wave magazine - fall 2007

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Direct Link Between Education and the Environment, Engineering Intersections, JU Football: Celebrating the First 10 Years, Q&A with President Romesburg



A Natural Connection:

Education & EnvironmEnt

romEsburg rEFLEcts on First thrEE YEars 10 YEars oF FootbaLL at Ju

FaLL 2007

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Award-winning faculty

State-of-the-art facilities

Over 70 programs,concentrations and majors

Day, night and weekend classes

17 Division I athletic teams

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Ranked as one of America’s Best Colleges 2008by U.S. News &World Report.

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Greetings JU Alumni & Friends,Another academic year brings a new influx of students to Jacksonville University and now our students have more to enjoy on campus than ever. During the last year, many changes have taken place to create a more attractive place for students to learn and a more inviting place for prospective students to consider.

Change is healthy for an institution; it keeps things interesting and keeps us striving for more and better alter-natives for students. I had a chance to sit down with The Wave and discuss all the strides we’ve made lately as a University (see Q&A page 15). Some of the recent enhancements include the new Negaard Rowing Center on the riverfront along with the Brooks’ Adaptive Rowing program and the movie theater that opened in the Davis Student Commons along with Nellie’s eatery.

We’ve also started a new program to prepare high school students for college life. The Riverside School is a new set of courses that helps graduating high school students transition into college life, giving them a second chance to meet admission requirements.

JU has yet again been acknowledged in U.S.News & World Report’s

America’s Best Colleges 2008 list (see below).

The U.S.News rankings are a snapshot of how an institution is doing and we appreciate this recognition of JU’s commitment to an outstanding educational experi-ence for our students. The rankings are a direct reflection of the quality of our students, faculty, staff and alumni and we should all be proud.

Kerry D. RomesburgPresident

Jacksonville University has been named one of “America’s Best Colleges” for the fourth consecutive year in U.S.News & World Report’s America’s Best Colleges of 2008 list, having moved from number 59 to 48 for master’s universities in the south. The category includes colleges and universities that offer a

VOLUME 11 • NUMBER 1www.ju.edu

PUBLishER Kerry D. Romesburg

EditOR Traci Mysliwiec

CREAtiVE diRECtOR Derek Hall

ARt diRECtOR Krista Freeman

PUBLiCAtiONs MANAgER Robin Bangert-Lenard

CONtRiBUtiNg Joel Lamp WRitERs Judy Harkleroad Harley Ferris Chanelle Heth Olga Bayer

CLAss NOtEs Patricia Reeves

MAiN NUMBER (904) 256-8000

AdMissiONs (904) 256-7000 admissions@ju.edu

ALUMNi (904) 256-7201 alumni@ju.edu

UNiVERsity MARkEtiNg (904) 256-7045 & COMMUNiCAtiONs dhall3@ju.edu

REgistRAR (904) 256-7091 cbarret@ju.edu

iNstitUtiONAL (904) 256-7021 AdVANCEMENt dyazbec@ju.edu

pUBlished University Marketing & sEMi-ANNUALLy By Communications Office

ChANgE Of AddREss tO Institutional Advancement Jacksonville University 2800 University Blvd. N. Jacksonville, FL 32211-3394


All contents © COPyRight 2007 Jacksonville University. All rights reserved.

Ron A. Autrey ’01 Walter p. BussellsMichael Cascone, Jr. ’65kevin f. delaney Buck Fowler Wayne A. GallowayJ. phillip Garcia ’90John M. Godfreyy. E. hall, Jr.John g. harrison ’67david C. hodges, Jr. ’03Michael howland ’76Cyrus M. JollivetteMatthew kane ’01Bruce kernTimothy Mann Raymond k. Mason, Jr. ’78Michael J. Mckenny

f. Andrew Moran ’78Victoria M. Mussallem ’98 Elizabeth Anne P. Nimnichtfrank Pace ’73 Timothy d. payne Gilbert J. pomar, Jr. Fred G. pruitt ’69, ’85kerry d. Romesburg John A. “sandy” semanik ’72h.W. shad (Mike) ’85linda Berry stein ’69Mary Virginia TerryNina M. Waters ’80gordon keith Watson ’71lisa strange WeatherbyTerry l. Wilcox Carolyn Munro Wilson ’69, ’77, ’89 Charles J. O. Wodehouse

full-range of undergraduate programs and provide graduate education.

JU continues to be recognized in the rankings for small classes, a small student-to-

faculty ratio, distinguished faculty, competitive admission

policies and rising alumni giving rates.

This is a JU student……whose teamwork on the soccer field drives her toward her goal of becoming a physical therapist.

…whose experiences in community service encouraged him to pursue a career in nonprofit management.

…who would not have been able to come to JU without a scholarship.

These are the students of the JU Telefund.You are their inspiration. Share your story.

Support JU and its students by answering the call. Your gift will make a difference.

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6 A NAturAl CoNNeCtioN: Direct link Between education and the environment by Judy Harkleroad



16 NeWS

22 SPortS

26 AluMNi NeWS

30 AluMNi eveNtS

32 ClASS NoteS


10 eNgiNeeriNg iNterSeCtioNS: Alum Paving the Way for Ju Students by Chanelle Heth

12 Ju FootBAll: Celebrating the First 10 Years

14 Q&A: PreSiDeNt roMeSBurg looking Back on First three Years




On the Cover: loggerhead Sea turtle at the Atlanta Aquarium

Pictured above: land iguana in the galapagos islands

Marine photos by Dr. A. Quinton White, dean of Arts & Sciences

The new Marine Science Research Institute, a 30,000-square-foot building to be constructed on JU’s riverfront campus, will bring Dean Quinton White’s dreams for a research center where marine scientists, biologists and students can gather to study and discuss ecosystems, fisheries and wetlands to life.

“The unique location is perfect,” said White, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and project visionary.

“The fresh water of the river, the brackish salt

marshes of the

“This has been a dream of mine for 30 years, to have something like this on the river,” said Dr. A. Quinton White of the new Marine Science Research Institute (MSRI), a 30,000-square-foot building to be constructed on Jacksonville University’s riverfront campus. The two- story, “certified green” building will be energy efficient, complete with solar panels and a rainwater drainage system. Just outside will be an amphitheatre as an outdoor classroom, along with a 40-foot pontoon boat as a floating classroom, complete with bow thrusters and a hydraulic anchoring system. Finally, a place on the banks of the St. Johns River where marine scientists, biologists and students can gather to study and discuss ecosystems, fisheries and wetlands in Jacksonville’s waterways.

by Judy Harkleroad

A Natural ConnectionDirect Link Between Education and Environment

Intracoastal Waterway system and the salty ridges of the Atlantic Ocean combine as the perfect learning envi-ronment. It will be a premier research institute in the Southeast because of the facility itself, its location and its commitment to the community.”

White, a marine biologist who has spent his career studying

Jacksonville’s waterways, is spearheading a $10-million fundraising

campaign for the facility’s construction and wants to break ground in 2008.

“It really is about location, location, location,” White said. “We are at the right place at

the right time. It’s a natural thing to do. It simply makes sense.”

A Natural Connection

Dr. A. Quinton White

Direct Link Between Education and Environment

6 The Wave

A Natural ConnectionDirect Link Between Education and Environment

A Natural ConnectionRink Design Partnership, Inc.

Direct Link Between Education and Environment

Fall 2007 7

He expects the new facility to enhance JU’s current marine science program, which has approximately 100 undergraduate students. “Not only will it attract more students, it will become a signature program for the university,” White said.

JU President Kerry Romesburg agrees. “Building the marine science research institute project is a top priority. This new facility will take our marine science program to the next

level, which includes the plan to offer a marine science master’s degree program,” Romesburg said. “Given our university’s loca-tion and status in the community, JU is the direct link between education and the environment.”

The facility will reside immediately south of the new Negaard Rowing

Center. In addition to sharing the waterfront with JU Crew, the

institute will also house the JU Sailing program. The

combination of these water-related activi-

ties will allow JU to better utilize

its riverfront location.

Department professors will reap the benefits as well. Dr. Lucy Sonnenberg, director of the Millar Wilson Laboratory for Chemical Research and research associate professor of chemistry, conducts novel research in environmental chemistry. The lab, established in the late 1950s, will move to the new facility.

“The modern infrastructure and its location close to the river will greatly enhance our productivity in conducting quality environmental research,” Sonnenberg said.

According to White, preserving Jacksonville’s waterways through advocacy and education is the primary focus of the new institute. JU is partnering with several agen-cies to accomplish this, including St. Johns Riverkeeper, a privately-funded advocacy group, and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, who will each have offices within the new building.

“As advocates for the river, we are absolutely thrilled,” said Jimmy Orth, executive director of St. Johns Riverkeeper. “JU’s starting to utilize that wonderful resource on the river.”

“To have fisheries and biological research in one place will be a benefit,” Orth said. The institute will provide a greater level of communication because the academic, regulatory and advocacy sides will all be represented in one location and working together in their areas of expertise.

Trying to identify the problems and solutions of the waterways is com-plicated, Orth said. Students will see different sides of environmental issues and will better understand the environ-ment and what it means to protect it.

Dr. A

. Quinton W


8 The Wave

Orth believes the institute will promote collaboration among different organizations, includ-ing JU’s marine science department and the University of North Florida’s coastal biology depart-ment. JU and UNF are currently working together to develop a report card on the river through a grant from City of Jacksonville, determining who is excessively polluting the river and who is violating permits, giving the community a clear and current report on the health of the river.

“This will be a tremendous asset for the whole community, to have research and academics in one place,” Orth explained. “We need programs and institutions like this focusing on the river.”

Duval County public high school students will also use the facility as part of a marine science program which has already taken shape.

Lex Waters, a marine biologist and director of environmental field studies for Duval County Public Schools, is developing a marine science career program for high school students, which includes a one-day field trip that gives students the opportunity to experience the St. Johns River up close. The students will study the river by boat and follow up in the lab at JU, providing them hands-on experience and exposure to a college campus.

More than 22 high school teachers from 12 different schools have already requested field trips, and ideas to expand the program to middle school students are being discussed, Waters said.

“Many kids have lived in Jacksonville all their lives and have never been out on the river,” Waters said. “I want to help begin the next generation of stewards.”

These stewards will one day become envi-ronmental engineers, marine biologists, environmental scien-tists, environmental attorneys, water quality engineers and marine pharmacologists.

Waters’ goal is to expose students to Jacksonville’s very valuable natural resource right in “our own back yard.” Because of Florida’s upsurge and an increased need to protect our resources, a marine science presence in Jacksonville is necessary.

“The MSRI will be a legacy,” Waters said. “A university with a viable marine science center on the banks of the St. Johns River is a much needed accomplishment.”

Through generous donations and strong community collaborations, White’s 30-year-old dream is being realized.

Dr. A. Quinton White

Fall 2007 9

It’s commonly said that the university experience is about more than getting a degree. For many, accepting a diploma does not sever ties to an alma mater, but strengthens bonds that carry long past graduation. One alumnus that has maintained both personal and professional connections to Jacksonville University is James K. Johns, BS ’89. Johns relies on his continued connection to JU to support and staff his growing company, Solid Rock Engineering Inc., a civil engineering infrastruc-ture and design firm operating in Jacksonville.

After working for the International Paper Company in Pineville, La., Johns moved back to Jacksonville and started Solid Rock. Since the creation of the company three years ago, Johns has constantly worked

with JU interns by his side. They began with Wesley Mills, BS

‘07, who worked with Johns while he earned his dual

degree from JU and UNF in physics and engineering.

by Channelle Heth

Alum Paving the W


for J

U Students



Johns designed the infrastructure for the new building that Solid Rock Engineering Inc. moved into in June.

10 The Wave

“I made my patio into an office and used my dining room table as a desk with Wesley right there beside me, working sometimes late into the night,” Johns said. Mills imple-mented the day-to-day office system that is still used by the company today. “Wesley was a very integral part in getting the company up and running,” continued Johns. Mills’ time at the company ended when he went to Columbia University to continue his engineering education.

Mills was followed by Jennifer Tyler, BS ’06, who started out as an intern at the company two years ago and has since moved into a full-time position. Tyler, a former resident assistant and track athlete who also earned a dual degree in engineering and physics from JU and UNF, says JU helped her prepare for her internship.

“Engineering is such a technical degree, so getting those tough classes out of the way early helped me a lot,” Tyler said. “JU really helped me prepare, but there are just some things you learn on the job that you can’t learn from a textbook.” Tyler, who is working on her Master’s at UNF, also explained her decision to intern at a smaller engineering firm.

“I had offers from other local Jacksonville companies, but I chose to intern here because it was a smaller company, and I thought that I’d get to do more, that I’d get more hands-on experience in the field,” Tyler said. “I love it; I’ve learned so much, it’s a challenge every day.”

“She does everything that I do,” Johns said about Tyler. “She’s great at doing permits, and she’s even trained some of our current interns.”

Starting a company came naturally to Johns, since his father owned his own human resources company. “Since I was a little kid, I always

knew I wanted to start my own company. My father had his own company, and as a teenager I had my own lawn service business.”

Although he attended JU for only two years, Johns was heavily involved on campus as the founder of the Anchor Club (a former club for students of alumni), a member of Florida Engineering Society (FES), and a member of the Student Disciplinary Committee. Johns maintains ties to fellow students and professors alike.

“The idea to use JU students as interns came from a meeting with Dr. Bashir Sayar (director of engi-neering and professor of mechanical engineering), a former professor of

mine, and it just went from there,” Johns said. “What I really like about JU is the relationship you build with the people. The alumni are still supported by their profes-sors and the people at JU. It’s a community.”

“I’ve had nothing but positive experiences with my interns. They’ve all brought something new and different to the company and I’ve learned from them, just as much as they’ve learned from me,” said Johns. “I came to the university, not because my father did, but because the idea of sitting in a large auditorium wasn’t very appealing to me. If I had a question, I wanted to make sure that someone could answer it, a professor, not a teaching assistant, and JU gave me that environment.” Johns’ father, James C. Johns, is a JU alumnus who earned a Bachelor’s of Science in 1964 and an EMBA in 1988.

Recounting tales of dinners with Dr. James Browder, Johns’ old physics professor, Johns looks back affection-ately on the people he’s met at JU, and gave some advice for those still matriculating the university. “Try to get as much on the job experience as possible, it’s never too early to do internships,” Johns advised.

“I’ve had nothing but positive experiences with my interns. They’ve all brought something new and different to the company, and I’ve learned from them just as much as they’ve learned from me.”

—James K. Johns

Johns and Tyler discuss plans for a recent project.

Fall 2007 11

10 Years of JU Football 10 Years of JU Football First Down:First Down:

Nov. 25, 1996 - Athletic Director Tom Seitz (right), with JU Board of Trustees member Tom Donahoo (left) and then JU President Paul Tipton (center) announce the addition of NCAA Division I-AA non-scholarship football at JU.

Feb. 26, 1997 - Steve Gilbert is announced as JU’s first head football coach.

Sept. 9, 1997 - The Dolphins hold their first practice with 86 players in “The Valley” on the JU intramural fields.

Sept. 12, 1998 - JU plays its inaugural game against Davidson College in front of 4,890 fans at D.B. Milne Field. The Dolphins score their first touchdown on the fifth offensive play from scrimmage and go on to record the first win in school history, 19-14.

Jan. 5, 1999 - Freshman defensive end Justin Yowell becomes the first JU football player to earn All-America honors when he was named first team All-America by Football Gazette.

July 23, 2000 - JU accepts an invitation to join the Pioneer Football League beginning in the fall of 2001.

Dec. 31, 2000 - Senior linebacker Tommy Swindell ends the season as the NCAA Division I-AA statistical champion in fumble recoveries with nine, en route to first team All-America honors.

Nov. 17, 2001 - JU plays in the inaugural Pioneer Football League Championship game in Dayton, Ohio, falling to the second-ranked Flyers, 46-14.

Oct. 30, 2003 - Emmett Hunter becomes JU’s all-time leading rusher in his 30th game against FIU. He finishes his career with 2,349 yards and 17 touchdowns in 32 games.

The 2007 season marks the 10th anniversary of the Jacksonville University football program and the excitement level is at an all-time high. From its humble beginnings, the program is turning into a rising power in the Pioneer Football League. Under the guidance of first-year head coach Kerwin Bell, JU has set its sights on a PFL title in 2007.

12 The Wave

Oct. 27, 2005 - A crowd of 3,328 (the second largest in school history) witnessed Brandon Torre make 12 tackles setting the all-time JU record.

Nov. 11, 2006 - Jerry Brant rushes for 129 yards against Drake to overtake Hunter as the all-time leader in rushing yards at JU with 2,368.

Jan. 2, 2007 - JU Director of Athletics Alan Verlander (left) names Kerwin Bell as the new head football coach at JU.

And Now...Aug. 16, 2007 - At media day, Bell talked about his expectations. “Since the first day I got here, we always end practice with a break down that states - “Our Time”. It is our time to win a championship.”

2007 Senior quarterback Chris Horton

Fall 2007 13

WAVE: Three years already?KDR: It is hard to believe that it has been three years since Judy and I arrived. We have met so many great people affiliated with the University and in the community. The students, faculty, staff and alumni have been great and I love that I am a part of this institution moving forward.

What’s the most significant change you’ve seen in your time here at the University?I think the most significant change is also the most visible – the upgrading and adding of new facilities at JU. In just three short years we completed the new Davis College of Business; re-opened the remodeled Swisher Theater; developed the new Davis Commons, including the Nimnicht Fitness Center and Nellie’s; opened the new Fine Arts Annex; built the Watson Family Tennis Complex; constructed a 500-bed residence hall and parking garage; and will soon open the new Negaard Rowing Center. Adding these facilities greatly improves the student experience, with more exciting changes to come.

What is the status of your financial plan?I am pleased to report that we completed our three-year financial plan one year ahead of schedule. The plan was to clear off a number of short-term debts, complete some projects and produce a balanced budget. Thanks to the sale of some University land and strong assistance from the Board of Trustees, we achieved this last year. From this point forward, we anticipate continued financial improvement and positive growth for the University.

So much growth has been achieved in the time since your arrival, what lies ahead?The future for Jacksonville University is truly exciting. Enrollment trends look promising (see sidebar). I anticipate continued improvement in the academic quality of our students and programs; continued development of our campus as an exceptional living-learning community; developing additional academic programs in response to student interest and market needs; promoting well-planned growth; providing successful athletic programs; enhancing an already

QA&The WAVE had the

opportunity to sit down with President Kerry

Romesburg on his third anniversary of becoming

president of JU.

Romesburg Reflects on Improvement & Growth of First Three Years

14 The Wave

stellar reputation for academic excellence; and offering a caring, personal learning environment.

What do you tell potential students when they find out you are the president of the University?I always love talking to students who are looking at JU. Besides the location, the small classes and the beautiful campus, I always emphasize the opportunity to interact with faculty and peers in the learning process. Teaching and learning is our business and I think we do it extremely well.

What would you say to alumni to encourage them to reconnect to their alma mater?I would tell them to take justifiable pride in being a Jacksonville University graduate. The education they received at JU is absolutely first class and should serve them well throughout their lives. I would encourage each of them to stay in touch with their friends and colleagues through JU’s active Alumni Association. I have had the pleasure of being at alumni events throughout Florida, in Washington, D.C., Atlanta

and Boston, and I have met many successful JU Dolphins at each event. This is a great way to stay involved, have fun and stay connected. Now that you and your wife, Judy, have been in Florida for a while, what is your favorite aspect of living in Jacksonville?We like everything about Jacksonville (with the possible exception of the humidity in July and August). Jacksonville is a great city. It has strong leadership; great neighborhoods and people; a wide variety of entertainment, cultural and recreational activities; a healthy, vibrant financial future; a wonderful year-round climate; an incredible beach, and a first class private university. This truly is a great place to live.

Any last comments?If you haven’t attended an event recently, do so. Homecoming is around the corner and there are many activities planned. If you are now living elsewhere, contact our Alumni Office to see if there are events planned near you. Check out the athletics schedule and come to a game! Once a Dolphin, always a Dolphin!

New Programs Boost EnrollmentEnhancing the student experience along with updating campus facilities is making an impact, as a record number of students enrolled this fall. Enrollment increased by 9.8 percent, rising to more than 3395.

The record number of 583 freshman is attributed to the creation of new programs and targeted scholarship offers. JU established the Riverside School, a unique program giving students who desire a college educa-tion, but who may have not performed to their full potential in high school, a chance to prove themselves while developing the tools they’ll need to succeed. Another exciting program – the Freshmen Interest Network (FIN) – was developed to allow students to discover how various majors relate to the real world. Courses such as S3-Sand, Surf and Slopes and The Science of Crime Novels give students a thought provoking and in-depth way to explore their interests.

With non-traditional and graduate students more interested in education than ever, JU created a plan to target their needs. The number of new students enrolled in adult or graduate studies has increased by more than 30% from last year. “All of our programs have experienced large increases in new students,” said Miriam King, senior vice president for enrollment manage-ment. “Our team succeeded in making JU stand out as the best choice for higher education.”





Romesburg Reflects on Improvement & Growth of First Three Years

Enrollment Trends

Fall 2007 15

Jacksonville University’s Flight Team placed 10th at the National Intercollegiate Flying Association’s (NIFA) Safety and Flight Evaluation Conference (SAFECON) held in Columbus, Ohio in May.

More than 80 universities with aviation programs participated in regional NIFA SAFECON competi-tions and only the top three teams in each region moved on to compete in Nationals. JU’s Flight Team beat the Air Force Academy as well as other well-known schools such as the Florida Institute of Technology, Ohio University and St. Louis University.

“Among the many trophies JU won, our team earned the prestigious Collegiate Aviation Progress Award given to the school that has made the greatest improvements in the nation,” said Juan Merkt, director of JU’s aeronautics program. “JU moved from 20th place overall last year to 10th, so this is an impressive accomplishment.” JU also placed 10th overall in Flight Events and eighth in Ground Events.

“I’ve personally attended the event and to say that the competition

Flight Team Places 10th in National Competition

is fierce would be an understate-ment,” said Gary Beck, president and chief executive officer of Delta Connection Academy. “These accomplishments are a testimony to the focus and drive of JU’s students. DCA is very proud to be part of the JU Aeronautics Program and we feel confident that this is only the start of many more such awards and achievements.” In addition to team awards, team members won numerous individual trophies. Brent Knoblauch (above with the award) earned the Dr. Harold S. Wood Award for Excellence, presented to the student who has demonstrated outstanding performance in academics and ser-vice. Ashish Naran earned first place in the Flight Instructor event. Naran and team captain, Jeffrey Wolf, won fifth place in the Crew Resource Management/LOFT event. Jonathan Seletyn captured sixth place in the IFR Simulated Flight event and

Michael Eisenhardt placed sixth in the Simulated Comprehensive Aircraft Navigation event.

Other events JU students placed among the top ten competitors included Ground Trainer (seventh – Seletyn), Power Off Landing (eighth – Nicholas Sorkki), and Message Drop (ninth – drop master Jamil Jeffers and pilot Kevin Sawyer and 10th – drop master Brian Rendini and pilot Kevin Burmaster). Jeffers was voted by his peers as Outstanding Team Member of the JU Flight Team. The team was led by advisors Professor Jeff Harrison and Dr. Rhett Yates. “The JU Team is very thankful to its supporters and sponsors Michael McKenny, John Clark of the Jacksonville Aviation Authority, and the Delta Connection Academy,” said Merkt. “This feat would not have been possible without their support.”


Knoblauch (left) and Jeffers (right) holding the Progress and Outstanding Team Member Awards, with team member Ross Delash.

Knoblauch holds the Dr. Harold S. Wood Award for Excellence.

16 The Wave

After counting the coins in the couch cushions and realizing the car’s gas gauge is on empty, what’s a college student to do for entertainment on campus on a Saturday afternoon? Now there’s a new alternative to counting squirrels: go to the movies. And, best of all, no change is required.

The Ross Theater in Thomas Auditorium has been in the works since last October after the opening of the Student Commons. Justin Camputaro, director of Campus Activities and the Student Commons, realized that the building was missing something. After speaking with students and faculty about the lack of entertainment options on campus, he realized what it was.

“The movie theater gives students something to do on the weekends and provides a new venue for events,” said Camputaro. Remodeling of the space started in May in the Thomas Auditorium of the Student Commons, on the lower level of the building.

Now Showing: Free Movies on Campus

Students and faculty alike can go to the movies without waiting in long lines or incurring the expensive price of popcorn or sodas. Admission is free with a JU ID and concessions will be sold at Nellie’s. The theater shows feature films between their theatrical and DVD releases.

The project was spearheaded by JU graduate, Glenn Ross ‘76, who is a strong supporter of campus activities. “I hope that students enjoy the new theater and appreciate it.

An extensive script collection contain-ing 138 screenplays of produced and released movies was donated to the College of Fine Arts. All genres of film – drama, comedy, science fiction, action and thrillers – are represented in the collection which includes scripts for movies such as American Beauty, Basic Instinct, Forrest Gump, Gladiator, Lethal Weapon, O Brother Where Art Thou?, Sixth Sense, Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Truman Show, Top Gun, Unforgiven and many more.

The collection was donated by Sharon Y. Cobb, who accumulated

Popular Screenplay Donationmost of the scripts during the eight years she worked as a professional screenwriter in Los Angeles. She recently moved to Jacksonville, and said, “I would love to see aspiring film students have access to these terrific scripts.”

Thomas Gunn, director of the library, said the collection is invaluable to students studying modern literature, film, theatre and creative writing. He said that gifts such as the script collection help make JU’s library an outstanding resource.

I wish we had something like this on campus when I was a student,” Ross said.

The theater will be open every Saturday with two scheduled showings. Throughout the year if the demand increases, more screenings may be scheduled. On opening night, the first movie shown was the heroic tale of the Spartans, 300. “It’s a great thing. I mean, who doesn’t like movies,” Camputaro said. “There’s something for everyone.”

Fall 2007 17

In order to provide more opportunities for Executive MBA graduates to stay connected and network, Jacksonville University has formed an alumni association specifically for graduates of the EMBA program, which began in 1985.

Eric Schellhorn of Home Banc Financial will serve as the association’s first chair. The other officers include Jim Farah of Agility Press, Inc., as chairman-elect, Tony Park of Fidelity National Financial as treasurer, and Becky Gay of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida as secretary.

EMBA Program Launches Alumni Association“We have more than 600 graduates of the program, many of whom are in key leadership positions right here in Jacksonville,” said Dr. Jan Duggar, dean of the Davis College of Business. “We wanted to develop a way to offer them additional value while creating a way for them to stay connected.”

The association plans include networking events, the development of a mentoring program for current students and bringing national speakers to campus.

“Beyond providing a stronger network among our alumni, the association will also participate in shaping the future of the EMBA program,” said Schellhorn. “We’ll be involved in curriculum development as well as recruiting and mentoring students.”

JU invited 25 graduates to sit on the inaugural board of directors. Alumni interested in the association can find out more by visiting www.ju.edu/embaalimni or e-mailing embaalumni@ju.edu.

Dr. Bashir Sayar, professor of engineering, was named Jacksonville University’s Professor of the Year at the annual Faculty Recognition Dinner in March. Sayar (right) has been a part of the JU faculty for more than 20 years and currently serves as the director of engineering programs.

Professor of the Year is chosen by a faculty vote, and Sayar will hold the position through the 2007-08 year. “The award is the highest peer recognition given to a JU faculty member,” said Lois Becker, senior vice president for academic affairs. “It recognizes a professor who best embodies as a teacher the ideals of the University.”

The criteria include effective teaching, professional growth and activity, service to the University and to the community. All tenured and tenure-track faculty members

Faculty Honored for Excellence, Sayar Named Professor of the Yearwho have completed two or more years on the JU faculty are eligible.

Becker also recognized four faculty members with Awards for Excellence. Dr. Sandra Coyle, associate professor of English, won the Award for Excellence in Teaching. Ben Wilson, professor of theatre arts, received the Award for Excellence in University Service. Dana Chapman-Tupa, assistant professor of art, was recognized with the Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Professional Activities. Dr. Shannon Wood, assistant professor of education, won the Award for Excellence in Community Service.

Those honored for longevity of service were Dr. Kathleen Vander Vliet, professor of computing sci-ences (35 years); Dennis Dormandy, associate professor of computing sciences (25 years); Dr. Ray Clines,


professor of English (20 years); Eric Thomas, associate professor of history (20 years); Dr. Ruth O’Keefe, professor of accounting (25 years) and Capt. Jeremy Terrell, professor of aeronautics (25 years).

Two retiring faculty members were also honored: William McNeiland, associate professor of music, and Dr. Vander Vliet.

18 The Wave

Heather Shoaf ’07, won another in a list of accolades for her work at JU’s Dolphin Channel. In June, the Florida Association of Broadcasters awarded her with the LeRoy Collins Memorial Scholarship.

This wasn’t the first time Shoaf’s work has been lauded. The Florida Associated Press Broadcast division honored her three years in a row. She won first place this year in the “Best Long Light Feature” category for her documentary The Philippines: A Journey to Remember. Shoaf also earned first place in “Best Long Hard

Broadcast Graduate Adjusts Focus on Helping Others

News” in both 2005 and 2006 for Katie’s Light and Harbor of Hope.

Her trip to the Philippines in the summer of 2006 inspired not only her documentary, but also her long-term career ideals. Spending a month there doing charity work and taking a social work class, she saw the opportunity to bring along her equipment and record her experiences.

“It really gave me a focus for my career. I plan to use video to help the less fortunate,” Shoaf said. “I’d like to work for a non-profit or a faith-based

Jacksonville University student film Slow Motion Sickness was named Best Picture at the Campus MovieFest Florida finale in April in Orlando. The film went on to compete in the National Grand Finale of the world’s largest student film festival in Atlanta later that month.

The stop-motion film was also awarded the Golden Tripod Award for best special effects. It was made by JU students Stephen Krain, Pete

Student Film Earns Best Picture and Special Effects HonorsMynsburg, Micky Lacardi and David Jones.

Nearly 250 student teams from JU, University of Tampa, Rollins College and the University of Central Florida participated in the competition. Students created short movies in the span of one week, filming around the state and editing the pieces using the training and latest technology provided by Campus MovieFest.

The top 16 films competing for the Florida-level awards were played at the Plaza Theatre. The evening’s top movies then moved on to compete against those made by nearly 30,000 students nationwide in the Campus MovieFest National Grand Finale. After winning so many accolades early, Slow Motion Sickness did not place at the national event.

organization in a developing country.” She plans on using the scholarship funds to purchase equipment to start her own video production company.

In the weeks before her graduation, Shoaf was pleased with the strides she had made in her time at JU. “Looking back, I’m proud and satisfied with my accomplishments. Very exhausted, but happy,” Shoaf said. “I wouldn’t change a thing or have gone to any other school. That wouldn’t have made me the person I am today.”

The Florida native saw her choice of attending JU as a major part of achieving her goals. “The small classroom environment allowed for hands-on experience and needed instruction by professors,” she said. “They actually care and help us succeed in our goals.”

Shoaf served as the station manager for the Dolphin Channel during the past two years and as an executive producer the year before. Her efforts landed her an internship at WJCT in Jacksonville and her work was so well received that she turned it into a full-time position.

Fall 2007 19

This past May Jacksonville University bestowed degrees on more than 500 graduates at the annual commencement ceremony. Former U.S. Attorney, and chief compliance officer of Fidelity National Financial, Paul Perez, was the keynote speaker. A 1976 history and international affairs graduate of JU, Perez cautioned graduates that no matter where they were in 30 years, they would “still be balancing the desire for a good living with the need for a good life.”

JU said goodbye to 445 under-graduates who received bachelor’s degrees, 122 of those were nursing students. While another 77 students received master’s degrees including seven in nursing, 55 in business administration and 15 in education. Perez and A. Dano Davis, long-time friend and supporter of the University, had honorary degrees conferred upon them. Perez received an honorary doctorate of

Graduates Shine at May Commencement

civil laws and Davis received an honorary doctorate of business and commerce.

The University also presented two students with service awards. The Presidential Award for Leadership was awarded to Gissella Martinez and the University Award for Outstanding Service and Co-curricular Involvement went to Kassandra Gove (below, left).

Students who achieved a perfect 4.0 grade point average were honored with the prestigious Fred. B. Noble Medal for Scholarship. Those honored were Heather Shoaf, Benjamin Morgan, Brett Eckert and Martinez.

JU’s Navy ROTC Program commissioned 36 graduating seniors; 30 as Navy ensigns and six as second lieutenants in the Marine Corps.


20 The Wave

With a proud tradition and a history of decorated players, the JU men’s soccer program celebrates its 50th season with this year’s campaign.

The first men’s soccer team to sport the green and gold of JU was in 1957, playing a six-game schedule under head coach Norm Lister.

Since its inception, the program has been a source of pride for the University, producing four All-America selections as well as numerous all-conference and all-region honorees.

The program’s best campaign came in 1969 as the Dolphins achieved a 15-0-1 record for the only undefeated season in school history. That team featured some of the best players in school history – namely Jim and David Kane.

The Kane brothers are the gold standard at JU. David is considered one of the best goalies in JU history after posting a school-record 39 wins and 15 shutouts from 1967-70.

A three-time selection to the colle-giate All-State team, he was named the team’s Most Valuable Player after his junior season which saw

Dolphins Soccer Kicks Off Golden Anniversary Season

1970. Jim was a speedy midfielder that assisted JU Hall of Famer

Rick Shannon and Scott Howell in setting the team single-season scoring mark in back-to-back seasons. He was the first player selected by the

Miami Toros in the 1971 NASL draft and was the first Dolphin invited to participate in the U.S.

Olympic Soccer Trials.

the Dolphins go undefeated. Kane allowed less than one goal per game (0.96 GAA) in 1968 and his career 1.87 goals against average ranks fifth all-time at JU.

Jim started 61 games and was a three-year captain and three-time all-state selection while earning team MVP honors in

Anton Axelsson looks to lead the Dolphins to new heights this fall.

Kevin Kinley leads the Dolphins’ attack up the field in the early 1990s.

Fall 2007 21

Most people turning 50 are looking ahead to retirement, not starting a new career. But for JU graduate Donnie Hammond, his 50th birthday in April brought a very special gift – eligibility on the Champions Tour and another opportunity to compete in professional golf.

A two-time winner on the PGA Tour, Hammond is going through the growing pains of being a rookie again as he tries to gain exempt status. Currently, he gets into Champions Tour events via the PGA Tour career victory list but isn’t as-sured a spot each week.

“I need some guys to go on vacation the next few weeks so I can get in some tournaments,” Hammond joked after the final round of the Re-



Jacksonville University 2007 Football Schedule

Date OppOnent time

Sept. 1 at Bethune-Cookman 4 p.m.Sept. 8 at Gardner-Webb 6 p.m.Sept. 22 UNC-PEMBROKE NoonSept. 29 * DAVIDSON NoonOct. 6 * at Dayton 1 p.m.Oct. 13 * MOREHEAD STATE NoonOct. 20 * at San Diego 9 p.m.Oct. 27 * at Drake 2 p.m.Nov. 3 * BUTLER NoonNov. 10 * VALPARAISO NoonNov. 17 WAGNER Noon

Home games are in bold. *PFL conference games

For tickets call 904-256-7407 or go to: JUDolphins.com. All six home games can be seen locally on Comcast Channel 14 as well as live on the Internet at JUDolphins.com. Fans can follow the entire season on the radio at AM-1010.

Our time: Football Has Great Expectations for 2007At the end of each practice during the spring, the JU football team huddled and chanted “Our Time” as a group.

Those two words are the battle cry of the program as they believe it is JU’s time to win a Pioneer Football League Championship.

“Our goal every season is to win the PFL Championship and I want to create a championship atmosphere at JU,” said first-year head coach Kerwin Bell.

Bell’s team is loaded with experience, featuring two-year starter Chris

Horton (right) at quarterback behind an offensive line led by senior David Locander and junior Michael Aguilar.

Horton will have plenty of weapons to choose from in the new offensive attack, with one of the most talented wide receiver corps in the country – headlined by Geavon Tribble, Nate Conner (below, center) and Michael Jenner.

“We want to be able to pass first and run second,” Bell said. “We’re not going to be one-dimensional on offense. My goal is to have a preci-sion passing game complemented by a powerful running game.”

The defense features some returning talent as well, especially in the defensive backfield. Junior Robson Noel, an honorable mention All-American last season, returns with fifth-year senior Bryan Flowers (far left).

22 The Wave

Sophomores Natasha Harvey (center) and Janel Grooms (right) competed in the biggest collegiate track meet of the season as they represented JU at the NCAA Championships in Sacramento, Calif.

Harvey competed in her second NCAA Championship long jump, while Grooms advanced in the 400-meter hurdles. Harvey and Grooms are the first set of Dolphins since Andrea Pressley (heptathlon) and Monique Tubbs (100-meter dash) in 2003 to reach the national meet.

The Dolphins won back-to-back Atlantic Sun titles and earned a second consecutive NCAA Regional bid for only the second time in pro-gram history (1994-95) after winning the 2007 A-Sun Tournament. JU has now reached the NCAA postseason for the 13th time, including eight under head coach Terry Alexander, and won its third A-Sun Tournament.

Snapping an 18-game losing streak to Florida State, the Dolphins achieved a 5-3 win over the No. 1 ranked Seminoles on March 21 in front of a program-record 3,109 fans at Johns Sessions Stadium.

With another win over Florida, the Dolphins defeated Florida State and Florida in the same season for the first time since 2002.

Senior Pete Clifford (left) became the first A-Sun player to earn consecutive “Player of the Week” accolades since former Dolphin Chad Hauseman in 2003, and was also named All-American (Ping! Baseball & Louisville Slugger), ABCA All-Atlantic Region, A-Sun “Player of the Year”, A-Sun Tournament MVP and first team all-conference.

Their individual successes came after the Dolphins dominated the Atlantic Sun Conference Indoor and Outdoor

Track & Field championships. The Dolphins repeated in both meets, racking up 146 points on the final day of the Outdoor

Championship to finish with an overall tally

of 179.

At the Indoor Championship,

the Dolphins led from the start

and finished with an astounding 150 overall

points, nearly double the second place mark of 81 points by Belmont and East Tennessee State.

“We had another great season and I’m quite proud of the success these young women had,” said head coach Ron Grigg. “Last year, we sent just one to the NCAA Championship and we were able to send two this year. We’re still growing as a program and I look forward to how far we can go in the future.”

Track & Field Sweeps A-Sun Titles

Baseball Reaches NCAA Regional

Fall 2007 23


Golf Represented in Regionals for Third Straight Year

Knox was a rock as well, finishing second on the team in stroke average at 71.52. Knox has finished in the top 20 in every tournament during the past two seasons, including one win.

Knox tied for 23rd at the Regionals, held at the Golf Club of Atlanta, missing the opportunity to go to the national championship by one shot. Stewart tied for 105th.

To wrap up impressive collegiate careers, Duncan Stewart (top inset) and Russell Knox (bottom inset) were selected as individuals to participate in the NCAA East Regional.

For Stewart, it was his third straight postseason appearance after being selected in 2005 and helping lead the team to the tournament in 2006.

“These two young men have accomplished so much in their careers that it was only fitting for them to get into the Regional,” said head coach Jim Taketa. “They have set the bar high for our program and their futures are very bright.”

Stewart, a two-time Atlantic Sun champion and winner of seven collegiate events, finished the season with a 71.27 stroke average – the best on the team. He was ranked in the top 10 nationally by GolfStat for most of the season.

24 The Wave

The JU women’s tennis team enjoyed a record setting season

in 2007 earning the Atlantic Sun Conference regular season and tournament titles and a berth in the NCAA Tournament.

The team, finishing the year ranked 71st in the country, was led by the duo of Emese Sulyos (left) and Lena Willi (right). Sulyos racked up an impressive 21-3 record in singles play and was named A-Sun “Player of the Year”.

Not to be overshadowed was the stellar play by Willi. She went 20-4

in singles play, going 19-2 in dual matches - the best record

in the A-Sun at the No. 2

position which earned her first team all-conference honors.

“Emese and Lena were the rock of our team all season long,”coach Jarod Camerota said. “They knew that for us to be successful, they were going to be the leaders, on and off the court. Their work ethic and determination rubbed off on everyone and really carried our team.”

The women’s team impressive season featured a 16-match winning streak, including all three matches at the A-Sun Tournament, before a 4-0 loss to #4 Florida in the first round of the NCAA Tournament.

Crew Delivers Record Setting SeasonMen’s – Capturing the overall and the men’s point trophies at the FIRA State Championships, the men’s rowing crew placed third overall at the Dad Vail Regatta for the best finish in program history.

At the Dad Vails, the men’s Junior Varsity 8 came away with a bronze medal to finish as the

top placing boat at the event. The men’s Varsity 8 and Lightweight 8 also made the Grand Final, placing fifth and fourth respectively. The last Varsity 8 to reach the Grand Final was in 1968 when the Dolphins took home a silver medal.

Women’s – Placing its lone entry in the

Grand Finals of the Dad Vail Regatta

for the first time, the women’s crew

also made history by capturing the overall and

the women’s point trophies at the FIRA State Championships.

The Varsity 8 also won the Cecile Bradley Cup with a win over Rollins at the Petrakis Cup. The Varsity 4 led the squad with four total medals: two gold (Rollins, FIRA) and two silver (Head of the South, Petrakis), while also reaching the Grand Final of the Dad Vail Regatta (finishing fourth).

Both men’s and women’s squads combined to give the program a medal count of 56 for the year.

Women’s Tennis Claims Conference Title

Fall 2007 25

Most people turning 50 are looking ahead to retirement, not starting a new career. But for Donnie Hammond, BA ‘79, his birthday brought a very special gift – eligibility on the Champions Tour and another opportunity to compete in professional golf.

A two-time winner on the PGA Tour, Hammond is going through the growing pains of being a rookie again as he tries to gain exempt status. Currently, he gets into Champions Tour events via the PGA Tour career victory list but isn’t assured a spot each week.

“I need some guys to go on vacation the next few weeks so I can get in,” Hammond joked after the final round of the Regions Charity Classic. “Right now, I’m just trying to work on my game and get back into the flow. Most of these guys have been competing in 20 to 25 events the last five to 10 years, where I’ve only been able to get in eight to 10.”

Hammond has the game to be successful. Powerful off the tee, he hits his drives past his playing partners on a regular basis. His iron play has the potential to be spot on, especially with wedges. In his final round at the Regions Charity Classic, Hammond put on a scoring display by racking up six birdies en route to a one-under par 71.

While success isn’t guaranteed on the Champions Tour, his résumé entering his rookie season is impressive. Hammond joined the PGA Tour in 1983 after winning the 1982 Qualifying Tournament at the TPC Sawgrass by 14 shots – the record for largest margin of victory.

Hammond Starts Second Career on the Champions TourJU Legend Taking Advantage of Every Opportunity

Once he got his Tour card, he kept it for the next 15 years. During that time he had two wins and earned more than $4 million, with his largest paycheck being $108,000 for winning the 1989 Texas Open with a seven-shot victory over Paul Azinger. In preparation for the Champions Tour, Hammond has played in 33 events on the Nationwide Tour. In 2000, he played in 15 events and came from five shots back in the final round to win the Lakeland Classic and finish 27th on the money list.

“To me, it was easier to be in contention and playing well because I wasn’t nervous,” Hammond said when reminiscing about his two Tour victories. “When you’re in contention

and you’re not on top of your game, that is where the nerves come in.”

But before he started his successful career on the PGA Tour, Hammond first wrote the record book at JU – eventually becoming a member of the inaugural class in the JU Athletics Hall of Fame in 1993, joining the likes of Artis Gilmore, James Ray and Rollie Rourke.

With two tournaments under his belt on the Champions Tour, Hammond is ready to get back into full swing. “My goal is to get back into competition and win a couple of events out here,” Hammond said. “If I can get some top tens and compete, then I’ll look at this as a rebirth in my career.”

Story by Joel Lamp


(c) P







26 The Wave

Sherrill Cooke, BA ’89, is out to save your skin. When she lost her father in 2003 after a 20-year battle with skin cancer, she founded the Bob Cooke Memorial Skin Foundation, Inc. in his memory. The foundation’s mission is to educate people about the risks of skin cancer and strate-gies for prevention, early diagnosis and treatment.

Now in its fourth year, the foundation celebrated its National Kickoff in Jacksonville Beach this past March with The Bob Cooke

Alum Takes Skin Cancer Foundation to National LevelMemorial Run/Walk Against Skin Cancer. More than 400 runners participated in the 5K event which raised thousands of dollars.

“It was a huge success,” said Cooke. “Florida has the highest incidence of skin cancer in the country so it was especially important that we help educate and inform the citizens of Jacksonville.”

In addition to six major events each year, Cooke visits schools and organizations throughout Florida

and Connecticut, speaking about sun safety and the dangers of tanning beds. She has received numerous awards for her efforts, including the Daily Points of Light Award from President George H.W. Bush in 2007.

Mike Freed, BA ’90, served as chairman for the Jacksonville event, and several JU alums are active in the foundation. For information, check out www.RNCwalk.com.

JU dedicated John Sessions Stadium at Alexander Brest Field on May 4, in honor of John Sessions, BS ’59, to celebrate his continued generosity and support.

“John is a great supporter of the University and his desire to see us reach higher levels is infectious,” said President Kerry Romesburg.

Sessions Stadium Celebrates JU Baseball’s Top Fan“His years of commitment to JU are a great example of what our alumni mean to the University.”

“John’s passion to see the University build on all the positive things that are going on has been a great inspiration to me,” said Alan Verlander, director of athletics. “We feel that there isn’t a better way to

Romesburg presents Sessions, the founder of Bug Out Service, and his wife Elizabeth, with a No. 1 jersey to solidify his standing as top fan of Dolphin baseball.

A baseball alumnus has issued a challenge. Former player Tim Cost, BA ‘81, will match, dollar for dollar, gifts JU receives from former baseball players and friends, up to $20,000. This provides your alma mater with an opportunity to take JU Baseball to a new level of excellence. To make a gift to this program, please contact Kelli Skodinski in the JU athletics department at 904-256-7680.

Baseball Alumni Challenge

recognize his devotion to JU than by naming the stadium after him.”

A member of JU’s inaugural class of four-year students, Sessions earned a degree in business administration. A staple at JU baseball games for more than 20 years, Sessions threw out the ceremonial first pitch with more than 100 family and friends in attendance.

Fall 2007 27

When Dr. Terry D. Hashey, BS ’94, was deployed to Afghanistan in 2006 as part of Operation Enduring Freedom, he was honored by his mission – different than that of most soldiers – to help war heroes return home. “Men and women that are mothers, fathers, sons and daughters are in harms way defending our freedom and I had the honor of helping them come home healthy,” said Hashey, medical director of First Coast Family Medicine.

Even though Hashey spent long hours helping soldiers, aviators and civilians, his dolphin spirit was evident. He requested a JU flag to fly in the command and control area. Although he was sent a JU t-shirt and a car flag instead – both ended up in photos proudly dis-played alongside an AH-64 Apache Attack Helicopter (right). “It’s tradition in the military to fly a flag for someone at a special time or on a certain date and our pilots flew it in an Apache helicopter during a combat mission over Afghanistan,” Hashey explained.

While Hashey was still in Afghanistan last October, Capt.

Doctor Displays Dolphin Spirit in Afghanistan

James Pendley, commanding officer of JU’s NROTC unit, sent him an American flag – the same flag that the unit had flown on Sept. 11, 2006 in commemoration of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

Hashey returned the flag along with a certificate to Pendley, the unit and President Kerry Romesburg during Pendley’s Change of Command Ceremony on Sept. 7.

Staying active in the JU community is important to Hashey. He feels that JU helped him reach his goals and enjoys contributing his time to helping other students reach theirs. “I help with Dr. LeeAnn Clements’ classes a couple times a year. They have mock interviews as part of the science and communications class, so I interview students for jobs or medical school,” said Hashey. “I’ve also had a few pre-med students shadow me at the hospital.”

While at JU pursuing his undergraduate degree in biology, Hashey also met his wife, Natalie Duduck, BS ’94. Ken Hoover, the division chair for science and mathematics at the time, served as their best man at their wedding shortly after graduation. Duduck Hashey is a veterinarian at Scott Mill Animal Hospital. They have two boys, ages five and four, (left with their parents toasting dad’s safe return with sparkling cider) plus another child on the way.


28 The Wave

Last fall the New York Mets, with JU graduate Rick Peterson, ’76, as pitching coach, came within one game of advancing to the World Series before losing to the St. Louis Cardinals in the playoffs.

And when Peterson was the pitching coach of the Oakland A’s from 1998-2003, Tim Hudson, Barry Zito and Mark Mulder all became 20-game winners under Peterson’s guidance, and Zito won the coveted Cy Young Award in 2002.

But Peterson, a former minor league pitcher with the Pittsburgh Pirates, has experienced the

From Painting the Canvas to Painting the CornersFormer JU Baseball Player is Now a Major League “Teacher”

lower rungs of the game as well. Before he enrolled at JU, he played baseball at Gulf Coast Community College in Panama City.

“There was a group of us that went to Gulf Coast that wanted to stay together if we did not get drafted,” said Peterson, and that is exactly what happened. “We went to JU, and in our senior year we were ranked No. 4 in the nation, which was exciting since we weren’t expected to do anything. It was a great experience.”

Even though his father was executive vice president and general

manager of the world champion Pirates in 1979, the former JU

pitcher never planned on a career as a coach.

“I went into the second semester of my junior year without a major,” he said. “My grades were exceptional and I was performing on the

field. My advisor told me it would be a shame if I left JU

without a degree. My reply was ‘I didn’t come here for a degree. I

came here for an education.’”

Peterson, who turns 53 on October 30, was more interested in oil painting and philosophy classes than focusing on a career path.

“I actually hurt my arm my freshman year (at Gulf Coast) and then again very badly my junior year at JU,” he said. “From my freshman year through college and four years in the minors, I never pitched healthy. I had no desire to coach. My real interests were psychology and art. But during the time I played (in the minors), they wanted to start getting younger guys into coaching. They really didn’t have young coaches.”

Now young pitchers such as John Maine, one of the top pitchers in the league early in 2007, give credit to Peterson for their success.

“I only started coaching to delay the inevitable: what am I going to do with my life?” Peterson said.

And the inevitable has turned out pretty well.

Story by David Driver

“My advisor told me it would be a shame if I left

JU without a degree. My reply was ‘I didn’t come here for a

degree. I came here for an education.’”

– Rick Peterson

Fall 2007 29

For the most up-to-date alumni events schedule, visit www.ju.edu/alumni

MarchHappy Hour at The Grape for Recent Alumni

Atlantic Sun Basketball Tournament

JU vs. FSU baseball pre-game BBQ and game

Alumni professionals lunch and happy hour in Charlotte

AprilMandarin Happy Hour at Stonewood Grill & Tavern

New York Mets vs. Braves Baseball Game

Orange Park Happy Hour at Carrabba’s Italian Grill

Arbor Day Tree Dedication Ceremony

MayHappy Hour at Square One San Marco for Recent Alumni

JU Commencement and Senior Toast to the Future

Philadelphia Alumni Happy Hour at Marathon Grill

Dad Vail Regatta Crew race and hospitatlity tent in Philadelphia

Alumni pre-game and baseball game vs. UNF

Women’s Cooking Class at the University Club

JuneHappy Hour at The Lemon Bar for Recent Alumni

AugustJacksonville Suns Baseball Outing






3 4






11 6

12 13

14 15



30 The Wave


Pictured: 1) Carolyn Munro Wilson ’69, ’77, ’89 and Ginger Barbee 2) Matthew ’06 and Whitney Kampfe 3) James Hernandez ’93 and Daniel Renda ’88 4) John O’Loughlin ’86, Julie O’Loughlin, Christine Ray ’74, and Lee Ray ’81 5) Adrian Lohse ’01 and Addams England ’01 6) Matthew Kane ‘01, Jennifer Concordia ‘05, Ed ‘03 and Sally ‘06 Washburn 7) Matt Kane ’01 and Michael Howland ’76 8) Alan Verlander, Brad Negaard ’76, Scott Dittmer ’97 and Annette Negaard ’80 9) President Kerry Romesburg and Michael Schall ’78 10) Bill Slupski ‘91 and Don Daugherty ‘06 and their families 11) Susan Masucci ’00 and Kathy Garrett ’90 12) Vann ’91 and Liz Barrett, Deirdre and Doug Weiss ’92 13) Veli Zeren ’04, Scott Dittmer ’97, Michael MacKendree ’06, Matt Eckler ’96, Jenny Wheeler ‘06, and Ben Bowerman ’05 14) Tammie Brooks-Evans ‘94, Zhana Evans and William Evans 15) Tom ‘95 and Leslie ‘85 Termer.


9 10 11

1 5




Fall 2007 31

1960sPatricia Parrish, BS ’67, recently retired from Lake City Medical Center. This is a second retirement for her, now she’ll focus on traveling with her grandchildren.

1970sBob Nylin, BS ’73, principal of Logan County High School in Kentucky, has been selected to receive the Dawson Orman Award for the 2007 school year. He was chosen for the award based on his outstanding leadership qualities.

Maria Perez Randle, MAT in Mathematics ’74, received the 2007 Gladys Prior Award for Career Teaching Excellence. For 36 years at Bishop Kenny High School in Jacksonville, Randle consistently prepared her students to earn high scores on the Advanced Placement calculus test. Her students return year after year to thank her for their excellent preparation in mathematics. She is the daughter of Marta Perez, JU faculty member for many years, now deceased.

W. Wayne Perrett, BA ’75, is presi-dent of Strategic HR Advisors located in Rockford, Ill. and West Palm Beach. Strategic HR Advisors is a business and management consulting firm serving small to mid-size corpora-tions specializing in three areas: Human Resources, Quality and Lean Business Systems.

Cynthia Bucholtz, BS ’76, was recently accepted into law school. She plans to pursue a career as a criminal defense trial lawyer. She is also an avid catamaran sailor and has raced all over Florida.

1980sLawrence A. Wise, BS ’86, retired from the Navy December, 2006. He was awarded the Navy Commendation Medal for support of Commander, Naval Submarine Forces from 2003 – 2006.

James W. Collins, BFA ’87, graduated from Asbury Theological, Seminary-Orlando, with his Masters of Divinity degree on May 12, 2007. Collins was ordained on June 9, 2007 at First Christian Church of the Beaches in Neptune Beach, Fla. Dr. S. Barre Barrett, retired JU professor of Art, participated in the service. (Collins pictured left, Barrett right.)

Pam Caplan-Mahan, BS ’89, is a Physician Assistant and has recently opened her own medical spa after 15 years of Family Practice, Gynecology and Plastic Surgery. Youthful Medical Spa is located in Jacksonville.

1990sBarbara Oldani Petracek, BA ’94, is a business strategy consultant, living in Belmont, Mass. with her husband Todd, and daughter Chiara Marin. Barbara’s nephew currently attends JU and her neice will begin in the fall of 2007.

Cheyney Tyla Wells, BA ’77, founder and owner of Schoolhouse Learning Communities, Inc., in Michigan, has received the national Women Presidents’ Organization’s top award. The annual Mary Lehman MacLachlan Award for Economic Empowerment and Entrepreneurial Excellence recognizes women who demonstrate leadership, ownership and economic indepen-dence in their profession.

Harry Bowen, III, BA ’77, recently retired from the FBI after more than 28 years. He has relocated to the Jacksonville area to be near family and friends.

Capt. John Landon, BS ’78 & MBA ’86, recently reported to Office of the Secretary of Defense as Director of Readiness. He was detached in May from Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii as Operational Support Officer where he was awarded the Legion of Merit.

William H. Roberts, Jr., MSC, USN, BS ’79, graduated from George Mason University, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Fairfax, Va., with a Doctor of Arts degree in Education. Captain Roberts serves as the Commanding Officer of the Naval Ophthalmic Support & Training Activity (NOSTRA), Dean of the Tri-Service Optician School and the Lead Service Representative for the Optical Fabrication Enterprise in Yorktown, Va.


32 The Wave

Jennifer (Jeni) Lynn Rone, BFA ’94, serves as Regional Director of Business Development for schools and lenders in North and South Carolina for NSLP Business Development Team. Rone’s office will be located in Mount Pleasant, S.C.

David M. Werle, BS ’94, is doing his Urology residency at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center. He was third in his class at Wake Forest School of Medicine and was elected into Alpha Omega Alpha, the national medical honorary society. His wife of four years, Margaret Pike, and their daughter, Katie, reside in Winston- Salem, N.C.

Dan Hopkins, BA ’95, and Denise Hopkins, BA ’96, live in Portland, Maine. Dan is currently stationed in Brunswick, Maine. Dan and Denise have run into several JU alums in the Maine area and always enjoy reminisc-ing about JU.

Kenneth Wofford, BS ’97, is a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist and has been in Iraq since February, 2007, serving honorably and taking care of casualties in the combat zone.

Jason Dittmer, BA ’98, received the Wells/Warren Professor of the Year Award at Georgia Southern University’s 2007 Honors Day Convocation held at the Performing Arts Center on April 4. An assistant professor of geography in the Department of Geology and Geography, he joined the University’s faculty in 2003.

Kelly M. Jackman, BS ’99, recently graduated from the University of Florida with a Ph.D. in Medical Sciences with a concentration in Physiology and Pharmacology.

2000sLeah Dow, BA ’03, recently accepted a position with the Twin Falls School District in Twin Falls, Idaho. Also, in August, Dow had a baby, Landgon Rylee Dow.

Sarah Gonzalez, BM ’05, recently graduated with a Masters in Music from Northwestern State University of Louisiana. Gonzalez is currently teaching and playing in East Texas.

Erin Schreiber DuFault, BA ’05, was named Nassau County’s Beginning teacher of the Year for 2006. She is currently a teacher at Fernandina Beach Middle School. DuFault is the daughter of Jean Dunbar Schreiber, BA ’81.

Harold Kris Vandiver, MA ’98, earned the nation’s highest teaching accreditation, National Board Certification, from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. A fourth grade teacher of Math, Science and Social Studies at Hyde Park Elementary in Orange Park (right with co-workers dressed for Book Character Day), he began his career there in 1998 after graduating from JU’s Troops to Teachers program. A former Navy AECS and P3 Orion Flight Engineer with more than 8,500 flight hours, he values the impact and importance of his job. “Each day I still manage to see a spark in a student’s eye and everyday I learn something new,” said Vandiver. He praises the professor that was his mentor, “Thanks to Dr. June Main for teaching me the art of teaching concrete to abstract.”

School of Education students in the reading course developed a lively correspon-dence program with children in the Beaches Habitat after-school program in Atlantic Beach during the last school year. Each week, students and their Habitat ‘buddy’ exchanged letters sharing a dialogue about books, school and even the Jacksonville Jaguars. “Reading and writing letters became important and real literacy experi-ences for the children,” said JU student Jessica Marchant (left, with a student). “We were thrilled by the energy and excitement created by this collaboration,” remarked Sue Goebertus, MAT ’04, who initiated the outreach project.

Fall 2007 33

Chris Cichoski, BFA ’96 and Amy Goddard Cichoski, BFA ’07, became the proud parents of Luke Alexander on January 16, 2007.

Wendy Papson Fejfar, BS ‘99 and husband Jeffrey became proud parents of Dylan George on March 31, 2007.

Mindy Liesener Miller, BS ’03, and husband Danny, became the proud parents of Aubrey Paige and Bailey Marie on June 21, 2006.

Michelle Hache, BFA ’07, and husband Michael Quatro, became the proud parents of Soren Emmanuel on May 11, 2007.

WeddingsAllison Flax-Archer, BME ’96 & MAT ’97, married David on June 30, 2001.

Tammy Sheppard Wagner, BA ’97, married Gary Louis Wagner, Jr. on February 24, 2007.

New ArrivalsNicole Schneider Hale, BS ’96, and husband George C. Hale III, became the proud parents of Elizabeth Claire on March 27, 2007. She is welcomed by twin brothers, George IV and Nathaniel.

Tori Mote Alberti, BS ’96, and husband Tom, became the proud parents of Taylor Kate on February 13, 2007.

In MemoriamJohn H. Huston, BS ’69, on April 5, 2007.

Karen S. Migues, BS ’73, on July 9, 2007.

Joan C. Dobson, BA ’72, on July 17, 2007.

On this past Arbor Day, the JU community came together to remember alumni and employees who had passed away recently. Trees were planted in their memory on the south lawn of the Davis College of Business.

A white dogwood tree was selected to honor the memory of the following alumni: Randall Scott Amos, ’01, ’02; Robert Mallard Batten, ’98; Lt. Robert L. Elortegui, ’01; Mark Joseph Roesser, ’84, and Alan P. Weimer, ’63.

A Japanese plum loquat tree was planted in memory of JU employees Capt. Robert Hendricks Pierce who had 25 years of service and Timothy Lowell Shakespeare with six years of service.

Class Notes is compiled by your friends in the Alumni Relations Office. If you’ve got news to share, let us know! We want to stay connected with you so e-mail your information and photos to alumni@ju.edu.Please do not send hard copy photos.


34 The Wave


Visit: www.ju.edu/alumni Call: (904) 256-7201 E-mail: alumni@ju.edu

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