waterfront sportsman 5.1.2009

Post on 08-Mar-2016






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is committed to all types of waterfront activities for all sportsmen, enthusiasts, andconservationists. As our populations increase, all water sources are threatened. A moder-ate balance is needed in ensure that policies are created to be inclusive and not exclusive.

There are strong movements by extreme environmentalists on one side and overdevelopment on the other.They join forces to create an overabundance of policies that fuels an elitist, overcomplicated, impossible to ad-minister, environmentalist development machine with overpriced engineering. This combination is slowly pric-ing many people out of the recreation equation.

We are committed to protecting water quality and promoting quality of life by moderate environmentalpolicies that will support water activities and enable use and access to all sportsman and enthusiasts.

We feel that this commitment by Waterfront Sportsman will serve as a unifying presence in the outdoormarketplace. Our commitment will merge a broad array of waterfront interests and serve to educate the generalpublic as to the importance of working with our environment



vol 2009 issue 5.2


May 10th is Mother’s Day in the United States.However, many countries celebrate Mother’s Dayon different days.

On May 9th, 1914 President Woodrow Wilsonmade a proclamation declaring the first nationalMother’s Day. He declared it as a day for Americancitizens to show the flag in honor of those motherswhose sons had died in the war. Carnation flowershas come to representMother’s Day as the founderof Mother’s Day, Anna Jarvis,chose the flower as it was hermother’s favorite flower.

The original Mother’s Daycommemoration was held inWest Virginia, the home of Anna Jarvis. The customof observing Mother’s Day subsequently startingto appear in all the other states. Two years after thedeath of Jarvis’ mother, Ann Maria Reeves Jarvis,the younger Jarvis embarked upon a campaign tomake Mother’s Day a recognized holiday.

Mother’s Day is a holiday that recognizesmotherhood in general and the positivecontributions of all mothers to society.

Origination of Mother’s Day

June Barbour is a native of Texas,who became a journalist and speechwriter for many noted local andnational politicians. An ex officer(note correction please) of theDaughters of American Revolution,June is well versed in conservationand preservation. She was the editorfor NC Senior Citizens Association’sVOICE newspaper and continues tobe a strong advocate for seniors inNorth Carolina.

Full Moon, High Tide, & The PerfectPolitical Storm Approaches Raleigh

A Mother’s Day Corsage

of Fire & Thunder

North Myrtle Beach a’flame because the terrain isdry due to dewatering of the PeeDee Aquifer.

Salute to a fallenfirefighter in Beaufort.

Bikers headin’ to NC, wantinganswers about toxic water.



our eyes are on our water ...

for everyone


Decal 3.5” x 5”Exterior UV Resistant

Over May 15-16, thousands of motorcycles ofevery make, model, shape and size will be roaringacross the United States, seeking destinations, manyof which are waterfront.

The disturbing realization that veterans and theirfamilies in eastern NC and VA have been exposedto toxic drinking and bathing water while stationedat Camp LeJeune, Cherry Point, and Norfolk,Virginia, WFS is rallying all veterans andsupporters of our enlisted service men and womenand their families to address inadequate watertesting, to define the scope of water contaminationof the Castle HayneAquifer.

W a t e r f r o n tSportsman hasproduced a universalsymbol for allwaterfront sportsenthusiasts to bedisplayed in conjunctionwith all types of sportingevents worldwide.

While water testing isbeing used to hidemismanagement ofwater quality funding,more importantly, the threat of municipal sludgespreading onto athletic fields and farmland, leavesno sporting events immune from the disasterouspractice of disposing of municipal sewer sludgelaced with toxic medical and industrialcontaminants.

3” x 5” decalsuitable for motorcycle

helmets, vehicles, farm tractors & RVs

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order now...www.waterfrontsportsman.com

6” x 10” decalsuitable for trucks, trail-

ers & businesses$10.00 (incl postage)

In Memoriam: Rick Maas, Ph.D.This long-time friend of the en-

vironmental health and justicemovement, died at age 54 on De-cember 12, 2005 after a brief ill-ness. One of the nation's leadingwater quality researchers, Rick wasfounder and co-director of theUNC Asheville's EnvironmentalQuality Institute (EQI), an EPA-certified laboratory which fornearly 20 years has served govern-ment agencies, the private sectorand non-profit groups with educa-

tion, research and technical assistance on toxics issues. Hehelped found the Volunteer Water Information Network, whichnow has some 100 volunteers monitoring the water quality at212 sites along Western North Carolina streams and rivers.

Rick is honored for his efforts in advocating for a commu-nity seeking relief from extensive groundwater contamination,in this case Camp Lejeune, NC.

Rick was beginning to study the CTS site in Asheville whenhe got sick. He was known internationally for his work on leadpoisoning resulting from the use of lead soldering in plumb-ing. He worked with Buncombe County in analysis of thewater from the closed out landfil. He was ‘Mr . Water.’

The phrase ‘all gave some, some gaveall’ not only describes our service men& women, but the people who fight for

the basic human right of water.

PassionMotorcycle Ridefor Water Qualityon May 15-16

Don Yelton will be hosting his Citizens SpeaksTV show on Tuesday, Charter Channel 20-Asheville. People are invited to come by and

drop off donations going to Rick Maas’s family.










13 14




1. CTS Contamination Site, Asheville - Home of Dr. Rick Maas

2. Recipient of the most sludge, Union County.

3. Montgomery, Richmond, and Union counties well sites over a 50 mile region

were contaminated by out-of-state sludge, that interacted w/ pesticides and

poisoned private wells. Pryor Gibson, w/ a history of authoring bad water policies,

ignored this crsis in his own district.

4. ALCOA water in-take reverting to state’s possession, High Rock Lake

5. Sludge contracts w/ Synagro to spread in 6 surrounding counties, Burlington

6. Hot Zone of Toxic Sludge, Bradshaw Creek Rd near Orange/Alamance County line

7. Where one of the biggest environmental crooks (Jim Adams) lives and operates, Wake Forest

8. Where most of the politicians/crooks live and operate, Raleigh

9. Where the Castle Hayne Aquifer starts, Castle Hayne (north of Wrightsville) & home office for

McKim & Creed, the environmental engineering firm for hire.

10.Camp Lejeune water contamination case re-opened, Jacksonville

11. Ground zero for the start of the Waterfront Sportsman’s worldwide Environmental Injustice

Movement, Pamlico County.

12.PCS Phosphate Mine, Aurora

13.Lil’ Washington, where several different environmental perpetrators live and operate.

14.Where 7 out of 10 residents suffer from cancer or other disease, Hyde County

15.Where the top politico corruption facilitator (Sen. Mark Basnight) lives and operates, Dare County

16.Where all of the ladies in the Edenton’s Women Club suffer from cancer or other disease

17.Pasquatank County in Basnight’s district where 6400+ acres are permitted for out-of-state sludge

which seriously threatens our farmland where peanut crops are produced. Where the soils that

don’t perk and are guaranteed to flood into the nitrogen rich waters. Possibly the worst example of

land application of municipal sludge.




Ride for WaterQuality on

May 15-16





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Map of Greed, Corruption & the Harmed

Kick-off Fundraiser forRick Maas Family

Donations will be collected to present tothe Maas family by Don Yelton. Don will

be hosting his Citizens Speaks TV show onTuesday, Charter Channel 20-Asheville.

People are invited to come by and drop offdonations going to Rick Maas’s family.All bikers enroute to CTS Site, Camp

Lejeune and CherryPoint are encouragedto stop by URTV in Asheville to drop offyour donation or call Don 828.775.7212or mail checks made out to Rick Maas

Tribute (mail to WFS, PO Box 578,Rolesville, NC 27571).

Donations to support R. Horace SwiggettInstitute of Environmental Politics &purchases of WFS’s event decal.

our eyes are on our water ...


Trading Path Association

WFS events

Waterfront Sportsman 12.00

WFS subscription

Make checks out to WFS to purchase or sign up onour website at www.waterfrontsportsman.com viaPayPal your 52 week subscription to our e-zine andnewsletter.

When politiciansaddress pollution, theybecome concernedabout who supportsthem and how will thatinformation be spun bythe political junkies.Yes, you have politicaljunkies who are just as

hooked on politics as hard drug users.It is more important for them to be right than to

protect water quality, offer solutions and maybealign themselves with someone not in their party.You would think that the politicians would be infavor of the idea of rewarding developers, builders,NGO’s, and other governmental agencies forcoming up with ideas to minimize their footprinton this earth.

We have billions of dollars being spent in ouruniversities, on our road building, in ourmaintaining local governments, and we will notreward a private citizen for minimizing his harmfuleffects on the environment. The House ofRepresentatives inRaleigh many havecompleted anunofficial poll toconsider if they shouldeven committee suchl e g i s l a t i o n .(‘Committee’ ispolitic-speak meaningbring it to committeefor discussion.)

The result was thatmembers on both sidesof the isle wereconcerned about thementioning of environmental issues (like sludgespreading) when the economy is so bad. We have aPresident who is preaching the benefits of going“green.” How about just doing it right andrewarding people for being responsible. It costs

less, it does not take tax dollars, and it actuallyminimizes the taxes that the private sector wouldpay.

We have found the problem is minimizing themoney collected. We have found our politicaljunkies and they are in the seats in Raleigh. Doesn’tmatter what party label they have. These rulingclasses are so hung up on being called‘Representative’ or ‘Senator,’ that they would selltheir mother into slavery and hang a debt aroundthe necks of their offspring that will choke them todeath.

This disease has even spread into our collegesand universities. We have highly educatedindividuals who will cover-up facts and only usewhat they know that will progress their professionalcareer up the ladder of social hierarchy in the hallsof academia. This cover-up can be driven by grantsawarded by the state. We have studied hog wastefor years and still have not come up with a viablesolution.

Is it possible that the pollution accredited to thehog farmers came from the practice of landapplication of municipal sewage sludge? Thisproblem has become so great that many states,Virginia being one of them, are controlling the

process of landapplication more thanthe 503 regulations ofthe FederalGovernment.

North Carolina,hiding behind itspolitical corruption,refuses to address thisproblem in anymanner. We need tokeep an eye turnedtoward Easley and seewhere this can lead.The real question is

how well connected are Easley and Perdue? Whatare the motives in permitting rapid growth on thecoast of North Carolina?

Pollution in Environmental


Political Pollutants cont. on next pg


reaction to excessive use of water for homes andindustry and draining of natural swamps fordevelopment. We now have experts debating theshrinking coast line. It was stated in Hickory, NCthat subsidence is a greater threat than globalwarming by a professor who was the dean at DukeUniversity’s Nicholas School of Environment &Earth Sciences. Makes you wonder why Dr.Richard Schlesinger is no longer at Duke.

In North Carolina, we have folks like BillHolman working as the head of the Clean WaterTrust Fund after being one of Governor Hunt’s righthand men. Now, he is an expert on water qualityworking with the Nicholas Institute forEnvironmental Policy Solutions and proposing thatwe can scientifically model water use by basin.

Yes, this politicalgame is crashing down.We overbuild and overuse the water and nowwe are fighting overwhose water it is. NCwants to own all of thewater in the state. All ofour experts haveoverlooked the mainreasons for landsinking, more wild

fires, and excessive development at the coast. Wecannot learn from Holland where they learned thatyou can pump too much water out and the landshrinks. The windmills were used to pump waterand yes, they found out that land shrinks when itdries out so they have created methods to keep thepeat moss wet and not shrinking.

We have the folks like Bill Holman now beingan expert on water quality stating we canscientifically model water use by basin. How canwe do that when we use waste products that cannotpossibly be sterile for fertilizer on our food crops?It is these political connections that muddy thewater and stop effective legislation. Both sides ofthe isle suffer from the same sickness and addiction.The real pollution is in the politics, which resultedin letting the CTS Corporation dump toxic

Political Pollutants continued____________

Greed, avarice and hubrisknows no party lines, noreligion, nor creed.

contaminated private wells. The state admitted theyknew about it and did not demand that they cleanit up for over 21 years while the pollutant spreadunderground.

Meanwhile, politics attempts to bury bills thatreward people for positive action, identify wherethe sludge is being applied and just good commonsense while they reward their select supporters withwhat appears to be favors. Poisoning our water,bankrupting our assets, and taxing the averagecitizen are the pollutants and contaminants ofpolitics.

Don Yelton is a native of WesternNorth Carolina who was educatedat the UNC-Asheville, and receivedMS degrees from East TennesseeState University and ClemsonUniversity. His undergraduate workwas a double major in Biology andPsychology. He further studiedwater quality and water resourcemanagement at Clemson and received a MS inenvironmental systems engineering.

Only when Dale and Don duplicated this very sign and put iton the CTS Corp. contamination site up in Asheville to drawattention to the fact that our government totally ignored 21+yrs of toxic water conditions was something done about it sinceit was this an example site used to argue the need for the CleanWater Trust Fund. And then of course US Rep. Heath Shulerhad to come and do a press conference in order to put the rightspin on the whole sad situation.

Can’t Make the Bike

Ride & Rallies?just ride your bike to work every Friday until

EPA & NC DENR do something about our water

quality in NC & the United States


Frequently Asked Questions“How are my mom and dad?”“How are Jennifer Royal and Scott (one of my

sons)?”Well, I thought I’d update everyone a bit.My parents are doing well, considering that one

of their sons is insistent upon chasing after thepeople who’ve usurped our environmental taxdollars and laid waste to our water quality.

Horace is a true waterfrontsportsman himself. He is aretired personal injury attor-ney and was honored by theNC Bar Association in 2008for maintaining his license topractice law for 50 yrs.Horace is standing-in-coun-sel for the EIC and theInstitute for Environmental

Politics is dedicated to his great work protecting harmed parties.

Margaret attended GuilfordCollege and is well knownin Burlington for managingWill’ s Bookstore for manyyrs. But her biggest and bestlifetime achievement is rais-ing four children, is a grand-mother to eight and a great-grandmother to three. Boy,that’s a heckuv a’lot of Swiggetts!

While Jennifer wasinterning with M&NConstruction (theSwiggett boys’ con-struction firm), she hasnow moved on tobecome the special as-sistant to ex-Presidentof Bennett College,Dr. Johnnetta Cole.PowerGirls Magazinelaunched recently,

reaching out to nearly 50,000 girls around the U.S., Canada,and Africa. They are intent on spreading the word about tal-ented global girls whose beauty comes from their actions, pas-sion, and commitment. Jennifer is tri-lingual and an excellentcommunicator. A special thanks goes out to her mother JanetRoyal, a lifelong educator with multiple post grad degrees, whochanged my life by giving me a book by Dr. Robert Bullard, theforemost authority on environmental injustice and head of theEnvironmental Injustice Center at Clark University in Atlanta.

Scott, the baby boy of my bunch, is rarely photographed whenhe’s not on top of some huge heavyequipment in the field. He is cer-tified as an environmentalremediation specialist and worksfor Shamrock Environmental,traveling the east coast dealingwith environmental contamina-tion sites as well as constructionof retention ponds, landfills, andreclamation sites.


I missed my long standing birthday dinner withmy family because I was with my brainy friends toexpose the Burlington, N.C. importation and sludgespreading scam at the city council meeting onMarch 24, 2009. Being called the “White MartinLuther King for the Environment” by a blackenvironmentalist may sound flattering, but not verycomforting with the number of whistleblowers nolonger with us. Even though whistleblowers arefighting for all of our loved ones, it is noconsolation for the disruption to our families andat times, not safe to be together.

I am not a veteran, and my experiences inuniform were only shorts, knee socks, and jams asa Boy Scout Camp Counselor and Life Guard. Bothof my brothers served in the military briefly. So Ihave seen first hand my mother’s concerns for mybrothers for only a short period of time. I feel solucky, having four grown children not to haveexperienced the burden, grief, and even lossthrough brave military service.

As I have written about the “Sign is in the WrongTown” and other signs of corruption that are soeasily overlooked and forgotten, I can never forgetthe pain, suffering, and broken hearts expressedon signs hung on the fences of Camp Lejune andNew River, N.C. The signs are of family membersseeking relief by expressing their pain of separation.The Loved Ones some only young sweethearts,others were time tested wives and mothers withmaybe a little too much knowledge of all the risksand unforgettable losses of friends and neighborslost in training, Vietnam, Lebanon, Desert Storm,Iraq and Afghanistan.

So as whistleblower, I cannot forget our militaryand all mothers on Mothers Day, so we want tothrow out the whistles and crank up the volumeuntil the responsible parties for contaminating ourwater teeth fall out onto the pavement.

WFS has invited all the Biker Chick MotorcycleClubs to come out for the WFS Motorcycle PassionRide for Water Quality. After National and

A Whistle Blowers

Mother’s Day’s Thank You

Thanks to All Mothers cont. on pg 17

Hwy1 South 2615 Jefferson Davis Hwy in Sanford, NC919.775.7259 www.chatleeboats.com

Tai Chi cont. next pg



It’s What We’re Made OfNot many people outside

of the disciplines of theearth sciences will readily

recognize this symbol. Theinverted triangle is the alchemy

sign of WATER. Depending onwho you ask, the human body

consists of 60 - 80% water.

That’s a very fascinating fact, isn’t it? So youwould think that more people would keep this inmind. We know there are a lot of people whosubconsciously do keep this fact in mind just bythe sheer simple fact that they make sojourns tobodies of water, whether it is the ocean, rivers, orlakes. There are also people who insist living onor near water because of their primitive ties to water.

And then there are the poor folks who live inlandand for whatever reason, cannot make regular treksto our waterways to feed their soul. Yet, a handfulknow one way to bring that calming balance backinto their very hectic, stressful lives.

They search out a private or public place, oftennear water, and commence to doing a centuries oldexercise that is best described as poetry in motion.

The Chinese, one of the oldest cultures, gavethe whole world a wonderful gift from their

heritage....Taijiquan ormore commonly referred tohere stateside as just tai chi.

Some folks might notknow what tai chi is butmost have caught a glimpseof a few commercialstouting some kind ofmedicine or dietarysupplement where therewas an individual or smallgroup of people waving their arms and legs aroundvery slowly, doing some kind of ritualistic dance.

Since there are several different styles of tai chi,the casual observer might be confused as to whyone person’s tai chi looks different than another’s.But the commonality of all is that the main objectiveof this particular exercise is to forget everythingelse and engage in moving meditation.

A practitioner whohas been doing tai chifor any long length oftime will look likeflowing water sincetheir movements will beso fluid. It does notmatter one’s age,gender, or physicalcondition - even

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We have been doing business since 1987. We specialize in Industrial AssetRecovery and also have a fully working Recycling Center.

Tai Chi continued________________________


disabled men andwomen can adapt theirexercise routine to stillderive great benefits.

It is a wonderfulmethod of slowingdown, destressing, andmeditating. In fact, manypublic parks all over theworld will have wholegroups and separateindividuals all doingtheir tai chi or qigong(art of breathing), usuallyin the early morning. It isa wonderous sight tobehold and even better tobe in the middle as aparticipant.

The Asian cultures havea different approach totheir overall health. Theybelieve in and practiceg o o dpreventativemaintanence.They hold inhigh regardthe alli m p o r t a n telements -wood, fire,earth, metal, and water. There is a certain cycledepicting the positive creation but then there isthe other cycle, the destructive side also. Yet, theAsians have been able to live their lives in betterharmony with nature than most cultures, perhaps

108 Hendrix Drive, Kernersville, NC 27284336.782.0339


because they’ve inhabited the Earth for thousandsof years.

This philosophy extends to many aspects of theirlife - health, diet, mental, etc. It is true what theysay, that an ouce of prevention is worth more than apound of cure. And since Asians understand betterthan most people the fact that our body consists ofsuch a large percentage of water, in general theybelieve that it is better to maintain your bodyproperly instead of treating for disease later.

For the last several years on the last Saturday ofApril, the whole world experiences World Tai Chiand Qigong Day. Imagine a virtual wave of peopleacross the globe, all practicing their normal everydayexercise routine! This collective activity trulyheightens everyone’s awareness.

And that is exactly what needs to happen. Peopleneed to be concerned about our water quality issues.We could actually learn something from the world’solder cultures and how they value our shared naturalresources.


1341 Island Rd, Harker’s Island, NC252.728.7316


Definition: A jetty or groin is an artificial “wall”that extends water ward from shore, to interferewith and allegedly stop erosion. They are usuallyconstructed of large stones and placed more or lessat right angles to the shore line and most frequently,that placement is also at right angles with thenatural flow of water. Groins are also placed at thejuncture of inlets with the ocean, so there are twocurrents (horizontal flow of water) in play and inupland waters, where current is less influential.

Distinction: There is a difference between largegroins or jetties extending from our shores andsmaller ones on our less turbulent tributaries. Theformer constitutes major interference with nature,the latter is less intrusive. See comments below.

At issue: The issue is the conflict betweennature and human interests, the latter of which isgreed. People want to own water front property,and have the right in North Carolina to do so. Unfortunately, NC places too much emphasis onproperty owner rights, tax revenue, businessinterests such as tourism, and marine and generalconstruction and not enough emphasis onenvironmental protection. While NC has lawsfashioned after and in response to the FederalGovernment’s mandates for environmental

protection, ithas made itspriorities veryclear byfailing to fundenforcement. The courts arel i k e w i s ereluctant torule againstthe state, evenwhen NCagencies breakthe law andadmit to doingso, under oath.This conflictof nature vs.human greed, law vs. political interests spans muchmore than groins, but for now I will stick to theissue at hand.

Property owners want to build as close to fragilelands as they can get away with, often at the expenseto our marshes, wetlands, and shores. When theirbuilding and sometimes after construction activitiescause harm to the environment, or nature takesaway their property (either land or man madestructures), they clamor for taxpayer relief. One ofthose reliefs is the demand for construction ofjetties.

Small groins: In some cases small jetties orgroins, can prevent erosion of buildable land intonavigable waters and the siltation of both fin andshellfish habitat. Erosion is the transportation ofsoil from one location to another. The resultingproduct is siltation. I mention these definitionsbecause an official with DENR was unable toclarify the distinction, in court. This erosion usuallymoves organic soil and clay into otherwise cleanwaters — soil that could grow erosion limitingvegetation and water that could produce fish forcommercial and/or recreational enjoyment.

This flow of soil is usually perpendicular to theflow of the water and is caused by storm activity,excessive boat speed and or landward alterationand vegetation removal. The natural flow of most

More Bad Legislation...Now

They Want to Ugly Up Our

Beautiful Coastline

Above picture: Groin in Holcate, NJ.Below picture: Groin constructed of concrete.And both examples are just about the ugliestthing to imagine on our treasured coastline.

Groins cont. next pg


Groins continued______________________

of our waters near ourcoast is both down andup stream, depending onthe wind. This back andforth flow is normallyslow and generally isnot very erosive (ofcourse with someexceptions). Inlanderosion (as opposed toshore erosion) can stopon its own becausemarsh grass can take

over the shallow waters filled in by siltation. Insome isolated locations and with some erosionpatterns, small groins may be appropriate andhelpful. In these cases, minor interference with thenatural flow of nature, may help offset nearbynegative impacts from human or natural damageto our waters. Mostly, these structures have littleor no impact to adjacent properties or certainly notto properties a moderate distance away. In the eventof an unintended effect such as interferences withnavigation, the project can always be removed, andat a reasonable cost.

Large groins: In direct contrast to small groins,large groins (commonly referred to as jetties), causemajor interference with the natural flow of inlets,sounds and the ocean. While the daily flow of wateris more or less perpendicular to the shore via tides(vertical movement), the overall seasonal and yearover year movement is nearly parallel. Thesemovements are natural, and cause major shiftingof sands on our coast, sometimes filling in ormoving inlets and eroding and/or shifting the shapeof the shore line. Large natural forces are constantlyat work changing the coast — taking sand fromone location to another. This pattern ofshifting sands is centuries old and scientistspredict will continue long after we as humans arehere on earth. This pattern is not preventable.

The rub: People want to have what they want,and the NC law makers want them to have it,especially if giving them what they want isprofitable to the law makers. This view is shortsited, selfish and in the long run harmful to the

environment and very costly to the taxpayers. Simply put, nature is going to do what is does. Wecan not stop it, especially on a scale as grand as theAtlantic Ocean. The interference is only temporary,and the costs of installing and maintaining jetties isastronomical.

Another rub: There is another problem.Building jetties one location benefits those propertyowners (never nature) nearby and is always at theexpense of other property owners. What man takesaway from nature, nature will take away from man. Sand deposited by dredging or siltation on the downstream side of a jetty, will erode sand at a locationfurther down the beach. Then, thoseproperty owners will cry to the state legislature andto the Federal Government for, you guessed it, morejetties, more dredging and more sand. I can hearthe complaints now “Well, if they got one, why notus? Wonder who they know? Humph, must bediscrimination!”

Conclusion: In limited cases, inshore groins maybe useful, but should be small and monitored.Since NC does not fund enforcement or monitoring,nor do I have any confidence in our state agenciesto do things correctly, I would be leery of permittingany but the smallest of groins, and suspect of eventhose. Without very compelling reasons, such askeeping our ports open for commerce and nationaldefense, I would be steadfastly against large jetties,especially on our coastal waters.

Hank Cowell is a resident living in Chapel Hill but has ahome also in Pamlico County. He is an environmentalactivist focused on clean water and wetlands protection, aswell as an energy conservationist with a BA from TulaneUniversity and MS from Johns Hopkins. Former consultantto many Federal Government agencies, including the EPA.Decorated military veteran.



S 2


Agriculture/Environment/Natural Resources Committee Substitute Adopted 4/29/09

Short Title: CRC May Permit Terminal Groin. (Public)


Referred to:

March 25, 2009






Whereas, the State of North Carolina has 320 miles of coastline and 19 inlets that 5

Bad Legislation


“A Ponzi schemeusually offers

abnormal lyhigh short-term returnsin order to

entice new investors. The high returns that a Ponzischeme advertises (and pays) require an ever-increasing flow of money from investors in orderto keep the scheme going.

“The system is doomed to collapse because thereare little or no underlying earnings from the moneyreceived by the promoter. However, the scheme isoften interrupted by legal authorities before itcollapses. . .

“A bubble. A bubble relies on suspension ofbelief and an expectation of large profits, but it isnot the same as a Ponzi scheme. A bubble involvesever-rising (and unsustainable) prices in an openmarket (be that shares of a stock, housing prices,the price of tulip bulbs, or anything else). As longas buyers are willing to pay ever-increasing prices,sellers can get out with a profit. And there doesn’tneed to be a schemer behind a bubble.”

These definitions from Wikipedia are a goodstarting point in discussing some of the new high-end real estate developments popping up aroundNorth Carolina. Some will probably be successfuland some will inevitably fail, whether because thebubble burst, the Ponzi scheme collapsed, or thegovernment revealed and prosecuted fraud.

The most spectacular recent failure in NorthCarolina has been The Village of Penland projectin Mitchell County, a massive fraud that bilked over200 investors, not counting the banks that loanedover $100,000,000 on a project based on sellingoverpriced lots to unsuspecting investors. The caseis slowly unfolding in court, with guilty pleasentered and hefty sentences expected, but a lot ofthe money has disappeared.

Penland was not the kind of mortgage fraud thathas received so much attention from the CharlotteObserver. In fact, one mountain bloggerencouraged a reader seeking more information to“contact the Charlotte Observer and ask them why



Bubbles & Fraud

they’re not interested in reporting on mortgagefraud.”

The Observer has talked at length about howpoor people are losing their homes, but they haven’ttalked about developments like Penland, designedto sell wildly overpriced land to people who “aren’tfrom around here” because the locals know toomuch to buy.

But some locals were certainly helpful in sellingthe project. The marketing made Penland soundlike a wonderful environmentally friendlydevelopment. The director of the Blue Ridge RuralLand Trust said “This is a very, very gooddevelopment.”

The Mountain Times talked about the way theVillage was “encompassed in a natural areasurrounding the village that would be disturbedas little as possible” and pointed out that “Thedevelopers devoted at least 140 acres forpreservation.”

They didn’t talk about the fact a lot of the landthat would not be disturbed was unbuildable, andthat some of the projected lots were alsounbuildable due to the steepness of the slope orrequired setbacks. Locals knew the problemsassociated with mountain developments, so thedevelopers sought investors from other areas.

Based on the information reported to date, someimpressive names knew enough about the project

Allegations have been made against United CommunityBank, Carolina First and First Charter, in addition toBB&T. Village of Penland financing would not have beenpossible without these financial lenders.

Ponzi Scheme cont. next pg


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that the whistle should have been blown before itwas. One of the people pleading guilty toconspiracy in connection with the fraud is (or was)an attorney with Womble Carlyle Sandridge andRice, a pretty prestigious law firm that had towithdraw as counsel for their former associate dueto a possible conflict of interest.

The press is beginning to talk about widespreadappraisal fraud,but the legalcommunity andthe bankingc o m m u n i t ydeserve attentionas well. Withouttheir participation,the dishonestappraisers wouldhave beenunemployed and/or barred fromselling appraisalslong ago.

According tothe News &O b s e r v e r(February 7,2008), “a hearingin Wake County Superior Court is scheduled to addat least two North Carolina banks as defendants inthe suit.

“In addition, a former bank investigator atBB&T has filed suit, alleging she was fired from

her job for refusing to participate in a cover-up ofa $20 million loan fraud.”

We’ll learn more about the Penland case as itunfolds, but it suggests law enforcement shoulddo a quick review of other large developments thatfit the Penland profile to be sure what’s being soldis something other than “pie in the sky.”

River DunesAfter reading about the amazing conservation

easement purchased by the state of North Carolina,I was so intrigued I had to see it for myself, so Itook a field trip to Pamlico County. There is somebeautiful country in Pamlico County, but an awfullot is unbuildable and the combination of erosion,subsidence and CAMA rules keeps reducing theamount of buildable land.

But that has not stopped the building. Theamount of dirt being moved at River Dunes is sogreat it shows up clearly on Google Earth. What’sreally amazing is that if you look at River Duneson Google Earth and turn on the roads layer it

clearly shows aroad that nolonger existsbecause it isunderwater.

I’m toldthere used tobe a house onthat road andthe pilings ofthe house werestill visible notlong ago; nownothing can beseen of thehouse or mostof the road,w h e t h e rbecause oferosion or

subsidence seems irrelevant.All that shows above the water in that area now

are stakes that appear to be lot markers placed byMcKim & Creed to delineate lots. If they were

Ponzi Scheme continued________________

Note that access road & both shoulders are now underwater due to subsidence(land sinking) & erosion. Aerial photos as recently as 1992 compared to currentphotos indicate loss of shoreline in excess of 150+ feet. This was the originallocation of the Gum Thicket Plantation. Recent boundary stakes by McKim &Creed are confirmed by photos showing accelerated erosion & subsidence.

Ponzi Scheme cont. next pg

It is NOT natural fortrees to be dying.


selling boat slips, I could understand the placement,but combined with the coastal vegetation growingvery near the road on clearly planned lots, I’m afraidsome of their planned lots are actually unbuildable.

I’m also told that locals don’t understand whyrich people would want to build in that area becauseit’s so swampy, and they don’t know why the statebought a conservation easement to protect wetlandsthat are already protected.

But the big question in my mind because of mypast involvement with water and sewer issues isthe part McKim & Creed played in facilitating thedevelopment by helping the developers obtain apractical monopoly on sewer in Pamlico County.The developers of Penland tried to get a sewerauthority to enable them to proceed, but localsraised questions.

In Pamlico County, government funds madeavailable to aid homeowners who had wells thathad supposedly been contaminated by septic tankssomehow financed the sewer infrastructureessential for River Dunes. Of course, in PamlicoCounty, the County Attorney also represents RiverDunes, and the sewer authority was already in placeand more than willing to aid the developers.

Fern Shubert served as a member of the NCHouse in 1995, was Senate Republican Whip(2003-2004), and ran for governorafterwards. In 1997, the US Small BusinessAdministration named Ms. Shubert as theNational Accountant Advocate of the Year,recognizing her as the accountant who haddone the most for small business in the wholecountry. She currently serves as NC State Director of TheNational Right to Read Foundation. Column reprint from theAugust 22, 2008 edition of The County Edge.

Ponzi Scheme continued________________ Who Are the Players?The State of North Carolina protects the identity

of investors in LLC’s, possibly because so manyof the big dogs use them to swap favors, leavingthe public to guess who is pulling the strings.

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Connect the Dots to the

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H 1


Short Title: Authorize Aquifer Storage of Reclaimed Water. (Public)

Sponsors: Representative Tucker.

Referred to: Water Resources and Infrastructure, if favorable, Environment and Natural

Resources, if favorable, Finance.

March 18, 2009





The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts: 4

Bad Legislation

This HB was introduced to cover up for the saltwater intrusion that has resulted from the dewater-ing of the Castle Hayne Aquifer (see previous WFSnewsletters on PCS Phosphate Mine and DonYelton’s article regarding this particular Bill) andcovering up the fact that Arlington Place (see be-low graphic) has been marketing lots for last coupleof years that depend on this above Bill which hasnot yet been approved. While this Bill was onlyintroduced to benefit Onslow Water & Sewer Au-thority, supporters of the Bill confirm this wouldbe instituted statewide. Why is this being pitchedas a statewide Bill when it was introduced as anisolated problem in Onslow?

Exhibit 1

Arlington Place development is dependent uponacquifer injection (not currently legal in NC) tofacilitate the operation of their wastewater plant.Without complete operational permits, realtors canonly take a reservation agreement, thus holding a$5,000 refundable deposit and not draft a contract-to-purchase or pass title. Who has put the cart

before the horse in this unethical misrepresenta-tion to consumers?

While the Big Game has been at Cannonsgate,River Dunes, and Cutter Bay, the hawks have beensaying “build it and the pigeons will come withtheir money.” When the pigeons get there, buy nowand don’t worry about anything ‘cuz the Guv andour big politicians own property here.

It’s all good <wink, nod>.

Exhibit 2



H 2


Committee Substitute Favorable 5/5/09

Short Title: Restore Water Quality in Jordan Reservoir. (Public)


Referred to:

February 23, 2009






The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts: 5 Bad Legislatio


This HB was introduced to create confusion andas a cover-up for the Jordan Lake fiasco. Heads(DENR wins), tails (Burlington and all Lake Jor-dan River Basin muncipalities loses) guaranteescostly and unproven science to milk the down-stream water users (such as Durham, Cary, andApex) with outrageous rates and overburdeon up-stream muncipalities by forcing them to upgradewastewater treatment plants to only make thesludge the sludge they are spreading on their landsthat much more toxic.

If the powers-that-be have their say-so, then ustaxpayers would be looking at anywhere from $14million to $146 million (respectively, second andfirst estimates to the taxpayers shouldering thiscost) out of our pockets.

But then looking at the facts, the science,DENR’s and other agencies’ track record, thisdoesn’t look like such a good deal. But more im-portantly, DENR’s plan doesn’t even get to the veryroot of the problem which boils down to this simpleequation.....increased population, less impervioussurfaces due to over building, over permitting thespreading of sludge, and finally whacked out car-rying capacity numbers that just leave our greatstate awash in waste, ours and everyone in thesoutheastern US. Connect Dots cont. next pg


Connect Dots continued ________________So, in the true American entreprenurial spirit,

Don Yelton suggests a better alternative (HB1567)that actually utilizes proper principles of earth sci-ence and common sense which actually rewardsthe taxpayer who does the right thing for his/herparticular property to prevent storm run-off via taxcredits. Don’s plan effectively saves the taxpayersmoney and educates the public in how they canindividually minimize their impact upon the envi-ronment. Sounds like a better plan to a lot of folks.

What’s wrong with this scenario?Well, we can only guess that there a whole lot

of people who depend on pulling in more millionsof dollars off the taxpayers to keep their jobs inorder to keep facilitating environmental corruption.



H 1


Short Title: Tax Credit for Innovative Stormwater Controls. (Public)

Sponsors: Representative Allred.

Referred to: Water Resources and Infrastructure, if favorable, Finance.

April 30, 2009





The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts: 4

Good Legislation



In 1988, a resolution to declare the first full week of every May would beNational Drinking Water Week was adopted by both houses of Congress

and signed by then President Ronald Reagan.So, WFS and EIC found it ironicthat the FCC finally respondedback to us upon intake of theRedneck Environmentalist’sformal complaint regardingmajor media’s blatentdisregard and spinningof the truth behind ourwater quality issues andproblems. But there’s hopeyet since the N&Os head-lined story recently abouthow the US federal healthofficials are now with-drawing the 1997 health

assessment on Camp Lejeune’scontaminated tap water.



International Invitations that were released to“Rolling Thunder,” “Biker Chick Clubs,” and“Crotch Rocket Clubs,” many mothers andgrandmothers have responded and are outraged forthose who have served or lived at Camp LeJeune.

We hope to create a chain of bikes from CampPendleton California to Camp Lejeune and NewYork to Florida that represents the more than 1million military exposed to the toxic watercontamination. We think it is closer to 30 millionpeople and fear it will be known as the “NorthCarolina Toxic Water Holocost.” Not a verycomforting thought when the problem can beslowed by stopping the dewatering the CastleHayne Aquifer by not pumping at all.

Rep. Pryor Gibson and Rep. Alice Underhill arepushing to inject toxic reuse waste water into CastleHayne Aquifer at same time the Perdue /Basnight/Rand Environmental Corruption machine areplanning to sell toxic water to Greenville andRaleigh.

Does this sound like another crack pot scienceproject of NC’s spin doctor of ECU, Dr. RichardSpruill, and financed with NC taxpayer funds stolenby the NC Rural Center President Billy Ray Halland NC Rural Center Water & Sewer Director JulieHaglier Cubeta. Their lucrative partnership, alongwith Engineering Firms McKim & Creed, andHobbs & Upchurch have maintained an almostperfect sludge spreading/Synagro monopoly.

Simply put, our Government has been lyingabout toxic water eversince PCS startedpumping 78 milliongallons of water per dayand dumping toxicwaste into the landfillin 1967. Some of theGrandmothers wereeven born at CampLeJuene, Cherry Point,and Norfolk. Manyremember NC DOTfunding the “Toxic”

Thanks to all Mothers continued______________ Hwy 306 and the Cherry Point to Minnisott, andAurora, NC Ferry’s put into service.

Some even recall the late night noise of truckloads and cement mixers of contaminated wasteon the one way trips from Cherry Point to Aurora.Some were campers and camp counselors at CampSeagull and Camp Seafarer being awakened in themiddle of the night confused about the noisecreated by truckload after truckload coming off theferries.

Widespread eyewitnesses reports questioningwhy was PCS allowing contractors to drive wholetruckloads of 55 gallon drums, and cement mixersinto the landfill have been routine. Others who evenworked at PCS questioned whole railcars beingdumped into the landfill, and why have the railspurs been removed unless you want to confuse“Google” Earth Photos. A lawsuit with the railroadanswered a lot of unexplained questions. Case lawconfirms rarely do businesses prevail over railroadcompanies.

Missing chain of custody documents of PCB’sfrom the cleanup of Ward Transformer site inRaleigh, and EPA violations confirmed PCB’s weredead-ending at the landfill. The PCS landfill doesnot have a liner. The EPA has fined PCS forcadmium levels many times since author GlennLawson wrote about this problem in 1983 in“Troubled Waters.” A convenient problem sincecadmium is a natural barrier for radioactivematerials and is used in bomb making. Glenn also

Thanks to All Mothers cont. on next pg


Thanks to all Mothers continued______________

Don Carrington Is HighIn the Sky with an Eyeon Corruption

Someone whohas followed NCpolicy and the state’spolicy makers isDon Carrington, theExecutive Editor for

the John Locke Foundation’s monthly publicationThe Carolina Journal. Don is one of those rarejournalists who digs deep to find out the facts and

truthfully reportshow policies affectNorth Carolinians.He also reports onthe motivations bypolicy makers as tothe underlyingunderpinnings ofthose policies thataffect everyone,

whether good or bad.What a lot of folks might not know about Don

is that he is an avid skydiver and loves to take hishelmet-mounted camera up into the air everychance he gets. And this gives him a birds-eye viewthe rest of us lack when it comes to keeping aneagle eye out on corruption. Don and WFS haveconfirmed the connection of developmental andenvironmental corruption throughout our state.

Thank you for all your hard work and efforts,Don! Keep up the great reporting.

Don, pictured on the right, at aRotary Club event.


reported cancer death rates at that time were 1/250.But University HealthSystem and ECU BrodieSchool just changed all thedeath certificates to reflectcause of death to bediabetes.

When PCS is making$481 million a year after allthe political payoffs andsetting aside $281 milliondollars per year to deal withEnvironmental Violations,means we need to go afterPCS before they bailout ofNC in 2012 and leave uswith a broken state litteredwith dead bodies, sickpeople, and a screwed uplandscape.

Not very good news onMother’s day, I know, butI disagree as a plannergetting the scope of the

problem defined. If we are to do an extrememakeover of water quality,we need to know all thefacts and test people, dogsand horses for toxicityinstead of just the water.

They do nothing butcover up - US EPA and NCDENR/DWQ haveallowed this to happen andcannot be trusted to fixthese complex problems.Parents and harmed partiesdemand all investigationsand testing need to be doneby the EnvironmentalInvestigation Coalition.We are the onlyenvironmental group in theUnited States with the gutsto fully expose the scopeof environmentalcorruption and work forsolutions.


Richard Burr

217 Russell Sena

(202) 224- -2981


Senator Burr Statement on the Water Contamination

Investigation at Camp Lejeune


Friday, May 08, 2009



David Ward

Samantha Smith

(202) 228-1616

WASHINGTON, D.C. Today, U.S. Senator Richard Burr (R-North Carolina) issued the following statement


water contamination at Camp Lejeune.

supply contained errors and omissions. These recent official acknowledgements are raising more questions than answers. Our government needs to honor its commitment to the Camp Lejeune veterans and their families who have

endured years of pain and doubt. I will work to make sure that the government finally gets servicemembers,

# # #

While the tax and steal the money slick buck artists havebeen stealing the money to over build and over sell NorthCarolina, it is conservatives and productivists like Sen.Burr, Gene Boyce, and Don Yelton who are blazing thetraditional paths of our conservitive forefather’s envi-ronmental principles set forth in the Bible and the NCConstitution. You can not fool Mother Nature and donot steal.


What happens when one non-profit groupmentors and assists a fledging upstart group?Together, the two paths merge as one andstrengthen, reaching out to educate more people.

Dale Swiggett continually sought out and wasreferred to the best of the best in all fields,professions, and industries when it came to hisquest for truth and justice. Of course, TomMagnuson would figure strongly in how his fieldof expertise, artifacts and historical roads andwaterways that were also trading paths, related toDale’s research.

As our loyal readers already know, Dale changedcareer paths to become a publisher just to get hisresearch, discovery and outrage out there for themasses to read. Out of Waterfront Sportsmanevolved the Environmental Investigation Coalition,the bipartisan group that fills in the gaps withunprejudiced investigative work to go afterenvironmental criminals.

And because anyone can be a critic, but it’sharder to be creative, Dale decided it wasn’t enoughto be a whistle blower pointing out corruption andinadequacies in policy/procedure. He went a stepfurther in gathering a group of individuals whowant to educate the masses as to the reality of man’simpact on the environment and how to work inconjunction with natural laws and principles thatproduce better results for all. This group makes upthe R. Horace Swiggett Institute of EnvironmentalPolitics.

In order to see where you’re going in the future,you have to know about your past and Tom’sknowledge of history and artifacts backfilled a lotof Dale’s initial research. The history of ourwaterways is fascinating. Of course, NC is nodifferent by having rivers to transport people and

goods upon but what makes our state so unique isour relatively young fragile and ever changingcoastline. Piedmont and mountain streams east ofthe watershed were generally not useful forcarriage, but it is clear that traders used the coastalstreams and swamps as cargo routes.

Trading Path Association’s mission is very muchlike Dale’s perception of our most valuable resource– the best form of preservation is starting withconservation.

So, Tom and his Board of Directors have offeredan outstretched hand to help the Institute on thepath to our own non profit status.

One of the best overlaps of our respective groupsis the old Mayodan Mill site in RockinghamCounty. This particular old mill renovation projectis slated to be headquarters of the Institute ofEnvironmental Politics and also just happens tobe right smack dab on a famous trading pathstretching over into Virginia.

One of the best ways to learn more about ourstate’s history is to visit Tom’s site at http://www.tradingpath.org/

LO’R DECKS at Calico Jacks, LLCPO Box 271 Harkers Island, NC 28531

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Trading Path Association Lends a Hand tothe Institute of Environmental Politics

Tom Magnuson shows Mark Valentine the current projecthe is working on for Trading Path Association.



Make sure you keep up with the two House Bills that WFS and EIC helped create with the help ofbipartisan leaders that ultimately serve everyone instead of just a handful. Contact Rep. Cary Allred, Rep.Pricey Harrison, Rep. Curtis Blackwood, and Sen. Phil Berger to show your support of this importantlegislation and opposition of any delays preventing quickly implementation.“No Sludge Applied on Certain Public Spaces”http://www.ncga.state.nc.us/gascripts/BillLookUp/BillLookUp.pl?Session=2009&BillID=H1218“ Study Land Application of Septage & Sludge”http://www.ncga.state.nc.us/gascripts/BillLookUp/BillLookUp.pl?Session=2009&BillID=H1170

“Don’t Play in the Sludge” & “Where’s the Sludge &Where Did It Come From” Bills

HB1567...Saving Taxpayers

Money & LivesRep. Cary Allred has introduced Prof. Don

Yelton’s River Basin Based Incentive program as abetter alternative to DENR’s controversial proposedLake Jordan Rules.“Tax Credit for Innovative StormwaterControls” can be viewed in detail at http://www.ncga.state.nc.us/gascripts/BillLookUp/BillLookUp.pl?Session=2009&BillID=HB1567

Please be sure to contact Rep. Allred to showyour support for this very important Bill. Even moreimportantly, contact the legislative members whosit on the Environmental & Natural ResourceCommittee and remind them about the severalthousands of Tea Party protestors at the Capitolgrounds a few weeks back.

Bio-solids are commonly used asfertilizer on pastures & fields butcan make you sick from exposure.

Make sure you know whereyou are fishing.

Fishing Is Fun butSludge Exposure

Is Not

PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: http://www.docudesk.com

Hunting Is Fun butSludge Exposure

Is Not

Bio-solids are commonly used asfertilizer on pastures & fields butcan make you sick from exposure.

Make sure you know whereyou are hunting.

PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: http://www.docudesk.com

Mud Is Fun butSludge Exposure

Is Not

Bio-solids are commonly used asfertilizer on pastures & fields butcan make you sick from exposure.

Make sure you know whereyou are recreating.

PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: http://www.docudesk.com

5/07/09 Greer Heights residentDavid Reese looks at a large sinkhole that has closed part of SamBrenan Road. Heavy rainfallTuesday collapsed a portion ofSam Drenan Road.

Why Does Charlotte Flood?Don Yelton spotted

this in this week’sCharlotte Observer,an article byC h r i s t o p h e rKirkpatrick. It onlysupports HB1567 (seeleft) that Rep. CaryAllred is sponsoring.In fact, quite a fewpeople have lived atone time or another inCharlotte andsurrounding areas andjust don’t recall this kind of breakdown in ourinfrastructures. To see this article, go to http://www.char lo t teobserver.com/597 /s to ry /709584.html


the circumstances than Orange County DistrictAttorney Jim Woodall did to charge Rep. CaryAllred 5 days later. As it turns out, Woodall buckledto pressure to unfairly charge Allred and perhapsprovide a nice diversion to cover up for the largenumber of Orange County Officials directlyinvolved in the Burlington/Synagro and OrangeWater and Sewer Authority/ UNC HospitalMunicipal Sludge Spreading scam and cover up.

I have sold over 85 houses in Orange County,most of which were to low income families on landthat the B. Everett Jordan family developed.Property owners have been battling the bad policybeing dictated by the joke of impervious surfacerestrictions on us as mandated by Orange Countyand facilitated by overzealous Environmental Nazis(sorry folks, I call ‘em the way I see ‘em). In themeantime, sludge spreading is completely out-of-control. The true source for over 70% of all nitrogenand phosphorous contamination worldwide ismunicipal sludge.

Yeah, that is who the Jordan Lake was namedafter and ironically enough it was ex-Rep. JohnJordan who was attacked by certain politicalopponents accusing him of controlling water.

DA Jim Woodall will get to join DA ScottThomas as the 2nd DA under investigation by theState Bar and the NC DOJ for cover up of WaterQuality Corruption in NC. He has over 30 days toanswer a letter of notice asking that he join theEnvironmental Investigation Coalition to bring suitagainst Synagro. I am sure all the other way toobusy DAs in the state of North Carolina willrespond soon and be glad to join us to stop theSynagro monopoly and clean Synagro’s treasurechest filled from the corruption of sludge spreading.

I have first hand knowledge of the master planof development in Orange County mismanagementand all the pipe smokers in Chapel Hill that hasturned rural Orange County upside down to protectthe sludge spreading and the politicians. JimWoodall and the N&O smear campaign is trying toprotect with the ‘a little too late, not to be noticed’malicious prosecution of Rep. Cary Allred. In factI know all those licensed professionals who should

know better - Speaker of the House Joe Hackney,his law partner Bob Eptine, Verlo Insko, and Sen.Ellie Kinnard. As it turns out, our dairy farmerfriends, horse lovers in Orange County, andpreservation friends in Hillsborough have had itwith the illegal county commissioner districtmandering to perpetuate the at-large selection ofthe pipe smokers in Chapel Hill and Carrboro.

When the bikes roll in to Chapel Hill andCarrboro, maybe the Looney left neighbors willremember who contaminated their water in the nextelection.

The ‘do as we say, not as we do’ bunch haveblamed everything on the farmers while Hackneyand his conflicted environmentalist law partnerwho represents the slick buck conservationeasement thieves and the Looney left river keepershave destroyed Lake Jordan Water quality.

Good Guy, Plaintiff Attorney, Farmer Bill Faisonhas had his hands full standing guard trying to keepthe loony left pipe smokers south of Hwy. 85-40.Thanks Bill, for all you have done your district.

As for the Ethic’s complaint against Cary, WFSresponded with a real ethics complaint calling forthe resignation of Reps. Alice Under Hill and PryorGibson for environmental corruption, and ethicscomplaint the whole NC House Environmental andNatural Resources Committee for unethical andpolitical favoritism of not hearing all Sludge HouseBills 1170, 1218, and 1567 before the bogus JordanLake Bill 239, better known as “Heads - the LakeJordan River Basin Loses or Tails - DENR Stealsthe Money again from Environmental Tax DollarCoffers.”

Thanks Cary for standing up for yourconstituents, our environment and getting behindplans to put our tax dollars to better use! I am sureyou will have plenty of traffic at the shop over theA r m e dF o r c e sweekend andp e o p l ecoming by toThank You inperson, sir.


Thanks Cary continued_________________

an active voice for everyonewho enjoys the water

PO Box 578, Rolesville, NC 27571

336.340.6299, Dale Swiggett




Subscription to receive weekly newsletter is$12/year. Payments accepted: personalcheck, money order, and also PayPal throughour website.


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Discovery DivingCompany, Inc.

Where does the call to

Civic Service Start & Stop?While Rick Maas, a worldwide hero for the

Marines, is being honored in WFS, we did not wantto forget a real North Carolina hero for all our lovedones, small business people, car collectors, bikers,and preservationists. Representative Cary Allredand I drafted House Bill 1218 “Do Not Play in theSludge.” It is the first piece of legislation in thenation to recognize the true risk of toxic sludgeand warn everyone. HB1218 “Do Not Play in theSludge” is sweepingacross the US and maybe approved in otherstates before NC.

Cary alsointroduced HB1567,the InnovativeIncentive Bill toreplace the worthlessand costly Jordan Lakeand New Storm WaterRules. He was stoppedfor speeding at102mph. I knew hewas not in his Subarusince we just droppedit off at H&H in Ossipie to get a water pump.

I thought that 102mph on 85/40 is pretty muchthe norm, recalling the times I had seen Attorneysplea out defendants in at 90 – 95mph in court inAlamance County all the time. More importantly, Ihave seen young brave volunteer firemen/womenpass me at easily 50 miles over the speed limiteveryday. I bet more emergency responders diefrom high speed than any other cases. And everyoneliving in the country will readily attest to the factthat just about a whole small community ofvolunteer first responders turns out for anyemergency…that’s just being American. The highprofile pickup trucks and SUV’s that volunteersdrive are not designed for on road high speed travel.

The NC Highway Patrolman made a betterdecision to give Rep. Allred a warning ticket under

New readers will receive three weekly WFSe-zine/newsletter for free. If you like what yousee and want to stay informed about water qualityissues and enjoy our contributing writers andphotography, then be sure to get us yoursubscription for one year (52 weeks of news),$12 via snail mail or please drop in our websitewww.waterfrontsportsman.com to sign up usingPayPal.

SPECIAL OFFER: 3 FREE additionalmonths of Waterfront Sportsman e-Zine for

folks who subscribe NOW.

Thanks Cary cont. on pg 21

Rep. Cary Allred is a regularguy, with a regular business,and takes his dog Rachael for aride in his ‘55 T-Bird.

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