watch ironman again! and learn 5 awesome lessons!

Post on 11-Aug-2014






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5 practical lessons one can learn from the IRONMAN! And I am dedicating this slidedeck to my dearest friend Yaseen Munshi! I believe he is a real life version of Tony Stark! :D


I am a Ph i l oma th by Na tu re !I n s p i r e d t o b e a P o l yma t h !Aspired to be the Living Stream!a Social Entrepreneur by Passion!a Non-formal Educator by Profession!& a Psychologist by Education!

I am big fan of Comics and


And I am not alone in this field!

People like me are called!

Fanboys and Otakus!

It is just that I am an educationist

too! I have started to realize that

most of the anime and cartoons

they give positive messages and

stories to the kids and adults!

That process is called, “Vicarious

Learning”. Most of the

Superheroes and their teams are

based around Universal Values!

I’ve decided to capitalize on that

feature and I am designing

presentations that tap into that

potential and give a us another

reason to Love, Cartoons, Anime and


By the way I disliked the 3rd part of Iron

Man! But I love most of his comics!

The major reason is, becoming like him is

very much possible! I and many other

people out there can actually relate with


Now I am asking you to watch his

movies again and if possible do watch

his cartoon series from the 90s too!

Read the comic series too if possible!

And you will find these 5 and many

other qualities everywhere!

Qualities that were imbued in him by

simple people like us!

i.e. Writers and Artists!

Observe them

and Absorb


1. Survivability

Tony Stark is a Survivor!

He survived toughest conditions

when abducted!

And still lives with shrapnel in

penetrating his heart!

The reason behind

his Survival is,

Sheer Will Power!

Do you have sheer will


Stand for something!

Something Noble!

Develop a Personal

Vision and Mission based

on Personal Values and


Then stand for them!

They will give you the


And a reason to Survive!

2. Evolution

Tony believes in evolving


He evolved his armor twice in

his first movie! Getting better

every time!

Currently we have witnessed

42 suits only in the Movies!

And there many more in the


The lesson here is keep on

progressing, don’t stay


Stagnation is a burden!

Redesign it! Rethink it!

Every thing about you!

Your wardrobe!

Your writing style!

Your speaking style!

Keep on enhancing your CV!

Your presentations!

Your style of speaking and


You know I have redesigned

my slides based on the

feedback generated from


And left some my old

slidedecks on Slideshare

unchanged so I and everyone

could see how much I am


One more thing! Do apply

KAIZEN on your activities!

It will help you improve


3. Aesthetics

Do you remember

the color scheme of

Iron Man’s Armor?

Yes! You are right! It

is Gold and Red!

Tony pays attention to

Aesthetics always! Whether

it is his car, or suit of


Always be aesthetical! a.k.a

Be Stylish!

This is what that is gonna

make you Unique!

4. Autodidactic

Autodidactic means self-


He learns from everything!

Events! Enemies!

Do you learn from your


In fact Do you learn from

others’ experiences?

Experiences good or bad

both are valuable!

They always trigger us to

Reason! To Think!

Always employ strategic

thinking prior to and after

making a decision!

Do employ,

SWOT Analysis! KAIZEN!

Socratic Dialogue!

Total Quality Management!

To what ever you do!

Study books!

Research journals!

Keep the Saw Sharpen!

Keep on Learning!

5. Transparency

Tony is very strict about ethical


He once fired an employee for

generating profit by following

unethical practices!

Corruption always creates

disparity and poverty in the


Whether it is on personal level or

Organizational Level!

Always remain

transparent and

innocent in your


I am sure you are now feeling

pumped up and charged!

Do follow these lessons or better

yet find your own ones!

Do you know an other IRON MAN


Share this presentation with him

or her!

They will be delighted!

And do ask questions or

share your thoughts!

We are Googleable + 9 2 - 3 2 - 1 2 5 3 7 2 5 h i n k tank1987@hotma i l . comFacebook . com / B l i t z . B u r eauhttp://twit l i tzBureau

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