weather vocabulary

Post on 23-Feb-2016






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Weather Vocabulary. Clickers Interactive Presentation. With Teaching Slides. Created by: Cindy Jarrett. Created by: Cindy Jarrett. water in a gaseous state diffused in the atmosphere but below boiling temperature. Ice Snow Water Vapor Rain . 0 of 5. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Created by:Cindy Jarrett

Weather VocabularyClickers Interactive Presentation

Created by: Cindy Jarrett

With Teaching Slides

water in a gaseous state diffused in the atmosphere but below boiling temperature

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1. Ice 2. Snow 3. Water

Vapor4. Rain

Water Vapor water in a gaseous state diffused in the atmosphere but below boiling temperature.

What is the cycle in which Earth’s water moves through the environment?

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1.Oxygen Nitrogen Cycle2.Life Cycle3.Stream 4.Water Cycle

Water Cycle: The cycle in which Earth’s water moves through the environment.

What is the process by which a gas changed back into a liquid?

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Condensation: the process by which a gas changed back into a liquid.

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1.Condensation2.Evaporation3.Precipitation 4.Metamorphosis

Evaporation: The process by which a liquid turns into a gas.

What is a visible collection of tiny water droplets or, at colder temperatures, ice crystals floating in the air above the surface.

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1.Clouds2.Climate 3.El Nino4.Wind

Clouds: A visible collection of tiny water droplets or, at colder temperatures, ice crystals floating in the air above the surface. Clouds come in many different sizes and shapes. Clouds can form at ground level, which is fog, at great heights in the atmosphere, and everywhere in between. Clouds offer important clues to understanding and forecasting the weather.

Clouds: A visible collection of tiny water droplets or, at colder temperatures, ice crystals floating in the air above the surface. Clouds come in many different sizes and shapes. Clouds can form at ground level, which is fog, at great heights in the atmosphere, and everywhere in between. Clouds offer important clues to understanding and forecasting the weather.

thin wispy clouds- that form high in the atmosphere as their water vapor freezes into ice crystals. They do not produce precipitation.

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Cirrus: thin wispy clouds- that form high in the atmosphere as their water vapor freezes into ice crystals. They do not produce precipitation.

Fluffy, mid-level clouds that developin towering shapes and signal fair weather.

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Cumulus: Fluffy, mid-level clouds that develop in towering shapes and signal fair weather.

Low-lying, gray and sheet like clouds that often produce drizzle.

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Stratus: Low-lying, gray and sheet like clouds that often produce drizzle.

– the layer of air that surrounds the Earth.

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1.Wind2.Crust3.Atmosphere4.El Nino

Atmosphere: – the layer of air that surrounds the Earth.

to predict (the weather).

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1.Guess2.Regulate 3.Direct4.Forecast

Forecast: to predict (the weather).

The weight of air.

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1.Climate 2.Humidity 3.Precipitation 4.Air Pressure

Air Pressure: The weight of air.

the amount of water vapor present in a unit of volume of air.

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1.Humidity2.Air Pressure3.Precipitation4.Dew

Humidity: the amount of water vapor present in a unit of volume of air. A hygroscope indicates the amount of humidity in the air-

the winds dependent on local changes in temperature.

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1.Global Warming

2.Local Winds3.Trade Winds4.Prevailing


Local Winds: the winds dependent on local changes in temperature.

- the global winds that blow constantly from the same direction.

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1.Prevailing Winds

2.Local Winds3.Trade Winds 4.Easterlies

Prevailing Winds : the global winds that blow constantly from the same direction.

A scientist who studies and predicts the weather.

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1.Geologist2.Paleontologist 3.Meteorologist4.Zoologist

Meteorologist: A scientist who studies and predicts the weather. Meteorologists use sophisticated equipment, like Doppler radar and supercomputers, but they also rely on old-fashioned sky watching.

General name for water in any form falling from clouds. This includes rain, drizzle, hail, snow and sleet

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1.Humidity2.Stratus 3.Air pressure4.Precipitation

Precipitation: General name for water in any form falling from clouds. This includes rain, drizzle, hail, snow and sleet. Although, dew, frost and fog are not considered to be precipitation.




The energy of the sunlight.

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1.Electrical Energy

2.Nuclear Energy3.Solar Energy4.Precipitation

Solar Energy: The energy of the sunlight.

The movement of air relative to the surface of the earth.

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Wind: The moving air that results from the uneven heating of the Earth’s surface and differences in air pressure.

A cloud on the ground that reduces visibility.

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Fog: A cloud on the ground that reduces visibility.

The measurement of how hot or cold something is.

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1.Humidity 2.Temperature3.Wind speed4.Barometric


Temperature: The measurement of how hot or cold something is. Thermometer - The instrument that measures temperature.

A short term climate change that occurs every two to ten years.

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1.El Nino2. Global Warming3. Greenhouse Effect4. Local Winds

El Nino: A short term climate change that occurs every two to ten years.

The hypothesized rise in Earth’s average temperature from excess carbon dioxide.

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1.Greenhouse Effect

2.Air Pressure3.El Nino 4.Global Warming

Greenhouse Effect: The hypothesized rise in Earth’s average temperature from excess carbon dioxide.

process by which the Earth’s atmosphere absorbs heat.

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1.Global Warming2.Greenhouse Effect3.El Nino4.El Nina

Greenhouse Effect: process by which the Earth’s atmosphere absorbs heat.

It describes the condition of the air at a particular time and place.

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1.Weather2.Temperature3.Air Pressure4.Humidity

Weather: It describes the condition of the air at a particular time and place. Weather also tells how the air moves (wind) and describes anything it might be carrying such as rain, snow or clouds. Thunder, lightning, rainbows, haze and other special events are all part of weather.

They are intense storms with swirling winds up to 150 miles per hour. Usually around 300 miles across

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1.Tornadoes 2.Thunder Storm3.Hurricanes4.Tsunami

Hurricane: They are intense storms with swirling winds up to 150 miles per hour. Usually around 300 miles across, hurricanes are 1,000-5,000 times larger than tornadoes. Hurricanes are known by different names around the world. In Japan they are Typhoons, while Australians call them Willy-Willys.

The average of all weather conditions through all season over a period of time.

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Climate:The average of all weather conditions through all season over a period of time.Weather may change from day to day, but climate changes only over hundreds or thousands of years.

Many animals and plants need one kind of climate to survive. Dolphins and palm trees can live only in a warm climate, while polar bears and spruce trees need a cold climate.

Water that forms on objects close to the ground when its temperature falls below the dew point of the surface air.

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1.Snow 2.Sleet 3.Hail 4.Dew

Dew: Water that forms on objects close to the ground when its temperature falls below the dew point of the surface air.

It begins as a funnel cloud with spinning columns of air that drop down from a severe thunderstorm.

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Tornado: It begins as a funnel cloud with spinning columns of air that drop down from a severe thunderstorm. When they reach the ground they become tornadoes. Tornadoes are between 300 and 2,000 feet wide and travel at speeds of 20 to 45 miles per hour. They usually only last a few minutes, but their spinning winds, up to 300 miles per hour, can lift houses into the air and rip trees from the ground.

An instrument used to measures air pressure.

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1.Barometer2.Thermometer 3.Wind Vane4.Psychrometer

Barometer : An instrument used to measure air pressure.

measures relative humidity, using the cooling effect of evaporation.

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1.Anemometer 2.Barometer 3.Thermometer 4.Psychrometer

Psychrometer: A psychrometer measures relative humidity, using the cooling effect of evaporation.

This instrument measures wind speed.

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1.Psychrometer 2.Anemometer 3.Barometer 4.Thermometer

Anemometer: An anemometer, like the one shown in the picture, measures wind speed.

This instrument measures weather conditions higher in the atmosphere.

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1.Psychrometer 2.Barometer 3.Weather


Weather Balloons: Weather balloons measure weather conditions higher in the atmosphere.

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