your question and then submit the answers by clicking the

‘submit’ button

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


17. Or you can click ‘return to summary’ to return to summary.

18. This is how it looks like after you have submitted your answers.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


19. Click the link to finalize the quiz.

20. You can publish your test or you can copy the codes and paste it on your website.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


c. Create the Quiz: The Multi-Result Quiz

1. Click on option 3 to create the test.

2. Click on the grey icon to continue to the next step.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


3. You need to enter the possible results. Add text in the box provided.

4. Click on the grey icon to continue and add this result.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


5. Once you have done creating the results as well as the description, you can click on

the link to continue.

6. You can adjust the setting of the age effect or the gender effect towards the result by

moving the adjustor. Then, you can scroll down and click on the grey icon to continue.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


7. Now, you can edit your question by adding text in the boxes provided. You must have

at least 12 questions.

8. Once you have done, you can click on the grey icon to continue.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


9. Once you have written your questions, you can adjust the effect of the answer of the

questions to the result you desired.

10. Once you had done adjusting the adjustor of the effect of the answers towards the

result, you can click on the grey icon to continue.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


11. Once you have done, you can click on the link to link to continue.

12. You can add the description of your test by adding text in the boxes provided.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


13. You can click the grey icon once you are done with the descriptions in order to

continue to summary.

14. You can preview your test before you decide to finalize the test.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


15. Once you have previewed the test, you can return to the test summary by clicking

on the link.

16. Then, you can click on the link to finalize.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


17. You can choose to publish your work to any social network provided by the website

or you can copy the codes and put it on your websites.

d. Create a Poll

1. Click ‘create a poll’ to start.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


2. Insert your question in the text box provided.

3. For the poll answers, you can add as many answers as you like.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


4. You can change the visual appearance. You need to select in order to have a light

theme or the dark theme. You can also select the bar color.

5. If you have a website, you can share the link so that people can go to your website

once they are done answering the poll. You can also add your name.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


6. You can set if you want your poll to have a duration of time.

7. Add description to your text in the box provided.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


8. Click on the grey icon to publish your test.

9. This is how it looks like once you publish the test. You can copy the link in to share

the poll.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment



Quizworks allows users to create course, quizzes, assessment and exam. This website

provides a platform for the users to create all the courses, quizzes, assessment and

exams. It is user friendly as it will guide the users step by step. Teacher or students can

decide to share their work with the public by copying the url link or the embedded code.

However, if one decided to use the free account, the features of the website are limited

to be used. But, still it can be used and will provide sufficient features to create all the

four items.

Other than that, this website requires the developer to sign up. However, the registration

process was not complicated and the interface is user friendly. The process of signing

up the account is as similar as the frequent ways to sign up other account online. There

is no advertisement while the users creating the quizzes, courses, exams and

assessment. This is good as it will not distract the users while creating the questions.

Furthermore, you can publish your test on any social network and share it with your

friends. Your friends can try to answer the test. You can also put it in your websites by

copying the html codes and can have your viewers answer your test.



Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


Benefits of Using Quizworks

1. User friendly

Quizworks is user-friendly as it provides step by step instructions for the users when

they want to use the website. Besides that, the interface is simple and not complicated

which is suitable to be used for novice ICT users. Although some of the features will

only be accessed if the users upgrade their account to a version that has to be paid, but

the free version also provided sufficient tools that would help the users to create the

products that they want.

2. Free and reasonable price

Everybody loves the free stuff. As what have been mentioned above, even though if the

users wanted to use the other special tools inside the website, they would have to

upgrade their account, but the free tools can also be used. There are limitations a bit but

it is worth it. Even though the upgraded account needs to be paid, but the price is

reasonable and worthy.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment



a. How to register

1. Clink on the link www.onlinequizcreator.com and you will be brought to this page.

2. Click on the link to register.

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3. Click on any options that you like.

4. Fill up the details needed.

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5. Click on the save button to save your details.

6. Once you click save, you will be brought to this page.

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b. Quiz

1. Click on quiz to start creating quiz.

2. Click on the maroon icon to continue.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


3. Create the title for your quiz. Click enter to continue.

4. Click on the new question to create questions.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


5. Choose and click the question. For free version, you do not have access to upload

the image.

6. Write your question and the answers in the box provided. Then, click the pink icon to

add question.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


7. Once you have done creating your question, you can click the green button to save.

8. Click on the link to view your questions.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


9. This is how it will look like. You can edit or delete your questions by clicking on the

green icon.

10. You can only export questions if you upgrade your account.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


11. Click on the setting to set your questions.

12. Provide introduction for your quiz.

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13. Click the pink icon to save the settings.

14. Click on the layout and setting to change the layout and the setting.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


15. You can add image by clicking on the blue icon.

16. You will be asked to choose an image to upload.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


17. You can click on the tools to edit your layout.

18. Click the pink icon to continue.

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19. For the other tools in the red box, you need to upgrade your account in order to

have access to use it.

20. To publish and share, click on the icon of publish and share.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


c. Assessment

1. Click to create assessment.

2. Click on the pink icon.

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3. Create the title for your assignment. Click on the same pink icon again once you have

finished creating the title for your assignment.

4. Choose the type of assessment that you need.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


5. For Multiple Categories, click on the pink icon.

6. Click the pink icon to create questions.

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7. You will be brought to this page. For free account, you can only create one type of

question. Click on the question icon and add text in the box provided.

8. Scroll down and add text in the box provided for the answers.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


9. Click to create new category for your answer.

10. Once you click the link, you will see this pop-up. Add text in the boxes provided.

Then, click the pink icon to create new category.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


11. You can also choose the allocated marks for the answers.

12. Once you have done creating your answers for the question, scroll down and click

on the pink icon to continue.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


13. Click the green button once you have finished creating all the questions and


14. You will be brought to this page and you can edit or delete your questions.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


15. Click to add categories.

16. You can add text in the box provided.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


17. You can also modify the settings. Just click on the settings icon.

18. You will be brought to this page where you can edit about your assessment.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


19. Scroll down and click on the pink button once finished.

20. Some features are not available for the free account.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


21. Click on the icon to edit the layout and styling.

22. You can click to add image and also click on the tools to change the settings

according to what you prefer.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


23. Scroll down and you will see the pink icon. Click on the pink icon to save your work.

24. To publish, click on the icon.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


25. Copy the link and share the url.

d. Create Exam

1. Click on the exam icon on the dashboard.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


2. Click on the pink icon to create the new exam.

3. Add text in the box provided.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


4. Click on the pink icon once you have decided the name for your exam.

5. Click on the pink icon to create questions.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


6. To create questions, you can add text in the box provided and you can also set the

point for each question. For the free version, this is the only type of questions available

for your exam.

7. Scroll down and you will see the boxes provided to write the answers. You can also

choose which one is the correct answer. Besides that, you can also decide the position

of your answers.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


8. For the explanation, you can add image (optional), add text in the explanation box or

add the link for further explanation about the questions.

9. You can click on the pink icon to add question.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


11. If you have finished creating questions, click on the save icon to save your work.

12. The icons on the left have the same functions as the previous icons for quiz and


Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


d. Course

1. Click on the course to create a new course.

2. To create new course, click on the pink icon.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


3. Add title for your course. And then, you can click on the pink icon once you have

finished creating the title.

4. Then, you will be brought to this page. You can add introduction to your course.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


5. You can change the language of the website and change the text that will appear for

the start button test. Besides that, you can also add text for somebody that passed or

failed the course.

6. Click on the pink icon to save your description of the course.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


7. Click on the curriculum to edit your curriculum.

8. You can add element in your course. Click on the pink icon to add element.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


9. You can choose and click the action that you want to be done. For upload and

content, the steps are similar.

10. Click on the upload icon and you will be brought to this page. You can add text in

the boxes provided. You can also add image to the box provided.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


11. Scroll down and click on the pink icon once you have done.

12. For quiz, click on the quiz icon.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


13. Just choose from the quiz that you have created.

14. Click on the save icon once you have done.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


15. For assessment and exam, just follow the same steps as quiz.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment



The ClassMarker hosted online testing software is one of the best quiz makers for

teachers & businesses. Used for business & training tests; recruitment & pre-

employment assessments; educational facilities, schools, universities, distance learning,

online courses, E-Learning, self-study groups, practice tests & more. Teachers can get

more benefits by using this website because it provides platform for the teachers to

create their own test.

You can register your account by using your email. The process of registration is simple

and not complicated. The users can just follow the instructions that have been provided

by the website. The teacher can insert the username of the students and combine them

in a group. Then, the teacher can just give the students the passcode to answer the

test. This website also includes certificate for the test takers once they have finished

answering the test.

Other than that, for the paid account, it optionally charge for your exams, so you

can sell quizzes online and receive payments instantly. Custom web-based testing

services allow you to easily create & give secure online exams to your exact

requirements with features such as time limits, public & private test access, randomize

questions, instant feedback, multiple choice, short answer, essay & more question




Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment



1. Reasonable

This website provides two kinds of account. The users can choose either to subscribe to

the free account or they can buy the business account. However, even if the users

decided to use the free account, the features are convenient enough to create a good


2. Step by step Guide

This website provides a detailed instructions on how to use the features that are

provided. Users do not have to worry on getting confused on each function of the

features as every icon is explained by the website. Besides that, for each of the task

that needs to be done, the website also provide details instruction. The users need not

to worry as they would face less difficulty once they started to use the website to create

the test.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment



How to Sign Up

1. Go to the link http://www.classmarker.com/

Test Taker

1. For test taker, you can just click on ‘test takers’.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


2. Test taker needs to have a registration code in order to register.

3. Fill in the details required and click register icon once you have finished.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


Administration: Business & Education

1. Click on ‘for business use, register here’.

2. For education purpose, click on ‘for education purpose’.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


3. For business purposes, you will get all the features but it is only free for 30 days. Fill

in the information needed.

4. Scroll down and insert other information that is needed for registration. Click the

orange icon once you have finished.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


5. The steps for registration are the same as for business account. The difference is that

the not-for-profit account has limited features.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


Create Tests

1. Once you have created the account, this is how it will look like.

2. Add username and password. Click on the grey icon to log in.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


3. This is how your dashboard will look like.

4. Scroll down and click on ‘create a test’.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


5. Add your test name in the box provided. Click on the red icon to start adding


6. Click on the ‘fixed questions’ to add questions. The ‘random questions’ can only be

used once you have added questions.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


Multiple Choice

1. Click on ‘multiple choice’. Add text in the box provided. Use the tools to edit text.

2. For the answers, add text in the boxes provided. Use the tools to edit the text. Check

in the small box for the correct answer.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


3. Click to add more answer.

4. For feedback, it is optional either to have it or not to have it. Add text if you want to

have feedbacks.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


5. You can also edit the category, the points for your question, and randomize your


6. Click preview icon to preview.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


7. You can preview and reedit your question.

8. You can save your questions once you have finished writing your questions.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


True False Question

1. Click on ‘true false’.

2. Add text in the box provided. Use the tools to edit.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


3. For the answer, check one of the boxes for the correct answer.

4. For feedback, add text in the boxes provided. Use the tools to edit the text.

Feedbacks are optional, so you can leave them if you want.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


5. Choose and click category or you can create a new category.

6. If you wanted to add new category, just add text in the box provided and click create.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


Free Text

1. Click on ‘free text’.

2. Add text in the box provided. Use the tools to edit the text.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


3. For the answers, you can add text in the text boxes provided. For free text, you need

to have more than two answers. One is the mandatory answer. The others are the

optional answers.

4. The feedback is optional. If you wanted to have it, add text in the boxes provided.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment



1. Click on ‘grammar’.

2. Add text in the boxes provided. The test maker is ought to insert the incorrect version

and the correct version of the sentence.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


3. Feedback is optional. Add text in the boxes provided.


1. Click on ‘essay’.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


2. Add the question in the text box provided.

3. Feedbacks are optional. You can add your feedback in the text boxes provided.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


Import Questions

1. Go to the dashboard and click on ‘create the test’.

2. Add the test name for your test.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


3. Click on ‘fixed questions’ and choose to import questions.

4. Select the number of questions. Then, create question template.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


5. The website has the instructions to import questions. For window users, they need to

download the Notepad++ in order to be able to upload the questions.

6. The website provides the instructions to create the test step by step.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


7. Click to upload questions.

8. Click to choose file and then, click on the red icon to upload questions for checking.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


9. Review the questions.

10. Scroll down and click to save the questions.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


11. Choose either to go to the question bank or add new question.

** However, to import questions, users need to upgrade their account

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


Preview and Save Your Question

1. Click to preview your question before you decide to save your question.

2. You can decide either to edit or to save your question once you have previewed your


Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


Writing Introduction for the Test

1. Go to your dashboard and click ‘test’.

2. Click ‘edit’.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


3. Click on the test introduction. Then, add text in the box provided. Use the tools to edit

the text. Once you have done, click on the red icon to update.

4. This is how it will look like once you have updated your introduction.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


Assign the Test

1. From the ‘test introduction’, you can click on the ‘assign’ icon.

2. To assign to group, click ‘assign to group’.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


3. Click to ‘create a new group’ if you have not created any group.

Creating a Group

1. Add text in the box provided to create the group’s name. Click ‘submit’ once you have

finished creating.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


2. Click ‘add members’ to start adding members for the group.

3. This is how it will look like. You can choose to enter the members or create the

registration code.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


4. Add in the information needed.

5. To create registration code, click on the link.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


6. This is how it will look like once you decided to create the registration code. Click on

the number of new members that you want to add to the group.

7. Click to add member registration code.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


8. Click on the link.

9. Click on the green icon to print the member registration code.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


10. You will be brought to a new window and you can print this registration code.

Assign the Test

1. Go to the dashboard and click on link.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


2. Select the test that you would like to assign.

3. Click to assign to group.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


4. Choose which group you will like to assign the test to. Then, click next.

6. The setting of the test access.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


7. Click to display guidelines.

8. Set the time limit and the option to resume the test.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


9. Edit the settings of the test questions.

10. The settings upon completing the test.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


11. Set the pass mark and the feedback for the test.

12. Edit the settings of the certificate.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


13. Creating new certificate. Add name and the theme for the certificate.

14. Select the elements to be included on the certificate.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


15. Add organizational info. You can also upload the logo.

16. Click to select an option for the image.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


17. Choose a file to upload.

18. Click to save and preview.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


19. Set the settings of the email.

20. Set the test taker email settings.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


21. Click to allow printing.

22. Click to start assigning.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


23. To share via link, click the red icon.

24. Add the link name. Add text in the box provided.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


25. Some of the settings of the assigned test via link is different. You can set the

password and the access list.

26. You can also ask for extra information.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


27. There are three options for giving the test.

28. Click finished once done.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


Analyse Results

1. Go to dashboard and click to analyse.

2. You can analyse by groups, links or by tests.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


3. For analysing by test, click on the test icon. This is how it will look like once you

clicked on the test icon.

4. For analysing the result according to the group, click on the group icon. This is how it

will look like once you clicked on the group icon.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


5. For analysing the result by using the link, click on the link icon. This is how it will look

like once you clicked on the link.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


6. On the dashboard, you can view the information about your data that you have saved

in the website under your account.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


The Difference between Free Account and Paid Account

1. For the free account, all the features can be used by the users. However, if the test

takers decided to assign the test by using the link, the test takers are not allowed to

save the results.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment



Make a Quiz is one of the best quiz makers on the internet. It provides a very simple

and fun way for teachers or students to create their own quiz on the internet. Teachers

can also use this website to provide questions in class for the students. The students

would love to do the quiz as it is simple and not complicated. Besides that, the test

makers can also check the scoreboard to know the list of people that have taken the

test as well as their scores.

One of the best things about this website is the test makers need only to sign up by

using their email. There is no need for email verification as well. The website also does

not require the users to pay as it is free. The features provided are also good enough to

create a well-built quiz. The users can also try the sample quiz before they created or

answer the quiz that they want to.

Other than that, the quiz can also be shared to many kinds of social network. If the

students did not have any social network, the teachers or the test makers can also

email the link. Anyone can also answer the question but no worries, the scoreboard

would let you to keep track on the users who have decided to answer your questions.



Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment



1. Free

This website is suitable to be used by the students as well as the teachers as it is free.

There is no need to be paid and everyone can use it. With the features it provided, it is

decent enough for the students and the teachers to use this for the in-class activity.

2. Simple

This website is also simple and it provides step-by-step guides. Users do not have to

worry about being confused as it is not complicated and easy. However, since it is free,

the ads are not being removed by the websites. But, it does not slow down the process

of creating the website so the users do not have to worry about it.

3. Easy and user friendly

This website can be categorised as user friendly as it provides label and step-by-step

guide while creating the questions for the quiz. There will no problem although the users

are still novice users of the computer and internet. The step-by-step guide is also easy

to understand and not complicated.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment



How to Sign Up

1. Go to the link http://makeaquiz.net/.

2. Click on the blue icon to start making a quiz.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


3. You can also scroll down and click on the blue link.

4. Insert details in the box provided. Please add your quiz name and your email


Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


6. Then, you can edit your quiz colour scheme. You can choose from the colour


7. Check the age box below if you are over 13 years old.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


8. You can check to preview your quiz colour scheme.

9. You can click on the red link to check on your colour scheme.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


10. A pop-up window will appear and you can check your quiz colour scheme.

11. You can click to continue once you have satisfied with the colour scheme.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


Create a Question

1. Type the question you want in the text box provided.

2. Then, type the possible answers for your question in the text boxes provided below.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


3. Check one of the boxes for the correct answer.

4. Click on the grey icon to submit your question.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


6. Check the small box once you have finished writing your questions. Then, click the

grey icon to submit your question.

Share the Quiz

1. You can click, copy and share the url.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


2. You can also click, copy and share short link on your twitter.

13. You can also check the scoreboard by clicking on the link provided.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


14. You can also share the questions by sending an email to your friends or add link to

your own website or homepage.

15. Check your inbox for any information that the website send to you.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment



Proprofs is one of the best websites which comes with a lot of best features. It is the

easiest way to create online quizzes. You can make an online quiz using existing

templates or create your own from scratch, in minutes. This website is suitable for

teachers as it provides the room for creating the test which suits students’ ability and

level of performance. Students can also gain benefits from using this website as it also

gives chances for the students to create their own quizzes and tests. Proprofs allows

students to be creative in their learning.

You can sign up for Proprofs account by using three ways. The first one is you can sign

up by using facebook account. As students nowadays have facebook, so they can use

their facebook account to sign up for Proprofs account. Just follow the instructions that

have been given by the website and the users will not face any difficulties to try to

understand on how to create the tests. Moreover, students can also sign up by using

other accounts such as Google+ and Twitter.

Other than that, the website provides thousands of questions to be answered by the

students. The teacher can use the quizzes to help the students about the activity in

school. There are a lot of other stuffs that are related to the teacher’s practicing and can

be used in class.



Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment



1. Easy

This is one of the best features for this website. The website is easy as it provides

instruction for the settings of the test. Users do not have to worry because the

instruction is well-constructed. Proprofs serves as one of the best helpers in teachers’

life as it helps to provide the platform for the students to have their test online.

2. Free

Some of the features are free. The website has provided enough tools for students. For

US students, in this website, it also provides some examples on how to answer the SAT

test. For something that is free, that sure is something that is hard to resist.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment



Signing Up

1. Go to http://www.proprofs.com/quiz-school/create-a-quiz.php

2. Click at the ‘Sign Up Free’ label

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


3. Fill in all the details needed. After that click at the label as shown below to

complete the registration.

4. This is the home page for the website

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


Creating Online Quiz

Scored Quiz

1. Click at the label to start creating a quiz.

2. Next. You will be taken to the next page which is the home page for the Scored


Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


3. Choose the type of question that you want to create.

4. Create the title of your quiz. You can change the image for your quiz. You can

just click at the label

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


5. Follow the instruction as shown in the picture for the next step

6. After finishing choosing the image, click the label ‘Done’ to save the picture.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


7. Click save after finished upload the picture and creating a title for your quiz

Multiple choice questions

1. Click at the label.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


2. Create the question and the choice of answer. After that, click at the label as

shown below to save the question.

3. Your question has been saved.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


Checkboxes Questions

1. Click at the label

2. Create the question together with the answer and click Save.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


3. The question that you created has been saved.

True/False Questions

1. Click at the label

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


2. Create the question and Click save

3. Your question will appear at the home page

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


4. Follow the same step for the other type of the question.

Personality Quiz

1. Click at the label to start creating your quiz

2. Next. You will be taken to the home page for the personality quiz.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


3. Create the title of the quiz and change the image if you want. After that, click the

‘Save’ label

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Click at the label to start creating a quiz about multiple choice questions.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


2. Here is example of questions for the multiple choice question. Click Done to save

the question.

3. You can add an image to the question if you want.

4. The question that has been saved will appear at the home page.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


True/False Questions

1. Click at the label to start creating the quiz

2. Click ‘Done’ after finish creating your question.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


3. You can see your question at the home page

4. You can change the order of the question by clicking at the label as shown below

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


How to Create a Quiz with Existing Templates

1. Click at the label as shown below

2. Type a keyword to find the quiz

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


3. This is examples of quizzes available under the keyword ‘educational’.

4. Click at the label and you can find out the examples of questions.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


How to Design Your Quizzes

1. You can design your quizzes by click at the ‘Setting’ label.

2. Next, click at the ‘theme’ label to edit your quizzes theme.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


3. There is a few part of things that you can change to make your quiz look better


Click at the label. After that choose the theme that you like.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment



Click upload and choose the image from the computer to change the logo of your



To change background, click at the label and choose a picture from your computer.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment



At this section, you can change the colour of font for the quiz title, description and


Font Family

You can change the type of font just by clicking at the font. Then, they will automatically


Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


Font Size

Next, you can change the font size according to your own choice.


Lastly, you can edit the quiz buttons. You can edit the button colour, the text colour of

the button and the button caption.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


Click ‘Save’ after you have finished edit your theme

How to Configure Quizzes

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


You can configure your quizzes by clicking each of the labels above.

1. Under ‘general’ label, you can change the setting according to what that has

been provided.

2. You also can change the security of your quiz.

3. Under the ‘language’ label, you can change your language. The default language

used is English.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


4. Notification label will help you to be alert with this website.

5. You can choose either to connect the quiz with your social media such as

Facebook and Twitter.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


6. After finished editing all the setting, don’t forget to click Save.

Sharing Your Quizzes.

1. You can share your quiz with various methods. First, click at the label as shown


Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


2. You will be taken to next page. There are four methods to share your quiz.


There are two options to share the quiz via email. First, share the link of the quiz

through your Gmail or Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Live. Second option is write an

invitation email to your friends for them to join your quizzes.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment



Second method is by sharing the quiz link on a webpage.


Third method is by sharing your quiz on social media such as Facebook, Twitter,

Google + and Linkedin.

i) Share via Facebook

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


Click at the Facebook icon and a popup window will appear. Log in to continue with the

sharing link.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


Basically same step will be taken for other social media which is Twitter, Google + and

LinkedIn. You need to click at the icon, after that log in to the account to continue.


The last method to share your quiz to other people is by embedding the link on your

website or blog.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


Preview Your Quiz

1. After finished creating and editing your quiz, you can preview it back. Click at the

‘preview’ icon.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


2. Insert your first and last name and then click Start to begin your quiz

3. This will appear on the next page. You are able to answer the question.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


Help Button

1. If you need any help, you can click at the ‘Help’ label as shown below.

2. This is the home page for the ‘Help’ button


Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


3. You can learn more about the content of the website by taking a quick tour that

has been prepared. Click at the icon.

4. You can watch the videos that are available for further understanding about the

popular features of the website.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


5. You can ask a question to the website’s team. Click at the icon.

6. Insert a keyword of your question and click the ‘Ask’ button. You also can ask the

question privately by fill in all the details needed and click ‘Send Message’ button

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


7. You also can search the frequent asked questions that has been asked by other

user to find the answer of the common questions.

8. Insert your question in the box and click ‘Search’ to find out the answer. You also

can find out the answer by reading the most popular articles that available.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


9. Next is about the company and the video tutorials. You can just click at the


10. You can edit the setting for your quizzes. Click at the button as shown below.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


11. Next. You will be taken to next page. Here, you can change the setting of your

quiz according to your choice.

12. You can find out more about the website by read at the articles and the Proprofs

blog to know the latest update about the website

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


13. This button will show examples of the quiz setting.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


14. You can just click at the label that you want. Then, they will show you the quiz


15. You can make a suggestion to the website’s team in order to improve the


Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


16. Click at the label as shown below to make a new suggestion

17. Give your suggestion at the box available and click ‘Send’ to complete the action.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


18. Your quiz suggestion will available at the quiz maker suggestions.

19. There are various categories of suggestion. Click at the labels to find out the

suggestion that available.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


20. You can comment and give like at the suggestion that are already available on

the website.

Knowing the Users

1. You can add a new user and create new group by clicking at the label.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


2. Click at add user and follow the next instruction.

3. To create a new group, click at ‘Add New Group’ and follow the instruction.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


Knowing Your Instructor

1. Click at ‘My Instructor’ and a popup window will appear.

2. The popup window will show the list of names of the instructor.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


Edit Your Profile

1. Click at ‘My Account’ to view your profile

2. The next page is the home page of your account.


Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


3. You can add or delete image to your profile. Click ‘Choose File’ to add an image.

Choose the image from your computer. After finished, click ‘Save Setting’

4. Click ‘Logout’ to quit from the website.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment



This website is suitable to be used by the teachers and the students for quizzes and in

class activity. The templates which are provided in the website will reduce the hassle

that teachers face when creating quizzes. Teachers can also provide different kinds of

questions for the students for a quiz. This would reduce the possibility of the students to

be bored while answering the questions.

You can sign up by using your email address. The account is free for a certain period of

days. After that, you need to upgrade your account to keep enjoying the benefits that

you will get from this website. You do not have to register by using your social network

account as it only wants your email account and your user name.

Besides that, once you have don creating the quiz, you can share it online. You can

also decide either to open it to public or for only specific users. The website provides

three different kinds of way of sharing. You can copy the link and post it on your social

network site. You can also have your quizzes in the form of hard copy as it allows the

users to print the quizzes. If you have a blog, you can have it embedded in your

educational blog.

Although this website is not for free, but the features it provides is reasonable with the

price. With advertisement free environment, it will give more speed to the users while

creating the quizzes. The user interface is also user friendly and it is not complicated.

First time users would not find it hard to understand the instructions in the website.



Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment



1. Fast

Adjusting quiz settings and adding questions goes so quickly, you'll wonder how you

ever got along without QuizEgg. There is no advertisement while creating the questions

so the users do not have to worry about getting distracted by the advertisement while

constructing the question.

2. Affordable

Other online test makers cost hundreds of dollars a year. QuizEgg is just $50 a year.

That's not bad at all. with the features it provided, the payment can be considered as

decent enough.

3. Easy

There is no complicated software to download or install. QuizEgg runs in your web

browser, and you never have to mess around with flash files. Just sign up, and you're

ready to go. Besides that, the users will be guided by step-by-step guide while they are

creating the questions.

4. Powerful

8 question types, numerous quiz properties, detailed reports, customizable themes and

many more features make for one powerful quiz maker. Everything in one website.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment



Signing Up

1. Go to https://quizegg.com/

2. Click the sign up icon.

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3. Click on the text boxes provided and type in the personal information needed to sign


4. Check the small box once you have agreed to the terms and conditions. Click create

account to create the account.

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5. You will be brought to this page to log in to your account for the first time.

6. This is your homepage.

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Create a New Quiz

1. Scroll down your homepage and you will have this. Click on the link to create a new


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a. Quiz Settings: Quizegg Classic

1. When you clicked on the link to create a new quiz, you will be brought to this page.

This is to do the settings of your quiz.

2. For your introduction, you can scroll down and add text in the box provided. Use the

tools to edit your text. To know the function of each tool, you can just move your cursor

to the tools’ icon.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


3. For more settings, you can just scroll down and click or check on the boxes needed.

4. Scroll down and you will find the box for completed message once the test takers

have finished answering questions. Click on the tools to edit and add text in the box


Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


5. For quiz access, check to enable passcode and enter the passcode in the box


6. To allow only specific users that can answer the quiz, check on the boxes provided.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


7. If you checked on ‘only the users I specify below can take the quiz’, you will need to

insert the usernames that are allowed to take the quiz.

8. Check on the boxes if you wanted to hide your students’ registration form as well as

getting email about the quiz results.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


9. Click the grey icon once you have finished setting your questions.

b. Manage Questions

1. Click on the link to start adding some questions.

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2. Add your question in the box provided. Use the tools to edit your text.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


3. Choose your question type. The website provided different answer choices for

different type.

Multiple Choice

1. The website provided 4 choices of answer for a question. You can add or remove the

answers by clicking on the blue link. Do remember to check one of the boxes for the

correct answer.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


2. You can check to shuffle the answers. If you wanted to show feedback, you can

check on the small box and provide explanation in the text box provide. You can use the

tools to edit your text or add image.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


True False

1. For true false question, you can check on the correct answer. If you decided to add

explanation, check on the small box to show feedback. Add text in the explanation box

and use the tools to edit your text or add image to the explanation.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


Multiple Responses

1. For multiple responses, you can have more than one answer. You must check on

more than just one box. Add your answer in the textbox required. You can click on the

blue link to add or remove your answer.

2. Check on the explanation box to add explanation.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


Fill in the Blank

1. Add text in the answer box. Click on the blue link to remove or add answer. If you

wanted to show feedback, click on the feedback box. Add text in the explanation box

and use the tools to edit your text.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


Word List

1. Add text in the answer box provided. Be sure to mark the correct answer. Click on the

blue link to add or remove answer. If you decided to provide feedback, mark the

feedback box and add text in the explanation box. Use the tools to edit the text.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment



1. You need to grade the paper manually. The explanation box is provided and the step

is similar to others.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


Matching Sets

1. Add text for questions in the question boxes and answers in the answer boxes. If you

wanted to add or remove set, click on the blue link. If you wanted to add feedback for

your questions, mark the feedback small box. Add explanation in the box provided for

explanation and use the tools to edit the text.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment



1. Add text in the answer boxes provided according to the correct order. Click on the

blue link to add or remove answer. Mark the feedback box to add feedback. Add text in

the explanation box and use the tools to edit the text.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


c. Saving your question

1. Click save and add new question.

2. Click the save icon once you have finished doing your question.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


3. You will be brought to this page. Enter your username and password.

4. Click on the edit button to edit your question.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


5. Click to publish your quiz.

6. You will be brought to this page. Click the purple link to try the quiz.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


7. Decide whether to publish or to edit your quiz.

d. Publishing Options

1. Once you have clicked ‘publish’, you can copy the link to your quiz.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


2. You can also print your quiz either by opening it in Microsoft Word or in Web


3. You can also embed the quiz in your website.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


4. Copy the html to be embedded in the website.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


Common Task

1. These are the common tasks. You can view this on the homepage.

a. Manage Groups

1. Click on ‘manage groups’.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


2. Add the name of the group as well as the description of the group (optional). Click on

the grey icon to create a group.

3. You can edit, delete, or duplicate the group.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


4. Click the edit button. You will be brought to this page.

b. Managing Themes

1. Click ‘manage themes’.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


2. Click on the link to create one or you can choose from the existing themes.

3. Click on global.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


4. You can decide the name of your theme. You can also choose the background

colour. Besides that, you can also choose the default font. Click ‘done’ button once you

have done.

5. For logo, click on the logo link. To upload the logo, you can choose your file or you

can copy the url of the image. Then, click ‘upload’.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


6. You can also set the size of the logo. Besides that, they can also decide what colour

they prefer. Click ‘done’ once you have finished.

7. Click on the ‘header/footer’. You can choose your background colour, edit your text

and edit your border colour. Click ‘done once you have finished editing.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


8. Click and choose the colour which you prefer. Click ‘done’ once you have finished


9. Click on the link to save.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


c. View Reports

1. Click on the link to view reports.

11. Select which quiz to view the reports. You can also search by the username to view

the reports.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


12. Choose and click on which to show; maximum score, minimum score, last score,

first score. You can also export the score sheet summary and question grid summary to


d. Bulk Registration

1. Click on ‘bulk registration’.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


2. Insert text in the boxes required.

3. Click check once you have done.

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4. Verify the name that you have registered. Click ‘submit and register’.

5. You can print the name list.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


e. Manage Account

1. Click to manage account.

2. Click to upgrade.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment



Quizbean stretches the tech boundary with its great educational possibilities. It is a

website which allows the sharing of quizzes online. Though it is quite new on the

market, this free web-app allows teachers and students to quickly create online quizzes

which can then be conventionally shared via e-mail and even in social media. After

sharing it, then your students can head over to Quizbean to take part in the quiz.

The first step to utilizing Quizbean is to sign up for your free account. From the account,

you will be able to create quiz, create a class and add your students. This could be

really convenient as it can facilitate you to handle different classes efficiently online. The

site will prompt you for all the information it requires to set up a profile. If you wish to

have different quizzes for different classes and still want to keep in track with the

progress of respective classes, you can conveniently do so at this site. The students

also will be able to check their scoring and percentage. This will immensely help them in

tracking their educational development.

To start creating a quiz, the users only need to provide a title and they can proceed

generating the questions. The incredibly friendly user interface makes it really easy to

use even for beginners. The variance of the answers to the question can come in

multiple choice format. The users can also add images and even explanations to the

questions. The quizzes can be customized to the teachers’ liking and preferences as it

will be able to reflect the intended nature of the questions at its best.



Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment



1. Feasibility

It is now much easier for teachers not only to create, but also delegate and keep in

track with the scores of the students. The teacher dashboard will allow the teachers

to manage the quizzes, different classes and students more efficiently. The interface

at the site is also conveniently user friendly with highly facilitative interface. The

users can now save hours of manual entry for the new feature will allow students to

sign-up on their own page and enter the teacher code to be automatically added to

the classroom.

2. Convenient Grading

The Quiz Bean has just recently released a few new features that will alleviate the

users’ experience as they manoeuvre their way around the site. One of the features

is the automatic result. Upon the completion of the quiz, the students’ individual

marks will be automatically sent to the teachers’ dashboard. At this site, the

computer will do the marking for you. It helps the teacher to lighten up their overload

grading workload.

3. Randomized Questions

One of the biggest concerns the teachers will have is over the students’

accountability in answering the questions from the comfort of their couch. What if

they cooperatively try to answer the questions and copy their friends? At QuizBean,

the teachers will be able to randomize the questions as in the numbering and the

arrangement of the answers could come differently to the students individually.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment



Signing Up

1. Go to www.quizbean.com

2. Click the Sign Up icon

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


3. Click on the text boxes provided and type in the personal information needed to sign


4. Click Sign Me Up once you are done filling the information needed.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


5. You will be brought to your dashboard immediately.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


Create a Classroom

1. Click Create a Class to begin

2. Insert the name of the class and click Create Class.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


3. When you have a class, you are able to :

a) add students to your class

b) send quizzes to your students

c) view details of the class

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


Adding Students

There are two ways of adding students into your class:

a) From your class

b) From your homepage/dashboard

From your class

1. From the class you created just now, click Add Students option

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


2. Select whether you want to Add Existing Students or Create New Students. Since

this is probably your first time using Quizbean, you might want to choose Create New


3. Fill in the information of the student that you wish to add to your class.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


4. Once you are done, you can choose whether to Save and Add Another Student or

Save and Finish. For now, we will settle for one student as our example. Click Save and

Finish when you are done.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


5. Now that you have a student, you can choose to

a) Send quiz to the student

b) Remove the student from the class

c) View details of the student

From your dashboard

1. From your dashboard, click Add Students.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


2. Fill in the information of the student that you wish to add to your class.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


3. Once you are done, you can choose whether to Save and Add Another Student or

Save and Finish. For now, we will settle for one student as our example. Click Save and

Finish when you are done.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


4. Now that you have a student, you can choose to

a) Send quiz to the student

b) Remove the student from the class

c) View details of the student

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


How To Create A Quiz

There are two ways to create a quiz:

a) From your class

b) From your dashboard

From your class

1. From your class, click Send a Quiz

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


2. If you have not created a quiz, then this bubble will appear. Click Create a Quiz to

create yours.

3. First, insert the title of your quiz.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


4. Then, select one of the three type of questions that you could do.

a) True or False

b) Multiple Choice

c) Multiple Content

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


True or False

1. For true or false, first, you need to click True or False button.

2. Insert the question that you want to give to your students.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


3. Once you are done, you can choose to add another question.

Multiple Choice

1. Click Multiple Choice Question from the options

2. Insert the question that you want to give to your students.

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3. Make sure you tick the correct answer.

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4. After you are done, you can choose to add another question.

Multiple Correct

1. Click Multiple Correct from the options

2. Insert the question for your students.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


3. Just like Multiple Choice, do not forget to tick the correct answer. However, for

Multiple Correct, you can select more than one answer.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


4. Once you are done, you can either add another question, or you can save and


4. Once you click Save and Continue, this bubble will appear. You can choose whether

to send your quiz right now or send it later.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


Sending Your Quiz

You can send your quiz in two ways

a) From your dashboard

b) Right after you are done with your quiz

Right after you are done with your quiz

1. Right after you are done, click Send My Quiz

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


2. Fill in the details required

3. After you are done, click Step 2. Define Recipients to proceed

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


From your dashboard

1. From your dashboard, click My Quizzes

2. Click the button on the right side of your quiz and click Send Quiz

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


3. Fill in the details required

4. After you are done, click Step 2. Define Recipients to proceed

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


5. You can choose to send this quiz in two ways

a) Using a link provided

b) Send it manually

From a link provided

1. Copy the link given by Quizbean and give the link to the students

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Send it manually

1. Click Add on your student's name to add him or her to the list of students you want to send this quiz to

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2. Click Send once you are done

3. This will appear once you are done sending the quiz to your student

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


Viewing Other People’s Quizzes

You can view the quizzes that were made by other people as well. To do this;

1. From your dashboard, click Quiz Bank.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


2. There are a lot of quizzes to view from here. You are free to select from the

categories that you wish.

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment


3. You can scroll through the pages at the bottom to search for any quiz as well.

Still Confused?

If you are still confused, no worries. The basic tutorial is in the website .

Web 2.0 Tools for Assessment



1. https://www.examtime.com/en/

2. https://testmoz.com/

3. http://www.gotoquiz.com/

4. https://www.onlinequizcreator.com/

5. https://www.classmarker.com/

6. http://makeaquiz.net/

7. http://www.proprofs.com/

8. https://quizegg.com/

9. https://www.quizbean.com/

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