watercolour techniques pictures from:

Post on 24-Feb-2016






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Watercolour Techniques pictures from: http://www.watercolorpainting.com. Flat Wash. Apply an even wash by painting an area quickly with the same amount of pigment and water on your brush. Graded Wash. It’s often a good idea to prewet the area with a sponge when completing a graded wash. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Watercolour Techniquespictures from: http://www.watercolorpainting.com

Flat Wash

Apply an even wash by painting an area quickly with the same amount of pigment and water on your brush

Graded Wash

It’s often a good idea to prewet the area with a sponge when completing a graded wash.

Apply the pigment onto your brush and paint the darkest area. Then rinse the brush off and pull the pigment down – it will lighten more and more as water is added to the pigment.

Dry BrushRemove most of the water from the brush before adding pigment creates a much darker, rougher, look.

Lifting Dry WatercolourRemove colour by rewetting a paint brush and then slowly moving it over the desired spot.

Spray and blot


Use an exacto knife or razor to remove sharp

areas of paint.

Sgrafitto & Stamped TexturesShown in this example is a variation scratching a line with a fine sharp point, in this case a pen knife. The wet paint is sucked into the bruised paper fibers as you scratch across the wash, creating dark lines.


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