waterfall to agile: contracts and other rough edges

Post on 17-Nov-2014






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When it comes to Software Projects, Fixed Price contracts are the norm. What limitations and risks do they pose for the seller and the buyer? Do the work well with Waterfall? Can you do Fixed Price contracts with SCRUM? Should you do Fixed Price contracts with SCRUM? How? This is a presentation given in the 5th SCRUM Meetup, in Athens, at Feb-11 2014.


Waterfall To Agile: Contracts and other Rough Edges

5th SCRUM meet up11-Feb-2014

Dimitris DimitrelosSenior Project Manager

Dienekis Information Systems S.A.Dimitris.dimitrelos@gmail.com

All Photographs by Christos Georgalas


The problem with contracts

Keep – you have to

Change – you can’t

Contract Types

• Fixed Cost• Cost Reimbursable• Time & material• Other…

Everybody loves Fixed Price Contracts

EasyRisk to YOUReally?they are here to STAY

FP + Waterfall + PM

More Analysis >> Better Estimation >> Detailed Contract >> Less Risk

Project Plan



The estimation Paradox

• Low Risk vs. Getting the deal!• What’s it gonna be?

• Analysis Carries costs• Realistic pricing means

higher pricing

Can it go wrong?

UnderestimationScope changeChange management does not

workCustomer bullyingAnalysis fights

What if it goes wrong?

• Accountability >> Blame• Challenges Relationship• Options– Break the project– Take the hit– Formally renegotiate– Negotiate/threat/adjust/silently change

the contract

What should we do?

“I have a dream; the dream that IT professionals stop offering on fixed price bids. Because it is unethical, risky and untrustworthy to make that kind of hard-coded promises in a complex and fast-changing environment. It is… unprofessional. ”

 Gunther Verheyen

Fixed Price with SCRUM

• Do it with a friend…• …who wants to get

involved• Fixed Price, Schedule• Fixed Scope?

SCRUM for FP contracts

• Vagueness is your friend!• Propose SCRUM (just don’t call it that)• Find a product owner. Find a product owner. Repeat

until you have a product owner.• Product backlog: High level/must be complete• SCRUM• Deliver value / Let customer take lead• Watch your back(log)

Public sector?

• RFP (Διακήρυξη)• Analysis after the contract?• Use SCRUM instead• Key risk: Product owner

Why AGILE? (Vote)

A. Customer/Organization forced me toB. Have been burned by WaterfallC. Want to increase software qualityD. Want to reduce development timesE. Is a big trend in S/W project management

My experience

The nightmare

• New customer / High priority project

• Underestimation• Scope changed• Death March• Heading for the Rocks

The turnaround

• Stopped fighting change• Built Full Backlog• Planned for 1 month only• Released every 10 days• Self organization• Followed Contract time limit• Then, T&M

How did it go?

• Terrible, for 2 sprints

• Overcontrolled

• Overcommited

• Underdelivered

• Missed deadlines

• But then, it took off. Happy ending.

Other Rough Edges

Self organization

• PM will not let go• Team will not pick up• Tip: Take the leap of faith• LET GO!


• Team is not used in estimating using buffers

• Tip: Teach them• Tip: Measure/Adjust

Customer involvement

• Keep customer involved• Needs to maintain a product log• Should Inspect and evaluate every

sprint outcome• Tip: Offer higher quality

Management Support

• Get Management support• Fear of “Loss of Control”• Fear of “Planning Block”• Tip: Another presentation

Thank you

All Photographs by Christos Georgalas


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