water excellence at shree raipur cement...

Post on 20-Jul-2020






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15th & 16th Oct 2018 at Hyderabad

National Awards for Cement Industry and Conclave on Sustainability Excellence

of Indian Cement Industry

Water Excellence


Shree Raipur Cement Plant


• Overview

• Water Management Strategies

➢ Target setting

➢ Awareness creation

➢ Technology adaption

➢ Water harvesting

➢ Others

• Water Consumption

• Recognitions

• Largest cement player of North India and has diversified into power business including Green Power.

• Operations at eleven locations at Beawar, Ras, Raipur, Kodla, Khushkhera, Roorkee, Jaipur, Suratgarh, Aurangabad, Panipat & Bulandshahr.

• Cement Production capacity of 41.9 MTPA and Power Generation Capacity of 646 MW.

• Awarded as Asia’s most trusted company 2018 by IBC InfoMediaPvt. Ltd.


Thermal & WHR Power capacity increasing rapidly

Cement capacity has Increased more than five folds in last ten years


12 13.517.5

23.6 25.629.3



07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 Till Date

Cement Capacity (MTPA)



560 570 597 597 646 612 646

46 46 46 5681 96 111 111 126

09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18

Power Capacity (MW)

Rapidly growing company


• To harness sustainability through low-carbon philosophy

• To maintain its reputation as one of the most efficient

manufacturer globally

• To continually have most engaged team through R&D

• To drive down cost through innovative practices

• To continually add value to its products and operations

meeting expectations of all its stakeholders

• To continuously build and upgrade the skills and competencies

of its employees

Mission at Shree Cement


“Lead in Creating Prosperity & Happiness for all Stakeholders

through Innovation & Sustainable Practices”

• Enforce good corporate governance practices

• Encourage integrity of conduct

• Ensure clarity and unambiguity in communication

• Remain accountable to all stakeholders

• Ensure socially responsible behavior

Guiding Principles

Vision of Shree Cement


➢ SA- 8000 Social Accountability

➢ ISO-9001 Quality Management System

➢ ISO-14001 Environmental Management System

➢ OHSAS - 18001 Occupational Health & Safety Assessment Series

➢ ISO- 50001 Energy Management System

Management systems


Energy : Continuous reduction in GHG emission

Environment : Better climate & conservation of resources

Water : Conservation of water and water harvesting

CSR : Uplift-ment of social strata

Quality : Leading to consistent improvement

Health & Safety : Safe & healthy workplace

Human Resource : Empowering people

IT : System & transparency driven process

HIV/AIDS : Health management for stakeholders

Social Accountability : Welfare of stakeholders

A focused policy driven company for proper and systematic working through following policies.

Corporate policies


Cement Prod. Capacity: 3.0 MTPA

Clinker Prod. Capacity : 5.2 MTPA

Power Plant Capacity : 25 MW

WHRS Capacity : 30 MW

Mines Capacity : 8.6 MTPA

CGWA permission to : 3000 KLD

withdraw ground water


Shree Raipur Cement Plant


• Targets

• Awareness creation among stakeholders

• Optimization & adoption of latest technologies

• Implementation of water harvesting measures

➢ Inside the plant boundary

➢ Outside the plant boundary

• Other ways of water conservation

Water Management Strategies

➢ Zero Liquid Discharge

➢ To reduce 5% specific water consumption in 2017-18

➢To become water positive Unit


Water Management Strategies


Awareness creation among stakeholders

Water Policy

To provide sufficient and safe water to people & plant as well as to

conserve water, we are committed to efficient water management

practices viz.

• Develop means & methods for water harvesting

• Treatment of waste discharge water for reuse

• Educate people for effective utilization & conservation of water

• Water audit & regular monitoring of water consumption

“Water adds value to people & organization, conserve it intelligently.”

Water Management Strategies

Engage stakeholders to celebrate-

• Water Day

• Earth Day

• Environment Day

• Ozone Day etc.

Spread community awareness through-

• Rallies

• Meetings

• Hoardings, etc.

Conduct various competitions-

• Poster, Essay, Speech etc.


Awareness creation among stakeholders

Water Management Strategies

Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed– Mohandas K. Gandhi

Water Management StrategiesAwareness creation among stakeholders

MonitoringDaily:• Section wise & Unit wise

specific water consumption

• Installed water meters at various location

Monthly:• Performance review

comparison with target/Benchmark.

• Trend analysis

• Awareness programs• Training• Brain Storming

• Suggestion Scheme

Idea / informationsharing with otherindustries/manufacturers

Action Plan &Target Setting

Constitution of water management cell


Water Management StrategiesAwareness creation among stakeholders

Installed Waste Heat Recovery Boilers –

Case Study I

In normal case the Pre-heater exit gases are

being passed through a Gas Conditioning

Tower to cool down by spraying water.

To save these losses, Shree has installed Pre-

heater and AQC Boiler to produce 30 MW power


➢ Water Saving- 1329 KLD

➢ Reduction of CO2 emission of approx 837

Lakhs kg in FY 2017-18

Water Management StrategiesOptimization & adaptation of latest technologies

Installed Air Cooled Condenser for

Power Plant & WHR – Case study II

Specific Water Consumption for Water Cooled

Condensers is approx. 2.8 Lt./ KWh.

Specific Water Consumption for Air Cooled

Condensers is approx. 0.13 Lt./ KWh.

Reduced more than 95 % of water

consumption per KWh


➢ Saved 6.12 Lakhs KL water in FY 2017-18

Water Management StrategiesOptimization & adaptation of latest technologies

S. No. Initiatives Adapted Saving KLD

1 Reject water use in Bed ash & fly ash quenching instead of fresh water 18

2 Used RO reject water as cooling tower make-up water instead of fresh



3 Using air cooled condensor instead of water cooled in compressors 0.2

4 Installed dry seal for water supply pumps 3


Optimization & adaptation of latest technologies

Water Management Strategies

S. No. Initiatives Adapted Saving KLD

5 Laying separate water line for reject water use after neutralisation in Mill



6 Laying separate water line from STP-1 to cement mill for mill spray 4

7 Installed sensor based urinals, electronic hand wash, foam spray taps, push

types taps


8 Concreted truck parking area to avoid water spray 10

Optimization & adaptation of latest technologies

Water Management Strategies

➢ Reject water from RO-I is re-treated in RO-II

➢ Rejected water from RO-II is used in

Cement Mill Spray & Ash Quenching

➢ Overall water recovery of this plant is 100%.

SRCP - Captive Power is a combination of zero water disposal on land.

RO Plant

Use of RO rejected water

Water Management StrategiesImplementation of water harvesting measures –

Inside plant boundary

STP (2 X 40 KLD Capacity)

Use STP treated water for plantation

resulted in saving of approx. 8,048 KL

fresh water in 2017-18

Installed Movable Bed Bio - Reactors in

STP with following benefits-

• Effective sludge retention time

• Lower sludge production

• Less area required

• Resilient to toxic shock

#Treated sludge is also being used as manure for plantation.

Water Management Strategies

Sewage Treatment Plant

Implementation of water harvesting measures – Inside

plant boundary

Analysis of STP Treated Water

Parameters Standards STP-2

Treated Water Quantity

pH 5.5 – 9.0 7.48

BOD mg/lt. 30 5.8

COD mg/lt. 250 17.3

TSS mg/lt. 100 <10

O&G mg/lt. 10 <4

Parameters Standards STP-1

Treated Water Quantity

pH 5.5 – 9.0 7.67

BOD mg/lt. 30 6.2

COD mg/lt. 250 18.3

TSS mg/lt. 100 <10

O&G mg/lt. 10 <4

Water Management Strategies

Close to truck parking In front of Unit- II

De-silting Pit

Filter Pit

Open Well

De-silting Pit

Filter Pit

Open Well


Rain water recharge structures

Water Management StrategiesImplementation of water harvesting measures – Inside

plant boundary

RWH Pond - I RWH Pond - II

RWH Pond - in Mines


Rainwater harvesting – Inside plant boundary

Water Management Strategies

Description of initiative Capacity (Lakh KL)

1. Rainwater harvesting in pond - I

2. Rainwater harvesting in pond - II

3. Rainwater harvesting in mining area




Total 4.5


Implementation of water harvesting measures –

Inside plant boundary

Water Management Strategies

Formed the Village Development Committee

(VDC) for the development of overall natural

resource management.

Provide trainings to villagers regarding Roof-

top Rain Water Harvesting, Constructed rain

water harvesting structures, Best practices of

cultivation etc.


Water Management Strategies

Implementation of water harvesting measures –

Outside plant boundary

Pond Deepening at near by villages


Pond Wall at Chandi Village Pond Wall at Khapradih Village

Pond Wall at Karhi Village Pond Wall at Jhipan Village

Water Management StrategiesImplementation of water harvesting measures – Outside plant


Earlier : Drinking water was supplied through tankers.

Later on : Constructed permanent drinking water tanks in villages.

Water Management Strategies

Implementation of water harvesting measures – Outside

plant boundary

➢ Reduced water leakages in plant and colony

➢ Sensor operated flush system in urinals

➢ Replaced underground pipes by overhead pipes

➢ Shading of water storage tank

➢ Use of compactors on road in mines.

➢ Constructed concrete roads and parking area

➢ Roof Top Water Harvesting Systems

➢ Adoption of sprinkler and drip water irrigation

➢ Camera to ensure zero discharge outside plant

➢ Installed water meters at all the withdrawal points

Water Management Strategies

Other ways of water conservation

S. No. Parameters %

1. Recycled water use in Process 3.73

2. Recycled water used in other utilities 1.9

3. Fresh water used in cement manufacturing 30

4. Fresh water used in CPP & WHRB 18.63

5. Projects, domestic, plantation, miscellaneous 45.74

Recycled & Fresh Water Consumption

Water Consumption

Specific Water Consumption



16-17 17-18

KL/ton cement

0.011 0.011

16-17 17-18

KL/ton limestone



Norm 2016-17 2017-18

KL/MW power

Water Consumption

➢ Compliance as per MOEF&CC, SPCB and CGWA

➢ Water disclosures through Corporate

Sustainability Reporting and to Cement

Sustainability Initiative.

➢ Installation of Piezometers : 6 nos.

➢ Installation of Telemetry Systems : 6 nos.

➢ Installation of water meters at all withdrawal


Water Management

Compliance and public reporting

• Use of Global Water Tool by CSI-WBCSD

• Construction of Green Building in all up-coming offices to better human health and

natural environment

• Implementation of WHR in all upcoming


• To sustain we are committed to returnevery thing from mother earth, which we

take from it

Water Management

Futuristic approach


Entrepreneur for the Year Award 2017 to Shri H.M.

Bangur, Managing Director of the Company

Best Energy

Performance AwardNational Awards for Energy Efficiency and Quality Excellence by NCCBM


▪ Asia’s Most Trusted Company 2018 by

International Brand Consulting Corporation, USA.

▪ Sustainability Performance Award by Indian

Chamber of Commerce.

▪ Best Performer in terms of energy saving under

Perform, Achieve and Trade Scheme by Bureau of

Energy Efficiency for Beawar and Ras units.

▪ First prize in Cement Sector in “Rajasthan Energy

Conservation Award 2017” instituted by Rajasthan

Renewable Energy Corporation Limited.

▪ NCCBM Award for Best Quality Excellence for the

year 2016-17.

▪ National awards for Excellence in Water

Management 2011 as “Water Efficient Unit” by CII.


Website : www.shreecementltd.com

Yesterday’s Fight was for-Land

Today’s Fight is for- Energy

Tomorrow’s Fight will be for-Water

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