web 2.0 and social networking

Post on 02-Dec-2014






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Introduction to Web 2.0 and Social Networking


Course Format

Introductions What is Web 2.0? What is Social Networking? Blogs, Vlogs and Wiki’s Podcasts Collection Managers (Your Books, Movies, Links,

etc.) Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Linked In… Productivity! Remember the Milk, Google Docs &

Google Calendar Social Networking Etiquette and Safety


This course is very basic. I’ve done it that way so those who have never used these tools or heard these tools can hear about them, see them, and practice with them at home.

This course is considered informative. We will go over a lot of information, in a very short amount of time.

I won’t leave you hanging! I have made an accompanying website to go along with this course, that will allow you download all the materials, including the powerpoint, and goes further in-depth about what we talked about. That website is http://springlakeparksocial.weebly.com/

About Me

I’ve been obsessed with computers since I was a kid. I even had PASCAL flash cards! As an adult, I’m very into social networking.

I work as a Project Specialist in the GroupLens Laboratory, University of Minnesota (Go Gophers!)

Currently working towards my M.Ed. In Human Resource Development, focusing on Online Learning.

My husband’s name is Nate, and we have a 4 year old son and are raising my 16 year old half sister.


Tell me about you!

Why are you taking this class?

What do you hope to learn?

Do you have an email address, and with who?

WEB 2.0

Key Points from the video we saw in the beginning

96% of Gen Y is on a social network. Facebook added 100 million users in less than 9 months If Facebook were a country it would be the fourth largest 1 in 6 higher education students are enrolled in online

curriculum 55-65 year old Females are the highest growing Facebook

population 80% of Twitter usage is on mobile phones Wikipedia is more accurate than Encyclopedia Brittanica

and is completely user driven. There are more than 200,000,000 blogs .

The Old Way vs. The New Way

Write in a journal Type your thoughts in a word document

Keep a blog or a microblog

Store pictures in a photo album

Scan your photos on to a disk

Upload your photos to a photo-sharing site; tag them, etc.

Send a letter Send an email Post on a facebook wall

Read an encyclopedia / use your local library

Brittanica Online User-generated content / Google Scholar / metadata / Q&A sites / Wikipedia

Some ways that things have changed:

What is Web 2.0?

Wikipedia states that Web 2.0 is “The perceived second generation of web

development and design, that facilitates communication, secure information, interoperability and collaboration on the World Wide Web”.

In other words, we no longer have just websites to visit, we participate in changing those sites. Everything is social and customized to our preferences. We are no longer just users; we have a presence and are involved in what is made on the web.

Video on Web 2.0


What is social networking?

“The interaction of people who share a common interest” (wikipedia)

The history of social networking CompuServe (1970s – available to big business)

Could share news and messages, very slow Bulletin board systems (1980s) AOL – member profiles, common interests Classmates.com – find your old high school buddies Sixdegrees.com (no longer)

Make friends with people based on profiles No one is more than six degrees apart Too ahead of their time to make it!

2001 saw Friendster.com, Myspace in 2003, and Facebook opened up its doors to the general public in 2006.


Just to name a few!!!

The benefits of social networking Quick sharing of information

Updating your “status”, blogging, email Keep in touch with people you normally

wouldn’t due to geographical and time restraints

Takes marketing to the next level – cheaper, reach a target audience

The disadvantages of social networking

Maybe people know too much? Websites like Pipl.com can search the

internet and find out information on nearly anyone.

Something else to “keep up with” Social networking can be harmful for kids

1 in 7 youth will receive a sexual solicitation over the internet.

The paradox is that kids must be trained on social networking because it’s the future of work and life.

Blogs, Vlogs, Lifecasts

BLOGS A blog is basically an online journal that can be

either public or private. If your blog is private, only specific users that you invite can read your blog.

You update blogs on a continuous basis, and the newest entry is always listed on top.

You can blog about anything – personal experiences, travel, or on a particular topic.

Users can subscribe to your blog via an RSS feed, which is web syndication (which keeps up on a web page’s latest content.

To subscribe to a blog, you will need to sign up for a google reader account or other RSS feed reader.

Keep track of experiences you have had – memoirs? Share what you have found on the internet Opinion Blogs Baby book Professional reasons Make Money Most user-friendly blog for beginners is Blogger.

We won’t be doing any blogging exercises in class this time, due to time restrictions. However, if you visit the accompanying site for this class, you can find out more information on signing up for Blogger and subscribing to blogs to receive updated content.

Examples of Blogs

Vlog? Lifecasting? HUH?

A “vlog” is a video blog. Instead of writing, video is used as the communication “medium”.

This is also called “lifecasting”, if you are wearing a video recording device to record your life.

Anyone can be a movie star? Would anyone watch it? People do..

(I personally find it terribly boring, but this fits in nicely with the culture’s fascination with reality tv).

You can usually subscribe to vlogs and lifecasts through Google Reader.

Podcasts / Vidcasts

Podcasts & Vidcasts

Online “radio shows”. Subscribe to through itunes if you have an

ipod, or other podfetcher if you don’t. What’s a podfetcher? Google Reader can

subscribe to podcasts, as well as Juice, which is a software that automatically downloads new podcasts and puts them on your mp3 player.

People podcast on EVERYTHING. Professional, mommy, self-help, christian, television and entertainment, hobbies, Harry Potter…

You can make your own podcasts!

Where to find Podcasts:

Download them directly to your ipod via itunes

Search on podcast directories for them.

Get podcasts recommended to you


What is a Wiki?

A wiki is just like a website, with two key differences: Uses a different language instead of

HTML. The language it uses is very simple and easy to learn!

Following Web 2.0 trends, a wiki is very collaborative in nature, and allows for anyone to edit them (although, most wiki’s can be turned to “private”)

Uses for a wiki

Make a website Collaborate on ideas Teach something For your own personal reasons – for

keeping an online notebook that you can edit at anytime.

What is a Wiki?

How would you use a wiki?

Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia wiki.

WikiHow is a popular how-to manual that is editable by other users.

Cyclopath is a Geowiki that is for cyclists, and is completely editable by users.

Collection Managers


Collection managers: manage things such as bookmarks, ideas, movies, music, books, lists, etc.

Recommender System: finds things for you based on your other interests.

Similar to Harry Potter?


Social Networking Tools

(I have lots on the seminar website, but we will go over the most important 3)


Friend Keep in touch with

everyone Quizzes! Social Games! Networking! Know everyone’s

business! Generate business! Share photos, books,

everything in one spot!

Foe Do you want to keep in

touch with everyone? One more thing to keep

up on Do you want others to

know your business? Addictive! People will find you, if

you don’t put the right privacy controls in place.


TWITTER. Tweeting?

If a blog is all about your thoughts…

Twitter is a “microblog”.

Why micro?

Because you have to express your thoughts in only 120 characters!

TWITTER. Tweeting?

TWITTER. Tweeting?

What can I use Twitter for?

Personal Branding Get Feedback Direct traffic to your blog Read news Make new friends Notify your customers Event Updates Find prospective clients Provide live coverage of events Ask questions of the twitter community


A social networking site focused on careers, referrals and networking.

Establish a professional profile, network with others in your field, get questions answered, write positive statements about others’ work on their profiles.

80% of companies are using LinkedIN as their primary recruiting tool. !

Productivity Tools(I have lots on the seminar

website, but we will go over the most important 3)

Remember the Milk

Remember the Milk is an online to do list for you to keep track of the things you need to do.

Replaces pen and paper. Share tasks with other people. Syncs with many applications.

Android Phones Iphones Google Calendars Many, Many Others


I love Gmail. I have a skewed opinion. Gmail has unlimited storage. Instead of FOLDERS, like Yahoo or Hotmail,

Gmail has Tagging. Gmail has it’s own chat program, Gtalk. It’s


Google Docs

Just Like Microsoft Office, EXCEPT: Full Collaboration You can Link Documents Embed documents within a webpage Store documents (NO MORE DISKS!!!!)

Google Calendar

Have an online calendar.

Send someone a link to your calendar.

See the multiple calendars on the left? Those can be your friends / colleagues calendars!

Social Etiquette


Like everything, social networking and interaction has rules of etiquette. I won’t bore you with a long list, but here are the top 3 things to always do and always don’t:


- Update your social networks often, including your status. A pain? Not with ping.fm

- Use proper grammar – just because it’s the internet, doesn’t mean anything goes.

- REMEMBER: Everything you do on the internet can be TRACED!

- Be reciprocal in what you do!


- Ever forget that you are communicating with people all over the world, and cultural barriers may be a factor.

- Give out personal info that may indicate your location, financial information, etc. City is ok, but never address.

- use your social networks to solely promote yourself – you will probably be defriended!

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