water flowing into the future

Post on 18-May-2015






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That is a presentation about the water and pinpoints on what water is actually, for what is used and what could happen if we don't take care of it.



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The water is

compound formed

by 2

hydrogen atoms and 1


Water has no taste, no smell and is transparent. There

are three physical forms: solid (ice), liquid and gaseous (vapor).

It is a good solvent, it is the only substance

which expands when it freezes.

Water is involved in important processes in the body, such as breathing and the conversion of food into energy, and therefore the adoption of less water than necessary leads to dehydration.

Water is one of the largest and necessary resources on Earth.It is vital , both for humans and for all other Organisms, from the smallest amoeba to the big scary whale, from the smallest seed to

the majestic redwood . About 2/3 of Earth's surface is covered with water . Water is essential for sustaining life on Earth. Man can survive

weeks without food and even months, but without water even a single day is a real challenge. Life on Earth was born in the water

billions years ago and in our days it continues to depend on it.


What exactly is?

The amount of water in Bulgaria is not much. Considering the water resources per capita,

our country ranks among the last in

Europe. Water wealth is unevenly distributed

throughout the country.

Water are divided into

two main groups - surface and


•Surface water includes all rivers, lakes and reservoirs throughout the country. They are important for the water balance of Bulgaria. The amount depends mainly on rainfall. Surface waters occupy over 90% of usable water in the country.

•Groundwater in Bulgaria are important for shaping the nature and are a great human need. Groundwater is found both in the mountains and in the plains and hilly areas. According to their formation, they are divided into: ground, karst, pressure and mineral.

There are known three systems of

water consumption:

• linear - single use water for now it is

a major (90%)• consistent - allows wastewater

from some activities to be used by others

without returning to river receivers• trial - closing the water

consumption within a system, this system is most


Use of water from major rivers will rise, but they are very contaminated. Their main pollutants are wastewater from industrial and domestic waste.

Water of Bulgaria are mainly used for irrigation, domestic and industrial needs. Scientists predict that water consumption will increase to such an extent that satisfying the needs will become very difficult.

But water pollution is not associated with them. What happens to the

animals inhabiting these waters? It certainly is not a good thing. Why,

when we open the Red Book, we see so many endangered, threatened or

even extinct species. One of the reasons, we could say the main one, is exactly the pollution of these waters.

As we already mentioned the

water substance in Bulgaria is not very

much. And if we don't want our

country to look like desert, we should

save this treasure, no matter how little

it is. Still, we are not the last people

on earth, aren't we!

Highly contaminated water, requires immediate measures to improve their condition and purification.

Recently, purifying the waste water is one of the main national priorities.

With the development of scientific and

technical progress, there is an increase in

new and advanced technologies .That

makes water purifying more effective, but it’s very expensive and a country like

ours can not afford it, or at least not


Any factory, farm, village have to build treatment plant

effluent. Mandatory water must pass through wastewater

treatment plants. There must be strict security and control of all dams and other water sources.

But water protection is not only to not throwing waste in it. Is more than that. It is saving it. We shouldn’t only want, we have to give and appreciate what we have and what we want to have.

don’t want to have such landscapes

in Bulgaria...

WEAnd if


Used sources: http://photopin.com/

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