watertown catholic collaborative · donate altar wine: would you like to donate the altar bread and...

Post on 19-Jul-2020






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Watertown Catholic Collaborative

Collaborative Business Office and Mailing Address 26R Chestnut Street, Watertown, MA 02472

(617) 926-9680

Sacred Heart Church 770 Mount Auburn Street, Watertown, MA 02472

Saturday 4:00pm & Sunday 10:00am (reservation required)

Saint Patrick Church 212 Main Street, Watertown, MA 02472


________________________________ ________________________________

July 19 , 2020

Details and directives regarding the reopening of our churches enclosed. Questions can be directed to office@watertowncatholic.com or by calling 617-926-9680, 9:00am-4:00pm Mon.-Fri.

For parishioners at home Mass will be posted on our Watertown Catholic Collaborative Facebook Page Sunday 10:00am

Sunday 7:30am (reservation required)



Mass for the Sick and Those in Need of Prayers

Fr. Conley will celebrate Mass for the Sick and Anyone with a Special Need for Prayers on Thursday, July 23rd. In a special way we ask God be with our brothers and sisters through difficult times. Please remember these people in your prayers.

A Message from Nguyen Dinh: There are a few occasions in the Gospels when the evangelists recall unique moments when Jesus prays directly to His Father. At times, we hear from the Gospels that be-fore some important events in His life, such as before starting His public ministry and electing the Twelves, or after feeding 5000 people, Jesus withdraws from the crowd and goes to a deserted place to pray, often He prays overnight. Other times He prays with His disciples singing psalms or with people in a synagogue. Jesus calls His Father in a very unique way. As you may know, the Israelites in the Old Testament sometimes invoke God as their father. They rightly can do that because God is their Creator and

because God chooses them as His own people. Even God Himself depicts His relationship with Israel as father and child. The word by which Jesus calls His Father though is different, he says ‘Abba’, not as a creature calling its Creator but as a Son to his Father. This Aramaic word can be translated as Dad, or daddy in English. Jesus is truly the only Son whom the Father begot from eternity. Everything the Son has is from the Father and nothing the Father has is not shared by the Son. This divine communion is beyond human knowledge and this ultimate intimacy surpasses all of our imagination. However, God never wants His communion to be exclusive. From His goodness and mercy, God created us to share His perfect life and invites each of us to join into His eternal loving communion. No matter how weak and sinful we may be, we all are welcomed to be partakers of the Trinitarian community. This can’t be done by human capacity but God the Father, in an unimaginable way, carries out His salvific plan by sending His Son. “God so loved the world that He sent His only Son so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” (Jn 3:16) In His Son, “God became man so that man can be deified as St. Athanasius puts it. Through Jesus, God has revealed Himself and His plan to the childlike, the little ones, the powerless who know that they really need God. Moreover, Jesus, by uniting each of us to himself, makes us partakers of the divine life. He does so especially in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. Food and drink He becomes for us to feed us, to nourish us, and to transform us. Jesus includes us into His Sonship so that we rightly can call the Father Abba, Dad. The divine communion is truly inclusive for anyone who acknowledges Jesus, Son of God. May we grow deeper in our relationship to God as Father to us all!

Gary Bushey Donna Fortin

Colt Jackson David Landry

Ray McNamara Clare Putnicki

Sacred Heart Church 7:30am Sunday Mass Resumes Next Week

Beginning on Sunday July 26th, a 7:30am Mass will be celebrated again from Sacred Heart Church. All directives from the 4pm and 10am Masses will apply to the 7:30am Mass as well. Sacred Heart Church capacity, with social distancing, is 80 people maximum. Please note that everyone MUST continue to pre-register for Mass by the weekly 8pm Friday deadline. No exceptions will be made at the door so please sign up using the sign up genius platform emailed each Wednesday You may call the office to register if you are unable to sign up online. Thank you, Fr. Conley


The following directives were carefully prepared by the Church reopening committee.

If you are feeling ill or sick in any way, we implore you not to come to Mass. This is important for everyone’s safety!

Dispensation: Dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass remains in effect. Mass will be posted online each weekend.

Sign-Up Process:

As we carefully reopen the Collaborative in stages Masses will at first only be at Saint Patrick Church to accommodate the maximum number of people allowed with the 6-foot social distancing protocols. Maximum safely allowed per Mass is 100.

All who plan to attend Mass in Watertown MUST sign up prior to showing up at the Church. No exceptions will be made at the door. An e-mail blast will be sent out to all registered parishioners using a program called Sign Up Genius. The preferred method to sign up is through this online platform. However, If you are unable to access e-mail, you can call the office to sign up.

Each sign-up must be an individual person per slot. (No signing up by family name etc..)

When the deadline to sign up passes, or we reach capacity, you will have to go to a different Mass, or try again the following week.

Arriving at the Church A face covering or mask MUST be worn at all times in the Church unless you are a child under age two, a child between ages two and five where we leave it to the parent’s discretion, or you have a health issue that makes it overly burdensome for you to wear a mask.

Please arrive 30 minutes before the Mass begins. Entrance will be from the front of the Church only: The Main Center doors and the handicap accessibility elevator door. No other entrances will be open.

When you arrive, volunteers will be at the center doors signing each attendee in by name. There will also be hand sanitizer at the entrance that we ask everyone to use before entering the Church. Please bring your own personal hand sanitizer as well if you have it.

There will be arrows on the floors directing one-way traffic flow, blue tape markers identifying available pews and volunteers assisting people to available pews.

Holy Communion

Fr. Conley will explain the process for receiving Holy Communion at each Mass.

Departing the Church: Fr. Conley will give instructions at the end of each Mass on the dismissal protocol that will be followed. Restrooms: Restrooms are available in the Church hall if needed. Children MUST be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Please follow all social distancing protocols and the signs. Final Note Regarding Reopening Directives:

This entire process is foreign to all of us, and of course is not ideal. There will be some learning curves as well. Please be kind and patient. Following all the requirements and guidelines will allow for a smooth reopening process and will show that we are a united community taking everyone’s safety seriously.


Please Note:

All Church Clergy, Staff & Volunteers must have their temperature taken on site upon entering the Church.



Watertown Catholic Collaborative FOOD PANTRY

Open for those with Food Insecurity Thursday, July 23rd 10:00-11:45

DONATIONS: Non perishable foods can be left at the Food Pantry door Tues, Thurs. and Fri. between 9:00am—12:00pm. 770 Mount Auburn Street.

For everyone’s safety we are blessed to have a small dedicated group of volunteers working to keep our pantry open. Please pray for them!

Sacred Heart Mass Intentions Saint Patrick Mass Intentions


Saturday, July 18, 2020 Nelligan Family Sunday, July 19, 2020 Francis L Pacious (13th Anniversary) Monday, July 20, 2020 Evelyn Walsh Conceison (18th Anniversary) Friday, July 24, 2020 People of Sacred Heart and Saint Patrick Saturday, July 25, 2020 Jack McGrath, Ernest & Eleanor Warner and Kerry Murphy Sunday, July 26, 2020 E. Philip Taylor & Family

Sunday, July 19, 2020 Brooke Ramsdell John W. Morrison, Sr. (30th Anniversary) Tuesday, July 21, 2020 Marie M. Arnold and Walter G. Arnold, Sr. Thursday, July 23, 2020 Mass for the Sick Sunday, July 26, 2020 Ennio Scenna

PLEASE NOTE: Fr. Conley is continuing to offer private masses for those listed below.

Donate Altar Wine: Would you like to donate the Altar Bread and Wine in memory of a loved one? Contact the Collaborative Offices at 617-926-9680 or office@watertowncatholic.com.

The Altar Bread & Wine at Sacred Heart

are given this weekend in the Glory of God and in Memory of:

David P. Guido


Hearing this Gospel, we can trust that God knows our love and good deeds, and that he

will mercifully gather us into his kingdom.

This week, please say a special prayer each day for the poor and forgotten in our parish.

Food for thought for Families of Faith: The pace of life is slowing as priorities shift to include maximizing the precious time of summer. If you’re like most families, the biggest stressors are planning to pack in as much fun with our kids as we can before school starts again.

Summer is also a great time for us as parents to invest intentional time teaching our children about our faith. These quality conversations can’t happen, however, if we let them spend the entire summer in front of a screen. The truth is, whether we realize it or not, we “are” our children’s greatest spiritual influences. God has given us the unique opportunity to speak into our children’s lives and teach them what it means to be a son or daughter of God.

When we spend time reading the Bible, spiritual books, saying grace before meals and praying, our kids notice. Time with the Lord changes the way we parent our children and respond to them. Let’s not let the change in schedule stop us from continuing to grow in our own faith journey.

Simply reading a verse and praying together can make such a huge difference in our families. Important conversations about God happen when we’re intentional with our time. Ask the Lord to bring opportunities for us to bring the truth of our faith into our everyday lives this summer and every season.


Your prayers are requested for MMary Ryan and John R. Bertrand and for their family and friends who mourn. May all our departed rest in the peace of the Lord.

SACRIFICIAL GIVING Sacred Heart Parish & Saint Patrick Parish

Saint Patrick Parish has had secure online giving since 2013, with over 100 parishioners giving regularly. At this time we encourage BOTH parishes to use this site for easily making their donations. Sacred Heart parishioners can enter a note online (special intention) that they want donations to go to Sacred Heart and we have the capabil-ity of transferring that money to the proper parish account. The link to sign up for online giving is: www.osvonlinegiving.com/1470.

For the first weeks of reopening, we ask you to continue to mail in your weekly contribution, sign up for online giving, or drop it off at the secure mailbox outside the Collaborative office door anytime. Collections will not be taken in a formal way during Mass at this time.

Please continue to prayerfully consider how you can continue to offer your weekly financial support to our parishes.

Fr. Conley will offer Mass on Wednesday evenings at Saint Patrick Church immediately followed by the Sacrament of Confession and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from 6:00pm-8:00pm.

5:30pm (no reservation necessary)

Mass, Adoration, & Confession

This Week’s Psalm Reflection Have you ever read or watched Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings? A grand, epic story of good and evil; of victory and defeat; of strength as well as weakness. A story like Lord of the Rings is gripping entertainment. When we watch Frodo and Sam stumbling to Mordor, we can imagine ourselves in their shoes. If we imagine David as the singer himself in today’s psalm, he might as well be Frodo or Sam struggling alone towards Mordor. He is in a desperate situation. He wants to live a good, faithful life, but things aren’t going his way. He is alone, with no one to turn to. His world is collapsing around him, people are actively looking to do him harm, his experiments fail, and his time

is running out. Even worse, he is aware that he has played a part in his own demise. In the first verse we sing this week, he pleads to God since he knows he needs forgiveness and his own sins compound the problem.

In these dire straits, he calls out to God. He recognizes that God, creator of the heavens and the earth, is far above him. God created mankind in order to know Him and be His people in the world. David immediately moves onto thanksgiving and praise for God. He has discovered that the key to knowing God’s deliverance and love is precisely by listening to His teaching, walking in His truth, with His whole life pointed God-ward. In the final section of the psalm, David returns to the beginning: his dire situation. However, there are real signs of hope. He recalls God’s nature of mercy and grace; steadfast love and faithfulness. The psalm ends, and he is quietly confident that God will save and comfort him. These lessons are ones to practice while things are going well, so that in times of hardship we'll be ready. So, if you are suffering at the moment, praise God!

You, O LORD, are good and forgiving, abounding in kindness to all who call upon you. Hearken, O LORD, to my prayer and attend to the sound of my pleading.

All the nations you have made shall come and worship you, O LORD, and glorify your name. For you are great, and you do wondrous deeds; you alone are God.

You, O LORD, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in kindness and fidelity. Turn toward me, and have pity on me; give your strength to your servant.

MARRIAGE Couples need to make an appointment with a Priest at least six months before the wedding date.


Rev. Matthew J. Conley, Administrator John Beagan, Collaborative Deacon Karen DeAlmeida, Director of Finance & Operations Carol Salerno, Faith Formation Assistant Carly Reidy, Administrative Assistant Christine Breen, Faith Formation Coordinator Gr. K-6 Matthew Chick, Faith Formation Coordinator Gr. 7-10

MISSION STATEMENT Sacred Heart and Saint Patrick Parishes form the Watertown Catholic Collaborative. We are a Roman Catholic Community that dedicates itself to providing an unconditional welcome to all.

We proclaim the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ through the power of His Word, faith formation, service, and fellowship. Our mission centers on the celebration of the Eucharist

with a desire to exemplify Christ’s love and joy through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Office Hours: Office hours will vary. Please email or call for assistance. Email: office@watertowncatholic.com Fax: (617) 926-3715

Watertown Catholic Collaborative Collaborative Business Office and Mailing Address

26R Chestnut Street, Watertown, MA 02472 (617) 926-9680

Patrice Buckley, Interim Collaborative Music Director Bernie Clark, Facilities Dave Pendergast, Facilities Annette Clark, Wedding Coordinator John Mosca, Collaborative Weekend Sacristan

BAPTISM Private baptisms are being scheduled after the 10:00 mass on Sundays for June and July. Contact office@watertowncatholic.com for more information.

COFFEE HOUR Suspended until further notice.

WATERTOWN COLLABORATIVE FOOD PANTRY Open Thursdays Check listing inside bulletin for details. DONATIONS Tues, Thurs. & Fri 9am-12pm

CONFESSION & ADORATION The Sacrament of Confession and Eucharistic Adoration will be held in St. Patrick’s Church from 6:00pm-8:00pm every Wednesday this summer.

SACRAMENTAL EMERGENCIES Anointing of the Sick/Last Rites will remain available as normal. If a loved one is in need of the Sacrament of the Sick or List Rites, please call the Collaborative Office at 617-926-9680 and the answering service will contact the priest directly. OFFICE HOURS Collaborative Office hours will vary. All business will be conducted over telephone and mail. Visitors are welcome to drop business items into the locked mailbox outside office entrance. FUNERAL MASSES Funerals may be scheduled at St. Patrick Church only during this time of phasing in and reopening. Attendance is limited to immediately family members. Please contact the Collaborative Office for details.

For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Sacred Heart, Watertown, MA 4812

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