wastewater discharge monitoringreport · epa method 200.8 to conduct icp-ms analyses offgd...

Post on 06-Sep-2018






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GZA GeoEnvironmental [nc

Engineers and


380 Harvey Road Manchester New Hampshire 03103-3347 603-623-3600 FAX 603-624-9463 wwwgzacom



February 17 2012 File No 04002930700

Mr Bruce Kudrick Superintendent Hooksett Sewer Commission Town ofHooksett 1 Egawes Drive Hooksett New Hampshire 03106

Re Wastewater Discharge Monitoring Report Treated Wastewater middot Merrimack Station Public Service ofNew Hampshire Bow New Hampshire

Dear Bruce

On behalf of Public Service of New Hampshire (PSNH) GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (GZA) is pleased to submit the attached Wastewater Discharge Monitoring Report for sampling conducted on February 2 2012 intended to satisfy the third of three initial sampling requirements as established in Special Condition 11 ofPSNHs Waste Disposal Agreement No WDA-001 (WDA) The analysis did not include total toxic organics per your discussion with Paul Pepler of GZA at the Hooksett Sewer Commission office on Thursday February 2 2012

The analytical results presented in the attached Analytical Data Report are summarized in the attached Table 1


Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) wastewater requires specialized analytical techniques to overcome matrix interference for certain analysis of trace metals To assist you in evaluating this issue further we offer an excerpt below from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) web site and a link to their draft Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for trace metals analysis of FGD wastewater that contains further guidance


Wastewater from FGD systems can contain constituents known to cause matrix interferences EPA has observed that during inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) analysis ofFGD wastewater certain elements commonly present in the wastewater may cause polyatomic interferences that bias the detection andor

Copyrightcopy 2012 GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc

An Equal Opportunity Employet MFNH

Hooksett Sewer Commission File No 04002930700

February 17 2012 Page 2

quantization of certain elements of interest These potential interferences may become significant when measuring trace elements at concentrations in the low parts-per-billion range

As part of a recent sampling effort for the steam electric power generating effluent guidelines rulemaking EPA developed an SOP that was used in conjunction with EPA Method 2008 to conduct ICP-MS analyses ofFGD wastewater The SOP describes critical technical and quality assurance procedures that were implemented to mitigate anticipated interferences and generate reliable data for FGD wastewater EPA regulations at 40 CFR 1366 already allow the anaiytical community flexibility to modify approved methods to lower the costs of measurements overcome matrix interferences or otherwise improve the analysis The draft SOP developed for FGD wastewater takes a proactive approach toward looking for and taking steps to mitigate matrix interferences including using specialized interference check solutions (ie a synthetic FGD wastewater matrix) EPAs draft SOP is being made available to laboratories contemplating ICP-MS analysis of FGD wastewater either for adoption as currently written or to serve as a framework for developing their own laboratory-specific SOPs For further information see

Standard Operating Procedure Inductively Coupled PlasmaMass Spectrometry for Trace Element Analysis in Flue Gas Desulfurization Wastewaters (30 pp 174K) httpwaterepagovscitechwastetechguideuploadsteam_draft_soppdf EPA May 2011

Considering that specialized analytical techniques are necessary to overcome matrix interference for certain analysis of trace metals in FDG wastewater we recommend any analysis on FGD wastewater be conducted in accordance with the EPA draft SOP for trace metals analysis ofFGD wastewater

Should you have any questions concerning this report please do not hesitate to contact me at (603) 232-8744

Very truly yours


Ronald A Breton P E Principal

RABtmd IOZMIANJobt4l41ob100l 9l001laquo00l9307l)l)WorkSAMPUNO AND REPORTlNOllUJOkl~MltllbaJ 40029307 IHoolltgtlttl loO UROll71 ldoc

Attachments Wastewater Discharge Monitoring Report Table 1 Analytical Data Report



Public Service ofNew Hampshire - Merrimack Station Waste Disposal Agreement No WDA-001

Issued October 1 201 1 Expires September 30 2012

Permitted Flow 70000 gallons per day


Daily Flow Rate 16038 gallons (average) Monitoring Period Flow 128307 gallons (12712 - 20312)

_____________ _

FACILITY INFORMATION Company Name Public Service Company ofNew Hampshire - Merrimack Station

Company Owner Public Service Company ofNew Hampshire Facility Address _9_7_Ri_middotv-_e_r_R_o_ad_____ ____________ Facility Contact _H_a_ro_ld_ K_ey_es_________________

Telephone (603) 224-4081


____Submittal Date 2172012 Monitoring Point End oftreatment process Reporting PeriodFirstM---on-th_____ _ _ _ _ ________

SAMPLE ANALYSIS Certified Analytical Laboratory Eastern Analytical Inc (EAi) Certification Number 1012

Authorized Representative Lorraine Olashaw Analytical Subcrontractor Frontier Global Sciences Certification Number E87575

SAMPLE COLLECTION Sampler Jeff Gagne (EAi)

Sample Type-Grab shy~ -------- shySample Date 222012 Sampie Time 900 AM

pH 74

CATEGORICAL PRETREATMENT STANDARDS 40 CFR 42316 Steam Electric Power Generating Category NOTE There are no numerical pretreatment standards for this source


I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with asystem designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the

information submitted Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information the information submitted is to the best of my knowledge and belief true accurate and complete I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information including

the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations

Harold Keyes Station Manager Title



Public Service Company ofNew Hampshire Merrimack Station

Bow New Hampshire


PARAMETER (mgL) 222012


Aluminum 0218

Ammonia 11

Antimony 000155

Arsenic 00121

Barium 0243

Beryllium lt 000300

BOD lt6

Cadmium lt 000100

Chromium (T) lt 000500

COD 140

Copper 000553

Cyanide (T) ltOQl

Fluoride 29

Iron lt 0500

Lead lt 000200

Manganese 0631

Mercury 0000036 Molybdenum 0195

Nitrate 65

Nickel lt 000500

OampG lt 5

pH 74

Selenium 0121

Silver lt 000100

Thallium 000685

Zinc lt00100

Phenolic Compounds lt 05

GZA GeoEnvirorunental Inc 10ZAMANlobs04Jobsl0029300s04002930700WorkSAMPLINO AND REPORTINOIDATA04002930700 RESULTS 020812gtltlsMontb I round 2


ri--middot1 ~middot __~+-j__________- _ a_ -~-~-~-~Y-_i__ _e_ s_t_~-n- - ~_a_1

1 1


Paul Pepler

GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

380 Harvey Road

Manchester NH 03103

Subject Laboratory Report

Eastern Analytical Inc ID 107330

Client Identification Wastewater Analysis - Weekly Date Received 222012

Dear Mr Pepler

Enclosed please find the laboratory report for the above identified project All analyses were performed in accordance with our QAQC Program Unless otherwise stated holding times preservation techniques container types and sample conditions adhered to EPA Protocol Samples which were collected by Eastern Analytical Inc (EAi) were collected in accordance with approved EPA procedures Eastern Analytical Inc certifies that the enclosed test results meet all requirements of NELAP and other applicable state certifications Please refer to our website at wwweailabscom for a copy of our NELAP certificate and accredited parameters

The following standard abbreviations and conventions apply to all EAi reports Solid samples are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted lt less than followed by the reporting limit gt greater than followed by the reporting limit R Recovery

Eastern Analytical Inc maintains certification in the following states Connecticut (PH-0492) Maine (NHOOS) Massachusetts (M-NHOOS) New HampshireNELAP (1012) Rhode Island (269) and Vermont (VT1012)

The following information is contained within this report Sample Conditions summary Analytical ResultsData Quality Control data (if requested) and copies of the Chain of Custody This report may not be reproduced except in full without the the written approval of the laboratory

If you have any questions regarding the results contained within please feel free to directly contact me or the chemist(s) who performed the testing in question Unless otherwise requested we will dispose of the sample(s) 30 days from the sample receipt date

We appreciate this opportunity to be of service and look forward to your continued patronage


21-1 L Date Lorraine Olashaw Lab Director of pages (excluding cover letter)

wwwcailabscom ~ ti middot~


Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Temperature upon receipt degC) 52 Received on Ice or cold packs (YesNo) Y Acceptable temperature range (C) 0-6

Date Date Sample Dry Lab ID Sample ID Received Sampled Matrix Weight ExceptionsComments (other than thermal preservation)

10733001 Effluent Field Blank 2212 2212 aqueous Adheres to Sample Acceptance Policy

10733002 Treat Tank Effluent 2212 2212 aqueous 624 625 and 608 placed on hold then cancelled at customers

Samples were properly preserved and the pH measured when applicable unless otherwise noted Analysis ofsolids for pH Flashpoint lgnitibility Paint Filter Corrosivity Conductivity and Specific Gravity are reported on an middotas received basis

All results contained in this report relate only to the above listed samples References include 1) EPA 6004-79-020 1983 2) Standard Methods for Examination ofWater and Wastewater lnorganics 19th Edition 1995 Microbiology 20th Edition 1998 3) Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste SW 846 3rd Edition including updates VA and IVB 4) Hach Water Analysis Handbook 2nd edition 1992

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525


Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Sample ID

Lab Sample ID


Date Sampled Date Received


Date of ExtractionPrep

Date of Analysis



Dilution Factor

Oil amp Grease (HEM)

Treat Tank Effluent








LAS 1664A



eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525

bull middot



Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly Batch ID 734541-34922A0208120G1661

Parameter Name Blank LCS LCSD Analysis Date Units Limits RPO Method

Oil amp Grease HEM) lt5 36 (91 R) 36 (90 R) (1 RPO) 282012 mgL 78 - 114 18 1664A

Samples were extracted and analyzed within holding time limits Instrumentation was calibrated in accordance with the method requirements The method blanks were free of contamination at the reporting limits Sample surrogate recoveries met the above stated criteria The associated matrix spikes andor Laboratory Control Samples met acceptance criteria There were no exceptions in the analyses unless noted Flagged analyte recoveries deviated from the QNQC limits

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525 3


~ Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Sample ID Treat Tank Effluent

Lab Sample ID 10733002

Matrix aqueous

Date Sampled 2212 Analysis

2212 Units Date Time Method AnalystDate Received

Solids Suspended 6 mgL 20312 1045 25400 DLS Solids Dissolved 19000 mgL 20312 1045 2540C DLS Fluoride 29 mgL 20812 1501 3000 KL Sulfate 1200 mgL 20812 1446 3000 Kl Chloride 9300 mgL 20312 1035 4500CIE OLS Nitrate-N 65 mgL 20312 1032 3532 DLS Cyanide Total lt 001 mgL 20812 930 4500CNE KJR Ammonia-N 11 mgL 20912 900 4500NH30 SEL BOD lt6 mgL 20312 1120 52109 KJR COD 140 mgL 20712 1600 H8000 SKC Total Phenols lt 05 mgL 20812 200 4201 JCC pH 74 SU 20212 1630 4500H+B KJR

Total Phenols The reporting limit has been elevated due to matrix interference

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525 4

QC REPORT EAi ID 107330~ Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Parameter Name Blank LCS LCSD Date of

Units Analysis Limits RPO Method middot-middot-middot-middot~ middot-middot----shySolids Suspended lt2 95 (95 R) 94 (94 R) (1 RPO) mgL 2312 90 - 110 20 25400 Solids Dissolved lt5 990 (99 R) NA mgL 2312 85 -115 20 2540C Fluoride lt 01 20 (99 R) 20 (99 R) (0 RPO) mgL 2812 90 -110 20 3000 Sulfate lt 1 20 (100 R) 20 (101 R) (1 RPO) mgL 28112 90 - 110 20 3000 Chloride lt 1 24 (96 R) 24 (97 R (1 RPO mgL 2312 90 - 110 20 4500CIE Nitrate-N lt 05 4 9 (99 R 49 (98 R) (1 RPO) mgL 23112 90 - 110 20 3532 Cyanide Total lt002 025 (100 R) NA mgL 28112 85 - 115 20 4500CNE Ammonia-N lt 005 22 (109 R) 22 (110 R) (1 RPO) mgL 2912 90 - 110 20 4500NH3DN BOD lt6 420 (104 R 420 (104 R) (0 RPO) mgL 2312 84 - 115 20 52106 COD lt 10 100 (103 R) 100 (101 R) (2 RPO) mgL 27112 85 - 115 20 H8000 Total Phenols lt 005 022 (87 R) 022 (89 R) (2 RPO) mgL 2812 85 - 115 20 4201 pH 605 (101 R) 607 (101 R) (0 RPO) SU 2212 595 - 607 10 4500H+B

Samples were analyzed within holding times unless noted on the sample results page Instrumentation was calibrated in accordance with the method requirements The method blanks were free of contamination at the reporting limits The associated matrix spikes andor Laboratory Control Samples met the above stated criteria Exceptions to the above statements are flagged or noted above or on the QC Narrative page bullf Flagged analyte recoveries deviated from the QAQC limits

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525 5

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


15 February 2012


Eastern Analytical Inc

25 Chenell Drive

Concord NH 0330 I

RE Merrimack Station

Enclosed are the analytical results for samples received by Frontier Global Sciences All quality control

measurements are within established control limits and there were no analytical difficulties encountered with the exception of those listed in the case narrative section of this report

Ifyou have any questions concerning this report please feel free to contact me


Liz Siska

Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~


Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Laboratory Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Client Eastern Analytical Inc


Project Merrimack Station

Sample ID Lab ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received

C-3015 Effluent Field Blank 1202063-01 Water 02-Feb-12 0847 03-Feb-12 0930

Treat Tank Effluent 1202063-02 Water 02-Feb-12 0915 03-Feb-12 0930

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this ~port only apply to the samples analyzed inaccordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Pagel o23 1202063 Final Report 0211512012


414 Pontius Ave North

Seattle WA 98109 Pb 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Samples were received at Frontier Global Sciences (FGS) on February 3rd 2012 The samples were received intact on-ice with temperatures measured at 106 degrees Celsius


Samples were prepared and analyzed for total metals in accordance with EPA Method 2008 (modified)

Samples were prepared and analyzed for total mercury in accordance with EPAMethod 163 lE


Liquid spikes were prepared for every preparation as a measure ofaccuracy All liquid spikes and certified reference material were within the control limits

As an additional measure ofthe accuracy ofthe methods utilized for analysis and to check for matrix interference matrix spikes (MS) and matrix spike duplicates (MSD) were digested and analyzed All ofthe matrix spike recoveries were within the control limits with the exception of any QC flagged and described in the notes and definitions section ofthe following report

A reasonable measure ofthe precision ofthe analytical methods utilized for analysis is the relative percent difference (RPO) between matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate recoveries and between laboratory control sample and laboratory control sample duplicate recoveries All of the relative percent differences were within the control limits with the exception of any QC flagged and described in the notes and definitions section ofthe following report

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in tltis report only apply 10 the samples analyzed In accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page 2of2J 1202063 Fial Report 02115202


h~O26C~ Chain ofCusfody Record amp Laboratory Analysis Request 111 lon 107330 gt9 Air Water Sediments Plant and Animal Tissue --middot - - middot SCI

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By ~IQnifIII you d=lare tlgt~t you agret viti FGS tcms ~nd rondllons and tba you atltthorie FGS to perfonr tne specified analyses

Custonier Approval bull Dale

The results in this report only applyUJ the samples analyzedin acconJa_nce with_ theFrontierGlobal Sciences Inc chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report mwt be reproduced in Its entirety


Page3of23 J202063 Final Report 02)512012

Liz SiskaProject Manager 9

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870~


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414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



C-3015 Effluent Field Blank

Matrix Water Laboratory ID 1202063-01

Analyte Result MDL MRL Units Dilution Batch Sequence Analyud Method Notes

Aluminum ND OA 40 microgL 1 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Antimony ND 0005 0 020 microgL 1 F202053 2813005 021212 EPA2008 Mod u Arsenic ND 005 015 microgL 1 F202053 2BI3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Bariu111 ND 003 020 microgL 1 F202053 2813005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Beryllium ND 0023 0060 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Cadmium ND 0004 0020 microgL F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Chromium ND 0009 010 microgL F202053 2813005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Copper ND 001 010 microgL I F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Iron ND 13 100 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Lead ND 0004 0040 microgL l F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Manganese 012 0007 010 microgL 1 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod

Mercury ND 008 050 ngL 1 F202057 2B06014 020612 EPA 1631E u Molybdenum ND 0006 006 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Nickel ND 0008 010 microgL F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Selenium ND 019 060 microgL 1 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Silver ND 0006 0020 microgL 1 F202159 2B15016 021512 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 U

Thalyum ND 0001 0005 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod QB-02 U

Zinc ND ooz 020 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl5001 021412 EPA2008 Mod u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproductd in its entirety

Page5of23 1201063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 11


414 Pontius Ave North ~ Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ CLOBAL SCIENCES

Fx 206-622-6870


Treat Tank Effluent

Matrix Water Laboratory ID 1202o~H2

Analyte Result MDL MRL Units Dilution Batch Sequence Analyzed Method Notes

Aluminum 218 222 200 microgL 50 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA2008Mod Antimony 155 0230 100 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA2008Mod

Arsenic 121 255 750 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Barium 243 135 100 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Beryllium ND 114 300 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Cadmium ND 0208 100 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Chromium ND 045 500 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Copper 553 050 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Iron ND 650 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Lead ND 0195 200 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Manganese 631 037 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA2008 Mod Mercury 360 084 505 ngL 10 F202057 2B06014 020612 EPA 163IE Molybdenum 195 030 300 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel ND 040 500 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Selenium 121 969 300 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA2008Mod Silver ND 0300 LOO microgL 50 F202159 2B 15016 021512 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 U

Thallium 685 0056 0250 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod QB-01 Zinc ND 082 100 microgL somiddot F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply 10 the samples analyzed In accordJJncc with the chain ofcustody documenJ This onolyticol report must ~ reproduced In its en1ire1y

Poga 6of2J 1201063 Final ampport 01JS202

Liz Siska Project Manager 12

I 414 Pontius Ave North

Seattle WA 98109~ Ph 206-622-6960 FRONTIER- Fx 206-622-6870 cLoaAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 1B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-DUP1

Sample Duplicate Concentration Concentration RPD

Analyte ngL ngL MRL RPD Limit Method Notes

Mercury 3603 3621 505 0482 24 EPA 163IE

Fror tier Global Sciences Inc Tlte results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in Its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page 7of13 1102063 Final Report 01151011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Dige~tion Lab Number l202053-MSMSDI


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (microgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Beryllium ND 20200 2062 102 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 2177 15150 355l 907 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 205 70700 947 105 70 - 130 middot EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 6311 60600 6110 -331 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron ND 50500 4743 939 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 325 40400 758 107 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 553 40400 939 957 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 099 10100 1268 116 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Arsenic 1206 15150 2453 823 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 1213 30300 1452 791 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Molybltlenum 1952 20200 1925 -135 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmium 0623 080800 1437 IOI 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 1549 080800 2358 100 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Barium 2433 10100 2514 793 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Thallium 6848 040400 7126 689 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod QB-01 Lead ND 15150 1334 880 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPO

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20200 2025 100 l80 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 15150 3386 798 477 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 70700 909 996 412 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 60600 6122 -311 0200 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron 50500 4648 920 203 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 40400 813 121 706 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 40400 935 948 0415 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 10100 1013 904 224 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QR-08 Arsenic 15150 2577 905 492 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 30300 1399 614 376 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Molybdenum 20200 1909 -213 0823 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmiwn 080800 1230 752 155 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 080800 2316 950 177 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in 1his report only apply to tire samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcuslOdy docume11L This a11alytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

~-~~ Page 8of2J l 20206J Final Report

021512012 Liz Siska Project Manager


I 414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSMSD1


Spike Added (JlgL)

MSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 10100 2506 717 0305 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040400 6963 286 231 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 QB-01

Lead 15150 l403 926 509 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onlyapply to the samples analred in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced fn its entirety

Page 9of23 I202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 15

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B130Q5

Preparation Clo~~d Ve~~el Nitric Qven QigestiQn Lab Number f20205J-MSMSD3


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (JtgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Method Limits Notes

Beryllium ND 50500 4291 850 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Aluminum 2177 10100 9206 890 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Chromium 205 10100 1006 994 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS

Manganese 6311 IOl00 1582 942 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Iron ND 50500 4849 960 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Nickel 325 12625 1190 940 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Copper 553 12625 1149 906 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Zinc 099 25250 2401 950 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Arsenic 1206 10100 1050 103 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Selenium 1213 10100 1168 104 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Molybdenum 1952 50500 6851 970 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Cadmium 0623 10100 9695 954 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Antimony 1549 50500 5084 976 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Barium 2433 20200 2379 106 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thallium 6848 50500 5306 915 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS QB-01

Lead ND 25250 2205 873 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





Recovery Limits

RPDLimit Method Notes

Beryllium 50500 4337 859 108 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Aluminum 10100 9221 89l 0164 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Chromium 10100 9902 978 159 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Manganese 10100 1562 922 l27 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Iron 50500 4775 946 l53 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Nickel 12625 1197 946 0613 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Copper 12625 1129 890 179 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Zinc 25250 2399 950 00456 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Arsenic 10100 1013 992 357 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Selenium 10100 1151 102 149 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Molybdenum 50500 6848 970 00426 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Cadmium 10100 1004 987 345 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Antimony 50500 5111 98l 0531 70 - 130 20 EPA2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in rhls rtporl 011y apply 10 the samples anayrd i11 accordtmce with the chain ofcustodydocumtmL This analytical report mus bt nproducedin its entirety

~-~ Page Oo23 1202063 Final Report 02S2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 16

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSJMSD3 I


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





RPD Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 20200 2377 106 0106 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thalium 50500 5345 923 0720 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod ASQB-01

Lead 25250 2198 870 0315 7-0 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The lfl$Ws in this report onlyapply to the samplesOIUllyzed 11 accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page Ji of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 17

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98 l09

i Ph 206-622-6960 ~ ) Fx 206-622-6870 GIOBAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCJ Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD1

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method NotesLimits

Mercury 3603 10200 1409 103 71 - 125 EPA 1631pound

Spike MSD MSD Oo Recovery Added Concentration RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Notes Analyte

Mercury 10200 1410 103 00816 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The nsulis In thls rtporr only apply to the sampfuanalyud In accordana with the chain ofcustody documenL This analytical nportmust be reproducd in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Pagt J1of1J 1101063 Final Report 01152011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202035-02RE1

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration oo Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method Notes Limits

Mercury 3897 10200 1440 103 71 - 125 EPA I631E

Spike MSD MSD oo Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Notes (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Analyte

Mercury 10200 1445 103 0394 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 13of23 J202063 Final Report 0211512012

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager 19

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ J

~ - Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number f202159-MStMSDl

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration RecoveryAnalyte (JlgL) (microgL) 1tgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 15150 1891 125 70- 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Notes

Silver l5150 2021 133 664 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-07

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in its enlirety

Page Ua23 J202063 Final Report 021512012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Oo RecoveryAnalyte (microgL) (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 50500 4554 902 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

(microgL) RPO Limits (microgL) Recovery Limit Method NotesAnalyte

Silver 50500 4621 915 146 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz ~iska Project Manager

Page 15 o23 I202063 Final Report 0252012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 bullmiddot ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation ~losed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBS01

LCS Source Blank S~ike

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1891 945 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1430 953 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 644 920 85 ll5 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 511 962 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4547 909 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 402 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 418 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 1025 103 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1425 950 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2936 979 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Molybdenum 20000 182 910 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0828 103 middot 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0800 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 999 999 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0420 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead l5000 l552 103 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod






Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1863 93l 150 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1375 917 391 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 629 899 239 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 558 930 337 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4359 872 422 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 371 929 779 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 403 101 375 85 -115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 989 989 359 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1345 897 577 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2920 973 0548 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc Tht resulu In this report only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance wi1h the chain ofcustody documtnL This analytical rrport must be rrproduad in its entirety

~__J~ Pagt J6of23 202063 Final Rtpon 02JS2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 22

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960

~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOSAl SCIENCES



Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike Dup

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (pgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Molybdenum 20000 177 883 303 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0794 992 416 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0784 980 205 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 982 982 177 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0407 102 298 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead 15000 1535 102 106 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this reporr only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody docwnent This analytical report must be reproduced In its tnlirety

Page 17of3 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 23

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-BSBSD1

LCS Source LCS

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Limits Method Notes Mercury 15679 1577 101 80 - 120 EPA l63IE

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (ogL) (ogL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes Mercury 15679 1605 102 176 ampO - 120 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in zhis report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 8013 I202063 Fi11alReport 02151202


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202159 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike


Spike Added microgL)

LCS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Silver l5000 2156 144 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12


Spike Added (microgL)

LCSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RJgtD Limit Method Notes

Silver 15000 2141 143 0706 85 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 shy

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to zhe samples analyzed in accordance with rhe chain ofcustodydocument This analyticalreporl mus be reproduced in its entirety

Page 19of23 J102063 Final Report 02152011

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



Instrument Hg-16 Sequence 2B060I4

Preparation BrCI Oxidation

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202057-BLK1 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I63IE u F202057-BLK2 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I631E u F202057-BLK3 Mercury 005 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE u F202057-BLK4 Mercury 010 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE QB-04 U

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onl)I apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical rtporl must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 20of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North -Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOBAL- SCIENCES


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202053-BLK1 Beryllium 0005 0060 microgL F202053 SPA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Aluminum -004 40 microgL F202053 -PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Chromium -002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Manganese -0002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLKI Iron -03 100 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Nickel -003 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Copper 0008 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Zinc 010 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Arsenic -007 015 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Selenium -002 060 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Molybdenum OQl 006 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK I Cadmium 0005 0020 microgL F202053 3PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Antimony 0019 0020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Barium 0005 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Thallium 0028 0005 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc QB-10 F202053-BLK1 Lead 0004 0040 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed iTJ accordance wizh the chain ofcustody docrmienl This analyticalreport musl be ltproductd in its entirety

Page2J o23 J202063 Final Rtport 021)52012

Liz Siska Project Manager



414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202159-BLK1 Silver 00006 0020 microgL F202159 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced In its enlirgtty

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page22of3 J202063 Final Report 02152012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 bull ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Notes and Definitions U Analyte included in the analysis but not detected

QR-08 The RPD value for the MSMSD was outside ofacceptance limits Batch QC acceptable based on matrix duplicate andor LCSLCSD RPD values within control limits

QM-12 Initial or continuing calibration verification andor blank spikeblank spike duplicate recoveries above upper control limits All reported sample concentrations were below the reporting limit

QM-07 The spike recovery was outside control limits for the MS andor MSD The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QM-02 The MS andor MSD recoveries outside acceptance limits due to spike concentration less than I times the sample concentration The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QB-10 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL Only report sample results greater than 10 times the contamination value (QB-01 ) or samples less than the MRL (QB-02)

QB-04 The blank was preserved to 2 BrCl rather than 1 The control limit for blanks preserved to greater than 1 BrCI is the preservation percentage multiplied by the MRL

QB-02 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the sample concentrations are Jess than the MRL

QB-0 l The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the blank concentration(s) are Jess than 10 ofthe sample result

AS This MS andor MSD is an analytical spike andor an analytical spike duplicate

DET Analyte Detected

MDL Minimum Detection Limit

lv1RL Minimum Reporting Limit

ND Analyte Not Detected at or above the reporting limit

wet Sample results reported on a wet weight basis

dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis

RPD Relative Percent Difference

RSD Relative Standard Deviation

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be middoteproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

P~ge 23 o23 J202063 Final Report 02115120]2


107330middotJJlilI eastern analytical inc CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 0

professional laboratory seNlces GZANH (I)

DateTime Composites need start andstop datestimesSample IDs Matrix Parameters and Sample Notes of containers

Effluent Field Blank AqToUSWLLMetalsSub2z2b12 aqueous c=rcompS 17

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered LB Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate Circle_preservatives HCL HNO HSO NaOH MEOH Nasp~ Treat Tank Effluent I 122 o12 AqToVSWLLMetalsSubBODCODCyanTFN030G1664S04TDSTSSN624Afe6i6TPhenolsE606PGBfNH3ClpH

aqueous ~ fjYorComp9 5

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered L0 Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate fircle preservativels1ED HNO W)~ MEOH Naso ~

Please ensure this auto COC is accurate adheres to permit orsampling requirements for this sampling event and modify as necessary EAi Project ID 3902

Project Name Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

State NH

Client (Pro Mgr) Paul Pepler

Customer GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Address 380 Harvey Road

City Manchester NH 03103

Phone 623-3600 Fax 624-9463 (37)

EmaiAddress paulpeplergzacom

Results Needed by Preferred date----shy

Notes about project (ie Special Limits Billing info if different)

Subcontract ALL metals to Frontier Global Sciences Metals include Total AlSbAsBaBeCdCrCuFePbMnHgMoNlSeAgTI Zn Metals analyses require project-specific MSMSD

eczgt~ ~ 6Jy JSeog a1ct7so p~r (c4

QC deliverables

lll D A+ 18(s O B+ 0 C D PC

ReportlngOptlons o~151=JSi_ 181HC PONumber ~ 181 EDD PDF

Quote No to~C1f+C181 EDD email 181 PDF prelim NO FAX Temperature S- d-- degC D e-mail Login Confirmation

Ice present Yes IZfNo DONO FAX

Relinquished by DateTime Received by

Eastern Analytical Inc 25 Chanell Dr Concord NH 03301 Phone (603)228-0525 1-800-287-0525 Fax (603)228-4591

Hooksett Sewer Commission File No 04002930700

February 17 2012 Page 2

quantization of certain elements of interest These potential interferences may become significant when measuring trace elements at concentrations in the low parts-per-billion range

As part of a recent sampling effort for the steam electric power generating effluent guidelines rulemaking EPA developed an SOP that was used in conjunction with EPA Method 2008 to conduct ICP-MS analyses ofFGD wastewater The SOP describes critical technical and quality assurance procedures that were implemented to mitigate anticipated interferences and generate reliable data for FGD wastewater EPA regulations at 40 CFR 1366 already allow the anaiytical community flexibility to modify approved methods to lower the costs of measurements overcome matrix interferences or otherwise improve the analysis The draft SOP developed for FGD wastewater takes a proactive approach toward looking for and taking steps to mitigate matrix interferences including using specialized interference check solutions (ie a synthetic FGD wastewater matrix) EPAs draft SOP is being made available to laboratories contemplating ICP-MS analysis of FGD wastewater either for adoption as currently written or to serve as a framework for developing their own laboratory-specific SOPs For further information see

Standard Operating Procedure Inductively Coupled PlasmaMass Spectrometry for Trace Element Analysis in Flue Gas Desulfurization Wastewaters (30 pp 174K) httpwaterepagovscitechwastetechguideuploadsteam_draft_soppdf EPA May 2011

Considering that specialized analytical techniques are necessary to overcome matrix interference for certain analysis of trace metals in FDG wastewater we recommend any analysis on FGD wastewater be conducted in accordance with the EPA draft SOP for trace metals analysis ofFGD wastewater

Should you have any questions concerning this report please do not hesitate to contact me at (603) 232-8744

Very truly yours


Ronald A Breton P E Principal

RABtmd IOZMIANJobt4l41ob100l 9l001laquo00l9307l)l)WorkSAMPUNO AND REPORTlNOllUJOkl~MltllbaJ 40029307 IHoolltgtlttl loO UROll71 ldoc

Attachments Wastewater Discharge Monitoring Report Table 1 Analytical Data Report



Public Service ofNew Hampshire - Merrimack Station Waste Disposal Agreement No WDA-001

Issued October 1 201 1 Expires September 30 2012

Permitted Flow 70000 gallons per day


Daily Flow Rate 16038 gallons (average) Monitoring Period Flow 128307 gallons (12712 - 20312)

_____________ _

FACILITY INFORMATION Company Name Public Service Company ofNew Hampshire - Merrimack Station

Company Owner Public Service Company ofNew Hampshire Facility Address _9_7_Ri_middotv-_e_r_R_o_ad_____ ____________ Facility Contact _H_a_ro_ld_ K_ey_es_________________

Telephone (603) 224-4081


____Submittal Date 2172012 Monitoring Point End oftreatment process Reporting PeriodFirstM---on-th_____ _ _ _ _ ________

SAMPLE ANALYSIS Certified Analytical Laboratory Eastern Analytical Inc (EAi) Certification Number 1012

Authorized Representative Lorraine Olashaw Analytical Subcrontractor Frontier Global Sciences Certification Number E87575

SAMPLE COLLECTION Sampler Jeff Gagne (EAi)

Sample Type-Grab shy~ -------- shySample Date 222012 Sampie Time 900 AM

pH 74

CATEGORICAL PRETREATMENT STANDARDS 40 CFR 42316 Steam Electric Power Generating Category NOTE There are no numerical pretreatment standards for this source


I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with asystem designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the

information submitted Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information the information submitted is to the best of my knowledge and belief true accurate and complete I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information including

the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations

Harold Keyes Station Manager Title



Public Service Company ofNew Hampshire Merrimack Station

Bow New Hampshire


PARAMETER (mgL) 222012


Aluminum 0218

Ammonia 11

Antimony 000155

Arsenic 00121

Barium 0243

Beryllium lt 000300

BOD lt6

Cadmium lt 000100

Chromium (T) lt 000500

COD 140

Copper 000553

Cyanide (T) ltOQl

Fluoride 29

Iron lt 0500

Lead lt 000200

Manganese 0631

Mercury 0000036 Molybdenum 0195

Nitrate 65

Nickel lt 000500

OampG lt 5

pH 74

Selenium 0121

Silver lt 000100

Thallium 000685

Zinc lt00100

Phenolic Compounds lt 05

GZA GeoEnvirorunental Inc 10ZAMANlobs04Jobsl0029300s04002930700WorkSAMPLINO AND REPORTINOIDATA04002930700 RESULTS 020812gtltlsMontb I round 2


ri--middot1 ~middot __~+-j__________- _ a_ -~-~-~-~Y-_i__ _e_ s_t_~-n- - ~_a_1

1 1


Paul Pepler

GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

380 Harvey Road

Manchester NH 03103

Subject Laboratory Report

Eastern Analytical Inc ID 107330

Client Identification Wastewater Analysis - Weekly Date Received 222012

Dear Mr Pepler

Enclosed please find the laboratory report for the above identified project All analyses were performed in accordance with our QAQC Program Unless otherwise stated holding times preservation techniques container types and sample conditions adhered to EPA Protocol Samples which were collected by Eastern Analytical Inc (EAi) were collected in accordance with approved EPA procedures Eastern Analytical Inc certifies that the enclosed test results meet all requirements of NELAP and other applicable state certifications Please refer to our website at wwweailabscom for a copy of our NELAP certificate and accredited parameters

The following standard abbreviations and conventions apply to all EAi reports Solid samples are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted lt less than followed by the reporting limit gt greater than followed by the reporting limit R Recovery

Eastern Analytical Inc maintains certification in the following states Connecticut (PH-0492) Maine (NHOOS) Massachusetts (M-NHOOS) New HampshireNELAP (1012) Rhode Island (269) and Vermont (VT1012)

The following information is contained within this report Sample Conditions summary Analytical ResultsData Quality Control data (if requested) and copies of the Chain of Custody This report may not be reproduced except in full without the the written approval of the laboratory

If you have any questions regarding the results contained within please feel free to directly contact me or the chemist(s) who performed the testing in question Unless otherwise requested we will dispose of the sample(s) 30 days from the sample receipt date

We appreciate this opportunity to be of service and look forward to your continued patronage


21-1 L Date Lorraine Olashaw Lab Director of pages (excluding cover letter)

wwwcailabscom ~ ti middot~


Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Temperature upon receipt degC) 52 Received on Ice or cold packs (YesNo) Y Acceptable temperature range (C) 0-6

Date Date Sample Dry Lab ID Sample ID Received Sampled Matrix Weight ExceptionsComments (other than thermal preservation)

10733001 Effluent Field Blank 2212 2212 aqueous Adheres to Sample Acceptance Policy

10733002 Treat Tank Effluent 2212 2212 aqueous 624 625 and 608 placed on hold then cancelled at customers

Samples were properly preserved and the pH measured when applicable unless otherwise noted Analysis ofsolids for pH Flashpoint lgnitibility Paint Filter Corrosivity Conductivity and Specific Gravity are reported on an middotas received basis

All results contained in this report relate only to the above listed samples References include 1) EPA 6004-79-020 1983 2) Standard Methods for Examination ofWater and Wastewater lnorganics 19th Edition 1995 Microbiology 20th Edition 1998 3) Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste SW 846 3rd Edition including updates VA and IVB 4) Hach Water Analysis Handbook 2nd edition 1992

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525


Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Sample ID

Lab Sample ID


Date Sampled Date Received


Date of ExtractionPrep

Date of Analysis



Dilution Factor

Oil amp Grease (HEM)

Treat Tank Effluent








LAS 1664A



eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525

bull middot



Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly Batch ID 734541-34922A0208120G1661

Parameter Name Blank LCS LCSD Analysis Date Units Limits RPO Method

Oil amp Grease HEM) lt5 36 (91 R) 36 (90 R) (1 RPO) 282012 mgL 78 - 114 18 1664A

Samples were extracted and analyzed within holding time limits Instrumentation was calibrated in accordance with the method requirements The method blanks were free of contamination at the reporting limits Sample surrogate recoveries met the above stated criteria The associated matrix spikes andor Laboratory Control Samples met acceptance criteria There were no exceptions in the analyses unless noted Flagged analyte recoveries deviated from the QNQC limits

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525 3


~ Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Sample ID Treat Tank Effluent

Lab Sample ID 10733002

Matrix aqueous

Date Sampled 2212 Analysis

2212 Units Date Time Method AnalystDate Received

Solids Suspended 6 mgL 20312 1045 25400 DLS Solids Dissolved 19000 mgL 20312 1045 2540C DLS Fluoride 29 mgL 20812 1501 3000 KL Sulfate 1200 mgL 20812 1446 3000 Kl Chloride 9300 mgL 20312 1035 4500CIE OLS Nitrate-N 65 mgL 20312 1032 3532 DLS Cyanide Total lt 001 mgL 20812 930 4500CNE KJR Ammonia-N 11 mgL 20912 900 4500NH30 SEL BOD lt6 mgL 20312 1120 52109 KJR COD 140 mgL 20712 1600 H8000 SKC Total Phenols lt 05 mgL 20812 200 4201 JCC pH 74 SU 20212 1630 4500H+B KJR

Total Phenols The reporting limit has been elevated due to matrix interference

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525 4

QC REPORT EAi ID 107330~ Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Parameter Name Blank LCS LCSD Date of

Units Analysis Limits RPO Method middot-middot-middot-middot~ middot-middot----shySolids Suspended lt2 95 (95 R) 94 (94 R) (1 RPO) mgL 2312 90 - 110 20 25400 Solids Dissolved lt5 990 (99 R) NA mgL 2312 85 -115 20 2540C Fluoride lt 01 20 (99 R) 20 (99 R) (0 RPO) mgL 2812 90 -110 20 3000 Sulfate lt 1 20 (100 R) 20 (101 R) (1 RPO) mgL 28112 90 - 110 20 3000 Chloride lt 1 24 (96 R) 24 (97 R (1 RPO mgL 2312 90 - 110 20 4500CIE Nitrate-N lt 05 4 9 (99 R 49 (98 R) (1 RPO) mgL 23112 90 - 110 20 3532 Cyanide Total lt002 025 (100 R) NA mgL 28112 85 - 115 20 4500CNE Ammonia-N lt 005 22 (109 R) 22 (110 R) (1 RPO) mgL 2912 90 - 110 20 4500NH3DN BOD lt6 420 (104 R 420 (104 R) (0 RPO) mgL 2312 84 - 115 20 52106 COD lt 10 100 (103 R) 100 (101 R) (2 RPO) mgL 27112 85 - 115 20 H8000 Total Phenols lt 005 022 (87 R) 022 (89 R) (2 RPO) mgL 2812 85 - 115 20 4201 pH 605 (101 R) 607 (101 R) (0 RPO) SU 2212 595 - 607 10 4500H+B

Samples were analyzed within holding times unless noted on the sample results page Instrumentation was calibrated in accordance with the method requirements The method blanks were free of contamination at the reporting limits The associated matrix spikes andor Laboratory Control Samples met the above stated criteria Exceptions to the above statements are flagged or noted above or on the QC Narrative page bullf Flagged analyte recoveries deviated from the QAQC limits

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525 5

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


15 February 2012


Eastern Analytical Inc

25 Chenell Drive

Concord NH 0330 I

RE Merrimack Station

Enclosed are the analytical results for samples received by Frontier Global Sciences All quality control

measurements are within established control limits and there were no analytical difficulties encountered with the exception of those listed in the case narrative section of this report

Ifyou have any questions concerning this report please feel free to contact me


Liz Siska

Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~


Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Laboratory Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Client Eastern Analytical Inc


Project Merrimack Station

Sample ID Lab ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received

C-3015 Effluent Field Blank 1202063-01 Water 02-Feb-12 0847 03-Feb-12 0930

Treat Tank Effluent 1202063-02 Water 02-Feb-12 0915 03-Feb-12 0930

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this ~port only apply to the samples analyzed inaccordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Pagel o23 1202063 Final Report 0211512012


414 Pontius Ave North

Seattle WA 98109 Pb 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Samples were received at Frontier Global Sciences (FGS) on February 3rd 2012 The samples were received intact on-ice with temperatures measured at 106 degrees Celsius


Samples were prepared and analyzed for total metals in accordance with EPA Method 2008 (modified)

Samples were prepared and analyzed for total mercury in accordance with EPAMethod 163 lE


Liquid spikes were prepared for every preparation as a measure ofaccuracy All liquid spikes and certified reference material were within the control limits

As an additional measure ofthe accuracy ofthe methods utilized for analysis and to check for matrix interference matrix spikes (MS) and matrix spike duplicates (MSD) were digested and analyzed All ofthe matrix spike recoveries were within the control limits with the exception of any QC flagged and described in the notes and definitions section ofthe following report

A reasonable measure ofthe precision ofthe analytical methods utilized for analysis is the relative percent difference (RPO) between matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate recoveries and between laboratory control sample and laboratory control sample duplicate recoveries All of the relative percent differences were within the control limits with the exception of any QC flagged and described in the notes and definitions section ofthe following report

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in tltis report only apply 10 the samples analyzed In accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page 2of2J 1202063 Fial Report 02115202


h~O26C~ Chain ofCusfody Record amp Laboratory Analysis Request 111 lon 107330 gt9 Air Water Sediments Plant and Animal Tissue --middot - - middot SCI

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By ~IQnifIII you d=lare tlgt~t you agret viti FGS tcms ~nd rondllons and tba you atltthorie FGS to perfonr tne specified analyses

Custonier Approval bull Dale

The results in this report only applyUJ the samples analyzedin acconJa_nce with_ theFrontierGlobal Sciences Inc chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report mwt be reproduced in Its entirety


Page3of23 J202063 Final Report 02)512012

Liz SiskaProject Manager 9

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870~


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414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



C-3015 Effluent Field Blank

Matrix Water Laboratory ID 1202063-01

Analyte Result MDL MRL Units Dilution Batch Sequence Analyud Method Notes

Aluminum ND OA 40 microgL 1 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Antimony ND 0005 0 020 microgL 1 F202053 2813005 021212 EPA2008 Mod u Arsenic ND 005 015 microgL 1 F202053 2BI3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Bariu111 ND 003 020 microgL 1 F202053 2813005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Beryllium ND 0023 0060 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Cadmium ND 0004 0020 microgL F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Chromium ND 0009 010 microgL F202053 2813005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Copper ND 001 010 microgL I F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Iron ND 13 100 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Lead ND 0004 0040 microgL l F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Manganese 012 0007 010 microgL 1 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod

Mercury ND 008 050 ngL 1 F202057 2B06014 020612 EPA 1631E u Molybdenum ND 0006 006 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Nickel ND 0008 010 microgL F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Selenium ND 019 060 microgL 1 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Silver ND 0006 0020 microgL 1 F202159 2B15016 021512 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 U

Thalyum ND 0001 0005 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod QB-02 U

Zinc ND ooz 020 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl5001 021412 EPA2008 Mod u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproductd in its entirety

Page5of23 1201063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 11


414 Pontius Ave North ~ Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ CLOBAL SCIENCES

Fx 206-622-6870


Treat Tank Effluent

Matrix Water Laboratory ID 1202o~H2

Analyte Result MDL MRL Units Dilution Batch Sequence Analyzed Method Notes

Aluminum 218 222 200 microgL 50 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA2008Mod Antimony 155 0230 100 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA2008Mod

Arsenic 121 255 750 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Barium 243 135 100 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Beryllium ND 114 300 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Cadmium ND 0208 100 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Chromium ND 045 500 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Copper 553 050 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Iron ND 650 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Lead ND 0195 200 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Manganese 631 037 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA2008 Mod Mercury 360 084 505 ngL 10 F202057 2B06014 020612 EPA 163IE Molybdenum 195 030 300 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel ND 040 500 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Selenium 121 969 300 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA2008Mod Silver ND 0300 LOO microgL 50 F202159 2B 15016 021512 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 U

Thallium 685 0056 0250 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod QB-01 Zinc ND 082 100 microgL somiddot F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply 10 the samples analyzed In accordJJncc with the chain ofcustody documenJ This onolyticol report must ~ reproduced In its en1ire1y

Poga 6of2J 1201063 Final ampport 01JS202

Liz Siska Project Manager 12

I 414 Pontius Ave North

Seattle WA 98109~ Ph 206-622-6960 FRONTIER- Fx 206-622-6870 cLoaAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 1B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-DUP1

Sample Duplicate Concentration Concentration RPD

Analyte ngL ngL MRL RPD Limit Method Notes

Mercury 3603 3621 505 0482 24 EPA 163IE

Fror tier Global Sciences Inc Tlte results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in Its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page 7of13 1102063 Final Report 01151011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Dige~tion Lab Number l202053-MSMSDI


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (microgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Beryllium ND 20200 2062 102 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 2177 15150 355l 907 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 205 70700 947 105 70 - 130 middot EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 6311 60600 6110 -331 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron ND 50500 4743 939 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 325 40400 758 107 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 553 40400 939 957 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 099 10100 1268 116 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Arsenic 1206 15150 2453 823 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 1213 30300 1452 791 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Molybltlenum 1952 20200 1925 -135 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmium 0623 080800 1437 IOI 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 1549 080800 2358 100 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Barium 2433 10100 2514 793 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Thallium 6848 040400 7126 689 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod QB-01 Lead ND 15150 1334 880 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPO

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20200 2025 100 l80 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 15150 3386 798 477 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 70700 909 996 412 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 60600 6122 -311 0200 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron 50500 4648 920 203 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 40400 813 121 706 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 40400 935 948 0415 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 10100 1013 904 224 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QR-08 Arsenic 15150 2577 905 492 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 30300 1399 614 376 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Molybdenum 20200 1909 -213 0823 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmiwn 080800 1230 752 155 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 080800 2316 950 177 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in 1his report only apply to tire samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcuslOdy docume11L This a11alytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

~-~~ Page 8of2J l 20206J Final Report

021512012 Liz Siska Project Manager


I 414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSMSD1


Spike Added (JlgL)

MSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 10100 2506 717 0305 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040400 6963 286 231 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 QB-01

Lead 15150 l403 926 509 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onlyapply to the samples analred in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced fn its entirety

Page 9of23 I202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 15

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B130Q5

Preparation Clo~~d Ve~~el Nitric Qven QigestiQn Lab Number f20205J-MSMSD3


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (JtgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Method Limits Notes

Beryllium ND 50500 4291 850 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Aluminum 2177 10100 9206 890 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Chromium 205 10100 1006 994 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS

Manganese 6311 IOl00 1582 942 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Iron ND 50500 4849 960 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Nickel 325 12625 1190 940 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Copper 553 12625 1149 906 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Zinc 099 25250 2401 950 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Arsenic 1206 10100 1050 103 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Selenium 1213 10100 1168 104 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Molybdenum 1952 50500 6851 970 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Cadmium 0623 10100 9695 954 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Antimony 1549 50500 5084 976 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Barium 2433 20200 2379 106 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thallium 6848 50500 5306 915 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS QB-01

Lead ND 25250 2205 873 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





Recovery Limits

RPDLimit Method Notes

Beryllium 50500 4337 859 108 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Aluminum 10100 9221 89l 0164 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Chromium 10100 9902 978 159 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Manganese 10100 1562 922 l27 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Iron 50500 4775 946 l53 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Nickel 12625 1197 946 0613 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Copper 12625 1129 890 179 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Zinc 25250 2399 950 00456 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Arsenic 10100 1013 992 357 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Selenium 10100 1151 102 149 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Molybdenum 50500 6848 970 00426 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Cadmium 10100 1004 987 345 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Antimony 50500 5111 98l 0531 70 - 130 20 EPA2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in rhls rtporl 011y apply 10 the samples anayrd i11 accordtmce with the chain ofcustodydocumtmL This analytical report mus bt nproducedin its entirety

~-~ Page Oo23 1202063 Final Report 02S2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 16

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSJMSD3 I


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





RPD Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 20200 2377 106 0106 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thalium 50500 5345 923 0720 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod ASQB-01

Lead 25250 2198 870 0315 7-0 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The lfl$Ws in this report onlyapply to the samplesOIUllyzed 11 accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page Ji of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 17

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98 l09

i Ph 206-622-6960 ~ ) Fx 206-622-6870 GIOBAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCJ Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD1

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method NotesLimits

Mercury 3603 10200 1409 103 71 - 125 EPA 1631pound

Spike MSD MSD Oo Recovery Added Concentration RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Notes Analyte

Mercury 10200 1410 103 00816 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The nsulis In thls rtporr only apply to the sampfuanalyud In accordana with the chain ofcustody documenL This analytical nportmust be reproducd in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Pagt J1of1J 1101063 Final Report 01152011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202035-02RE1

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration oo Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method Notes Limits

Mercury 3897 10200 1440 103 71 - 125 EPA I631E

Spike MSD MSD oo Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Notes (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Analyte

Mercury 10200 1445 103 0394 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 13of23 J202063 Final Report 0211512012

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager 19

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ J

~ - Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number f202159-MStMSDl

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration RecoveryAnalyte (JlgL) (microgL) 1tgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 15150 1891 125 70- 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Notes

Silver l5150 2021 133 664 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-07

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in its enlirety

Page Ua23 J202063 Final Report 021512012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Oo RecoveryAnalyte (microgL) (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 50500 4554 902 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

(microgL) RPO Limits (microgL) Recovery Limit Method NotesAnalyte

Silver 50500 4621 915 146 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz ~iska Project Manager

Page 15 o23 I202063 Final Report 0252012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 bullmiddot ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation ~losed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBS01

LCS Source Blank S~ike

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1891 945 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1430 953 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 644 920 85 ll5 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 511 962 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4547 909 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 402 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 418 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 1025 103 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1425 950 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2936 979 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Molybdenum 20000 182 910 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0828 103 middot 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0800 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 999 999 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0420 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead l5000 l552 103 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod






Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1863 93l 150 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1375 917 391 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 629 899 239 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 558 930 337 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4359 872 422 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 371 929 779 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 403 101 375 85 -115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 989 989 359 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1345 897 577 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2920 973 0548 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc Tht resulu In this report only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance wi1h the chain ofcustody documtnL This analytical rrport must be rrproduad in its entirety

~__J~ Pagt J6of23 202063 Final Rtpon 02JS2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 22

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960

~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOSAl SCIENCES



Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike Dup

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (pgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Molybdenum 20000 177 883 303 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0794 992 416 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0784 980 205 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 982 982 177 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0407 102 298 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead 15000 1535 102 106 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this reporr only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody docwnent This analytical report must be reproduced In its tnlirety

Page 17of3 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 23

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-BSBSD1

LCS Source LCS

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Limits Method Notes Mercury 15679 1577 101 80 - 120 EPA l63IE

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (ogL) (ogL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes Mercury 15679 1605 102 176 ampO - 120 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in zhis report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 8013 I202063 Fi11alReport 02151202


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202159 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike


Spike Added microgL)

LCS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Silver l5000 2156 144 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12


Spike Added (microgL)

LCSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RJgtD Limit Method Notes

Silver 15000 2141 143 0706 85 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 shy

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to zhe samples analyzed in accordance with rhe chain ofcustodydocument This analyticalreporl mus be reproduced in its entirety

Page 19of23 J102063 Final Report 02152011

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



Instrument Hg-16 Sequence 2B060I4

Preparation BrCI Oxidation

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202057-BLK1 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I63IE u F202057-BLK2 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I631E u F202057-BLK3 Mercury 005 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE u F202057-BLK4 Mercury 010 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE QB-04 U

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onl)I apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical rtporl must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 20of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North -Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOBAL- SCIENCES


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202053-BLK1 Beryllium 0005 0060 microgL F202053 SPA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Aluminum -004 40 microgL F202053 -PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Chromium -002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Manganese -0002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLKI Iron -03 100 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Nickel -003 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Copper 0008 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Zinc 010 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Arsenic -007 015 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Selenium -002 060 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Molybdenum OQl 006 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK I Cadmium 0005 0020 microgL F202053 3PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Antimony 0019 0020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Barium 0005 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Thallium 0028 0005 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc QB-10 F202053-BLK1 Lead 0004 0040 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed iTJ accordance wizh the chain ofcustody docrmienl This analyticalreport musl be ltproductd in its entirety

Page2J o23 J202063 Final Rtport 021)52012

Liz Siska Project Manager



414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202159-BLK1 Silver 00006 0020 microgL F202159 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced In its enlirgtty

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page22of3 J202063 Final Report 02152012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 bull ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Notes and Definitions U Analyte included in the analysis but not detected

QR-08 The RPD value for the MSMSD was outside ofacceptance limits Batch QC acceptable based on matrix duplicate andor LCSLCSD RPD values within control limits

QM-12 Initial or continuing calibration verification andor blank spikeblank spike duplicate recoveries above upper control limits All reported sample concentrations were below the reporting limit

QM-07 The spike recovery was outside control limits for the MS andor MSD The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QM-02 The MS andor MSD recoveries outside acceptance limits due to spike concentration less than I times the sample concentration The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QB-10 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL Only report sample results greater than 10 times the contamination value (QB-01 ) or samples less than the MRL (QB-02)

QB-04 The blank was preserved to 2 BrCl rather than 1 The control limit for blanks preserved to greater than 1 BrCI is the preservation percentage multiplied by the MRL

QB-02 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the sample concentrations are Jess than the MRL

QB-0 l The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the blank concentration(s) are Jess than 10 ofthe sample result

AS This MS andor MSD is an analytical spike andor an analytical spike duplicate

DET Analyte Detected

MDL Minimum Detection Limit

lv1RL Minimum Reporting Limit

ND Analyte Not Detected at or above the reporting limit

wet Sample results reported on a wet weight basis

dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis

RPD Relative Percent Difference

RSD Relative Standard Deviation

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be middoteproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

P~ge 23 o23 J202063 Final Report 02115120]2


107330middotJJlilI eastern analytical inc CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 0

professional laboratory seNlces GZANH (I)

DateTime Composites need start andstop datestimesSample IDs Matrix Parameters and Sample Notes of containers

Effluent Field Blank AqToUSWLLMetalsSub2z2b12 aqueous c=rcompS 17

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered LB Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate Circle_preservatives HCL HNO HSO NaOH MEOH Nasp~ Treat Tank Effluent I 122 o12 AqToVSWLLMetalsSubBODCODCyanTFN030G1664S04TDSTSSN624Afe6i6TPhenolsE606PGBfNH3ClpH

aqueous ~ fjYorComp9 5

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered L0 Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate fircle preservativels1ED HNO W)~ MEOH Naso ~

Please ensure this auto COC is accurate adheres to permit orsampling requirements for this sampling event and modify as necessary EAi Project ID 3902

Project Name Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

State NH

Client (Pro Mgr) Paul Pepler

Customer GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Address 380 Harvey Road

City Manchester NH 03103

Phone 623-3600 Fax 624-9463 (37)

EmaiAddress paulpeplergzacom

Results Needed by Preferred date----shy

Notes about project (ie Special Limits Billing info if different)

Subcontract ALL metals to Frontier Global Sciences Metals include Total AlSbAsBaBeCdCrCuFePbMnHgMoNlSeAgTI Zn Metals analyses require project-specific MSMSD

eczgt~ ~ 6Jy JSeog a1ct7so p~r (c4

QC deliverables

lll D A+ 18(s O B+ 0 C D PC

ReportlngOptlons o~151=JSi_ 181HC PONumber ~ 181 EDD PDF

Quote No to~C1f+C181 EDD email 181 PDF prelim NO FAX Temperature S- d-- degC D e-mail Login Confirmation

Ice present Yes IZfNo DONO FAX

Relinquished by DateTime Received by

Eastern Analytical Inc 25 Chanell Dr Concord NH 03301 Phone (603)228-0525 1-800-287-0525 Fax (603)228-4591



Public Service ofNew Hampshire - Merrimack Station Waste Disposal Agreement No WDA-001

Issued October 1 201 1 Expires September 30 2012

Permitted Flow 70000 gallons per day


Daily Flow Rate 16038 gallons (average) Monitoring Period Flow 128307 gallons (12712 - 20312)

_____________ _

FACILITY INFORMATION Company Name Public Service Company ofNew Hampshire - Merrimack Station

Company Owner Public Service Company ofNew Hampshire Facility Address _9_7_Ri_middotv-_e_r_R_o_ad_____ ____________ Facility Contact _H_a_ro_ld_ K_ey_es_________________

Telephone (603) 224-4081


____Submittal Date 2172012 Monitoring Point End oftreatment process Reporting PeriodFirstM---on-th_____ _ _ _ _ ________

SAMPLE ANALYSIS Certified Analytical Laboratory Eastern Analytical Inc (EAi) Certification Number 1012

Authorized Representative Lorraine Olashaw Analytical Subcrontractor Frontier Global Sciences Certification Number E87575

SAMPLE COLLECTION Sampler Jeff Gagne (EAi)

Sample Type-Grab shy~ -------- shySample Date 222012 Sampie Time 900 AM

pH 74

CATEGORICAL PRETREATMENT STANDARDS 40 CFR 42316 Steam Electric Power Generating Category NOTE There are no numerical pretreatment standards for this source


I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with asystem designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the

information submitted Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information the information submitted is to the best of my knowledge and belief true accurate and complete I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information including

the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations

Harold Keyes Station Manager Title



Public Service Company ofNew Hampshire Merrimack Station

Bow New Hampshire


PARAMETER (mgL) 222012


Aluminum 0218

Ammonia 11

Antimony 000155

Arsenic 00121

Barium 0243

Beryllium lt 000300

BOD lt6

Cadmium lt 000100

Chromium (T) lt 000500

COD 140

Copper 000553

Cyanide (T) ltOQl

Fluoride 29

Iron lt 0500

Lead lt 000200

Manganese 0631

Mercury 0000036 Molybdenum 0195

Nitrate 65

Nickel lt 000500

OampG lt 5

pH 74

Selenium 0121

Silver lt 000100

Thallium 000685

Zinc lt00100

Phenolic Compounds lt 05

GZA GeoEnvirorunental Inc 10ZAMANlobs04Jobsl0029300s04002930700WorkSAMPLINO AND REPORTINOIDATA04002930700 RESULTS 020812gtltlsMontb I round 2


ri--middot1 ~middot __~+-j__________- _ a_ -~-~-~-~Y-_i__ _e_ s_t_~-n- - ~_a_1

1 1


Paul Pepler

GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

380 Harvey Road

Manchester NH 03103

Subject Laboratory Report

Eastern Analytical Inc ID 107330

Client Identification Wastewater Analysis - Weekly Date Received 222012

Dear Mr Pepler

Enclosed please find the laboratory report for the above identified project All analyses were performed in accordance with our QAQC Program Unless otherwise stated holding times preservation techniques container types and sample conditions adhered to EPA Protocol Samples which were collected by Eastern Analytical Inc (EAi) were collected in accordance with approved EPA procedures Eastern Analytical Inc certifies that the enclosed test results meet all requirements of NELAP and other applicable state certifications Please refer to our website at wwweailabscom for a copy of our NELAP certificate and accredited parameters

The following standard abbreviations and conventions apply to all EAi reports Solid samples are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted lt less than followed by the reporting limit gt greater than followed by the reporting limit R Recovery

Eastern Analytical Inc maintains certification in the following states Connecticut (PH-0492) Maine (NHOOS) Massachusetts (M-NHOOS) New HampshireNELAP (1012) Rhode Island (269) and Vermont (VT1012)

The following information is contained within this report Sample Conditions summary Analytical ResultsData Quality Control data (if requested) and copies of the Chain of Custody This report may not be reproduced except in full without the the written approval of the laboratory

If you have any questions regarding the results contained within please feel free to directly contact me or the chemist(s) who performed the testing in question Unless otherwise requested we will dispose of the sample(s) 30 days from the sample receipt date

We appreciate this opportunity to be of service and look forward to your continued patronage


21-1 L Date Lorraine Olashaw Lab Director of pages (excluding cover letter)

wwwcailabscom ~ ti middot~


Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Temperature upon receipt degC) 52 Received on Ice or cold packs (YesNo) Y Acceptable temperature range (C) 0-6

Date Date Sample Dry Lab ID Sample ID Received Sampled Matrix Weight ExceptionsComments (other than thermal preservation)

10733001 Effluent Field Blank 2212 2212 aqueous Adheres to Sample Acceptance Policy

10733002 Treat Tank Effluent 2212 2212 aqueous 624 625 and 608 placed on hold then cancelled at customers

Samples were properly preserved and the pH measured when applicable unless otherwise noted Analysis ofsolids for pH Flashpoint lgnitibility Paint Filter Corrosivity Conductivity and Specific Gravity are reported on an middotas received basis

All results contained in this report relate only to the above listed samples References include 1) EPA 6004-79-020 1983 2) Standard Methods for Examination ofWater and Wastewater lnorganics 19th Edition 1995 Microbiology 20th Edition 1998 3) Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste SW 846 3rd Edition including updates VA and IVB 4) Hach Water Analysis Handbook 2nd edition 1992

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525


Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Sample ID

Lab Sample ID


Date Sampled Date Received


Date of ExtractionPrep

Date of Analysis



Dilution Factor

Oil amp Grease (HEM)

Treat Tank Effluent








LAS 1664A



eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525

bull middot



Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly Batch ID 734541-34922A0208120G1661

Parameter Name Blank LCS LCSD Analysis Date Units Limits RPO Method

Oil amp Grease HEM) lt5 36 (91 R) 36 (90 R) (1 RPO) 282012 mgL 78 - 114 18 1664A

Samples were extracted and analyzed within holding time limits Instrumentation was calibrated in accordance with the method requirements The method blanks were free of contamination at the reporting limits Sample surrogate recoveries met the above stated criteria The associated matrix spikes andor Laboratory Control Samples met acceptance criteria There were no exceptions in the analyses unless noted Flagged analyte recoveries deviated from the QNQC limits

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525 3


~ Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Sample ID Treat Tank Effluent

Lab Sample ID 10733002

Matrix aqueous

Date Sampled 2212 Analysis

2212 Units Date Time Method AnalystDate Received

Solids Suspended 6 mgL 20312 1045 25400 DLS Solids Dissolved 19000 mgL 20312 1045 2540C DLS Fluoride 29 mgL 20812 1501 3000 KL Sulfate 1200 mgL 20812 1446 3000 Kl Chloride 9300 mgL 20312 1035 4500CIE OLS Nitrate-N 65 mgL 20312 1032 3532 DLS Cyanide Total lt 001 mgL 20812 930 4500CNE KJR Ammonia-N 11 mgL 20912 900 4500NH30 SEL BOD lt6 mgL 20312 1120 52109 KJR COD 140 mgL 20712 1600 H8000 SKC Total Phenols lt 05 mgL 20812 200 4201 JCC pH 74 SU 20212 1630 4500H+B KJR

Total Phenols The reporting limit has been elevated due to matrix interference

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525 4

QC REPORT EAi ID 107330~ Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Parameter Name Blank LCS LCSD Date of

Units Analysis Limits RPO Method middot-middot-middot-middot~ middot-middot----shySolids Suspended lt2 95 (95 R) 94 (94 R) (1 RPO) mgL 2312 90 - 110 20 25400 Solids Dissolved lt5 990 (99 R) NA mgL 2312 85 -115 20 2540C Fluoride lt 01 20 (99 R) 20 (99 R) (0 RPO) mgL 2812 90 -110 20 3000 Sulfate lt 1 20 (100 R) 20 (101 R) (1 RPO) mgL 28112 90 - 110 20 3000 Chloride lt 1 24 (96 R) 24 (97 R (1 RPO mgL 2312 90 - 110 20 4500CIE Nitrate-N lt 05 4 9 (99 R 49 (98 R) (1 RPO) mgL 23112 90 - 110 20 3532 Cyanide Total lt002 025 (100 R) NA mgL 28112 85 - 115 20 4500CNE Ammonia-N lt 005 22 (109 R) 22 (110 R) (1 RPO) mgL 2912 90 - 110 20 4500NH3DN BOD lt6 420 (104 R 420 (104 R) (0 RPO) mgL 2312 84 - 115 20 52106 COD lt 10 100 (103 R) 100 (101 R) (2 RPO) mgL 27112 85 - 115 20 H8000 Total Phenols lt 005 022 (87 R) 022 (89 R) (2 RPO) mgL 2812 85 - 115 20 4201 pH 605 (101 R) 607 (101 R) (0 RPO) SU 2212 595 - 607 10 4500H+B

Samples were analyzed within holding times unless noted on the sample results page Instrumentation was calibrated in accordance with the method requirements The method blanks were free of contamination at the reporting limits The associated matrix spikes andor Laboratory Control Samples met the above stated criteria Exceptions to the above statements are flagged or noted above or on the QC Narrative page bullf Flagged analyte recoveries deviated from the QAQC limits

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525 5

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


15 February 2012


Eastern Analytical Inc

25 Chenell Drive

Concord NH 0330 I

RE Merrimack Station

Enclosed are the analytical results for samples received by Frontier Global Sciences All quality control

measurements are within established control limits and there were no analytical difficulties encountered with the exception of those listed in the case narrative section of this report

Ifyou have any questions concerning this report please feel free to contact me


Liz Siska

Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~


Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Laboratory Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Client Eastern Analytical Inc


Project Merrimack Station

Sample ID Lab ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received

C-3015 Effluent Field Blank 1202063-01 Water 02-Feb-12 0847 03-Feb-12 0930

Treat Tank Effluent 1202063-02 Water 02-Feb-12 0915 03-Feb-12 0930

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this ~port only apply to the samples analyzed inaccordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Pagel o23 1202063 Final Report 0211512012


414 Pontius Ave North

Seattle WA 98109 Pb 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Samples were received at Frontier Global Sciences (FGS) on February 3rd 2012 The samples were received intact on-ice with temperatures measured at 106 degrees Celsius


Samples were prepared and analyzed for total metals in accordance with EPA Method 2008 (modified)

Samples were prepared and analyzed for total mercury in accordance with EPAMethod 163 lE


Liquid spikes were prepared for every preparation as a measure ofaccuracy All liquid spikes and certified reference material were within the control limits

As an additional measure ofthe accuracy ofthe methods utilized for analysis and to check for matrix interference matrix spikes (MS) and matrix spike duplicates (MSD) were digested and analyzed All ofthe matrix spike recoveries were within the control limits with the exception of any QC flagged and described in the notes and definitions section ofthe following report

A reasonable measure ofthe precision ofthe analytical methods utilized for analysis is the relative percent difference (RPO) between matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate recoveries and between laboratory control sample and laboratory control sample duplicate recoveries All of the relative percent differences were within the control limits with the exception of any QC flagged and described in the notes and definitions section ofthe following report

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in tltis report only apply 10 the samples analyzed In accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page 2of2J 1202063 Fial Report 02115202


h~O26C~ Chain ofCusfody Record amp Laboratory Analysis Request 111 lon 107330 gt9 Air Water Sediments Plant and Animal Tissue --middot - - middot SCI

F~x 2C-622-6670H d b amp 0 th S middot FRONT I EK Y rocar on er ampes ~ C t C 9 Al s CI 6 fl CE s aoc middot of I 12 ) 2 tc =s httpv-wfomtlr(Scom

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Sample Dlsposzl CJ Renr (sb ippins fleS may aply) Cl Standard Oi~microCgtSnl shy 30 D~ys atter report 0 Retain foshy middot- middot weelltS after re~rt (storage fees rT3Y apply)

By ~IQnifIII you d=lare tlgt~t you agret viti FGS tcms ~nd rondllons and tba you atltthorie FGS to perfonr tne specified analyses

Custonier Approval bull Dale

The results in this report only applyUJ the samples analyzedin acconJa_nce with_ theFrontierGlobal Sciences Inc chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report mwt be reproduced in Its entirety


Page3of23 J202063 Final Report 02)512012

Liz SiskaProject Manager 9

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870~


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414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



C-3015 Effluent Field Blank

Matrix Water Laboratory ID 1202063-01

Analyte Result MDL MRL Units Dilution Batch Sequence Analyud Method Notes

Aluminum ND OA 40 microgL 1 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Antimony ND 0005 0 020 microgL 1 F202053 2813005 021212 EPA2008 Mod u Arsenic ND 005 015 microgL 1 F202053 2BI3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Bariu111 ND 003 020 microgL 1 F202053 2813005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Beryllium ND 0023 0060 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Cadmium ND 0004 0020 microgL F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Chromium ND 0009 010 microgL F202053 2813005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Copper ND 001 010 microgL I F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Iron ND 13 100 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Lead ND 0004 0040 microgL l F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Manganese 012 0007 010 microgL 1 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod

Mercury ND 008 050 ngL 1 F202057 2B06014 020612 EPA 1631E u Molybdenum ND 0006 006 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Nickel ND 0008 010 microgL F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Selenium ND 019 060 microgL 1 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Silver ND 0006 0020 microgL 1 F202159 2B15016 021512 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 U

Thalyum ND 0001 0005 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod QB-02 U

Zinc ND ooz 020 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl5001 021412 EPA2008 Mod u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproductd in its entirety

Page5of23 1201063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 11


414 Pontius Ave North ~ Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ CLOBAL SCIENCES

Fx 206-622-6870


Treat Tank Effluent

Matrix Water Laboratory ID 1202o~H2

Analyte Result MDL MRL Units Dilution Batch Sequence Analyzed Method Notes

Aluminum 218 222 200 microgL 50 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA2008Mod Antimony 155 0230 100 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA2008Mod

Arsenic 121 255 750 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Barium 243 135 100 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Beryllium ND 114 300 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Cadmium ND 0208 100 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Chromium ND 045 500 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Copper 553 050 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Iron ND 650 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Lead ND 0195 200 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Manganese 631 037 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA2008 Mod Mercury 360 084 505 ngL 10 F202057 2B06014 020612 EPA 163IE Molybdenum 195 030 300 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel ND 040 500 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Selenium 121 969 300 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA2008Mod Silver ND 0300 LOO microgL 50 F202159 2B 15016 021512 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 U

Thallium 685 0056 0250 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod QB-01 Zinc ND 082 100 microgL somiddot F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply 10 the samples analyzed In accordJJncc with the chain ofcustody documenJ This onolyticol report must ~ reproduced In its en1ire1y

Poga 6of2J 1201063 Final ampport 01JS202

Liz Siska Project Manager 12

I 414 Pontius Ave North

Seattle WA 98109~ Ph 206-622-6960 FRONTIER- Fx 206-622-6870 cLoaAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 1B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-DUP1

Sample Duplicate Concentration Concentration RPD

Analyte ngL ngL MRL RPD Limit Method Notes

Mercury 3603 3621 505 0482 24 EPA 163IE

Fror tier Global Sciences Inc Tlte results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in Its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page 7of13 1102063 Final Report 01151011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Dige~tion Lab Number l202053-MSMSDI


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (microgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Beryllium ND 20200 2062 102 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 2177 15150 355l 907 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 205 70700 947 105 70 - 130 middot EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 6311 60600 6110 -331 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron ND 50500 4743 939 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 325 40400 758 107 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 553 40400 939 957 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 099 10100 1268 116 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Arsenic 1206 15150 2453 823 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 1213 30300 1452 791 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Molybltlenum 1952 20200 1925 -135 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmium 0623 080800 1437 IOI 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 1549 080800 2358 100 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Barium 2433 10100 2514 793 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Thallium 6848 040400 7126 689 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod QB-01 Lead ND 15150 1334 880 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPO

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20200 2025 100 l80 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 15150 3386 798 477 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 70700 909 996 412 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 60600 6122 -311 0200 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron 50500 4648 920 203 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 40400 813 121 706 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 40400 935 948 0415 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 10100 1013 904 224 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QR-08 Arsenic 15150 2577 905 492 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 30300 1399 614 376 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Molybdenum 20200 1909 -213 0823 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmiwn 080800 1230 752 155 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 080800 2316 950 177 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in 1his report only apply to tire samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcuslOdy docume11L This a11alytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

~-~~ Page 8of2J l 20206J Final Report

021512012 Liz Siska Project Manager


I 414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSMSD1


Spike Added (JlgL)

MSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 10100 2506 717 0305 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040400 6963 286 231 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 QB-01

Lead 15150 l403 926 509 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onlyapply to the samples analred in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced fn its entirety

Page 9of23 I202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 15

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B130Q5

Preparation Clo~~d Ve~~el Nitric Qven QigestiQn Lab Number f20205J-MSMSD3


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (JtgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Method Limits Notes

Beryllium ND 50500 4291 850 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Aluminum 2177 10100 9206 890 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Chromium 205 10100 1006 994 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS

Manganese 6311 IOl00 1582 942 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Iron ND 50500 4849 960 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Nickel 325 12625 1190 940 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Copper 553 12625 1149 906 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Zinc 099 25250 2401 950 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Arsenic 1206 10100 1050 103 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Selenium 1213 10100 1168 104 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Molybdenum 1952 50500 6851 970 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Cadmium 0623 10100 9695 954 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Antimony 1549 50500 5084 976 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Barium 2433 20200 2379 106 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thallium 6848 50500 5306 915 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS QB-01

Lead ND 25250 2205 873 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





Recovery Limits

RPDLimit Method Notes

Beryllium 50500 4337 859 108 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Aluminum 10100 9221 89l 0164 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Chromium 10100 9902 978 159 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Manganese 10100 1562 922 l27 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Iron 50500 4775 946 l53 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Nickel 12625 1197 946 0613 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Copper 12625 1129 890 179 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Zinc 25250 2399 950 00456 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Arsenic 10100 1013 992 357 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Selenium 10100 1151 102 149 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Molybdenum 50500 6848 970 00426 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Cadmium 10100 1004 987 345 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Antimony 50500 5111 98l 0531 70 - 130 20 EPA2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in rhls rtporl 011y apply 10 the samples anayrd i11 accordtmce with the chain ofcustodydocumtmL This analytical report mus bt nproducedin its entirety

~-~ Page Oo23 1202063 Final Report 02S2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 16

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSJMSD3 I


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





RPD Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 20200 2377 106 0106 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thalium 50500 5345 923 0720 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod ASQB-01

Lead 25250 2198 870 0315 7-0 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The lfl$Ws in this report onlyapply to the samplesOIUllyzed 11 accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page Ji of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 17

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98 l09

i Ph 206-622-6960 ~ ) Fx 206-622-6870 GIOBAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCJ Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD1

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method NotesLimits

Mercury 3603 10200 1409 103 71 - 125 EPA 1631pound

Spike MSD MSD Oo Recovery Added Concentration RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Notes Analyte

Mercury 10200 1410 103 00816 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The nsulis In thls rtporr only apply to the sampfuanalyud In accordana with the chain ofcustody documenL This analytical nportmust be reproducd in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Pagt J1of1J 1101063 Final Report 01152011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202035-02RE1

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration oo Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method Notes Limits

Mercury 3897 10200 1440 103 71 - 125 EPA I631E

Spike MSD MSD oo Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Notes (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Analyte

Mercury 10200 1445 103 0394 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 13of23 J202063 Final Report 0211512012

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager 19

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ J

~ - Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number f202159-MStMSDl

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration RecoveryAnalyte (JlgL) (microgL) 1tgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 15150 1891 125 70- 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Notes

Silver l5150 2021 133 664 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-07

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in its enlirety

Page Ua23 J202063 Final Report 021512012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Oo RecoveryAnalyte (microgL) (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 50500 4554 902 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

(microgL) RPO Limits (microgL) Recovery Limit Method NotesAnalyte

Silver 50500 4621 915 146 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz ~iska Project Manager

Page 15 o23 I202063 Final Report 0252012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 bullmiddot ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation ~losed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBS01

LCS Source Blank S~ike

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1891 945 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1430 953 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 644 920 85 ll5 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 511 962 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4547 909 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 402 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 418 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 1025 103 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1425 950 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2936 979 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Molybdenum 20000 182 910 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0828 103 middot 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0800 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 999 999 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0420 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead l5000 l552 103 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod






Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1863 93l 150 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1375 917 391 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 629 899 239 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 558 930 337 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4359 872 422 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 371 929 779 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 403 101 375 85 -115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 989 989 359 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1345 897 577 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2920 973 0548 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc Tht resulu In this report only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance wi1h the chain ofcustody documtnL This analytical rrport must be rrproduad in its entirety

~__J~ Pagt J6of23 202063 Final Rtpon 02JS2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 22

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960

~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOSAl SCIENCES



Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike Dup

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (pgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Molybdenum 20000 177 883 303 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0794 992 416 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0784 980 205 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 982 982 177 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0407 102 298 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead 15000 1535 102 106 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this reporr only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody docwnent This analytical report must be reproduced In its tnlirety

Page 17of3 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 23

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-BSBSD1

LCS Source LCS

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Limits Method Notes Mercury 15679 1577 101 80 - 120 EPA l63IE

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (ogL) (ogL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes Mercury 15679 1605 102 176 ampO - 120 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in zhis report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 8013 I202063 Fi11alReport 02151202


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202159 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike


Spike Added microgL)

LCS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Silver l5000 2156 144 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12


Spike Added (microgL)

LCSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RJgtD Limit Method Notes

Silver 15000 2141 143 0706 85 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 shy

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to zhe samples analyzed in accordance with rhe chain ofcustodydocument This analyticalreporl mus be reproduced in its entirety

Page 19of23 J102063 Final Report 02152011

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



Instrument Hg-16 Sequence 2B060I4

Preparation BrCI Oxidation

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202057-BLK1 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I63IE u F202057-BLK2 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I631E u F202057-BLK3 Mercury 005 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE u F202057-BLK4 Mercury 010 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE QB-04 U

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onl)I apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical rtporl must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 20of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North -Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOBAL- SCIENCES


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202053-BLK1 Beryllium 0005 0060 microgL F202053 SPA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Aluminum -004 40 microgL F202053 -PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Chromium -002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Manganese -0002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLKI Iron -03 100 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Nickel -003 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Copper 0008 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Zinc 010 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Arsenic -007 015 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Selenium -002 060 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Molybdenum OQl 006 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK I Cadmium 0005 0020 microgL F202053 3PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Antimony 0019 0020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Barium 0005 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Thallium 0028 0005 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc QB-10 F202053-BLK1 Lead 0004 0040 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed iTJ accordance wizh the chain ofcustody docrmienl This analyticalreport musl be ltproductd in its entirety

Page2J o23 J202063 Final Rtport 021)52012

Liz Siska Project Manager



414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202159-BLK1 Silver 00006 0020 microgL F202159 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced In its enlirgtty

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page22of3 J202063 Final Report 02152012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 bull ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Notes and Definitions U Analyte included in the analysis but not detected

QR-08 The RPD value for the MSMSD was outside ofacceptance limits Batch QC acceptable based on matrix duplicate andor LCSLCSD RPD values within control limits

QM-12 Initial or continuing calibration verification andor blank spikeblank spike duplicate recoveries above upper control limits All reported sample concentrations were below the reporting limit

QM-07 The spike recovery was outside control limits for the MS andor MSD The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QM-02 The MS andor MSD recoveries outside acceptance limits due to spike concentration less than I times the sample concentration The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QB-10 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL Only report sample results greater than 10 times the contamination value (QB-01 ) or samples less than the MRL (QB-02)

QB-04 The blank was preserved to 2 BrCl rather than 1 The control limit for blanks preserved to greater than 1 BrCI is the preservation percentage multiplied by the MRL

QB-02 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the sample concentrations are Jess than the MRL

QB-0 l The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the blank concentration(s) are Jess than 10 ofthe sample result

AS This MS andor MSD is an analytical spike andor an analytical spike duplicate

DET Analyte Detected

MDL Minimum Detection Limit

lv1RL Minimum Reporting Limit

ND Analyte Not Detected at or above the reporting limit

wet Sample results reported on a wet weight basis

dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis

RPD Relative Percent Difference

RSD Relative Standard Deviation

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be middoteproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

P~ge 23 o23 J202063 Final Report 02115120]2


107330middotJJlilI eastern analytical inc CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 0

professional laboratory seNlces GZANH (I)

DateTime Composites need start andstop datestimesSample IDs Matrix Parameters and Sample Notes of containers

Effluent Field Blank AqToUSWLLMetalsSub2z2b12 aqueous c=rcompS 17

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered LB Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate Circle_preservatives HCL HNO HSO NaOH MEOH Nasp~ Treat Tank Effluent I 122 o12 AqToVSWLLMetalsSubBODCODCyanTFN030G1664S04TDSTSSN624Afe6i6TPhenolsE606PGBfNH3ClpH

aqueous ~ fjYorComp9 5

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered L0 Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate fircle preservativels1ED HNO W)~ MEOH Naso ~

Please ensure this auto COC is accurate adheres to permit orsampling requirements for this sampling event and modify as necessary EAi Project ID 3902

Project Name Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

State NH

Client (Pro Mgr) Paul Pepler

Customer GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Address 380 Harvey Road

City Manchester NH 03103

Phone 623-3600 Fax 624-9463 (37)

EmaiAddress paulpeplergzacom

Results Needed by Preferred date----shy

Notes about project (ie Special Limits Billing info if different)

Subcontract ALL metals to Frontier Global Sciences Metals include Total AlSbAsBaBeCdCrCuFePbMnHgMoNlSeAgTI Zn Metals analyses require project-specific MSMSD

eczgt~ ~ 6Jy JSeog a1ct7so p~r (c4

QC deliverables

lll D A+ 18(s O B+ 0 C D PC

ReportlngOptlons o~151=JSi_ 181HC PONumber ~ 181 EDD PDF

Quote No to~C1f+C181 EDD email 181 PDF prelim NO FAX Temperature S- d-- degC D e-mail Login Confirmation

Ice present Yes IZfNo DONO FAX

Relinquished by DateTime Received by

Eastern Analytical Inc 25 Chanell Dr Concord NH 03301 Phone (603)228-0525 1-800-287-0525 Fax (603)228-4591


Public Service ofNew Hampshire - Merrimack Station Waste Disposal Agreement No WDA-001

Issued October 1 201 1 Expires September 30 2012

Permitted Flow 70000 gallons per day


Daily Flow Rate 16038 gallons (average) Monitoring Period Flow 128307 gallons (12712 - 20312)

_____________ _

FACILITY INFORMATION Company Name Public Service Company ofNew Hampshire - Merrimack Station

Company Owner Public Service Company ofNew Hampshire Facility Address _9_7_Ri_middotv-_e_r_R_o_ad_____ ____________ Facility Contact _H_a_ro_ld_ K_ey_es_________________

Telephone (603) 224-4081


____Submittal Date 2172012 Monitoring Point End oftreatment process Reporting PeriodFirstM---on-th_____ _ _ _ _ ________

SAMPLE ANALYSIS Certified Analytical Laboratory Eastern Analytical Inc (EAi) Certification Number 1012

Authorized Representative Lorraine Olashaw Analytical Subcrontractor Frontier Global Sciences Certification Number E87575

SAMPLE COLLECTION Sampler Jeff Gagne (EAi)

Sample Type-Grab shy~ -------- shySample Date 222012 Sampie Time 900 AM

pH 74

CATEGORICAL PRETREATMENT STANDARDS 40 CFR 42316 Steam Electric Power Generating Category NOTE There are no numerical pretreatment standards for this source


I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with asystem designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the

information submitted Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information the information submitted is to the best of my knowledge and belief true accurate and complete I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information including

the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations

Harold Keyes Station Manager Title



Public Service Company ofNew Hampshire Merrimack Station

Bow New Hampshire


PARAMETER (mgL) 222012


Aluminum 0218

Ammonia 11

Antimony 000155

Arsenic 00121

Barium 0243

Beryllium lt 000300

BOD lt6

Cadmium lt 000100

Chromium (T) lt 000500

COD 140

Copper 000553

Cyanide (T) ltOQl

Fluoride 29

Iron lt 0500

Lead lt 000200

Manganese 0631

Mercury 0000036 Molybdenum 0195

Nitrate 65

Nickel lt 000500

OampG lt 5

pH 74

Selenium 0121

Silver lt 000100

Thallium 000685

Zinc lt00100

Phenolic Compounds lt 05

GZA GeoEnvirorunental Inc 10ZAMANlobs04Jobsl0029300s04002930700WorkSAMPLINO AND REPORTINOIDATA04002930700 RESULTS 020812gtltlsMontb I round 2


ri--middot1 ~middot __~+-j__________- _ a_ -~-~-~-~Y-_i__ _e_ s_t_~-n- - ~_a_1

1 1


Paul Pepler

GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

380 Harvey Road

Manchester NH 03103

Subject Laboratory Report

Eastern Analytical Inc ID 107330

Client Identification Wastewater Analysis - Weekly Date Received 222012

Dear Mr Pepler

Enclosed please find the laboratory report for the above identified project All analyses were performed in accordance with our QAQC Program Unless otherwise stated holding times preservation techniques container types and sample conditions adhered to EPA Protocol Samples which were collected by Eastern Analytical Inc (EAi) were collected in accordance with approved EPA procedures Eastern Analytical Inc certifies that the enclosed test results meet all requirements of NELAP and other applicable state certifications Please refer to our website at wwweailabscom for a copy of our NELAP certificate and accredited parameters

The following standard abbreviations and conventions apply to all EAi reports Solid samples are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted lt less than followed by the reporting limit gt greater than followed by the reporting limit R Recovery

Eastern Analytical Inc maintains certification in the following states Connecticut (PH-0492) Maine (NHOOS) Massachusetts (M-NHOOS) New HampshireNELAP (1012) Rhode Island (269) and Vermont (VT1012)

The following information is contained within this report Sample Conditions summary Analytical ResultsData Quality Control data (if requested) and copies of the Chain of Custody This report may not be reproduced except in full without the the written approval of the laboratory

If you have any questions regarding the results contained within please feel free to directly contact me or the chemist(s) who performed the testing in question Unless otherwise requested we will dispose of the sample(s) 30 days from the sample receipt date

We appreciate this opportunity to be of service and look forward to your continued patronage


21-1 L Date Lorraine Olashaw Lab Director of pages (excluding cover letter)

wwwcailabscom ~ ti middot~


Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Temperature upon receipt degC) 52 Received on Ice or cold packs (YesNo) Y Acceptable temperature range (C) 0-6

Date Date Sample Dry Lab ID Sample ID Received Sampled Matrix Weight ExceptionsComments (other than thermal preservation)

10733001 Effluent Field Blank 2212 2212 aqueous Adheres to Sample Acceptance Policy

10733002 Treat Tank Effluent 2212 2212 aqueous 624 625 and 608 placed on hold then cancelled at customers

Samples were properly preserved and the pH measured when applicable unless otherwise noted Analysis ofsolids for pH Flashpoint lgnitibility Paint Filter Corrosivity Conductivity and Specific Gravity are reported on an middotas received basis

All results contained in this report relate only to the above listed samples References include 1) EPA 6004-79-020 1983 2) Standard Methods for Examination ofWater and Wastewater lnorganics 19th Edition 1995 Microbiology 20th Edition 1998 3) Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste SW 846 3rd Edition including updates VA and IVB 4) Hach Water Analysis Handbook 2nd edition 1992

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525


Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Sample ID

Lab Sample ID


Date Sampled Date Received


Date of ExtractionPrep

Date of Analysis



Dilution Factor

Oil amp Grease (HEM)

Treat Tank Effluent








LAS 1664A



eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525

bull middot



Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly Batch ID 734541-34922A0208120G1661

Parameter Name Blank LCS LCSD Analysis Date Units Limits RPO Method

Oil amp Grease HEM) lt5 36 (91 R) 36 (90 R) (1 RPO) 282012 mgL 78 - 114 18 1664A

Samples were extracted and analyzed within holding time limits Instrumentation was calibrated in accordance with the method requirements The method blanks were free of contamination at the reporting limits Sample surrogate recoveries met the above stated criteria The associated matrix spikes andor Laboratory Control Samples met acceptance criteria There were no exceptions in the analyses unless noted Flagged analyte recoveries deviated from the QNQC limits

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525 3


~ Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Sample ID Treat Tank Effluent

Lab Sample ID 10733002

Matrix aqueous

Date Sampled 2212 Analysis

2212 Units Date Time Method AnalystDate Received

Solids Suspended 6 mgL 20312 1045 25400 DLS Solids Dissolved 19000 mgL 20312 1045 2540C DLS Fluoride 29 mgL 20812 1501 3000 KL Sulfate 1200 mgL 20812 1446 3000 Kl Chloride 9300 mgL 20312 1035 4500CIE OLS Nitrate-N 65 mgL 20312 1032 3532 DLS Cyanide Total lt 001 mgL 20812 930 4500CNE KJR Ammonia-N 11 mgL 20912 900 4500NH30 SEL BOD lt6 mgL 20312 1120 52109 KJR COD 140 mgL 20712 1600 H8000 SKC Total Phenols lt 05 mgL 20812 200 4201 JCC pH 74 SU 20212 1630 4500H+B KJR

Total Phenols The reporting limit has been elevated due to matrix interference

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525 4

QC REPORT EAi ID 107330~ Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Parameter Name Blank LCS LCSD Date of

Units Analysis Limits RPO Method middot-middot-middot-middot~ middot-middot----shySolids Suspended lt2 95 (95 R) 94 (94 R) (1 RPO) mgL 2312 90 - 110 20 25400 Solids Dissolved lt5 990 (99 R) NA mgL 2312 85 -115 20 2540C Fluoride lt 01 20 (99 R) 20 (99 R) (0 RPO) mgL 2812 90 -110 20 3000 Sulfate lt 1 20 (100 R) 20 (101 R) (1 RPO) mgL 28112 90 - 110 20 3000 Chloride lt 1 24 (96 R) 24 (97 R (1 RPO mgL 2312 90 - 110 20 4500CIE Nitrate-N lt 05 4 9 (99 R 49 (98 R) (1 RPO) mgL 23112 90 - 110 20 3532 Cyanide Total lt002 025 (100 R) NA mgL 28112 85 - 115 20 4500CNE Ammonia-N lt 005 22 (109 R) 22 (110 R) (1 RPO) mgL 2912 90 - 110 20 4500NH3DN BOD lt6 420 (104 R 420 (104 R) (0 RPO) mgL 2312 84 - 115 20 52106 COD lt 10 100 (103 R) 100 (101 R) (2 RPO) mgL 27112 85 - 115 20 H8000 Total Phenols lt 005 022 (87 R) 022 (89 R) (2 RPO) mgL 2812 85 - 115 20 4201 pH 605 (101 R) 607 (101 R) (0 RPO) SU 2212 595 - 607 10 4500H+B

Samples were analyzed within holding times unless noted on the sample results page Instrumentation was calibrated in accordance with the method requirements The method blanks were free of contamination at the reporting limits The associated matrix spikes andor Laboratory Control Samples met the above stated criteria Exceptions to the above statements are flagged or noted above or on the QC Narrative page bullf Flagged analyte recoveries deviated from the QAQC limits

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525 5

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


15 February 2012


Eastern Analytical Inc

25 Chenell Drive

Concord NH 0330 I

RE Merrimack Station

Enclosed are the analytical results for samples received by Frontier Global Sciences All quality control

measurements are within established control limits and there were no analytical difficulties encountered with the exception of those listed in the case narrative section of this report

Ifyou have any questions concerning this report please feel free to contact me


Liz Siska

Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~


Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Laboratory Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Client Eastern Analytical Inc


Project Merrimack Station

Sample ID Lab ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received

C-3015 Effluent Field Blank 1202063-01 Water 02-Feb-12 0847 03-Feb-12 0930

Treat Tank Effluent 1202063-02 Water 02-Feb-12 0915 03-Feb-12 0930

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this ~port only apply to the samples analyzed inaccordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Pagel o23 1202063 Final Report 0211512012


414 Pontius Ave North

Seattle WA 98109 Pb 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Samples were received at Frontier Global Sciences (FGS) on February 3rd 2012 The samples were received intact on-ice with temperatures measured at 106 degrees Celsius


Samples were prepared and analyzed for total metals in accordance with EPA Method 2008 (modified)

Samples were prepared and analyzed for total mercury in accordance with EPAMethod 163 lE


Liquid spikes were prepared for every preparation as a measure ofaccuracy All liquid spikes and certified reference material were within the control limits

As an additional measure ofthe accuracy ofthe methods utilized for analysis and to check for matrix interference matrix spikes (MS) and matrix spike duplicates (MSD) were digested and analyzed All ofthe matrix spike recoveries were within the control limits with the exception of any QC flagged and described in the notes and definitions section ofthe following report

A reasonable measure ofthe precision ofthe analytical methods utilized for analysis is the relative percent difference (RPO) between matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate recoveries and between laboratory control sample and laboratory control sample duplicate recoveries All of the relative percent differences were within the control limits with the exception of any QC flagged and described in the notes and definitions section ofthe following report

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in tltis report only apply 10 the samples analyzed In accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page 2of2J 1202063 Fial Report 02115202


h~O26C~ Chain ofCusfody Record amp Laboratory Analysis Request 111 lon 107330 gt9 Air Water Sediments Plant and Animal Tissue --middot - - middot SCI

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By ~IQnifIII you d=lare tlgt~t you agret viti FGS tcms ~nd rondllons and tba you atltthorie FGS to perfonr tne specified analyses

Custonier Approval bull Dale

The results in this report only applyUJ the samples analyzedin acconJa_nce with_ theFrontierGlobal Sciences Inc chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report mwt be reproduced in Its entirety


Page3of23 J202063 Final Report 02)512012

Liz SiskaProject Manager 9

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870~


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414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



C-3015 Effluent Field Blank

Matrix Water Laboratory ID 1202063-01

Analyte Result MDL MRL Units Dilution Batch Sequence Analyud Method Notes

Aluminum ND OA 40 microgL 1 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Antimony ND 0005 0 020 microgL 1 F202053 2813005 021212 EPA2008 Mod u Arsenic ND 005 015 microgL 1 F202053 2BI3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Bariu111 ND 003 020 microgL 1 F202053 2813005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Beryllium ND 0023 0060 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Cadmium ND 0004 0020 microgL F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Chromium ND 0009 010 microgL F202053 2813005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Copper ND 001 010 microgL I F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Iron ND 13 100 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Lead ND 0004 0040 microgL l F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Manganese 012 0007 010 microgL 1 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod

Mercury ND 008 050 ngL 1 F202057 2B06014 020612 EPA 1631E u Molybdenum ND 0006 006 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Nickel ND 0008 010 microgL F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Selenium ND 019 060 microgL 1 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Silver ND 0006 0020 microgL 1 F202159 2B15016 021512 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 U

Thalyum ND 0001 0005 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod QB-02 U

Zinc ND ooz 020 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl5001 021412 EPA2008 Mod u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproductd in its entirety

Page5of23 1201063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 11


414 Pontius Ave North ~ Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ CLOBAL SCIENCES

Fx 206-622-6870


Treat Tank Effluent

Matrix Water Laboratory ID 1202o~H2

Analyte Result MDL MRL Units Dilution Batch Sequence Analyzed Method Notes

Aluminum 218 222 200 microgL 50 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA2008Mod Antimony 155 0230 100 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA2008Mod

Arsenic 121 255 750 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Barium 243 135 100 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Beryllium ND 114 300 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Cadmium ND 0208 100 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Chromium ND 045 500 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Copper 553 050 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Iron ND 650 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Lead ND 0195 200 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Manganese 631 037 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA2008 Mod Mercury 360 084 505 ngL 10 F202057 2B06014 020612 EPA 163IE Molybdenum 195 030 300 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel ND 040 500 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Selenium 121 969 300 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA2008Mod Silver ND 0300 LOO microgL 50 F202159 2B 15016 021512 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 U

Thallium 685 0056 0250 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod QB-01 Zinc ND 082 100 microgL somiddot F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply 10 the samples analyzed In accordJJncc with the chain ofcustody documenJ This onolyticol report must ~ reproduced In its en1ire1y

Poga 6of2J 1201063 Final ampport 01JS202

Liz Siska Project Manager 12

I 414 Pontius Ave North

Seattle WA 98109~ Ph 206-622-6960 FRONTIER- Fx 206-622-6870 cLoaAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 1B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-DUP1

Sample Duplicate Concentration Concentration RPD

Analyte ngL ngL MRL RPD Limit Method Notes

Mercury 3603 3621 505 0482 24 EPA 163IE

Fror tier Global Sciences Inc Tlte results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in Its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page 7of13 1102063 Final Report 01151011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Dige~tion Lab Number l202053-MSMSDI


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (microgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Beryllium ND 20200 2062 102 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 2177 15150 355l 907 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 205 70700 947 105 70 - 130 middot EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 6311 60600 6110 -331 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron ND 50500 4743 939 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 325 40400 758 107 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 553 40400 939 957 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 099 10100 1268 116 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Arsenic 1206 15150 2453 823 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 1213 30300 1452 791 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Molybltlenum 1952 20200 1925 -135 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmium 0623 080800 1437 IOI 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 1549 080800 2358 100 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Barium 2433 10100 2514 793 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Thallium 6848 040400 7126 689 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod QB-01 Lead ND 15150 1334 880 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPO

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20200 2025 100 l80 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 15150 3386 798 477 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 70700 909 996 412 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 60600 6122 -311 0200 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron 50500 4648 920 203 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 40400 813 121 706 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 40400 935 948 0415 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 10100 1013 904 224 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QR-08 Arsenic 15150 2577 905 492 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 30300 1399 614 376 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Molybdenum 20200 1909 -213 0823 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmiwn 080800 1230 752 155 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 080800 2316 950 177 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in 1his report only apply to tire samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcuslOdy docume11L This a11alytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

~-~~ Page 8of2J l 20206J Final Report

021512012 Liz Siska Project Manager


I 414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSMSD1


Spike Added (JlgL)

MSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 10100 2506 717 0305 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040400 6963 286 231 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 QB-01

Lead 15150 l403 926 509 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onlyapply to the samples analred in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced fn its entirety

Page 9of23 I202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 15

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B130Q5

Preparation Clo~~d Ve~~el Nitric Qven QigestiQn Lab Number f20205J-MSMSD3


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (JtgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Method Limits Notes

Beryllium ND 50500 4291 850 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Aluminum 2177 10100 9206 890 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Chromium 205 10100 1006 994 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS

Manganese 6311 IOl00 1582 942 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Iron ND 50500 4849 960 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Nickel 325 12625 1190 940 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Copper 553 12625 1149 906 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Zinc 099 25250 2401 950 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Arsenic 1206 10100 1050 103 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Selenium 1213 10100 1168 104 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Molybdenum 1952 50500 6851 970 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Cadmium 0623 10100 9695 954 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Antimony 1549 50500 5084 976 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Barium 2433 20200 2379 106 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thallium 6848 50500 5306 915 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS QB-01

Lead ND 25250 2205 873 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





Recovery Limits

RPDLimit Method Notes

Beryllium 50500 4337 859 108 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Aluminum 10100 9221 89l 0164 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Chromium 10100 9902 978 159 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Manganese 10100 1562 922 l27 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Iron 50500 4775 946 l53 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Nickel 12625 1197 946 0613 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Copper 12625 1129 890 179 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Zinc 25250 2399 950 00456 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Arsenic 10100 1013 992 357 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Selenium 10100 1151 102 149 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Molybdenum 50500 6848 970 00426 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Cadmium 10100 1004 987 345 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Antimony 50500 5111 98l 0531 70 - 130 20 EPA2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in rhls rtporl 011y apply 10 the samples anayrd i11 accordtmce with the chain ofcustodydocumtmL This analytical report mus bt nproducedin its entirety

~-~ Page Oo23 1202063 Final Report 02S2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 16

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSJMSD3 I


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





RPD Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 20200 2377 106 0106 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thalium 50500 5345 923 0720 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod ASQB-01

Lead 25250 2198 870 0315 7-0 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The lfl$Ws in this report onlyapply to the samplesOIUllyzed 11 accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page Ji of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 17

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98 l09

i Ph 206-622-6960 ~ ) Fx 206-622-6870 GIOBAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCJ Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD1

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method NotesLimits

Mercury 3603 10200 1409 103 71 - 125 EPA 1631pound

Spike MSD MSD Oo Recovery Added Concentration RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Notes Analyte

Mercury 10200 1410 103 00816 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The nsulis In thls rtporr only apply to the sampfuanalyud In accordana with the chain ofcustody documenL This analytical nportmust be reproducd in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Pagt J1of1J 1101063 Final Report 01152011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202035-02RE1

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration oo Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method Notes Limits

Mercury 3897 10200 1440 103 71 - 125 EPA I631E

Spike MSD MSD oo Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Notes (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Analyte

Mercury 10200 1445 103 0394 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 13of23 J202063 Final Report 0211512012

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager 19

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ J

~ - Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number f202159-MStMSDl

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration RecoveryAnalyte (JlgL) (microgL) 1tgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 15150 1891 125 70- 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Notes

Silver l5150 2021 133 664 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-07

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in its enlirety

Page Ua23 J202063 Final Report 021512012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Oo RecoveryAnalyte (microgL) (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 50500 4554 902 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

(microgL) RPO Limits (microgL) Recovery Limit Method NotesAnalyte

Silver 50500 4621 915 146 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz ~iska Project Manager

Page 15 o23 I202063 Final Report 0252012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 bullmiddot ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation ~losed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBS01

LCS Source Blank S~ike

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1891 945 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1430 953 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 644 920 85 ll5 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 511 962 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4547 909 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 402 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 418 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 1025 103 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1425 950 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2936 979 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Molybdenum 20000 182 910 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0828 103 middot 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0800 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 999 999 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0420 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead l5000 l552 103 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod






Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1863 93l 150 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1375 917 391 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 629 899 239 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 558 930 337 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4359 872 422 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 371 929 779 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 403 101 375 85 -115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 989 989 359 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1345 897 577 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2920 973 0548 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc Tht resulu In this report only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance wi1h the chain ofcustody documtnL This analytical rrport must be rrproduad in its entirety

~__J~ Pagt J6of23 202063 Final Rtpon 02JS2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 22

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960

~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOSAl SCIENCES



Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike Dup

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (pgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Molybdenum 20000 177 883 303 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0794 992 416 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0784 980 205 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 982 982 177 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0407 102 298 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead 15000 1535 102 106 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this reporr only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody docwnent This analytical report must be reproduced In its tnlirety

Page 17of3 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 23

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-BSBSD1

LCS Source LCS

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Limits Method Notes Mercury 15679 1577 101 80 - 120 EPA l63IE

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (ogL) (ogL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes Mercury 15679 1605 102 176 ampO - 120 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in zhis report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 8013 I202063 Fi11alReport 02151202


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202159 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike


Spike Added microgL)

LCS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Silver l5000 2156 144 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12


Spike Added (microgL)

LCSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RJgtD Limit Method Notes

Silver 15000 2141 143 0706 85 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 shy

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to zhe samples analyzed in accordance with rhe chain ofcustodydocument This analyticalreporl mus be reproduced in its entirety

Page 19of23 J102063 Final Report 02152011

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



Instrument Hg-16 Sequence 2B060I4

Preparation BrCI Oxidation

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202057-BLK1 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I63IE u F202057-BLK2 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I631E u F202057-BLK3 Mercury 005 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE u F202057-BLK4 Mercury 010 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE QB-04 U

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onl)I apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical rtporl must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 20of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North -Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOBAL- SCIENCES


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202053-BLK1 Beryllium 0005 0060 microgL F202053 SPA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Aluminum -004 40 microgL F202053 -PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Chromium -002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Manganese -0002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLKI Iron -03 100 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Nickel -003 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Copper 0008 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Zinc 010 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Arsenic -007 015 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Selenium -002 060 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Molybdenum OQl 006 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK I Cadmium 0005 0020 microgL F202053 3PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Antimony 0019 0020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Barium 0005 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Thallium 0028 0005 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc QB-10 F202053-BLK1 Lead 0004 0040 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed iTJ accordance wizh the chain ofcustody docrmienl This analyticalreport musl be ltproductd in its entirety

Page2J o23 J202063 Final Rtport 021)52012

Liz Siska Project Manager



414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202159-BLK1 Silver 00006 0020 microgL F202159 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced In its enlirgtty

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page22of3 J202063 Final Report 02152012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 bull ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Notes and Definitions U Analyte included in the analysis but not detected

QR-08 The RPD value for the MSMSD was outside ofacceptance limits Batch QC acceptable based on matrix duplicate andor LCSLCSD RPD values within control limits

QM-12 Initial or continuing calibration verification andor blank spikeblank spike duplicate recoveries above upper control limits All reported sample concentrations were below the reporting limit

QM-07 The spike recovery was outside control limits for the MS andor MSD The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QM-02 The MS andor MSD recoveries outside acceptance limits due to spike concentration less than I times the sample concentration The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QB-10 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL Only report sample results greater than 10 times the contamination value (QB-01 ) or samples less than the MRL (QB-02)

QB-04 The blank was preserved to 2 BrCl rather than 1 The control limit for blanks preserved to greater than 1 BrCI is the preservation percentage multiplied by the MRL

QB-02 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the sample concentrations are Jess than the MRL

QB-0 l The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the blank concentration(s) are Jess than 10 ofthe sample result

AS This MS andor MSD is an analytical spike andor an analytical spike duplicate

DET Analyte Detected

MDL Minimum Detection Limit

lv1RL Minimum Reporting Limit

ND Analyte Not Detected at or above the reporting limit

wet Sample results reported on a wet weight basis

dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis

RPD Relative Percent Difference

RSD Relative Standard Deviation

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be middoteproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

P~ge 23 o23 J202063 Final Report 02115120]2


107330middotJJlilI eastern analytical inc CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 0

professional laboratory seNlces GZANH (I)

DateTime Composites need start andstop datestimesSample IDs Matrix Parameters and Sample Notes of containers

Effluent Field Blank AqToUSWLLMetalsSub2z2b12 aqueous c=rcompS 17

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered LB Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate Circle_preservatives HCL HNO HSO NaOH MEOH Nasp~ Treat Tank Effluent I 122 o12 AqToVSWLLMetalsSubBODCODCyanTFN030G1664S04TDSTSSN624Afe6i6TPhenolsE606PGBfNH3ClpH

aqueous ~ fjYorComp9 5

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered L0 Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate fircle preservativels1ED HNO W)~ MEOH Naso ~

Please ensure this auto COC is accurate adheres to permit orsampling requirements for this sampling event and modify as necessary EAi Project ID 3902

Project Name Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

State NH

Client (Pro Mgr) Paul Pepler

Customer GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Address 380 Harvey Road

City Manchester NH 03103

Phone 623-3600 Fax 624-9463 (37)

EmaiAddress paulpeplergzacom

Results Needed by Preferred date----shy

Notes about project (ie Special Limits Billing info if different)

Subcontract ALL metals to Frontier Global Sciences Metals include Total AlSbAsBaBeCdCrCuFePbMnHgMoNlSeAgTI Zn Metals analyses require project-specific MSMSD

eczgt~ ~ 6Jy JSeog a1ct7so p~r (c4

QC deliverables

lll D A+ 18(s O B+ 0 C D PC

ReportlngOptlons o~151=JSi_ 181HC PONumber ~ 181 EDD PDF

Quote No to~C1f+C181 EDD email 181 PDF prelim NO FAX Temperature S- d-- degC D e-mail Login Confirmation

Ice present Yes IZfNo DONO FAX

Relinquished by DateTime Received by

Eastern Analytical Inc 25 Chanell Dr Concord NH 03301 Phone (603)228-0525 1-800-287-0525 Fax (603)228-4591

_____________ _

FACILITY INFORMATION Company Name Public Service Company ofNew Hampshire - Merrimack Station

Company Owner Public Service Company ofNew Hampshire Facility Address _9_7_Ri_middotv-_e_r_R_o_ad_____ ____________ Facility Contact _H_a_ro_ld_ K_ey_es_________________

Telephone (603) 224-4081


____Submittal Date 2172012 Monitoring Point End oftreatment process Reporting PeriodFirstM---on-th_____ _ _ _ _ ________

SAMPLE ANALYSIS Certified Analytical Laboratory Eastern Analytical Inc (EAi) Certification Number 1012

Authorized Representative Lorraine Olashaw Analytical Subcrontractor Frontier Global Sciences Certification Number E87575

SAMPLE COLLECTION Sampler Jeff Gagne (EAi)

Sample Type-Grab shy~ -------- shySample Date 222012 Sampie Time 900 AM

pH 74

CATEGORICAL PRETREATMENT STANDARDS 40 CFR 42316 Steam Electric Power Generating Category NOTE There are no numerical pretreatment standards for this source


I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with asystem designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the

information submitted Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information the information submitted is to the best of my knowledge and belief true accurate and complete I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information including

the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations

Harold Keyes Station Manager Title



Public Service Company ofNew Hampshire Merrimack Station

Bow New Hampshire


PARAMETER (mgL) 222012


Aluminum 0218

Ammonia 11

Antimony 000155

Arsenic 00121

Barium 0243

Beryllium lt 000300

BOD lt6

Cadmium lt 000100

Chromium (T) lt 000500

COD 140

Copper 000553

Cyanide (T) ltOQl

Fluoride 29

Iron lt 0500

Lead lt 000200

Manganese 0631

Mercury 0000036 Molybdenum 0195

Nitrate 65

Nickel lt 000500

OampG lt 5

pH 74

Selenium 0121

Silver lt 000100

Thallium 000685

Zinc lt00100

Phenolic Compounds lt 05

GZA GeoEnvirorunental Inc 10ZAMANlobs04Jobsl0029300s04002930700WorkSAMPLINO AND REPORTINOIDATA04002930700 RESULTS 020812gtltlsMontb I round 2


ri--middot1 ~middot __~+-j__________- _ a_ -~-~-~-~Y-_i__ _e_ s_t_~-n- - ~_a_1

1 1


Paul Pepler

GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

380 Harvey Road

Manchester NH 03103

Subject Laboratory Report

Eastern Analytical Inc ID 107330

Client Identification Wastewater Analysis - Weekly Date Received 222012

Dear Mr Pepler

Enclosed please find the laboratory report for the above identified project All analyses were performed in accordance with our QAQC Program Unless otherwise stated holding times preservation techniques container types and sample conditions adhered to EPA Protocol Samples which were collected by Eastern Analytical Inc (EAi) were collected in accordance with approved EPA procedures Eastern Analytical Inc certifies that the enclosed test results meet all requirements of NELAP and other applicable state certifications Please refer to our website at wwweailabscom for a copy of our NELAP certificate and accredited parameters

The following standard abbreviations and conventions apply to all EAi reports Solid samples are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted lt less than followed by the reporting limit gt greater than followed by the reporting limit R Recovery

Eastern Analytical Inc maintains certification in the following states Connecticut (PH-0492) Maine (NHOOS) Massachusetts (M-NHOOS) New HampshireNELAP (1012) Rhode Island (269) and Vermont (VT1012)

The following information is contained within this report Sample Conditions summary Analytical ResultsData Quality Control data (if requested) and copies of the Chain of Custody This report may not be reproduced except in full without the the written approval of the laboratory

If you have any questions regarding the results contained within please feel free to directly contact me or the chemist(s) who performed the testing in question Unless otherwise requested we will dispose of the sample(s) 30 days from the sample receipt date

We appreciate this opportunity to be of service and look forward to your continued patronage


21-1 L Date Lorraine Olashaw Lab Director of pages (excluding cover letter)

wwwcailabscom ~ ti middot~


Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Temperature upon receipt degC) 52 Received on Ice or cold packs (YesNo) Y Acceptable temperature range (C) 0-6

Date Date Sample Dry Lab ID Sample ID Received Sampled Matrix Weight ExceptionsComments (other than thermal preservation)

10733001 Effluent Field Blank 2212 2212 aqueous Adheres to Sample Acceptance Policy

10733002 Treat Tank Effluent 2212 2212 aqueous 624 625 and 608 placed on hold then cancelled at customers

Samples were properly preserved and the pH measured when applicable unless otherwise noted Analysis ofsolids for pH Flashpoint lgnitibility Paint Filter Corrosivity Conductivity and Specific Gravity are reported on an middotas received basis

All results contained in this report relate only to the above listed samples References include 1) EPA 6004-79-020 1983 2) Standard Methods for Examination ofWater and Wastewater lnorganics 19th Edition 1995 Microbiology 20th Edition 1998 3) Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste SW 846 3rd Edition including updates VA and IVB 4) Hach Water Analysis Handbook 2nd edition 1992

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525


Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Sample ID

Lab Sample ID


Date Sampled Date Received


Date of ExtractionPrep

Date of Analysis



Dilution Factor

Oil amp Grease (HEM)

Treat Tank Effluent








LAS 1664A



eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525

bull middot



Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly Batch ID 734541-34922A0208120G1661

Parameter Name Blank LCS LCSD Analysis Date Units Limits RPO Method

Oil amp Grease HEM) lt5 36 (91 R) 36 (90 R) (1 RPO) 282012 mgL 78 - 114 18 1664A

Samples were extracted and analyzed within holding time limits Instrumentation was calibrated in accordance with the method requirements The method blanks were free of contamination at the reporting limits Sample surrogate recoveries met the above stated criteria The associated matrix spikes andor Laboratory Control Samples met acceptance criteria There were no exceptions in the analyses unless noted Flagged analyte recoveries deviated from the QNQC limits

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525 3


~ Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Sample ID Treat Tank Effluent

Lab Sample ID 10733002

Matrix aqueous

Date Sampled 2212 Analysis

2212 Units Date Time Method AnalystDate Received

Solids Suspended 6 mgL 20312 1045 25400 DLS Solids Dissolved 19000 mgL 20312 1045 2540C DLS Fluoride 29 mgL 20812 1501 3000 KL Sulfate 1200 mgL 20812 1446 3000 Kl Chloride 9300 mgL 20312 1035 4500CIE OLS Nitrate-N 65 mgL 20312 1032 3532 DLS Cyanide Total lt 001 mgL 20812 930 4500CNE KJR Ammonia-N 11 mgL 20912 900 4500NH30 SEL BOD lt6 mgL 20312 1120 52109 KJR COD 140 mgL 20712 1600 H8000 SKC Total Phenols lt 05 mgL 20812 200 4201 JCC pH 74 SU 20212 1630 4500H+B KJR

Total Phenols The reporting limit has been elevated due to matrix interference

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525 4

QC REPORT EAi ID 107330~ Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Parameter Name Blank LCS LCSD Date of

Units Analysis Limits RPO Method middot-middot-middot-middot~ middot-middot----shySolids Suspended lt2 95 (95 R) 94 (94 R) (1 RPO) mgL 2312 90 - 110 20 25400 Solids Dissolved lt5 990 (99 R) NA mgL 2312 85 -115 20 2540C Fluoride lt 01 20 (99 R) 20 (99 R) (0 RPO) mgL 2812 90 -110 20 3000 Sulfate lt 1 20 (100 R) 20 (101 R) (1 RPO) mgL 28112 90 - 110 20 3000 Chloride lt 1 24 (96 R) 24 (97 R (1 RPO mgL 2312 90 - 110 20 4500CIE Nitrate-N lt 05 4 9 (99 R 49 (98 R) (1 RPO) mgL 23112 90 - 110 20 3532 Cyanide Total lt002 025 (100 R) NA mgL 28112 85 - 115 20 4500CNE Ammonia-N lt 005 22 (109 R) 22 (110 R) (1 RPO) mgL 2912 90 - 110 20 4500NH3DN BOD lt6 420 (104 R 420 (104 R) (0 RPO) mgL 2312 84 - 115 20 52106 COD lt 10 100 (103 R) 100 (101 R) (2 RPO) mgL 27112 85 - 115 20 H8000 Total Phenols lt 005 022 (87 R) 022 (89 R) (2 RPO) mgL 2812 85 - 115 20 4201 pH 605 (101 R) 607 (101 R) (0 RPO) SU 2212 595 - 607 10 4500H+B

Samples were analyzed within holding times unless noted on the sample results page Instrumentation was calibrated in accordance with the method requirements The method blanks were free of contamination at the reporting limits The associated matrix spikes andor Laboratory Control Samples met the above stated criteria Exceptions to the above statements are flagged or noted above or on the QC Narrative page bullf Flagged analyte recoveries deviated from the QAQC limits

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525 5

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


15 February 2012


Eastern Analytical Inc

25 Chenell Drive

Concord NH 0330 I

RE Merrimack Station

Enclosed are the analytical results for samples received by Frontier Global Sciences All quality control

measurements are within established control limits and there were no analytical difficulties encountered with the exception of those listed in the case narrative section of this report

Ifyou have any questions concerning this report please feel free to contact me


Liz Siska

Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~


Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Laboratory Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Client Eastern Analytical Inc


Project Merrimack Station

Sample ID Lab ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received

C-3015 Effluent Field Blank 1202063-01 Water 02-Feb-12 0847 03-Feb-12 0930

Treat Tank Effluent 1202063-02 Water 02-Feb-12 0915 03-Feb-12 0930

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this ~port only apply to the samples analyzed inaccordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Pagel o23 1202063 Final Report 0211512012


414 Pontius Ave North

Seattle WA 98109 Pb 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Samples were received at Frontier Global Sciences (FGS) on February 3rd 2012 The samples were received intact on-ice with temperatures measured at 106 degrees Celsius


Samples were prepared and analyzed for total metals in accordance with EPA Method 2008 (modified)

Samples were prepared and analyzed for total mercury in accordance with EPAMethod 163 lE


Liquid spikes were prepared for every preparation as a measure ofaccuracy All liquid spikes and certified reference material were within the control limits

As an additional measure ofthe accuracy ofthe methods utilized for analysis and to check for matrix interference matrix spikes (MS) and matrix spike duplicates (MSD) were digested and analyzed All ofthe matrix spike recoveries were within the control limits with the exception of any QC flagged and described in the notes and definitions section ofthe following report

A reasonable measure ofthe precision ofthe analytical methods utilized for analysis is the relative percent difference (RPO) between matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate recoveries and between laboratory control sample and laboratory control sample duplicate recoveries All of the relative percent differences were within the control limits with the exception of any QC flagged and described in the notes and definitions section ofthe following report

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in tltis report only apply 10 the samples analyzed In accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page 2of2J 1202063 Fial Report 02115202


h~O26C~ Chain ofCusfody Record amp Laboratory Analysis Request 111 lon 107330 gt9 Air Water Sediments Plant and Animal Tissue --middot - - middot SCI

F~x 2C-622-6670H d b amp 0 th S middot FRONT I EK Y rocar on er ampes ~ C t C 9 Al s CI 6 fl CE s aoc middot of I 12 ) 2 tc =s httpv-wfomtlr(Scom

ishy- - ---For La~ratort Use-Only coc SealV(1 middot comtt11ts C Coc_lPrTcmpfltZ~ 17 Dmiddotmiddot( ~shyCarrier11 es----i VTSR Glf sQ_ i _ - _ Rf orCoolen Jt ~ J middot

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ss5in61d 5centolmfnt middot TS P1allshy~no m 1N1l1lslt~ gtiC yen-cib ritTrbullP middot formiddotdeg

Sample Dlsposzl CJ Renr (sb ippins fleS may aply) Cl Standard Oi~microCgtSnl shy 30 D~ys atter report 0 Retain foshy middot- middot weelltS after re~rt (storage fees rT3Y apply)

By ~IQnifIII you d=lare tlgt~t you agret viti FGS tcms ~nd rondllons and tba you atltthorie FGS to perfonr tne specified analyses

Custonier Approval bull Dale

The results in this report only applyUJ the samples analyzedin acconJa_nce with_ theFrontierGlobal Sciences Inc chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report mwt be reproduced in Its entirety


Page3of23 J202063 Final Report 02)512012

Liz SiskaProject Manager 9

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870~


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414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



C-3015 Effluent Field Blank

Matrix Water Laboratory ID 1202063-01

Analyte Result MDL MRL Units Dilution Batch Sequence Analyud Method Notes

Aluminum ND OA 40 microgL 1 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Antimony ND 0005 0 020 microgL 1 F202053 2813005 021212 EPA2008 Mod u Arsenic ND 005 015 microgL 1 F202053 2BI3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Bariu111 ND 003 020 microgL 1 F202053 2813005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Beryllium ND 0023 0060 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Cadmium ND 0004 0020 microgL F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Chromium ND 0009 010 microgL F202053 2813005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Copper ND 001 010 microgL I F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Iron ND 13 100 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Lead ND 0004 0040 microgL l F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Manganese 012 0007 010 microgL 1 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod

Mercury ND 008 050 ngL 1 F202057 2B06014 020612 EPA 1631E u Molybdenum ND 0006 006 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Nickel ND 0008 010 microgL F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Selenium ND 019 060 microgL 1 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Silver ND 0006 0020 microgL 1 F202159 2B15016 021512 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 U

Thalyum ND 0001 0005 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod QB-02 U

Zinc ND ooz 020 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl5001 021412 EPA2008 Mod u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproductd in its entirety

Page5of23 1201063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 11


414 Pontius Ave North ~ Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ CLOBAL SCIENCES

Fx 206-622-6870


Treat Tank Effluent

Matrix Water Laboratory ID 1202o~H2

Analyte Result MDL MRL Units Dilution Batch Sequence Analyzed Method Notes

Aluminum 218 222 200 microgL 50 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA2008Mod Antimony 155 0230 100 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA2008Mod

Arsenic 121 255 750 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Barium 243 135 100 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Beryllium ND 114 300 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Cadmium ND 0208 100 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Chromium ND 045 500 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Copper 553 050 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Iron ND 650 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Lead ND 0195 200 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Manganese 631 037 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA2008 Mod Mercury 360 084 505 ngL 10 F202057 2B06014 020612 EPA 163IE Molybdenum 195 030 300 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel ND 040 500 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Selenium 121 969 300 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA2008Mod Silver ND 0300 LOO microgL 50 F202159 2B 15016 021512 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 U

Thallium 685 0056 0250 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod QB-01 Zinc ND 082 100 microgL somiddot F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply 10 the samples analyzed In accordJJncc with the chain ofcustody documenJ This onolyticol report must ~ reproduced In its en1ire1y

Poga 6of2J 1201063 Final ampport 01JS202

Liz Siska Project Manager 12

I 414 Pontius Ave North

Seattle WA 98109~ Ph 206-622-6960 FRONTIER- Fx 206-622-6870 cLoaAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 1B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-DUP1

Sample Duplicate Concentration Concentration RPD

Analyte ngL ngL MRL RPD Limit Method Notes

Mercury 3603 3621 505 0482 24 EPA 163IE

Fror tier Global Sciences Inc Tlte results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in Its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page 7of13 1102063 Final Report 01151011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Dige~tion Lab Number l202053-MSMSDI


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (microgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Beryllium ND 20200 2062 102 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 2177 15150 355l 907 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 205 70700 947 105 70 - 130 middot EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 6311 60600 6110 -331 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron ND 50500 4743 939 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 325 40400 758 107 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 553 40400 939 957 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 099 10100 1268 116 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Arsenic 1206 15150 2453 823 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 1213 30300 1452 791 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Molybltlenum 1952 20200 1925 -135 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmium 0623 080800 1437 IOI 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 1549 080800 2358 100 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Barium 2433 10100 2514 793 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Thallium 6848 040400 7126 689 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod QB-01 Lead ND 15150 1334 880 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPO

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20200 2025 100 l80 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 15150 3386 798 477 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 70700 909 996 412 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 60600 6122 -311 0200 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron 50500 4648 920 203 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 40400 813 121 706 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 40400 935 948 0415 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 10100 1013 904 224 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QR-08 Arsenic 15150 2577 905 492 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 30300 1399 614 376 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Molybdenum 20200 1909 -213 0823 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmiwn 080800 1230 752 155 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 080800 2316 950 177 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in 1his report only apply to tire samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcuslOdy docume11L This a11alytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

~-~~ Page 8of2J l 20206J Final Report

021512012 Liz Siska Project Manager


I 414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSMSD1


Spike Added (JlgL)

MSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 10100 2506 717 0305 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040400 6963 286 231 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 QB-01

Lead 15150 l403 926 509 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onlyapply to the samples analred in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced fn its entirety

Page 9of23 I202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 15

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B130Q5

Preparation Clo~~d Ve~~el Nitric Qven QigestiQn Lab Number f20205J-MSMSD3


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (JtgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Method Limits Notes

Beryllium ND 50500 4291 850 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Aluminum 2177 10100 9206 890 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Chromium 205 10100 1006 994 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS

Manganese 6311 IOl00 1582 942 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Iron ND 50500 4849 960 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Nickel 325 12625 1190 940 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Copper 553 12625 1149 906 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Zinc 099 25250 2401 950 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Arsenic 1206 10100 1050 103 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Selenium 1213 10100 1168 104 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Molybdenum 1952 50500 6851 970 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Cadmium 0623 10100 9695 954 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Antimony 1549 50500 5084 976 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Barium 2433 20200 2379 106 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thallium 6848 50500 5306 915 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS QB-01

Lead ND 25250 2205 873 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





Recovery Limits

RPDLimit Method Notes

Beryllium 50500 4337 859 108 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Aluminum 10100 9221 89l 0164 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Chromium 10100 9902 978 159 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Manganese 10100 1562 922 l27 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Iron 50500 4775 946 l53 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Nickel 12625 1197 946 0613 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Copper 12625 1129 890 179 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Zinc 25250 2399 950 00456 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Arsenic 10100 1013 992 357 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Selenium 10100 1151 102 149 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Molybdenum 50500 6848 970 00426 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Cadmium 10100 1004 987 345 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Antimony 50500 5111 98l 0531 70 - 130 20 EPA2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in rhls rtporl 011y apply 10 the samples anayrd i11 accordtmce with the chain ofcustodydocumtmL This analytical report mus bt nproducedin its entirety

~-~ Page Oo23 1202063 Final Report 02S2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 16

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSJMSD3 I


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





RPD Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 20200 2377 106 0106 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thalium 50500 5345 923 0720 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod ASQB-01

Lead 25250 2198 870 0315 7-0 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The lfl$Ws in this report onlyapply to the samplesOIUllyzed 11 accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page Ji of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 17

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98 l09

i Ph 206-622-6960 ~ ) Fx 206-622-6870 GIOBAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCJ Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD1

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method NotesLimits

Mercury 3603 10200 1409 103 71 - 125 EPA 1631pound

Spike MSD MSD Oo Recovery Added Concentration RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Notes Analyte

Mercury 10200 1410 103 00816 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The nsulis In thls rtporr only apply to the sampfuanalyud In accordana with the chain ofcustody documenL This analytical nportmust be reproducd in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Pagt J1of1J 1101063 Final Report 01152011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202035-02RE1

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration oo Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method Notes Limits

Mercury 3897 10200 1440 103 71 - 125 EPA I631E

Spike MSD MSD oo Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Notes (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Analyte

Mercury 10200 1445 103 0394 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 13of23 J202063 Final Report 0211512012

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager 19

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ J

~ - Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number f202159-MStMSDl

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration RecoveryAnalyte (JlgL) (microgL) 1tgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 15150 1891 125 70- 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Notes

Silver l5150 2021 133 664 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-07

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in its enlirety

Page Ua23 J202063 Final Report 021512012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Oo RecoveryAnalyte (microgL) (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 50500 4554 902 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

(microgL) RPO Limits (microgL) Recovery Limit Method NotesAnalyte

Silver 50500 4621 915 146 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz ~iska Project Manager

Page 15 o23 I202063 Final Report 0252012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 bullmiddot ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation ~losed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBS01

LCS Source Blank S~ike

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1891 945 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1430 953 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 644 920 85 ll5 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 511 962 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4547 909 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 402 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 418 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 1025 103 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1425 950 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2936 979 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Molybdenum 20000 182 910 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0828 103 middot 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0800 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 999 999 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0420 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead l5000 l552 103 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod






Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1863 93l 150 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1375 917 391 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 629 899 239 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 558 930 337 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4359 872 422 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 371 929 779 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 403 101 375 85 -115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 989 989 359 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1345 897 577 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2920 973 0548 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc Tht resulu In this report only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance wi1h the chain ofcustody documtnL This analytical rrport must be rrproduad in its entirety

~__J~ Pagt J6of23 202063 Final Rtpon 02JS2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 22

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960

~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOSAl SCIENCES



Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike Dup

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (pgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Molybdenum 20000 177 883 303 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0794 992 416 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0784 980 205 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 982 982 177 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0407 102 298 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead 15000 1535 102 106 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this reporr only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody docwnent This analytical report must be reproduced In its tnlirety

Page 17of3 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 23

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-BSBSD1

LCS Source LCS

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Limits Method Notes Mercury 15679 1577 101 80 - 120 EPA l63IE

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (ogL) (ogL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes Mercury 15679 1605 102 176 ampO - 120 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in zhis report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 8013 I202063 Fi11alReport 02151202


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202159 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike


Spike Added microgL)

LCS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Silver l5000 2156 144 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12


Spike Added (microgL)

LCSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RJgtD Limit Method Notes

Silver 15000 2141 143 0706 85 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 shy

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to zhe samples analyzed in accordance with rhe chain ofcustodydocument This analyticalreporl mus be reproduced in its entirety

Page 19of23 J102063 Final Report 02152011

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



Instrument Hg-16 Sequence 2B060I4

Preparation BrCI Oxidation

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202057-BLK1 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I63IE u F202057-BLK2 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I631E u F202057-BLK3 Mercury 005 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE u F202057-BLK4 Mercury 010 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE QB-04 U

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onl)I apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical rtporl must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 20of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North -Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOBAL- SCIENCES


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202053-BLK1 Beryllium 0005 0060 microgL F202053 SPA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Aluminum -004 40 microgL F202053 -PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Chromium -002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Manganese -0002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLKI Iron -03 100 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Nickel -003 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Copper 0008 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Zinc 010 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Arsenic -007 015 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Selenium -002 060 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Molybdenum OQl 006 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK I Cadmium 0005 0020 microgL F202053 3PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Antimony 0019 0020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Barium 0005 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Thallium 0028 0005 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc QB-10 F202053-BLK1 Lead 0004 0040 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed iTJ accordance wizh the chain ofcustody docrmienl This analyticalreport musl be ltproductd in its entirety

Page2J o23 J202063 Final Rtport 021)52012

Liz Siska Project Manager



414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202159-BLK1 Silver 00006 0020 microgL F202159 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced In its enlirgtty

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page22of3 J202063 Final Report 02152012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 bull ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Notes and Definitions U Analyte included in the analysis but not detected

QR-08 The RPD value for the MSMSD was outside ofacceptance limits Batch QC acceptable based on matrix duplicate andor LCSLCSD RPD values within control limits

QM-12 Initial or continuing calibration verification andor blank spikeblank spike duplicate recoveries above upper control limits All reported sample concentrations were below the reporting limit

QM-07 The spike recovery was outside control limits for the MS andor MSD The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QM-02 The MS andor MSD recoveries outside acceptance limits due to spike concentration less than I times the sample concentration The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QB-10 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL Only report sample results greater than 10 times the contamination value (QB-01 ) or samples less than the MRL (QB-02)

QB-04 The blank was preserved to 2 BrCl rather than 1 The control limit for blanks preserved to greater than 1 BrCI is the preservation percentage multiplied by the MRL

QB-02 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the sample concentrations are Jess than the MRL

QB-0 l The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the blank concentration(s) are Jess than 10 ofthe sample result

AS This MS andor MSD is an analytical spike andor an analytical spike duplicate

DET Analyte Detected

MDL Minimum Detection Limit

lv1RL Minimum Reporting Limit

ND Analyte Not Detected at or above the reporting limit

wet Sample results reported on a wet weight basis

dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis

RPD Relative Percent Difference

RSD Relative Standard Deviation

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be middoteproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

P~ge 23 o23 J202063 Final Report 02115120]2


107330middotJJlilI eastern analytical inc CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 0

professional laboratory seNlces GZANH (I)

DateTime Composites need start andstop datestimesSample IDs Matrix Parameters and Sample Notes of containers

Effluent Field Blank AqToUSWLLMetalsSub2z2b12 aqueous c=rcompS 17

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered LB Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate Circle_preservatives HCL HNO HSO NaOH MEOH Nasp~ Treat Tank Effluent I 122 o12 AqToVSWLLMetalsSubBODCODCyanTFN030G1664S04TDSTSSN624Afe6i6TPhenolsE606PGBfNH3ClpH

aqueous ~ fjYorComp9 5

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered L0 Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate fircle preservativels1ED HNO W)~ MEOH Naso ~

Please ensure this auto COC is accurate adheres to permit orsampling requirements for this sampling event and modify as necessary EAi Project ID 3902

Project Name Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

State NH

Client (Pro Mgr) Paul Pepler

Customer GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Address 380 Harvey Road

City Manchester NH 03103

Phone 623-3600 Fax 624-9463 (37)

EmaiAddress paulpeplergzacom

Results Needed by Preferred date----shy

Notes about project (ie Special Limits Billing info if different)

Subcontract ALL metals to Frontier Global Sciences Metals include Total AlSbAsBaBeCdCrCuFePbMnHgMoNlSeAgTI Zn Metals analyses require project-specific MSMSD

eczgt~ ~ 6Jy JSeog a1ct7so p~r (c4

QC deliverables

lll D A+ 18(s O B+ 0 C D PC

ReportlngOptlons o~151=JSi_ 181HC PONumber ~ 181 EDD PDF

Quote No to~C1f+C181 EDD email 181 PDF prelim NO FAX Temperature S- d-- degC D e-mail Login Confirmation

Ice present Yes IZfNo DONO FAX

Relinquished by DateTime Received by

Eastern Analytical Inc 25 Chanell Dr Concord NH 03301 Phone (603)228-0525 1-800-287-0525 Fax (603)228-4591



Public Service Company ofNew Hampshire Merrimack Station

Bow New Hampshire


PARAMETER (mgL) 222012


Aluminum 0218

Ammonia 11

Antimony 000155

Arsenic 00121

Barium 0243

Beryllium lt 000300

BOD lt6

Cadmium lt 000100

Chromium (T) lt 000500

COD 140

Copper 000553

Cyanide (T) ltOQl

Fluoride 29

Iron lt 0500

Lead lt 000200

Manganese 0631

Mercury 0000036 Molybdenum 0195

Nitrate 65

Nickel lt 000500

OampG lt 5

pH 74

Selenium 0121

Silver lt 000100

Thallium 000685

Zinc lt00100

Phenolic Compounds lt 05

GZA GeoEnvirorunental Inc 10ZAMANlobs04Jobsl0029300s04002930700WorkSAMPLINO AND REPORTINOIDATA04002930700 RESULTS 020812gtltlsMontb I round 2


ri--middot1 ~middot __~+-j__________- _ a_ -~-~-~-~Y-_i__ _e_ s_t_~-n- - ~_a_1

1 1


Paul Pepler

GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

380 Harvey Road

Manchester NH 03103

Subject Laboratory Report

Eastern Analytical Inc ID 107330

Client Identification Wastewater Analysis - Weekly Date Received 222012

Dear Mr Pepler

Enclosed please find the laboratory report for the above identified project All analyses were performed in accordance with our QAQC Program Unless otherwise stated holding times preservation techniques container types and sample conditions adhered to EPA Protocol Samples which were collected by Eastern Analytical Inc (EAi) were collected in accordance with approved EPA procedures Eastern Analytical Inc certifies that the enclosed test results meet all requirements of NELAP and other applicable state certifications Please refer to our website at wwweailabscom for a copy of our NELAP certificate and accredited parameters

The following standard abbreviations and conventions apply to all EAi reports Solid samples are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted lt less than followed by the reporting limit gt greater than followed by the reporting limit R Recovery

Eastern Analytical Inc maintains certification in the following states Connecticut (PH-0492) Maine (NHOOS) Massachusetts (M-NHOOS) New HampshireNELAP (1012) Rhode Island (269) and Vermont (VT1012)

The following information is contained within this report Sample Conditions summary Analytical ResultsData Quality Control data (if requested) and copies of the Chain of Custody This report may not be reproduced except in full without the the written approval of the laboratory

If you have any questions regarding the results contained within please feel free to directly contact me or the chemist(s) who performed the testing in question Unless otherwise requested we will dispose of the sample(s) 30 days from the sample receipt date

We appreciate this opportunity to be of service and look forward to your continued patronage


21-1 L Date Lorraine Olashaw Lab Director of pages (excluding cover letter)

wwwcailabscom ~ ti middot~


Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Temperature upon receipt degC) 52 Received on Ice or cold packs (YesNo) Y Acceptable temperature range (C) 0-6

Date Date Sample Dry Lab ID Sample ID Received Sampled Matrix Weight ExceptionsComments (other than thermal preservation)

10733001 Effluent Field Blank 2212 2212 aqueous Adheres to Sample Acceptance Policy

10733002 Treat Tank Effluent 2212 2212 aqueous 624 625 and 608 placed on hold then cancelled at customers

Samples were properly preserved and the pH measured when applicable unless otherwise noted Analysis ofsolids for pH Flashpoint lgnitibility Paint Filter Corrosivity Conductivity and Specific Gravity are reported on an middotas received basis

All results contained in this report relate only to the above listed samples References include 1) EPA 6004-79-020 1983 2) Standard Methods for Examination ofWater and Wastewater lnorganics 19th Edition 1995 Microbiology 20th Edition 1998 3) Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste SW 846 3rd Edition including updates VA and IVB 4) Hach Water Analysis Handbook 2nd edition 1992

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525


Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Sample ID

Lab Sample ID


Date Sampled Date Received


Date of ExtractionPrep

Date of Analysis



Dilution Factor

Oil amp Grease (HEM)

Treat Tank Effluent








LAS 1664A



eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525

bull middot



Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly Batch ID 734541-34922A0208120G1661

Parameter Name Blank LCS LCSD Analysis Date Units Limits RPO Method

Oil amp Grease HEM) lt5 36 (91 R) 36 (90 R) (1 RPO) 282012 mgL 78 - 114 18 1664A

Samples were extracted and analyzed within holding time limits Instrumentation was calibrated in accordance with the method requirements The method blanks were free of contamination at the reporting limits Sample surrogate recoveries met the above stated criteria The associated matrix spikes andor Laboratory Control Samples met acceptance criteria There were no exceptions in the analyses unless noted Flagged analyte recoveries deviated from the QNQC limits

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525 3


~ Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Sample ID Treat Tank Effluent

Lab Sample ID 10733002

Matrix aqueous

Date Sampled 2212 Analysis

2212 Units Date Time Method AnalystDate Received

Solids Suspended 6 mgL 20312 1045 25400 DLS Solids Dissolved 19000 mgL 20312 1045 2540C DLS Fluoride 29 mgL 20812 1501 3000 KL Sulfate 1200 mgL 20812 1446 3000 Kl Chloride 9300 mgL 20312 1035 4500CIE OLS Nitrate-N 65 mgL 20312 1032 3532 DLS Cyanide Total lt 001 mgL 20812 930 4500CNE KJR Ammonia-N 11 mgL 20912 900 4500NH30 SEL BOD lt6 mgL 20312 1120 52109 KJR COD 140 mgL 20712 1600 H8000 SKC Total Phenols lt 05 mgL 20812 200 4201 JCC pH 74 SU 20212 1630 4500H+B KJR

Total Phenols The reporting limit has been elevated due to matrix interference

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525 4

QC REPORT EAi ID 107330~ Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Parameter Name Blank LCS LCSD Date of

Units Analysis Limits RPO Method middot-middot-middot-middot~ middot-middot----shySolids Suspended lt2 95 (95 R) 94 (94 R) (1 RPO) mgL 2312 90 - 110 20 25400 Solids Dissolved lt5 990 (99 R) NA mgL 2312 85 -115 20 2540C Fluoride lt 01 20 (99 R) 20 (99 R) (0 RPO) mgL 2812 90 -110 20 3000 Sulfate lt 1 20 (100 R) 20 (101 R) (1 RPO) mgL 28112 90 - 110 20 3000 Chloride lt 1 24 (96 R) 24 (97 R (1 RPO mgL 2312 90 - 110 20 4500CIE Nitrate-N lt 05 4 9 (99 R 49 (98 R) (1 RPO) mgL 23112 90 - 110 20 3532 Cyanide Total lt002 025 (100 R) NA mgL 28112 85 - 115 20 4500CNE Ammonia-N lt 005 22 (109 R) 22 (110 R) (1 RPO) mgL 2912 90 - 110 20 4500NH3DN BOD lt6 420 (104 R 420 (104 R) (0 RPO) mgL 2312 84 - 115 20 52106 COD lt 10 100 (103 R) 100 (101 R) (2 RPO) mgL 27112 85 - 115 20 H8000 Total Phenols lt 005 022 (87 R) 022 (89 R) (2 RPO) mgL 2812 85 - 115 20 4201 pH 605 (101 R) 607 (101 R) (0 RPO) SU 2212 595 - 607 10 4500H+B

Samples were analyzed within holding times unless noted on the sample results page Instrumentation was calibrated in accordance with the method requirements The method blanks were free of contamination at the reporting limits The associated matrix spikes andor Laboratory Control Samples met the above stated criteria Exceptions to the above statements are flagged or noted above or on the QC Narrative page bullf Flagged analyte recoveries deviated from the QAQC limits

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525 5

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


15 February 2012


Eastern Analytical Inc

25 Chenell Drive

Concord NH 0330 I

RE Merrimack Station

Enclosed are the analytical results for samples received by Frontier Global Sciences All quality control

measurements are within established control limits and there were no analytical difficulties encountered with the exception of those listed in the case narrative section of this report

Ifyou have any questions concerning this report please feel free to contact me


Liz Siska

Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~


Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Laboratory Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Client Eastern Analytical Inc


Project Merrimack Station

Sample ID Lab ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received

C-3015 Effluent Field Blank 1202063-01 Water 02-Feb-12 0847 03-Feb-12 0930

Treat Tank Effluent 1202063-02 Water 02-Feb-12 0915 03-Feb-12 0930

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this ~port only apply to the samples analyzed inaccordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Pagel o23 1202063 Final Report 0211512012


414 Pontius Ave North

Seattle WA 98109 Pb 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Samples were received at Frontier Global Sciences (FGS) on February 3rd 2012 The samples were received intact on-ice with temperatures measured at 106 degrees Celsius


Samples were prepared and analyzed for total metals in accordance with EPA Method 2008 (modified)

Samples were prepared and analyzed for total mercury in accordance with EPAMethod 163 lE


Liquid spikes were prepared for every preparation as a measure ofaccuracy All liquid spikes and certified reference material were within the control limits

As an additional measure ofthe accuracy ofthe methods utilized for analysis and to check for matrix interference matrix spikes (MS) and matrix spike duplicates (MSD) were digested and analyzed All ofthe matrix spike recoveries were within the control limits with the exception of any QC flagged and described in the notes and definitions section ofthe following report

A reasonable measure ofthe precision ofthe analytical methods utilized for analysis is the relative percent difference (RPO) between matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate recoveries and between laboratory control sample and laboratory control sample duplicate recoveries All of the relative percent differences were within the control limits with the exception of any QC flagged and described in the notes and definitions section ofthe following report

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in tltis report only apply 10 the samples analyzed In accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page 2of2J 1202063 Fial Report 02115202


h~O26C~ Chain ofCusfody Record amp Laboratory Analysis Request 111 lon 107330 gt9 Air Water Sediments Plant and Animal Tissue --middot - - middot SCI

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By ~IQnifIII you d=lare tlgt~t you agret viti FGS tcms ~nd rondllons and tba you atltthorie FGS to perfonr tne specified analyses

Custonier Approval bull Dale

The results in this report only applyUJ the samples analyzedin acconJa_nce with_ theFrontierGlobal Sciences Inc chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report mwt be reproduced in Its entirety


Page3of23 J202063 Final Report 02)512012

Liz SiskaProject Manager 9

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870~


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414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



C-3015 Effluent Field Blank

Matrix Water Laboratory ID 1202063-01

Analyte Result MDL MRL Units Dilution Batch Sequence Analyud Method Notes

Aluminum ND OA 40 microgL 1 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Antimony ND 0005 0 020 microgL 1 F202053 2813005 021212 EPA2008 Mod u Arsenic ND 005 015 microgL 1 F202053 2BI3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Bariu111 ND 003 020 microgL 1 F202053 2813005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Beryllium ND 0023 0060 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Cadmium ND 0004 0020 microgL F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Chromium ND 0009 010 microgL F202053 2813005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Copper ND 001 010 microgL I F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Iron ND 13 100 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Lead ND 0004 0040 microgL l F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Manganese 012 0007 010 microgL 1 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod

Mercury ND 008 050 ngL 1 F202057 2B06014 020612 EPA 1631E u Molybdenum ND 0006 006 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Nickel ND 0008 010 microgL F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Selenium ND 019 060 microgL 1 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Silver ND 0006 0020 microgL 1 F202159 2B15016 021512 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 U

Thalyum ND 0001 0005 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod QB-02 U

Zinc ND ooz 020 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl5001 021412 EPA2008 Mod u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproductd in its entirety

Page5of23 1201063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 11


414 Pontius Ave North ~ Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ CLOBAL SCIENCES

Fx 206-622-6870


Treat Tank Effluent

Matrix Water Laboratory ID 1202o~H2

Analyte Result MDL MRL Units Dilution Batch Sequence Analyzed Method Notes

Aluminum 218 222 200 microgL 50 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA2008Mod Antimony 155 0230 100 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA2008Mod

Arsenic 121 255 750 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Barium 243 135 100 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Beryllium ND 114 300 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Cadmium ND 0208 100 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Chromium ND 045 500 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Copper 553 050 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Iron ND 650 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Lead ND 0195 200 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Manganese 631 037 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA2008 Mod Mercury 360 084 505 ngL 10 F202057 2B06014 020612 EPA 163IE Molybdenum 195 030 300 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel ND 040 500 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Selenium 121 969 300 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA2008Mod Silver ND 0300 LOO microgL 50 F202159 2B 15016 021512 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 U

Thallium 685 0056 0250 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod QB-01 Zinc ND 082 100 microgL somiddot F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply 10 the samples analyzed In accordJJncc with the chain ofcustody documenJ This onolyticol report must ~ reproduced In its en1ire1y

Poga 6of2J 1201063 Final ampport 01JS202

Liz Siska Project Manager 12

I 414 Pontius Ave North

Seattle WA 98109~ Ph 206-622-6960 FRONTIER- Fx 206-622-6870 cLoaAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 1B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-DUP1

Sample Duplicate Concentration Concentration RPD

Analyte ngL ngL MRL RPD Limit Method Notes

Mercury 3603 3621 505 0482 24 EPA 163IE

Fror tier Global Sciences Inc Tlte results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in Its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page 7of13 1102063 Final Report 01151011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Dige~tion Lab Number l202053-MSMSDI


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (microgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Beryllium ND 20200 2062 102 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 2177 15150 355l 907 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 205 70700 947 105 70 - 130 middot EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 6311 60600 6110 -331 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron ND 50500 4743 939 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 325 40400 758 107 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 553 40400 939 957 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 099 10100 1268 116 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Arsenic 1206 15150 2453 823 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 1213 30300 1452 791 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Molybltlenum 1952 20200 1925 -135 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmium 0623 080800 1437 IOI 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 1549 080800 2358 100 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Barium 2433 10100 2514 793 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Thallium 6848 040400 7126 689 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod QB-01 Lead ND 15150 1334 880 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPO

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20200 2025 100 l80 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 15150 3386 798 477 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 70700 909 996 412 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 60600 6122 -311 0200 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron 50500 4648 920 203 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 40400 813 121 706 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 40400 935 948 0415 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 10100 1013 904 224 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QR-08 Arsenic 15150 2577 905 492 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 30300 1399 614 376 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Molybdenum 20200 1909 -213 0823 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmiwn 080800 1230 752 155 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 080800 2316 950 177 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in 1his report only apply to tire samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcuslOdy docume11L This a11alytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

~-~~ Page 8of2J l 20206J Final Report

021512012 Liz Siska Project Manager


I 414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSMSD1


Spike Added (JlgL)

MSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 10100 2506 717 0305 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040400 6963 286 231 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 QB-01

Lead 15150 l403 926 509 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onlyapply to the samples analred in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced fn its entirety

Page 9of23 I202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 15

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B130Q5

Preparation Clo~~d Ve~~el Nitric Qven QigestiQn Lab Number f20205J-MSMSD3


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (JtgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Method Limits Notes

Beryllium ND 50500 4291 850 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Aluminum 2177 10100 9206 890 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Chromium 205 10100 1006 994 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS

Manganese 6311 IOl00 1582 942 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Iron ND 50500 4849 960 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Nickel 325 12625 1190 940 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Copper 553 12625 1149 906 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Zinc 099 25250 2401 950 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Arsenic 1206 10100 1050 103 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Selenium 1213 10100 1168 104 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Molybdenum 1952 50500 6851 970 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Cadmium 0623 10100 9695 954 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Antimony 1549 50500 5084 976 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Barium 2433 20200 2379 106 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thallium 6848 50500 5306 915 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS QB-01

Lead ND 25250 2205 873 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





Recovery Limits

RPDLimit Method Notes

Beryllium 50500 4337 859 108 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Aluminum 10100 9221 89l 0164 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Chromium 10100 9902 978 159 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Manganese 10100 1562 922 l27 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Iron 50500 4775 946 l53 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Nickel 12625 1197 946 0613 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Copper 12625 1129 890 179 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Zinc 25250 2399 950 00456 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Arsenic 10100 1013 992 357 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Selenium 10100 1151 102 149 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Molybdenum 50500 6848 970 00426 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Cadmium 10100 1004 987 345 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Antimony 50500 5111 98l 0531 70 - 130 20 EPA2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in rhls rtporl 011y apply 10 the samples anayrd i11 accordtmce with the chain ofcustodydocumtmL This analytical report mus bt nproducedin its entirety

~-~ Page Oo23 1202063 Final Report 02S2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 16

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSJMSD3 I


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





RPD Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 20200 2377 106 0106 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thalium 50500 5345 923 0720 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod ASQB-01

Lead 25250 2198 870 0315 7-0 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The lfl$Ws in this report onlyapply to the samplesOIUllyzed 11 accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page Ji of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 17

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98 l09

i Ph 206-622-6960 ~ ) Fx 206-622-6870 GIOBAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCJ Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD1

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method NotesLimits

Mercury 3603 10200 1409 103 71 - 125 EPA 1631pound

Spike MSD MSD Oo Recovery Added Concentration RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Notes Analyte

Mercury 10200 1410 103 00816 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The nsulis In thls rtporr only apply to the sampfuanalyud In accordana with the chain ofcustody documenL This analytical nportmust be reproducd in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Pagt J1of1J 1101063 Final Report 01152011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202035-02RE1

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration oo Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method Notes Limits

Mercury 3897 10200 1440 103 71 - 125 EPA I631E

Spike MSD MSD oo Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Notes (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Analyte

Mercury 10200 1445 103 0394 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 13of23 J202063 Final Report 0211512012

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager 19

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ J

~ - Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number f202159-MStMSDl

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration RecoveryAnalyte (JlgL) (microgL) 1tgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 15150 1891 125 70- 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Notes

Silver l5150 2021 133 664 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-07

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in its enlirety

Page Ua23 J202063 Final Report 021512012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Oo RecoveryAnalyte (microgL) (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 50500 4554 902 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

(microgL) RPO Limits (microgL) Recovery Limit Method NotesAnalyte

Silver 50500 4621 915 146 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz ~iska Project Manager

Page 15 o23 I202063 Final Report 0252012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 bullmiddot ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation ~losed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBS01

LCS Source Blank S~ike

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1891 945 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1430 953 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 644 920 85 ll5 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 511 962 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4547 909 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 402 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 418 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 1025 103 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1425 950 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2936 979 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Molybdenum 20000 182 910 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0828 103 middot 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0800 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 999 999 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0420 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead l5000 l552 103 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod






Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1863 93l 150 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1375 917 391 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 629 899 239 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 558 930 337 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4359 872 422 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 371 929 779 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 403 101 375 85 -115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 989 989 359 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1345 897 577 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2920 973 0548 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc Tht resulu In this report only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance wi1h the chain ofcustody documtnL This analytical rrport must be rrproduad in its entirety

~__J~ Pagt J6of23 202063 Final Rtpon 02JS2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 22

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960

~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOSAl SCIENCES



Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike Dup

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (pgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Molybdenum 20000 177 883 303 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0794 992 416 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0784 980 205 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 982 982 177 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0407 102 298 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead 15000 1535 102 106 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this reporr only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody docwnent This analytical report must be reproduced In its tnlirety

Page 17of3 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 23

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-BSBSD1

LCS Source LCS

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Limits Method Notes Mercury 15679 1577 101 80 - 120 EPA l63IE

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (ogL) (ogL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes Mercury 15679 1605 102 176 ampO - 120 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in zhis report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 8013 I202063 Fi11alReport 02151202


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202159 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike


Spike Added microgL)

LCS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Silver l5000 2156 144 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12


Spike Added (microgL)

LCSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RJgtD Limit Method Notes

Silver 15000 2141 143 0706 85 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 shy

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to zhe samples analyzed in accordance with rhe chain ofcustodydocument This analyticalreporl mus be reproduced in its entirety

Page 19of23 J102063 Final Report 02152011

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



Instrument Hg-16 Sequence 2B060I4

Preparation BrCI Oxidation

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202057-BLK1 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I63IE u F202057-BLK2 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I631E u F202057-BLK3 Mercury 005 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE u F202057-BLK4 Mercury 010 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE QB-04 U

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onl)I apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical rtporl must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 20of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North -Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOBAL- SCIENCES


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202053-BLK1 Beryllium 0005 0060 microgL F202053 SPA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Aluminum -004 40 microgL F202053 -PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Chromium -002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Manganese -0002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLKI Iron -03 100 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Nickel -003 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Copper 0008 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Zinc 010 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Arsenic -007 015 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Selenium -002 060 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Molybdenum OQl 006 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK I Cadmium 0005 0020 microgL F202053 3PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Antimony 0019 0020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Barium 0005 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Thallium 0028 0005 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc QB-10 F202053-BLK1 Lead 0004 0040 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed iTJ accordance wizh the chain ofcustody docrmienl This analyticalreport musl be ltproductd in its entirety

Page2J o23 J202063 Final Rtport 021)52012

Liz Siska Project Manager



414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202159-BLK1 Silver 00006 0020 microgL F202159 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced In its enlirgtty

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page22of3 J202063 Final Report 02152012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 bull ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Notes and Definitions U Analyte included in the analysis but not detected

QR-08 The RPD value for the MSMSD was outside ofacceptance limits Batch QC acceptable based on matrix duplicate andor LCSLCSD RPD values within control limits

QM-12 Initial or continuing calibration verification andor blank spikeblank spike duplicate recoveries above upper control limits All reported sample concentrations were below the reporting limit

QM-07 The spike recovery was outside control limits for the MS andor MSD The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QM-02 The MS andor MSD recoveries outside acceptance limits due to spike concentration less than I times the sample concentration The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QB-10 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL Only report sample results greater than 10 times the contamination value (QB-01 ) or samples less than the MRL (QB-02)

QB-04 The blank was preserved to 2 BrCl rather than 1 The control limit for blanks preserved to greater than 1 BrCI is the preservation percentage multiplied by the MRL

QB-02 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the sample concentrations are Jess than the MRL

QB-0 l The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the blank concentration(s) are Jess than 10 ofthe sample result

AS This MS andor MSD is an analytical spike andor an analytical spike duplicate

DET Analyte Detected

MDL Minimum Detection Limit

lv1RL Minimum Reporting Limit

ND Analyte Not Detected at or above the reporting limit

wet Sample results reported on a wet weight basis

dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis

RPD Relative Percent Difference

RSD Relative Standard Deviation

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be middoteproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

P~ge 23 o23 J202063 Final Report 02115120]2


107330middotJJlilI eastern analytical inc CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 0

professional laboratory seNlces GZANH (I)

DateTime Composites need start andstop datestimesSample IDs Matrix Parameters and Sample Notes of containers

Effluent Field Blank AqToUSWLLMetalsSub2z2b12 aqueous c=rcompS 17

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered LB Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate Circle_preservatives HCL HNO HSO NaOH MEOH Nasp~ Treat Tank Effluent I 122 o12 AqToVSWLLMetalsSubBODCODCyanTFN030G1664S04TDSTSSN624Afe6i6TPhenolsE606PGBfNH3ClpH

aqueous ~ fjYorComp9 5

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered L0 Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate fircle preservativels1ED HNO W)~ MEOH Naso ~

Please ensure this auto COC is accurate adheres to permit orsampling requirements for this sampling event and modify as necessary EAi Project ID 3902

Project Name Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

State NH

Client (Pro Mgr) Paul Pepler

Customer GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Address 380 Harvey Road

City Manchester NH 03103

Phone 623-3600 Fax 624-9463 (37)

EmaiAddress paulpeplergzacom

Results Needed by Preferred date----shy

Notes about project (ie Special Limits Billing info if different)

Subcontract ALL metals to Frontier Global Sciences Metals include Total AlSbAsBaBeCdCrCuFePbMnHgMoNlSeAgTI Zn Metals analyses require project-specific MSMSD

eczgt~ ~ 6Jy JSeog a1ct7so p~r (c4

QC deliverables

lll D A+ 18(s O B+ 0 C D PC

ReportlngOptlons o~151=JSi_ 181HC PONumber ~ 181 EDD PDF

Quote No to~C1f+C181 EDD email 181 PDF prelim NO FAX Temperature S- d-- degC D e-mail Login Confirmation

Ice present Yes IZfNo DONO FAX

Relinquished by DateTime Received by

Eastern Analytical Inc 25 Chanell Dr Concord NH 03301 Phone (603)228-0525 1-800-287-0525 Fax (603)228-4591


Public Service Company ofNew Hampshire Merrimack Station

Bow New Hampshire


PARAMETER (mgL) 222012


Aluminum 0218

Ammonia 11

Antimony 000155

Arsenic 00121

Barium 0243

Beryllium lt 000300

BOD lt6

Cadmium lt 000100

Chromium (T) lt 000500

COD 140

Copper 000553

Cyanide (T) ltOQl

Fluoride 29

Iron lt 0500

Lead lt 000200

Manganese 0631

Mercury 0000036 Molybdenum 0195

Nitrate 65

Nickel lt 000500

OampG lt 5

pH 74

Selenium 0121

Silver lt 000100

Thallium 000685

Zinc lt00100

Phenolic Compounds lt 05

GZA GeoEnvirorunental Inc 10ZAMANlobs04Jobsl0029300s04002930700WorkSAMPLINO AND REPORTINOIDATA04002930700 RESULTS 020812gtltlsMontb I round 2


ri--middot1 ~middot __~+-j__________- _ a_ -~-~-~-~Y-_i__ _e_ s_t_~-n- - ~_a_1

1 1


Paul Pepler

GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

380 Harvey Road

Manchester NH 03103

Subject Laboratory Report

Eastern Analytical Inc ID 107330

Client Identification Wastewater Analysis - Weekly Date Received 222012

Dear Mr Pepler

Enclosed please find the laboratory report for the above identified project All analyses were performed in accordance with our QAQC Program Unless otherwise stated holding times preservation techniques container types and sample conditions adhered to EPA Protocol Samples which were collected by Eastern Analytical Inc (EAi) were collected in accordance with approved EPA procedures Eastern Analytical Inc certifies that the enclosed test results meet all requirements of NELAP and other applicable state certifications Please refer to our website at wwweailabscom for a copy of our NELAP certificate and accredited parameters

The following standard abbreviations and conventions apply to all EAi reports Solid samples are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted lt less than followed by the reporting limit gt greater than followed by the reporting limit R Recovery

Eastern Analytical Inc maintains certification in the following states Connecticut (PH-0492) Maine (NHOOS) Massachusetts (M-NHOOS) New HampshireNELAP (1012) Rhode Island (269) and Vermont (VT1012)

The following information is contained within this report Sample Conditions summary Analytical ResultsData Quality Control data (if requested) and copies of the Chain of Custody This report may not be reproduced except in full without the the written approval of the laboratory

If you have any questions regarding the results contained within please feel free to directly contact me or the chemist(s) who performed the testing in question Unless otherwise requested we will dispose of the sample(s) 30 days from the sample receipt date

We appreciate this opportunity to be of service and look forward to your continued patronage


21-1 L Date Lorraine Olashaw Lab Director of pages (excluding cover letter)

wwwcailabscom ~ ti middot~


Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Temperature upon receipt degC) 52 Received on Ice or cold packs (YesNo) Y Acceptable temperature range (C) 0-6

Date Date Sample Dry Lab ID Sample ID Received Sampled Matrix Weight ExceptionsComments (other than thermal preservation)

10733001 Effluent Field Blank 2212 2212 aqueous Adheres to Sample Acceptance Policy

10733002 Treat Tank Effluent 2212 2212 aqueous 624 625 and 608 placed on hold then cancelled at customers

Samples were properly preserved and the pH measured when applicable unless otherwise noted Analysis ofsolids for pH Flashpoint lgnitibility Paint Filter Corrosivity Conductivity and Specific Gravity are reported on an middotas received basis

All results contained in this report relate only to the above listed samples References include 1) EPA 6004-79-020 1983 2) Standard Methods for Examination ofWater and Wastewater lnorganics 19th Edition 1995 Microbiology 20th Edition 1998 3) Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste SW 846 3rd Edition including updates VA and IVB 4) Hach Water Analysis Handbook 2nd edition 1992

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525


Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Sample ID

Lab Sample ID


Date Sampled Date Received


Date of ExtractionPrep

Date of Analysis



Dilution Factor

Oil amp Grease (HEM)

Treat Tank Effluent








LAS 1664A



eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525

bull middot



Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly Batch ID 734541-34922A0208120G1661

Parameter Name Blank LCS LCSD Analysis Date Units Limits RPO Method

Oil amp Grease HEM) lt5 36 (91 R) 36 (90 R) (1 RPO) 282012 mgL 78 - 114 18 1664A

Samples were extracted and analyzed within holding time limits Instrumentation was calibrated in accordance with the method requirements The method blanks were free of contamination at the reporting limits Sample surrogate recoveries met the above stated criteria The associated matrix spikes andor Laboratory Control Samples met acceptance criteria There were no exceptions in the analyses unless noted Flagged analyte recoveries deviated from the QNQC limits

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525 3


~ Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Sample ID Treat Tank Effluent

Lab Sample ID 10733002

Matrix aqueous

Date Sampled 2212 Analysis

2212 Units Date Time Method AnalystDate Received

Solids Suspended 6 mgL 20312 1045 25400 DLS Solids Dissolved 19000 mgL 20312 1045 2540C DLS Fluoride 29 mgL 20812 1501 3000 KL Sulfate 1200 mgL 20812 1446 3000 Kl Chloride 9300 mgL 20312 1035 4500CIE OLS Nitrate-N 65 mgL 20312 1032 3532 DLS Cyanide Total lt 001 mgL 20812 930 4500CNE KJR Ammonia-N 11 mgL 20912 900 4500NH30 SEL BOD lt6 mgL 20312 1120 52109 KJR COD 140 mgL 20712 1600 H8000 SKC Total Phenols lt 05 mgL 20812 200 4201 JCC pH 74 SU 20212 1630 4500H+B KJR

Total Phenols The reporting limit has been elevated due to matrix interference

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525 4

QC REPORT EAi ID 107330~ Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Parameter Name Blank LCS LCSD Date of

Units Analysis Limits RPO Method middot-middot-middot-middot~ middot-middot----shySolids Suspended lt2 95 (95 R) 94 (94 R) (1 RPO) mgL 2312 90 - 110 20 25400 Solids Dissolved lt5 990 (99 R) NA mgL 2312 85 -115 20 2540C Fluoride lt 01 20 (99 R) 20 (99 R) (0 RPO) mgL 2812 90 -110 20 3000 Sulfate lt 1 20 (100 R) 20 (101 R) (1 RPO) mgL 28112 90 - 110 20 3000 Chloride lt 1 24 (96 R) 24 (97 R (1 RPO mgL 2312 90 - 110 20 4500CIE Nitrate-N lt 05 4 9 (99 R 49 (98 R) (1 RPO) mgL 23112 90 - 110 20 3532 Cyanide Total lt002 025 (100 R) NA mgL 28112 85 - 115 20 4500CNE Ammonia-N lt 005 22 (109 R) 22 (110 R) (1 RPO) mgL 2912 90 - 110 20 4500NH3DN BOD lt6 420 (104 R 420 (104 R) (0 RPO) mgL 2312 84 - 115 20 52106 COD lt 10 100 (103 R) 100 (101 R) (2 RPO) mgL 27112 85 - 115 20 H8000 Total Phenols lt 005 022 (87 R) 022 (89 R) (2 RPO) mgL 2812 85 - 115 20 4201 pH 605 (101 R) 607 (101 R) (0 RPO) SU 2212 595 - 607 10 4500H+B

Samples were analyzed within holding times unless noted on the sample results page Instrumentation was calibrated in accordance with the method requirements The method blanks were free of contamination at the reporting limits The associated matrix spikes andor Laboratory Control Samples met the above stated criteria Exceptions to the above statements are flagged or noted above or on the QC Narrative page bullf Flagged analyte recoveries deviated from the QAQC limits

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525 5

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


15 February 2012


Eastern Analytical Inc

25 Chenell Drive

Concord NH 0330 I

RE Merrimack Station

Enclosed are the analytical results for samples received by Frontier Global Sciences All quality control

measurements are within established control limits and there were no analytical difficulties encountered with the exception of those listed in the case narrative section of this report

Ifyou have any questions concerning this report please feel free to contact me


Liz Siska

Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~


Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Laboratory Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Client Eastern Analytical Inc


Project Merrimack Station

Sample ID Lab ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received

C-3015 Effluent Field Blank 1202063-01 Water 02-Feb-12 0847 03-Feb-12 0930

Treat Tank Effluent 1202063-02 Water 02-Feb-12 0915 03-Feb-12 0930

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this ~port only apply to the samples analyzed inaccordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Pagel o23 1202063 Final Report 0211512012


414 Pontius Ave North

Seattle WA 98109 Pb 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Samples were received at Frontier Global Sciences (FGS) on February 3rd 2012 The samples were received intact on-ice with temperatures measured at 106 degrees Celsius


Samples were prepared and analyzed for total metals in accordance with EPA Method 2008 (modified)

Samples were prepared and analyzed for total mercury in accordance with EPAMethod 163 lE


Liquid spikes were prepared for every preparation as a measure ofaccuracy All liquid spikes and certified reference material were within the control limits

As an additional measure ofthe accuracy ofthe methods utilized for analysis and to check for matrix interference matrix spikes (MS) and matrix spike duplicates (MSD) were digested and analyzed All ofthe matrix spike recoveries were within the control limits with the exception of any QC flagged and described in the notes and definitions section ofthe following report

A reasonable measure ofthe precision ofthe analytical methods utilized for analysis is the relative percent difference (RPO) between matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate recoveries and between laboratory control sample and laboratory control sample duplicate recoveries All of the relative percent differences were within the control limits with the exception of any QC flagged and described in the notes and definitions section ofthe following report

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in tltis report only apply 10 the samples analyzed In accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page 2of2J 1202063 Fial Report 02115202


h~O26C~ Chain ofCusfody Record amp Laboratory Analysis Request 111 lon 107330 gt9 Air Water Sediments Plant and Animal Tissue --middot - - middot SCI

F~x 2C-622-6670H d b amp 0 th S middot FRONT I EK Y rocar on er ampes ~ C t C 9 Al s CI 6 fl CE s aoc middot of I 12 ) 2 tc =s httpv-wfomtlr(Scom

ishy- - ---For La~ratort Use-Only coc SealV(1 middot comtt11ts C Coc_lPrTcmpfltZ~ 17 Dmiddotmiddot( ~shyCarrier11 es----i VTSR Glf sQ_ i _ - _ Rf orCoolen Jt ~ J middot

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Sample Dlsposzl CJ Renr (sb ippins fleS may aply) Cl Standard Oi~microCgtSnl shy 30 D~ys atter report 0 Retain foshy middot- middot weelltS after re~rt (storage fees rT3Y apply)

By ~IQnifIII you d=lare tlgt~t you agret viti FGS tcms ~nd rondllons and tba you atltthorie FGS to perfonr tne specified analyses

Custonier Approval bull Dale

The results in this report only applyUJ the samples analyzedin acconJa_nce with_ theFrontierGlobal Sciences Inc chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report mwt be reproduced in Its entirety


Page3of23 J202063 Final Report 02)512012

Liz SiskaProject Manager 9

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870~


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414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



C-3015 Effluent Field Blank

Matrix Water Laboratory ID 1202063-01

Analyte Result MDL MRL Units Dilution Batch Sequence Analyud Method Notes

Aluminum ND OA 40 microgL 1 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Antimony ND 0005 0 020 microgL 1 F202053 2813005 021212 EPA2008 Mod u Arsenic ND 005 015 microgL 1 F202053 2BI3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Bariu111 ND 003 020 microgL 1 F202053 2813005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Beryllium ND 0023 0060 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Cadmium ND 0004 0020 microgL F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Chromium ND 0009 010 microgL F202053 2813005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Copper ND 001 010 microgL I F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Iron ND 13 100 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Lead ND 0004 0040 microgL l F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Manganese 012 0007 010 microgL 1 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod

Mercury ND 008 050 ngL 1 F202057 2B06014 020612 EPA 1631E u Molybdenum ND 0006 006 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Nickel ND 0008 010 microgL F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Selenium ND 019 060 microgL 1 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Silver ND 0006 0020 microgL 1 F202159 2B15016 021512 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 U

Thalyum ND 0001 0005 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod QB-02 U

Zinc ND ooz 020 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl5001 021412 EPA2008 Mod u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproductd in its entirety

Page5of23 1201063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 11


414 Pontius Ave North ~ Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ CLOBAL SCIENCES

Fx 206-622-6870


Treat Tank Effluent

Matrix Water Laboratory ID 1202o~H2

Analyte Result MDL MRL Units Dilution Batch Sequence Analyzed Method Notes

Aluminum 218 222 200 microgL 50 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA2008Mod Antimony 155 0230 100 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA2008Mod

Arsenic 121 255 750 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Barium 243 135 100 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Beryllium ND 114 300 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Cadmium ND 0208 100 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Chromium ND 045 500 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Copper 553 050 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Iron ND 650 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Lead ND 0195 200 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Manganese 631 037 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA2008 Mod Mercury 360 084 505 ngL 10 F202057 2B06014 020612 EPA 163IE Molybdenum 195 030 300 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel ND 040 500 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Selenium 121 969 300 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA2008Mod Silver ND 0300 LOO microgL 50 F202159 2B 15016 021512 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 U

Thallium 685 0056 0250 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod QB-01 Zinc ND 082 100 microgL somiddot F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply 10 the samples analyzed In accordJJncc with the chain ofcustody documenJ This onolyticol report must ~ reproduced In its en1ire1y

Poga 6of2J 1201063 Final ampport 01JS202

Liz Siska Project Manager 12

I 414 Pontius Ave North

Seattle WA 98109~ Ph 206-622-6960 FRONTIER- Fx 206-622-6870 cLoaAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 1B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-DUP1

Sample Duplicate Concentration Concentration RPD

Analyte ngL ngL MRL RPD Limit Method Notes

Mercury 3603 3621 505 0482 24 EPA 163IE

Fror tier Global Sciences Inc Tlte results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in Its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page 7of13 1102063 Final Report 01151011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Dige~tion Lab Number l202053-MSMSDI


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (microgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Beryllium ND 20200 2062 102 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 2177 15150 355l 907 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 205 70700 947 105 70 - 130 middot EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 6311 60600 6110 -331 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron ND 50500 4743 939 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 325 40400 758 107 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 553 40400 939 957 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 099 10100 1268 116 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Arsenic 1206 15150 2453 823 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 1213 30300 1452 791 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Molybltlenum 1952 20200 1925 -135 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmium 0623 080800 1437 IOI 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 1549 080800 2358 100 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Barium 2433 10100 2514 793 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Thallium 6848 040400 7126 689 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod QB-01 Lead ND 15150 1334 880 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPO

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20200 2025 100 l80 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 15150 3386 798 477 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 70700 909 996 412 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 60600 6122 -311 0200 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron 50500 4648 920 203 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 40400 813 121 706 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 40400 935 948 0415 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 10100 1013 904 224 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QR-08 Arsenic 15150 2577 905 492 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 30300 1399 614 376 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Molybdenum 20200 1909 -213 0823 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmiwn 080800 1230 752 155 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 080800 2316 950 177 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in 1his report only apply to tire samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcuslOdy docume11L This a11alytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

~-~~ Page 8of2J l 20206J Final Report

021512012 Liz Siska Project Manager


I 414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSMSD1


Spike Added (JlgL)

MSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 10100 2506 717 0305 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040400 6963 286 231 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 QB-01

Lead 15150 l403 926 509 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onlyapply to the samples analred in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced fn its entirety

Page 9of23 I202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 15

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B130Q5

Preparation Clo~~d Ve~~el Nitric Qven QigestiQn Lab Number f20205J-MSMSD3


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (JtgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Method Limits Notes

Beryllium ND 50500 4291 850 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Aluminum 2177 10100 9206 890 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Chromium 205 10100 1006 994 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS

Manganese 6311 IOl00 1582 942 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Iron ND 50500 4849 960 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Nickel 325 12625 1190 940 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Copper 553 12625 1149 906 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Zinc 099 25250 2401 950 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Arsenic 1206 10100 1050 103 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Selenium 1213 10100 1168 104 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Molybdenum 1952 50500 6851 970 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Cadmium 0623 10100 9695 954 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Antimony 1549 50500 5084 976 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Barium 2433 20200 2379 106 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thallium 6848 50500 5306 915 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS QB-01

Lead ND 25250 2205 873 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





Recovery Limits

RPDLimit Method Notes

Beryllium 50500 4337 859 108 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Aluminum 10100 9221 89l 0164 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Chromium 10100 9902 978 159 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Manganese 10100 1562 922 l27 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Iron 50500 4775 946 l53 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Nickel 12625 1197 946 0613 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Copper 12625 1129 890 179 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Zinc 25250 2399 950 00456 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Arsenic 10100 1013 992 357 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Selenium 10100 1151 102 149 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Molybdenum 50500 6848 970 00426 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Cadmium 10100 1004 987 345 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Antimony 50500 5111 98l 0531 70 - 130 20 EPA2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in rhls rtporl 011y apply 10 the samples anayrd i11 accordtmce with the chain ofcustodydocumtmL This analytical report mus bt nproducedin its entirety

~-~ Page Oo23 1202063 Final Report 02S2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 16

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSJMSD3 I


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





RPD Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 20200 2377 106 0106 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thalium 50500 5345 923 0720 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod ASQB-01

Lead 25250 2198 870 0315 7-0 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The lfl$Ws in this report onlyapply to the samplesOIUllyzed 11 accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page Ji of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 17

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98 l09

i Ph 206-622-6960 ~ ) Fx 206-622-6870 GIOBAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCJ Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD1

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method NotesLimits

Mercury 3603 10200 1409 103 71 - 125 EPA 1631pound

Spike MSD MSD Oo Recovery Added Concentration RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Notes Analyte

Mercury 10200 1410 103 00816 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The nsulis In thls rtporr only apply to the sampfuanalyud In accordana with the chain ofcustody documenL This analytical nportmust be reproducd in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Pagt J1of1J 1101063 Final Report 01152011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202035-02RE1

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration oo Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method Notes Limits

Mercury 3897 10200 1440 103 71 - 125 EPA I631E

Spike MSD MSD oo Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Notes (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Analyte

Mercury 10200 1445 103 0394 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 13of23 J202063 Final Report 0211512012

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager 19

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ J

~ - Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number f202159-MStMSDl

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration RecoveryAnalyte (JlgL) (microgL) 1tgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 15150 1891 125 70- 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Notes

Silver l5150 2021 133 664 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-07

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in its enlirety

Page Ua23 J202063 Final Report 021512012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Oo RecoveryAnalyte (microgL) (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 50500 4554 902 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

(microgL) RPO Limits (microgL) Recovery Limit Method NotesAnalyte

Silver 50500 4621 915 146 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz ~iska Project Manager

Page 15 o23 I202063 Final Report 0252012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 bullmiddot ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation ~losed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBS01

LCS Source Blank S~ike

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1891 945 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1430 953 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 644 920 85 ll5 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 511 962 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4547 909 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 402 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 418 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 1025 103 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1425 950 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2936 979 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Molybdenum 20000 182 910 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0828 103 middot 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0800 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 999 999 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0420 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead l5000 l552 103 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod






Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1863 93l 150 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1375 917 391 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 629 899 239 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 558 930 337 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4359 872 422 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 371 929 779 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 403 101 375 85 -115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 989 989 359 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1345 897 577 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2920 973 0548 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc Tht resulu In this report only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance wi1h the chain ofcustody documtnL This analytical rrport must be rrproduad in its entirety

~__J~ Pagt J6of23 202063 Final Rtpon 02JS2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 22

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960

~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOSAl SCIENCES



Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike Dup

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (pgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Molybdenum 20000 177 883 303 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0794 992 416 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0784 980 205 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 982 982 177 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0407 102 298 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead 15000 1535 102 106 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this reporr only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody docwnent This analytical report must be reproduced In its tnlirety

Page 17of3 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 23

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-BSBSD1

LCS Source LCS

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Limits Method Notes Mercury 15679 1577 101 80 - 120 EPA l63IE

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (ogL) (ogL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes Mercury 15679 1605 102 176 ampO - 120 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in zhis report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 8013 I202063 Fi11alReport 02151202


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202159 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike


Spike Added microgL)

LCS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Silver l5000 2156 144 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12


Spike Added (microgL)

LCSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RJgtD Limit Method Notes

Silver 15000 2141 143 0706 85 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 shy

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to zhe samples analyzed in accordance with rhe chain ofcustodydocument This analyticalreporl mus be reproduced in its entirety

Page 19of23 J102063 Final Report 02152011

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



Instrument Hg-16 Sequence 2B060I4

Preparation BrCI Oxidation

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202057-BLK1 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I63IE u F202057-BLK2 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I631E u F202057-BLK3 Mercury 005 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE u F202057-BLK4 Mercury 010 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE QB-04 U

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onl)I apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical rtporl must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 20of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North -Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOBAL- SCIENCES


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202053-BLK1 Beryllium 0005 0060 microgL F202053 SPA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Aluminum -004 40 microgL F202053 -PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Chromium -002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Manganese -0002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLKI Iron -03 100 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Nickel -003 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Copper 0008 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Zinc 010 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Arsenic -007 015 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Selenium -002 060 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Molybdenum OQl 006 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK I Cadmium 0005 0020 microgL F202053 3PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Antimony 0019 0020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Barium 0005 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Thallium 0028 0005 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc QB-10 F202053-BLK1 Lead 0004 0040 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed iTJ accordance wizh the chain ofcustody docrmienl This analyticalreport musl be ltproductd in its entirety

Page2J o23 J202063 Final Rtport 021)52012

Liz Siska Project Manager



414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202159-BLK1 Silver 00006 0020 microgL F202159 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced In its enlirgtty

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page22of3 J202063 Final Report 02152012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 bull ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Notes and Definitions U Analyte included in the analysis but not detected

QR-08 The RPD value for the MSMSD was outside ofacceptance limits Batch QC acceptable based on matrix duplicate andor LCSLCSD RPD values within control limits

QM-12 Initial or continuing calibration verification andor blank spikeblank spike duplicate recoveries above upper control limits All reported sample concentrations were below the reporting limit

QM-07 The spike recovery was outside control limits for the MS andor MSD The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QM-02 The MS andor MSD recoveries outside acceptance limits due to spike concentration less than I times the sample concentration The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QB-10 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL Only report sample results greater than 10 times the contamination value (QB-01 ) or samples less than the MRL (QB-02)

QB-04 The blank was preserved to 2 BrCl rather than 1 The control limit for blanks preserved to greater than 1 BrCI is the preservation percentage multiplied by the MRL

QB-02 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the sample concentrations are Jess than the MRL

QB-0 l The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the blank concentration(s) are Jess than 10 ofthe sample result

AS This MS andor MSD is an analytical spike andor an analytical spike duplicate

DET Analyte Detected

MDL Minimum Detection Limit

lv1RL Minimum Reporting Limit

ND Analyte Not Detected at or above the reporting limit

wet Sample results reported on a wet weight basis

dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis

RPD Relative Percent Difference

RSD Relative Standard Deviation

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be middoteproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

P~ge 23 o23 J202063 Final Report 02115120]2


107330middotJJlilI eastern analytical inc CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 0

professional laboratory seNlces GZANH (I)

DateTime Composites need start andstop datestimesSample IDs Matrix Parameters and Sample Notes of containers

Effluent Field Blank AqToUSWLLMetalsSub2z2b12 aqueous c=rcompS 17

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered LB Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate Circle_preservatives HCL HNO HSO NaOH MEOH Nasp~ Treat Tank Effluent I 122 o12 AqToVSWLLMetalsSubBODCODCyanTFN030G1664S04TDSTSSN624Afe6i6TPhenolsE606PGBfNH3ClpH

aqueous ~ fjYorComp9 5

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered L0 Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate fircle preservativels1ED HNO W)~ MEOH Naso ~

Please ensure this auto COC is accurate adheres to permit orsampling requirements for this sampling event and modify as necessary EAi Project ID 3902

Project Name Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

State NH

Client (Pro Mgr) Paul Pepler

Customer GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Address 380 Harvey Road

City Manchester NH 03103

Phone 623-3600 Fax 624-9463 (37)

EmaiAddress paulpeplergzacom

Results Needed by Preferred date----shy

Notes about project (ie Special Limits Billing info if different)

Subcontract ALL metals to Frontier Global Sciences Metals include Total AlSbAsBaBeCdCrCuFePbMnHgMoNlSeAgTI Zn Metals analyses require project-specific MSMSD

eczgt~ ~ 6Jy JSeog a1ct7so p~r (c4

QC deliverables

lll D A+ 18(s O B+ 0 C D PC

ReportlngOptlons o~151=JSi_ 181HC PONumber ~ 181 EDD PDF

Quote No to~C1f+C181 EDD email 181 PDF prelim NO FAX Temperature S- d-- degC D e-mail Login Confirmation

Ice present Yes IZfNo DONO FAX

Relinquished by DateTime Received by

Eastern Analytical Inc 25 Chanell Dr Concord NH 03301 Phone (603)228-0525 1-800-287-0525 Fax (603)228-4591


ri--middot1 ~middot __~+-j__________- _ a_ -~-~-~-~Y-_i__ _e_ s_t_~-n- - ~_a_1

1 1


Paul Pepler

GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

380 Harvey Road

Manchester NH 03103

Subject Laboratory Report

Eastern Analytical Inc ID 107330

Client Identification Wastewater Analysis - Weekly Date Received 222012

Dear Mr Pepler

Enclosed please find the laboratory report for the above identified project All analyses were performed in accordance with our QAQC Program Unless otherwise stated holding times preservation techniques container types and sample conditions adhered to EPA Protocol Samples which were collected by Eastern Analytical Inc (EAi) were collected in accordance with approved EPA procedures Eastern Analytical Inc certifies that the enclosed test results meet all requirements of NELAP and other applicable state certifications Please refer to our website at wwweailabscom for a copy of our NELAP certificate and accredited parameters

The following standard abbreviations and conventions apply to all EAi reports Solid samples are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted lt less than followed by the reporting limit gt greater than followed by the reporting limit R Recovery

Eastern Analytical Inc maintains certification in the following states Connecticut (PH-0492) Maine (NHOOS) Massachusetts (M-NHOOS) New HampshireNELAP (1012) Rhode Island (269) and Vermont (VT1012)

The following information is contained within this report Sample Conditions summary Analytical ResultsData Quality Control data (if requested) and copies of the Chain of Custody This report may not be reproduced except in full without the the written approval of the laboratory

If you have any questions regarding the results contained within please feel free to directly contact me or the chemist(s) who performed the testing in question Unless otherwise requested we will dispose of the sample(s) 30 days from the sample receipt date

We appreciate this opportunity to be of service and look forward to your continued patronage


21-1 L Date Lorraine Olashaw Lab Director of pages (excluding cover letter)

wwwcailabscom ~ ti middot~


Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Temperature upon receipt degC) 52 Received on Ice or cold packs (YesNo) Y Acceptable temperature range (C) 0-6

Date Date Sample Dry Lab ID Sample ID Received Sampled Matrix Weight ExceptionsComments (other than thermal preservation)

10733001 Effluent Field Blank 2212 2212 aqueous Adheres to Sample Acceptance Policy

10733002 Treat Tank Effluent 2212 2212 aqueous 624 625 and 608 placed on hold then cancelled at customers

Samples were properly preserved and the pH measured when applicable unless otherwise noted Analysis ofsolids for pH Flashpoint lgnitibility Paint Filter Corrosivity Conductivity and Specific Gravity are reported on an middotas received basis

All results contained in this report relate only to the above listed samples References include 1) EPA 6004-79-020 1983 2) Standard Methods for Examination ofWater and Wastewater lnorganics 19th Edition 1995 Microbiology 20th Edition 1998 3) Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste SW 846 3rd Edition including updates VA and IVB 4) Hach Water Analysis Handbook 2nd edition 1992

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525


Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Sample ID

Lab Sample ID


Date Sampled Date Received


Date of ExtractionPrep

Date of Analysis



Dilution Factor

Oil amp Grease (HEM)

Treat Tank Effluent








LAS 1664A



eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525

bull middot



Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly Batch ID 734541-34922A0208120G1661

Parameter Name Blank LCS LCSD Analysis Date Units Limits RPO Method

Oil amp Grease HEM) lt5 36 (91 R) 36 (90 R) (1 RPO) 282012 mgL 78 - 114 18 1664A

Samples were extracted and analyzed within holding time limits Instrumentation was calibrated in accordance with the method requirements The method blanks were free of contamination at the reporting limits Sample surrogate recoveries met the above stated criteria The associated matrix spikes andor Laboratory Control Samples met acceptance criteria There were no exceptions in the analyses unless noted Flagged analyte recoveries deviated from the QNQC limits

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525 3


~ Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Sample ID Treat Tank Effluent

Lab Sample ID 10733002

Matrix aqueous

Date Sampled 2212 Analysis

2212 Units Date Time Method AnalystDate Received

Solids Suspended 6 mgL 20312 1045 25400 DLS Solids Dissolved 19000 mgL 20312 1045 2540C DLS Fluoride 29 mgL 20812 1501 3000 KL Sulfate 1200 mgL 20812 1446 3000 Kl Chloride 9300 mgL 20312 1035 4500CIE OLS Nitrate-N 65 mgL 20312 1032 3532 DLS Cyanide Total lt 001 mgL 20812 930 4500CNE KJR Ammonia-N 11 mgL 20912 900 4500NH30 SEL BOD lt6 mgL 20312 1120 52109 KJR COD 140 mgL 20712 1600 H8000 SKC Total Phenols lt 05 mgL 20812 200 4201 JCC pH 74 SU 20212 1630 4500H+B KJR

Total Phenols The reporting limit has been elevated due to matrix interference

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525 4

QC REPORT EAi ID 107330~ Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Parameter Name Blank LCS LCSD Date of

Units Analysis Limits RPO Method middot-middot-middot-middot~ middot-middot----shySolids Suspended lt2 95 (95 R) 94 (94 R) (1 RPO) mgL 2312 90 - 110 20 25400 Solids Dissolved lt5 990 (99 R) NA mgL 2312 85 -115 20 2540C Fluoride lt 01 20 (99 R) 20 (99 R) (0 RPO) mgL 2812 90 -110 20 3000 Sulfate lt 1 20 (100 R) 20 (101 R) (1 RPO) mgL 28112 90 - 110 20 3000 Chloride lt 1 24 (96 R) 24 (97 R (1 RPO mgL 2312 90 - 110 20 4500CIE Nitrate-N lt 05 4 9 (99 R 49 (98 R) (1 RPO) mgL 23112 90 - 110 20 3532 Cyanide Total lt002 025 (100 R) NA mgL 28112 85 - 115 20 4500CNE Ammonia-N lt 005 22 (109 R) 22 (110 R) (1 RPO) mgL 2912 90 - 110 20 4500NH3DN BOD lt6 420 (104 R 420 (104 R) (0 RPO) mgL 2312 84 - 115 20 52106 COD lt 10 100 (103 R) 100 (101 R) (2 RPO) mgL 27112 85 - 115 20 H8000 Total Phenols lt 005 022 (87 R) 022 (89 R) (2 RPO) mgL 2812 85 - 115 20 4201 pH 605 (101 R) 607 (101 R) (0 RPO) SU 2212 595 - 607 10 4500H+B

Samples were analyzed within holding times unless noted on the sample results page Instrumentation was calibrated in accordance with the method requirements The method blanks were free of contamination at the reporting limits The associated matrix spikes andor Laboratory Control Samples met the above stated criteria Exceptions to the above statements are flagged or noted above or on the QC Narrative page bullf Flagged analyte recoveries deviated from the QAQC limits

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525 5

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


15 February 2012


Eastern Analytical Inc

25 Chenell Drive

Concord NH 0330 I

RE Merrimack Station

Enclosed are the analytical results for samples received by Frontier Global Sciences All quality control

measurements are within established control limits and there were no analytical difficulties encountered with the exception of those listed in the case narrative section of this report

Ifyou have any questions concerning this report please feel free to contact me


Liz Siska

Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~


Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Laboratory Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Client Eastern Analytical Inc


Project Merrimack Station

Sample ID Lab ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received

C-3015 Effluent Field Blank 1202063-01 Water 02-Feb-12 0847 03-Feb-12 0930

Treat Tank Effluent 1202063-02 Water 02-Feb-12 0915 03-Feb-12 0930

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this ~port only apply to the samples analyzed inaccordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Pagel o23 1202063 Final Report 0211512012


414 Pontius Ave North

Seattle WA 98109 Pb 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Samples were received at Frontier Global Sciences (FGS) on February 3rd 2012 The samples were received intact on-ice with temperatures measured at 106 degrees Celsius


Samples were prepared and analyzed for total metals in accordance with EPA Method 2008 (modified)

Samples were prepared and analyzed for total mercury in accordance with EPAMethod 163 lE


Liquid spikes were prepared for every preparation as a measure ofaccuracy All liquid spikes and certified reference material were within the control limits

As an additional measure ofthe accuracy ofthe methods utilized for analysis and to check for matrix interference matrix spikes (MS) and matrix spike duplicates (MSD) were digested and analyzed All ofthe matrix spike recoveries were within the control limits with the exception of any QC flagged and described in the notes and definitions section ofthe following report

A reasonable measure ofthe precision ofthe analytical methods utilized for analysis is the relative percent difference (RPO) between matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate recoveries and between laboratory control sample and laboratory control sample duplicate recoveries All of the relative percent differences were within the control limits with the exception of any QC flagged and described in the notes and definitions section ofthe following report

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in tltis report only apply 10 the samples analyzed In accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page 2of2J 1202063 Fial Report 02115202


h~O26C~ Chain ofCusfody Record amp Laboratory Analysis Request 111 lon 107330 gt9 Air Water Sediments Plant and Animal Tissue --middot - - middot SCI

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By ~IQnifIII you d=lare tlgt~t you agret viti FGS tcms ~nd rondllons and tba you atltthorie FGS to perfonr tne specified analyses

Custonier Approval bull Dale

The results in this report only applyUJ the samples analyzedin acconJa_nce with_ theFrontierGlobal Sciences Inc chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report mwt be reproduced in Its entirety


Page3of23 J202063 Final Report 02)512012

Liz SiskaProject Manager 9

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870~


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414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



C-3015 Effluent Field Blank

Matrix Water Laboratory ID 1202063-01

Analyte Result MDL MRL Units Dilution Batch Sequence Analyud Method Notes

Aluminum ND OA 40 microgL 1 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Antimony ND 0005 0 020 microgL 1 F202053 2813005 021212 EPA2008 Mod u Arsenic ND 005 015 microgL 1 F202053 2BI3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Bariu111 ND 003 020 microgL 1 F202053 2813005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Beryllium ND 0023 0060 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Cadmium ND 0004 0020 microgL F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Chromium ND 0009 010 microgL F202053 2813005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Copper ND 001 010 microgL I F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Iron ND 13 100 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Lead ND 0004 0040 microgL l F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Manganese 012 0007 010 microgL 1 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod

Mercury ND 008 050 ngL 1 F202057 2B06014 020612 EPA 1631E u Molybdenum ND 0006 006 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Nickel ND 0008 010 microgL F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Selenium ND 019 060 microgL 1 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Silver ND 0006 0020 microgL 1 F202159 2B15016 021512 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 U

Thalyum ND 0001 0005 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod QB-02 U

Zinc ND ooz 020 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl5001 021412 EPA2008 Mod u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproductd in its entirety

Page5of23 1201063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 11


414 Pontius Ave North ~ Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ CLOBAL SCIENCES

Fx 206-622-6870


Treat Tank Effluent

Matrix Water Laboratory ID 1202o~H2

Analyte Result MDL MRL Units Dilution Batch Sequence Analyzed Method Notes

Aluminum 218 222 200 microgL 50 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA2008Mod Antimony 155 0230 100 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA2008Mod

Arsenic 121 255 750 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Barium 243 135 100 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Beryllium ND 114 300 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Cadmium ND 0208 100 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Chromium ND 045 500 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Copper 553 050 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Iron ND 650 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Lead ND 0195 200 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Manganese 631 037 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA2008 Mod Mercury 360 084 505 ngL 10 F202057 2B06014 020612 EPA 163IE Molybdenum 195 030 300 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel ND 040 500 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Selenium 121 969 300 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA2008Mod Silver ND 0300 LOO microgL 50 F202159 2B 15016 021512 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 U

Thallium 685 0056 0250 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod QB-01 Zinc ND 082 100 microgL somiddot F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply 10 the samples analyzed In accordJJncc with the chain ofcustody documenJ This onolyticol report must ~ reproduced In its en1ire1y

Poga 6of2J 1201063 Final ampport 01JS202

Liz Siska Project Manager 12

I 414 Pontius Ave North

Seattle WA 98109~ Ph 206-622-6960 FRONTIER- Fx 206-622-6870 cLoaAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 1B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-DUP1

Sample Duplicate Concentration Concentration RPD

Analyte ngL ngL MRL RPD Limit Method Notes

Mercury 3603 3621 505 0482 24 EPA 163IE

Fror tier Global Sciences Inc Tlte results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in Its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page 7of13 1102063 Final Report 01151011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Dige~tion Lab Number l202053-MSMSDI


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (microgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Beryllium ND 20200 2062 102 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 2177 15150 355l 907 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 205 70700 947 105 70 - 130 middot EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 6311 60600 6110 -331 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron ND 50500 4743 939 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 325 40400 758 107 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 553 40400 939 957 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 099 10100 1268 116 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Arsenic 1206 15150 2453 823 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 1213 30300 1452 791 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Molybltlenum 1952 20200 1925 -135 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmium 0623 080800 1437 IOI 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 1549 080800 2358 100 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Barium 2433 10100 2514 793 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Thallium 6848 040400 7126 689 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod QB-01 Lead ND 15150 1334 880 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPO

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20200 2025 100 l80 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 15150 3386 798 477 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 70700 909 996 412 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 60600 6122 -311 0200 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron 50500 4648 920 203 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 40400 813 121 706 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 40400 935 948 0415 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 10100 1013 904 224 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QR-08 Arsenic 15150 2577 905 492 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 30300 1399 614 376 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Molybdenum 20200 1909 -213 0823 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmiwn 080800 1230 752 155 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 080800 2316 950 177 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in 1his report only apply to tire samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcuslOdy docume11L This a11alytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

~-~~ Page 8of2J l 20206J Final Report

021512012 Liz Siska Project Manager


I 414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSMSD1


Spike Added (JlgL)

MSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 10100 2506 717 0305 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040400 6963 286 231 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 QB-01

Lead 15150 l403 926 509 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onlyapply to the samples analred in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced fn its entirety

Page 9of23 I202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 15

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B130Q5

Preparation Clo~~d Ve~~el Nitric Qven QigestiQn Lab Number f20205J-MSMSD3


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (JtgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Method Limits Notes

Beryllium ND 50500 4291 850 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Aluminum 2177 10100 9206 890 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Chromium 205 10100 1006 994 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS

Manganese 6311 IOl00 1582 942 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Iron ND 50500 4849 960 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Nickel 325 12625 1190 940 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Copper 553 12625 1149 906 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Zinc 099 25250 2401 950 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Arsenic 1206 10100 1050 103 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Selenium 1213 10100 1168 104 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Molybdenum 1952 50500 6851 970 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Cadmium 0623 10100 9695 954 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Antimony 1549 50500 5084 976 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Barium 2433 20200 2379 106 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thallium 6848 50500 5306 915 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS QB-01

Lead ND 25250 2205 873 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





Recovery Limits

RPDLimit Method Notes

Beryllium 50500 4337 859 108 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Aluminum 10100 9221 89l 0164 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Chromium 10100 9902 978 159 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Manganese 10100 1562 922 l27 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Iron 50500 4775 946 l53 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Nickel 12625 1197 946 0613 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Copper 12625 1129 890 179 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Zinc 25250 2399 950 00456 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Arsenic 10100 1013 992 357 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Selenium 10100 1151 102 149 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Molybdenum 50500 6848 970 00426 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Cadmium 10100 1004 987 345 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Antimony 50500 5111 98l 0531 70 - 130 20 EPA2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in rhls rtporl 011y apply 10 the samples anayrd i11 accordtmce with the chain ofcustodydocumtmL This analytical report mus bt nproducedin its entirety

~-~ Page Oo23 1202063 Final Report 02S2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 16

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSJMSD3 I


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





RPD Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 20200 2377 106 0106 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thalium 50500 5345 923 0720 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod ASQB-01

Lead 25250 2198 870 0315 7-0 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The lfl$Ws in this report onlyapply to the samplesOIUllyzed 11 accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page Ji of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 17

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98 l09

i Ph 206-622-6960 ~ ) Fx 206-622-6870 GIOBAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCJ Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD1

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method NotesLimits

Mercury 3603 10200 1409 103 71 - 125 EPA 1631pound

Spike MSD MSD Oo Recovery Added Concentration RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Notes Analyte

Mercury 10200 1410 103 00816 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The nsulis In thls rtporr only apply to the sampfuanalyud In accordana with the chain ofcustody documenL This analytical nportmust be reproducd in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Pagt J1of1J 1101063 Final Report 01152011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202035-02RE1

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration oo Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method Notes Limits

Mercury 3897 10200 1440 103 71 - 125 EPA I631E

Spike MSD MSD oo Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Notes (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Analyte

Mercury 10200 1445 103 0394 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 13of23 J202063 Final Report 0211512012

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager 19

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ J

~ - Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number f202159-MStMSDl

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration RecoveryAnalyte (JlgL) (microgL) 1tgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 15150 1891 125 70- 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Notes

Silver l5150 2021 133 664 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-07

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in its enlirety

Page Ua23 J202063 Final Report 021512012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Oo RecoveryAnalyte (microgL) (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 50500 4554 902 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

(microgL) RPO Limits (microgL) Recovery Limit Method NotesAnalyte

Silver 50500 4621 915 146 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz ~iska Project Manager

Page 15 o23 I202063 Final Report 0252012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 bullmiddot ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation ~losed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBS01

LCS Source Blank S~ike

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1891 945 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1430 953 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 644 920 85 ll5 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 511 962 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4547 909 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 402 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 418 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 1025 103 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1425 950 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2936 979 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Molybdenum 20000 182 910 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0828 103 middot 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0800 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 999 999 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0420 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead l5000 l552 103 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod






Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1863 93l 150 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1375 917 391 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 629 899 239 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 558 930 337 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4359 872 422 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 371 929 779 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 403 101 375 85 -115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 989 989 359 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1345 897 577 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2920 973 0548 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc Tht resulu In this report only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance wi1h the chain ofcustody documtnL This analytical rrport must be rrproduad in its entirety

~__J~ Pagt J6of23 202063 Final Rtpon 02JS2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 22

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960

~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOSAl SCIENCES



Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike Dup

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (pgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Molybdenum 20000 177 883 303 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0794 992 416 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0784 980 205 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 982 982 177 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0407 102 298 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead 15000 1535 102 106 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this reporr only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody docwnent This analytical report must be reproduced In its tnlirety

Page 17of3 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 23

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-BSBSD1

LCS Source LCS

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Limits Method Notes Mercury 15679 1577 101 80 - 120 EPA l63IE

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (ogL) (ogL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes Mercury 15679 1605 102 176 ampO - 120 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in zhis report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 8013 I202063 Fi11alReport 02151202


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202159 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike


Spike Added microgL)

LCS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Silver l5000 2156 144 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12


Spike Added (microgL)

LCSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RJgtD Limit Method Notes

Silver 15000 2141 143 0706 85 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 shy

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to zhe samples analyzed in accordance with rhe chain ofcustodydocument This analyticalreporl mus be reproduced in its entirety

Page 19of23 J102063 Final Report 02152011

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



Instrument Hg-16 Sequence 2B060I4

Preparation BrCI Oxidation

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202057-BLK1 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I63IE u F202057-BLK2 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I631E u F202057-BLK3 Mercury 005 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE u F202057-BLK4 Mercury 010 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE QB-04 U

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onl)I apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical rtporl must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 20of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North -Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOBAL- SCIENCES


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202053-BLK1 Beryllium 0005 0060 microgL F202053 SPA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Aluminum -004 40 microgL F202053 -PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Chromium -002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Manganese -0002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLKI Iron -03 100 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Nickel -003 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Copper 0008 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Zinc 010 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Arsenic -007 015 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Selenium -002 060 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Molybdenum OQl 006 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK I Cadmium 0005 0020 microgL F202053 3PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Antimony 0019 0020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Barium 0005 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Thallium 0028 0005 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc QB-10 F202053-BLK1 Lead 0004 0040 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed iTJ accordance wizh the chain ofcustody docrmienl This analyticalreport musl be ltproductd in its entirety

Page2J o23 J202063 Final Rtport 021)52012

Liz Siska Project Manager



414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202159-BLK1 Silver 00006 0020 microgL F202159 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced In its enlirgtty

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page22of3 J202063 Final Report 02152012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 bull ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Notes and Definitions U Analyte included in the analysis but not detected

QR-08 The RPD value for the MSMSD was outside ofacceptance limits Batch QC acceptable based on matrix duplicate andor LCSLCSD RPD values within control limits

QM-12 Initial or continuing calibration verification andor blank spikeblank spike duplicate recoveries above upper control limits All reported sample concentrations were below the reporting limit

QM-07 The spike recovery was outside control limits for the MS andor MSD The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QM-02 The MS andor MSD recoveries outside acceptance limits due to spike concentration less than I times the sample concentration The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QB-10 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL Only report sample results greater than 10 times the contamination value (QB-01 ) or samples less than the MRL (QB-02)

QB-04 The blank was preserved to 2 BrCl rather than 1 The control limit for blanks preserved to greater than 1 BrCI is the preservation percentage multiplied by the MRL

QB-02 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the sample concentrations are Jess than the MRL

QB-0 l The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the blank concentration(s) are Jess than 10 ofthe sample result

AS This MS andor MSD is an analytical spike andor an analytical spike duplicate

DET Analyte Detected

MDL Minimum Detection Limit

lv1RL Minimum Reporting Limit

ND Analyte Not Detected at or above the reporting limit

wet Sample results reported on a wet weight basis

dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis

RPD Relative Percent Difference

RSD Relative Standard Deviation

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be middoteproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

P~ge 23 o23 J202063 Final Report 02115120]2


107330middotJJlilI eastern analytical inc CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 0

professional laboratory seNlces GZANH (I)

DateTime Composites need start andstop datestimesSample IDs Matrix Parameters and Sample Notes of containers

Effluent Field Blank AqToUSWLLMetalsSub2z2b12 aqueous c=rcompS 17

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered LB Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate Circle_preservatives HCL HNO HSO NaOH MEOH Nasp~ Treat Tank Effluent I 122 o12 AqToVSWLLMetalsSubBODCODCyanTFN030G1664S04TDSTSSN624Afe6i6TPhenolsE606PGBfNH3ClpH

aqueous ~ fjYorComp9 5

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered L0 Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate fircle preservativels1ED HNO W)~ MEOH Naso ~

Please ensure this auto COC is accurate adheres to permit orsampling requirements for this sampling event and modify as necessary EAi Project ID 3902

Project Name Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

State NH

Client (Pro Mgr) Paul Pepler

Customer GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Address 380 Harvey Road

City Manchester NH 03103

Phone 623-3600 Fax 624-9463 (37)

EmaiAddress paulpeplergzacom

Results Needed by Preferred date----shy

Notes about project (ie Special Limits Billing info if different)

Subcontract ALL metals to Frontier Global Sciences Metals include Total AlSbAsBaBeCdCrCuFePbMnHgMoNlSeAgTI Zn Metals analyses require project-specific MSMSD

eczgt~ ~ 6Jy JSeog a1ct7so p~r (c4

QC deliverables

lll D A+ 18(s O B+ 0 C D PC

ReportlngOptlons o~151=JSi_ 181HC PONumber ~ 181 EDD PDF

Quote No to~C1f+C181 EDD email 181 PDF prelim NO FAX Temperature S- d-- degC D e-mail Login Confirmation

Ice present Yes IZfNo DONO FAX

Relinquished by DateTime Received by

Eastern Analytical Inc 25 Chanell Dr Concord NH 03301 Phone (603)228-0525 1-800-287-0525 Fax (603)228-4591

ri--middot1 ~middot __~+-j__________- _ a_ -~-~-~-~Y-_i__ _e_ s_t_~-n- - ~_a_1

1 1


Paul Pepler

GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

380 Harvey Road

Manchester NH 03103

Subject Laboratory Report

Eastern Analytical Inc ID 107330

Client Identification Wastewater Analysis - Weekly Date Received 222012

Dear Mr Pepler

Enclosed please find the laboratory report for the above identified project All analyses were performed in accordance with our QAQC Program Unless otherwise stated holding times preservation techniques container types and sample conditions adhered to EPA Protocol Samples which were collected by Eastern Analytical Inc (EAi) were collected in accordance with approved EPA procedures Eastern Analytical Inc certifies that the enclosed test results meet all requirements of NELAP and other applicable state certifications Please refer to our website at wwweailabscom for a copy of our NELAP certificate and accredited parameters

The following standard abbreviations and conventions apply to all EAi reports Solid samples are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted lt less than followed by the reporting limit gt greater than followed by the reporting limit R Recovery

Eastern Analytical Inc maintains certification in the following states Connecticut (PH-0492) Maine (NHOOS) Massachusetts (M-NHOOS) New HampshireNELAP (1012) Rhode Island (269) and Vermont (VT1012)

The following information is contained within this report Sample Conditions summary Analytical ResultsData Quality Control data (if requested) and copies of the Chain of Custody This report may not be reproduced except in full without the the written approval of the laboratory

If you have any questions regarding the results contained within please feel free to directly contact me or the chemist(s) who performed the testing in question Unless otherwise requested we will dispose of the sample(s) 30 days from the sample receipt date

We appreciate this opportunity to be of service and look forward to your continued patronage


21-1 L Date Lorraine Olashaw Lab Director of pages (excluding cover letter)

wwwcailabscom ~ ti middot~


Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Temperature upon receipt degC) 52 Received on Ice or cold packs (YesNo) Y Acceptable temperature range (C) 0-6

Date Date Sample Dry Lab ID Sample ID Received Sampled Matrix Weight ExceptionsComments (other than thermal preservation)

10733001 Effluent Field Blank 2212 2212 aqueous Adheres to Sample Acceptance Policy

10733002 Treat Tank Effluent 2212 2212 aqueous 624 625 and 608 placed on hold then cancelled at customers

Samples were properly preserved and the pH measured when applicable unless otherwise noted Analysis ofsolids for pH Flashpoint lgnitibility Paint Filter Corrosivity Conductivity and Specific Gravity are reported on an middotas received basis

All results contained in this report relate only to the above listed samples References include 1) EPA 6004-79-020 1983 2) Standard Methods for Examination ofWater and Wastewater lnorganics 19th Edition 1995 Microbiology 20th Edition 1998 3) Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste SW 846 3rd Edition including updates VA and IVB 4) Hach Water Analysis Handbook 2nd edition 1992

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525


Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Sample ID

Lab Sample ID


Date Sampled Date Received


Date of ExtractionPrep

Date of Analysis



Dilution Factor

Oil amp Grease (HEM)

Treat Tank Effluent








LAS 1664A



eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525

bull middot



Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly Batch ID 734541-34922A0208120G1661

Parameter Name Blank LCS LCSD Analysis Date Units Limits RPO Method

Oil amp Grease HEM) lt5 36 (91 R) 36 (90 R) (1 RPO) 282012 mgL 78 - 114 18 1664A

Samples were extracted and analyzed within holding time limits Instrumentation was calibrated in accordance with the method requirements The method blanks were free of contamination at the reporting limits Sample surrogate recoveries met the above stated criteria The associated matrix spikes andor Laboratory Control Samples met acceptance criteria There were no exceptions in the analyses unless noted Flagged analyte recoveries deviated from the QNQC limits

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525 3


~ Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Sample ID Treat Tank Effluent

Lab Sample ID 10733002

Matrix aqueous

Date Sampled 2212 Analysis

2212 Units Date Time Method AnalystDate Received

Solids Suspended 6 mgL 20312 1045 25400 DLS Solids Dissolved 19000 mgL 20312 1045 2540C DLS Fluoride 29 mgL 20812 1501 3000 KL Sulfate 1200 mgL 20812 1446 3000 Kl Chloride 9300 mgL 20312 1035 4500CIE OLS Nitrate-N 65 mgL 20312 1032 3532 DLS Cyanide Total lt 001 mgL 20812 930 4500CNE KJR Ammonia-N 11 mgL 20912 900 4500NH30 SEL BOD lt6 mgL 20312 1120 52109 KJR COD 140 mgL 20712 1600 H8000 SKC Total Phenols lt 05 mgL 20812 200 4201 JCC pH 74 SU 20212 1630 4500H+B KJR

Total Phenols The reporting limit has been elevated due to matrix interference

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525 4

QC REPORT EAi ID 107330~ Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Parameter Name Blank LCS LCSD Date of

Units Analysis Limits RPO Method middot-middot-middot-middot~ middot-middot----shySolids Suspended lt2 95 (95 R) 94 (94 R) (1 RPO) mgL 2312 90 - 110 20 25400 Solids Dissolved lt5 990 (99 R) NA mgL 2312 85 -115 20 2540C Fluoride lt 01 20 (99 R) 20 (99 R) (0 RPO) mgL 2812 90 -110 20 3000 Sulfate lt 1 20 (100 R) 20 (101 R) (1 RPO) mgL 28112 90 - 110 20 3000 Chloride lt 1 24 (96 R) 24 (97 R (1 RPO mgL 2312 90 - 110 20 4500CIE Nitrate-N lt 05 4 9 (99 R 49 (98 R) (1 RPO) mgL 23112 90 - 110 20 3532 Cyanide Total lt002 025 (100 R) NA mgL 28112 85 - 115 20 4500CNE Ammonia-N lt 005 22 (109 R) 22 (110 R) (1 RPO) mgL 2912 90 - 110 20 4500NH3DN BOD lt6 420 (104 R 420 (104 R) (0 RPO) mgL 2312 84 - 115 20 52106 COD lt 10 100 (103 R) 100 (101 R) (2 RPO) mgL 27112 85 - 115 20 H8000 Total Phenols lt 005 022 (87 R) 022 (89 R) (2 RPO) mgL 2812 85 - 115 20 4201 pH 605 (101 R) 607 (101 R) (0 RPO) SU 2212 595 - 607 10 4500H+B

Samples were analyzed within holding times unless noted on the sample results page Instrumentation was calibrated in accordance with the method requirements The method blanks were free of contamination at the reporting limits The associated matrix spikes andor Laboratory Control Samples met the above stated criteria Exceptions to the above statements are flagged or noted above or on the QC Narrative page bullf Flagged analyte recoveries deviated from the QAQC limits

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525 5

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


15 February 2012


Eastern Analytical Inc

25 Chenell Drive

Concord NH 0330 I

RE Merrimack Station

Enclosed are the analytical results for samples received by Frontier Global Sciences All quality control

measurements are within established control limits and there were no analytical difficulties encountered with the exception of those listed in the case narrative section of this report

Ifyou have any questions concerning this report please feel free to contact me


Liz Siska

Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~


Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Laboratory Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Client Eastern Analytical Inc


Project Merrimack Station

Sample ID Lab ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received

C-3015 Effluent Field Blank 1202063-01 Water 02-Feb-12 0847 03-Feb-12 0930

Treat Tank Effluent 1202063-02 Water 02-Feb-12 0915 03-Feb-12 0930

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this ~port only apply to the samples analyzed inaccordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Pagel o23 1202063 Final Report 0211512012


414 Pontius Ave North

Seattle WA 98109 Pb 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Samples were received at Frontier Global Sciences (FGS) on February 3rd 2012 The samples were received intact on-ice with temperatures measured at 106 degrees Celsius


Samples were prepared and analyzed for total metals in accordance with EPA Method 2008 (modified)

Samples were prepared and analyzed for total mercury in accordance with EPAMethod 163 lE


Liquid spikes were prepared for every preparation as a measure ofaccuracy All liquid spikes and certified reference material were within the control limits

As an additional measure ofthe accuracy ofthe methods utilized for analysis and to check for matrix interference matrix spikes (MS) and matrix spike duplicates (MSD) were digested and analyzed All ofthe matrix spike recoveries were within the control limits with the exception of any QC flagged and described in the notes and definitions section ofthe following report

A reasonable measure ofthe precision ofthe analytical methods utilized for analysis is the relative percent difference (RPO) between matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate recoveries and between laboratory control sample and laboratory control sample duplicate recoveries All of the relative percent differences were within the control limits with the exception of any QC flagged and described in the notes and definitions section ofthe following report

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in tltis report only apply 10 the samples analyzed In accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page 2of2J 1202063 Fial Report 02115202


h~O26C~ Chain ofCusfody Record amp Laboratory Analysis Request 111 lon 107330 gt9 Air Water Sediments Plant and Animal Tissue --middot - - middot SCI

F~x 2C-622-6670H d b amp 0 th S middot FRONT I EK Y rocar on er ampes ~ C t C 9 Al s CI 6 fl CE s aoc middot of I 12 ) 2 tc =s httpv-wfomtlr(Scom

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Sample Dlsposzl CJ Renr (sb ippins fleS may aply) Cl Standard Oi~microCgtSnl shy 30 D~ys atter report 0 Retain foshy middot- middot weelltS after re~rt (storage fees rT3Y apply)

By ~IQnifIII you d=lare tlgt~t you agret viti FGS tcms ~nd rondllons and tba you atltthorie FGS to perfonr tne specified analyses

Custonier Approval bull Dale

The results in this report only applyUJ the samples analyzedin acconJa_nce with_ theFrontierGlobal Sciences Inc chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report mwt be reproduced in Its entirety


Page3of23 J202063 Final Report 02)512012

Liz SiskaProject Manager 9

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870~


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414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



C-3015 Effluent Field Blank

Matrix Water Laboratory ID 1202063-01

Analyte Result MDL MRL Units Dilution Batch Sequence Analyud Method Notes

Aluminum ND OA 40 microgL 1 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Antimony ND 0005 0 020 microgL 1 F202053 2813005 021212 EPA2008 Mod u Arsenic ND 005 015 microgL 1 F202053 2BI3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Bariu111 ND 003 020 microgL 1 F202053 2813005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Beryllium ND 0023 0060 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Cadmium ND 0004 0020 microgL F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Chromium ND 0009 010 microgL F202053 2813005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Copper ND 001 010 microgL I F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Iron ND 13 100 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Lead ND 0004 0040 microgL l F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Manganese 012 0007 010 microgL 1 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod

Mercury ND 008 050 ngL 1 F202057 2B06014 020612 EPA 1631E u Molybdenum ND 0006 006 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Nickel ND 0008 010 microgL F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Selenium ND 019 060 microgL 1 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Silver ND 0006 0020 microgL 1 F202159 2B15016 021512 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 U

Thalyum ND 0001 0005 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod QB-02 U

Zinc ND ooz 020 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl5001 021412 EPA2008 Mod u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproductd in its entirety

Page5of23 1201063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 11


414 Pontius Ave North ~ Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ CLOBAL SCIENCES

Fx 206-622-6870


Treat Tank Effluent

Matrix Water Laboratory ID 1202o~H2

Analyte Result MDL MRL Units Dilution Batch Sequence Analyzed Method Notes

Aluminum 218 222 200 microgL 50 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA2008Mod Antimony 155 0230 100 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA2008Mod

Arsenic 121 255 750 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Barium 243 135 100 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Beryllium ND 114 300 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Cadmium ND 0208 100 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Chromium ND 045 500 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Copper 553 050 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Iron ND 650 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Lead ND 0195 200 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Manganese 631 037 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA2008 Mod Mercury 360 084 505 ngL 10 F202057 2B06014 020612 EPA 163IE Molybdenum 195 030 300 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel ND 040 500 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Selenium 121 969 300 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA2008Mod Silver ND 0300 LOO microgL 50 F202159 2B 15016 021512 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 U

Thallium 685 0056 0250 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod QB-01 Zinc ND 082 100 microgL somiddot F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply 10 the samples analyzed In accordJJncc with the chain ofcustody documenJ This onolyticol report must ~ reproduced In its en1ire1y

Poga 6of2J 1201063 Final ampport 01JS202

Liz Siska Project Manager 12

I 414 Pontius Ave North

Seattle WA 98109~ Ph 206-622-6960 FRONTIER- Fx 206-622-6870 cLoaAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 1B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-DUP1

Sample Duplicate Concentration Concentration RPD

Analyte ngL ngL MRL RPD Limit Method Notes

Mercury 3603 3621 505 0482 24 EPA 163IE

Fror tier Global Sciences Inc Tlte results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in Its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page 7of13 1102063 Final Report 01151011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Dige~tion Lab Number l202053-MSMSDI


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (microgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Beryllium ND 20200 2062 102 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 2177 15150 355l 907 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 205 70700 947 105 70 - 130 middot EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 6311 60600 6110 -331 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron ND 50500 4743 939 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 325 40400 758 107 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 553 40400 939 957 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 099 10100 1268 116 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Arsenic 1206 15150 2453 823 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 1213 30300 1452 791 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Molybltlenum 1952 20200 1925 -135 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmium 0623 080800 1437 IOI 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 1549 080800 2358 100 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Barium 2433 10100 2514 793 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Thallium 6848 040400 7126 689 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod QB-01 Lead ND 15150 1334 880 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPO

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20200 2025 100 l80 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 15150 3386 798 477 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 70700 909 996 412 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 60600 6122 -311 0200 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron 50500 4648 920 203 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 40400 813 121 706 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 40400 935 948 0415 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 10100 1013 904 224 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QR-08 Arsenic 15150 2577 905 492 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 30300 1399 614 376 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Molybdenum 20200 1909 -213 0823 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmiwn 080800 1230 752 155 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 080800 2316 950 177 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in 1his report only apply to tire samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcuslOdy docume11L This a11alytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

~-~~ Page 8of2J l 20206J Final Report

021512012 Liz Siska Project Manager


I 414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSMSD1


Spike Added (JlgL)

MSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 10100 2506 717 0305 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040400 6963 286 231 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 QB-01

Lead 15150 l403 926 509 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onlyapply to the samples analred in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced fn its entirety

Page 9of23 I202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 15

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B130Q5

Preparation Clo~~d Ve~~el Nitric Qven QigestiQn Lab Number f20205J-MSMSD3


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (JtgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Method Limits Notes

Beryllium ND 50500 4291 850 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Aluminum 2177 10100 9206 890 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Chromium 205 10100 1006 994 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS

Manganese 6311 IOl00 1582 942 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Iron ND 50500 4849 960 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Nickel 325 12625 1190 940 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Copper 553 12625 1149 906 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Zinc 099 25250 2401 950 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Arsenic 1206 10100 1050 103 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Selenium 1213 10100 1168 104 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Molybdenum 1952 50500 6851 970 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Cadmium 0623 10100 9695 954 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Antimony 1549 50500 5084 976 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Barium 2433 20200 2379 106 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thallium 6848 50500 5306 915 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS QB-01

Lead ND 25250 2205 873 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





Recovery Limits

RPDLimit Method Notes

Beryllium 50500 4337 859 108 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Aluminum 10100 9221 89l 0164 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Chromium 10100 9902 978 159 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Manganese 10100 1562 922 l27 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Iron 50500 4775 946 l53 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Nickel 12625 1197 946 0613 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Copper 12625 1129 890 179 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Zinc 25250 2399 950 00456 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Arsenic 10100 1013 992 357 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Selenium 10100 1151 102 149 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Molybdenum 50500 6848 970 00426 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Cadmium 10100 1004 987 345 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Antimony 50500 5111 98l 0531 70 - 130 20 EPA2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in rhls rtporl 011y apply 10 the samples anayrd i11 accordtmce with the chain ofcustodydocumtmL This analytical report mus bt nproducedin its entirety

~-~ Page Oo23 1202063 Final Report 02S2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 16

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSJMSD3 I


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





RPD Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 20200 2377 106 0106 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thalium 50500 5345 923 0720 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod ASQB-01

Lead 25250 2198 870 0315 7-0 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The lfl$Ws in this report onlyapply to the samplesOIUllyzed 11 accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page Ji of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 17

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98 l09

i Ph 206-622-6960 ~ ) Fx 206-622-6870 GIOBAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCJ Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD1

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method NotesLimits

Mercury 3603 10200 1409 103 71 - 125 EPA 1631pound

Spike MSD MSD Oo Recovery Added Concentration RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Notes Analyte

Mercury 10200 1410 103 00816 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The nsulis In thls rtporr only apply to the sampfuanalyud In accordana with the chain ofcustody documenL This analytical nportmust be reproducd in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Pagt J1of1J 1101063 Final Report 01152011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202035-02RE1

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration oo Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method Notes Limits

Mercury 3897 10200 1440 103 71 - 125 EPA I631E

Spike MSD MSD oo Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Notes (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Analyte

Mercury 10200 1445 103 0394 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 13of23 J202063 Final Report 0211512012

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager 19

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ J

~ - Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number f202159-MStMSDl

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration RecoveryAnalyte (JlgL) (microgL) 1tgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 15150 1891 125 70- 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Notes

Silver l5150 2021 133 664 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-07

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in its enlirety

Page Ua23 J202063 Final Report 021512012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Oo RecoveryAnalyte (microgL) (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 50500 4554 902 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

(microgL) RPO Limits (microgL) Recovery Limit Method NotesAnalyte

Silver 50500 4621 915 146 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz ~iska Project Manager

Page 15 o23 I202063 Final Report 0252012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 bullmiddot ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation ~losed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBS01

LCS Source Blank S~ike

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1891 945 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1430 953 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 644 920 85 ll5 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 511 962 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4547 909 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 402 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 418 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 1025 103 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1425 950 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2936 979 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Molybdenum 20000 182 910 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0828 103 middot 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0800 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 999 999 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0420 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead l5000 l552 103 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod






Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1863 93l 150 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1375 917 391 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 629 899 239 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 558 930 337 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4359 872 422 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 371 929 779 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 403 101 375 85 -115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 989 989 359 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1345 897 577 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2920 973 0548 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc Tht resulu In this report only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance wi1h the chain ofcustody documtnL This analytical rrport must be rrproduad in its entirety

~__J~ Pagt J6of23 202063 Final Rtpon 02JS2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 22

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960

~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOSAl SCIENCES



Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike Dup

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (pgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Molybdenum 20000 177 883 303 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0794 992 416 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0784 980 205 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 982 982 177 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0407 102 298 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead 15000 1535 102 106 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this reporr only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody docwnent This analytical report must be reproduced In its tnlirety

Page 17of3 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 23

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-BSBSD1

LCS Source LCS

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Limits Method Notes Mercury 15679 1577 101 80 - 120 EPA l63IE

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (ogL) (ogL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes Mercury 15679 1605 102 176 ampO - 120 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in zhis report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 8013 I202063 Fi11alReport 02151202


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202159 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike


Spike Added microgL)

LCS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Silver l5000 2156 144 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12


Spike Added (microgL)

LCSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RJgtD Limit Method Notes

Silver 15000 2141 143 0706 85 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 shy

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to zhe samples analyzed in accordance with rhe chain ofcustodydocument This analyticalreporl mus be reproduced in its entirety

Page 19of23 J102063 Final Report 02152011

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



Instrument Hg-16 Sequence 2B060I4

Preparation BrCI Oxidation

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202057-BLK1 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I63IE u F202057-BLK2 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I631E u F202057-BLK3 Mercury 005 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE u F202057-BLK4 Mercury 010 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE QB-04 U

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onl)I apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical rtporl must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 20of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North -Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOBAL- SCIENCES


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202053-BLK1 Beryllium 0005 0060 microgL F202053 SPA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Aluminum -004 40 microgL F202053 -PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Chromium -002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Manganese -0002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLKI Iron -03 100 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Nickel -003 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Copper 0008 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Zinc 010 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Arsenic -007 015 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Selenium -002 060 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Molybdenum OQl 006 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK I Cadmium 0005 0020 microgL F202053 3PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Antimony 0019 0020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Barium 0005 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Thallium 0028 0005 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc QB-10 F202053-BLK1 Lead 0004 0040 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed iTJ accordance wizh the chain ofcustody docrmienl This analyticalreport musl be ltproductd in its entirety

Page2J o23 J202063 Final Rtport 021)52012

Liz Siska Project Manager



414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202159-BLK1 Silver 00006 0020 microgL F202159 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced In its enlirgtty

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page22of3 J202063 Final Report 02152012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 bull ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Notes and Definitions U Analyte included in the analysis but not detected

QR-08 The RPD value for the MSMSD was outside ofacceptance limits Batch QC acceptable based on matrix duplicate andor LCSLCSD RPD values within control limits

QM-12 Initial or continuing calibration verification andor blank spikeblank spike duplicate recoveries above upper control limits All reported sample concentrations were below the reporting limit

QM-07 The spike recovery was outside control limits for the MS andor MSD The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QM-02 The MS andor MSD recoveries outside acceptance limits due to spike concentration less than I times the sample concentration The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QB-10 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL Only report sample results greater than 10 times the contamination value (QB-01 ) or samples less than the MRL (QB-02)

QB-04 The blank was preserved to 2 BrCl rather than 1 The control limit for blanks preserved to greater than 1 BrCI is the preservation percentage multiplied by the MRL

QB-02 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the sample concentrations are Jess than the MRL

QB-0 l The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the blank concentration(s) are Jess than 10 ofthe sample result

AS This MS andor MSD is an analytical spike andor an analytical spike duplicate

DET Analyte Detected

MDL Minimum Detection Limit

lv1RL Minimum Reporting Limit

ND Analyte Not Detected at or above the reporting limit

wet Sample results reported on a wet weight basis

dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis

RPD Relative Percent Difference

RSD Relative Standard Deviation

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be middoteproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

P~ge 23 o23 J202063 Final Report 02115120]2


107330middotJJlilI eastern analytical inc CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 0

professional laboratory seNlces GZANH (I)

DateTime Composites need start andstop datestimesSample IDs Matrix Parameters and Sample Notes of containers

Effluent Field Blank AqToUSWLLMetalsSub2z2b12 aqueous c=rcompS 17

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered LB Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate Circle_preservatives HCL HNO HSO NaOH MEOH Nasp~ Treat Tank Effluent I 122 o12 AqToVSWLLMetalsSubBODCODCyanTFN030G1664S04TDSTSSN624Afe6i6TPhenolsE606PGBfNH3ClpH

aqueous ~ fjYorComp9 5

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered L0 Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate fircle preservativels1ED HNO W)~ MEOH Naso ~

Please ensure this auto COC is accurate adheres to permit orsampling requirements for this sampling event and modify as necessary EAi Project ID 3902

Project Name Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

State NH

Client (Pro Mgr) Paul Pepler

Customer GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Address 380 Harvey Road

City Manchester NH 03103

Phone 623-3600 Fax 624-9463 (37)

EmaiAddress paulpeplergzacom

Results Needed by Preferred date----shy

Notes about project (ie Special Limits Billing info if different)

Subcontract ALL metals to Frontier Global Sciences Metals include Total AlSbAsBaBeCdCrCuFePbMnHgMoNlSeAgTI Zn Metals analyses require project-specific MSMSD

eczgt~ ~ 6Jy JSeog a1ct7so p~r (c4

QC deliverables

lll D A+ 18(s O B+ 0 C D PC

ReportlngOptlons o~151=JSi_ 181HC PONumber ~ 181 EDD PDF

Quote No to~C1f+C181 EDD email 181 PDF prelim NO FAX Temperature S- d-- degC D e-mail Login Confirmation

Ice present Yes IZfNo DONO FAX

Relinquished by DateTime Received by

Eastern Analytical Inc 25 Chanell Dr Concord NH 03301 Phone (603)228-0525 1-800-287-0525 Fax (603)228-4591


Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Temperature upon receipt degC) 52 Received on Ice or cold packs (YesNo) Y Acceptable temperature range (C) 0-6

Date Date Sample Dry Lab ID Sample ID Received Sampled Matrix Weight ExceptionsComments (other than thermal preservation)

10733001 Effluent Field Blank 2212 2212 aqueous Adheres to Sample Acceptance Policy

10733002 Treat Tank Effluent 2212 2212 aqueous 624 625 and 608 placed on hold then cancelled at customers

Samples were properly preserved and the pH measured when applicable unless otherwise noted Analysis ofsolids for pH Flashpoint lgnitibility Paint Filter Corrosivity Conductivity and Specific Gravity are reported on an middotas received basis

All results contained in this report relate only to the above listed samples References include 1) EPA 6004-79-020 1983 2) Standard Methods for Examination ofWater and Wastewater lnorganics 19th Edition 1995 Microbiology 20th Edition 1998 3) Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste SW 846 3rd Edition including updates VA and IVB 4) Hach Water Analysis Handbook 2nd edition 1992

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525


Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Sample ID

Lab Sample ID


Date Sampled Date Received


Date of ExtractionPrep

Date of Analysis



Dilution Factor

Oil amp Grease (HEM)

Treat Tank Effluent








LAS 1664A



eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525

bull middot



Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly Batch ID 734541-34922A0208120G1661

Parameter Name Blank LCS LCSD Analysis Date Units Limits RPO Method

Oil amp Grease HEM) lt5 36 (91 R) 36 (90 R) (1 RPO) 282012 mgL 78 - 114 18 1664A

Samples were extracted and analyzed within holding time limits Instrumentation was calibrated in accordance with the method requirements The method blanks were free of contamination at the reporting limits Sample surrogate recoveries met the above stated criteria The associated matrix spikes andor Laboratory Control Samples met acceptance criteria There were no exceptions in the analyses unless noted Flagged analyte recoveries deviated from the QNQC limits

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525 3


~ Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Sample ID Treat Tank Effluent

Lab Sample ID 10733002

Matrix aqueous

Date Sampled 2212 Analysis

2212 Units Date Time Method AnalystDate Received

Solids Suspended 6 mgL 20312 1045 25400 DLS Solids Dissolved 19000 mgL 20312 1045 2540C DLS Fluoride 29 mgL 20812 1501 3000 KL Sulfate 1200 mgL 20812 1446 3000 Kl Chloride 9300 mgL 20312 1035 4500CIE OLS Nitrate-N 65 mgL 20312 1032 3532 DLS Cyanide Total lt 001 mgL 20812 930 4500CNE KJR Ammonia-N 11 mgL 20912 900 4500NH30 SEL BOD lt6 mgL 20312 1120 52109 KJR COD 140 mgL 20712 1600 H8000 SKC Total Phenols lt 05 mgL 20812 200 4201 JCC pH 74 SU 20212 1630 4500H+B KJR

Total Phenols The reporting limit has been elevated due to matrix interference

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525 4

QC REPORT EAi ID 107330~ Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Parameter Name Blank LCS LCSD Date of

Units Analysis Limits RPO Method middot-middot-middot-middot~ middot-middot----shySolids Suspended lt2 95 (95 R) 94 (94 R) (1 RPO) mgL 2312 90 - 110 20 25400 Solids Dissolved lt5 990 (99 R) NA mgL 2312 85 -115 20 2540C Fluoride lt 01 20 (99 R) 20 (99 R) (0 RPO) mgL 2812 90 -110 20 3000 Sulfate lt 1 20 (100 R) 20 (101 R) (1 RPO) mgL 28112 90 - 110 20 3000 Chloride lt 1 24 (96 R) 24 (97 R (1 RPO mgL 2312 90 - 110 20 4500CIE Nitrate-N lt 05 4 9 (99 R 49 (98 R) (1 RPO) mgL 23112 90 - 110 20 3532 Cyanide Total lt002 025 (100 R) NA mgL 28112 85 - 115 20 4500CNE Ammonia-N lt 005 22 (109 R) 22 (110 R) (1 RPO) mgL 2912 90 - 110 20 4500NH3DN BOD lt6 420 (104 R 420 (104 R) (0 RPO) mgL 2312 84 - 115 20 52106 COD lt 10 100 (103 R) 100 (101 R) (2 RPO) mgL 27112 85 - 115 20 H8000 Total Phenols lt 005 022 (87 R) 022 (89 R) (2 RPO) mgL 2812 85 - 115 20 4201 pH 605 (101 R) 607 (101 R) (0 RPO) SU 2212 595 - 607 10 4500H+B

Samples were analyzed within holding times unless noted on the sample results page Instrumentation was calibrated in accordance with the method requirements The method blanks were free of contamination at the reporting limits The associated matrix spikes andor Laboratory Control Samples met the above stated criteria Exceptions to the above statements are flagged or noted above or on the QC Narrative page bullf Flagged analyte recoveries deviated from the QAQC limits

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525 5

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


15 February 2012


Eastern Analytical Inc

25 Chenell Drive

Concord NH 0330 I

RE Merrimack Station

Enclosed are the analytical results for samples received by Frontier Global Sciences All quality control

measurements are within established control limits and there were no analytical difficulties encountered with the exception of those listed in the case narrative section of this report

Ifyou have any questions concerning this report please feel free to contact me


Liz Siska

Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~


Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Laboratory Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Client Eastern Analytical Inc


Project Merrimack Station

Sample ID Lab ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received

C-3015 Effluent Field Blank 1202063-01 Water 02-Feb-12 0847 03-Feb-12 0930

Treat Tank Effluent 1202063-02 Water 02-Feb-12 0915 03-Feb-12 0930

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this ~port only apply to the samples analyzed inaccordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Pagel o23 1202063 Final Report 0211512012


414 Pontius Ave North

Seattle WA 98109 Pb 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Samples were received at Frontier Global Sciences (FGS) on February 3rd 2012 The samples were received intact on-ice with temperatures measured at 106 degrees Celsius


Samples were prepared and analyzed for total metals in accordance with EPA Method 2008 (modified)

Samples were prepared and analyzed for total mercury in accordance with EPAMethod 163 lE


Liquid spikes were prepared for every preparation as a measure ofaccuracy All liquid spikes and certified reference material were within the control limits

As an additional measure ofthe accuracy ofthe methods utilized for analysis and to check for matrix interference matrix spikes (MS) and matrix spike duplicates (MSD) were digested and analyzed All ofthe matrix spike recoveries were within the control limits with the exception of any QC flagged and described in the notes and definitions section ofthe following report

A reasonable measure ofthe precision ofthe analytical methods utilized for analysis is the relative percent difference (RPO) between matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate recoveries and between laboratory control sample and laboratory control sample duplicate recoveries All of the relative percent differences were within the control limits with the exception of any QC flagged and described in the notes and definitions section ofthe following report

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in tltis report only apply 10 the samples analyzed In accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page 2of2J 1202063 Fial Report 02115202


h~O26C~ Chain ofCusfody Record amp Laboratory Analysis Request 111 lon 107330 gt9 Air Water Sediments Plant and Animal Tissue --middot - - middot SCI

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By ~IQnifIII you d=lare tlgt~t you agret viti FGS tcms ~nd rondllons and tba you atltthorie FGS to perfonr tne specified analyses

Custonier Approval bull Dale

The results in this report only applyUJ the samples analyzedin acconJa_nce with_ theFrontierGlobal Sciences Inc chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report mwt be reproduced in Its entirety


Page3of23 J202063 Final Report 02)512012

Liz SiskaProject Manager 9

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870~


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414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



C-3015 Effluent Field Blank

Matrix Water Laboratory ID 1202063-01

Analyte Result MDL MRL Units Dilution Batch Sequence Analyud Method Notes

Aluminum ND OA 40 microgL 1 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Antimony ND 0005 0 020 microgL 1 F202053 2813005 021212 EPA2008 Mod u Arsenic ND 005 015 microgL 1 F202053 2BI3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Bariu111 ND 003 020 microgL 1 F202053 2813005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Beryllium ND 0023 0060 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Cadmium ND 0004 0020 microgL F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Chromium ND 0009 010 microgL F202053 2813005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Copper ND 001 010 microgL I F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Iron ND 13 100 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Lead ND 0004 0040 microgL l F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Manganese 012 0007 010 microgL 1 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod

Mercury ND 008 050 ngL 1 F202057 2B06014 020612 EPA 1631E u Molybdenum ND 0006 006 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Nickel ND 0008 010 microgL F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Selenium ND 019 060 microgL 1 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Silver ND 0006 0020 microgL 1 F202159 2B15016 021512 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 U

Thalyum ND 0001 0005 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod QB-02 U

Zinc ND ooz 020 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl5001 021412 EPA2008 Mod u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproductd in its entirety

Page5of23 1201063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 11


414 Pontius Ave North ~ Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ CLOBAL SCIENCES

Fx 206-622-6870


Treat Tank Effluent

Matrix Water Laboratory ID 1202o~H2

Analyte Result MDL MRL Units Dilution Batch Sequence Analyzed Method Notes

Aluminum 218 222 200 microgL 50 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA2008Mod Antimony 155 0230 100 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA2008Mod

Arsenic 121 255 750 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Barium 243 135 100 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Beryllium ND 114 300 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Cadmium ND 0208 100 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Chromium ND 045 500 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Copper 553 050 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Iron ND 650 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Lead ND 0195 200 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Manganese 631 037 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA2008 Mod Mercury 360 084 505 ngL 10 F202057 2B06014 020612 EPA 163IE Molybdenum 195 030 300 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel ND 040 500 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Selenium 121 969 300 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA2008Mod Silver ND 0300 LOO microgL 50 F202159 2B 15016 021512 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 U

Thallium 685 0056 0250 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod QB-01 Zinc ND 082 100 microgL somiddot F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply 10 the samples analyzed In accordJJncc with the chain ofcustody documenJ This onolyticol report must ~ reproduced In its en1ire1y

Poga 6of2J 1201063 Final ampport 01JS202

Liz Siska Project Manager 12

I 414 Pontius Ave North

Seattle WA 98109~ Ph 206-622-6960 FRONTIER- Fx 206-622-6870 cLoaAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 1B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-DUP1

Sample Duplicate Concentration Concentration RPD

Analyte ngL ngL MRL RPD Limit Method Notes

Mercury 3603 3621 505 0482 24 EPA 163IE

Fror tier Global Sciences Inc Tlte results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in Its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page 7of13 1102063 Final Report 01151011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Dige~tion Lab Number l202053-MSMSDI


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (microgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Beryllium ND 20200 2062 102 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 2177 15150 355l 907 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 205 70700 947 105 70 - 130 middot EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 6311 60600 6110 -331 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron ND 50500 4743 939 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 325 40400 758 107 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 553 40400 939 957 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 099 10100 1268 116 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Arsenic 1206 15150 2453 823 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 1213 30300 1452 791 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Molybltlenum 1952 20200 1925 -135 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmium 0623 080800 1437 IOI 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 1549 080800 2358 100 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Barium 2433 10100 2514 793 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Thallium 6848 040400 7126 689 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod QB-01 Lead ND 15150 1334 880 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPO

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20200 2025 100 l80 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 15150 3386 798 477 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 70700 909 996 412 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 60600 6122 -311 0200 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron 50500 4648 920 203 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 40400 813 121 706 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 40400 935 948 0415 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 10100 1013 904 224 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QR-08 Arsenic 15150 2577 905 492 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 30300 1399 614 376 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Molybdenum 20200 1909 -213 0823 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmiwn 080800 1230 752 155 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 080800 2316 950 177 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in 1his report only apply to tire samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcuslOdy docume11L This a11alytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

~-~~ Page 8of2J l 20206J Final Report

021512012 Liz Siska Project Manager


I 414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSMSD1


Spike Added (JlgL)

MSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 10100 2506 717 0305 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040400 6963 286 231 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 QB-01

Lead 15150 l403 926 509 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onlyapply to the samples analred in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced fn its entirety

Page 9of23 I202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 15

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B130Q5

Preparation Clo~~d Ve~~el Nitric Qven QigestiQn Lab Number f20205J-MSMSD3


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (JtgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Method Limits Notes

Beryllium ND 50500 4291 850 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Aluminum 2177 10100 9206 890 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Chromium 205 10100 1006 994 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS

Manganese 6311 IOl00 1582 942 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Iron ND 50500 4849 960 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Nickel 325 12625 1190 940 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Copper 553 12625 1149 906 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Zinc 099 25250 2401 950 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Arsenic 1206 10100 1050 103 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Selenium 1213 10100 1168 104 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Molybdenum 1952 50500 6851 970 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Cadmium 0623 10100 9695 954 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Antimony 1549 50500 5084 976 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Barium 2433 20200 2379 106 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thallium 6848 50500 5306 915 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS QB-01

Lead ND 25250 2205 873 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





Recovery Limits

RPDLimit Method Notes

Beryllium 50500 4337 859 108 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Aluminum 10100 9221 89l 0164 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Chromium 10100 9902 978 159 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Manganese 10100 1562 922 l27 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Iron 50500 4775 946 l53 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Nickel 12625 1197 946 0613 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Copper 12625 1129 890 179 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Zinc 25250 2399 950 00456 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Arsenic 10100 1013 992 357 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Selenium 10100 1151 102 149 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Molybdenum 50500 6848 970 00426 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Cadmium 10100 1004 987 345 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Antimony 50500 5111 98l 0531 70 - 130 20 EPA2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in rhls rtporl 011y apply 10 the samples anayrd i11 accordtmce with the chain ofcustodydocumtmL This analytical report mus bt nproducedin its entirety

~-~ Page Oo23 1202063 Final Report 02S2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 16

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSJMSD3 I


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





RPD Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 20200 2377 106 0106 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thalium 50500 5345 923 0720 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod ASQB-01

Lead 25250 2198 870 0315 7-0 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The lfl$Ws in this report onlyapply to the samplesOIUllyzed 11 accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page Ji of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 17

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98 l09

i Ph 206-622-6960 ~ ) Fx 206-622-6870 GIOBAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCJ Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD1

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method NotesLimits

Mercury 3603 10200 1409 103 71 - 125 EPA 1631pound

Spike MSD MSD Oo Recovery Added Concentration RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Notes Analyte

Mercury 10200 1410 103 00816 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The nsulis In thls rtporr only apply to the sampfuanalyud In accordana with the chain ofcustody documenL This analytical nportmust be reproducd in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Pagt J1of1J 1101063 Final Report 01152011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202035-02RE1

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration oo Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method Notes Limits

Mercury 3897 10200 1440 103 71 - 125 EPA I631E

Spike MSD MSD oo Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Notes (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Analyte

Mercury 10200 1445 103 0394 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 13of23 J202063 Final Report 0211512012

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager 19

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ J

~ - Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number f202159-MStMSDl

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration RecoveryAnalyte (JlgL) (microgL) 1tgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 15150 1891 125 70- 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Notes

Silver l5150 2021 133 664 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-07

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in its enlirety

Page Ua23 J202063 Final Report 021512012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Oo RecoveryAnalyte (microgL) (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 50500 4554 902 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

(microgL) RPO Limits (microgL) Recovery Limit Method NotesAnalyte

Silver 50500 4621 915 146 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz ~iska Project Manager

Page 15 o23 I202063 Final Report 0252012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 bullmiddot ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation ~losed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBS01

LCS Source Blank S~ike

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1891 945 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1430 953 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 644 920 85 ll5 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 511 962 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4547 909 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 402 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 418 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 1025 103 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1425 950 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2936 979 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Molybdenum 20000 182 910 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0828 103 middot 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0800 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 999 999 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0420 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead l5000 l552 103 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod






Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1863 93l 150 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1375 917 391 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 629 899 239 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 558 930 337 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4359 872 422 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 371 929 779 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 403 101 375 85 -115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 989 989 359 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1345 897 577 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2920 973 0548 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc Tht resulu In this report only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance wi1h the chain ofcustody documtnL This analytical rrport must be rrproduad in its entirety

~__J~ Pagt J6of23 202063 Final Rtpon 02JS2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 22

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960

~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOSAl SCIENCES



Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike Dup

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (pgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Molybdenum 20000 177 883 303 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0794 992 416 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0784 980 205 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 982 982 177 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0407 102 298 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead 15000 1535 102 106 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this reporr only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody docwnent This analytical report must be reproduced In its tnlirety

Page 17of3 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 23

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-BSBSD1

LCS Source LCS

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Limits Method Notes Mercury 15679 1577 101 80 - 120 EPA l63IE

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (ogL) (ogL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes Mercury 15679 1605 102 176 ampO - 120 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in zhis report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 8013 I202063 Fi11alReport 02151202


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202159 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike


Spike Added microgL)

LCS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Silver l5000 2156 144 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12


Spike Added (microgL)

LCSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RJgtD Limit Method Notes

Silver 15000 2141 143 0706 85 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 shy

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to zhe samples analyzed in accordance with rhe chain ofcustodydocument This analyticalreporl mus be reproduced in its entirety

Page 19of23 J102063 Final Report 02152011

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



Instrument Hg-16 Sequence 2B060I4

Preparation BrCI Oxidation

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202057-BLK1 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I63IE u F202057-BLK2 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I631E u F202057-BLK3 Mercury 005 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE u F202057-BLK4 Mercury 010 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE QB-04 U

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onl)I apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical rtporl must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 20of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North -Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOBAL- SCIENCES


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202053-BLK1 Beryllium 0005 0060 microgL F202053 SPA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Aluminum -004 40 microgL F202053 -PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Chromium -002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Manganese -0002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLKI Iron -03 100 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Nickel -003 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Copper 0008 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Zinc 010 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Arsenic -007 015 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Selenium -002 060 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Molybdenum OQl 006 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK I Cadmium 0005 0020 microgL F202053 3PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Antimony 0019 0020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Barium 0005 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Thallium 0028 0005 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc QB-10 F202053-BLK1 Lead 0004 0040 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed iTJ accordance wizh the chain ofcustody docrmienl This analyticalreport musl be ltproductd in its entirety

Page2J o23 J202063 Final Rtport 021)52012

Liz Siska Project Manager



414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202159-BLK1 Silver 00006 0020 microgL F202159 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced In its enlirgtty

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page22of3 J202063 Final Report 02152012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 bull ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Notes and Definitions U Analyte included in the analysis but not detected

QR-08 The RPD value for the MSMSD was outside ofacceptance limits Batch QC acceptable based on matrix duplicate andor LCSLCSD RPD values within control limits

QM-12 Initial or continuing calibration verification andor blank spikeblank spike duplicate recoveries above upper control limits All reported sample concentrations were below the reporting limit

QM-07 The spike recovery was outside control limits for the MS andor MSD The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QM-02 The MS andor MSD recoveries outside acceptance limits due to spike concentration less than I times the sample concentration The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QB-10 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL Only report sample results greater than 10 times the contamination value (QB-01 ) or samples less than the MRL (QB-02)

QB-04 The blank was preserved to 2 BrCl rather than 1 The control limit for blanks preserved to greater than 1 BrCI is the preservation percentage multiplied by the MRL

QB-02 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the sample concentrations are Jess than the MRL

QB-0 l The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the blank concentration(s) are Jess than 10 ofthe sample result

AS This MS andor MSD is an analytical spike andor an analytical spike duplicate

DET Analyte Detected

MDL Minimum Detection Limit

lv1RL Minimum Reporting Limit

ND Analyte Not Detected at or above the reporting limit

wet Sample results reported on a wet weight basis

dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis

RPD Relative Percent Difference

RSD Relative Standard Deviation

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be middoteproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

P~ge 23 o23 J202063 Final Report 02115120]2


107330middotJJlilI eastern analytical inc CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 0

professional laboratory seNlces GZANH (I)

DateTime Composites need start andstop datestimesSample IDs Matrix Parameters and Sample Notes of containers

Effluent Field Blank AqToUSWLLMetalsSub2z2b12 aqueous c=rcompS 17

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered LB Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate Circle_preservatives HCL HNO HSO NaOH MEOH Nasp~ Treat Tank Effluent I 122 o12 AqToVSWLLMetalsSubBODCODCyanTFN030G1664S04TDSTSSN624Afe6i6TPhenolsE606PGBfNH3ClpH

aqueous ~ fjYorComp9 5

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered L0 Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate fircle preservativels1ED HNO W)~ MEOH Naso ~

Please ensure this auto COC is accurate adheres to permit orsampling requirements for this sampling event and modify as necessary EAi Project ID 3902

Project Name Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

State NH

Client (Pro Mgr) Paul Pepler

Customer GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Address 380 Harvey Road

City Manchester NH 03103

Phone 623-3600 Fax 624-9463 (37)

EmaiAddress paulpeplergzacom

Results Needed by Preferred date----shy

Notes about project (ie Special Limits Billing info if different)

Subcontract ALL metals to Frontier Global Sciences Metals include Total AlSbAsBaBeCdCrCuFePbMnHgMoNlSeAgTI Zn Metals analyses require project-specific MSMSD

eczgt~ ~ 6Jy JSeog a1ct7so p~r (c4

QC deliverables

lll D A+ 18(s O B+ 0 C D PC

ReportlngOptlons o~151=JSi_ 181HC PONumber ~ 181 EDD PDF

Quote No to~C1f+C181 EDD email 181 PDF prelim NO FAX Temperature S- d-- degC D e-mail Login Confirmation

Ice present Yes IZfNo DONO FAX

Relinquished by DateTime Received by

Eastern Analytical Inc 25 Chanell Dr Concord NH 03301 Phone (603)228-0525 1-800-287-0525 Fax (603)228-4591


Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Sample ID

Lab Sample ID


Date Sampled Date Received


Date of ExtractionPrep

Date of Analysis



Dilution Factor

Oil amp Grease (HEM)

Treat Tank Effluent








LAS 1664A



eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525

bull middot



Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly Batch ID 734541-34922A0208120G1661

Parameter Name Blank LCS LCSD Analysis Date Units Limits RPO Method

Oil amp Grease HEM) lt5 36 (91 R) 36 (90 R) (1 RPO) 282012 mgL 78 - 114 18 1664A

Samples were extracted and analyzed within holding time limits Instrumentation was calibrated in accordance with the method requirements The method blanks were free of contamination at the reporting limits Sample surrogate recoveries met the above stated criteria The associated matrix spikes andor Laboratory Control Samples met acceptance criteria There were no exceptions in the analyses unless noted Flagged analyte recoveries deviated from the QNQC limits

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525 3


~ Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Sample ID Treat Tank Effluent

Lab Sample ID 10733002

Matrix aqueous

Date Sampled 2212 Analysis

2212 Units Date Time Method AnalystDate Received

Solids Suspended 6 mgL 20312 1045 25400 DLS Solids Dissolved 19000 mgL 20312 1045 2540C DLS Fluoride 29 mgL 20812 1501 3000 KL Sulfate 1200 mgL 20812 1446 3000 Kl Chloride 9300 mgL 20312 1035 4500CIE OLS Nitrate-N 65 mgL 20312 1032 3532 DLS Cyanide Total lt 001 mgL 20812 930 4500CNE KJR Ammonia-N 11 mgL 20912 900 4500NH30 SEL BOD lt6 mgL 20312 1120 52109 KJR COD 140 mgL 20712 1600 H8000 SKC Total Phenols lt 05 mgL 20812 200 4201 JCC pH 74 SU 20212 1630 4500H+B KJR

Total Phenols The reporting limit has been elevated due to matrix interference

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525 4

QC REPORT EAi ID 107330~ Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Parameter Name Blank LCS LCSD Date of

Units Analysis Limits RPO Method middot-middot-middot-middot~ middot-middot----shySolids Suspended lt2 95 (95 R) 94 (94 R) (1 RPO) mgL 2312 90 - 110 20 25400 Solids Dissolved lt5 990 (99 R) NA mgL 2312 85 -115 20 2540C Fluoride lt 01 20 (99 R) 20 (99 R) (0 RPO) mgL 2812 90 -110 20 3000 Sulfate lt 1 20 (100 R) 20 (101 R) (1 RPO) mgL 28112 90 - 110 20 3000 Chloride lt 1 24 (96 R) 24 (97 R (1 RPO mgL 2312 90 - 110 20 4500CIE Nitrate-N lt 05 4 9 (99 R 49 (98 R) (1 RPO) mgL 23112 90 - 110 20 3532 Cyanide Total lt002 025 (100 R) NA mgL 28112 85 - 115 20 4500CNE Ammonia-N lt 005 22 (109 R) 22 (110 R) (1 RPO) mgL 2912 90 - 110 20 4500NH3DN BOD lt6 420 (104 R 420 (104 R) (0 RPO) mgL 2312 84 - 115 20 52106 COD lt 10 100 (103 R) 100 (101 R) (2 RPO) mgL 27112 85 - 115 20 H8000 Total Phenols lt 005 022 (87 R) 022 (89 R) (2 RPO) mgL 2812 85 - 115 20 4201 pH 605 (101 R) 607 (101 R) (0 RPO) SU 2212 595 - 607 10 4500H+B

Samples were analyzed within holding times unless noted on the sample results page Instrumentation was calibrated in accordance with the method requirements The method blanks were free of contamination at the reporting limits The associated matrix spikes andor Laboratory Control Samples met the above stated criteria Exceptions to the above statements are flagged or noted above or on the QC Narrative page bullf Flagged analyte recoveries deviated from the QAQC limits

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525 5

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


15 February 2012


Eastern Analytical Inc

25 Chenell Drive

Concord NH 0330 I

RE Merrimack Station

Enclosed are the analytical results for samples received by Frontier Global Sciences All quality control

measurements are within established control limits and there were no analytical difficulties encountered with the exception of those listed in the case narrative section of this report

Ifyou have any questions concerning this report please feel free to contact me


Liz Siska

Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~


Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Laboratory Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Client Eastern Analytical Inc


Project Merrimack Station

Sample ID Lab ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received

C-3015 Effluent Field Blank 1202063-01 Water 02-Feb-12 0847 03-Feb-12 0930

Treat Tank Effluent 1202063-02 Water 02-Feb-12 0915 03-Feb-12 0930

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this ~port only apply to the samples analyzed inaccordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Pagel o23 1202063 Final Report 0211512012


414 Pontius Ave North

Seattle WA 98109 Pb 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Samples were received at Frontier Global Sciences (FGS) on February 3rd 2012 The samples were received intact on-ice with temperatures measured at 106 degrees Celsius


Samples were prepared and analyzed for total metals in accordance with EPA Method 2008 (modified)

Samples were prepared and analyzed for total mercury in accordance with EPAMethod 163 lE


Liquid spikes were prepared for every preparation as a measure ofaccuracy All liquid spikes and certified reference material were within the control limits

As an additional measure ofthe accuracy ofthe methods utilized for analysis and to check for matrix interference matrix spikes (MS) and matrix spike duplicates (MSD) were digested and analyzed All ofthe matrix spike recoveries were within the control limits with the exception of any QC flagged and described in the notes and definitions section ofthe following report

A reasonable measure ofthe precision ofthe analytical methods utilized for analysis is the relative percent difference (RPO) between matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate recoveries and between laboratory control sample and laboratory control sample duplicate recoveries All of the relative percent differences were within the control limits with the exception of any QC flagged and described in the notes and definitions section ofthe following report

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in tltis report only apply 10 the samples analyzed In accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page 2of2J 1202063 Fial Report 02115202


h~O26C~ Chain ofCusfody Record amp Laboratory Analysis Request 111 lon 107330 gt9 Air Water Sediments Plant and Animal Tissue --middot - - middot SCI

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Sample Dlsposzl CJ Renr (sb ippins fleS may aply) Cl Standard Oi~microCgtSnl shy 30 D~ys atter report 0 Retain foshy middot- middot weelltS after re~rt (storage fees rT3Y apply)

By ~IQnifIII you d=lare tlgt~t you agret viti FGS tcms ~nd rondllons and tba you atltthorie FGS to perfonr tne specified analyses

Custonier Approval bull Dale

The results in this report only applyUJ the samples analyzedin acconJa_nce with_ theFrontierGlobal Sciences Inc chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report mwt be reproduced in Its entirety


Page3of23 J202063 Final Report 02)512012

Liz SiskaProject Manager 9

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870~


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414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



C-3015 Effluent Field Blank

Matrix Water Laboratory ID 1202063-01

Analyte Result MDL MRL Units Dilution Batch Sequence Analyud Method Notes

Aluminum ND OA 40 microgL 1 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Antimony ND 0005 0 020 microgL 1 F202053 2813005 021212 EPA2008 Mod u Arsenic ND 005 015 microgL 1 F202053 2BI3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Bariu111 ND 003 020 microgL 1 F202053 2813005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Beryllium ND 0023 0060 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Cadmium ND 0004 0020 microgL F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Chromium ND 0009 010 microgL F202053 2813005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Copper ND 001 010 microgL I F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Iron ND 13 100 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Lead ND 0004 0040 microgL l F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Manganese 012 0007 010 microgL 1 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod

Mercury ND 008 050 ngL 1 F202057 2B06014 020612 EPA 1631E u Molybdenum ND 0006 006 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Nickel ND 0008 010 microgL F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Selenium ND 019 060 microgL 1 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Silver ND 0006 0020 microgL 1 F202159 2B15016 021512 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 U

Thalyum ND 0001 0005 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod QB-02 U

Zinc ND ooz 020 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl5001 021412 EPA2008 Mod u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproductd in its entirety

Page5of23 1201063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 11


414 Pontius Ave North ~ Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ CLOBAL SCIENCES

Fx 206-622-6870


Treat Tank Effluent

Matrix Water Laboratory ID 1202o~H2

Analyte Result MDL MRL Units Dilution Batch Sequence Analyzed Method Notes

Aluminum 218 222 200 microgL 50 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA2008Mod Antimony 155 0230 100 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA2008Mod

Arsenic 121 255 750 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Barium 243 135 100 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Beryllium ND 114 300 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Cadmium ND 0208 100 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Chromium ND 045 500 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Copper 553 050 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Iron ND 650 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Lead ND 0195 200 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Manganese 631 037 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA2008 Mod Mercury 360 084 505 ngL 10 F202057 2B06014 020612 EPA 163IE Molybdenum 195 030 300 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel ND 040 500 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Selenium 121 969 300 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA2008Mod Silver ND 0300 LOO microgL 50 F202159 2B 15016 021512 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 U

Thallium 685 0056 0250 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod QB-01 Zinc ND 082 100 microgL somiddot F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply 10 the samples analyzed In accordJJncc with the chain ofcustody documenJ This onolyticol report must ~ reproduced In its en1ire1y

Poga 6of2J 1201063 Final ampport 01JS202

Liz Siska Project Manager 12

I 414 Pontius Ave North

Seattle WA 98109~ Ph 206-622-6960 FRONTIER- Fx 206-622-6870 cLoaAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 1B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-DUP1

Sample Duplicate Concentration Concentration RPD

Analyte ngL ngL MRL RPD Limit Method Notes

Mercury 3603 3621 505 0482 24 EPA 163IE

Fror tier Global Sciences Inc Tlte results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in Its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page 7of13 1102063 Final Report 01151011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Dige~tion Lab Number l202053-MSMSDI


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (microgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Beryllium ND 20200 2062 102 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 2177 15150 355l 907 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 205 70700 947 105 70 - 130 middot EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 6311 60600 6110 -331 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron ND 50500 4743 939 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 325 40400 758 107 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 553 40400 939 957 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 099 10100 1268 116 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Arsenic 1206 15150 2453 823 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 1213 30300 1452 791 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Molybltlenum 1952 20200 1925 -135 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmium 0623 080800 1437 IOI 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 1549 080800 2358 100 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Barium 2433 10100 2514 793 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Thallium 6848 040400 7126 689 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod QB-01 Lead ND 15150 1334 880 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPO

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20200 2025 100 l80 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 15150 3386 798 477 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 70700 909 996 412 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 60600 6122 -311 0200 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron 50500 4648 920 203 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 40400 813 121 706 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 40400 935 948 0415 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 10100 1013 904 224 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QR-08 Arsenic 15150 2577 905 492 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 30300 1399 614 376 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Molybdenum 20200 1909 -213 0823 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmiwn 080800 1230 752 155 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 080800 2316 950 177 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in 1his report only apply to tire samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcuslOdy docume11L This a11alytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

~-~~ Page 8of2J l 20206J Final Report

021512012 Liz Siska Project Manager


I 414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSMSD1


Spike Added (JlgL)

MSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 10100 2506 717 0305 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040400 6963 286 231 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 QB-01

Lead 15150 l403 926 509 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onlyapply to the samples analred in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced fn its entirety

Page 9of23 I202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 15

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B130Q5

Preparation Clo~~d Ve~~el Nitric Qven QigestiQn Lab Number f20205J-MSMSD3


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (JtgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Method Limits Notes

Beryllium ND 50500 4291 850 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Aluminum 2177 10100 9206 890 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Chromium 205 10100 1006 994 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS

Manganese 6311 IOl00 1582 942 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Iron ND 50500 4849 960 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Nickel 325 12625 1190 940 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Copper 553 12625 1149 906 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Zinc 099 25250 2401 950 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Arsenic 1206 10100 1050 103 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Selenium 1213 10100 1168 104 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Molybdenum 1952 50500 6851 970 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Cadmium 0623 10100 9695 954 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Antimony 1549 50500 5084 976 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Barium 2433 20200 2379 106 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thallium 6848 50500 5306 915 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS QB-01

Lead ND 25250 2205 873 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





Recovery Limits

RPDLimit Method Notes

Beryllium 50500 4337 859 108 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Aluminum 10100 9221 89l 0164 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Chromium 10100 9902 978 159 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Manganese 10100 1562 922 l27 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Iron 50500 4775 946 l53 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Nickel 12625 1197 946 0613 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Copper 12625 1129 890 179 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Zinc 25250 2399 950 00456 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Arsenic 10100 1013 992 357 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Selenium 10100 1151 102 149 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Molybdenum 50500 6848 970 00426 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Cadmium 10100 1004 987 345 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Antimony 50500 5111 98l 0531 70 - 130 20 EPA2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in rhls rtporl 011y apply 10 the samples anayrd i11 accordtmce with the chain ofcustodydocumtmL This analytical report mus bt nproducedin its entirety

~-~ Page Oo23 1202063 Final Report 02S2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 16

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSJMSD3 I


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





RPD Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 20200 2377 106 0106 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thalium 50500 5345 923 0720 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod ASQB-01

Lead 25250 2198 870 0315 7-0 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The lfl$Ws in this report onlyapply to the samplesOIUllyzed 11 accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page Ji of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 17

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98 l09

i Ph 206-622-6960 ~ ) Fx 206-622-6870 GIOBAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCJ Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD1

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method NotesLimits

Mercury 3603 10200 1409 103 71 - 125 EPA 1631pound

Spike MSD MSD Oo Recovery Added Concentration RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Notes Analyte

Mercury 10200 1410 103 00816 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The nsulis In thls rtporr only apply to the sampfuanalyud In accordana with the chain ofcustody documenL This analytical nportmust be reproducd in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Pagt J1of1J 1101063 Final Report 01152011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202035-02RE1

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration oo Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method Notes Limits

Mercury 3897 10200 1440 103 71 - 125 EPA I631E

Spike MSD MSD oo Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Notes (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Analyte

Mercury 10200 1445 103 0394 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 13of23 J202063 Final Report 0211512012

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager 19

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ J

~ - Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number f202159-MStMSDl

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration RecoveryAnalyte (JlgL) (microgL) 1tgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 15150 1891 125 70- 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Notes

Silver l5150 2021 133 664 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-07

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in its enlirety

Page Ua23 J202063 Final Report 021512012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Oo RecoveryAnalyte (microgL) (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 50500 4554 902 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

(microgL) RPO Limits (microgL) Recovery Limit Method NotesAnalyte

Silver 50500 4621 915 146 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz ~iska Project Manager

Page 15 o23 I202063 Final Report 0252012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 bullmiddot ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation ~losed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBS01

LCS Source Blank S~ike

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1891 945 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1430 953 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 644 920 85 ll5 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 511 962 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4547 909 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 402 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 418 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 1025 103 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1425 950 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2936 979 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Molybdenum 20000 182 910 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0828 103 middot 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0800 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 999 999 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0420 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead l5000 l552 103 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod






Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1863 93l 150 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1375 917 391 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 629 899 239 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 558 930 337 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4359 872 422 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 371 929 779 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 403 101 375 85 -115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 989 989 359 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1345 897 577 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2920 973 0548 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc Tht resulu In this report only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance wi1h the chain ofcustody documtnL This analytical rrport must be rrproduad in its entirety

~__J~ Pagt J6of23 202063 Final Rtpon 02JS2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 22

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960

~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOSAl SCIENCES



Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike Dup

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (pgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Molybdenum 20000 177 883 303 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0794 992 416 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0784 980 205 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 982 982 177 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0407 102 298 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead 15000 1535 102 106 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this reporr only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody docwnent This analytical report must be reproduced In its tnlirety

Page 17of3 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 23

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-BSBSD1

LCS Source LCS

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Limits Method Notes Mercury 15679 1577 101 80 - 120 EPA l63IE

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (ogL) (ogL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes Mercury 15679 1605 102 176 ampO - 120 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in zhis report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 8013 I202063 Fi11alReport 02151202


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202159 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike


Spike Added microgL)

LCS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Silver l5000 2156 144 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12


Spike Added (microgL)

LCSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RJgtD Limit Method Notes

Silver 15000 2141 143 0706 85 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 shy

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to zhe samples analyzed in accordance with rhe chain ofcustodydocument This analyticalreporl mus be reproduced in its entirety

Page 19of23 J102063 Final Report 02152011

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



Instrument Hg-16 Sequence 2B060I4

Preparation BrCI Oxidation

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202057-BLK1 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I63IE u F202057-BLK2 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I631E u F202057-BLK3 Mercury 005 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE u F202057-BLK4 Mercury 010 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE QB-04 U

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onl)I apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical rtporl must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 20of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North -Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOBAL- SCIENCES


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202053-BLK1 Beryllium 0005 0060 microgL F202053 SPA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Aluminum -004 40 microgL F202053 -PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Chromium -002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Manganese -0002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLKI Iron -03 100 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Nickel -003 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Copper 0008 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Zinc 010 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Arsenic -007 015 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Selenium -002 060 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Molybdenum OQl 006 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK I Cadmium 0005 0020 microgL F202053 3PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Antimony 0019 0020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Barium 0005 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Thallium 0028 0005 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc QB-10 F202053-BLK1 Lead 0004 0040 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed iTJ accordance wizh the chain ofcustody docrmienl This analyticalreport musl be ltproductd in its entirety

Page2J o23 J202063 Final Rtport 021)52012

Liz Siska Project Manager



414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202159-BLK1 Silver 00006 0020 microgL F202159 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced In its enlirgtty

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page22of3 J202063 Final Report 02152012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 bull ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Notes and Definitions U Analyte included in the analysis but not detected

QR-08 The RPD value for the MSMSD was outside ofacceptance limits Batch QC acceptable based on matrix duplicate andor LCSLCSD RPD values within control limits

QM-12 Initial or continuing calibration verification andor blank spikeblank spike duplicate recoveries above upper control limits All reported sample concentrations were below the reporting limit

QM-07 The spike recovery was outside control limits for the MS andor MSD The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QM-02 The MS andor MSD recoveries outside acceptance limits due to spike concentration less than I times the sample concentration The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QB-10 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL Only report sample results greater than 10 times the contamination value (QB-01 ) or samples less than the MRL (QB-02)

QB-04 The blank was preserved to 2 BrCl rather than 1 The control limit for blanks preserved to greater than 1 BrCI is the preservation percentage multiplied by the MRL

QB-02 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the sample concentrations are Jess than the MRL

QB-0 l The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the blank concentration(s) are Jess than 10 ofthe sample result

AS This MS andor MSD is an analytical spike andor an analytical spike duplicate

DET Analyte Detected

MDL Minimum Detection Limit

lv1RL Minimum Reporting Limit

ND Analyte Not Detected at or above the reporting limit

wet Sample results reported on a wet weight basis

dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis

RPD Relative Percent Difference

RSD Relative Standard Deviation

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be middoteproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

P~ge 23 o23 J202063 Final Report 02115120]2


107330middotJJlilI eastern analytical inc CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 0

professional laboratory seNlces GZANH (I)

DateTime Composites need start andstop datestimesSample IDs Matrix Parameters and Sample Notes of containers

Effluent Field Blank AqToUSWLLMetalsSub2z2b12 aqueous c=rcompS 17

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered LB Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate Circle_preservatives HCL HNO HSO NaOH MEOH Nasp~ Treat Tank Effluent I 122 o12 AqToVSWLLMetalsSubBODCODCyanTFN030G1664S04TDSTSSN624Afe6i6TPhenolsE606PGBfNH3ClpH

aqueous ~ fjYorComp9 5

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered L0 Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate fircle preservativels1ED HNO W)~ MEOH Naso ~

Please ensure this auto COC is accurate adheres to permit orsampling requirements for this sampling event and modify as necessary EAi Project ID 3902

Project Name Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

State NH

Client (Pro Mgr) Paul Pepler

Customer GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Address 380 Harvey Road

City Manchester NH 03103

Phone 623-3600 Fax 624-9463 (37)

EmaiAddress paulpeplergzacom

Results Needed by Preferred date----shy

Notes about project (ie Special Limits Billing info if different)

Subcontract ALL metals to Frontier Global Sciences Metals include Total AlSbAsBaBeCdCrCuFePbMnHgMoNlSeAgTI Zn Metals analyses require project-specific MSMSD

eczgt~ ~ 6Jy JSeog a1ct7so p~r (c4

QC deliverables

lll D A+ 18(s O B+ 0 C D PC

ReportlngOptlons o~151=JSi_ 181HC PONumber ~ 181 EDD PDF

Quote No to~C1f+C181 EDD email 181 PDF prelim NO FAX Temperature S- d-- degC D e-mail Login Confirmation

Ice present Yes IZfNo DONO FAX

Relinquished by DateTime Received by

Eastern Analytical Inc 25 Chanell Dr Concord NH 03301 Phone (603)228-0525 1-800-287-0525 Fax (603)228-4591


Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly Batch ID 734541-34922A0208120G1661

Parameter Name Blank LCS LCSD Analysis Date Units Limits RPO Method

Oil amp Grease HEM) lt5 36 (91 R) 36 (90 R) (1 RPO) 282012 mgL 78 - 114 18 1664A

Samples were extracted and analyzed within holding time limits Instrumentation was calibrated in accordance with the method requirements The method blanks were free of contamination at the reporting limits Sample surrogate recoveries met the above stated criteria The associated matrix spikes andor Laboratory Control Samples met acceptance criteria There were no exceptions in the analyses unless noted Flagged analyte recoveries deviated from the QNQC limits

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525 3


~ Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Sample ID Treat Tank Effluent

Lab Sample ID 10733002

Matrix aqueous

Date Sampled 2212 Analysis

2212 Units Date Time Method AnalystDate Received

Solids Suspended 6 mgL 20312 1045 25400 DLS Solids Dissolved 19000 mgL 20312 1045 2540C DLS Fluoride 29 mgL 20812 1501 3000 KL Sulfate 1200 mgL 20812 1446 3000 Kl Chloride 9300 mgL 20312 1035 4500CIE OLS Nitrate-N 65 mgL 20312 1032 3532 DLS Cyanide Total lt 001 mgL 20812 930 4500CNE KJR Ammonia-N 11 mgL 20912 900 4500NH30 SEL BOD lt6 mgL 20312 1120 52109 KJR COD 140 mgL 20712 1600 H8000 SKC Total Phenols lt 05 mgL 20812 200 4201 JCC pH 74 SU 20212 1630 4500H+B KJR

Total Phenols The reporting limit has been elevated due to matrix interference

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525 4

QC REPORT EAi ID 107330~ Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Parameter Name Blank LCS LCSD Date of

Units Analysis Limits RPO Method middot-middot-middot-middot~ middot-middot----shySolids Suspended lt2 95 (95 R) 94 (94 R) (1 RPO) mgL 2312 90 - 110 20 25400 Solids Dissolved lt5 990 (99 R) NA mgL 2312 85 -115 20 2540C Fluoride lt 01 20 (99 R) 20 (99 R) (0 RPO) mgL 2812 90 -110 20 3000 Sulfate lt 1 20 (100 R) 20 (101 R) (1 RPO) mgL 28112 90 - 110 20 3000 Chloride lt 1 24 (96 R) 24 (97 R (1 RPO mgL 2312 90 - 110 20 4500CIE Nitrate-N lt 05 4 9 (99 R 49 (98 R) (1 RPO) mgL 23112 90 - 110 20 3532 Cyanide Total lt002 025 (100 R) NA mgL 28112 85 - 115 20 4500CNE Ammonia-N lt 005 22 (109 R) 22 (110 R) (1 RPO) mgL 2912 90 - 110 20 4500NH3DN BOD lt6 420 (104 R 420 (104 R) (0 RPO) mgL 2312 84 - 115 20 52106 COD lt 10 100 (103 R) 100 (101 R) (2 RPO) mgL 27112 85 - 115 20 H8000 Total Phenols lt 005 022 (87 R) 022 (89 R) (2 RPO) mgL 2812 85 - 115 20 4201 pH 605 (101 R) 607 (101 R) (0 RPO) SU 2212 595 - 607 10 4500H+B

Samples were analyzed within holding times unless noted on the sample results page Instrumentation was calibrated in accordance with the method requirements The method blanks were free of contamination at the reporting limits The associated matrix spikes andor Laboratory Control Samples met the above stated criteria Exceptions to the above statements are flagged or noted above or on the QC Narrative page bullf Flagged analyte recoveries deviated from the QAQC limits

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525 5

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


15 February 2012


Eastern Analytical Inc

25 Chenell Drive

Concord NH 0330 I

RE Merrimack Station

Enclosed are the analytical results for samples received by Frontier Global Sciences All quality control

measurements are within established control limits and there were no analytical difficulties encountered with the exception of those listed in the case narrative section of this report

Ifyou have any questions concerning this report please feel free to contact me


Liz Siska

Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~


Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Laboratory Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Client Eastern Analytical Inc


Project Merrimack Station

Sample ID Lab ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received

C-3015 Effluent Field Blank 1202063-01 Water 02-Feb-12 0847 03-Feb-12 0930

Treat Tank Effluent 1202063-02 Water 02-Feb-12 0915 03-Feb-12 0930

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this ~port only apply to the samples analyzed inaccordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Pagel o23 1202063 Final Report 0211512012


414 Pontius Ave North

Seattle WA 98109 Pb 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Samples were received at Frontier Global Sciences (FGS) on February 3rd 2012 The samples were received intact on-ice with temperatures measured at 106 degrees Celsius


Samples were prepared and analyzed for total metals in accordance with EPA Method 2008 (modified)

Samples were prepared and analyzed for total mercury in accordance with EPAMethod 163 lE


Liquid spikes were prepared for every preparation as a measure ofaccuracy All liquid spikes and certified reference material were within the control limits

As an additional measure ofthe accuracy ofthe methods utilized for analysis and to check for matrix interference matrix spikes (MS) and matrix spike duplicates (MSD) were digested and analyzed All ofthe matrix spike recoveries were within the control limits with the exception of any QC flagged and described in the notes and definitions section ofthe following report

A reasonable measure ofthe precision ofthe analytical methods utilized for analysis is the relative percent difference (RPO) between matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate recoveries and between laboratory control sample and laboratory control sample duplicate recoveries All of the relative percent differences were within the control limits with the exception of any QC flagged and described in the notes and definitions section ofthe following report

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in tltis report only apply 10 the samples analyzed In accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page 2of2J 1202063 Fial Report 02115202


h~O26C~ Chain ofCusfody Record amp Laboratory Analysis Request 111 lon 107330 gt9 Air Water Sediments Plant and Animal Tissue --middot - - middot SCI

F~x 2C-622-6670H d b amp 0 th S middot FRONT I EK Y rocar on er ampes ~ C t C 9 Al s CI 6 fl CE s aoc middot of I 12 ) 2 tc =s httpv-wfomtlr(Scom

ishy- - ---For La~ratort Use-Only coc SealV(1 middot comtt11ts C Coc_lPrTcmpfltZ~ 17 Dmiddotmiddot( ~shyCarrier11 es----i VTSR Glf sQ_ i _ - _ Rf orCoolen Jt ~ J middot

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Sample Dlsposzl CJ Renr (sb ippins fleS may aply) Cl Standard Oi~microCgtSnl shy 30 D~ys atter report 0 Retain foshy middot- middot weelltS after re~rt (storage fees rT3Y apply)

By ~IQnifIII you d=lare tlgt~t you agret viti FGS tcms ~nd rondllons and tba you atltthorie FGS to perfonr tne specified analyses

Custonier Approval bull Dale

The results in this report only applyUJ the samples analyzedin acconJa_nce with_ theFrontierGlobal Sciences Inc chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report mwt be reproduced in Its entirety


Page3of23 J202063 Final Report 02)512012

Liz SiskaProject Manager 9

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870~


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414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



C-3015 Effluent Field Blank

Matrix Water Laboratory ID 1202063-01

Analyte Result MDL MRL Units Dilution Batch Sequence Analyud Method Notes

Aluminum ND OA 40 microgL 1 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Antimony ND 0005 0 020 microgL 1 F202053 2813005 021212 EPA2008 Mod u Arsenic ND 005 015 microgL 1 F202053 2BI3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Bariu111 ND 003 020 microgL 1 F202053 2813005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Beryllium ND 0023 0060 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Cadmium ND 0004 0020 microgL F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Chromium ND 0009 010 microgL F202053 2813005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Copper ND 001 010 microgL I F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Iron ND 13 100 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Lead ND 0004 0040 microgL l F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Manganese 012 0007 010 microgL 1 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod

Mercury ND 008 050 ngL 1 F202057 2B06014 020612 EPA 1631E u Molybdenum ND 0006 006 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Nickel ND 0008 010 microgL F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Selenium ND 019 060 microgL 1 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Silver ND 0006 0020 microgL 1 F202159 2B15016 021512 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 U

Thalyum ND 0001 0005 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod QB-02 U

Zinc ND ooz 020 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl5001 021412 EPA2008 Mod u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproductd in its entirety

Page5of23 1201063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 11


414 Pontius Ave North ~ Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ CLOBAL SCIENCES

Fx 206-622-6870


Treat Tank Effluent

Matrix Water Laboratory ID 1202o~H2

Analyte Result MDL MRL Units Dilution Batch Sequence Analyzed Method Notes

Aluminum 218 222 200 microgL 50 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA2008Mod Antimony 155 0230 100 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA2008Mod

Arsenic 121 255 750 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Barium 243 135 100 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Beryllium ND 114 300 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Cadmium ND 0208 100 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Chromium ND 045 500 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Copper 553 050 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Iron ND 650 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Lead ND 0195 200 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Manganese 631 037 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA2008 Mod Mercury 360 084 505 ngL 10 F202057 2B06014 020612 EPA 163IE Molybdenum 195 030 300 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel ND 040 500 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Selenium 121 969 300 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA2008Mod Silver ND 0300 LOO microgL 50 F202159 2B 15016 021512 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 U

Thallium 685 0056 0250 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod QB-01 Zinc ND 082 100 microgL somiddot F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply 10 the samples analyzed In accordJJncc with the chain ofcustody documenJ This onolyticol report must ~ reproduced In its en1ire1y

Poga 6of2J 1201063 Final ampport 01JS202

Liz Siska Project Manager 12

I 414 Pontius Ave North

Seattle WA 98109~ Ph 206-622-6960 FRONTIER- Fx 206-622-6870 cLoaAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 1B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-DUP1

Sample Duplicate Concentration Concentration RPD

Analyte ngL ngL MRL RPD Limit Method Notes

Mercury 3603 3621 505 0482 24 EPA 163IE

Fror tier Global Sciences Inc Tlte results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in Its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page 7of13 1102063 Final Report 01151011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Dige~tion Lab Number l202053-MSMSDI


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (microgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Beryllium ND 20200 2062 102 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 2177 15150 355l 907 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 205 70700 947 105 70 - 130 middot EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 6311 60600 6110 -331 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron ND 50500 4743 939 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 325 40400 758 107 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 553 40400 939 957 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 099 10100 1268 116 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Arsenic 1206 15150 2453 823 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 1213 30300 1452 791 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Molybltlenum 1952 20200 1925 -135 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmium 0623 080800 1437 IOI 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 1549 080800 2358 100 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Barium 2433 10100 2514 793 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Thallium 6848 040400 7126 689 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod QB-01 Lead ND 15150 1334 880 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPO

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20200 2025 100 l80 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 15150 3386 798 477 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 70700 909 996 412 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 60600 6122 -311 0200 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron 50500 4648 920 203 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 40400 813 121 706 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 40400 935 948 0415 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 10100 1013 904 224 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QR-08 Arsenic 15150 2577 905 492 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 30300 1399 614 376 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Molybdenum 20200 1909 -213 0823 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmiwn 080800 1230 752 155 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 080800 2316 950 177 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in 1his report only apply to tire samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcuslOdy docume11L This a11alytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

~-~~ Page 8of2J l 20206J Final Report

021512012 Liz Siska Project Manager


I 414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSMSD1


Spike Added (JlgL)

MSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 10100 2506 717 0305 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040400 6963 286 231 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 QB-01

Lead 15150 l403 926 509 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onlyapply to the samples analred in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced fn its entirety

Page 9of23 I202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 15

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B130Q5

Preparation Clo~~d Ve~~el Nitric Qven QigestiQn Lab Number f20205J-MSMSD3


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (JtgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Method Limits Notes

Beryllium ND 50500 4291 850 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Aluminum 2177 10100 9206 890 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Chromium 205 10100 1006 994 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS

Manganese 6311 IOl00 1582 942 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Iron ND 50500 4849 960 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Nickel 325 12625 1190 940 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Copper 553 12625 1149 906 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Zinc 099 25250 2401 950 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Arsenic 1206 10100 1050 103 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Selenium 1213 10100 1168 104 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Molybdenum 1952 50500 6851 970 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Cadmium 0623 10100 9695 954 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Antimony 1549 50500 5084 976 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Barium 2433 20200 2379 106 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thallium 6848 50500 5306 915 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS QB-01

Lead ND 25250 2205 873 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





Recovery Limits

RPDLimit Method Notes

Beryllium 50500 4337 859 108 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Aluminum 10100 9221 89l 0164 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Chromium 10100 9902 978 159 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Manganese 10100 1562 922 l27 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Iron 50500 4775 946 l53 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Nickel 12625 1197 946 0613 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Copper 12625 1129 890 179 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Zinc 25250 2399 950 00456 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Arsenic 10100 1013 992 357 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Selenium 10100 1151 102 149 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Molybdenum 50500 6848 970 00426 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Cadmium 10100 1004 987 345 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Antimony 50500 5111 98l 0531 70 - 130 20 EPA2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in rhls rtporl 011y apply 10 the samples anayrd i11 accordtmce with the chain ofcustodydocumtmL This analytical report mus bt nproducedin its entirety

~-~ Page Oo23 1202063 Final Report 02S2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 16

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSJMSD3 I


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





RPD Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 20200 2377 106 0106 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thalium 50500 5345 923 0720 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod ASQB-01

Lead 25250 2198 870 0315 7-0 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The lfl$Ws in this report onlyapply to the samplesOIUllyzed 11 accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page Ji of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 17

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98 l09

i Ph 206-622-6960 ~ ) Fx 206-622-6870 GIOBAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCJ Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD1

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method NotesLimits

Mercury 3603 10200 1409 103 71 - 125 EPA 1631pound

Spike MSD MSD Oo Recovery Added Concentration RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Notes Analyte

Mercury 10200 1410 103 00816 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The nsulis In thls rtporr only apply to the sampfuanalyud In accordana with the chain ofcustody documenL This analytical nportmust be reproducd in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Pagt J1of1J 1101063 Final Report 01152011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202035-02RE1

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration oo Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method Notes Limits

Mercury 3897 10200 1440 103 71 - 125 EPA I631E

Spike MSD MSD oo Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Notes (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Analyte

Mercury 10200 1445 103 0394 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 13of23 J202063 Final Report 0211512012

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager 19

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ J

~ - Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number f202159-MStMSDl

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration RecoveryAnalyte (JlgL) (microgL) 1tgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 15150 1891 125 70- 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Notes

Silver l5150 2021 133 664 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-07

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in its enlirety

Page Ua23 J202063 Final Report 021512012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Oo RecoveryAnalyte (microgL) (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 50500 4554 902 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

(microgL) RPO Limits (microgL) Recovery Limit Method NotesAnalyte

Silver 50500 4621 915 146 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz ~iska Project Manager

Page 15 o23 I202063 Final Report 0252012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 bullmiddot ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation ~losed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBS01

LCS Source Blank S~ike

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1891 945 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1430 953 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 644 920 85 ll5 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 511 962 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4547 909 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 402 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 418 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 1025 103 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1425 950 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2936 979 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Molybdenum 20000 182 910 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0828 103 middot 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0800 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 999 999 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0420 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead l5000 l552 103 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod






Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1863 93l 150 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1375 917 391 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 629 899 239 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 558 930 337 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4359 872 422 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 371 929 779 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 403 101 375 85 -115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 989 989 359 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1345 897 577 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2920 973 0548 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc Tht resulu In this report only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance wi1h the chain ofcustody documtnL This analytical rrport must be rrproduad in its entirety

~__J~ Pagt J6of23 202063 Final Rtpon 02JS2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 22

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960

~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOSAl SCIENCES



Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike Dup

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (pgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Molybdenum 20000 177 883 303 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0794 992 416 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0784 980 205 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 982 982 177 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0407 102 298 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead 15000 1535 102 106 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this reporr only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody docwnent This analytical report must be reproduced In its tnlirety

Page 17of3 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 23

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-BSBSD1

LCS Source LCS

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Limits Method Notes Mercury 15679 1577 101 80 - 120 EPA l63IE

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (ogL) (ogL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes Mercury 15679 1605 102 176 ampO - 120 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in zhis report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 8013 I202063 Fi11alReport 02151202


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202159 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike


Spike Added microgL)

LCS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Silver l5000 2156 144 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12


Spike Added (microgL)

LCSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RJgtD Limit Method Notes

Silver 15000 2141 143 0706 85 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 shy

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to zhe samples analyzed in accordance with rhe chain ofcustodydocument This analyticalreporl mus be reproduced in its entirety

Page 19of23 J102063 Final Report 02152011

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



Instrument Hg-16 Sequence 2B060I4

Preparation BrCI Oxidation

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202057-BLK1 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I63IE u F202057-BLK2 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I631E u F202057-BLK3 Mercury 005 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE u F202057-BLK4 Mercury 010 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE QB-04 U

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onl)I apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical rtporl must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 20of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North -Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOBAL- SCIENCES


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202053-BLK1 Beryllium 0005 0060 microgL F202053 SPA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Aluminum -004 40 microgL F202053 -PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Chromium -002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Manganese -0002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLKI Iron -03 100 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Nickel -003 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Copper 0008 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Zinc 010 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Arsenic -007 015 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Selenium -002 060 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Molybdenum OQl 006 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK I Cadmium 0005 0020 microgL F202053 3PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Antimony 0019 0020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Barium 0005 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Thallium 0028 0005 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc QB-10 F202053-BLK1 Lead 0004 0040 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed iTJ accordance wizh the chain ofcustody docrmienl This analyticalreport musl be ltproductd in its entirety

Page2J o23 J202063 Final Rtport 021)52012

Liz Siska Project Manager



414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202159-BLK1 Silver 00006 0020 microgL F202159 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced In its enlirgtty

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page22of3 J202063 Final Report 02152012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 bull ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Notes and Definitions U Analyte included in the analysis but not detected

QR-08 The RPD value for the MSMSD was outside ofacceptance limits Batch QC acceptable based on matrix duplicate andor LCSLCSD RPD values within control limits

QM-12 Initial or continuing calibration verification andor blank spikeblank spike duplicate recoveries above upper control limits All reported sample concentrations were below the reporting limit

QM-07 The spike recovery was outside control limits for the MS andor MSD The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QM-02 The MS andor MSD recoveries outside acceptance limits due to spike concentration less than I times the sample concentration The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QB-10 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL Only report sample results greater than 10 times the contamination value (QB-01 ) or samples less than the MRL (QB-02)

QB-04 The blank was preserved to 2 BrCl rather than 1 The control limit for blanks preserved to greater than 1 BrCI is the preservation percentage multiplied by the MRL

QB-02 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the sample concentrations are Jess than the MRL

QB-0 l The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the blank concentration(s) are Jess than 10 ofthe sample result

AS This MS andor MSD is an analytical spike andor an analytical spike duplicate

DET Analyte Detected

MDL Minimum Detection Limit

lv1RL Minimum Reporting Limit

ND Analyte Not Detected at or above the reporting limit

wet Sample results reported on a wet weight basis

dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis

RPD Relative Percent Difference

RSD Relative Standard Deviation

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be middoteproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

P~ge 23 o23 J202063 Final Report 02115120]2


107330middotJJlilI eastern analytical inc CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 0

professional laboratory seNlces GZANH (I)

DateTime Composites need start andstop datestimesSample IDs Matrix Parameters and Sample Notes of containers

Effluent Field Blank AqToUSWLLMetalsSub2z2b12 aqueous c=rcompS 17

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered LB Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate Circle_preservatives HCL HNO HSO NaOH MEOH Nasp~ Treat Tank Effluent I 122 o12 AqToVSWLLMetalsSubBODCODCyanTFN030G1664S04TDSTSSN624Afe6i6TPhenolsE606PGBfNH3ClpH

aqueous ~ fjYorComp9 5

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered L0 Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate fircle preservativels1ED HNO W)~ MEOH Naso ~

Please ensure this auto COC is accurate adheres to permit orsampling requirements for this sampling event and modify as necessary EAi Project ID 3902

Project Name Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

State NH

Client (Pro Mgr) Paul Pepler

Customer GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Address 380 Harvey Road

City Manchester NH 03103

Phone 623-3600 Fax 624-9463 (37)

EmaiAddress paulpeplergzacom

Results Needed by Preferred date----shy

Notes about project (ie Special Limits Billing info if different)

Subcontract ALL metals to Frontier Global Sciences Metals include Total AlSbAsBaBeCdCrCuFePbMnHgMoNlSeAgTI Zn Metals analyses require project-specific MSMSD

eczgt~ ~ 6Jy JSeog a1ct7so p~r (c4

QC deliverables

lll D A+ 18(s O B+ 0 C D PC

ReportlngOptlons o~151=JSi_ 181HC PONumber ~ 181 EDD PDF

Quote No to~C1f+C181 EDD email 181 PDF prelim NO FAX Temperature S- d-- degC D e-mail Login Confirmation

Ice present Yes IZfNo DONO FAX

Relinquished by DateTime Received by

Eastern Analytical Inc 25 Chanell Dr Concord NH 03301 Phone (603)228-0525 1-800-287-0525 Fax (603)228-4591


~ Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Sample ID Treat Tank Effluent

Lab Sample ID 10733002

Matrix aqueous

Date Sampled 2212 Analysis

2212 Units Date Time Method AnalystDate Received

Solids Suspended 6 mgL 20312 1045 25400 DLS Solids Dissolved 19000 mgL 20312 1045 2540C DLS Fluoride 29 mgL 20812 1501 3000 KL Sulfate 1200 mgL 20812 1446 3000 Kl Chloride 9300 mgL 20312 1035 4500CIE OLS Nitrate-N 65 mgL 20312 1032 3532 DLS Cyanide Total lt 001 mgL 20812 930 4500CNE KJR Ammonia-N 11 mgL 20912 900 4500NH30 SEL BOD lt6 mgL 20312 1120 52109 KJR COD 140 mgL 20712 1600 H8000 SKC Total Phenols lt 05 mgL 20812 200 4201 JCC pH 74 SU 20212 1630 4500H+B KJR

Total Phenols The reporting limit has been elevated due to matrix interference

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525 4

QC REPORT EAi ID 107330~ Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Parameter Name Blank LCS LCSD Date of

Units Analysis Limits RPO Method middot-middot-middot-middot~ middot-middot----shySolids Suspended lt2 95 (95 R) 94 (94 R) (1 RPO) mgL 2312 90 - 110 20 25400 Solids Dissolved lt5 990 (99 R) NA mgL 2312 85 -115 20 2540C Fluoride lt 01 20 (99 R) 20 (99 R) (0 RPO) mgL 2812 90 -110 20 3000 Sulfate lt 1 20 (100 R) 20 (101 R) (1 RPO) mgL 28112 90 - 110 20 3000 Chloride lt 1 24 (96 R) 24 (97 R (1 RPO mgL 2312 90 - 110 20 4500CIE Nitrate-N lt 05 4 9 (99 R 49 (98 R) (1 RPO) mgL 23112 90 - 110 20 3532 Cyanide Total lt002 025 (100 R) NA mgL 28112 85 - 115 20 4500CNE Ammonia-N lt 005 22 (109 R) 22 (110 R) (1 RPO) mgL 2912 90 - 110 20 4500NH3DN BOD lt6 420 (104 R 420 (104 R) (0 RPO) mgL 2312 84 - 115 20 52106 COD lt 10 100 (103 R) 100 (101 R) (2 RPO) mgL 27112 85 - 115 20 H8000 Total Phenols lt 005 022 (87 R) 022 (89 R) (2 RPO) mgL 2812 85 - 115 20 4201 pH 605 (101 R) 607 (101 R) (0 RPO) SU 2212 595 - 607 10 4500H+B

Samples were analyzed within holding times unless noted on the sample results page Instrumentation was calibrated in accordance with the method requirements The method blanks were free of contamination at the reporting limits The associated matrix spikes andor Laboratory Control Samples met the above stated criteria Exceptions to the above statements are flagged or noted above or on the QC Narrative page bullf Flagged analyte recoveries deviated from the QAQC limits

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525 5

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


15 February 2012


Eastern Analytical Inc

25 Chenell Drive

Concord NH 0330 I

RE Merrimack Station

Enclosed are the analytical results for samples received by Frontier Global Sciences All quality control

measurements are within established control limits and there were no analytical difficulties encountered with the exception of those listed in the case narrative section of this report

Ifyou have any questions concerning this report please feel free to contact me


Liz Siska

Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~


Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Laboratory Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Client Eastern Analytical Inc


Project Merrimack Station

Sample ID Lab ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received

C-3015 Effluent Field Blank 1202063-01 Water 02-Feb-12 0847 03-Feb-12 0930

Treat Tank Effluent 1202063-02 Water 02-Feb-12 0915 03-Feb-12 0930

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this ~port only apply to the samples analyzed inaccordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Pagel o23 1202063 Final Report 0211512012


414 Pontius Ave North

Seattle WA 98109 Pb 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Samples were received at Frontier Global Sciences (FGS) on February 3rd 2012 The samples were received intact on-ice with temperatures measured at 106 degrees Celsius


Samples were prepared and analyzed for total metals in accordance with EPA Method 2008 (modified)

Samples were prepared and analyzed for total mercury in accordance with EPAMethod 163 lE


Liquid spikes were prepared for every preparation as a measure ofaccuracy All liquid spikes and certified reference material were within the control limits

As an additional measure ofthe accuracy ofthe methods utilized for analysis and to check for matrix interference matrix spikes (MS) and matrix spike duplicates (MSD) were digested and analyzed All ofthe matrix spike recoveries were within the control limits with the exception of any QC flagged and described in the notes and definitions section ofthe following report

A reasonable measure ofthe precision ofthe analytical methods utilized for analysis is the relative percent difference (RPO) between matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate recoveries and between laboratory control sample and laboratory control sample duplicate recoveries All of the relative percent differences were within the control limits with the exception of any QC flagged and described in the notes and definitions section ofthe following report

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in tltis report only apply 10 the samples analyzed In accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page 2of2J 1202063 Fial Report 02115202


h~O26C~ Chain ofCusfody Record amp Laboratory Analysis Request 111 lon 107330 gt9 Air Water Sediments Plant and Animal Tissue --middot - - middot SCI

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By ~IQnifIII you d=lare tlgt~t you agret viti FGS tcms ~nd rondllons and tba you atltthorie FGS to perfonr tne specified analyses

Custonier Approval bull Dale

The results in this report only applyUJ the samples analyzedin acconJa_nce with_ theFrontierGlobal Sciences Inc chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report mwt be reproduced in Its entirety


Page3of23 J202063 Final Report 02)512012

Liz SiskaProject Manager 9

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870~


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414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



C-3015 Effluent Field Blank

Matrix Water Laboratory ID 1202063-01

Analyte Result MDL MRL Units Dilution Batch Sequence Analyud Method Notes

Aluminum ND OA 40 microgL 1 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Antimony ND 0005 0 020 microgL 1 F202053 2813005 021212 EPA2008 Mod u Arsenic ND 005 015 microgL 1 F202053 2BI3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Bariu111 ND 003 020 microgL 1 F202053 2813005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Beryllium ND 0023 0060 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Cadmium ND 0004 0020 microgL F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Chromium ND 0009 010 microgL F202053 2813005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Copper ND 001 010 microgL I F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Iron ND 13 100 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Lead ND 0004 0040 microgL l F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Manganese 012 0007 010 microgL 1 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod

Mercury ND 008 050 ngL 1 F202057 2B06014 020612 EPA 1631E u Molybdenum ND 0006 006 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Nickel ND 0008 010 microgL F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Selenium ND 019 060 microgL 1 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Silver ND 0006 0020 microgL 1 F202159 2B15016 021512 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 U

Thalyum ND 0001 0005 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod QB-02 U

Zinc ND ooz 020 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl5001 021412 EPA2008 Mod u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproductd in its entirety

Page5of23 1201063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 11


414 Pontius Ave North ~ Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ CLOBAL SCIENCES

Fx 206-622-6870


Treat Tank Effluent

Matrix Water Laboratory ID 1202o~H2

Analyte Result MDL MRL Units Dilution Batch Sequence Analyzed Method Notes

Aluminum 218 222 200 microgL 50 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA2008Mod Antimony 155 0230 100 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA2008Mod

Arsenic 121 255 750 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Barium 243 135 100 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Beryllium ND 114 300 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Cadmium ND 0208 100 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Chromium ND 045 500 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Copper 553 050 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Iron ND 650 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Lead ND 0195 200 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Manganese 631 037 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA2008 Mod Mercury 360 084 505 ngL 10 F202057 2B06014 020612 EPA 163IE Molybdenum 195 030 300 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel ND 040 500 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Selenium 121 969 300 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA2008Mod Silver ND 0300 LOO microgL 50 F202159 2B 15016 021512 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 U

Thallium 685 0056 0250 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod QB-01 Zinc ND 082 100 microgL somiddot F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply 10 the samples analyzed In accordJJncc with the chain ofcustody documenJ This onolyticol report must ~ reproduced In its en1ire1y

Poga 6of2J 1201063 Final ampport 01JS202

Liz Siska Project Manager 12

I 414 Pontius Ave North

Seattle WA 98109~ Ph 206-622-6960 FRONTIER- Fx 206-622-6870 cLoaAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 1B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-DUP1

Sample Duplicate Concentration Concentration RPD

Analyte ngL ngL MRL RPD Limit Method Notes

Mercury 3603 3621 505 0482 24 EPA 163IE

Fror tier Global Sciences Inc Tlte results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in Its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page 7of13 1102063 Final Report 01151011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Dige~tion Lab Number l202053-MSMSDI


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (microgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Beryllium ND 20200 2062 102 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 2177 15150 355l 907 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 205 70700 947 105 70 - 130 middot EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 6311 60600 6110 -331 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron ND 50500 4743 939 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 325 40400 758 107 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 553 40400 939 957 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 099 10100 1268 116 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Arsenic 1206 15150 2453 823 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 1213 30300 1452 791 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Molybltlenum 1952 20200 1925 -135 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmium 0623 080800 1437 IOI 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 1549 080800 2358 100 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Barium 2433 10100 2514 793 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Thallium 6848 040400 7126 689 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod QB-01 Lead ND 15150 1334 880 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPO

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20200 2025 100 l80 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 15150 3386 798 477 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 70700 909 996 412 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 60600 6122 -311 0200 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron 50500 4648 920 203 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 40400 813 121 706 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 40400 935 948 0415 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 10100 1013 904 224 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QR-08 Arsenic 15150 2577 905 492 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 30300 1399 614 376 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Molybdenum 20200 1909 -213 0823 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmiwn 080800 1230 752 155 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 080800 2316 950 177 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in 1his report only apply to tire samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcuslOdy docume11L This a11alytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

~-~~ Page 8of2J l 20206J Final Report

021512012 Liz Siska Project Manager


I 414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSMSD1


Spike Added (JlgL)

MSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 10100 2506 717 0305 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040400 6963 286 231 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 QB-01

Lead 15150 l403 926 509 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onlyapply to the samples analred in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced fn its entirety

Page 9of23 I202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 15

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B130Q5

Preparation Clo~~d Ve~~el Nitric Qven QigestiQn Lab Number f20205J-MSMSD3


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (JtgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Method Limits Notes

Beryllium ND 50500 4291 850 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Aluminum 2177 10100 9206 890 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Chromium 205 10100 1006 994 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS

Manganese 6311 IOl00 1582 942 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Iron ND 50500 4849 960 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Nickel 325 12625 1190 940 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Copper 553 12625 1149 906 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Zinc 099 25250 2401 950 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Arsenic 1206 10100 1050 103 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Selenium 1213 10100 1168 104 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Molybdenum 1952 50500 6851 970 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Cadmium 0623 10100 9695 954 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Antimony 1549 50500 5084 976 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Barium 2433 20200 2379 106 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thallium 6848 50500 5306 915 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS QB-01

Lead ND 25250 2205 873 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





Recovery Limits

RPDLimit Method Notes

Beryllium 50500 4337 859 108 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Aluminum 10100 9221 89l 0164 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Chromium 10100 9902 978 159 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Manganese 10100 1562 922 l27 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Iron 50500 4775 946 l53 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Nickel 12625 1197 946 0613 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Copper 12625 1129 890 179 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Zinc 25250 2399 950 00456 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Arsenic 10100 1013 992 357 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Selenium 10100 1151 102 149 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Molybdenum 50500 6848 970 00426 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Cadmium 10100 1004 987 345 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Antimony 50500 5111 98l 0531 70 - 130 20 EPA2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in rhls rtporl 011y apply 10 the samples anayrd i11 accordtmce with the chain ofcustodydocumtmL This analytical report mus bt nproducedin its entirety

~-~ Page Oo23 1202063 Final Report 02S2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 16

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSJMSD3 I


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





RPD Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 20200 2377 106 0106 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thalium 50500 5345 923 0720 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod ASQB-01

Lead 25250 2198 870 0315 7-0 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The lfl$Ws in this report onlyapply to the samplesOIUllyzed 11 accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page Ji of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 17

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98 l09

i Ph 206-622-6960 ~ ) Fx 206-622-6870 GIOBAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCJ Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD1

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method NotesLimits

Mercury 3603 10200 1409 103 71 - 125 EPA 1631pound

Spike MSD MSD Oo Recovery Added Concentration RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Notes Analyte

Mercury 10200 1410 103 00816 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The nsulis In thls rtporr only apply to the sampfuanalyud In accordana with the chain ofcustody documenL This analytical nportmust be reproducd in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Pagt J1of1J 1101063 Final Report 01152011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202035-02RE1

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration oo Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method Notes Limits

Mercury 3897 10200 1440 103 71 - 125 EPA I631E

Spike MSD MSD oo Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Notes (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Analyte

Mercury 10200 1445 103 0394 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 13of23 J202063 Final Report 0211512012

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager 19

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ J

~ - Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number f202159-MStMSDl

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration RecoveryAnalyte (JlgL) (microgL) 1tgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 15150 1891 125 70- 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Notes

Silver l5150 2021 133 664 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-07

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in its enlirety

Page Ua23 J202063 Final Report 021512012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Oo RecoveryAnalyte (microgL) (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 50500 4554 902 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

(microgL) RPO Limits (microgL) Recovery Limit Method NotesAnalyte

Silver 50500 4621 915 146 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz ~iska Project Manager

Page 15 o23 I202063 Final Report 0252012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 bullmiddot ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation ~losed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBS01

LCS Source Blank S~ike

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1891 945 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1430 953 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 644 920 85 ll5 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 511 962 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4547 909 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 402 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 418 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 1025 103 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1425 950 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2936 979 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Molybdenum 20000 182 910 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0828 103 middot 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0800 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 999 999 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0420 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead l5000 l552 103 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod






Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1863 93l 150 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1375 917 391 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 629 899 239 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 558 930 337 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4359 872 422 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 371 929 779 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 403 101 375 85 -115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 989 989 359 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1345 897 577 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2920 973 0548 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc Tht resulu In this report only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance wi1h the chain ofcustody documtnL This analytical rrport must be rrproduad in its entirety

~__J~ Pagt J6of23 202063 Final Rtpon 02JS2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 22

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960

~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOSAl SCIENCES



Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike Dup

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (pgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Molybdenum 20000 177 883 303 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0794 992 416 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0784 980 205 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 982 982 177 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0407 102 298 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead 15000 1535 102 106 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this reporr only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody docwnent This analytical report must be reproduced In its tnlirety

Page 17of3 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 23

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-BSBSD1

LCS Source LCS

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Limits Method Notes Mercury 15679 1577 101 80 - 120 EPA l63IE

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (ogL) (ogL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes Mercury 15679 1605 102 176 ampO - 120 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in zhis report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 8013 I202063 Fi11alReport 02151202


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202159 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike


Spike Added microgL)

LCS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Silver l5000 2156 144 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12


Spike Added (microgL)

LCSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RJgtD Limit Method Notes

Silver 15000 2141 143 0706 85 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 shy

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to zhe samples analyzed in accordance with rhe chain ofcustodydocument This analyticalreporl mus be reproduced in its entirety

Page 19of23 J102063 Final Report 02152011

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



Instrument Hg-16 Sequence 2B060I4

Preparation BrCI Oxidation

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202057-BLK1 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I63IE u F202057-BLK2 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I631E u F202057-BLK3 Mercury 005 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE u F202057-BLK4 Mercury 010 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE QB-04 U

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onl)I apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical rtporl must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 20of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North -Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOBAL- SCIENCES


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202053-BLK1 Beryllium 0005 0060 microgL F202053 SPA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Aluminum -004 40 microgL F202053 -PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Chromium -002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Manganese -0002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLKI Iron -03 100 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Nickel -003 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Copper 0008 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Zinc 010 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Arsenic -007 015 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Selenium -002 060 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Molybdenum OQl 006 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK I Cadmium 0005 0020 microgL F202053 3PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Antimony 0019 0020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Barium 0005 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Thallium 0028 0005 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc QB-10 F202053-BLK1 Lead 0004 0040 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed iTJ accordance wizh the chain ofcustody docrmienl This analyticalreport musl be ltproductd in its entirety

Page2J o23 J202063 Final Rtport 021)52012

Liz Siska Project Manager



414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202159-BLK1 Silver 00006 0020 microgL F202159 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced In its enlirgtty

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page22of3 J202063 Final Report 02152012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 bull ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Notes and Definitions U Analyte included in the analysis but not detected

QR-08 The RPD value for the MSMSD was outside ofacceptance limits Batch QC acceptable based on matrix duplicate andor LCSLCSD RPD values within control limits

QM-12 Initial or continuing calibration verification andor blank spikeblank spike duplicate recoveries above upper control limits All reported sample concentrations were below the reporting limit

QM-07 The spike recovery was outside control limits for the MS andor MSD The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QM-02 The MS andor MSD recoveries outside acceptance limits due to spike concentration less than I times the sample concentration The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QB-10 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL Only report sample results greater than 10 times the contamination value (QB-01 ) or samples less than the MRL (QB-02)

QB-04 The blank was preserved to 2 BrCl rather than 1 The control limit for blanks preserved to greater than 1 BrCI is the preservation percentage multiplied by the MRL

QB-02 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the sample concentrations are Jess than the MRL

QB-0 l The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the blank concentration(s) are Jess than 10 ofthe sample result

AS This MS andor MSD is an analytical spike andor an analytical spike duplicate

DET Analyte Detected

MDL Minimum Detection Limit

lv1RL Minimum Reporting Limit

ND Analyte Not Detected at or above the reporting limit

wet Sample results reported on a wet weight basis

dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis

RPD Relative Percent Difference

RSD Relative Standard Deviation

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be middoteproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

P~ge 23 o23 J202063 Final Report 02115120]2


107330middotJJlilI eastern analytical inc CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 0

professional laboratory seNlces GZANH (I)

DateTime Composites need start andstop datestimesSample IDs Matrix Parameters and Sample Notes of containers

Effluent Field Blank AqToUSWLLMetalsSub2z2b12 aqueous c=rcompS 17

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered LB Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate Circle_preservatives HCL HNO HSO NaOH MEOH Nasp~ Treat Tank Effluent I 122 o12 AqToVSWLLMetalsSubBODCODCyanTFN030G1664S04TDSTSSN624Afe6i6TPhenolsE606PGBfNH3ClpH

aqueous ~ fjYorComp9 5

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered L0 Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate fircle preservativels1ED HNO W)~ MEOH Naso ~

Please ensure this auto COC is accurate adheres to permit orsampling requirements for this sampling event and modify as necessary EAi Project ID 3902

Project Name Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

State NH

Client (Pro Mgr) Paul Pepler

Customer GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Address 380 Harvey Road

City Manchester NH 03103

Phone 623-3600 Fax 624-9463 (37)

EmaiAddress paulpeplergzacom

Results Needed by Preferred date----shy

Notes about project (ie Special Limits Billing info if different)

Subcontract ALL metals to Frontier Global Sciences Metals include Total AlSbAsBaBeCdCrCuFePbMnHgMoNlSeAgTI Zn Metals analyses require project-specific MSMSD

eczgt~ ~ 6Jy JSeog a1ct7so p~r (c4

QC deliverables

lll D A+ 18(s O B+ 0 C D PC

ReportlngOptlons o~151=JSi_ 181HC PONumber ~ 181 EDD PDF

Quote No to~C1f+C181 EDD email 181 PDF prelim NO FAX Temperature S- d-- degC D e-mail Login Confirmation

Ice present Yes IZfNo DONO FAX

Relinquished by DateTime Received by

Eastern Analytical Inc 25 Chanell Dr Concord NH 03301 Phone (603)228-0525 1-800-287-0525 Fax (603)228-4591

QC REPORT EAi ID 107330~ Client GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Client Designation Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

Parameter Name Blank LCS LCSD Date of

Units Analysis Limits RPO Method middot-middot-middot-middot~ middot-middot----shySolids Suspended lt2 95 (95 R) 94 (94 R) (1 RPO) mgL 2312 90 - 110 20 25400 Solids Dissolved lt5 990 (99 R) NA mgL 2312 85 -115 20 2540C Fluoride lt 01 20 (99 R) 20 (99 R) (0 RPO) mgL 2812 90 -110 20 3000 Sulfate lt 1 20 (100 R) 20 (101 R) (1 RPO) mgL 28112 90 - 110 20 3000 Chloride lt 1 24 (96 R) 24 (97 R (1 RPO mgL 2312 90 - 110 20 4500CIE Nitrate-N lt 05 4 9 (99 R 49 (98 R) (1 RPO) mgL 23112 90 - 110 20 3532 Cyanide Total lt002 025 (100 R) NA mgL 28112 85 - 115 20 4500CNE Ammonia-N lt 005 22 (109 R) 22 (110 R) (1 RPO) mgL 2912 90 - 110 20 4500NH3DN BOD lt6 420 (104 R 420 (104 R) (0 RPO) mgL 2312 84 - 115 20 52106 COD lt 10 100 (103 R) 100 (101 R) (2 RPO) mgL 27112 85 - 115 20 H8000 Total Phenols lt 005 022 (87 R) 022 (89 R) (2 RPO) mgL 2812 85 - 115 20 4201 pH 605 (101 R) 607 (101 R) (0 RPO) SU 2212 595 - 607 10 4500H+B

Samples were analyzed within holding times unless noted on the sample results page Instrumentation was calibrated in accordance with the method requirements The method blanks were free of contamination at the reporting limits The associated matrix spikes andor Laboratory Control Samples met the above stated criteria Exceptions to the above statements are flagged or noted above or on the QC Narrative page bullf Flagged analyte recoveries deviated from the QAQC limits

eastern analytical inc wwweailabscom Phone (603) 228-0525 5

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


15 February 2012


Eastern Analytical Inc

25 Chenell Drive

Concord NH 0330 I

RE Merrimack Station

Enclosed are the analytical results for samples received by Frontier Global Sciences All quality control

measurements are within established control limits and there were no analytical difficulties encountered with the exception of those listed in the case narrative section of this report

Ifyou have any questions concerning this report please feel free to contact me


Liz Siska

Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~


Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Laboratory Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Client Eastern Analytical Inc


Project Merrimack Station

Sample ID Lab ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received

C-3015 Effluent Field Blank 1202063-01 Water 02-Feb-12 0847 03-Feb-12 0930

Treat Tank Effluent 1202063-02 Water 02-Feb-12 0915 03-Feb-12 0930

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this ~port only apply to the samples analyzed inaccordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Pagel o23 1202063 Final Report 0211512012


414 Pontius Ave North

Seattle WA 98109 Pb 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Samples were received at Frontier Global Sciences (FGS) on February 3rd 2012 The samples were received intact on-ice with temperatures measured at 106 degrees Celsius


Samples were prepared and analyzed for total metals in accordance with EPA Method 2008 (modified)

Samples were prepared and analyzed for total mercury in accordance with EPAMethod 163 lE


Liquid spikes were prepared for every preparation as a measure ofaccuracy All liquid spikes and certified reference material were within the control limits

As an additional measure ofthe accuracy ofthe methods utilized for analysis and to check for matrix interference matrix spikes (MS) and matrix spike duplicates (MSD) were digested and analyzed All ofthe matrix spike recoveries were within the control limits with the exception of any QC flagged and described in the notes and definitions section ofthe following report

A reasonable measure ofthe precision ofthe analytical methods utilized for analysis is the relative percent difference (RPO) between matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate recoveries and between laboratory control sample and laboratory control sample duplicate recoveries All of the relative percent differences were within the control limits with the exception of any QC flagged and described in the notes and definitions section ofthe following report

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in tltis report only apply 10 the samples analyzed In accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page 2of2J 1202063 Fial Report 02115202


h~O26C~ Chain ofCusfody Record amp Laboratory Analysis Request 111 lon 107330 gt9 Air Water Sediments Plant and Animal Tissue --middot - - middot SCI

F~x 2C-622-6670H d b amp 0 th S middot FRONT I EK Y rocar on er ampes ~ C t C 9 Al s CI 6 fl CE s aoc middot of I 12 ) 2 tc =s httpv-wfomtlr(Scom

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Sample Dlsposzl CJ Renr (sb ippins fleS may aply) Cl Standard Oi~microCgtSnl shy 30 D~ys atter report 0 Retain foshy middot- middot weelltS after re~rt (storage fees rT3Y apply)

By ~IQnifIII you d=lare tlgt~t you agret viti FGS tcms ~nd rondllons and tba you atltthorie FGS to perfonr tne specified analyses

Custonier Approval bull Dale

The results in this report only applyUJ the samples analyzedin acconJa_nce with_ theFrontierGlobal Sciences Inc chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report mwt be reproduced in Its entirety


Page3of23 J202063 Final Report 02)512012

Liz SiskaProject Manager 9

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870~


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414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



C-3015 Effluent Field Blank

Matrix Water Laboratory ID 1202063-01

Analyte Result MDL MRL Units Dilution Batch Sequence Analyud Method Notes

Aluminum ND OA 40 microgL 1 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Antimony ND 0005 0 020 microgL 1 F202053 2813005 021212 EPA2008 Mod u Arsenic ND 005 015 microgL 1 F202053 2BI3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Bariu111 ND 003 020 microgL 1 F202053 2813005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Beryllium ND 0023 0060 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Cadmium ND 0004 0020 microgL F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Chromium ND 0009 010 microgL F202053 2813005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Copper ND 001 010 microgL I F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Iron ND 13 100 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Lead ND 0004 0040 microgL l F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Manganese 012 0007 010 microgL 1 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod

Mercury ND 008 050 ngL 1 F202057 2B06014 020612 EPA 1631E u Molybdenum ND 0006 006 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Nickel ND 0008 010 microgL F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Selenium ND 019 060 microgL 1 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Silver ND 0006 0020 microgL 1 F202159 2B15016 021512 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 U

Thalyum ND 0001 0005 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod QB-02 U

Zinc ND ooz 020 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl5001 021412 EPA2008 Mod u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproductd in its entirety

Page5of23 1201063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 11


414 Pontius Ave North ~ Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ CLOBAL SCIENCES

Fx 206-622-6870


Treat Tank Effluent

Matrix Water Laboratory ID 1202o~H2

Analyte Result MDL MRL Units Dilution Batch Sequence Analyzed Method Notes

Aluminum 218 222 200 microgL 50 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA2008Mod Antimony 155 0230 100 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA2008Mod

Arsenic 121 255 750 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Barium 243 135 100 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Beryllium ND 114 300 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Cadmium ND 0208 100 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Chromium ND 045 500 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Copper 553 050 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Iron ND 650 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Lead ND 0195 200 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Manganese 631 037 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA2008 Mod Mercury 360 084 505 ngL 10 F202057 2B06014 020612 EPA 163IE Molybdenum 195 030 300 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel ND 040 500 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Selenium 121 969 300 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA2008Mod Silver ND 0300 LOO microgL 50 F202159 2B 15016 021512 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 U

Thallium 685 0056 0250 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod QB-01 Zinc ND 082 100 microgL somiddot F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply 10 the samples analyzed In accordJJncc with the chain ofcustody documenJ This onolyticol report must ~ reproduced In its en1ire1y

Poga 6of2J 1201063 Final ampport 01JS202

Liz Siska Project Manager 12

I 414 Pontius Ave North

Seattle WA 98109~ Ph 206-622-6960 FRONTIER- Fx 206-622-6870 cLoaAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 1B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-DUP1

Sample Duplicate Concentration Concentration RPD

Analyte ngL ngL MRL RPD Limit Method Notes

Mercury 3603 3621 505 0482 24 EPA 163IE

Fror tier Global Sciences Inc Tlte results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in Its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page 7of13 1102063 Final Report 01151011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Dige~tion Lab Number l202053-MSMSDI


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (microgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Beryllium ND 20200 2062 102 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 2177 15150 355l 907 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 205 70700 947 105 70 - 130 middot EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 6311 60600 6110 -331 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron ND 50500 4743 939 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 325 40400 758 107 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 553 40400 939 957 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 099 10100 1268 116 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Arsenic 1206 15150 2453 823 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 1213 30300 1452 791 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Molybltlenum 1952 20200 1925 -135 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmium 0623 080800 1437 IOI 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 1549 080800 2358 100 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Barium 2433 10100 2514 793 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Thallium 6848 040400 7126 689 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod QB-01 Lead ND 15150 1334 880 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPO

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20200 2025 100 l80 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 15150 3386 798 477 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 70700 909 996 412 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 60600 6122 -311 0200 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron 50500 4648 920 203 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 40400 813 121 706 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 40400 935 948 0415 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 10100 1013 904 224 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QR-08 Arsenic 15150 2577 905 492 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 30300 1399 614 376 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Molybdenum 20200 1909 -213 0823 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmiwn 080800 1230 752 155 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 080800 2316 950 177 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in 1his report only apply to tire samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcuslOdy docume11L This a11alytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

~-~~ Page 8of2J l 20206J Final Report

021512012 Liz Siska Project Manager


I 414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSMSD1


Spike Added (JlgL)

MSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 10100 2506 717 0305 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040400 6963 286 231 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 QB-01

Lead 15150 l403 926 509 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onlyapply to the samples analred in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced fn its entirety

Page 9of23 I202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 15

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B130Q5

Preparation Clo~~d Ve~~el Nitric Qven QigestiQn Lab Number f20205J-MSMSD3


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (JtgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Method Limits Notes

Beryllium ND 50500 4291 850 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Aluminum 2177 10100 9206 890 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Chromium 205 10100 1006 994 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS

Manganese 6311 IOl00 1582 942 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Iron ND 50500 4849 960 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Nickel 325 12625 1190 940 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Copper 553 12625 1149 906 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Zinc 099 25250 2401 950 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Arsenic 1206 10100 1050 103 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Selenium 1213 10100 1168 104 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Molybdenum 1952 50500 6851 970 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Cadmium 0623 10100 9695 954 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Antimony 1549 50500 5084 976 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Barium 2433 20200 2379 106 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thallium 6848 50500 5306 915 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS QB-01

Lead ND 25250 2205 873 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





Recovery Limits

RPDLimit Method Notes

Beryllium 50500 4337 859 108 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Aluminum 10100 9221 89l 0164 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Chromium 10100 9902 978 159 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Manganese 10100 1562 922 l27 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Iron 50500 4775 946 l53 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Nickel 12625 1197 946 0613 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Copper 12625 1129 890 179 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Zinc 25250 2399 950 00456 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Arsenic 10100 1013 992 357 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Selenium 10100 1151 102 149 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Molybdenum 50500 6848 970 00426 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Cadmium 10100 1004 987 345 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Antimony 50500 5111 98l 0531 70 - 130 20 EPA2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in rhls rtporl 011y apply 10 the samples anayrd i11 accordtmce with the chain ofcustodydocumtmL This analytical report mus bt nproducedin its entirety

~-~ Page Oo23 1202063 Final Report 02S2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 16

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSJMSD3 I


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





RPD Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 20200 2377 106 0106 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thalium 50500 5345 923 0720 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod ASQB-01

Lead 25250 2198 870 0315 7-0 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The lfl$Ws in this report onlyapply to the samplesOIUllyzed 11 accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page Ji of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 17

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98 l09

i Ph 206-622-6960 ~ ) Fx 206-622-6870 GIOBAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCJ Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD1

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method NotesLimits

Mercury 3603 10200 1409 103 71 - 125 EPA 1631pound

Spike MSD MSD Oo Recovery Added Concentration RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Notes Analyte

Mercury 10200 1410 103 00816 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The nsulis In thls rtporr only apply to the sampfuanalyud In accordana with the chain ofcustody documenL This analytical nportmust be reproducd in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Pagt J1of1J 1101063 Final Report 01152011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202035-02RE1

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration oo Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method Notes Limits

Mercury 3897 10200 1440 103 71 - 125 EPA I631E

Spike MSD MSD oo Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Notes (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Analyte

Mercury 10200 1445 103 0394 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 13of23 J202063 Final Report 0211512012

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager 19

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ J

~ - Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number f202159-MStMSDl

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration RecoveryAnalyte (JlgL) (microgL) 1tgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 15150 1891 125 70- 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Notes

Silver l5150 2021 133 664 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-07

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in its enlirety

Page Ua23 J202063 Final Report 021512012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Oo RecoveryAnalyte (microgL) (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 50500 4554 902 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

(microgL) RPO Limits (microgL) Recovery Limit Method NotesAnalyte

Silver 50500 4621 915 146 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz ~iska Project Manager

Page 15 o23 I202063 Final Report 0252012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 bullmiddot ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation ~losed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBS01

LCS Source Blank S~ike

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1891 945 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1430 953 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 644 920 85 ll5 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 511 962 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4547 909 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 402 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 418 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 1025 103 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1425 950 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2936 979 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Molybdenum 20000 182 910 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0828 103 middot 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0800 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 999 999 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0420 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead l5000 l552 103 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod






Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1863 93l 150 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1375 917 391 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 629 899 239 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 558 930 337 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4359 872 422 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 371 929 779 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 403 101 375 85 -115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 989 989 359 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1345 897 577 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2920 973 0548 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc Tht resulu In this report only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance wi1h the chain ofcustody documtnL This analytical rrport must be rrproduad in its entirety

~__J~ Pagt J6of23 202063 Final Rtpon 02JS2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 22

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960

~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOSAl SCIENCES



Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike Dup

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (pgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Molybdenum 20000 177 883 303 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0794 992 416 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0784 980 205 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 982 982 177 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0407 102 298 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead 15000 1535 102 106 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this reporr only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody docwnent This analytical report must be reproduced In its tnlirety

Page 17of3 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 23

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-BSBSD1

LCS Source LCS

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Limits Method Notes Mercury 15679 1577 101 80 - 120 EPA l63IE

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (ogL) (ogL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes Mercury 15679 1605 102 176 ampO - 120 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in zhis report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 8013 I202063 Fi11alReport 02151202


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202159 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike


Spike Added microgL)

LCS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Silver l5000 2156 144 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12


Spike Added (microgL)

LCSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RJgtD Limit Method Notes

Silver 15000 2141 143 0706 85 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 shy

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to zhe samples analyzed in accordance with rhe chain ofcustodydocument This analyticalreporl mus be reproduced in its entirety

Page 19of23 J102063 Final Report 02152011

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



Instrument Hg-16 Sequence 2B060I4

Preparation BrCI Oxidation

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202057-BLK1 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I63IE u F202057-BLK2 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I631E u F202057-BLK3 Mercury 005 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE u F202057-BLK4 Mercury 010 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE QB-04 U

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onl)I apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical rtporl must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 20of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North -Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOBAL- SCIENCES


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202053-BLK1 Beryllium 0005 0060 microgL F202053 SPA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Aluminum -004 40 microgL F202053 -PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Chromium -002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Manganese -0002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLKI Iron -03 100 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Nickel -003 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Copper 0008 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Zinc 010 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Arsenic -007 015 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Selenium -002 060 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Molybdenum OQl 006 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK I Cadmium 0005 0020 microgL F202053 3PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Antimony 0019 0020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Barium 0005 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Thallium 0028 0005 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc QB-10 F202053-BLK1 Lead 0004 0040 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed iTJ accordance wizh the chain ofcustody docrmienl This analyticalreport musl be ltproductd in its entirety

Page2J o23 J202063 Final Rtport 021)52012

Liz Siska Project Manager



414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202159-BLK1 Silver 00006 0020 microgL F202159 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced In its enlirgtty

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page22of3 J202063 Final Report 02152012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 bull ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Notes and Definitions U Analyte included in the analysis but not detected

QR-08 The RPD value for the MSMSD was outside ofacceptance limits Batch QC acceptable based on matrix duplicate andor LCSLCSD RPD values within control limits

QM-12 Initial or continuing calibration verification andor blank spikeblank spike duplicate recoveries above upper control limits All reported sample concentrations were below the reporting limit

QM-07 The spike recovery was outside control limits for the MS andor MSD The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QM-02 The MS andor MSD recoveries outside acceptance limits due to spike concentration less than I times the sample concentration The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QB-10 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL Only report sample results greater than 10 times the contamination value (QB-01 ) or samples less than the MRL (QB-02)

QB-04 The blank was preserved to 2 BrCl rather than 1 The control limit for blanks preserved to greater than 1 BrCI is the preservation percentage multiplied by the MRL

QB-02 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the sample concentrations are Jess than the MRL

QB-0 l The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the blank concentration(s) are Jess than 10 ofthe sample result

AS This MS andor MSD is an analytical spike andor an analytical spike duplicate

DET Analyte Detected

MDL Minimum Detection Limit

lv1RL Minimum Reporting Limit

ND Analyte Not Detected at or above the reporting limit

wet Sample results reported on a wet weight basis

dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis

RPD Relative Percent Difference

RSD Relative Standard Deviation

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be middoteproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

P~ge 23 o23 J202063 Final Report 02115120]2


107330middotJJlilI eastern analytical inc CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 0

professional laboratory seNlces GZANH (I)

DateTime Composites need start andstop datestimesSample IDs Matrix Parameters and Sample Notes of containers

Effluent Field Blank AqToUSWLLMetalsSub2z2b12 aqueous c=rcompS 17

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered LB Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate Circle_preservatives HCL HNO HSO NaOH MEOH Nasp~ Treat Tank Effluent I 122 o12 AqToVSWLLMetalsSubBODCODCyanTFN030G1664S04TDSTSSN624Afe6i6TPhenolsE606PGBfNH3ClpH

aqueous ~ fjYorComp9 5

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered L0 Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate fircle preservativels1ED HNO W)~ MEOH Naso ~

Please ensure this auto COC is accurate adheres to permit orsampling requirements for this sampling event and modify as necessary EAi Project ID 3902

Project Name Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

State NH

Client (Pro Mgr) Paul Pepler

Customer GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Address 380 Harvey Road

City Manchester NH 03103

Phone 623-3600 Fax 624-9463 (37)

EmaiAddress paulpeplergzacom

Results Needed by Preferred date----shy

Notes about project (ie Special Limits Billing info if different)

Subcontract ALL metals to Frontier Global Sciences Metals include Total AlSbAsBaBeCdCrCuFePbMnHgMoNlSeAgTI Zn Metals analyses require project-specific MSMSD

eczgt~ ~ 6Jy JSeog a1ct7so p~r (c4

QC deliverables

lll D A+ 18(s O B+ 0 C D PC

ReportlngOptlons o~151=JSi_ 181HC PONumber ~ 181 EDD PDF

Quote No to~C1f+C181 EDD email 181 PDF prelim NO FAX Temperature S- d-- degC D e-mail Login Confirmation

Ice present Yes IZfNo DONO FAX

Relinquished by DateTime Received by

Eastern Analytical Inc 25 Chanell Dr Concord NH 03301 Phone (603)228-0525 1-800-287-0525 Fax (603)228-4591

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


15 February 2012


Eastern Analytical Inc

25 Chenell Drive

Concord NH 0330 I

RE Merrimack Station

Enclosed are the analytical results for samples received by Frontier Global Sciences All quality control

measurements are within established control limits and there were no analytical difficulties encountered with the exception of those listed in the case narrative section of this report

Ifyou have any questions concerning this report please feel free to contact me


Liz Siska

Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~


Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Laboratory Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Client Eastern Analytical Inc


Project Merrimack Station

Sample ID Lab ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received

C-3015 Effluent Field Blank 1202063-01 Water 02-Feb-12 0847 03-Feb-12 0930

Treat Tank Effluent 1202063-02 Water 02-Feb-12 0915 03-Feb-12 0930

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this ~port only apply to the samples analyzed inaccordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Pagel o23 1202063 Final Report 0211512012


414 Pontius Ave North

Seattle WA 98109 Pb 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Samples were received at Frontier Global Sciences (FGS) on February 3rd 2012 The samples were received intact on-ice with temperatures measured at 106 degrees Celsius


Samples were prepared and analyzed for total metals in accordance with EPA Method 2008 (modified)

Samples were prepared and analyzed for total mercury in accordance with EPAMethod 163 lE


Liquid spikes were prepared for every preparation as a measure ofaccuracy All liquid spikes and certified reference material were within the control limits

As an additional measure ofthe accuracy ofthe methods utilized for analysis and to check for matrix interference matrix spikes (MS) and matrix spike duplicates (MSD) were digested and analyzed All ofthe matrix spike recoveries were within the control limits with the exception of any QC flagged and described in the notes and definitions section ofthe following report

A reasonable measure ofthe precision ofthe analytical methods utilized for analysis is the relative percent difference (RPO) between matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate recoveries and between laboratory control sample and laboratory control sample duplicate recoveries All of the relative percent differences were within the control limits with the exception of any QC flagged and described in the notes and definitions section ofthe following report

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in tltis report only apply 10 the samples analyzed In accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page 2of2J 1202063 Fial Report 02115202


h~O26C~ Chain ofCusfody Record amp Laboratory Analysis Request 111 lon 107330 gt9 Air Water Sediments Plant and Animal Tissue --middot - - middot SCI

F~x 2C-622-6670H d b amp 0 th S middot FRONT I EK Y rocar on er ampes ~ C t C 9 Al s CI 6 fl CE s aoc middot of I 12 ) 2 tc =s httpv-wfomtlr(Scom

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Sample Dlsposzl CJ Renr (sb ippins fleS may aply) Cl Standard Oi~microCgtSnl shy 30 D~ys atter report 0 Retain foshy middot- middot weelltS after re~rt (storage fees rT3Y apply)

By ~IQnifIII you d=lare tlgt~t you agret viti FGS tcms ~nd rondllons and tba you atltthorie FGS to perfonr tne specified analyses

Custonier Approval bull Dale

The results in this report only applyUJ the samples analyzedin acconJa_nce with_ theFrontierGlobal Sciences Inc chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report mwt be reproduced in Its entirety


Page3of23 J202063 Final Report 02)512012

Liz SiskaProject Manager 9

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870~


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414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



C-3015 Effluent Field Blank

Matrix Water Laboratory ID 1202063-01

Analyte Result MDL MRL Units Dilution Batch Sequence Analyud Method Notes

Aluminum ND OA 40 microgL 1 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Antimony ND 0005 0 020 microgL 1 F202053 2813005 021212 EPA2008 Mod u Arsenic ND 005 015 microgL 1 F202053 2BI3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Bariu111 ND 003 020 microgL 1 F202053 2813005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Beryllium ND 0023 0060 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Cadmium ND 0004 0020 microgL F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Chromium ND 0009 010 microgL F202053 2813005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Copper ND 001 010 microgL I F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Iron ND 13 100 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Lead ND 0004 0040 microgL l F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Manganese 012 0007 010 microgL 1 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod

Mercury ND 008 050 ngL 1 F202057 2B06014 020612 EPA 1631E u Molybdenum ND 0006 006 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Nickel ND 0008 010 microgL F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Selenium ND 019 060 microgL 1 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Silver ND 0006 0020 microgL 1 F202159 2B15016 021512 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 U

Thalyum ND 0001 0005 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod QB-02 U

Zinc ND ooz 020 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl5001 021412 EPA2008 Mod u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproductd in its entirety

Page5of23 1201063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 11


414 Pontius Ave North ~ Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ CLOBAL SCIENCES

Fx 206-622-6870


Treat Tank Effluent

Matrix Water Laboratory ID 1202o~H2

Analyte Result MDL MRL Units Dilution Batch Sequence Analyzed Method Notes

Aluminum 218 222 200 microgL 50 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA2008Mod Antimony 155 0230 100 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA2008Mod

Arsenic 121 255 750 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Barium 243 135 100 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Beryllium ND 114 300 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Cadmium ND 0208 100 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Chromium ND 045 500 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Copper 553 050 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Iron ND 650 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Lead ND 0195 200 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Manganese 631 037 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA2008 Mod Mercury 360 084 505 ngL 10 F202057 2B06014 020612 EPA 163IE Molybdenum 195 030 300 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel ND 040 500 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Selenium 121 969 300 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA2008Mod Silver ND 0300 LOO microgL 50 F202159 2B 15016 021512 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 U

Thallium 685 0056 0250 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod QB-01 Zinc ND 082 100 microgL somiddot F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply 10 the samples analyzed In accordJJncc with the chain ofcustody documenJ This onolyticol report must ~ reproduced In its en1ire1y

Poga 6of2J 1201063 Final ampport 01JS202

Liz Siska Project Manager 12

I 414 Pontius Ave North

Seattle WA 98109~ Ph 206-622-6960 FRONTIER- Fx 206-622-6870 cLoaAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 1B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-DUP1

Sample Duplicate Concentration Concentration RPD

Analyte ngL ngL MRL RPD Limit Method Notes

Mercury 3603 3621 505 0482 24 EPA 163IE

Fror tier Global Sciences Inc Tlte results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in Its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page 7of13 1102063 Final Report 01151011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Dige~tion Lab Number l202053-MSMSDI


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (microgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Beryllium ND 20200 2062 102 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 2177 15150 355l 907 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 205 70700 947 105 70 - 130 middot EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 6311 60600 6110 -331 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron ND 50500 4743 939 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 325 40400 758 107 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 553 40400 939 957 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 099 10100 1268 116 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Arsenic 1206 15150 2453 823 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 1213 30300 1452 791 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Molybltlenum 1952 20200 1925 -135 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmium 0623 080800 1437 IOI 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 1549 080800 2358 100 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Barium 2433 10100 2514 793 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Thallium 6848 040400 7126 689 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod QB-01 Lead ND 15150 1334 880 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPO

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20200 2025 100 l80 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 15150 3386 798 477 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 70700 909 996 412 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 60600 6122 -311 0200 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron 50500 4648 920 203 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 40400 813 121 706 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 40400 935 948 0415 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 10100 1013 904 224 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QR-08 Arsenic 15150 2577 905 492 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 30300 1399 614 376 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Molybdenum 20200 1909 -213 0823 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmiwn 080800 1230 752 155 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 080800 2316 950 177 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in 1his report only apply to tire samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcuslOdy docume11L This a11alytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

~-~~ Page 8of2J l 20206J Final Report

021512012 Liz Siska Project Manager


I 414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSMSD1


Spike Added (JlgL)

MSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 10100 2506 717 0305 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040400 6963 286 231 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 QB-01

Lead 15150 l403 926 509 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onlyapply to the samples analred in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced fn its entirety

Page 9of23 I202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 15

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B130Q5

Preparation Clo~~d Ve~~el Nitric Qven QigestiQn Lab Number f20205J-MSMSD3


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (JtgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Method Limits Notes

Beryllium ND 50500 4291 850 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Aluminum 2177 10100 9206 890 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Chromium 205 10100 1006 994 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS

Manganese 6311 IOl00 1582 942 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Iron ND 50500 4849 960 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Nickel 325 12625 1190 940 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Copper 553 12625 1149 906 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Zinc 099 25250 2401 950 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Arsenic 1206 10100 1050 103 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Selenium 1213 10100 1168 104 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Molybdenum 1952 50500 6851 970 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Cadmium 0623 10100 9695 954 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Antimony 1549 50500 5084 976 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Barium 2433 20200 2379 106 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thallium 6848 50500 5306 915 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS QB-01

Lead ND 25250 2205 873 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





Recovery Limits

RPDLimit Method Notes

Beryllium 50500 4337 859 108 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Aluminum 10100 9221 89l 0164 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Chromium 10100 9902 978 159 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Manganese 10100 1562 922 l27 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Iron 50500 4775 946 l53 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Nickel 12625 1197 946 0613 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Copper 12625 1129 890 179 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Zinc 25250 2399 950 00456 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Arsenic 10100 1013 992 357 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Selenium 10100 1151 102 149 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Molybdenum 50500 6848 970 00426 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Cadmium 10100 1004 987 345 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Antimony 50500 5111 98l 0531 70 - 130 20 EPA2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in rhls rtporl 011y apply 10 the samples anayrd i11 accordtmce with the chain ofcustodydocumtmL This analytical report mus bt nproducedin its entirety

~-~ Page Oo23 1202063 Final Report 02S2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 16

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSJMSD3 I


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





RPD Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 20200 2377 106 0106 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thalium 50500 5345 923 0720 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod ASQB-01

Lead 25250 2198 870 0315 7-0 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The lfl$Ws in this report onlyapply to the samplesOIUllyzed 11 accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page Ji of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 17

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98 l09

i Ph 206-622-6960 ~ ) Fx 206-622-6870 GIOBAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCJ Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD1

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method NotesLimits

Mercury 3603 10200 1409 103 71 - 125 EPA 1631pound

Spike MSD MSD Oo Recovery Added Concentration RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Notes Analyte

Mercury 10200 1410 103 00816 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The nsulis In thls rtporr only apply to the sampfuanalyud In accordana with the chain ofcustody documenL This analytical nportmust be reproducd in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Pagt J1of1J 1101063 Final Report 01152011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202035-02RE1

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration oo Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method Notes Limits

Mercury 3897 10200 1440 103 71 - 125 EPA I631E

Spike MSD MSD oo Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Notes (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Analyte

Mercury 10200 1445 103 0394 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 13of23 J202063 Final Report 0211512012

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager 19

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ J

~ - Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number f202159-MStMSDl

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration RecoveryAnalyte (JlgL) (microgL) 1tgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 15150 1891 125 70- 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Notes

Silver l5150 2021 133 664 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-07

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in its enlirety

Page Ua23 J202063 Final Report 021512012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Oo RecoveryAnalyte (microgL) (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 50500 4554 902 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

(microgL) RPO Limits (microgL) Recovery Limit Method NotesAnalyte

Silver 50500 4621 915 146 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz ~iska Project Manager

Page 15 o23 I202063 Final Report 0252012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 bullmiddot ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation ~losed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBS01

LCS Source Blank S~ike

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1891 945 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1430 953 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 644 920 85 ll5 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 511 962 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4547 909 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 402 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 418 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 1025 103 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1425 950 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2936 979 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Molybdenum 20000 182 910 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0828 103 middot 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0800 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 999 999 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0420 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead l5000 l552 103 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod






Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1863 93l 150 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1375 917 391 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 629 899 239 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 558 930 337 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4359 872 422 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 371 929 779 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 403 101 375 85 -115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 989 989 359 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1345 897 577 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2920 973 0548 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc Tht resulu In this report only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance wi1h the chain ofcustody documtnL This analytical rrport must be rrproduad in its entirety

~__J~ Pagt J6of23 202063 Final Rtpon 02JS2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 22

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960

~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOSAl SCIENCES



Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike Dup

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (pgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Molybdenum 20000 177 883 303 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0794 992 416 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0784 980 205 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 982 982 177 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0407 102 298 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead 15000 1535 102 106 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this reporr only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody docwnent This analytical report must be reproduced In its tnlirety

Page 17of3 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 23

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-BSBSD1

LCS Source LCS

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Limits Method Notes Mercury 15679 1577 101 80 - 120 EPA l63IE

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (ogL) (ogL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes Mercury 15679 1605 102 176 ampO - 120 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in zhis report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 8013 I202063 Fi11alReport 02151202


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202159 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike


Spike Added microgL)

LCS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Silver l5000 2156 144 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12


Spike Added (microgL)

LCSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RJgtD Limit Method Notes

Silver 15000 2141 143 0706 85 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 shy

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to zhe samples analyzed in accordance with rhe chain ofcustodydocument This analyticalreporl mus be reproduced in its entirety

Page 19of23 J102063 Final Report 02152011

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



Instrument Hg-16 Sequence 2B060I4

Preparation BrCI Oxidation

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202057-BLK1 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I63IE u F202057-BLK2 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I631E u F202057-BLK3 Mercury 005 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE u F202057-BLK4 Mercury 010 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE QB-04 U

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onl)I apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical rtporl must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 20of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North -Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOBAL- SCIENCES


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202053-BLK1 Beryllium 0005 0060 microgL F202053 SPA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Aluminum -004 40 microgL F202053 -PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Chromium -002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Manganese -0002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLKI Iron -03 100 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Nickel -003 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Copper 0008 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Zinc 010 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Arsenic -007 015 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Selenium -002 060 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Molybdenum OQl 006 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK I Cadmium 0005 0020 microgL F202053 3PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Antimony 0019 0020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Barium 0005 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Thallium 0028 0005 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc QB-10 F202053-BLK1 Lead 0004 0040 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed iTJ accordance wizh the chain ofcustody docrmienl This analyticalreport musl be ltproductd in its entirety

Page2J o23 J202063 Final Rtport 021)52012

Liz Siska Project Manager



414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202159-BLK1 Silver 00006 0020 microgL F202159 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced In its enlirgtty

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page22of3 J202063 Final Report 02152012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 bull ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Notes and Definitions U Analyte included in the analysis but not detected

QR-08 The RPD value for the MSMSD was outside ofacceptance limits Batch QC acceptable based on matrix duplicate andor LCSLCSD RPD values within control limits

QM-12 Initial or continuing calibration verification andor blank spikeblank spike duplicate recoveries above upper control limits All reported sample concentrations were below the reporting limit

QM-07 The spike recovery was outside control limits for the MS andor MSD The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QM-02 The MS andor MSD recoveries outside acceptance limits due to spike concentration less than I times the sample concentration The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QB-10 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL Only report sample results greater than 10 times the contamination value (QB-01 ) or samples less than the MRL (QB-02)

QB-04 The blank was preserved to 2 BrCl rather than 1 The control limit for blanks preserved to greater than 1 BrCI is the preservation percentage multiplied by the MRL

QB-02 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the sample concentrations are Jess than the MRL

QB-0 l The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the blank concentration(s) are Jess than 10 ofthe sample result

AS This MS andor MSD is an analytical spike andor an analytical spike duplicate

DET Analyte Detected

MDL Minimum Detection Limit

lv1RL Minimum Reporting Limit

ND Analyte Not Detected at or above the reporting limit

wet Sample results reported on a wet weight basis

dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis

RPD Relative Percent Difference

RSD Relative Standard Deviation

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be middoteproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

P~ge 23 o23 J202063 Final Report 02115120]2


107330middotJJlilI eastern analytical inc CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 0

professional laboratory seNlces GZANH (I)

DateTime Composites need start andstop datestimesSample IDs Matrix Parameters and Sample Notes of containers

Effluent Field Blank AqToUSWLLMetalsSub2z2b12 aqueous c=rcompS 17

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered LB Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate Circle_preservatives HCL HNO HSO NaOH MEOH Nasp~ Treat Tank Effluent I 122 o12 AqToVSWLLMetalsSubBODCODCyanTFN030G1664S04TDSTSSN624Afe6i6TPhenolsE606PGBfNH3ClpH

aqueous ~ fjYorComp9 5

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered L0 Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate fircle preservativels1ED HNO W)~ MEOH Naso ~

Please ensure this auto COC is accurate adheres to permit orsampling requirements for this sampling event and modify as necessary EAi Project ID 3902

Project Name Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

State NH

Client (Pro Mgr) Paul Pepler

Customer GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Address 380 Harvey Road

City Manchester NH 03103

Phone 623-3600 Fax 624-9463 (37)

EmaiAddress paulpeplergzacom

Results Needed by Preferred date----shy

Notes about project (ie Special Limits Billing info if different)

Subcontract ALL metals to Frontier Global Sciences Metals include Total AlSbAsBaBeCdCrCuFePbMnHgMoNlSeAgTI Zn Metals analyses require project-specific MSMSD

eczgt~ ~ 6Jy JSeog a1ct7so p~r (c4

QC deliverables

lll D A+ 18(s O B+ 0 C D PC

ReportlngOptlons o~151=JSi_ 181HC PONumber ~ 181 EDD PDF

Quote No to~C1f+C181 EDD email 181 PDF prelim NO FAX Temperature S- d-- degC D e-mail Login Confirmation

Ice present Yes IZfNo DONO FAX

Relinquished by DateTime Received by

Eastern Analytical Inc 25 Chanell Dr Concord NH 03301 Phone (603)228-0525 1-800-287-0525 Fax (603)228-4591

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~


Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Laboratory Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Client Eastern Analytical Inc


Project Merrimack Station

Sample ID Lab ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received

C-3015 Effluent Field Blank 1202063-01 Water 02-Feb-12 0847 03-Feb-12 0930

Treat Tank Effluent 1202063-02 Water 02-Feb-12 0915 03-Feb-12 0930

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this ~port only apply to the samples analyzed inaccordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Pagel o23 1202063 Final Report 0211512012


414 Pontius Ave North

Seattle WA 98109 Pb 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Samples were received at Frontier Global Sciences (FGS) on February 3rd 2012 The samples were received intact on-ice with temperatures measured at 106 degrees Celsius


Samples were prepared and analyzed for total metals in accordance with EPA Method 2008 (modified)

Samples were prepared and analyzed for total mercury in accordance with EPAMethod 163 lE


Liquid spikes were prepared for every preparation as a measure ofaccuracy All liquid spikes and certified reference material were within the control limits

As an additional measure ofthe accuracy ofthe methods utilized for analysis and to check for matrix interference matrix spikes (MS) and matrix spike duplicates (MSD) were digested and analyzed All ofthe matrix spike recoveries were within the control limits with the exception of any QC flagged and described in the notes and definitions section ofthe following report

A reasonable measure ofthe precision ofthe analytical methods utilized for analysis is the relative percent difference (RPO) between matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate recoveries and between laboratory control sample and laboratory control sample duplicate recoveries All of the relative percent differences were within the control limits with the exception of any QC flagged and described in the notes and definitions section ofthe following report

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in tltis report only apply 10 the samples analyzed In accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page 2of2J 1202063 Fial Report 02115202


h~O26C~ Chain ofCusfody Record amp Laboratory Analysis Request 111 lon 107330 gt9 Air Water Sediments Plant and Animal Tissue --middot - - middot SCI

F~x 2C-622-6670H d b amp 0 th S middot FRONT I EK Y rocar on er ampes ~ C t C 9 Al s CI 6 fl CE s aoc middot of I 12 ) 2 tc =s httpv-wfomtlr(Scom

ishy- - ---For La~ratort Use-Only coc SealV(1 middot comtt11ts C Coc_lPrTcmpfltZ~ 17 Dmiddotmiddot( ~shyCarrier11 es----i VTSR Glf sQ_ i _ - _ Rf orCoolen Jt ~ J middot

Matrix Codes FWmiddotrr-11Waio( WW Vil~~Water SB SfidmiddotDnd l(acJush ldllaquo

ss5in61d 5centolmfnt middot TS P1allshy~no m 1N1l1lslt~ gtiC yen-cib ritTrbullP middot formiddotdeg

Sample Dlsposzl CJ Renr (sb ippins fleS may aply) Cl Standard Oi~microCgtSnl shy 30 D~ys atter report 0 Retain foshy middot- middot weelltS after re~rt (storage fees rT3Y apply)

By ~IQnifIII you d=lare tlgt~t you agret viti FGS tcms ~nd rondllons and tba you atltthorie FGS to perfonr tne specified analyses

Custonier Approval bull Dale

The results in this report only applyUJ the samples analyzedin acconJa_nce with_ theFrontierGlobal Sciences Inc chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report mwt be reproduced in Its entirety


Page3of23 J202063 Final Report 02)512012

Liz SiskaProject Manager 9

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870~


--C N ()middot shyP jti amp ~ g

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414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



C-3015 Effluent Field Blank

Matrix Water Laboratory ID 1202063-01

Analyte Result MDL MRL Units Dilution Batch Sequence Analyud Method Notes

Aluminum ND OA 40 microgL 1 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Antimony ND 0005 0 020 microgL 1 F202053 2813005 021212 EPA2008 Mod u Arsenic ND 005 015 microgL 1 F202053 2BI3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Bariu111 ND 003 020 microgL 1 F202053 2813005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Beryllium ND 0023 0060 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Cadmium ND 0004 0020 microgL F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Chromium ND 0009 010 microgL F202053 2813005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Copper ND 001 010 microgL I F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Iron ND 13 100 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Lead ND 0004 0040 microgL l F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Manganese 012 0007 010 microgL 1 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod

Mercury ND 008 050 ngL 1 F202057 2B06014 020612 EPA 1631E u Molybdenum ND 0006 006 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Nickel ND 0008 010 microgL F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Selenium ND 019 060 microgL 1 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Silver ND 0006 0020 microgL 1 F202159 2B15016 021512 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 U

Thalyum ND 0001 0005 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod QB-02 U

Zinc ND ooz 020 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl5001 021412 EPA2008 Mod u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproductd in its entirety

Page5of23 1201063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 11


414 Pontius Ave North ~ Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ CLOBAL SCIENCES

Fx 206-622-6870


Treat Tank Effluent

Matrix Water Laboratory ID 1202o~H2

Analyte Result MDL MRL Units Dilution Batch Sequence Analyzed Method Notes

Aluminum 218 222 200 microgL 50 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA2008Mod Antimony 155 0230 100 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA2008Mod

Arsenic 121 255 750 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Barium 243 135 100 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Beryllium ND 114 300 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Cadmium ND 0208 100 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Chromium ND 045 500 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Copper 553 050 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Iron ND 650 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Lead ND 0195 200 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Manganese 631 037 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA2008 Mod Mercury 360 084 505 ngL 10 F202057 2B06014 020612 EPA 163IE Molybdenum 195 030 300 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel ND 040 500 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Selenium 121 969 300 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA2008Mod Silver ND 0300 LOO microgL 50 F202159 2B 15016 021512 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 U

Thallium 685 0056 0250 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod QB-01 Zinc ND 082 100 microgL somiddot F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply 10 the samples analyzed In accordJJncc with the chain ofcustody documenJ This onolyticol report must ~ reproduced In its en1ire1y

Poga 6of2J 1201063 Final ampport 01JS202

Liz Siska Project Manager 12

I 414 Pontius Ave North

Seattle WA 98109~ Ph 206-622-6960 FRONTIER- Fx 206-622-6870 cLoaAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 1B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-DUP1

Sample Duplicate Concentration Concentration RPD

Analyte ngL ngL MRL RPD Limit Method Notes

Mercury 3603 3621 505 0482 24 EPA 163IE

Fror tier Global Sciences Inc Tlte results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in Its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page 7of13 1102063 Final Report 01151011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Dige~tion Lab Number l202053-MSMSDI


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (microgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Beryllium ND 20200 2062 102 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 2177 15150 355l 907 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 205 70700 947 105 70 - 130 middot EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 6311 60600 6110 -331 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron ND 50500 4743 939 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 325 40400 758 107 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 553 40400 939 957 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 099 10100 1268 116 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Arsenic 1206 15150 2453 823 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 1213 30300 1452 791 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Molybltlenum 1952 20200 1925 -135 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmium 0623 080800 1437 IOI 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 1549 080800 2358 100 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Barium 2433 10100 2514 793 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Thallium 6848 040400 7126 689 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod QB-01 Lead ND 15150 1334 880 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPO

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20200 2025 100 l80 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 15150 3386 798 477 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 70700 909 996 412 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 60600 6122 -311 0200 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron 50500 4648 920 203 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 40400 813 121 706 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 40400 935 948 0415 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 10100 1013 904 224 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QR-08 Arsenic 15150 2577 905 492 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 30300 1399 614 376 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Molybdenum 20200 1909 -213 0823 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmiwn 080800 1230 752 155 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 080800 2316 950 177 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in 1his report only apply to tire samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcuslOdy docume11L This a11alytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

~-~~ Page 8of2J l 20206J Final Report

021512012 Liz Siska Project Manager


I 414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSMSD1


Spike Added (JlgL)

MSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 10100 2506 717 0305 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040400 6963 286 231 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 QB-01

Lead 15150 l403 926 509 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onlyapply to the samples analred in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced fn its entirety

Page 9of23 I202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 15

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B130Q5

Preparation Clo~~d Ve~~el Nitric Qven QigestiQn Lab Number f20205J-MSMSD3


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (JtgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Method Limits Notes

Beryllium ND 50500 4291 850 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Aluminum 2177 10100 9206 890 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Chromium 205 10100 1006 994 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS

Manganese 6311 IOl00 1582 942 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Iron ND 50500 4849 960 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Nickel 325 12625 1190 940 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Copper 553 12625 1149 906 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Zinc 099 25250 2401 950 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Arsenic 1206 10100 1050 103 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Selenium 1213 10100 1168 104 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Molybdenum 1952 50500 6851 970 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Cadmium 0623 10100 9695 954 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Antimony 1549 50500 5084 976 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Barium 2433 20200 2379 106 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thallium 6848 50500 5306 915 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS QB-01

Lead ND 25250 2205 873 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





Recovery Limits

RPDLimit Method Notes

Beryllium 50500 4337 859 108 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Aluminum 10100 9221 89l 0164 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Chromium 10100 9902 978 159 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Manganese 10100 1562 922 l27 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Iron 50500 4775 946 l53 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Nickel 12625 1197 946 0613 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Copper 12625 1129 890 179 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Zinc 25250 2399 950 00456 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Arsenic 10100 1013 992 357 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Selenium 10100 1151 102 149 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Molybdenum 50500 6848 970 00426 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Cadmium 10100 1004 987 345 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Antimony 50500 5111 98l 0531 70 - 130 20 EPA2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in rhls rtporl 011y apply 10 the samples anayrd i11 accordtmce with the chain ofcustodydocumtmL This analytical report mus bt nproducedin its entirety

~-~ Page Oo23 1202063 Final Report 02S2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 16

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSJMSD3 I


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





RPD Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 20200 2377 106 0106 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thalium 50500 5345 923 0720 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod ASQB-01

Lead 25250 2198 870 0315 7-0 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The lfl$Ws in this report onlyapply to the samplesOIUllyzed 11 accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page Ji of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 17

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98 l09

i Ph 206-622-6960 ~ ) Fx 206-622-6870 GIOBAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCJ Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD1

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method NotesLimits

Mercury 3603 10200 1409 103 71 - 125 EPA 1631pound

Spike MSD MSD Oo Recovery Added Concentration RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Notes Analyte

Mercury 10200 1410 103 00816 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The nsulis In thls rtporr only apply to the sampfuanalyud In accordana with the chain ofcustody documenL This analytical nportmust be reproducd in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Pagt J1of1J 1101063 Final Report 01152011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202035-02RE1

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration oo Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method Notes Limits

Mercury 3897 10200 1440 103 71 - 125 EPA I631E

Spike MSD MSD oo Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Notes (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Analyte

Mercury 10200 1445 103 0394 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 13of23 J202063 Final Report 0211512012

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager 19

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ J

~ - Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number f202159-MStMSDl

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration RecoveryAnalyte (JlgL) (microgL) 1tgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 15150 1891 125 70- 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Notes

Silver l5150 2021 133 664 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-07

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in its enlirety

Page Ua23 J202063 Final Report 021512012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Oo RecoveryAnalyte (microgL) (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 50500 4554 902 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

(microgL) RPO Limits (microgL) Recovery Limit Method NotesAnalyte

Silver 50500 4621 915 146 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz ~iska Project Manager

Page 15 o23 I202063 Final Report 0252012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 bullmiddot ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation ~losed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBS01

LCS Source Blank S~ike

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1891 945 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1430 953 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 644 920 85 ll5 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 511 962 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4547 909 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 402 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 418 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 1025 103 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1425 950 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2936 979 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Molybdenum 20000 182 910 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0828 103 middot 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0800 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 999 999 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0420 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead l5000 l552 103 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod






Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1863 93l 150 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1375 917 391 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 629 899 239 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 558 930 337 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4359 872 422 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 371 929 779 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 403 101 375 85 -115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 989 989 359 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1345 897 577 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2920 973 0548 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc Tht resulu In this report only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance wi1h the chain ofcustody documtnL This analytical rrport must be rrproduad in its entirety

~__J~ Pagt J6of23 202063 Final Rtpon 02JS2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 22

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960

~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOSAl SCIENCES



Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike Dup

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (pgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Molybdenum 20000 177 883 303 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0794 992 416 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0784 980 205 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 982 982 177 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0407 102 298 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead 15000 1535 102 106 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this reporr only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody docwnent This analytical report must be reproduced In its tnlirety

Page 17of3 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 23

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-BSBSD1

LCS Source LCS

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Limits Method Notes Mercury 15679 1577 101 80 - 120 EPA l63IE

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (ogL) (ogL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes Mercury 15679 1605 102 176 ampO - 120 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in zhis report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 8013 I202063 Fi11alReport 02151202


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202159 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike


Spike Added microgL)

LCS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Silver l5000 2156 144 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12


Spike Added (microgL)

LCSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RJgtD Limit Method Notes

Silver 15000 2141 143 0706 85 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 shy

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to zhe samples analyzed in accordance with rhe chain ofcustodydocument This analyticalreporl mus be reproduced in its entirety

Page 19of23 J102063 Final Report 02152011

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



Instrument Hg-16 Sequence 2B060I4

Preparation BrCI Oxidation

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202057-BLK1 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I63IE u F202057-BLK2 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I631E u F202057-BLK3 Mercury 005 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE u F202057-BLK4 Mercury 010 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE QB-04 U

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onl)I apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical rtporl must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 20of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North -Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOBAL- SCIENCES


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202053-BLK1 Beryllium 0005 0060 microgL F202053 SPA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Aluminum -004 40 microgL F202053 -PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Chromium -002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Manganese -0002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLKI Iron -03 100 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Nickel -003 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Copper 0008 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Zinc 010 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Arsenic -007 015 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Selenium -002 060 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Molybdenum OQl 006 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK I Cadmium 0005 0020 microgL F202053 3PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Antimony 0019 0020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Barium 0005 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Thallium 0028 0005 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc QB-10 F202053-BLK1 Lead 0004 0040 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed iTJ accordance wizh the chain ofcustody docrmienl This analyticalreport musl be ltproductd in its entirety

Page2J o23 J202063 Final Rtport 021)52012

Liz Siska Project Manager



414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202159-BLK1 Silver 00006 0020 microgL F202159 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced In its enlirgtty

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page22of3 J202063 Final Report 02152012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 bull ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Notes and Definitions U Analyte included in the analysis but not detected

QR-08 The RPD value for the MSMSD was outside ofacceptance limits Batch QC acceptable based on matrix duplicate andor LCSLCSD RPD values within control limits

QM-12 Initial or continuing calibration verification andor blank spikeblank spike duplicate recoveries above upper control limits All reported sample concentrations were below the reporting limit

QM-07 The spike recovery was outside control limits for the MS andor MSD The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QM-02 The MS andor MSD recoveries outside acceptance limits due to spike concentration less than I times the sample concentration The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QB-10 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL Only report sample results greater than 10 times the contamination value (QB-01 ) or samples less than the MRL (QB-02)

QB-04 The blank was preserved to 2 BrCl rather than 1 The control limit for blanks preserved to greater than 1 BrCI is the preservation percentage multiplied by the MRL

QB-02 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the sample concentrations are Jess than the MRL

QB-0 l The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the blank concentration(s) are Jess than 10 ofthe sample result

AS This MS andor MSD is an analytical spike andor an analytical spike duplicate

DET Analyte Detected

MDL Minimum Detection Limit

lv1RL Minimum Reporting Limit

ND Analyte Not Detected at or above the reporting limit

wet Sample results reported on a wet weight basis

dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis

RPD Relative Percent Difference

RSD Relative Standard Deviation

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be middoteproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

P~ge 23 o23 J202063 Final Report 02115120]2


107330middotJJlilI eastern analytical inc CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 0

professional laboratory seNlces GZANH (I)

DateTime Composites need start andstop datestimesSample IDs Matrix Parameters and Sample Notes of containers

Effluent Field Blank AqToUSWLLMetalsSub2z2b12 aqueous c=rcompS 17

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered LB Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate Circle_preservatives HCL HNO HSO NaOH MEOH Nasp~ Treat Tank Effluent I 122 o12 AqToVSWLLMetalsSubBODCODCyanTFN030G1664S04TDSTSSN624Afe6i6TPhenolsE606PGBfNH3ClpH

aqueous ~ fjYorComp9 5

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered L0 Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate fircle preservativels1ED HNO W)~ MEOH Naso ~

Please ensure this auto COC is accurate adheres to permit orsampling requirements for this sampling event and modify as necessary EAi Project ID 3902

Project Name Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

State NH

Client (Pro Mgr) Paul Pepler

Customer GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Address 380 Harvey Road

City Manchester NH 03103

Phone 623-3600 Fax 624-9463 (37)

EmaiAddress paulpeplergzacom

Results Needed by Preferred date----shy

Notes about project (ie Special Limits Billing info if different)

Subcontract ALL metals to Frontier Global Sciences Metals include Total AlSbAsBaBeCdCrCuFePbMnHgMoNlSeAgTI Zn Metals analyses require project-specific MSMSD

eczgt~ ~ 6Jy JSeog a1ct7so p~r (c4

QC deliverables

lll D A+ 18(s O B+ 0 C D PC

ReportlngOptlons o~151=JSi_ 181HC PONumber ~ 181 EDD PDF

Quote No to~C1f+C181 EDD email 181 PDF prelim NO FAX Temperature S- d-- degC D e-mail Login Confirmation

Ice present Yes IZfNo DONO FAX

Relinquished by DateTime Received by

Eastern Analytical Inc 25 Chanell Dr Concord NH 03301 Phone (603)228-0525 1-800-287-0525 Fax (603)228-4591

414 Pontius Ave North

Seattle WA 98109 Pb 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Samples were received at Frontier Global Sciences (FGS) on February 3rd 2012 The samples were received intact on-ice with temperatures measured at 106 degrees Celsius


Samples were prepared and analyzed for total metals in accordance with EPA Method 2008 (modified)

Samples were prepared and analyzed for total mercury in accordance with EPAMethod 163 lE


Liquid spikes were prepared for every preparation as a measure ofaccuracy All liquid spikes and certified reference material were within the control limits

As an additional measure ofthe accuracy ofthe methods utilized for analysis and to check for matrix interference matrix spikes (MS) and matrix spike duplicates (MSD) were digested and analyzed All ofthe matrix spike recoveries were within the control limits with the exception of any QC flagged and described in the notes and definitions section ofthe following report

A reasonable measure ofthe precision ofthe analytical methods utilized for analysis is the relative percent difference (RPO) between matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate recoveries and between laboratory control sample and laboratory control sample duplicate recoveries All of the relative percent differences were within the control limits with the exception of any QC flagged and described in the notes and definitions section ofthe following report

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in tltis report only apply 10 the samples analyzed In accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page 2of2J 1202063 Fial Report 02115202


h~O26C~ Chain ofCusfody Record amp Laboratory Analysis Request 111 lon 107330 gt9 Air Water Sediments Plant and Animal Tissue --middot - - middot SCI

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By ~IQnifIII you d=lare tlgt~t you agret viti FGS tcms ~nd rondllons and tba you atltthorie FGS to perfonr tne specified analyses

Custonier Approval bull Dale

The results in this report only applyUJ the samples analyzedin acconJa_nce with_ theFrontierGlobal Sciences Inc chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report mwt be reproduced in Its entirety


Page3of23 J202063 Final Report 02)512012

Liz SiskaProject Manager 9

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870~


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414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



C-3015 Effluent Field Blank

Matrix Water Laboratory ID 1202063-01

Analyte Result MDL MRL Units Dilution Batch Sequence Analyud Method Notes

Aluminum ND OA 40 microgL 1 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Antimony ND 0005 0 020 microgL 1 F202053 2813005 021212 EPA2008 Mod u Arsenic ND 005 015 microgL 1 F202053 2BI3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Bariu111 ND 003 020 microgL 1 F202053 2813005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Beryllium ND 0023 0060 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Cadmium ND 0004 0020 microgL F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Chromium ND 0009 010 microgL F202053 2813005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Copper ND 001 010 microgL I F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Iron ND 13 100 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Lead ND 0004 0040 microgL l F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Manganese 012 0007 010 microgL 1 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod

Mercury ND 008 050 ngL 1 F202057 2B06014 020612 EPA 1631E u Molybdenum ND 0006 006 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Nickel ND 0008 010 microgL F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Selenium ND 019 060 microgL 1 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Silver ND 0006 0020 microgL 1 F202159 2B15016 021512 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 U

Thalyum ND 0001 0005 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod QB-02 U

Zinc ND ooz 020 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl5001 021412 EPA2008 Mod u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproductd in its entirety

Page5of23 1201063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 11


414 Pontius Ave North ~ Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ CLOBAL SCIENCES

Fx 206-622-6870


Treat Tank Effluent

Matrix Water Laboratory ID 1202o~H2

Analyte Result MDL MRL Units Dilution Batch Sequence Analyzed Method Notes

Aluminum 218 222 200 microgL 50 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA2008Mod Antimony 155 0230 100 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA2008Mod

Arsenic 121 255 750 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Barium 243 135 100 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Beryllium ND 114 300 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Cadmium ND 0208 100 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Chromium ND 045 500 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Copper 553 050 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Iron ND 650 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Lead ND 0195 200 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Manganese 631 037 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA2008 Mod Mercury 360 084 505 ngL 10 F202057 2B06014 020612 EPA 163IE Molybdenum 195 030 300 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel ND 040 500 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Selenium 121 969 300 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA2008Mod Silver ND 0300 LOO microgL 50 F202159 2B 15016 021512 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 U

Thallium 685 0056 0250 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod QB-01 Zinc ND 082 100 microgL somiddot F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply 10 the samples analyzed In accordJJncc with the chain ofcustody documenJ This onolyticol report must ~ reproduced In its en1ire1y

Poga 6of2J 1201063 Final ampport 01JS202

Liz Siska Project Manager 12

I 414 Pontius Ave North

Seattle WA 98109~ Ph 206-622-6960 FRONTIER- Fx 206-622-6870 cLoaAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 1B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-DUP1

Sample Duplicate Concentration Concentration RPD

Analyte ngL ngL MRL RPD Limit Method Notes

Mercury 3603 3621 505 0482 24 EPA 163IE

Fror tier Global Sciences Inc Tlte results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in Its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page 7of13 1102063 Final Report 01151011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Dige~tion Lab Number l202053-MSMSDI


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (microgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Beryllium ND 20200 2062 102 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 2177 15150 355l 907 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 205 70700 947 105 70 - 130 middot EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 6311 60600 6110 -331 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron ND 50500 4743 939 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 325 40400 758 107 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 553 40400 939 957 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 099 10100 1268 116 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Arsenic 1206 15150 2453 823 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 1213 30300 1452 791 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Molybltlenum 1952 20200 1925 -135 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmium 0623 080800 1437 IOI 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 1549 080800 2358 100 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Barium 2433 10100 2514 793 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Thallium 6848 040400 7126 689 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod QB-01 Lead ND 15150 1334 880 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPO

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20200 2025 100 l80 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 15150 3386 798 477 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 70700 909 996 412 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 60600 6122 -311 0200 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron 50500 4648 920 203 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 40400 813 121 706 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 40400 935 948 0415 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 10100 1013 904 224 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QR-08 Arsenic 15150 2577 905 492 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 30300 1399 614 376 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Molybdenum 20200 1909 -213 0823 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmiwn 080800 1230 752 155 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 080800 2316 950 177 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in 1his report only apply to tire samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcuslOdy docume11L This a11alytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

~-~~ Page 8of2J l 20206J Final Report

021512012 Liz Siska Project Manager


I 414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSMSD1


Spike Added (JlgL)

MSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 10100 2506 717 0305 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040400 6963 286 231 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 QB-01

Lead 15150 l403 926 509 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onlyapply to the samples analred in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced fn its entirety

Page 9of23 I202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 15

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B130Q5

Preparation Clo~~d Ve~~el Nitric Qven QigestiQn Lab Number f20205J-MSMSD3


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (JtgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Method Limits Notes

Beryllium ND 50500 4291 850 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Aluminum 2177 10100 9206 890 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Chromium 205 10100 1006 994 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS

Manganese 6311 IOl00 1582 942 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Iron ND 50500 4849 960 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Nickel 325 12625 1190 940 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Copper 553 12625 1149 906 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Zinc 099 25250 2401 950 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Arsenic 1206 10100 1050 103 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Selenium 1213 10100 1168 104 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Molybdenum 1952 50500 6851 970 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Cadmium 0623 10100 9695 954 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Antimony 1549 50500 5084 976 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Barium 2433 20200 2379 106 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thallium 6848 50500 5306 915 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS QB-01

Lead ND 25250 2205 873 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





Recovery Limits

RPDLimit Method Notes

Beryllium 50500 4337 859 108 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Aluminum 10100 9221 89l 0164 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Chromium 10100 9902 978 159 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Manganese 10100 1562 922 l27 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Iron 50500 4775 946 l53 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Nickel 12625 1197 946 0613 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Copper 12625 1129 890 179 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Zinc 25250 2399 950 00456 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Arsenic 10100 1013 992 357 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Selenium 10100 1151 102 149 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Molybdenum 50500 6848 970 00426 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Cadmium 10100 1004 987 345 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Antimony 50500 5111 98l 0531 70 - 130 20 EPA2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in rhls rtporl 011y apply 10 the samples anayrd i11 accordtmce with the chain ofcustodydocumtmL This analytical report mus bt nproducedin its entirety

~-~ Page Oo23 1202063 Final Report 02S2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 16

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSJMSD3 I


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





RPD Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 20200 2377 106 0106 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thalium 50500 5345 923 0720 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod ASQB-01

Lead 25250 2198 870 0315 7-0 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The lfl$Ws in this report onlyapply to the samplesOIUllyzed 11 accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page Ji of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 17

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98 l09

i Ph 206-622-6960 ~ ) Fx 206-622-6870 GIOBAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCJ Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD1

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method NotesLimits

Mercury 3603 10200 1409 103 71 - 125 EPA 1631pound

Spike MSD MSD Oo Recovery Added Concentration RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Notes Analyte

Mercury 10200 1410 103 00816 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The nsulis In thls rtporr only apply to the sampfuanalyud In accordana with the chain ofcustody documenL This analytical nportmust be reproducd in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Pagt J1of1J 1101063 Final Report 01152011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202035-02RE1

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration oo Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method Notes Limits

Mercury 3897 10200 1440 103 71 - 125 EPA I631E

Spike MSD MSD oo Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Notes (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Analyte

Mercury 10200 1445 103 0394 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 13of23 J202063 Final Report 0211512012

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager 19

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ J

~ - Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number f202159-MStMSDl

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration RecoveryAnalyte (JlgL) (microgL) 1tgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 15150 1891 125 70- 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Notes

Silver l5150 2021 133 664 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-07

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in its enlirety

Page Ua23 J202063 Final Report 021512012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Oo RecoveryAnalyte (microgL) (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 50500 4554 902 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

(microgL) RPO Limits (microgL) Recovery Limit Method NotesAnalyte

Silver 50500 4621 915 146 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz ~iska Project Manager

Page 15 o23 I202063 Final Report 0252012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 bullmiddot ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation ~losed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBS01

LCS Source Blank S~ike

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1891 945 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1430 953 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 644 920 85 ll5 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 511 962 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4547 909 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 402 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 418 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 1025 103 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1425 950 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2936 979 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Molybdenum 20000 182 910 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0828 103 middot 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0800 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 999 999 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0420 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead l5000 l552 103 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod






Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1863 93l 150 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1375 917 391 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 629 899 239 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 558 930 337 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4359 872 422 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 371 929 779 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 403 101 375 85 -115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 989 989 359 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1345 897 577 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2920 973 0548 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc Tht resulu In this report only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance wi1h the chain ofcustody documtnL This analytical rrport must be rrproduad in its entirety

~__J~ Pagt J6of23 202063 Final Rtpon 02JS2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 22

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960

~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOSAl SCIENCES



Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike Dup

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (pgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Molybdenum 20000 177 883 303 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0794 992 416 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0784 980 205 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 982 982 177 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0407 102 298 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead 15000 1535 102 106 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this reporr only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody docwnent This analytical report must be reproduced In its tnlirety

Page 17of3 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 23

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-BSBSD1

LCS Source LCS

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Limits Method Notes Mercury 15679 1577 101 80 - 120 EPA l63IE

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (ogL) (ogL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes Mercury 15679 1605 102 176 ampO - 120 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in zhis report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 8013 I202063 Fi11alReport 02151202


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202159 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike


Spike Added microgL)

LCS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Silver l5000 2156 144 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12


Spike Added (microgL)

LCSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RJgtD Limit Method Notes

Silver 15000 2141 143 0706 85 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 shy

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to zhe samples analyzed in accordance with rhe chain ofcustodydocument This analyticalreporl mus be reproduced in its entirety

Page 19of23 J102063 Final Report 02152011

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



Instrument Hg-16 Sequence 2B060I4

Preparation BrCI Oxidation

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202057-BLK1 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I63IE u F202057-BLK2 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I631E u F202057-BLK3 Mercury 005 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE u F202057-BLK4 Mercury 010 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE QB-04 U

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onl)I apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical rtporl must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 20of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North -Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOBAL- SCIENCES


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202053-BLK1 Beryllium 0005 0060 microgL F202053 SPA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Aluminum -004 40 microgL F202053 -PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Chromium -002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Manganese -0002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLKI Iron -03 100 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Nickel -003 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Copper 0008 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Zinc 010 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Arsenic -007 015 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Selenium -002 060 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Molybdenum OQl 006 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK I Cadmium 0005 0020 microgL F202053 3PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Antimony 0019 0020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Barium 0005 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Thallium 0028 0005 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc QB-10 F202053-BLK1 Lead 0004 0040 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed iTJ accordance wizh the chain ofcustody docrmienl This analyticalreport musl be ltproductd in its entirety

Page2J o23 J202063 Final Rtport 021)52012

Liz Siska Project Manager



414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202159-BLK1 Silver 00006 0020 microgL F202159 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced In its enlirgtty

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page22of3 J202063 Final Report 02152012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 bull ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Notes and Definitions U Analyte included in the analysis but not detected

QR-08 The RPD value for the MSMSD was outside ofacceptance limits Batch QC acceptable based on matrix duplicate andor LCSLCSD RPD values within control limits

QM-12 Initial or continuing calibration verification andor blank spikeblank spike duplicate recoveries above upper control limits All reported sample concentrations were below the reporting limit

QM-07 The spike recovery was outside control limits for the MS andor MSD The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QM-02 The MS andor MSD recoveries outside acceptance limits due to spike concentration less than I times the sample concentration The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QB-10 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL Only report sample results greater than 10 times the contamination value (QB-01 ) or samples less than the MRL (QB-02)

QB-04 The blank was preserved to 2 BrCl rather than 1 The control limit for blanks preserved to greater than 1 BrCI is the preservation percentage multiplied by the MRL

QB-02 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the sample concentrations are Jess than the MRL

QB-0 l The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the blank concentration(s) are Jess than 10 ofthe sample result

AS This MS andor MSD is an analytical spike andor an analytical spike duplicate

DET Analyte Detected

MDL Minimum Detection Limit

lv1RL Minimum Reporting Limit

ND Analyte Not Detected at or above the reporting limit

wet Sample results reported on a wet weight basis

dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis

RPD Relative Percent Difference

RSD Relative Standard Deviation

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be middoteproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

P~ge 23 o23 J202063 Final Report 02115120]2


107330middotJJlilI eastern analytical inc CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 0

professional laboratory seNlces GZANH (I)

DateTime Composites need start andstop datestimesSample IDs Matrix Parameters and Sample Notes of containers

Effluent Field Blank AqToUSWLLMetalsSub2z2b12 aqueous c=rcompS 17

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered LB Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate Circle_preservatives HCL HNO HSO NaOH MEOH Nasp~ Treat Tank Effluent I 122 o12 AqToVSWLLMetalsSubBODCODCyanTFN030G1664S04TDSTSSN624Afe6i6TPhenolsE606PGBfNH3ClpH

aqueous ~ fjYorComp9 5

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered L0 Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate fircle preservativels1ED HNO W)~ MEOH Naso ~

Please ensure this auto COC is accurate adheres to permit orsampling requirements for this sampling event and modify as necessary EAi Project ID 3902

Project Name Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

State NH

Client (Pro Mgr) Paul Pepler

Customer GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Address 380 Harvey Road

City Manchester NH 03103

Phone 623-3600 Fax 624-9463 (37)

EmaiAddress paulpeplergzacom

Results Needed by Preferred date----shy

Notes about project (ie Special Limits Billing info if different)

Subcontract ALL metals to Frontier Global Sciences Metals include Total AlSbAsBaBeCdCrCuFePbMnHgMoNlSeAgTI Zn Metals analyses require project-specific MSMSD

eczgt~ ~ 6Jy JSeog a1ct7so p~r (c4

QC deliverables

lll D A+ 18(s O B+ 0 C D PC

ReportlngOptlons o~151=JSi_ 181HC PONumber ~ 181 EDD PDF

Quote No to~C1f+C181 EDD email 181 PDF prelim NO FAX Temperature S- d-- degC D e-mail Login Confirmation

Ice present Yes IZfNo DONO FAX

Relinquished by DateTime Received by

Eastern Analytical Inc 25 Chanell Dr Concord NH 03301 Phone (603)228-0525 1-800-287-0525 Fax (603)228-4591

h~O26C~ Chain ofCusfody Record amp Laboratory Analysis Request 111 lon 107330 gt9 Air Water Sediments Plant and Animal Tissue --middot - - middot SCI

F~x 2C-622-6670H d b amp 0 th S middot FRONT I EK Y rocar on er ampes ~ C t C 9 Al s CI 6 fl CE s aoc middot of I 12 ) 2 tc =s httpv-wfomtlr(Scom

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By ~IQnifIII you d=lare tlgt~t you agret viti FGS tcms ~nd rondllons and tba you atltthorie FGS to perfonr tne specified analyses

Custonier Approval bull Dale

The results in this report only applyUJ the samples analyzedin acconJa_nce with_ theFrontierGlobal Sciences Inc chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report mwt be reproduced in Its entirety


Page3of23 J202063 Final Report 02)512012

Liz SiskaProject Manager 9

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870~


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414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



C-3015 Effluent Field Blank

Matrix Water Laboratory ID 1202063-01

Analyte Result MDL MRL Units Dilution Batch Sequence Analyud Method Notes

Aluminum ND OA 40 microgL 1 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Antimony ND 0005 0 020 microgL 1 F202053 2813005 021212 EPA2008 Mod u Arsenic ND 005 015 microgL 1 F202053 2BI3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Bariu111 ND 003 020 microgL 1 F202053 2813005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Beryllium ND 0023 0060 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Cadmium ND 0004 0020 microgL F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Chromium ND 0009 010 microgL F202053 2813005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Copper ND 001 010 microgL I F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Iron ND 13 100 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Lead ND 0004 0040 microgL l F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Manganese 012 0007 010 microgL 1 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod

Mercury ND 008 050 ngL 1 F202057 2B06014 020612 EPA 1631E u Molybdenum ND 0006 006 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Nickel ND 0008 010 microgL F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Selenium ND 019 060 microgL 1 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Silver ND 0006 0020 microgL 1 F202159 2B15016 021512 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 U

Thalyum ND 0001 0005 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod QB-02 U

Zinc ND ooz 020 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl5001 021412 EPA2008 Mod u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproductd in its entirety

Page5of23 1201063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 11


414 Pontius Ave North ~ Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ CLOBAL SCIENCES

Fx 206-622-6870


Treat Tank Effluent

Matrix Water Laboratory ID 1202o~H2

Analyte Result MDL MRL Units Dilution Batch Sequence Analyzed Method Notes

Aluminum 218 222 200 microgL 50 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA2008Mod Antimony 155 0230 100 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA2008Mod

Arsenic 121 255 750 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Barium 243 135 100 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Beryllium ND 114 300 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Cadmium ND 0208 100 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Chromium ND 045 500 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Copper 553 050 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Iron ND 650 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Lead ND 0195 200 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Manganese 631 037 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA2008 Mod Mercury 360 084 505 ngL 10 F202057 2B06014 020612 EPA 163IE Molybdenum 195 030 300 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel ND 040 500 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Selenium 121 969 300 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA2008Mod Silver ND 0300 LOO microgL 50 F202159 2B 15016 021512 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 U

Thallium 685 0056 0250 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod QB-01 Zinc ND 082 100 microgL somiddot F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply 10 the samples analyzed In accordJJncc with the chain ofcustody documenJ This onolyticol report must ~ reproduced In its en1ire1y

Poga 6of2J 1201063 Final ampport 01JS202

Liz Siska Project Manager 12

I 414 Pontius Ave North

Seattle WA 98109~ Ph 206-622-6960 FRONTIER- Fx 206-622-6870 cLoaAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 1B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-DUP1

Sample Duplicate Concentration Concentration RPD

Analyte ngL ngL MRL RPD Limit Method Notes

Mercury 3603 3621 505 0482 24 EPA 163IE

Fror tier Global Sciences Inc Tlte results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in Its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page 7of13 1102063 Final Report 01151011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Dige~tion Lab Number l202053-MSMSDI


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (microgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Beryllium ND 20200 2062 102 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 2177 15150 355l 907 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 205 70700 947 105 70 - 130 middot EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 6311 60600 6110 -331 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron ND 50500 4743 939 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 325 40400 758 107 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 553 40400 939 957 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 099 10100 1268 116 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Arsenic 1206 15150 2453 823 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 1213 30300 1452 791 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Molybltlenum 1952 20200 1925 -135 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmium 0623 080800 1437 IOI 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 1549 080800 2358 100 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Barium 2433 10100 2514 793 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Thallium 6848 040400 7126 689 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod QB-01 Lead ND 15150 1334 880 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPO

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20200 2025 100 l80 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 15150 3386 798 477 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 70700 909 996 412 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 60600 6122 -311 0200 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron 50500 4648 920 203 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 40400 813 121 706 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 40400 935 948 0415 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 10100 1013 904 224 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QR-08 Arsenic 15150 2577 905 492 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 30300 1399 614 376 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Molybdenum 20200 1909 -213 0823 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmiwn 080800 1230 752 155 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 080800 2316 950 177 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in 1his report only apply to tire samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcuslOdy docume11L This a11alytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

~-~~ Page 8of2J l 20206J Final Report

021512012 Liz Siska Project Manager


I 414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSMSD1


Spike Added (JlgL)

MSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 10100 2506 717 0305 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040400 6963 286 231 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 QB-01

Lead 15150 l403 926 509 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onlyapply to the samples analred in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced fn its entirety

Page 9of23 I202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 15

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B130Q5

Preparation Clo~~d Ve~~el Nitric Qven QigestiQn Lab Number f20205J-MSMSD3


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (JtgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Method Limits Notes

Beryllium ND 50500 4291 850 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Aluminum 2177 10100 9206 890 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Chromium 205 10100 1006 994 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS

Manganese 6311 IOl00 1582 942 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Iron ND 50500 4849 960 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Nickel 325 12625 1190 940 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Copper 553 12625 1149 906 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Zinc 099 25250 2401 950 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Arsenic 1206 10100 1050 103 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Selenium 1213 10100 1168 104 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Molybdenum 1952 50500 6851 970 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Cadmium 0623 10100 9695 954 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Antimony 1549 50500 5084 976 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Barium 2433 20200 2379 106 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thallium 6848 50500 5306 915 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS QB-01

Lead ND 25250 2205 873 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





Recovery Limits

RPDLimit Method Notes

Beryllium 50500 4337 859 108 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Aluminum 10100 9221 89l 0164 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Chromium 10100 9902 978 159 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Manganese 10100 1562 922 l27 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Iron 50500 4775 946 l53 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Nickel 12625 1197 946 0613 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Copper 12625 1129 890 179 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Zinc 25250 2399 950 00456 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Arsenic 10100 1013 992 357 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Selenium 10100 1151 102 149 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Molybdenum 50500 6848 970 00426 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Cadmium 10100 1004 987 345 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Antimony 50500 5111 98l 0531 70 - 130 20 EPA2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in rhls rtporl 011y apply 10 the samples anayrd i11 accordtmce with the chain ofcustodydocumtmL This analytical report mus bt nproducedin its entirety

~-~ Page Oo23 1202063 Final Report 02S2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 16

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSJMSD3 I


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





RPD Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 20200 2377 106 0106 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thalium 50500 5345 923 0720 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod ASQB-01

Lead 25250 2198 870 0315 7-0 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The lfl$Ws in this report onlyapply to the samplesOIUllyzed 11 accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page Ji of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 17

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98 l09

i Ph 206-622-6960 ~ ) Fx 206-622-6870 GIOBAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCJ Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD1

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method NotesLimits

Mercury 3603 10200 1409 103 71 - 125 EPA 1631pound

Spike MSD MSD Oo Recovery Added Concentration RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Notes Analyte

Mercury 10200 1410 103 00816 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The nsulis In thls rtporr only apply to the sampfuanalyud In accordana with the chain ofcustody documenL This analytical nportmust be reproducd in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Pagt J1of1J 1101063 Final Report 01152011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202035-02RE1

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration oo Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method Notes Limits

Mercury 3897 10200 1440 103 71 - 125 EPA I631E

Spike MSD MSD oo Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Notes (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Analyte

Mercury 10200 1445 103 0394 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 13of23 J202063 Final Report 0211512012

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager 19

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ J

~ - Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number f202159-MStMSDl

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration RecoveryAnalyte (JlgL) (microgL) 1tgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 15150 1891 125 70- 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Notes

Silver l5150 2021 133 664 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-07

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in its enlirety

Page Ua23 J202063 Final Report 021512012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Oo RecoveryAnalyte (microgL) (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 50500 4554 902 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

(microgL) RPO Limits (microgL) Recovery Limit Method NotesAnalyte

Silver 50500 4621 915 146 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz ~iska Project Manager

Page 15 o23 I202063 Final Report 0252012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 bullmiddot ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation ~losed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBS01

LCS Source Blank S~ike

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1891 945 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1430 953 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 644 920 85 ll5 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 511 962 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4547 909 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 402 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 418 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 1025 103 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1425 950 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2936 979 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Molybdenum 20000 182 910 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0828 103 middot 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0800 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 999 999 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0420 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead l5000 l552 103 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod






Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1863 93l 150 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1375 917 391 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 629 899 239 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 558 930 337 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4359 872 422 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 371 929 779 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 403 101 375 85 -115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 989 989 359 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1345 897 577 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2920 973 0548 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc Tht resulu In this report only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance wi1h the chain ofcustody documtnL This analytical rrport must be rrproduad in its entirety

~__J~ Pagt J6of23 202063 Final Rtpon 02JS2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 22

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960

~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOSAl SCIENCES



Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike Dup

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (pgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Molybdenum 20000 177 883 303 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0794 992 416 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0784 980 205 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 982 982 177 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0407 102 298 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead 15000 1535 102 106 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this reporr only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody docwnent This analytical report must be reproduced In its tnlirety

Page 17of3 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 23

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-BSBSD1

LCS Source LCS

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Limits Method Notes Mercury 15679 1577 101 80 - 120 EPA l63IE

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (ogL) (ogL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes Mercury 15679 1605 102 176 ampO - 120 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in zhis report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 8013 I202063 Fi11alReport 02151202


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202159 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike


Spike Added microgL)

LCS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Silver l5000 2156 144 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12


Spike Added (microgL)

LCSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RJgtD Limit Method Notes

Silver 15000 2141 143 0706 85 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 shy

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to zhe samples analyzed in accordance with rhe chain ofcustodydocument This analyticalreporl mus be reproduced in its entirety

Page 19of23 J102063 Final Report 02152011

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



Instrument Hg-16 Sequence 2B060I4

Preparation BrCI Oxidation

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202057-BLK1 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I63IE u F202057-BLK2 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I631E u F202057-BLK3 Mercury 005 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE u F202057-BLK4 Mercury 010 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE QB-04 U

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onl)I apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical rtporl must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 20of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North -Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOBAL- SCIENCES


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202053-BLK1 Beryllium 0005 0060 microgL F202053 SPA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Aluminum -004 40 microgL F202053 -PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Chromium -002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Manganese -0002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLKI Iron -03 100 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Nickel -003 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Copper 0008 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Zinc 010 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Arsenic -007 015 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Selenium -002 060 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Molybdenum OQl 006 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK I Cadmium 0005 0020 microgL F202053 3PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Antimony 0019 0020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Barium 0005 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Thallium 0028 0005 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc QB-10 F202053-BLK1 Lead 0004 0040 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed iTJ accordance wizh the chain ofcustody docrmienl This analyticalreport musl be ltproductd in its entirety

Page2J o23 J202063 Final Rtport 021)52012

Liz Siska Project Manager



414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202159-BLK1 Silver 00006 0020 microgL F202159 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced In its enlirgtty

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page22of3 J202063 Final Report 02152012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 bull ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Notes and Definitions U Analyte included in the analysis but not detected

QR-08 The RPD value for the MSMSD was outside ofacceptance limits Batch QC acceptable based on matrix duplicate andor LCSLCSD RPD values within control limits

QM-12 Initial or continuing calibration verification andor blank spikeblank spike duplicate recoveries above upper control limits All reported sample concentrations were below the reporting limit

QM-07 The spike recovery was outside control limits for the MS andor MSD The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QM-02 The MS andor MSD recoveries outside acceptance limits due to spike concentration less than I times the sample concentration The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QB-10 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL Only report sample results greater than 10 times the contamination value (QB-01 ) or samples less than the MRL (QB-02)

QB-04 The blank was preserved to 2 BrCl rather than 1 The control limit for blanks preserved to greater than 1 BrCI is the preservation percentage multiplied by the MRL

QB-02 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the sample concentrations are Jess than the MRL

QB-0 l The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the blank concentration(s) are Jess than 10 ofthe sample result

AS This MS andor MSD is an analytical spike andor an analytical spike duplicate

DET Analyte Detected

MDL Minimum Detection Limit

lv1RL Minimum Reporting Limit

ND Analyte Not Detected at or above the reporting limit

wet Sample results reported on a wet weight basis

dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis

RPD Relative Percent Difference

RSD Relative Standard Deviation

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be middoteproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

P~ge 23 o23 J202063 Final Report 02115120]2


107330middotJJlilI eastern analytical inc CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 0

professional laboratory seNlces GZANH (I)

DateTime Composites need start andstop datestimesSample IDs Matrix Parameters and Sample Notes of containers

Effluent Field Blank AqToUSWLLMetalsSub2z2b12 aqueous c=rcompS 17

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered LB Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate Circle_preservatives HCL HNO HSO NaOH MEOH Nasp~ Treat Tank Effluent I 122 o12 AqToVSWLLMetalsSubBODCODCyanTFN030G1664S04TDSTSSN624Afe6i6TPhenolsE606PGBfNH3ClpH

aqueous ~ fjYorComp9 5

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered L0 Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate fircle preservativels1ED HNO W)~ MEOH Naso ~

Please ensure this auto COC is accurate adheres to permit orsampling requirements for this sampling event and modify as necessary EAi Project ID 3902

Project Name Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

State NH

Client (Pro Mgr) Paul Pepler

Customer GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Address 380 Harvey Road

City Manchester NH 03103

Phone 623-3600 Fax 624-9463 (37)

EmaiAddress paulpeplergzacom

Results Needed by Preferred date----shy

Notes about project (ie Special Limits Billing info if different)

Subcontract ALL metals to Frontier Global Sciences Metals include Total AlSbAsBaBeCdCrCuFePbMnHgMoNlSeAgTI Zn Metals analyses require project-specific MSMSD

eczgt~ ~ 6Jy JSeog a1ct7so p~r (c4

QC deliverables

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Quote No to~C1f+C181 EDD email 181 PDF prelim NO FAX Temperature S- d-- degC D e-mail Login Confirmation

Ice present Yes IZfNo DONO FAX

Relinquished by DateTime Received by

Eastern Analytical Inc 25 Chanell Dr Concord NH 03301 Phone (603)228-0525 1-800-287-0525 Fax (603)228-4591

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414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



C-3015 Effluent Field Blank

Matrix Water Laboratory ID 1202063-01

Analyte Result MDL MRL Units Dilution Batch Sequence Analyud Method Notes

Aluminum ND OA 40 microgL 1 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Antimony ND 0005 0 020 microgL 1 F202053 2813005 021212 EPA2008 Mod u Arsenic ND 005 015 microgL 1 F202053 2BI3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Bariu111 ND 003 020 microgL 1 F202053 2813005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Beryllium ND 0023 0060 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Cadmium ND 0004 0020 microgL F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Chromium ND 0009 010 microgL F202053 2813005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Copper ND 001 010 microgL I F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Iron ND 13 100 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Lead ND 0004 0040 microgL l F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Manganese 012 0007 010 microgL 1 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod

Mercury ND 008 050 ngL 1 F202057 2B06014 020612 EPA 1631E u Molybdenum ND 0006 006 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Nickel ND 0008 010 microgL F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Selenium ND 019 060 microgL 1 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Silver ND 0006 0020 microgL 1 F202159 2B15016 021512 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 U

Thalyum ND 0001 0005 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod QB-02 U

Zinc ND ooz 020 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl5001 021412 EPA2008 Mod u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproductd in its entirety

Page5of23 1201063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 11


414 Pontius Ave North ~ Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ CLOBAL SCIENCES

Fx 206-622-6870


Treat Tank Effluent

Matrix Water Laboratory ID 1202o~H2

Analyte Result MDL MRL Units Dilution Batch Sequence Analyzed Method Notes

Aluminum 218 222 200 microgL 50 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA2008Mod Antimony 155 0230 100 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA2008Mod

Arsenic 121 255 750 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Barium 243 135 100 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Beryllium ND 114 300 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Cadmium ND 0208 100 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Chromium ND 045 500 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Copper 553 050 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Iron ND 650 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Lead ND 0195 200 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Manganese 631 037 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA2008 Mod Mercury 360 084 505 ngL 10 F202057 2B06014 020612 EPA 163IE Molybdenum 195 030 300 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel ND 040 500 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Selenium 121 969 300 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA2008Mod Silver ND 0300 LOO microgL 50 F202159 2B 15016 021512 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 U

Thallium 685 0056 0250 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod QB-01 Zinc ND 082 100 microgL somiddot F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply 10 the samples analyzed In accordJJncc with the chain ofcustody documenJ This onolyticol report must ~ reproduced In its en1ire1y

Poga 6of2J 1201063 Final ampport 01JS202

Liz Siska Project Manager 12

I 414 Pontius Ave North

Seattle WA 98109~ Ph 206-622-6960 FRONTIER- Fx 206-622-6870 cLoaAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 1B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-DUP1

Sample Duplicate Concentration Concentration RPD

Analyte ngL ngL MRL RPD Limit Method Notes

Mercury 3603 3621 505 0482 24 EPA 163IE

Fror tier Global Sciences Inc Tlte results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in Its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page 7of13 1102063 Final Report 01151011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Dige~tion Lab Number l202053-MSMSDI


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (microgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Beryllium ND 20200 2062 102 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 2177 15150 355l 907 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 205 70700 947 105 70 - 130 middot EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 6311 60600 6110 -331 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron ND 50500 4743 939 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 325 40400 758 107 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 553 40400 939 957 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 099 10100 1268 116 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Arsenic 1206 15150 2453 823 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 1213 30300 1452 791 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Molybltlenum 1952 20200 1925 -135 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmium 0623 080800 1437 IOI 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 1549 080800 2358 100 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Barium 2433 10100 2514 793 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Thallium 6848 040400 7126 689 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod QB-01 Lead ND 15150 1334 880 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPO

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20200 2025 100 l80 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 15150 3386 798 477 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 70700 909 996 412 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 60600 6122 -311 0200 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron 50500 4648 920 203 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 40400 813 121 706 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 40400 935 948 0415 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 10100 1013 904 224 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QR-08 Arsenic 15150 2577 905 492 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 30300 1399 614 376 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Molybdenum 20200 1909 -213 0823 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmiwn 080800 1230 752 155 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 080800 2316 950 177 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in 1his report only apply to tire samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcuslOdy docume11L This a11alytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

~-~~ Page 8of2J l 20206J Final Report

021512012 Liz Siska Project Manager


I 414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSMSD1


Spike Added (JlgL)

MSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 10100 2506 717 0305 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040400 6963 286 231 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 QB-01

Lead 15150 l403 926 509 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onlyapply to the samples analred in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced fn its entirety

Page 9of23 I202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 15

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B130Q5

Preparation Clo~~d Ve~~el Nitric Qven QigestiQn Lab Number f20205J-MSMSD3


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (JtgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Method Limits Notes

Beryllium ND 50500 4291 850 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Aluminum 2177 10100 9206 890 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Chromium 205 10100 1006 994 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS

Manganese 6311 IOl00 1582 942 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Iron ND 50500 4849 960 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Nickel 325 12625 1190 940 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Copper 553 12625 1149 906 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Zinc 099 25250 2401 950 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Arsenic 1206 10100 1050 103 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Selenium 1213 10100 1168 104 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Molybdenum 1952 50500 6851 970 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Cadmium 0623 10100 9695 954 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Antimony 1549 50500 5084 976 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Barium 2433 20200 2379 106 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thallium 6848 50500 5306 915 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS QB-01

Lead ND 25250 2205 873 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





Recovery Limits

RPDLimit Method Notes

Beryllium 50500 4337 859 108 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Aluminum 10100 9221 89l 0164 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Chromium 10100 9902 978 159 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Manganese 10100 1562 922 l27 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Iron 50500 4775 946 l53 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Nickel 12625 1197 946 0613 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Copper 12625 1129 890 179 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Zinc 25250 2399 950 00456 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Arsenic 10100 1013 992 357 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Selenium 10100 1151 102 149 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Molybdenum 50500 6848 970 00426 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Cadmium 10100 1004 987 345 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Antimony 50500 5111 98l 0531 70 - 130 20 EPA2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in rhls rtporl 011y apply 10 the samples anayrd i11 accordtmce with the chain ofcustodydocumtmL This analytical report mus bt nproducedin its entirety

~-~ Page Oo23 1202063 Final Report 02S2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 16

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSJMSD3 I


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





RPD Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 20200 2377 106 0106 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thalium 50500 5345 923 0720 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod ASQB-01

Lead 25250 2198 870 0315 7-0 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The lfl$Ws in this report onlyapply to the samplesOIUllyzed 11 accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page Ji of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 17

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98 l09

i Ph 206-622-6960 ~ ) Fx 206-622-6870 GIOBAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCJ Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD1

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method NotesLimits

Mercury 3603 10200 1409 103 71 - 125 EPA 1631pound

Spike MSD MSD Oo Recovery Added Concentration RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Notes Analyte

Mercury 10200 1410 103 00816 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The nsulis In thls rtporr only apply to the sampfuanalyud In accordana with the chain ofcustody documenL This analytical nportmust be reproducd in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Pagt J1of1J 1101063 Final Report 01152011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202035-02RE1

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration oo Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method Notes Limits

Mercury 3897 10200 1440 103 71 - 125 EPA I631E

Spike MSD MSD oo Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Notes (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Analyte

Mercury 10200 1445 103 0394 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 13of23 J202063 Final Report 0211512012

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager 19

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ J

~ - Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number f202159-MStMSDl

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration RecoveryAnalyte (JlgL) (microgL) 1tgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 15150 1891 125 70- 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Notes

Silver l5150 2021 133 664 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-07

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in its enlirety

Page Ua23 J202063 Final Report 021512012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Oo RecoveryAnalyte (microgL) (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 50500 4554 902 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

(microgL) RPO Limits (microgL) Recovery Limit Method NotesAnalyte

Silver 50500 4621 915 146 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz ~iska Project Manager

Page 15 o23 I202063 Final Report 0252012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 bullmiddot ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation ~losed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBS01

LCS Source Blank S~ike

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1891 945 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1430 953 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 644 920 85 ll5 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 511 962 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4547 909 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 402 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 418 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 1025 103 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1425 950 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2936 979 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Molybdenum 20000 182 910 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0828 103 middot 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0800 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 999 999 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0420 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead l5000 l552 103 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod






Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1863 93l 150 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1375 917 391 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 629 899 239 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 558 930 337 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4359 872 422 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 371 929 779 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 403 101 375 85 -115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 989 989 359 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1345 897 577 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2920 973 0548 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc Tht resulu In this report only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance wi1h the chain ofcustody documtnL This analytical rrport must be rrproduad in its entirety

~__J~ Pagt J6of23 202063 Final Rtpon 02JS2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 22

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960

~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOSAl SCIENCES



Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike Dup

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (pgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Molybdenum 20000 177 883 303 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0794 992 416 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0784 980 205 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 982 982 177 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0407 102 298 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead 15000 1535 102 106 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this reporr only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody docwnent This analytical report must be reproduced In its tnlirety

Page 17of3 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 23

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-BSBSD1

LCS Source LCS

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Limits Method Notes Mercury 15679 1577 101 80 - 120 EPA l63IE

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (ogL) (ogL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes Mercury 15679 1605 102 176 ampO - 120 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in zhis report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 8013 I202063 Fi11alReport 02151202


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202159 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike


Spike Added microgL)

LCS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Silver l5000 2156 144 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12


Spike Added (microgL)

LCSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RJgtD Limit Method Notes

Silver 15000 2141 143 0706 85 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 shy

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to zhe samples analyzed in accordance with rhe chain ofcustodydocument This analyticalreporl mus be reproduced in its entirety

Page 19of23 J102063 Final Report 02152011

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



Instrument Hg-16 Sequence 2B060I4

Preparation BrCI Oxidation

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202057-BLK1 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I63IE u F202057-BLK2 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I631E u F202057-BLK3 Mercury 005 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE u F202057-BLK4 Mercury 010 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE QB-04 U

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onl)I apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical rtporl must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 20of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North -Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOBAL- SCIENCES


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202053-BLK1 Beryllium 0005 0060 microgL F202053 SPA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Aluminum -004 40 microgL F202053 -PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Chromium -002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Manganese -0002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLKI Iron -03 100 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Nickel -003 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Copper 0008 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Zinc 010 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Arsenic -007 015 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Selenium -002 060 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Molybdenum OQl 006 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK I Cadmium 0005 0020 microgL F202053 3PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Antimony 0019 0020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Barium 0005 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Thallium 0028 0005 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc QB-10 F202053-BLK1 Lead 0004 0040 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed iTJ accordance wizh the chain ofcustody docrmienl This analyticalreport musl be ltproductd in its entirety

Page2J o23 J202063 Final Rtport 021)52012

Liz Siska Project Manager



414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202159-BLK1 Silver 00006 0020 microgL F202159 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced In its enlirgtty

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page22of3 J202063 Final Report 02152012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 bull ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Notes and Definitions U Analyte included in the analysis but not detected

QR-08 The RPD value for the MSMSD was outside ofacceptance limits Batch QC acceptable based on matrix duplicate andor LCSLCSD RPD values within control limits

QM-12 Initial or continuing calibration verification andor blank spikeblank spike duplicate recoveries above upper control limits All reported sample concentrations were below the reporting limit

QM-07 The spike recovery was outside control limits for the MS andor MSD The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QM-02 The MS andor MSD recoveries outside acceptance limits due to spike concentration less than I times the sample concentration The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QB-10 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL Only report sample results greater than 10 times the contamination value (QB-01 ) or samples less than the MRL (QB-02)

QB-04 The blank was preserved to 2 BrCl rather than 1 The control limit for blanks preserved to greater than 1 BrCI is the preservation percentage multiplied by the MRL

QB-02 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the sample concentrations are Jess than the MRL

QB-0 l The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the blank concentration(s) are Jess than 10 ofthe sample result

AS This MS andor MSD is an analytical spike andor an analytical spike duplicate

DET Analyte Detected

MDL Minimum Detection Limit

lv1RL Minimum Reporting Limit

ND Analyte Not Detected at or above the reporting limit

wet Sample results reported on a wet weight basis

dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis

RPD Relative Percent Difference

RSD Relative Standard Deviation

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be middoteproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

P~ge 23 o23 J202063 Final Report 02115120]2


107330middotJJlilI eastern analytical inc CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 0

professional laboratory seNlces GZANH (I)

DateTime Composites need start andstop datestimesSample IDs Matrix Parameters and Sample Notes of containers

Effluent Field Blank AqToUSWLLMetalsSub2z2b12 aqueous c=rcompS 17

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered LB Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate Circle_preservatives HCL HNO HSO NaOH MEOH Nasp~ Treat Tank Effluent I 122 o12 AqToVSWLLMetalsSubBODCODCyanTFN030G1664S04TDSTSSN624Afe6i6TPhenolsE606PGBfNH3ClpH

aqueous ~ fjYorComp9 5

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered L0 Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate fircle preservativels1ED HNO W)~ MEOH Naso ~

Please ensure this auto COC is accurate adheres to permit orsampling requirements for this sampling event and modify as necessary EAi Project ID 3902

Project Name Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

State NH

Client (Pro Mgr) Paul Pepler

Customer GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Address 380 Harvey Road

City Manchester NH 03103

Phone 623-3600 Fax 624-9463 (37)

EmaiAddress paulpeplergzacom

Results Needed by Preferred date----shy

Notes about project (ie Special Limits Billing info if different)

Subcontract ALL metals to Frontier Global Sciences Metals include Total AlSbAsBaBeCdCrCuFePbMnHgMoNlSeAgTI Zn Metals analyses require project-specific MSMSD

eczgt~ ~ 6Jy JSeog a1ct7so p~r (c4

QC deliverables

lll D A+ 18(s O B+ 0 C D PC

ReportlngOptlons o~151=JSi_ 181HC PONumber ~ 181 EDD PDF

Quote No to~C1f+C181 EDD email 181 PDF prelim NO FAX Temperature S- d-- degC D e-mail Login Confirmation

Ice present Yes IZfNo DONO FAX

Relinquished by DateTime Received by

Eastern Analytical Inc 25 Chanell Dr Concord NH 03301 Phone (603)228-0525 1-800-287-0525 Fax (603)228-4591

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



C-3015 Effluent Field Blank

Matrix Water Laboratory ID 1202063-01

Analyte Result MDL MRL Units Dilution Batch Sequence Analyud Method Notes

Aluminum ND OA 40 microgL 1 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Antimony ND 0005 0 020 microgL 1 F202053 2813005 021212 EPA2008 Mod u Arsenic ND 005 015 microgL 1 F202053 2BI3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Bariu111 ND 003 020 microgL 1 F202053 2813005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Beryllium ND 0023 0060 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Cadmium ND 0004 0020 microgL F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Chromium ND 0009 010 microgL F202053 2813005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Copper ND 001 010 microgL I F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Iron ND 13 100 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Lead ND 0004 0040 microgL l F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Manganese 012 0007 010 microgL 1 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod

Mercury ND 008 050 ngL 1 F202057 2B06014 020612 EPA 1631E u Molybdenum ND 0006 006 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Nickel ND 0008 010 microgL F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Selenium ND 019 060 microgL 1 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Silver ND 0006 0020 microgL 1 F202159 2B15016 021512 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 U

Thalyum ND 0001 0005 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod QB-02 U

Zinc ND ooz 020 microgL 1 F202053 2Bl5001 021412 EPA2008 Mod u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproductd in its entirety

Page5of23 1201063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 11


414 Pontius Ave North ~ Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ CLOBAL SCIENCES

Fx 206-622-6870


Treat Tank Effluent

Matrix Water Laboratory ID 1202o~H2

Analyte Result MDL MRL Units Dilution Batch Sequence Analyzed Method Notes

Aluminum 218 222 200 microgL 50 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA2008Mod Antimony 155 0230 100 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA2008Mod

Arsenic 121 255 750 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Barium 243 135 100 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Beryllium ND 114 300 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Cadmium ND 0208 100 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Chromium ND 045 500 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Copper 553 050 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Iron ND 650 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Lead ND 0195 200 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Manganese 631 037 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA2008 Mod Mercury 360 084 505 ngL 10 F202057 2B06014 020612 EPA 163IE Molybdenum 195 030 300 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel ND 040 500 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Selenium 121 969 300 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA2008Mod Silver ND 0300 LOO microgL 50 F202159 2B 15016 021512 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 U

Thallium 685 0056 0250 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod QB-01 Zinc ND 082 100 microgL somiddot F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply 10 the samples analyzed In accordJJncc with the chain ofcustody documenJ This onolyticol report must ~ reproduced In its en1ire1y

Poga 6of2J 1201063 Final ampport 01JS202

Liz Siska Project Manager 12

I 414 Pontius Ave North

Seattle WA 98109~ Ph 206-622-6960 FRONTIER- Fx 206-622-6870 cLoaAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 1B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-DUP1

Sample Duplicate Concentration Concentration RPD

Analyte ngL ngL MRL RPD Limit Method Notes

Mercury 3603 3621 505 0482 24 EPA 163IE

Fror tier Global Sciences Inc Tlte results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in Its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page 7of13 1102063 Final Report 01151011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Dige~tion Lab Number l202053-MSMSDI


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (microgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Beryllium ND 20200 2062 102 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 2177 15150 355l 907 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 205 70700 947 105 70 - 130 middot EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 6311 60600 6110 -331 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron ND 50500 4743 939 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 325 40400 758 107 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 553 40400 939 957 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 099 10100 1268 116 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Arsenic 1206 15150 2453 823 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 1213 30300 1452 791 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Molybltlenum 1952 20200 1925 -135 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmium 0623 080800 1437 IOI 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 1549 080800 2358 100 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Barium 2433 10100 2514 793 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Thallium 6848 040400 7126 689 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod QB-01 Lead ND 15150 1334 880 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPO

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20200 2025 100 l80 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 15150 3386 798 477 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 70700 909 996 412 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 60600 6122 -311 0200 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron 50500 4648 920 203 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 40400 813 121 706 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 40400 935 948 0415 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 10100 1013 904 224 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QR-08 Arsenic 15150 2577 905 492 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 30300 1399 614 376 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Molybdenum 20200 1909 -213 0823 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmiwn 080800 1230 752 155 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 080800 2316 950 177 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in 1his report only apply to tire samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcuslOdy docume11L This a11alytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

~-~~ Page 8of2J l 20206J Final Report

021512012 Liz Siska Project Manager


I 414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSMSD1


Spike Added (JlgL)

MSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 10100 2506 717 0305 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040400 6963 286 231 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 QB-01

Lead 15150 l403 926 509 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onlyapply to the samples analred in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced fn its entirety

Page 9of23 I202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 15

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B130Q5

Preparation Clo~~d Ve~~el Nitric Qven QigestiQn Lab Number f20205J-MSMSD3


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (JtgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Method Limits Notes

Beryllium ND 50500 4291 850 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Aluminum 2177 10100 9206 890 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Chromium 205 10100 1006 994 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS

Manganese 6311 IOl00 1582 942 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Iron ND 50500 4849 960 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Nickel 325 12625 1190 940 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Copper 553 12625 1149 906 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Zinc 099 25250 2401 950 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Arsenic 1206 10100 1050 103 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Selenium 1213 10100 1168 104 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Molybdenum 1952 50500 6851 970 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Cadmium 0623 10100 9695 954 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Antimony 1549 50500 5084 976 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Barium 2433 20200 2379 106 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thallium 6848 50500 5306 915 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS QB-01

Lead ND 25250 2205 873 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





Recovery Limits

RPDLimit Method Notes

Beryllium 50500 4337 859 108 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Aluminum 10100 9221 89l 0164 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Chromium 10100 9902 978 159 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Manganese 10100 1562 922 l27 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Iron 50500 4775 946 l53 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Nickel 12625 1197 946 0613 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Copper 12625 1129 890 179 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Zinc 25250 2399 950 00456 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Arsenic 10100 1013 992 357 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Selenium 10100 1151 102 149 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Molybdenum 50500 6848 970 00426 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Cadmium 10100 1004 987 345 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Antimony 50500 5111 98l 0531 70 - 130 20 EPA2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in rhls rtporl 011y apply 10 the samples anayrd i11 accordtmce with the chain ofcustodydocumtmL This analytical report mus bt nproducedin its entirety

~-~ Page Oo23 1202063 Final Report 02S2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 16

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSJMSD3 I


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





RPD Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 20200 2377 106 0106 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thalium 50500 5345 923 0720 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod ASQB-01

Lead 25250 2198 870 0315 7-0 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The lfl$Ws in this report onlyapply to the samplesOIUllyzed 11 accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page Ji of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 17

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98 l09

i Ph 206-622-6960 ~ ) Fx 206-622-6870 GIOBAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCJ Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD1

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method NotesLimits

Mercury 3603 10200 1409 103 71 - 125 EPA 1631pound

Spike MSD MSD Oo Recovery Added Concentration RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Notes Analyte

Mercury 10200 1410 103 00816 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The nsulis In thls rtporr only apply to the sampfuanalyud In accordana with the chain ofcustody documenL This analytical nportmust be reproducd in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Pagt J1of1J 1101063 Final Report 01152011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202035-02RE1

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration oo Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method Notes Limits

Mercury 3897 10200 1440 103 71 - 125 EPA I631E

Spike MSD MSD oo Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Notes (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Analyte

Mercury 10200 1445 103 0394 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 13of23 J202063 Final Report 0211512012

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager 19

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ J

~ - Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number f202159-MStMSDl

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration RecoveryAnalyte (JlgL) (microgL) 1tgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 15150 1891 125 70- 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Notes

Silver l5150 2021 133 664 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-07

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in its enlirety

Page Ua23 J202063 Final Report 021512012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Oo RecoveryAnalyte (microgL) (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 50500 4554 902 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

(microgL) RPO Limits (microgL) Recovery Limit Method NotesAnalyte

Silver 50500 4621 915 146 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz ~iska Project Manager

Page 15 o23 I202063 Final Report 0252012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 bullmiddot ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation ~losed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBS01

LCS Source Blank S~ike

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1891 945 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1430 953 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 644 920 85 ll5 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 511 962 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4547 909 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 402 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 418 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 1025 103 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1425 950 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2936 979 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Molybdenum 20000 182 910 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0828 103 middot 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0800 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 999 999 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0420 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead l5000 l552 103 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod






Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1863 93l 150 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1375 917 391 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 629 899 239 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 558 930 337 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4359 872 422 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 371 929 779 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 403 101 375 85 -115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 989 989 359 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1345 897 577 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2920 973 0548 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc Tht resulu In this report only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance wi1h the chain ofcustody documtnL This analytical rrport must be rrproduad in its entirety

~__J~ Pagt J6of23 202063 Final Rtpon 02JS2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 22

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960

~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOSAl SCIENCES



Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike Dup

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (pgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Molybdenum 20000 177 883 303 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0794 992 416 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0784 980 205 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 982 982 177 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0407 102 298 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead 15000 1535 102 106 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this reporr only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody docwnent This analytical report must be reproduced In its tnlirety

Page 17of3 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 23

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-BSBSD1

LCS Source LCS

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Limits Method Notes Mercury 15679 1577 101 80 - 120 EPA l63IE

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (ogL) (ogL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes Mercury 15679 1605 102 176 ampO - 120 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in zhis report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 8013 I202063 Fi11alReport 02151202


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202159 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike


Spike Added microgL)

LCS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Silver l5000 2156 144 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12


Spike Added (microgL)

LCSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RJgtD Limit Method Notes

Silver 15000 2141 143 0706 85 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 shy

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to zhe samples analyzed in accordance with rhe chain ofcustodydocument This analyticalreporl mus be reproduced in its entirety

Page 19of23 J102063 Final Report 02152011

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



Instrument Hg-16 Sequence 2B060I4

Preparation BrCI Oxidation

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202057-BLK1 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I63IE u F202057-BLK2 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I631E u F202057-BLK3 Mercury 005 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE u F202057-BLK4 Mercury 010 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE QB-04 U

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onl)I apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical rtporl must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 20of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North -Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOBAL- SCIENCES


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202053-BLK1 Beryllium 0005 0060 microgL F202053 SPA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Aluminum -004 40 microgL F202053 -PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Chromium -002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Manganese -0002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLKI Iron -03 100 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Nickel -003 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Copper 0008 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Zinc 010 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Arsenic -007 015 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Selenium -002 060 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Molybdenum OQl 006 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK I Cadmium 0005 0020 microgL F202053 3PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Antimony 0019 0020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Barium 0005 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Thallium 0028 0005 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc QB-10 F202053-BLK1 Lead 0004 0040 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed iTJ accordance wizh the chain ofcustody docrmienl This analyticalreport musl be ltproductd in its entirety

Page2J o23 J202063 Final Rtport 021)52012

Liz Siska Project Manager



414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202159-BLK1 Silver 00006 0020 microgL F202159 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced In its enlirgtty

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page22of3 J202063 Final Report 02152012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 bull ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Notes and Definitions U Analyte included in the analysis but not detected

QR-08 The RPD value for the MSMSD was outside ofacceptance limits Batch QC acceptable based on matrix duplicate andor LCSLCSD RPD values within control limits

QM-12 Initial or continuing calibration verification andor blank spikeblank spike duplicate recoveries above upper control limits All reported sample concentrations were below the reporting limit

QM-07 The spike recovery was outside control limits for the MS andor MSD The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QM-02 The MS andor MSD recoveries outside acceptance limits due to spike concentration less than I times the sample concentration The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QB-10 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL Only report sample results greater than 10 times the contamination value (QB-01 ) or samples less than the MRL (QB-02)

QB-04 The blank was preserved to 2 BrCl rather than 1 The control limit for blanks preserved to greater than 1 BrCI is the preservation percentage multiplied by the MRL

QB-02 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the sample concentrations are Jess than the MRL

QB-0 l The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the blank concentration(s) are Jess than 10 ofthe sample result

AS This MS andor MSD is an analytical spike andor an analytical spike duplicate

DET Analyte Detected

MDL Minimum Detection Limit

lv1RL Minimum Reporting Limit

ND Analyte Not Detected at or above the reporting limit

wet Sample results reported on a wet weight basis

dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis

RPD Relative Percent Difference

RSD Relative Standard Deviation

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be middoteproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

P~ge 23 o23 J202063 Final Report 02115120]2


107330middotJJlilI eastern analytical inc CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 0

professional laboratory seNlces GZANH (I)

DateTime Composites need start andstop datestimesSample IDs Matrix Parameters and Sample Notes of containers

Effluent Field Blank AqToUSWLLMetalsSub2z2b12 aqueous c=rcompS 17

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered LB Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate Circle_preservatives HCL HNO HSO NaOH MEOH Nasp~ Treat Tank Effluent I 122 o12 AqToVSWLLMetalsSubBODCODCyanTFN030G1664S04TDSTSSN624Afe6i6TPhenolsE606PGBfNH3ClpH

aqueous ~ fjYorComp9 5

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered L0 Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate fircle preservativels1ED HNO W)~ MEOH Naso ~

Please ensure this auto COC is accurate adheres to permit orsampling requirements for this sampling event and modify as necessary EAi Project ID 3902

Project Name Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

State NH

Client (Pro Mgr) Paul Pepler

Customer GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Address 380 Harvey Road

City Manchester NH 03103

Phone 623-3600 Fax 624-9463 (37)

EmaiAddress paulpeplergzacom

Results Needed by Preferred date----shy

Notes about project (ie Special Limits Billing info if different)

Subcontract ALL metals to Frontier Global Sciences Metals include Total AlSbAsBaBeCdCrCuFePbMnHgMoNlSeAgTI Zn Metals analyses require project-specific MSMSD

eczgt~ ~ 6Jy JSeog a1ct7so p~r (c4

QC deliverables

lll D A+ 18(s O B+ 0 C D PC

ReportlngOptlons o~151=JSi_ 181HC PONumber ~ 181 EDD PDF

Quote No to~C1f+C181 EDD email 181 PDF prelim NO FAX Temperature S- d-- degC D e-mail Login Confirmation

Ice present Yes IZfNo DONO FAX

Relinquished by DateTime Received by

Eastern Analytical Inc 25 Chanell Dr Concord NH 03301 Phone (603)228-0525 1-800-287-0525 Fax (603)228-4591


414 Pontius Ave North ~ Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ CLOBAL SCIENCES

Fx 206-622-6870


Treat Tank Effluent

Matrix Water Laboratory ID 1202o~H2

Analyte Result MDL MRL Units Dilution Batch Sequence Analyzed Method Notes

Aluminum 218 222 200 microgL 50 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA2008Mod Antimony 155 0230 100 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA2008Mod

Arsenic 121 255 750 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Barium 243 135 100 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Beryllium ND 114 300 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Cadmium ND 0208 100 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Chromium ND 045 500 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Copper 553 050 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Iron ND 650 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Lead ND 0195 200 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Manganese 631 037 500 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA2008 Mod Mercury 360 084 505 ngL 10 F202057 2B06014 020612 EPA 163IE Molybdenum 195 030 300 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel ND 040 500 microgL 50 F202053 2Bl3005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u Selenium 121 969 300 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA2008Mod Silver ND 0300 LOO microgL 50 F202159 2B 15016 021512 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 U

Thallium 685 0056 0250 microgL 50 F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod QB-01 Zinc ND 082 100 microgL somiddot F202053 2B 13005 021212 EPA 2008 Mod u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply 10 the samples analyzed In accordJJncc with the chain ofcustody documenJ This onolyticol report must ~ reproduced In its en1ire1y

Poga 6of2J 1201063 Final ampport 01JS202

Liz Siska Project Manager 12

I 414 Pontius Ave North

Seattle WA 98109~ Ph 206-622-6960 FRONTIER- Fx 206-622-6870 cLoaAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 1B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-DUP1

Sample Duplicate Concentration Concentration RPD

Analyte ngL ngL MRL RPD Limit Method Notes

Mercury 3603 3621 505 0482 24 EPA 163IE

Fror tier Global Sciences Inc Tlte results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in Its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page 7of13 1102063 Final Report 01151011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Dige~tion Lab Number l202053-MSMSDI


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (microgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Beryllium ND 20200 2062 102 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 2177 15150 355l 907 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 205 70700 947 105 70 - 130 middot EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 6311 60600 6110 -331 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron ND 50500 4743 939 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 325 40400 758 107 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 553 40400 939 957 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 099 10100 1268 116 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Arsenic 1206 15150 2453 823 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 1213 30300 1452 791 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Molybltlenum 1952 20200 1925 -135 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmium 0623 080800 1437 IOI 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 1549 080800 2358 100 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Barium 2433 10100 2514 793 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Thallium 6848 040400 7126 689 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod QB-01 Lead ND 15150 1334 880 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPO

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20200 2025 100 l80 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 15150 3386 798 477 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 70700 909 996 412 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 60600 6122 -311 0200 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron 50500 4648 920 203 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 40400 813 121 706 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 40400 935 948 0415 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 10100 1013 904 224 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QR-08 Arsenic 15150 2577 905 492 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 30300 1399 614 376 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Molybdenum 20200 1909 -213 0823 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmiwn 080800 1230 752 155 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 080800 2316 950 177 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in 1his report only apply to tire samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcuslOdy docume11L This a11alytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

~-~~ Page 8of2J l 20206J Final Report

021512012 Liz Siska Project Manager


I 414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSMSD1


Spike Added (JlgL)

MSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 10100 2506 717 0305 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040400 6963 286 231 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 QB-01

Lead 15150 l403 926 509 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onlyapply to the samples analred in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced fn its entirety

Page 9of23 I202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 15

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B130Q5

Preparation Clo~~d Ve~~el Nitric Qven QigestiQn Lab Number f20205J-MSMSD3


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (JtgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Method Limits Notes

Beryllium ND 50500 4291 850 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Aluminum 2177 10100 9206 890 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Chromium 205 10100 1006 994 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS

Manganese 6311 IOl00 1582 942 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Iron ND 50500 4849 960 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Nickel 325 12625 1190 940 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Copper 553 12625 1149 906 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Zinc 099 25250 2401 950 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Arsenic 1206 10100 1050 103 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Selenium 1213 10100 1168 104 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Molybdenum 1952 50500 6851 970 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Cadmium 0623 10100 9695 954 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Antimony 1549 50500 5084 976 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Barium 2433 20200 2379 106 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thallium 6848 50500 5306 915 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS QB-01

Lead ND 25250 2205 873 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





Recovery Limits

RPDLimit Method Notes

Beryllium 50500 4337 859 108 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Aluminum 10100 9221 89l 0164 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Chromium 10100 9902 978 159 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Manganese 10100 1562 922 l27 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Iron 50500 4775 946 l53 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Nickel 12625 1197 946 0613 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Copper 12625 1129 890 179 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Zinc 25250 2399 950 00456 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Arsenic 10100 1013 992 357 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Selenium 10100 1151 102 149 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Molybdenum 50500 6848 970 00426 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Cadmium 10100 1004 987 345 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Antimony 50500 5111 98l 0531 70 - 130 20 EPA2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in rhls rtporl 011y apply 10 the samples anayrd i11 accordtmce with the chain ofcustodydocumtmL This analytical report mus bt nproducedin its entirety

~-~ Page Oo23 1202063 Final Report 02S2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 16

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSJMSD3 I


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





RPD Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 20200 2377 106 0106 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thalium 50500 5345 923 0720 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod ASQB-01

Lead 25250 2198 870 0315 7-0 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The lfl$Ws in this report onlyapply to the samplesOIUllyzed 11 accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page Ji of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 17

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98 l09

i Ph 206-622-6960 ~ ) Fx 206-622-6870 GIOBAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCJ Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD1

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method NotesLimits

Mercury 3603 10200 1409 103 71 - 125 EPA 1631pound

Spike MSD MSD Oo Recovery Added Concentration RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Notes Analyte

Mercury 10200 1410 103 00816 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The nsulis In thls rtporr only apply to the sampfuanalyud In accordana with the chain ofcustody documenL This analytical nportmust be reproducd in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Pagt J1of1J 1101063 Final Report 01152011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202035-02RE1

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration oo Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method Notes Limits

Mercury 3897 10200 1440 103 71 - 125 EPA I631E

Spike MSD MSD oo Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Notes (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Analyte

Mercury 10200 1445 103 0394 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 13of23 J202063 Final Report 0211512012

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager 19

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ J

~ - Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number f202159-MStMSDl

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration RecoveryAnalyte (JlgL) (microgL) 1tgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 15150 1891 125 70- 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Notes

Silver l5150 2021 133 664 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-07

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in its enlirety

Page Ua23 J202063 Final Report 021512012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Oo RecoveryAnalyte (microgL) (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 50500 4554 902 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

(microgL) RPO Limits (microgL) Recovery Limit Method NotesAnalyte

Silver 50500 4621 915 146 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz ~iska Project Manager

Page 15 o23 I202063 Final Report 0252012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 bullmiddot ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation ~losed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBS01

LCS Source Blank S~ike

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1891 945 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1430 953 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 644 920 85 ll5 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 511 962 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4547 909 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 402 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 418 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 1025 103 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1425 950 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2936 979 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Molybdenum 20000 182 910 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0828 103 middot 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0800 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 999 999 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0420 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead l5000 l552 103 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod






Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1863 93l 150 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1375 917 391 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 629 899 239 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 558 930 337 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4359 872 422 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 371 929 779 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 403 101 375 85 -115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 989 989 359 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1345 897 577 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2920 973 0548 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc Tht resulu In this report only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance wi1h the chain ofcustody documtnL This analytical rrport must be rrproduad in its entirety

~__J~ Pagt J6of23 202063 Final Rtpon 02JS2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 22

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960

~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOSAl SCIENCES



Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike Dup

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (pgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Molybdenum 20000 177 883 303 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0794 992 416 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0784 980 205 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 982 982 177 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0407 102 298 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead 15000 1535 102 106 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this reporr only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody docwnent This analytical report must be reproduced In its tnlirety

Page 17of3 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 23

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-BSBSD1

LCS Source LCS

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Limits Method Notes Mercury 15679 1577 101 80 - 120 EPA l63IE

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (ogL) (ogL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes Mercury 15679 1605 102 176 ampO - 120 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in zhis report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 8013 I202063 Fi11alReport 02151202


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202159 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike


Spike Added microgL)

LCS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Silver l5000 2156 144 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12


Spike Added (microgL)

LCSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RJgtD Limit Method Notes

Silver 15000 2141 143 0706 85 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 shy

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to zhe samples analyzed in accordance with rhe chain ofcustodydocument This analyticalreporl mus be reproduced in its entirety

Page 19of23 J102063 Final Report 02152011

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



Instrument Hg-16 Sequence 2B060I4

Preparation BrCI Oxidation

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202057-BLK1 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I63IE u F202057-BLK2 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I631E u F202057-BLK3 Mercury 005 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE u F202057-BLK4 Mercury 010 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE QB-04 U

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onl)I apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical rtporl must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 20of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North -Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOBAL- SCIENCES


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202053-BLK1 Beryllium 0005 0060 microgL F202053 SPA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Aluminum -004 40 microgL F202053 -PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Chromium -002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Manganese -0002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLKI Iron -03 100 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Nickel -003 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Copper 0008 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Zinc 010 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Arsenic -007 015 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Selenium -002 060 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Molybdenum OQl 006 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK I Cadmium 0005 0020 microgL F202053 3PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Antimony 0019 0020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Barium 0005 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Thallium 0028 0005 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc QB-10 F202053-BLK1 Lead 0004 0040 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed iTJ accordance wizh the chain ofcustody docrmienl This analyticalreport musl be ltproductd in its entirety

Page2J o23 J202063 Final Rtport 021)52012

Liz Siska Project Manager



414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202159-BLK1 Silver 00006 0020 microgL F202159 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced In its enlirgtty

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page22of3 J202063 Final Report 02152012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 bull ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Notes and Definitions U Analyte included in the analysis but not detected

QR-08 The RPD value for the MSMSD was outside ofacceptance limits Batch QC acceptable based on matrix duplicate andor LCSLCSD RPD values within control limits

QM-12 Initial or continuing calibration verification andor blank spikeblank spike duplicate recoveries above upper control limits All reported sample concentrations were below the reporting limit

QM-07 The spike recovery was outside control limits for the MS andor MSD The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QM-02 The MS andor MSD recoveries outside acceptance limits due to spike concentration less than I times the sample concentration The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QB-10 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL Only report sample results greater than 10 times the contamination value (QB-01 ) or samples less than the MRL (QB-02)

QB-04 The blank was preserved to 2 BrCl rather than 1 The control limit for blanks preserved to greater than 1 BrCI is the preservation percentage multiplied by the MRL

QB-02 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the sample concentrations are Jess than the MRL

QB-0 l The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the blank concentration(s) are Jess than 10 ofthe sample result

AS This MS andor MSD is an analytical spike andor an analytical spike duplicate

DET Analyte Detected

MDL Minimum Detection Limit

lv1RL Minimum Reporting Limit

ND Analyte Not Detected at or above the reporting limit

wet Sample results reported on a wet weight basis

dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis

RPD Relative Percent Difference

RSD Relative Standard Deviation

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be middoteproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

P~ge 23 o23 J202063 Final Report 02115120]2


107330middotJJlilI eastern analytical inc CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 0

professional laboratory seNlces GZANH (I)

DateTime Composites need start andstop datestimesSample IDs Matrix Parameters and Sample Notes of containers

Effluent Field Blank AqToUSWLLMetalsSub2z2b12 aqueous c=rcompS 17

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered LB Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate Circle_preservatives HCL HNO HSO NaOH MEOH Nasp~ Treat Tank Effluent I 122 o12 AqToVSWLLMetalsSubBODCODCyanTFN030G1664S04TDSTSSN624Afe6i6TPhenolsE606PGBfNH3ClpH

aqueous ~ fjYorComp9 5

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered L0 Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate fircle preservativels1ED HNO W)~ MEOH Naso ~

Please ensure this auto COC is accurate adheres to permit orsampling requirements for this sampling event and modify as necessary EAi Project ID 3902

Project Name Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

State NH

Client (Pro Mgr) Paul Pepler

Customer GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Address 380 Harvey Road

City Manchester NH 03103

Phone 623-3600 Fax 624-9463 (37)

EmaiAddress paulpeplergzacom

Results Needed by Preferred date----shy

Notes about project (ie Special Limits Billing info if different)

Subcontract ALL metals to Frontier Global Sciences Metals include Total AlSbAsBaBeCdCrCuFePbMnHgMoNlSeAgTI Zn Metals analyses require project-specific MSMSD

eczgt~ ~ 6Jy JSeog a1ct7so p~r (c4

QC deliverables

lll D A+ 18(s O B+ 0 C D PC

ReportlngOptlons o~151=JSi_ 181HC PONumber ~ 181 EDD PDF

Quote No to~C1f+C181 EDD email 181 PDF prelim NO FAX Temperature S- d-- degC D e-mail Login Confirmation

Ice present Yes IZfNo DONO FAX

Relinquished by DateTime Received by

Eastern Analytical Inc 25 Chanell Dr Concord NH 03301 Phone (603)228-0525 1-800-287-0525 Fax (603)228-4591

I 414 Pontius Ave North

Seattle WA 98109~ Ph 206-622-6960 FRONTIER- Fx 206-622-6870 cLoaAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 1B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-DUP1

Sample Duplicate Concentration Concentration RPD

Analyte ngL ngL MRL RPD Limit Method Notes

Mercury 3603 3621 505 0482 24 EPA 163IE

Fror tier Global Sciences Inc Tlte results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in Its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page 7of13 1102063 Final Report 01151011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Dige~tion Lab Number l202053-MSMSDI


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (microgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Beryllium ND 20200 2062 102 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 2177 15150 355l 907 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 205 70700 947 105 70 - 130 middot EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 6311 60600 6110 -331 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron ND 50500 4743 939 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 325 40400 758 107 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 553 40400 939 957 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 099 10100 1268 116 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Arsenic 1206 15150 2453 823 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 1213 30300 1452 791 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Molybltlenum 1952 20200 1925 -135 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmium 0623 080800 1437 IOI 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 1549 080800 2358 100 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Barium 2433 10100 2514 793 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Thallium 6848 040400 7126 689 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod QB-01 Lead ND 15150 1334 880 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPO

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20200 2025 100 l80 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 15150 3386 798 477 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 70700 909 996 412 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 60600 6122 -311 0200 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron 50500 4648 920 203 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 40400 813 121 706 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 40400 935 948 0415 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 10100 1013 904 224 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QR-08 Arsenic 15150 2577 905 492 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 30300 1399 614 376 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Molybdenum 20200 1909 -213 0823 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmiwn 080800 1230 752 155 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 080800 2316 950 177 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in 1his report only apply to tire samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcuslOdy docume11L This a11alytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

~-~~ Page 8of2J l 20206J Final Report

021512012 Liz Siska Project Manager


I 414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSMSD1


Spike Added (JlgL)

MSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 10100 2506 717 0305 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040400 6963 286 231 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 QB-01

Lead 15150 l403 926 509 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onlyapply to the samples analred in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced fn its entirety

Page 9of23 I202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 15

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B130Q5

Preparation Clo~~d Ve~~el Nitric Qven QigestiQn Lab Number f20205J-MSMSD3


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (JtgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Method Limits Notes

Beryllium ND 50500 4291 850 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Aluminum 2177 10100 9206 890 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Chromium 205 10100 1006 994 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS

Manganese 6311 IOl00 1582 942 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Iron ND 50500 4849 960 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Nickel 325 12625 1190 940 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Copper 553 12625 1149 906 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Zinc 099 25250 2401 950 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Arsenic 1206 10100 1050 103 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Selenium 1213 10100 1168 104 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Molybdenum 1952 50500 6851 970 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Cadmium 0623 10100 9695 954 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Antimony 1549 50500 5084 976 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Barium 2433 20200 2379 106 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thallium 6848 50500 5306 915 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS QB-01

Lead ND 25250 2205 873 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





Recovery Limits

RPDLimit Method Notes

Beryllium 50500 4337 859 108 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Aluminum 10100 9221 89l 0164 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Chromium 10100 9902 978 159 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Manganese 10100 1562 922 l27 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Iron 50500 4775 946 l53 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Nickel 12625 1197 946 0613 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Copper 12625 1129 890 179 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Zinc 25250 2399 950 00456 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Arsenic 10100 1013 992 357 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Selenium 10100 1151 102 149 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Molybdenum 50500 6848 970 00426 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Cadmium 10100 1004 987 345 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Antimony 50500 5111 98l 0531 70 - 130 20 EPA2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in rhls rtporl 011y apply 10 the samples anayrd i11 accordtmce with the chain ofcustodydocumtmL This analytical report mus bt nproducedin its entirety

~-~ Page Oo23 1202063 Final Report 02S2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 16

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSJMSD3 I


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





RPD Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 20200 2377 106 0106 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thalium 50500 5345 923 0720 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod ASQB-01

Lead 25250 2198 870 0315 7-0 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The lfl$Ws in this report onlyapply to the samplesOIUllyzed 11 accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page Ji of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 17

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98 l09

i Ph 206-622-6960 ~ ) Fx 206-622-6870 GIOBAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCJ Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD1

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method NotesLimits

Mercury 3603 10200 1409 103 71 - 125 EPA 1631pound

Spike MSD MSD Oo Recovery Added Concentration RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Notes Analyte

Mercury 10200 1410 103 00816 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The nsulis In thls rtporr only apply to the sampfuanalyud In accordana with the chain ofcustody documenL This analytical nportmust be reproducd in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Pagt J1of1J 1101063 Final Report 01152011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202035-02RE1

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration oo Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method Notes Limits

Mercury 3897 10200 1440 103 71 - 125 EPA I631E

Spike MSD MSD oo Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Notes (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Analyte

Mercury 10200 1445 103 0394 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 13of23 J202063 Final Report 0211512012

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager 19

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ J

~ - Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number f202159-MStMSDl

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration RecoveryAnalyte (JlgL) (microgL) 1tgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 15150 1891 125 70- 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Notes

Silver l5150 2021 133 664 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-07

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in its enlirety

Page Ua23 J202063 Final Report 021512012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Oo RecoveryAnalyte (microgL) (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 50500 4554 902 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

(microgL) RPO Limits (microgL) Recovery Limit Method NotesAnalyte

Silver 50500 4621 915 146 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz ~iska Project Manager

Page 15 o23 I202063 Final Report 0252012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 bullmiddot ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation ~losed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBS01

LCS Source Blank S~ike

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1891 945 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1430 953 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 644 920 85 ll5 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 511 962 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4547 909 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 402 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 418 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 1025 103 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1425 950 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2936 979 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Molybdenum 20000 182 910 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0828 103 middot 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0800 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 999 999 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0420 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead l5000 l552 103 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod






Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1863 93l 150 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1375 917 391 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 629 899 239 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 558 930 337 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4359 872 422 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 371 929 779 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 403 101 375 85 -115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 989 989 359 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1345 897 577 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2920 973 0548 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc Tht resulu In this report only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance wi1h the chain ofcustody documtnL This analytical rrport must be rrproduad in its entirety

~__J~ Pagt J6of23 202063 Final Rtpon 02JS2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 22

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960

~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOSAl SCIENCES



Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike Dup

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (pgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Molybdenum 20000 177 883 303 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0794 992 416 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0784 980 205 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 982 982 177 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0407 102 298 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead 15000 1535 102 106 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this reporr only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody docwnent This analytical report must be reproduced In its tnlirety

Page 17of3 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 23

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-BSBSD1

LCS Source LCS

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Limits Method Notes Mercury 15679 1577 101 80 - 120 EPA l63IE

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (ogL) (ogL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes Mercury 15679 1605 102 176 ampO - 120 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in zhis report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 8013 I202063 Fi11alReport 02151202


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202159 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike


Spike Added microgL)

LCS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Silver l5000 2156 144 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12


Spike Added (microgL)

LCSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RJgtD Limit Method Notes

Silver 15000 2141 143 0706 85 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 shy

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to zhe samples analyzed in accordance with rhe chain ofcustodydocument This analyticalreporl mus be reproduced in its entirety

Page 19of23 J102063 Final Report 02152011

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



Instrument Hg-16 Sequence 2B060I4

Preparation BrCI Oxidation

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202057-BLK1 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I63IE u F202057-BLK2 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I631E u F202057-BLK3 Mercury 005 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE u F202057-BLK4 Mercury 010 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE QB-04 U

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onl)I apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical rtporl must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 20of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North -Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOBAL- SCIENCES


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202053-BLK1 Beryllium 0005 0060 microgL F202053 SPA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Aluminum -004 40 microgL F202053 -PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Chromium -002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Manganese -0002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLKI Iron -03 100 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Nickel -003 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Copper 0008 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Zinc 010 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Arsenic -007 015 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Selenium -002 060 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Molybdenum OQl 006 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK I Cadmium 0005 0020 microgL F202053 3PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Antimony 0019 0020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Barium 0005 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Thallium 0028 0005 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc QB-10 F202053-BLK1 Lead 0004 0040 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed iTJ accordance wizh the chain ofcustody docrmienl This analyticalreport musl be ltproductd in its entirety

Page2J o23 J202063 Final Rtport 021)52012

Liz Siska Project Manager



414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202159-BLK1 Silver 00006 0020 microgL F202159 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced In its enlirgtty

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page22of3 J202063 Final Report 02152012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 bull ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Notes and Definitions U Analyte included in the analysis but not detected

QR-08 The RPD value for the MSMSD was outside ofacceptance limits Batch QC acceptable based on matrix duplicate andor LCSLCSD RPD values within control limits

QM-12 Initial or continuing calibration verification andor blank spikeblank spike duplicate recoveries above upper control limits All reported sample concentrations were below the reporting limit

QM-07 The spike recovery was outside control limits for the MS andor MSD The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QM-02 The MS andor MSD recoveries outside acceptance limits due to spike concentration less than I times the sample concentration The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QB-10 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL Only report sample results greater than 10 times the contamination value (QB-01 ) or samples less than the MRL (QB-02)

QB-04 The blank was preserved to 2 BrCl rather than 1 The control limit for blanks preserved to greater than 1 BrCI is the preservation percentage multiplied by the MRL

QB-02 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the sample concentrations are Jess than the MRL

QB-0 l The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the blank concentration(s) are Jess than 10 ofthe sample result

AS This MS andor MSD is an analytical spike andor an analytical spike duplicate

DET Analyte Detected

MDL Minimum Detection Limit

lv1RL Minimum Reporting Limit

ND Analyte Not Detected at or above the reporting limit

wet Sample results reported on a wet weight basis

dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis

RPD Relative Percent Difference

RSD Relative Standard Deviation

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be middoteproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

P~ge 23 o23 J202063 Final Report 02115120]2


107330middotJJlilI eastern analytical inc CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 0

professional laboratory seNlces GZANH (I)

DateTime Composites need start andstop datestimesSample IDs Matrix Parameters and Sample Notes of containers

Effluent Field Blank AqToUSWLLMetalsSub2z2b12 aqueous c=rcompS 17

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered LB Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate Circle_preservatives HCL HNO HSO NaOH MEOH Nasp~ Treat Tank Effluent I 122 o12 AqToVSWLLMetalsSubBODCODCyanTFN030G1664S04TDSTSSN624Afe6i6TPhenolsE606PGBfNH3ClpH

aqueous ~ fjYorComp9 5

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered L0 Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate fircle preservativels1ED HNO W)~ MEOH Naso ~

Please ensure this auto COC is accurate adheres to permit orsampling requirements for this sampling event and modify as necessary EAi Project ID 3902

Project Name Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

State NH

Client (Pro Mgr) Paul Pepler

Customer GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Address 380 Harvey Road

City Manchester NH 03103

Phone 623-3600 Fax 624-9463 (37)

EmaiAddress paulpeplergzacom

Results Needed by Preferred date----shy

Notes about project (ie Special Limits Billing info if different)

Subcontract ALL metals to Frontier Global Sciences Metals include Total AlSbAsBaBeCdCrCuFePbMnHgMoNlSeAgTI Zn Metals analyses require project-specific MSMSD

eczgt~ ~ 6Jy JSeog a1ct7so p~r (c4

QC deliverables

lll D A+ 18(s O B+ 0 C D PC

ReportlngOptlons o~151=JSi_ 181HC PONumber ~ 181 EDD PDF

Quote No to~C1f+C181 EDD email 181 PDF prelim NO FAX Temperature S- d-- degC D e-mail Login Confirmation

Ice present Yes IZfNo DONO FAX

Relinquished by DateTime Received by

Eastern Analytical Inc 25 Chanell Dr Concord NH 03301 Phone (603)228-0525 1-800-287-0525 Fax (603)228-4591

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Dige~tion Lab Number l202053-MSMSDI


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (microgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Beryllium ND 20200 2062 102 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 2177 15150 355l 907 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 205 70700 947 105 70 - 130 middot EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 6311 60600 6110 -331 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron ND 50500 4743 939 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 325 40400 758 107 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 553 40400 939 957 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 099 10100 1268 116 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Arsenic 1206 15150 2453 823 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 1213 30300 1452 791 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Molybltlenum 1952 20200 1925 -135 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmium 0623 080800 1437 IOI 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 1549 080800 2358 100 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod Barium 2433 10100 2514 793 70 shy 130 EPA 2008 Mod Thallium 6848 040400 7126 689 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod QB-01 Lead ND 15150 1334 880 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPO

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20200 2025 100 l80 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Aluminum 15150 3386 798 477 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Chromium 70700 909 996 412 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Manganese 60600 6122 -311 0200 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Iron 50500 4648 920 203 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Nickel 40400 813 121 706 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Copper 40400 935 948 0415 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Zinc 10100 1013 904 224 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QR-08 Arsenic 15150 2577 905 492 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Selenium 30300 1399 614 376 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Molybdenum 20200 1909 -213 0823 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 Cadmiwn 080800 1230 752 155 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod Antimony 080800 2316 950 177 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in 1his report only apply to tire samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcuslOdy docume11L This a11alytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

~-~~ Page 8of2J l 20206J Final Report

021512012 Liz Siska Project Manager


I 414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSMSD1


Spike Added (JlgL)

MSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 10100 2506 717 0305 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040400 6963 286 231 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 QB-01

Lead 15150 l403 926 509 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onlyapply to the samples analred in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced fn its entirety

Page 9of23 I202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 15

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B130Q5

Preparation Clo~~d Ve~~el Nitric Qven QigestiQn Lab Number f20205J-MSMSD3


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (JtgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Method Limits Notes

Beryllium ND 50500 4291 850 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Aluminum 2177 10100 9206 890 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Chromium 205 10100 1006 994 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS

Manganese 6311 IOl00 1582 942 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Iron ND 50500 4849 960 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Nickel 325 12625 1190 940 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Copper 553 12625 1149 906 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Zinc 099 25250 2401 950 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Arsenic 1206 10100 1050 103 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Selenium 1213 10100 1168 104 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Molybdenum 1952 50500 6851 970 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Cadmium 0623 10100 9695 954 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Antimony 1549 50500 5084 976 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Barium 2433 20200 2379 106 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thallium 6848 50500 5306 915 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS QB-01

Lead ND 25250 2205 873 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





Recovery Limits

RPDLimit Method Notes

Beryllium 50500 4337 859 108 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Aluminum 10100 9221 89l 0164 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Chromium 10100 9902 978 159 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Manganese 10100 1562 922 l27 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Iron 50500 4775 946 l53 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Nickel 12625 1197 946 0613 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Copper 12625 1129 890 179 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Zinc 25250 2399 950 00456 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Arsenic 10100 1013 992 357 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Selenium 10100 1151 102 149 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Molybdenum 50500 6848 970 00426 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Cadmium 10100 1004 987 345 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Antimony 50500 5111 98l 0531 70 - 130 20 EPA2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in rhls rtporl 011y apply 10 the samples anayrd i11 accordtmce with the chain ofcustodydocumtmL This analytical report mus bt nproducedin its entirety

~-~ Page Oo23 1202063 Final Report 02S2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 16

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSJMSD3 I


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





RPD Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 20200 2377 106 0106 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thalium 50500 5345 923 0720 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod ASQB-01

Lead 25250 2198 870 0315 7-0 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The lfl$Ws in this report onlyapply to the samplesOIUllyzed 11 accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page Ji of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 17

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98 l09

i Ph 206-622-6960 ~ ) Fx 206-622-6870 GIOBAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCJ Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD1

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method NotesLimits

Mercury 3603 10200 1409 103 71 - 125 EPA 1631pound

Spike MSD MSD Oo Recovery Added Concentration RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Notes Analyte

Mercury 10200 1410 103 00816 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The nsulis In thls rtporr only apply to the sampfuanalyud In accordana with the chain ofcustody documenL This analytical nportmust be reproducd in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Pagt J1of1J 1101063 Final Report 01152011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202035-02RE1

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration oo Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method Notes Limits

Mercury 3897 10200 1440 103 71 - 125 EPA I631E

Spike MSD MSD oo Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Notes (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Analyte

Mercury 10200 1445 103 0394 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 13of23 J202063 Final Report 0211512012

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager 19

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ J

~ - Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number f202159-MStMSDl

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration RecoveryAnalyte (JlgL) (microgL) 1tgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 15150 1891 125 70- 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Notes

Silver l5150 2021 133 664 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-07

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in its enlirety

Page Ua23 J202063 Final Report 021512012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Oo RecoveryAnalyte (microgL) (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 50500 4554 902 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

(microgL) RPO Limits (microgL) Recovery Limit Method NotesAnalyte

Silver 50500 4621 915 146 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz ~iska Project Manager

Page 15 o23 I202063 Final Report 0252012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 bullmiddot ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation ~losed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBS01

LCS Source Blank S~ike

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1891 945 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1430 953 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 644 920 85 ll5 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 511 962 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4547 909 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 402 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 418 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 1025 103 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1425 950 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2936 979 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Molybdenum 20000 182 910 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0828 103 middot 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0800 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 999 999 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0420 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead l5000 l552 103 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod






Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1863 93l 150 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1375 917 391 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 629 899 239 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 558 930 337 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4359 872 422 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 371 929 779 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 403 101 375 85 -115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 989 989 359 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1345 897 577 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2920 973 0548 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc Tht resulu In this report only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance wi1h the chain ofcustody documtnL This analytical rrport must be rrproduad in its entirety

~__J~ Pagt J6of23 202063 Final Rtpon 02JS2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 22

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960

~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOSAl SCIENCES



Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike Dup

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (pgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Molybdenum 20000 177 883 303 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0794 992 416 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0784 980 205 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 982 982 177 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0407 102 298 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead 15000 1535 102 106 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this reporr only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody docwnent This analytical report must be reproduced In its tnlirety

Page 17of3 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 23

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-BSBSD1

LCS Source LCS

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Limits Method Notes Mercury 15679 1577 101 80 - 120 EPA l63IE

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (ogL) (ogL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes Mercury 15679 1605 102 176 ampO - 120 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in zhis report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 8013 I202063 Fi11alReport 02151202


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202159 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike


Spike Added microgL)

LCS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Silver l5000 2156 144 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12


Spike Added (microgL)

LCSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RJgtD Limit Method Notes

Silver 15000 2141 143 0706 85 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 shy

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to zhe samples analyzed in accordance with rhe chain ofcustodydocument This analyticalreporl mus be reproduced in its entirety

Page 19of23 J102063 Final Report 02152011

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



Instrument Hg-16 Sequence 2B060I4

Preparation BrCI Oxidation

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202057-BLK1 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I63IE u F202057-BLK2 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I631E u F202057-BLK3 Mercury 005 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE u F202057-BLK4 Mercury 010 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE QB-04 U

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onl)I apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical rtporl must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 20of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North -Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOBAL- SCIENCES


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202053-BLK1 Beryllium 0005 0060 microgL F202053 SPA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Aluminum -004 40 microgL F202053 -PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Chromium -002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Manganese -0002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLKI Iron -03 100 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Nickel -003 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Copper 0008 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Zinc 010 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Arsenic -007 015 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Selenium -002 060 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Molybdenum OQl 006 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK I Cadmium 0005 0020 microgL F202053 3PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Antimony 0019 0020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Barium 0005 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Thallium 0028 0005 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc QB-10 F202053-BLK1 Lead 0004 0040 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed iTJ accordance wizh the chain ofcustody docrmienl This analyticalreport musl be ltproductd in its entirety

Page2J o23 J202063 Final Rtport 021)52012

Liz Siska Project Manager



414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202159-BLK1 Silver 00006 0020 microgL F202159 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced In its enlirgtty

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page22of3 J202063 Final Report 02152012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 bull ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Notes and Definitions U Analyte included in the analysis but not detected

QR-08 The RPD value for the MSMSD was outside ofacceptance limits Batch QC acceptable based on matrix duplicate andor LCSLCSD RPD values within control limits

QM-12 Initial or continuing calibration verification andor blank spikeblank spike duplicate recoveries above upper control limits All reported sample concentrations were below the reporting limit

QM-07 The spike recovery was outside control limits for the MS andor MSD The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QM-02 The MS andor MSD recoveries outside acceptance limits due to spike concentration less than I times the sample concentration The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QB-10 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL Only report sample results greater than 10 times the contamination value (QB-01 ) or samples less than the MRL (QB-02)

QB-04 The blank was preserved to 2 BrCl rather than 1 The control limit for blanks preserved to greater than 1 BrCI is the preservation percentage multiplied by the MRL

QB-02 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the sample concentrations are Jess than the MRL

QB-0 l The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the blank concentration(s) are Jess than 10 ofthe sample result

AS This MS andor MSD is an analytical spike andor an analytical spike duplicate

DET Analyte Detected

MDL Minimum Detection Limit

lv1RL Minimum Reporting Limit

ND Analyte Not Detected at or above the reporting limit

wet Sample results reported on a wet weight basis

dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis

RPD Relative Percent Difference

RSD Relative Standard Deviation

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be middoteproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

P~ge 23 o23 J202063 Final Report 02115120]2


107330middotJJlilI eastern analytical inc CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 0

professional laboratory seNlces GZANH (I)

DateTime Composites need start andstop datestimesSample IDs Matrix Parameters and Sample Notes of containers

Effluent Field Blank AqToUSWLLMetalsSub2z2b12 aqueous c=rcompS 17

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered LB Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate Circle_preservatives HCL HNO HSO NaOH MEOH Nasp~ Treat Tank Effluent I 122 o12 AqToVSWLLMetalsSubBODCODCyanTFN030G1664S04TDSTSSN624Afe6i6TPhenolsE606PGBfNH3ClpH

aqueous ~ fjYorComp9 5

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered L0 Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate fircle preservativels1ED HNO W)~ MEOH Naso ~

Please ensure this auto COC is accurate adheres to permit orsampling requirements for this sampling event and modify as necessary EAi Project ID 3902

Project Name Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

State NH

Client (Pro Mgr) Paul Pepler

Customer GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Address 380 Harvey Road

City Manchester NH 03103

Phone 623-3600 Fax 624-9463 (37)

EmaiAddress paulpeplergzacom

Results Needed by Preferred date----shy

Notes about project (ie Special Limits Billing info if different)

Subcontract ALL metals to Frontier Global Sciences Metals include Total AlSbAsBaBeCdCrCuFePbMnHgMoNlSeAgTI Zn Metals analyses require project-specific MSMSD

eczgt~ ~ 6Jy JSeog a1ct7so p~r (c4

QC deliverables

lll D A+ 18(s O B+ 0 C D PC

ReportlngOptlons o~151=JSi_ 181HC PONumber ~ 181 EDD PDF

Quote No to~C1f+C181 EDD email 181 PDF prelim NO FAX Temperature S- d-- degC D e-mail Login Confirmation

Ice present Yes IZfNo DONO FAX

Relinquished by DateTime Received by

Eastern Analytical Inc 25 Chanell Dr Concord NH 03301 Phone (603)228-0525 1-800-287-0525 Fax (603)228-4591

I 414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSMSD1


Spike Added (JlgL)

MSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 10100 2506 717 0305 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040400 6963 286 231 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-02 QB-01

Lead 15150 l403 926 509 70 -130 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onlyapply to the samples analred in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced fn its entirety

Page 9of23 I202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 15

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B130Q5

Preparation Clo~~d Ve~~el Nitric Qven QigestiQn Lab Number f20205J-MSMSD3


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (JtgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Method Limits Notes

Beryllium ND 50500 4291 850 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Aluminum 2177 10100 9206 890 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Chromium 205 10100 1006 994 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS

Manganese 6311 IOl00 1582 942 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Iron ND 50500 4849 960 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Nickel 325 12625 1190 940 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Copper 553 12625 1149 906 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Zinc 099 25250 2401 950 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Arsenic 1206 10100 1050 103 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Selenium 1213 10100 1168 104 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Molybdenum 1952 50500 6851 970 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Cadmium 0623 10100 9695 954 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Antimony 1549 50500 5084 976 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Barium 2433 20200 2379 106 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thallium 6848 50500 5306 915 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS QB-01

Lead ND 25250 2205 873 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





Recovery Limits

RPDLimit Method Notes

Beryllium 50500 4337 859 108 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Aluminum 10100 9221 89l 0164 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Chromium 10100 9902 978 159 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Manganese 10100 1562 922 l27 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Iron 50500 4775 946 l53 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Nickel 12625 1197 946 0613 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Copper 12625 1129 890 179 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Zinc 25250 2399 950 00456 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Arsenic 10100 1013 992 357 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Selenium 10100 1151 102 149 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Molybdenum 50500 6848 970 00426 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Cadmium 10100 1004 987 345 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Antimony 50500 5111 98l 0531 70 - 130 20 EPA2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in rhls rtporl 011y apply 10 the samples anayrd i11 accordtmce with the chain ofcustodydocumtmL This analytical report mus bt nproducedin its entirety

~-~ Page Oo23 1202063 Final Report 02S2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 16

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSJMSD3 I


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





RPD Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 20200 2377 106 0106 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thalium 50500 5345 923 0720 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod ASQB-01

Lead 25250 2198 870 0315 7-0 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The lfl$Ws in this report onlyapply to the samplesOIUllyzed 11 accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page Ji of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 17

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98 l09

i Ph 206-622-6960 ~ ) Fx 206-622-6870 GIOBAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCJ Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD1

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method NotesLimits

Mercury 3603 10200 1409 103 71 - 125 EPA 1631pound

Spike MSD MSD Oo Recovery Added Concentration RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Notes Analyte

Mercury 10200 1410 103 00816 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The nsulis In thls rtporr only apply to the sampfuanalyud In accordana with the chain ofcustody documenL This analytical nportmust be reproducd in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Pagt J1of1J 1101063 Final Report 01152011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202035-02RE1

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration oo Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method Notes Limits

Mercury 3897 10200 1440 103 71 - 125 EPA I631E

Spike MSD MSD oo Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Notes (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Analyte

Mercury 10200 1445 103 0394 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

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Liz Siska Project Manager 19

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ J

~ - Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number f202159-MStMSDl

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration RecoveryAnalyte (JlgL) (microgL) 1tgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 15150 1891 125 70- 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Notes

Silver l5150 2021 133 664 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-07

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in its enlirety

Page Ua23 J202063 Final Report 021512012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Oo RecoveryAnalyte (microgL) (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 50500 4554 902 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

(microgL) RPO Limits (microgL) Recovery Limit Method NotesAnalyte

Silver 50500 4621 915 146 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz ~iska Project Manager

Page 15 o23 I202063 Final Report 0252012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 bullmiddot ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation ~losed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBS01

LCS Source Blank S~ike

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1891 945 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1430 953 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 644 920 85 ll5 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 511 962 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4547 909 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 402 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 418 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 1025 103 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1425 950 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2936 979 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Molybdenum 20000 182 910 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0828 103 middot 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0800 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 999 999 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0420 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead l5000 l552 103 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod






Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1863 93l 150 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1375 917 391 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 629 899 239 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 558 930 337 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4359 872 422 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 371 929 779 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 403 101 375 85 -115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 989 989 359 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1345 897 577 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2920 973 0548 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc Tht resulu In this report only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance wi1h the chain ofcustody documtnL This analytical rrport must be rrproduad in its entirety

~__J~ Pagt J6of23 202063 Final Rtpon 02JS2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 22

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960

~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOSAl SCIENCES



Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike Dup

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (pgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Molybdenum 20000 177 883 303 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0794 992 416 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0784 980 205 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 982 982 177 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0407 102 298 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead 15000 1535 102 106 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this reporr only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody docwnent This analytical report must be reproduced In its tnlirety

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Liz Siska Project Manager 23

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-BSBSD1

LCS Source LCS

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Limits Method Notes Mercury 15679 1577 101 80 - 120 EPA l63IE

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (ogL) (ogL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes Mercury 15679 1605 102 176 ampO - 120 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in zhis report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 8013 I202063 Fi11alReport 02151202


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202159 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike


Spike Added microgL)

LCS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Silver l5000 2156 144 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12


Spike Added (microgL)

LCSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RJgtD Limit Method Notes

Silver 15000 2141 143 0706 85 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 shy

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to zhe samples analyzed in accordance with rhe chain ofcustodydocument This analyticalreporl mus be reproduced in its entirety

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Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



Instrument Hg-16 Sequence 2B060I4

Preparation BrCI Oxidation

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202057-BLK1 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I63IE u F202057-BLK2 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I631E u F202057-BLK3 Mercury 005 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE u F202057-BLK4 Mercury 010 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE QB-04 U

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onl)I apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical rtporl must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 20of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North -Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOBAL- SCIENCES


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202053-BLK1 Beryllium 0005 0060 microgL F202053 SPA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Aluminum -004 40 microgL F202053 -PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Chromium -002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Manganese -0002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLKI Iron -03 100 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Nickel -003 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Copper 0008 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Zinc 010 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Arsenic -007 015 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Selenium -002 060 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Molybdenum OQl 006 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK I Cadmium 0005 0020 microgL F202053 3PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Antimony 0019 0020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Barium 0005 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Thallium 0028 0005 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc QB-10 F202053-BLK1 Lead 0004 0040 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed iTJ accordance wizh the chain ofcustody docrmienl This analyticalreport musl be ltproductd in its entirety

Page2J o23 J202063 Final Rtport 021)52012

Liz Siska Project Manager



414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202159-BLK1 Silver 00006 0020 microgL F202159 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced In its enlirgtty

Liz Siska Project Manager

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414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 bull ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Notes and Definitions U Analyte included in the analysis but not detected

QR-08 The RPD value for the MSMSD was outside ofacceptance limits Batch QC acceptable based on matrix duplicate andor LCSLCSD RPD values within control limits

QM-12 Initial or continuing calibration verification andor blank spikeblank spike duplicate recoveries above upper control limits All reported sample concentrations were below the reporting limit

QM-07 The spike recovery was outside control limits for the MS andor MSD The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QM-02 The MS andor MSD recoveries outside acceptance limits due to spike concentration less than I times the sample concentration The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QB-10 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL Only report sample results greater than 10 times the contamination value (QB-01 ) or samples less than the MRL (QB-02)

QB-04 The blank was preserved to 2 BrCl rather than 1 The control limit for blanks preserved to greater than 1 BrCI is the preservation percentage multiplied by the MRL

QB-02 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the sample concentrations are Jess than the MRL

QB-0 l The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the blank concentration(s) are Jess than 10 ofthe sample result

AS This MS andor MSD is an analytical spike andor an analytical spike duplicate

DET Analyte Detected

MDL Minimum Detection Limit

lv1RL Minimum Reporting Limit

ND Analyte Not Detected at or above the reporting limit

wet Sample results reported on a wet weight basis

dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis

RPD Relative Percent Difference

RSD Relative Standard Deviation

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be middoteproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

P~ge 23 o23 J202063 Final Report 02115120]2


107330middotJJlilI eastern analytical inc CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 0

professional laboratory seNlces GZANH (I)

DateTime Composites need start andstop datestimesSample IDs Matrix Parameters and Sample Notes of containers

Effluent Field Blank AqToUSWLLMetalsSub2z2b12 aqueous c=rcompS 17

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered LB Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate Circle_preservatives HCL HNO HSO NaOH MEOH Nasp~ Treat Tank Effluent I 122 o12 AqToVSWLLMetalsSubBODCODCyanTFN030G1664S04TDSTSSN624Afe6i6TPhenolsE606PGBfNH3ClpH

aqueous ~ fjYorComp9 5

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered L0 Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate fircle preservativels1ED HNO W)~ MEOH Naso ~

Please ensure this auto COC is accurate adheres to permit orsampling requirements for this sampling event and modify as necessary EAi Project ID 3902

Project Name Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

State NH

Client (Pro Mgr) Paul Pepler

Customer GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Address 380 Harvey Road

City Manchester NH 03103

Phone 623-3600 Fax 624-9463 (37)

EmaiAddress paulpeplergzacom

Results Needed by Preferred date----shy

Notes about project (ie Special Limits Billing info if different)

Subcontract ALL metals to Frontier Global Sciences Metals include Total AlSbAsBaBeCdCrCuFePbMnHgMoNlSeAgTI Zn Metals analyses require project-specific MSMSD

eczgt~ ~ 6Jy JSeog a1ct7so p~r (c4

QC deliverables

lll D A+ 18(s O B+ 0 C D PC

ReportlngOptlons o~151=JSi_ 181HC PONumber ~ 181 EDD PDF

Quote No to~C1f+C181 EDD email 181 PDF prelim NO FAX Temperature S- d-- degC D e-mail Login Confirmation

Ice present Yes IZfNo DONO FAX

Relinquished by DateTime Received by

Eastern Analytical Inc 25 Chanell Dr Concord NH 03301 Phone (603)228-0525 1-800-287-0525 Fax (603)228-4591

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2B130Q5

Preparation Clo~~d Ve~~el Nitric Qven QigestiQn Lab Number f20205J-MSMSD3


Sample Concentration


Spike Added (JtgL)

MS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Method Limits Notes

Beryllium ND 50500 4291 850 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Aluminum 2177 10100 9206 890 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Chromium 205 10100 1006 994 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS

Manganese 6311 IOl00 1582 942 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Iron ND 50500 4849 960 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Nickel 325 12625 1190 940 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Copper 553 12625 1149 906 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Zinc 099 25250 2401 950 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Arsenic 1206 10100 1050 103 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Selenium 1213 10100 1168 104 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Molybdenum 1952 50500 6851 970 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Cadmium 0623 10100 9695 954 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Antimony 1549 50500 5084 976 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Barium 2433 20200 2379 106 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thallium 6848 50500 5306 915 70 - 130 EPA2008 Mod AS QB-01

Lead ND 25250 2205 873 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





Recovery Limits

RPDLimit Method Notes

Beryllium 50500 4337 859 108 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Aluminum 10100 9221 89l 0164 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Chromium 10100 9902 978 159 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Manganese 10100 1562 922 l27 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Iron 50500 4775 946 l53 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Nickel 12625 1197 946 0613 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Copper 12625 1129 890 179 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Zinc 25250 2399 950 00456 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Arsenic 10100 1013 992 357 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Selenium 10100 1151 102 149 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Molybdenum 50500 6848 970 00426 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Cadmium 10100 1004 987 345 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS Antimony 50500 5111 98l 0531 70 - 130 20 EPA2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in rhls rtporl 011y apply 10 the samples anayrd i11 accordtmce with the chain ofcustodydocumtmL This analytical report mus bt nproducedin its entirety

~-~ Page Oo23 1202063 Final Report 02S2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 16

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSJMSD3 I


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





RPD Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 20200 2377 106 0106 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thalium 50500 5345 923 0720 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod ASQB-01

Lead 25250 2198 870 0315 7-0 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The lfl$Ws in this report onlyapply to the samplesOIUllyzed 11 accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page Ji of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 17

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98 l09

i Ph 206-622-6960 ~ ) Fx 206-622-6870 GIOBAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCJ Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD1

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method NotesLimits

Mercury 3603 10200 1409 103 71 - 125 EPA 1631pound

Spike MSD MSD Oo Recovery Added Concentration RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Notes Analyte

Mercury 10200 1410 103 00816 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The nsulis In thls rtporr only apply to the sampfuanalyud In accordana with the chain ofcustody documenL This analytical nportmust be reproducd in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Pagt J1of1J 1101063 Final Report 01152011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202035-02RE1

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration oo Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method Notes Limits

Mercury 3897 10200 1440 103 71 - 125 EPA I631E

Spike MSD MSD oo Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Notes (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Analyte

Mercury 10200 1445 103 0394 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

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Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager 19

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ J

~ - Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number f202159-MStMSDl

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration RecoveryAnalyte (JlgL) (microgL) 1tgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 15150 1891 125 70- 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Notes

Silver l5150 2021 133 664 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-07

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in its enlirety

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414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Oo RecoveryAnalyte (microgL) (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 50500 4554 902 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

(microgL) RPO Limits (microgL) Recovery Limit Method NotesAnalyte

Silver 50500 4621 915 146 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz ~iska Project Manager

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414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 bullmiddot ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation ~losed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBS01

LCS Source Blank S~ike

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1891 945 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1430 953 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 644 920 85 ll5 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 511 962 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4547 909 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 402 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 418 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 1025 103 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1425 950 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2936 979 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Molybdenum 20000 182 910 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0828 103 middot 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0800 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 999 999 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0420 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead l5000 l552 103 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod






Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1863 93l 150 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1375 917 391 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 629 899 239 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 558 930 337 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4359 872 422 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 371 929 779 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 403 101 375 85 -115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 989 989 359 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1345 897 577 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2920 973 0548 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc Tht resulu In this report only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance wi1h the chain ofcustody documtnL This analytical rrport must be rrproduad in its entirety

~__J~ Pagt J6of23 202063 Final Rtpon 02JS2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 22

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960

~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOSAl SCIENCES



Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike Dup

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (pgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Molybdenum 20000 177 883 303 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0794 992 416 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0784 980 205 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 982 982 177 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0407 102 298 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead 15000 1535 102 106 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this reporr only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody docwnent This analytical report must be reproduced In its tnlirety

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Liz Siska Project Manager 23

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-BSBSD1

LCS Source LCS

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Limits Method Notes Mercury 15679 1577 101 80 - 120 EPA l63IE

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (ogL) (ogL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes Mercury 15679 1605 102 176 ampO - 120 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in zhis report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 8013 I202063 Fi11alReport 02151202


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202159 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike


Spike Added microgL)

LCS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Silver l5000 2156 144 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12


Spike Added (microgL)

LCSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RJgtD Limit Method Notes

Silver 15000 2141 143 0706 85 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 shy

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to zhe samples analyzed in accordance with rhe chain ofcustodydocument This analyticalreporl mus be reproduced in its entirety

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Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



Instrument Hg-16 Sequence 2B060I4

Preparation BrCI Oxidation

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202057-BLK1 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I63IE u F202057-BLK2 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I631E u F202057-BLK3 Mercury 005 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE u F202057-BLK4 Mercury 010 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE QB-04 U

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onl)I apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical rtporl must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 20of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North -Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOBAL- SCIENCES


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202053-BLK1 Beryllium 0005 0060 microgL F202053 SPA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Aluminum -004 40 microgL F202053 -PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Chromium -002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Manganese -0002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLKI Iron -03 100 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Nickel -003 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Copper 0008 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Zinc 010 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Arsenic -007 015 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Selenium -002 060 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Molybdenum OQl 006 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK I Cadmium 0005 0020 microgL F202053 3PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Antimony 0019 0020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Barium 0005 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Thallium 0028 0005 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc QB-10 F202053-BLK1 Lead 0004 0040 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed iTJ accordance wizh the chain ofcustody docrmienl This analyticalreport musl be ltproductd in its entirety

Page2J o23 J202063 Final Rtport 021)52012

Liz Siska Project Manager



414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202159-BLK1 Silver 00006 0020 microgL F202159 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced In its enlirgtty

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page22of3 J202063 Final Report 02152012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 bull ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Notes and Definitions U Analyte included in the analysis but not detected

QR-08 The RPD value for the MSMSD was outside ofacceptance limits Batch QC acceptable based on matrix duplicate andor LCSLCSD RPD values within control limits

QM-12 Initial or continuing calibration verification andor blank spikeblank spike duplicate recoveries above upper control limits All reported sample concentrations were below the reporting limit

QM-07 The spike recovery was outside control limits for the MS andor MSD The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QM-02 The MS andor MSD recoveries outside acceptance limits due to spike concentration less than I times the sample concentration The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QB-10 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL Only report sample results greater than 10 times the contamination value (QB-01 ) or samples less than the MRL (QB-02)

QB-04 The blank was preserved to 2 BrCl rather than 1 The control limit for blanks preserved to greater than 1 BrCI is the preservation percentage multiplied by the MRL

QB-02 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the sample concentrations are Jess than the MRL

QB-0 l The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the blank concentration(s) are Jess than 10 ofthe sample result

AS This MS andor MSD is an analytical spike andor an analytical spike duplicate

DET Analyte Detected

MDL Minimum Detection Limit

lv1RL Minimum Reporting Limit

ND Analyte Not Detected at or above the reporting limit

wet Sample results reported on a wet weight basis

dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis

RPD Relative Percent Difference

RSD Relative Standard Deviation

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be middoteproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

P~ge 23 o23 J202063 Final Report 02115120]2


107330middotJJlilI eastern analytical inc CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 0

professional laboratory seNlces GZANH (I)

DateTime Composites need start andstop datestimesSample IDs Matrix Parameters and Sample Notes of containers

Effluent Field Blank AqToUSWLLMetalsSub2z2b12 aqueous c=rcompS 17

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered LB Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate Circle_preservatives HCL HNO HSO NaOH MEOH Nasp~ Treat Tank Effluent I 122 o12 AqToVSWLLMetalsSubBODCODCyanTFN030G1664S04TDSTSSN624Afe6i6TPhenolsE606PGBfNH3ClpH

aqueous ~ fjYorComp9 5

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered L0 Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate fircle preservativels1ED HNO W)~ MEOH Naso ~

Please ensure this auto COC is accurate adheres to permit orsampling requirements for this sampling event and modify as necessary EAi Project ID 3902

Project Name Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

State NH

Client (Pro Mgr) Paul Pepler

Customer GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Address 380 Harvey Road

City Manchester NH 03103

Phone 623-3600 Fax 624-9463 (37)

EmaiAddress paulpeplergzacom

Results Needed by Preferred date----shy

Notes about project (ie Special Limits Billing info if different)

Subcontract ALL metals to Frontier Global Sciences Metals include Total AlSbAsBaBeCdCrCuFePbMnHgMoNlSeAgTI Zn Metals analyses require project-specific MSMSD

eczgt~ ~ 6Jy JSeog a1ct7so p~r (c4

QC deliverables

lll D A+ 18(s O B+ 0 C D PC

ReportlngOptlons o~151=JSi_ 181HC PONumber ~ 181 EDD PDF

Quote No to~C1f+C181 EDD email 181 PDF prelim NO FAX Temperature S- d-- degC D e-mail Login Confirmation

Ice present Yes IZfNo DONO FAX

Relinquished by DateTime Received by

Eastern Analytical Inc 25 Chanell Dr Concord NH 03301 Phone (603)228-0525 1-800-287-0525 Fax (603)228-4591

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202053 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-MSJMSD3 I


Spike Added (microgL)

MSD Concentration





RPD Recovery

Limits RPDLimit Method Notes

Barium 20200 2377 106 0106 70- 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Thalium 50500 5345 923 0720 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod ASQB-01

Lead 25250 2198 870 0315 7-0 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The lfl$Ws in this report onlyapply to the samplesOIUllyzed 11 accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page Ji of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 17

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98 l09

i Ph 206-622-6960 ~ ) Fx 206-622-6870 GIOBAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCJ Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD1

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method NotesLimits

Mercury 3603 10200 1409 103 71 - 125 EPA 1631pound

Spike MSD MSD Oo Recovery Added Concentration RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Notes Analyte

Mercury 10200 1410 103 00816 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The nsulis In thls rtporr only apply to the sampfuanalyud In accordana with the chain ofcustody documenL This analytical nportmust be reproducd in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Pagt J1of1J 1101063 Final Report 01152011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202035-02RE1

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration oo Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method Notes Limits

Mercury 3897 10200 1440 103 71 - 125 EPA I631E

Spike MSD MSD oo Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Notes (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Analyte

Mercury 10200 1445 103 0394 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 13of23 J202063 Final Report 0211512012

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager 19

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ J

~ - Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number f202159-MStMSDl

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration RecoveryAnalyte (JlgL) (microgL) 1tgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 15150 1891 125 70- 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Notes

Silver l5150 2021 133 664 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-07

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in its enlirety

Page Ua23 J202063 Final Report 021512012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Oo RecoveryAnalyte (microgL) (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 50500 4554 902 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

(microgL) RPO Limits (microgL) Recovery Limit Method NotesAnalyte

Silver 50500 4621 915 146 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz ~iska Project Manager

Page 15 o23 I202063 Final Report 0252012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 bullmiddot ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation ~losed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBS01

LCS Source Blank S~ike

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1891 945 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1430 953 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 644 920 85 ll5 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 511 962 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4547 909 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 402 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 418 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 1025 103 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1425 950 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2936 979 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Molybdenum 20000 182 910 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0828 103 middot 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0800 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 999 999 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0420 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead l5000 l552 103 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod






Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1863 93l 150 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1375 917 391 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 629 899 239 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 558 930 337 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4359 872 422 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 371 929 779 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 403 101 375 85 -115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 989 989 359 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1345 897 577 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2920 973 0548 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc Tht resulu In this report only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance wi1h the chain ofcustody documtnL This analytical rrport must be rrproduad in its entirety

~__J~ Pagt J6of23 202063 Final Rtpon 02JS2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 22

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960

~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOSAl SCIENCES



Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike Dup

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (pgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Molybdenum 20000 177 883 303 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0794 992 416 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0784 980 205 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 982 982 177 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0407 102 298 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead 15000 1535 102 106 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this reporr only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody docwnent This analytical report must be reproduced In its tnlirety

Page 17of3 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 23

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-BSBSD1

LCS Source LCS

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Limits Method Notes Mercury 15679 1577 101 80 - 120 EPA l63IE

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (ogL) (ogL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes Mercury 15679 1605 102 176 ampO - 120 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in zhis report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 8013 I202063 Fi11alReport 02151202


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202159 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike


Spike Added microgL)

LCS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Silver l5000 2156 144 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12


Spike Added (microgL)

LCSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RJgtD Limit Method Notes

Silver 15000 2141 143 0706 85 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 shy

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to zhe samples analyzed in accordance with rhe chain ofcustodydocument This analyticalreporl mus be reproduced in its entirety

Page 19of23 J102063 Final Report 02152011

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



Instrument Hg-16 Sequence 2B060I4

Preparation BrCI Oxidation

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202057-BLK1 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I63IE u F202057-BLK2 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I631E u F202057-BLK3 Mercury 005 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE u F202057-BLK4 Mercury 010 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE QB-04 U

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onl)I apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical rtporl must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 20of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North -Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOBAL- SCIENCES


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202053-BLK1 Beryllium 0005 0060 microgL F202053 SPA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Aluminum -004 40 microgL F202053 -PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Chromium -002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Manganese -0002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLKI Iron -03 100 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Nickel -003 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Copper 0008 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Zinc 010 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Arsenic -007 015 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Selenium -002 060 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Molybdenum OQl 006 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK I Cadmium 0005 0020 microgL F202053 3PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Antimony 0019 0020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Barium 0005 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Thallium 0028 0005 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc QB-10 F202053-BLK1 Lead 0004 0040 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed iTJ accordance wizh the chain ofcustody docrmienl This analyticalreport musl be ltproductd in its entirety

Page2J o23 J202063 Final Rtport 021)52012

Liz Siska Project Manager



414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202159-BLK1 Silver 00006 0020 microgL F202159 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced In its enlirgtty

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page22of3 J202063 Final Report 02152012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 bull ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Notes and Definitions U Analyte included in the analysis but not detected

QR-08 The RPD value for the MSMSD was outside ofacceptance limits Batch QC acceptable based on matrix duplicate andor LCSLCSD RPD values within control limits

QM-12 Initial or continuing calibration verification andor blank spikeblank spike duplicate recoveries above upper control limits All reported sample concentrations were below the reporting limit

QM-07 The spike recovery was outside control limits for the MS andor MSD The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QM-02 The MS andor MSD recoveries outside acceptance limits due to spike concentration less than I times the sample concentration The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QB-10 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL Only report sample results greater than 10 times the contamination value (QB-01 ) or samples less than the MRL (QB-02)

QB-04 The blank was preserved to 2 BrCl rather than 1 The control limit for blanks preserved to greater than 1 BrCI is the preservation percentage multiplied by the MRL

QB-02 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the sample concentrations are Jess than the MRL

QB-0 l The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the blank concentration(s) are Jess than 10 ofthe sample result

AS This MS andor MSD is an analytical spike andor an analytical spike duplicate

DET Analyte Detected

MDL Minimum Detection Limit

lv1RL Minimum Reporting Limit

ND Analyte Not Detected at or above the reporting limit

wet Sample results reported on a wet weight basis

dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis

RPD Relative Percent Difference

RSD Relative Standard Deviation

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be middoteproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

P~ge 23 o23 J202063 Final Report 02115120]2


107330middotJJlilI eastern analytical inc CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 0

professional laboratory seNlces GZANH (I)

DateTime Composites need start andstop datestimesSample IDs Matrix Parameters and Sample Notes of containers

Effluent Field Blank AqToUSWLLMetalsSub2z2b12 aqueous c=rcompS 17

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered LB Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate Circle_preservatives HCL HNO HSO NaOH MEOH Nasp~ Treat Tank Effluent I 122 o12 AqToVSWLLMetalsSubBODCODCyanTFN030G1664S04TDSTSSN624Afe6i6TPhenolsE606PGBfNH3ClpH

aqueous ~ fjYorComp9 5

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered L0 Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate fircle preservativels1ED HNO W)~ MEOH Naso ~

Please ensure this auto COC is accurate adheres to permit orsampling requirements for this sampling event and modify as necessary EAi Project ID 3902

Project Name Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

State NH

Client (Pro Mgr) Paul Pepler

Customer GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Address 380 Harvey Road

City Manchester NH 03103

Phone 623-3600 Fax 624-9463 (37)

EmaiAddress paulpeplergzacom

Results Needed by Preferred date----shy

Notes about project (ie Special Limits Billing info if different)

Subcontract ALL metals to Frontier Global Sciences Metals include Total AlSbAsBaBeCdCrCuFePbMnHgMoNlSeAgTI Zn Metals analyses require project-specific MSMSD

eczgt~ ~ 6Jy JSeog a1ct7so p~r (c4

QC deliverables

lll D A+ 18(s O B+ 0 C D PC

ReportlngOptlons o~151=JSi_ 181HC PONumber ~ 181 EDD PDF

Quote No to~C1f+C181 EDD email 181 PDF prelim NO FAX Temperature S- d-- degC D e-mail Login Confirmation

Ice present Yes IZfNo DONO FAX

Relinquished by DateTime Received by

Eastern Analytical Inc 25 Chanell Dr Concord NH 03301 Phone (603)228-0525 1-800-287-0525 Fax (603)228-4591

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98 l09

i Ph 206-622-6960 ~ ) Fx 206-622-6870 GIOBAL SCIENCES


SOURCE 1202063-02

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCJ Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD1

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method NotesLimits

Mercury 3603 10200 1409 103 71 - 125 EPA 1631pound

Spike MSD MSD Oo Recovery Added Concentration RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Notes Analyte

Mercury 10200 1410 103 00816 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The nsulis In thls rtporr only apply to the sampfuanalyud In accordana with the chain ofcustody documenL This analytical nportmust be reproducd in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

Pagt J1of1J 1101063 Final Report 01152011


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202035-02RE1

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration oo Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method Notes Limits

Mercury 3897 10200 1440 103 71 - 125 EPA I631E

Spike MSD MSD oo Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Notes (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Analyte

Mercury 10200 1445 103 0394 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 13of23 J202063 Final Report 0211512012

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager 19

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ J

~ - Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number f202159-MStMSDl

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration RecoveryAnalyte (JlgL) (microgL) 1tgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 15150 1891 125 70- 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Notes

Silver l5150 2021 133 664 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-07

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in its enlirety

Page Ua23 J202063 Final Report 021512012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Oo RecoveryAnalyte (microgL) (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 50500 4554 902 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

(microgL) RPO Limits (microgL) Recovery Limit Method NotesAnalyte

Silver 50500 4621 915 146 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz ~iska Project Manager

Page 15 o23 I202063 Final Report 0252012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 bullmiddot ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation ~losed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBS01

LCS Source Blank S~ike

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1891 945 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1430 953 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 644 920 85 ll5 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 511 962 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4547 909 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 402 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 418 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 1025 103 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1425 950 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2936 979 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Molybdenum 20000 182 910 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0828 103 middot 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0800 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 999 999 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0420 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead l5000 l552 103 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod






Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1863 93l 150 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1375 917 391 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 629 899 239 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 558 930 337 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4359 872 422 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 371 929 779 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 403 101 375 85 -115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 989 989 359 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1345 897 577 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2920 973 0548 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc Tht resulu In this report only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance wi1h the chain ofcustody documtnL This analytical rrport must be rrproduad in its entirety

~__J~ Pagt J6of23 202063 Final Rtpon 02JS2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 22

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960

~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOSAl SCIENCES



Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike Dup

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (pgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Molybdenum 20000 177 883 303 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0794 992 416 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0784 980 205 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 982 982 177 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0407 102 298 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead 15000 1535 102 106 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this reporr only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody docwnent This analytical report must be reproduced In its tnlirety

Page 17of3 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 23

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-BSBSD1

LCS Source LCS

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Limits Method Notes Mercury 15679 1577 101 80 - 120 EPA l63IE

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (ogL) (ogL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes Mercury 15679 1605 102 176 ampO - 120 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in zhis report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 8013 I202063 Fi11alReport 02151202


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202159 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike


Spike Added microgL)

LCS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Silver l5000 2156 144 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12


Spike Added (microgL)

LCSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RJgtD Limit Method Notes

Silver 15000 2141 143 0706 85 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 shy

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to zhe samples analyzed in accordance with rhe chain ofcustodydocument This analyticalreporl mus be reproduced in its entirety

Page 19of23 J102063 Final Report 02152011

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



Instrument Hg-16 Sequence 2B060I4

Preparation BrCI Oxidation

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202057-BLK1 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I63IE u F202057-BLK2 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I631E u F202057-BLK3 Mercury 005 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE u F202057-BLK4 Mercury 010 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE QB-04 U

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onl)I apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical rtporl must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 20of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North -Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOBAL- SCIENCES


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202053-BLK1 Beryllium 0005 0060 microgL F202053 SPA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Aluminum -004 40 microgL F202053 -PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Chromium -002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Manganese -0002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLKI Iron -03 100 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Nickel -003 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Copper 0008 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Zinc 010 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Arsenic -007 015 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Selenium -002 060 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Molybdenum OQl 006 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK I Cadmium 0005 0020 microgL F202053 3PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Antimony 0019 0020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Barium 0005 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Thallium 0028 0005 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc QB-10 F202053-BLK1 Lead 0004 0040 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed iTJ accordance wizh the chain ofcustody docrmienl This analyticalreport musl be ltproductd in its entirety

Page2J o23 J202063 Final Rtport 021)52012

Liz Siska Project Manager



414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202159-BLK1 Silver 00006 0020 microgL F202159 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced In its enlirgtty

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page22of3 J202063 Final Report 02152012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 bull ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Notes and Definitions U Analyte included in the analysis but not detected

QR-08 The RPD value for the MSMSD was outside ofacceptance limits Batch QC acceptable based on matrix duplicate andor LCSLCSD RPD values within control limits

QM-12 Initial or continuing calibration verification andor blank spikeblank spike duplicate recoveries above upper control limits All reported sample concentrations were below the reporting limit

QM-07 The spike recovery was outside control limits for the MS andor MSD The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QM-02 The MS andor MSD recoveries outside acceptance limits due to spike concentration less than I times the sample concentration The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QB-10 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL Only report sample results greater than 10 times the contamination value (QB-01 ) or samples less than the MRL (QB-02)

QB-04 The blank was preserved to 2 BrCl rather than 1 The control limit for blanks preserved to greater than 1 BrCI is the preservation percentage multiplied by the MRL

QB-02 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the sample concentrations are Jess than the MRL

QB-0 l The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the blank concentration(s) are Jess than 10 ofthe sample result

AS This MS andor MSD is an analytical spike andor an analytical spike duplicate

DET Analyte Detected

MDL Minimum Detection Limit

lv1RL Minimum Reporting Limit

ND Analyte Not Detected at or above the reporting limit

wet Sample results reported on a wet weight basis

dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis

RPD Relative Percent Difference

RSD Relative Standard Deviation

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be middoteproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

P~ge 23 o23 J202063 Final Report 02115120]2


107330middotJJlilI eastern analytical inc CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 0

professional laboratory seNlces GZANH (I)

DateTime Composites need start andstop datestimesSample IDs Matrix Parameters and Sample Notes of containers

Effluent Field Blank AqToUSWLLMetalsSub2z2b12 aqueous c=rcompS 17

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered LB Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate Circle_preservatives HCL HNO HSO NaOH MEOH Nasp~ Treat Tank Effluent I 122 o12 AqToVSWLLMetalsSubBODCODCyanTFN030G1664S04TDSTSSN624Afe6i6TPhenolsE606PGBfNH3ClpH

aqueous ~ fjYorComp9 5

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered L0 Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate fircle preservativels1ED HNO W)~ MEOH Naso ~

Please ensure this auto COC is accurate adheres to permit orsampling requirements for this sampling event and modify as necessary EAi Project ID 3902

Project Name Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

State NH

Client (Pro Mgr) Paul Pepler

Customer GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Address 380 Harvey Road

City Manchester NH 03103

Phone 623-3600 Fax 624-9463 (37)

EmaiAddress paulpeplergzacom

Results Needed by Preferred date----shy

Notes about project (ie Special Limits Billing info if different)

Subcontract ALL metals to Frontier Global Sciences Metals include Total AlSbAsBaBeCdCrCuFePbMnHgMoNlSeAgTI Zn Metals analyses require project-specific MSMSD

eczgt~ ~ 6Jy JSeog a1ct7so p~r (c4

QC deliverables

lll D A+ 18(s O B+ 0 C D PC

ReportlngOptlons o~151=JSi_ 181HC PONumber ~ 181 EDD PDF

Quote No to~C1f+C181 EDD email 181 PDF prelim NO FAX Temperature S- d-- degC D e-mail Login Confirmation

Ice present Yes IZfNo DONO FAX

Relinquished by DateTime Received by

Eastern Analytical Inc 25 Chanell Dr Concord NH 03301 Phone (603)228-0525 1-800-287-0525 Fax (603)228-4591

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202035-02RE1

Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration oo Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Method Notes Limits

Mercury 3897 10200 1440 103 71 - 125 EPA I631E

Spike MSD MSD oo Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Notes (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Analyte

Mercury 10200 1445 103 0394 71 - 125 24 EPA 1631E

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 13of23 J202063 Final Report 0211512012

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager 19

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ J

~ - Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number f202159-MStMSDl

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration RecoveryAnalyte (JlgL) (microgL) 1tgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 15150 1891 125 70- 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Notes

Silver l5150 2021 133 664 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-07

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in its enlirety

Page Ua23 J202063 Final Report 021512012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Oo RecoveryAnalyte (microgL) (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 50500 4554 902 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

(microgL) RPO Limits (microgL) Recovery Limit Method NotesAnalyte

Silver 50500 4621 915 146 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz ~iska Project Manager

Page 15 o23 I202063 Final Report 0252012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 bullmiddot ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation ~losed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBS01

LCS Source Blank S~ike

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1891 945 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1430 953 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 644 920 85 ll5 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 511 962 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4547 909 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 402 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 418 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 1025 103 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1425 950 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2936 979 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Molybdenum 20000 182 910 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0828 103 middot 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0800 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 999 999 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0420 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead l5000 l552 103 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod






Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1863 93l 150 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1375 917 391 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 629 899 239 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 558 930 337 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4359 872 422 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 371 929 779 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 403 101 375 85 -115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 989 989 359 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1345 897 577 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2920 973 0548 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc Tht resulu In this report only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance wi1h the chain ofcustody documtnL This analytical rrport must be rrproduad in its entirety

~__J~ Pagt J6of23 202063 Final Rtpon 02JS2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 22

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960

~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOSAl SCIENCES



Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike Dup

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (pgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Molybdenum 20000 177 883 303 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0794 992 416 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0784 980 205 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 982 982 177 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0407 102 298 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead 15000 1535 102 106 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this reporr only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody docwnent This analytical report must be reproduced In its tnlirety

Page 17of3 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 23

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-BSBSD1

LCS Source LCS

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Limits Method Notes Mercury 15679 1577 101 80 - 120 EPA l63IE

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (ogL) (ogL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes Mercury 15679 1605 102 176 ampO - 120 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in zhis report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 8013 I202063 Fi11alReport 02151202


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202159 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike


Spike Added microgL)

LCS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Silver l5000 2156 144 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12


Spike Added (microgL)

LCSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RJgtD Limit Method Notes

Silver 15000 2141 143 0706 85 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 shy

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to zhe samples analyzed in accordance with rhe chain ofcustodydocument This analyticalreporl mus be reproduced in its entirety

Page 19of23 J102063 Final Report 02152011

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



Instrument Hg-16 Sequence 2B060I4

Preparation BrCI Oxidation

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202057-BLK1 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I63IE u F202057-BLK2 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I631E u F202057-BLK3 Mercury 005 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE u F202057-BLK4 Mercury 010 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE QB-04 U

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onl)I apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical rtporl must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 20of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North -Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOBAL- SCIENCES


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202053-BLK1 Beryllium 0005 0060 microgL F202053 SPA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Aluminum -004 40 microgL F202053 -PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Chromium -002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Manganese -0002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLKI Iron -03 100 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Nickel -003 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Copper 0008 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Zinc 010 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Arsenic -007 015 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Selenium -002 060 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Molybdenum OQl 006 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK I Cadmium 0005 0020 microgL F202053 3PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Antimony 0019 0020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Barium 0005 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Thallium 0028 0005 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc QB-10 F202053-BLK1 Lead 0004 0040 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed iTJ accordance wizh the chain ofcustody docrmienl This analyticalreport musl be ltproductd in its entirety

Page2J o23 J202063 Final Rtport 021)52012

Liz Siska Project Manager



414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202159-BLK1 Silver 00006 0020 microgL F202159 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced In its enlirgtty

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page22of3 J202063 Final Report 02152012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 bull ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Notes and Definitions U Analyte included in the analysis but not detected

QR-08 The RPD value for the MSMSD was outside ofacceptance limits Batch QC acceptable based on matrix duplicate andor LCSLCSD RPD values within control limits

QM-12 Initial or continuing calibration verification andor blank spikeblank spike duplicate recoveries above upper control limits All reported sample concentrations were below the reporting limit

QM-07 The spike recovery was outside control limits for the MS andor MSD The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QM-02 The MS andor MSD recoveries outside acceptance limits due to spike concentration less than I times the sample concentration The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QB-10 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL Only report sample results greater than 10 times the contamination value (QB-01 ) or samples less than the MRL (QB-02)

QB-04 The blank was preserved to 2 BrCl rather than 1 The control limit for blanks preserved to greater than 1 BrCI is the preservation percentage multiplied by the MRL

QB-02 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the sample concentrations are Jess than the MRL

QB-0 l The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the blank concentration(s) are Jess than 10 ofthe sample result

AS This MS andor MSD is an analytical spike andor an analytical spike duplicate

DET Analyte Detected

MDL Minimum Detection Limit

lv1RL Minimum Reporting Limit

ND Analyte Not Detected at or above the reporting limit

wet Sample results reported on a wet weight basis

dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis

RPD Relative Percent Difference

RSD Relative Standard Deviation

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be middoteproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

P~ge 23 o23 J202063 Final Report 02115120]2


107330middotJJlilI eastern analytical inc CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 0

professional laboratory seNlces GZANH (I)

DateTime Composites need start andstop datestimesSample IDs Matrix Parameters and Sample Notes of containers

Effluent Field Blank AqToUSWLLMetalsSub2z2b12 aqueous c=rcompS 17

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered LB Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate Circle_preservatives HCL HNO HSO NaOH MEOH Nasp~ Treat Tank Effluent I 122 o12 AqToVSWLLMetalsSubBODCODCyanTFN030G1664S04TDSTSSN624Afe6i6TPhenolsE606PGBfNH3ClpH

aqueous ~ fjYorComp9 5

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered L0 Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate fircle preservativels1ED HNO W)~ MEOH Naso ~

Please ensure this auto COC is accurate adheres to permit orsampling requirements for this sampling event and modify as necessary EAi Project ID 3902

Project Name Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

State NH

Client (Pro Mgr) Paul Pepler

Customer GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Address 380 Harvey Road

City Manchester NH 03103

Phone 623-3600 Fax 624-9463 (37)

EmaiAddress paulpeplergzacom

Results Needed by Preferred date----shy

Notes about project (ie Special Limits Billing info if different)

Subcontract ALL metals to Frontier Global Sciences Metals include Total AlSbAsBaBeCdCrCuFePbMnHgMoNlSeAgTI Zn Metals analyses require project-specific MSMSD

eczgt~ ~ 6Jy JSeog a1ct7so p~r (c4

QC deliverables

lll D A+ 18(s O B+ 0 C D PC

ReportlngOptlons o~151=JSi_ 181HC PONumber ~ 181 EDD PDF

Quote No to~C1f+C181 EDD email 181 PDF prelim NO FAX Temperature S- d-- degC D e-mail Login Confirmation

Ice present Yes IZfNo DONO FAX

Relinquished by DateTime Received by

Eastern Analytical Inc 25 Chanell Dr Concord NH 03301 Phone (603)228-0525 1-800-287-0525 Fax (603)228-4591

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ J

~ - Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number f202159-MStMSDl

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration RecoveryAnalyte (JlgL) (microgL) 1tgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 15150 1891 125 70- 130 EPA 2008 Mod

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration Recovery RPD

RPD Limits Limit Method Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Notes

Silver l5150 2021 133 664 70-130 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-07

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be reproduced in its enlirety

Page Ua23 J202063 Final Report 021512012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Oo RecoveryAnalyte (microgL) (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 50500 4554 902 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

(microgL) RPO Limits (microgL) Recovery Limit Method NotesAnalyte

Silver 50500 4621 915 146 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz ~iska Project Manager

Page 15 o23 I202063 Final Report 0252012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 bullmiddot ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation ~losed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBS01

LCS Source Blank S~ike

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1891 945 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1430 953 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 644 920 85 ll5 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 511 962 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4547 909 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 402 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 418 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 1025 103 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1425 950 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2936 979 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Molybdenum 20000 182 910 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0828 103 middot 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0800 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 999 999 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0420 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead l5000 l552 103 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod






Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1863 93l 150 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1375 917 391 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 629 899 239 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 558 930 337 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4359 872 422 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 371 929 779 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 403 101 375 85 -115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 989 989 359 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1345 897 577 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2920 973 0548 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc Tht resulu In this report only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance wi1h the chain ofcustody documtnL This analytical rrport must be rrproduad in its entirety

~__J~ Pagt J6of23 202063 Final Rtpon 02JS2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 22

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960

~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOSAl SCIENCES



Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike Dup

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (pgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Molybdenum 20000 177 883 303 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0794 992 416 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0784 980 205 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 982 982 177 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0407 102 298 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead 15000 1535 102 106 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this reporr only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody docwnent This analytical report must be reproduced In its tnlirety

Page 17of3 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 23

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-BSBSD1

LCS Source LCS

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Limits Method Notes Mercury 15679 1577 101 80 - 120 EPA l63IE

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (ogL) (ogL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes Mercury 15679 1605 102 176 ampO - 120 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in zhis report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 8013 I202063 Fi11alReport 02151202


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202159 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike


Spike Added microgL)

LCS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Silver l5000 2156 144 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12


Spike Added (microgL)

LCSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RJgtD Limit Method Notes

Silver 15000 2141 143 0706 85 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 shy

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to zhe samples analyzed in accordance with rhe chain ofcustodydocument This analyticalreporl mus be reproduced in its entirety

Page 19of23 J102063 Final Report 02152011

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



Instrument Hg-16 Sequence 2B060I4

Preparation BrCI Oxidation

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202057-BLK1 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I63IE u F202057-BLK2 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I631E u F202057-BLK3 Mercury 005 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE u F202057-BLK4 Mercury 010 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE QB-04 U

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onl)I apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical rtporl must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 20of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North -Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOBAL- SCIENCES


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202053-BLK1 Beryllium 0005 0060 microgL F202053 SPA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Aluminum -004 40 microgL F202053 -PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Chromium -002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Manganese -0002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLKI Iron -03 100 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Nickel -003 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Copper 0008 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Zinc 010 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Arsenic -007 015 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Selenium -002 060 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Molybdenum OQl 006 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK I Cadmium 0005 0020 microgL F202053 3PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Antimony 0019 0020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Barium 0005 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Thallium 0028 0005 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc QB-10 F202053-BLK1 Lead 0004 0040 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed iTJ accordance wizh the chain ofcustody docrmienl This analyticalreport musl be ltproductd in its entirety

Page2J o23 J202063 Final Rtport 021)52012

Liz Siska Project Manager



414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202159-BLK1 Silver 00006 0020 microgL F202159 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced In its enlirgtty

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page22of3 J202063 Final Report 02152012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 bull ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Notes and Definitions U Analyte included in the analysis but not detected

QR-08 The RPD value for the MSMSD was outside ofacceptance limits Batch QC acceptable based on matrix duplicate andor LCSLCSD RPD values within control limits

QM-12 Initial or continuing calibration verification andor blank spikeblank spike duplicate recoveries above upper control limits All reported sample concentrations were below the reporting limit

QM-07 The spike recovery was outside control limits for the MS andor MSD The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QM-02 The MS andor MSD recoveries outside acceptance limits due to spike concentration less than I times the sample concentration The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QB-10 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL Only report sample results greater than 10 times the contamination value (QB-01 ) or samples less than the MRL (QB-02)

QB-04 The blank was preserved to 2 BrCl rather than 1 The control limit for blanks preserved to greater than 1 BrCI is the preservation percentage multiplied by the MRL

QB-02 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the sample concentrations are Jess than the MRL

QB-0 l The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the blank concentration(s) are Jess than 10 ofthe sample result

AS This MS andor MSD is an analytical spike andor an analytical spike duplicate

DET Analyte Detected

MDL Minimum Detection Limit

lv1RL Minimum Reporting Limit

ND Analyte Not Detected at or above the reporting limit

wet Sample results reported on a wet weight basis

dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis

RPD Relative Percent Difference

RSD Relative Standard Deviation

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be middoteproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

P~ge 23 o23 J202063 Final Report 02115120]2


107330middotJJlilI eastern analytical inc CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 0

professional laboratory seNlces GZANH (I)

DateTime Composites need start andstop datestimesSample IDs Matrix Parameters and Sample Notes of containers

Effluent Field Blank AqToUSWLLMetalsSub2z2b12 aqueous c=rcompS 17

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered LB Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate Circle_preservatives HCL HNO HSO NaOH MEOH Nasp~ Treat Tank Effluent I 122 o12 AqToVSWLLMetalsSubBODCODCyanTFN030G1664S04TDSTSSN624Afe6i6TPhenolsE606PGBfNH3ClpH

aqueous ~ fjYorComp9 5

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered L0 Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate fircle preservativels1ED HNO W)~ MEOH Naso ~

Please ensure this auto COC is accurate adheres to permit orsampling requirements for this sampling event and modify as necessary EAi Project ID 3902

Project Name Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

State NH

Client (Pro Mgr) Paul Pepler

Customer GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Address 380 Harvey Road

City Manchester NH 03103

Phone 623-3600 Fax 624-9463 (37)

EmaiAddress paulpeplergzacom

Results Needed by Preferred date----shy

Notes about project (ie Special Limits Billing info if different)

Subcontract ALL metals to Frontier Global Sciences Metals include Total AlSbAsBaBeCdCrCuFePbMnHgMoNlSeAgTI Zn Metals analyses require project-specific MSMSD

eczgt~ ~ 6Jy JSeog a1ct7so p~r (c4

QC deliverables

lll D A+ 18(s O B+ 0 C D PC

ReportlngOptlons o~151=JSi_ 181HC PONumber ~ 181 EDD PDF

Quote No to~C1f+C181 EDD email 181 PDF prelim NO FAX Temperature S- d-- degC D e-mail Login Confirmation

Ice present Yes IZfNo DONO FAX

Relinquished by DateTime Received by

Eastern Analytical Inc 25 Chanell Dr Concord NH 03301 Phone (603)228-0525 1-800-287-0525 Fax (603)228-4591

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870



SOURCE 1202063-02RE2

Batch F202159 Sequence 2Bl50I6

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-MSMSD2

Sample Spike MS MS Concentration Added Concentration Oo RecoveryAnalyte (microgL) (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Silver ND 50500 4554 902 70 - 130 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Spike MSD MSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

(microgL) RPO Limits (microgL) Recovery Limit Method NotesAnalyte

Silver 50500 4621 915 146 70 - 130 20 EPA 2008 Mod AS

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Liz ~iska Project Manager

Page 15 o23 I202063 Final Report 0252012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 bullmiddot ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation ~losed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBS01

LCS Source Blank S~ike

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1891 945 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1430 953 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 644 920 85 ll5 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 511 962 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4547 909 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 402 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 418 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 1025 103 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1425 950 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2936 979 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Molybdenum 20000 182 910 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0828 103 middot 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0800 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 999 999 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0420 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead l5000 l552 103 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod






Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1863 93l 150 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1375 917 391 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 629 899 239 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 558 930 337 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4359 872 422 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 371 929 779 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 403 101 375 85 -115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 989 989 359 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1345 897 577 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2920 973 0548 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc Tht resulu In this report only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance wi1h the chain ofcustody documtnL This analytical rrport must be rrproduad in its entirety

~__J~ Pagt J6of23 202063 Final Rtpon 02JS2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 22

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960

~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOSAl SCIENCES



Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike Dup

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (pgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Molybdenum 20000 177 883 303 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0794 992 416 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0784 980 205 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 982 982 177 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0407 102 298 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead 15000 1535 102 106 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this reporr only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody docwnent This analytical report must be reproduced In its tnlirety

Page 17of3 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 23

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-BSBSD1

LCS Source LCS

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Limits Method Notes Mercury 15679 1577 101 80 - 120 EPA l63IE

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (ogL) (ogL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes Mercury 15679 1605 102 176 ampO - 120 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in zhis report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 8013 I202063 Fi11alReport 02151202


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202159 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike


Spike Added microgL)

LCS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Silver l5000 2156 144 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12


Spike Added (microgL)

LCSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RJgtD Limit Method Notes

Silver 15000 2141 143 0706 85 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 shy

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to zhe samples analyzed in accordance with rhe chain ofcustodydocument This analyticalreporl mus be reproduced in its entirety

Page 19of23 J102063 Final Report 02152011

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



Instrument Hg-16 Sequence 2B060I4

Preparation BrCI Oxidation

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202057-BLK1 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I63IE u F202057-BLK2 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I631E u F202057-BLK3 Mercury 005 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE u F202057-BLK4 Mercury 010 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE QB-04 U

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onl)I apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical rtporl must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 20of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North -Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOBAL- SCIENCES


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202053-BLK1 Beryllium 0005 0060 microgL F202053 SPA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Aluminum -004 40 microgL F202053 -PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Chromium -002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Manganese -0002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLKI Iron -03 100 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Nickel -003 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Copper 0008 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Zinc 010 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Arsenic -007 015 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Selenium -002 060 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Molybdenum OQl 006 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK I Cadmium 0005 0020 microgL F202053 3PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Antimony 0019 0020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Barium 0005 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Thallium 0028 0005 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc QB-10 F202053-BLK1 Lead 0004 0040 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed iTJ accordance wizh the chain ofcustody docrmienl This analyticalreport musl be ltproductd in its entirety

Page2J o23 J202063 Final Rtport 021)52012

Liz Siska Project Manager



414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202159-BLK1 Silver 00006 0020 microgL F202159 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced In its enlirgtty

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page22of3 J202063 Final Report 02152012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 bull ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Notes and Definitions U Analyte included in the analysis but not detected

QR-08 The RPD value for the MSMSD was outside ofacceptance limits Batch QC acceptable based on matrix duplicate andor LCSLCSD RPD values within control limits

QM-12 Initial or continuing calibration verification andor blank spikeblank spike duplicate recoveries above upper control limits All reported sample concentrations were below the reporting limit

QM-07 The spike recovery was outside control limits for the MS andor MSD The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QM-02 The MS andor MSD recoveries outside acceptance limits due to spike concentration less than I times the sample concentration The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QB-10 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL Only report sample results greater than 10 times the contamination value (QB-01 ) or samples less than the MRL (QB-02)

QB-04 The blank was preserved to 2 BrCl rather than 1 The control limit for blanks preserved to greater than 1 BrCI is the preservation percentage multiplied by the MRL

QB-02 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the sample concentrations are Jess than the MRL

QB-0 l The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the blank concentration(s) are Jess than 10 ofthe sample result

AS This MS andor MSD is an analytical spike andor an analytical spike duplicate

DET Analyte Detected

MDL Minimum Detection Limit

lv1RL Minimum Reporting Limit

ND Analyte Not Detected at or above the reporting limit

wet Sample results reported on a wet weight basis

dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis

RPD Relative Percent Difference

RSD Relative Standard Deviation

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be middoteproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

P~ge 23 o23 J202063 Final Report 02115120]2


107330middotJJlilI eastern analytical inc CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 0

professional laboratory seNlces GZANH (I)

DateTime Composites need start andstop datestimesSample IDs Matrix Parameters and Sample Notes of containers

Effluent Field Blank AqToUSWLLMetalsSub2z2b12 aqueous c=rcompS 17

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered LB Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate Circle_preservatives HCL HNO HSO NaOH MEOH Nasp~ Treat Tank Effluent I 122 o12 AqToVSWLLMetalsSubBODCODCyanTFN030G1664S04TDSTSSN624Afe6i6TPhenolsE606PGBfNH3ClpH

aqueous ~ fjYorComp9 5

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered L0 Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate fircle preservativels1ED HNO W)~ MEOH Naso ~

Please ensure this auto COC is accurate adheres to permit orsampling requirements for this sampling event and modify as necessary EAi Project ID 3902

Project Name Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

State NH

Client (Pro Mgr) Paul Pepler

Customer GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Address 380 Harvey Road

City Manchester NH 03103

Phone 623-3600 Fax 624-9463 (37)

EmaiAddress paulpeplergzacom

Results Needed by Preferred date----shy

Notes about project (ie Special Limits Billing info if different)

Subcontract ALL metals to Frontier Global Sciences Metals include Total AlSbAsBaBeCdCrCuFePbMnHgMoNlSeAgTI Zn Metals analyses require project-specific MSMSD

eczgt~ ~ 6Jy JSeog a1ct7so p~r (c4

QC deliverables

lll D A+ 18(s O B+ 0 C D PC

ReportlngOptlons o~151=JSi_ 181HC PONumber ~ 181 EDD PDF

Quote No to~C1f+C181 EDD email 181 PDF prelim NO FAX Temperature S- d-- degC D e-mail Login Confirmation

Ice present Yes IZfNo DONO FAX

Relinquished by DateTime Received by

Eastern Analytical Inc 25 Chanell Dr Concord NH 03301 Phone (603)228-0525 1-800-287-0525 Fax (603)228-4591

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 bullmiddot ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation ~losed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBS01

LCS Source Blank S~ike

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery Limits Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1891 945 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1430 953 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 644 920 85 ll5 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 511 962 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4547 909 85 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 402 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 418 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 1025 103 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1425 950 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2936 979 85 115 EPA2008 Mod

Molybdenum 20000 182 910 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0828 103 middot 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0800 100 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 999 999 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0420 105 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead l5000 l552 103 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod






Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (microgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Beryllium 20000 1863 93l 150 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Aluminum 15000 1375 917 391 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Chromium 70000 629 899 239 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Manganese 60000 558 930 337 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Iron 50000 4359 872 422 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Nickel 40000 371 929 779 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Copper 40000 403 101 375 85 -115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Zinc 10000 989 989 359 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Arsenic 15000 1345 897 577 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Selenium 30000 2920 973 0548 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc Tht resulu In this report only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance wi1h the chain ofcustody documtnL This analytical rrport must be rrproduad in its entirety

~__J~ Pagt J6of23 202063 Final Rtpon 02JS2012

Liz Siska Project Manager 22

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960

~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOSAl SCIENCES



Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike Dup

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (pgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Molybdenum 20000 177 883 303 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0794 992 416 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0784 980 205 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 982 982 177 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0407 102 298 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead 15000 1535 102 106 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this reporr only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody docwnent This analytical report must be reproduced In its tnlirety

Page 17of3 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 23

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-BSBSD1

LCS Source LCS

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Limits Method Notes Mercury 15679 1577 101 80 - 120 EPA l63IE

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (ogL) (ogL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes Mercury 15679 1605 102 176 ampO - 120 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in zhis report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 8013 I202063 Fi11alReport 02151202


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202159 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike


Spike Added microgL)

LCS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Silver l5000 2156 144 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12


Spike Added (microgL)

LCSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RJgtD Limit Method Notes

Silver 15000 2141 143 0706 85 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 shy

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to zhe samples analyzed in accordance with rhe chain ofcustodydocument This analyticalreporl mus be reproduced in its entirety

Page 19of23 J102063 Final Report 02152011

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



Instrument Hg-16 Sequence 2B060I4

Preparation BrCI Oxidation

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202057-BLK1 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I63IE u F202057-BLK2 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I631E u F202057-BLK3 Mercury 005 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE u F202057-BLK4 Mercury 010 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE QB-04 U

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onl)I apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical rtporl must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 20of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North -Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOBAL- SCIENCES


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202053-BLK1 Beryllium 0005 0060 microgL F202053 SPA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Aluminum -004 40 microgL F202053 -PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Chromium -002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Manganese -0002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLKI Iron -03 100 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Nickel -003 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Copper 0008 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Zinc 010 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Arsenic -007 015 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Selenium -002 060 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Molybdenum OQl 006 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK I Cadmium 0005 0020 microgL F202053 3PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Antimony 0019 0020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Barium 0005 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Thallium 0028 0005 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc QB-10 F202053-BLK1 Lead 0004 0040 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed iTJ accordance wizh the chain ofcustody docrmienl This analyticalreport musl be ltproductd in its entirety

Page2J o23 J202063 Final Rtport 021)52012

Liz Siska Project Manager



414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202159-BLK1 Silver 00006 0020 microgL F202159 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced In its enlirgtty

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page22of3 J202063 Final Report 02152012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 bull ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Notes and Definitions U Analyte included in the analysis but not detected

QR-08 The RPD value for the MSMSD was outside ofacceptance limits Batch QC acceptable based on matrix duplicate andor LCSLCSD RPD values within control limits

QM-12 Initial or continuing calibration verification andor blank spikeblank spike duplicate recoveries above upper control limits All reported sample concentrations were below the reporting limit

QM-07 The spike recovery was outside control limits for the MS andor MSD The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QM-02 The MS andor MSD recoveries outside acceptance limits due to spike concentration less than I times the sample concentration The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QB-10 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL Only report sample results greater than 10 times the contamination value (QB-01 ) or samples less than the MRL (QB-02)

QB-04 The blank was preserved to 2 BrCl rather than 1 The control limit for blanks preserved to greater than 1 BrCI is the preservation percentage multiplied by the MRL

QB-02 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the sample concentrations are Jess than the MRL

QB-0 l The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the blank concentration(s) are Jess than 10 ofthe sample result

AS This MS andor MSD is an analytical spike andor an analytical spike duplicate

DET Analyte Detected

MDL Minimum Detection Limit

lv1RL Minimum Reporting Limit

ND Analyte Not Detected at or above the reporting limit

wet Sample results reported on a wet weight basis

dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis

RPD Relative Percent Difference

RSD Relative Standard Deviation

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be middoteproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

P~ge 23 o23 J202063 Final Report 02115120]2


107330middotJJlilI eastern analytical inc CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 0

professional laboratory seNlces GZANH (I)

DateTime Composites need start andstop datestimesSample IDs Matrix Parameters and Sample Notes of containers

Effluent Field Blank AqToUSWLLMetalsSub2z2b12 aqueous c=rcompS 17

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered LB Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate Circle_preservatives HCL HNO HSO NaOH MEOH Nasp~ Treat Tank Effluent I 122 o12 AqToVSWLLMetalsSubBODCODCyanTFN030G1664S04TDSTSSN624Afe6i6TPhenolsE606PGBfNH3ClpH

aqueous ~ fjYorComp9 5

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered L0 Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate fircle preservativels1ED HNO W)~ MEOH Naso ~

Please ensure this auto COC is accurate adheres to permit orsampling requirements for this sampling event and modify as necessary EAi Project ID 3902

Project Name Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

State NH

Client (Pro Mgr) Paul Pepler

Customer GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Address 380 Harvey Road

City Manchester NH 03103

Phone 623-3600 Fax 624-9463 (37)

EmaiAddress paulpeplergzacom

Results Needed by Preferred date----shy

Notes about project (ie Special Limits Billing info if different)

Subcontract ALL metals to Frontier Global Sciences Metals include Total AlSbAsBaBeCdCrCuFePbMnHgMoNlSeAgTI Zn Metals analyses require project-specific MSMSD

eczgt~ ~ 6Jy JSeog a1ct7so p~r (c4

QC deliverables

lll D A+ 18(s O B+ 0 C D PC

ReportlngOptlons o~151=JSi_ 181HC PONumber ~ 181 EDD PDF

Quote No to~C1f+C181 EDD email 181 PDF prelim NO FAX Temperature S- d-- degC D e-mail Login Confirmation

Ice present Yes IZfNo DONO FAX

Relinquished by DateTime Received by

Eastern Analytical Inc 25 Chanell Dr Concord NH 03301 Phone (603)228-0525 1-800-287-0525 Fax (603)228-4591

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960

~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOSAl SCIENCES



Batch F202053 Sequence 2B13005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202053-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike Dup

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (microgL) (pgL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes

Molybdenum 20000 177 883 303 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Cadmium 080000 0794 992 416 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Antimony 080000 0784 980 205 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Barium 10000 982 982 177 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Thallium 040000 0407 102 298 85 - ll5 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Lead 15000 1535 102 106 85 - 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this reporr only apply to tht samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody docwnent This analytical report must be reproduced In its tnlirety

Page 17of3 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager 23

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-BSBSD1

LCS Source LCS

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Limits Method Notes Mercury 15679 1577 101 80 - 120 EPA l63IE

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (ogL) (ogL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes Mercury 15679 1605 102 176 ampO - 120 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in zhis report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 8013 I202063 Fi11alReport 02151202


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202159 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike


Spike Added microgL)

LCS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Silver l5000 2156 144 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12


Spike Added (microgL)

LCSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RJgtD Limit Method Notes

Silver 15000 2141 143 0706 85 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 shy

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to zhe samples analyzed in accordance with rhe chain ofcustodydocument This analyticalreporl mus be reproduced in its entirety

Page 19of23 J102063 Final Report 02152011

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



Instrument Hg-16 Sequence 2B060I4

Preparation BrCI Oxidation

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202057-BLK1 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I63IE u F202057-BLK2 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I631E u F202057-BLK3 Mercury 005 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE u F202057-BLK4 Mercury 010 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE QB-04 U

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onl)I apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical rtporl must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 20of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North -Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOBAL- SCIENCES


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202053-BLK1 Beryllium 0005 0060 microgL F202053 SPA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Aluminum -004 40 microgL F202053 -PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Chromium -002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Manganese -0002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLKI Iron -03 100 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Nickel -003 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Copper 0008 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Zinc 010 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Arsenic -007 015 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Selenium -002 060 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Molybdenum OQl 006 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK I Cadmium 0005 0020 microgL F202053 3PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Antimony 0019 0020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Barium 0005 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Thallium 0028 0005 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc QB-10 F202053-BLK1 Lead 0004 0040 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed iTJ accordance wizh the chain ofcustody docrmienl This analyticalreport musl be ltproductd in its entirety

Page2J o23 J202063 Final Rtport 021)52012

Liz Siska Project Manager



414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202159-BLK1 Silver 00006 0020 microgL F202159 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced In its enlirgtty

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page22of3 J202063 Final Report 02152012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 bull ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Notes and Definitions U Analyte included in the analysis but not detected

QR-08 The RPD value for the MSMSD was outside ofacceptance limits Batch QC acceptable based on matrix duplicate andor LCSLCSD RPD values within control limits

QM-12 Initial or continuing calibration verification andor blank spikeblank spike duplicate recoveries above upper control limits All reported sample concentrations were below the reporting limit

QM-07 The spike recovery was outside control limits for the MS andor MSD The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QM-02 The MS andor MSD recoveries outside acceptance limits due to spike concentration less than I times the sample concentration The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QB-10 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL Only report sample results greater than 10 times the contamination value (QB-01 ) or samples less than the MRL (QB-02)

QB-04 The blank was preserved to 2 BrCl rather than 1 The control limit for blanks preserved to greater than 1 BrCI is the preservation percentage multiplied by the MRL

QB-02 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the sample concentrations are Jess than the MRL

QB-0 l The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the blank concentration(s) are Jess than 10 ofthe sample result

AS This MS andor MSD is an analytical spike andor an analytical spike duplicate

DET Analyte Detected

MDL Minimum Detection Limit

lv1RL Minimum Reporting Limit

ND Analyte Not Detected at or above the reporting limit

wet Sample results reported on a wet weight basis

dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis

RPD Relative Percent Difference

RSD Relative Standard Deviation

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be middoteproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

P~ge 23 o23 J202063 Final Report 02115120]2


107330middotJJlilI eastern analytical inc CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 0

professional laboratory seNlces GZANH (I)

DateTime Composites need start andstop datestimesSample IDs Matrix Parameters and Sample Notes of containers

Effluent Field Blank AqToUSWLLMetalsSub2z2b12 aqueous c=rcompS 17

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered LB Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate Circle_preservatives HCL HNO HSO NaOH MEOH Nasp~ Treat Tank Effluent I 122 o12 AqToVSWLLMetalsSubBODCODCyanTFN030G1664S04TDSTSSN624Afe6i6TPhenolsE606PGBfNH3ClpH

aqueous ~ fjYorComp9 5

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered L0 Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate fircle preservativels1ED HNO W)~ MEOH Naso ~

Please ensure this auto COC is accurate adheres to permit orsampling requirements for this sampling event and modify as necessary EAi Project ID 3902

Project Name Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

State NH

Client (Pro Mgr) Paul Pepler

Customer GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Address 380 Harvey Road

City Manchester NH 03103

Phone 623-3600 Fax 624-9463 (37)

EmaiAddress paulpeplergzacom

Results Needed by Preferred date----shy

Notes about project (ie Special Limits Billing info if different)

Subcontract ALL metals to Frontier Global Sciences Metals include Total AlSbAsBaBeCdCrCuFePbMnHgMoNlSeAgTI Zn Metals analyses require project-specific MSMSD

eczgt~ ~ 6Jy JSeog a1ct7so p~r (c4

QC deliverables

lll D A+ 18(s O B+ 0 C D PC

ReportlngOptlons o~151=JSi_ 181HC PONumber ~ 181 EDD PDF

Quote No to~C1f+C181 EDD email 181 PDF prelim NO FAX Temperature S- d-- degC D e-mail Login Confirmation

Ice present Yes IZfNo DONO FAX

Relinquished by DateTime Received by

Eastern Analytical Inc 25 Chanell Dr Concord NH 03301 Phone (603)228-0525 1-800-287-0525 Fax (603)228-4591

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202057 Sequence 2B06014

Preparation BrCI Oxidation Lab Number F202057-BSBSD1

LCS Source LCS

Spike LCS LCS Added Concentration Recovery

Analyte (ngL) (ngL) Recovery Limits Method Notes Mercury 15679 1577 101 80 - 120 EPA l63IE

Spike LCSD LCSD Added Concentration Oo Recovery RPD

Analyte (ogL) (ogL) Recovery RPD Limits Limit Method Notes Mercury 15679 1605 102 176 ampO - 120 24 EPA 1631E

Frontier Global Sciences Inc

Liz Siska Project Manager

The results in zhis report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 8013 I202063 Fi11alReport 02151202


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202159 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike


Spike Added microgL)

LCS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Silver l5000 2156 144 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12


Spike Added (microgL)

LCSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RJgtD Limit Method Notes

Silver 15000 2141 143 0706 85 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 shy

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to zhe samples analyzed in accordance with rhe chain ofcustodydocument This analyticalreporl mus be reproduced in its entirety

Page 19of23 J102063 Final Report 02152011

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



Instrument Hg-16 Sequence 2B060I4

Preparation BrCI Oxidation

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202057-BLK1 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I63IE u F202057-BLK2 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I631E u F202057-BLK3 Mercury 005 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE u F202057-BLK4 Mercury 010 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE QB-04 U

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onl)I apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical rtporl must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 20of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North -Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOBAL- SCIENCES


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202053-BLK1 Beryllium 0005 0060 microgL F202053 SPA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Aluminum -004 40 microgL F202053 -PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Chromium -002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Manganese -0002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLKI Iron -03 100 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Nickel -003 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Copper 0008 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Zinc 010 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Arsenic -007 015 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Selenium -002 060 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Molybdenum OQl 006 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK I Cadmium 0005 0020 microgL F202053 3PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Antimony 0019 0020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Barium 0005 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Thallium 0028 0005 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc QB-10 F202053-BLK1 Lead 0004 0040 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed iTJ accordance wizh the chain ofcustody docrmienl This analyticalreport musl be ltproductd in its entirety

Page2J o23 J202063 Final Rtport 021)52012

Liz Siska Project Manager



414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202159-BLK1 Silver 00006 0020 microgL F202159 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced In its enlirgtty

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page22of3 J202063 Final Report 02152012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 bull ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Notes and Definitions U Analyte included in the analysis but not detected

QR-08 The RPD value for the MSMSD was outside ofacceptance limits Batch QC acceptable based on matrix duplicate andor LCSLCSD RPD values within control limits

QM-12 Initial or continuing calibration verification andor blank spikeblank spike duplicate recoveries above upper control limits All reported sample concentrations were below the reporting limit

QM-07 The spike recovery was outside control limits for the MS andor MSD The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QM-02 The MS andor MSD recoveries outside acceptance limits due to spike concentration less than I times the sample concentration The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QB-10 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL Only report sample results greater than 10 times the contamination value (QB-01 ) or samples less than the MRL (QB-02)

QB-04 The blank was preserved to 2 BrCl rather than 1 The control limit for blanks preserved to greater than 1 BrCI is the preservation percentage multiplied by the MRL

QB-02 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the sample concentrations are Jess than the MRL

QB-0 l The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the blank concentration(s) are Jess than 10 ofthe sample result

AS This MS andor MSD is an analytical spike andor an analytical spike duplicate

DET Analyte Detected

MDL Minimum Detection Limit

lv1RL Minimum Reporting Limit

ND Analyte Not Detected at or above the reporting limit

wet Sample results reported on a wet weight basis

dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis

RPD Relative Percent Difference

RSD Relative Standard Deviation

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be middoteproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

P~ge 23 o23 J202063 Final Report 02115120]2


107330middotJJlilI eastern analytical inc CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 0

professional laboratory seNlces GZANH (I)

DateTime Composites need start andstop datestimesSample IDs Matrix Parameters and Sample Notes of containers

Effluent Field Blank AqToUSWLLMetalsSub2z2b12 aqueous c=rcompS 17

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered LB Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate Circle_preservatives HCL HNO HSO NaOH MEOH Nasp~ Treat Tank Effluent I 122 o12 AqToVSWLLMetalsSubBODCODCyanTFN030G1664S04TDSTSSN624Afe6i6TPhenolsE606PGBfNH3ClpH

aqueous ~ fjYorComp9 5

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered L0 Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate fircle preservativels1ED HNO W)~ MEOH Naso ~

Please ensure this auto COC is accurate adheres to permit orsampling requirements for this sampling event and modify as necessary EAi Project ID 3902

Project Name Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

State NH

Client (Pro Mgr) Paul Pepler

Customer GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Address 380 Harvey Road

City Manchester NH 03103

Phone 623-3600 Fax 624-9463 (37)

EmaiAddress paulpeplergzacom

Results Needed by Preferred date----shy

Notes about project (ie Special Limits Billing info if different)

Subcontract ALL metals to Frontier Global Sciences Metals include Total AlSbAsBaBeCdCrCuFePbMnHgMoNlSeAgTI Zn Metals analyses require project-specific MSMSD

eczgt~ ~ 6Jy JSeog a1ct7so p~r (c4

QC deliverables

lll D A+ 18(s O B+ 0 C D PC

ReportlngOptlons o~151=JSi_ 181HC PONumber ~ 181 EDD PDF

Quote No to~C1f+C181 EDD email 181 PDF prelim NO FAX Temperature S- d-- degC D e-mail Login Confirmation

Ice present Yes IZfNo DONO FAX

Relinquished by DateTime Received by

Eastern Analytical Inc 25 Chanell Dr Concord NH 03301 Phone (603)228-0525 1-800-287-0525 Fax (603)228-4591

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960~ Fx 206-622-6870




Batch F202159 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion Lab Number F202159-BSBSD1

LCS Source Blank Spike


Spike Added microgL)

LCS Concentration



Recovery Recovery

Limits Method Notes

Silver l5000 2156 144 85 - 115 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12


Spike Added (microgL)

LCSD Concentration




RPO Recovery

Limits RJgtD Limit Method Notes

Silver 15000 2141 143 0706 85 115 20 EPA 2008 Mod QM-12 shy

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to zhe samples analyzed in accordance with rhe chain ofcustodydocument This analyticalreporl mus be reproduced in its entirety

Page 19of23 J102063 Final Report 02152011

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



Instrument Hg-16 Sequence 2B060I4

Preparation BrCI Oxidation

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202057-BLK1 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I63IE u F202057-BLK2 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I631E u F202057-BLK3 Mercury 005 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE u F202057-BLK4 Mercury 010 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE QB-04 U

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onl)I apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical rtporl must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 20of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North -Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOBAL- SCIENCES


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202053-BLK1 Beryllium 0005 0060 microgL F202053 SPA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Aluminum -004 40 microgL F202053 -PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Chromium -002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Manganese -0002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLKI Iron -03 100 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Nickel -003 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Copper 0008 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Zinc 010 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Arsenic -007 015 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Selenium -002 060 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Molybdenum OQl 006 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK I Cadmium 0005 0020 microgL F202053 3PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Antimony 0019 0020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Barium 0005 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Thallium 0028 0005 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc QB-10 F202053-BLK1 Lead 0004 0040 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed iTJ accordance wizh the chain ofcustody docrmienl This analyticalreport musl be ltproductd in its entirety

Page2J o23 J202063 Final Rtport 021)52012

Liz Siska Project Manager



414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202159-BLK1 Silver 00006 0020 microgL F202159 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced In its enlirgtty

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page22of3 J202063 Final Report 02152012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 bull ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Notes and Definitions U Analyte included in the analysis but not detected

QR-08 The RPD value for the MSMSD was outside ofacceptance limits Batch QC acceptable based on matrix duplicate andor LCSLCSD RPD values within control limits

QM-12 Initial or continuing calibration verification andor blank spikeblank spike duplicate recoveries above upper control limits All reported sample concentrations were below the reporting limit

QM-07 The spike recovery was outside control limits for the MS andor MSD The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QM-02 The MS andor MSD recoveries outside acceptance limits due to spike concentration less than I times the sample concentration The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QB-10 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL Only report sample results greater than 10 times the contamination value (QB-01 ) or samples less than the MRL (QB-02)

QB-04 The blank was preserved to 2 BrCl rather than 1 The control limit for blanks preserved to greater than 1 BrCI is the preservation percentage multiplied by the MRL

QB-02 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the sample concentrations are Jess than the MRL

QB-0 l The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the blank concentration(s) are Jess than 10 ofthe sample result

AS This MS andor MSD is an analytical spike andor an analytical spike duplicate

DET Analyte Detected

MDL Minimum Detection Limit

lv1RL Minimum Reporting Limit

ND Analyte Not Detected at or above the reporting limit

wet Sample results reported on a wet weight basis

dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis

RPD Relative Percent Difference

RSD Relative Standard Deviation

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be middoteproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

P~ge 23 o23 J202063 Final Report 02115120]2


107330middotJJlilI eastern analytical inc CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 0

professional laboratory seNlces GZANH (I)

DateTime Composites need start andstop datestimesSample IDs Matrix Parameters and Sample Notes of containers

Effluent Field Blank AqToUSWLLMetalsSub2z2b12 aqueous c=rcompS 17

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered LB Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate Circle_preservatives HCL HNO HSO NaOH MEOH Nasp~ Treat Tank Effluent I 122 o12 AqToVSWLLMetalsSubBODCODCyanTFN030G1664S04TDSTSSN624Afe6i6TPhenolsE606PGBfNH3ClpH

aqueous ~ fjYorComp9 5

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered L0 Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate fircle preservativels1ED HNO W)~ MEOH Naso ~

Please ensure this auto COC is accurate adheres to permit orsampling requirements for this sampling event and modify as necessary EAi Project ID 3902

Project Name Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

State NH

Client (Pro Mgr) Paul Pepler

Customer GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Address 380 Harvey Road

City Manchester NH 03103

Phone 623-3600 Fax 624-9463 (37)

EmaiAddress paulpeplergzacom

Results Needed by Preferred date----shy

Notes about project (ie Special Limits Billing info if different)

Subcontract ALL metals to Frontier Global Sciences Metals include Total AlSbAsBaBeCdCrCuFePbMnHgMoNlSeAgTI Zn Metals analyses require project-specific MSMSD

eczgt~ ~ 6Jy JSeog a1ct7so p~r (c4

QC deliverables

lll D A+ 18(s O B+ 0 C D PC

ReportlngOptlons o~151=JSi_ 181HC PONumber ~ 181 EDD PDF

Quote No to~C1f+C181 EDD email 181 PDF prelim NO FAX Temperature S- d-- degC D e-mail Login Confirmation

Ice present Yes IZfNo DONO FAX

Relinquished by DateTime Received by

Eastern Analytical Inc 25 Chanell Dr Concord NH 03301 Phone (603)228-0525 1-800-287-0525 Fax (603)228-4591

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870



Instrument Hg-16 Sequence 2B060I4

Preparation BrCI Oxidation

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202057-BLK1 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I63IE u F202057-BLK2 Mercury 004 050 ngL F202057 EPA I631E u F202057-BLK3 Mercury 005 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE u F202057-BLK4 Mercury 010 050 ngL F202057 EPA 163IE QB-04 U

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report onl)I apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical rtporl must be reproduced in its entirety

Page 20of23 1202063 Final Report 02152012

Liz Siska Project Manager


414 Pontius Ave North -Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOBAL- SCIENCES


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202053-BLK1 Beryllium 0005 0060 microgL F202053 SPA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Aluminum -004 40 microgL F202053 -PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Chromium -002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Manganese -0002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLKI Iron -03 100 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Nickel -003 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Copper 0008 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Zinc 010 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Arsenic -007 015 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Selenium -002 060 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Molybdenum OQl 006 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK I Cadmium 0005 0020 microgL F202053 3PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Antimony 0019 0020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Barium 0005 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Thallium 0028 0005 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc QB-10 F202053-BLK1 Lead 0004 0040 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed iTJ accordance wizh the chain ofcustody docrmienl This analyticalreport musl be ltproductd in its entirety

Page2J o23 J202063 Final Rtport 021)52012

Liz Siska Project Manager



414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202159-BLK1 Silver 00006 0020 microgL F202159 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced In its enlirgtty

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page22of3 J202063 Final Report 02152012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 bull ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Notes and Definitions U Analyte included in the analysis but not detected

QR-08 The RPD value for the MSMSD was outside ofacceptance limits Batch QC acceptable based on matrix duplicate andor LCSLCSD RPD values within control limits

QM-12 Initial or continuing calibration verification andor blank spikeblank spike duplicate recoveries above upper control limits All reported sample concentrations were below the reporting limit

QM-07 The spike recovery was outside control limits for the MS andor MSD The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QM-02 The MS andor MSD recoveries outside acceptance limits due to spike concentration less than I times the sample concentration The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QB-10 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL Only report sample results greater than 10 times the contamination value (QB-01 ) or samples less than the MRL (QB-02)

QB-04 The blank was preserved to 2 BrCl rather than 1 The control limit for blanks preserved to greater than 1 BrCI is the preservation percentage multiplied by the MRL

QB-02 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the sample concentrations are Jess than the MRL

QB-0 l The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the blank concentration(s) are Jess than 10 ofthe sample result

AS This MS andor MSD is an analytical spike andor an analytical spike duplicate

DET Analyte Detected

MDL Minimum Detection Limit

lv1RL Minimum Reporting Limit

ND Analyte Not Detected at or above the reporting limit

wet Sample results reported on a wet weight basis

dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis

RPD Relative Percent Difference

RSD Relative Standard Deviation

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be middoteproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

P~ge 23 o23 J202063 Final Report 02115120]2


107330middotJJlilI eastern analytical inc CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 0

professional laboratory seNlces GZANH (I)

DateTime Composites need start andstop datestimesSample IDs Matrix Parameters and Sample Notes of containers

Effluent Field Blank AqToUSWLLMetalsSub2z2b12 aqueous c=rcompS 17

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered LB Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate Circle_preservatives HCL HNO HSO NaOH MEOH Nasp~ Treat Tank Effluent I 122 o12 AqToVSWLLMetalsSubBODCODCyanTFN030G1664S04TDSTSSN624Afe6i6TPhenolsE606PGBfNH3ClpH

aqueous ~ fjYorComp9 5

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered L0 Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate fircle preservativels1ED HNO W)~ MEOH Naso ~

Please ensure this auto COC is accurate adheres to permit orsampling requirements for this sampling event and modify as necessary EAi Project ID 3902

Project Name Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

State NH

Client (Pro Mgr) Paul Pepler

Customer GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Address 380 Harvey Road

City Manchester NH 03103

Phone 623-3600 Fax 624-9463 (37)

EmaiAddress paulpeplergzacom

Results Needed by Preferred date----shy

Notes about project (ie Special Limits Billing info if different)

Subcontract ALL metals to Frontier Global Sciences Metals include Total AlSbAsBaBeCdCrCuFePbMnHgMoNlSeAgTI Zn Metals analyses require project-specific MSMSD

eczgt~ ~ 6Jy JSeog a1ct7so p~r (c4

QC deliverables

lll D A+ 18(s O B+ 0 C D PC

ReportlngOptlons o~151=JSi_ 181HC PONumber ~ 181 EDD PDF

Quote No to~C1f+C181 EDD email 181 PDF prelim NO FAX Temperature S- d-- degC D e-mail Login Confirmation

Ice present Yes IZfNo DONO FAX

Relinquished by DateTime Received by

Eastern Analytical Inc 25 Chanell Dr Concord NH 03301 Phone (603)228-0525 1-800-287-0525 Fax (603)228-4591

414 Pontius Ave North -Seattle WA 98109

Ph 206-622-6960 ~ Fx 206-622-6870 GLOBAL- SCIENCES


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2Bl3005

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202053-BLK1 Beryllium 0005 0060 microgL F202053 SPA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Aluminum -004 40 microgL F202053 -PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Chromium -002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Manganese -0002 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLKI Iron -03 100 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Nickel -003 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Copper 0008 010 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Zinc 010 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Arsenic -007 015 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Selenium -002 060 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Molybdenum OQl 006 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK I Cadmium 0005 0020 microgL F202053 3PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Antimony 0019 0020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Barium 0005 020 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u F202053-BLK1 Thallium 0028 0005 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc QB-10 F202053-BLK1 Lead 0004 0040 microgL F202053 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed iTJ accordance wizh the chain ofcustody docrmienl This analyticalreport musl be ltproductd in its entirety

Page2J o23 J202063 Final Rtport 021)52012

Liz Siska Project Manager



414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202159-BLK1 Silver 00006 0020 microgL F202159 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced In its enlirgtty

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page22of3 J202063 Final Report 02152012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 bull ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Notes and Definitions U Analyte included in the analysis but not detected

QR-08 The RPD value for the MSMSD was outside ofacceptance limits Batch QC acceptable based on matrix duplicate andor LCSLCSD RPD values within control limits

QM-12 Initial or continuing calibration verification andor blank spikeblank spike duplicate recoveries above upper control limits All reported sample concentrations were below the reporting limit

QM-07 The spike recovery was outside control limits for the MS andor MSD The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QM-02 The MS andor MSD recoveries outside acceptance limits due to spike concentration less than I times the sample concentration The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QB-10 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL Only report sample results greater than 10 times the contamination value (QB-01 ) or samples less than the MRL (QB-02)

QB-04 The blank was preserved to 2 BrCl rather than 1 The control limit for blanks preserved to greater than 1 BrCI is the preservation percentage multiplied by the MRL

QB-02 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the sample concentrations are Jess than the MRL

QB-0 l The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the blank concentration(s) are Jess than 10 ofthe sample result

AS This MS andor MSD is an analytical spike andor an analytical spike duplicate

DET Analyte Detected

MDL Minimum Detection Limit

lv1RL Minimum Reporting Limit

ND Analyte Not Detected at or above the reporting limit

wet Sample results reported on a wet weight basis

dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis

RPD Relative Percent Difference

RSD Relative Standard Deviation

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be middoteproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

P~ge 23 o23 J202063 Final Report 02115120]2


107330middotJJlilI eastern analytical inc CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 0

professional laboratory seNlces GZANH (I)

DateTime Composites need start andstop datestimesSample IDs Matrix Parameters and Sample Notes of containers

Effluent Field Blank AqToUSWLLMetalsSub2z2b12 aqueous c=rcompS 17

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered LB Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate Circle_preservatives HCL HNO HSO NaOH MEOH Nasp~ Treat Tank Effluent I 122 o12 AqToVSWLLMetalsSubBODCODCyanTFN030G1664S04TDSTSSN624Afe6i6TPhenolsE606PGBfNH3ClpH

aqueous ~ fjYorComp9 5

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered L0 Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate fircle preservativels1ED HNO W)~ MEOH Naso ~

Please ensure this auto COC is accurate adheres to permit orsampling requirements for this sampling event and modify as necessary EAi Project ID 3902

Project Name Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

State NH

Client (Pro Mgr) Paul Pepler

Customer GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Address 380 Harvey Road

City Manchester NH 03103

Phone 623-3600 Fax 624-9463 (37)

EmaiAddress paulpeplergzacom

Results Needed by Preferred date----shy

Notes about project (ie Special Limits Billing info if different)

Subcontract ALL metals to Frontier Global Sciences Metals include Total AlSbAsBaBeCdCrCuFePbMnHgMoNlSeAgTI Zn Metals analyses require project-specific MSMSD

eczgt~ ~ 6Jy JSeog a1ct7so p~r (c4

QC deliverables

lll D A+ 18(s O B+ 0 C D PC

ReportlngOptlons o~151=JSi_ 181HC PONumber ~ 181 EDD PDF

Quote No to~C1f+C181 EDD email 181 PDF prelim NO FAX Temperature S- d-- degC D e-mail Login Confirmation

Ice present Yes IZfNo DONO FAX

Relinquished by DateTime Received by

Eastern Analytical Inc 25 Chanell Dr Concord NH 03301 Phone (603)228-0525 1-800-287-0525 Fax (603)228-4591


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Instrument ICPMS-6 Sequence 2BI5016

Preparation Closed Vessel Nitric Oven Digestion

Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MRL Units Batch Method Notes

F202159-BLK1 Silver 00006 0020 microgL F202159 PA 2008 Moc u

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustody document This analytical report must be reproduced In its enlirgtty

Liz Siska Project Manager

Page22of3 J202063 Final Report 02152012


414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 bull ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Notes and Definitions U Analyte included in the analysis but not detected

QR-08 The RPD value for the MSMSD was outside ofacceptance limits Batch QC acceptable based on matrix duplicate andor LCSLCSD RPD values within control limits

QM-12 Initial or continuing calibration verification andor blank spikeblank spike duplicate recoveries above upper control limits All reported sample concentrations were below the reporting limit

QM-07 The spike recovery was outside control limits for the MS andor MSD The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QM-02 The MS andor MSD recoveries outside acceptance limits due to spike concentration less than I times the sample concentration The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QB-10 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL Only report sample results greater than 10 times the contamination value (QB-01 ) or samples less than the MRL (QB-02)

QB-04 The blank was preserved to 2 BrCl rather than 1 The control limit for blanks preserved to greater than 1 BrCI is the preservation percentage multiplied by the MRL

QB-02 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the sample concentrations are Jess than the MRL

QB-0 l The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the blank concentration(s) are Jess than 10 ofthe sample result

AS This MS andor MSD is an analytical spike andor an analytical spike duplicate

DET Analyte Detected

MDL Minimum Detection Limit

lv1RL Minimum Reporting Limit

ND Analyte Not Detected at or above the reporting limit

wet Sample results reported on a wet weight basis

dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis

RPD Relative Percent Difference

RSD Relative Standard Deviation

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be middoteproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

P~ge 23 o23 J202063 Final Report 02115120]2


107330middotJJlilI eastern analytical inc CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 0

professional laboratory seNlces GZANH (I)

DateTime Composites need start andstop datestimesSample IDs Matrix Parameters and Sample Notes of containers

Effluent Field Blank AqToUSWLLMetalsSub2z2b12 aqueous c=rcompS 17

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered LB Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate Circle_preservatives HCL HNO HSO NaOH MEOH Nasp~ Treat Tank Effluent I 122 o12 AqToVSWLLMetalsSubBODCODCyanTFN030G1664S04TDSTSSN624Afe6i6TPhenolsE606PGBfNH3ClpH

aqueous ~ fjYorComp9 5

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered L0 Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate fircle preservativels1ED HNO W)~ MEOH Naso ~

Please ensure this auto COC is accurate adheres to permit orsampling requirements for this sampling event and modify as necessary EAi Project ID 3902

Project Name Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

State NH

Client (Pro Mgr) Paul Pepler

Customer GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Address 380 Harvey Road

City Manchester NH 03103

Phone 623-3600 Fax 624-9463 (37)

EmaiAddress paulpeplergzacom

Results Needed by Preferred date----shy

Notes about project (ie Special Limits Billing info if different)

Subcontract ALL metals to Frontier Global Sciences Metals include Total AlSbAsBaBeCdCrCuFePbMnHgMoNlSeAgTI Zn Metals analyses require project-specific MSMSD

eczgt~ ~ 6Jy JSeog a1ct7so p~r (c4

QC deliverables

lll D A+ 18(s O B+ 0 C D PC

ReportlngOptlons o~151=JSi_ 181HC PONumber ~ 181 EDD PDF

Quote No to~C1f+C181 EDD email 181 PDF prelim NO FAX Temperature S- d-- degC D e-mail Login Confirmation

Ice present Yes IZfNo DONO FAX

Relinquished by DateTime Received by

Eastern Analytical Inc 25 Chanell Dr Concord NH 03301 Phone (603)228-0525 1-800-287-0525 Fax (603)228-4591

414 Pontius Ave North Seattle WA 98109 bull ~ Ph 206-622-6960 Fx 206-622-6870


Notes and Definitions U Analyte included in the analysis but not detected

QR-08 The RPD value for the MSMSD was outside ofacceptance limits Batch QC acceptable based on matrix duplicate andor LCSLCSD RPD values within control limits

QM-12 Initial or continuing calibration verification andor blank spikeblank spike duplicate recoveries above upper control limits All reported sample concentrations were below the reporting limit

QM-07 The spike recovery was outside control limits for the MS andor MSD The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QM-02 The MS andor MSD recoveries outside acceptance limits due to spike concentration less than I times the sample concentration The batch was accepted based on LCS and LCSD recoveries within control limits and when analysis permits acceptable ASASD

QB-10 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL Only report sample results greater than 10 times the contamination value (QB-01 ) or samples less than the MRL (QB-02)

QB-04 The blank was preserved to 2 BrCl rather than 1 The control limit for blanks preserved to greater than 1 BrCI is the preservation percentage multiplied by the MRL

QB-02 The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the sample concentrations are Jess than the MRL

QB-0 l The method blank andor initialcontinuing calibration blank contains analyte at a concentration above the MRL However the blank concentration(s) are Jess than 10 ofthe sample result

AS This MS andor MSD is an analytical spike andor an analytical spike duplicate

DET Analyte Detected

MDL Minimum Detection Limit

lv1RL Minimum Reporting Limit

ND Analyte Not Detected at or above the reporting limit

wet Sample results reported on a wet weight basis

dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis

RPD Relative Percent Difference

RSD Relative Standard Deviation

Frontier Global Sciences Inc The results in this report only apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain ofcustodydocument This analytical report must be middoteproduced in its entirety

Liz Siska Project Manager

P~ge 23 o23 J202063 Final Report 02115120]2


107330middotJJlilI eastern analytical inc CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 0

professional laboratory seNlces GZANH (I)

DateTime Composites need start andstop datestimesSample IDs Matrix Parameters and Sample Notes of containers

Effluent Field Blank AqToUSWLLMetalsSub2z2b12 aqueous c=rcompS 17

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered LB Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate Circle_preservatives HCL HNO HSO NaOH MEOH Nasp~ Treat Tank Effluent I 122 o12 AqToVSWLLMetalsSubBODCODCyanTFN030G1664S04TDSTSSN624Afe6i6TPhenolsE606PGBfNH3ClpH

aqueous ~ fjYorComp9 5

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered L0 Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate fircle preservativels1ED HNO W)~ MEOH Naso ~

Please ensure this auto COC is accurate adheres to permit orsampling requirements for this sampling event and modify as necessary EAi Project ID 3902

Project Name Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

State NH

Client (Pro Mgr) Paul Pepler

Customer GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Address 380 Harvey Road

City Manchester NH 03103

Phone 623-3600 Fax 624-9463 (37)

EmaiAddress paulpeplergzacom

Results Needed by Preferred date----shy

Notes about project (ie Special Limits Billing info if different)

Subcontract ALL metals to Frontier Global Sciences Metals include Total AlSbAsBaBeCdCrCuFePbMnHgMoNlSeAgTI Zn Metals analyses require project-specific MSMSD

eczgt~ ~ 6Jy JSeog a1ct7so p~r (c4

QC deliverables

lll D A+ 18(s O B+ 0 C D PC

ReportlngOptlons o~151=JSi_ 181HC PONumber ~ 181 EDD PDF

Quote No to~C1f+C181 EDD email 181 PDF prelim NO FAX Temperature S- d-- degC D e-mail Login Confirmation

Ice present Yes IZfNo DONO FAX

Relinquished by DateTime Received by

Eastern Analytical Inc 25 Chanell Dr Concord NH 03301 Phone (603)228-0525 1-800-287-0525 Fax (603)228-4591

107330middotJJlilI eastern analytical inc CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 0

professional laboratory seNlces GZANH (I)

DateTime Composites need start andstop datestimesSample IDs Matrix Parameters and Sample Notes of containers

Effluent Field Blank AqToUSWLLMetalsSub2z2b12 aqueous c=rcompS 17

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered LB Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate Circle_preservatives HCL HNO HSO NaOH MEOH Nasp~ Treat Tank Effluent I 122 o12 AqToVSWLLMetalsSubBODCODCyanTFN030G1664S04TDSTSSN624Afe6i6TPhenolsE606PGBfNH3ClpH

aqueous ~ fjYorComp9 5

Dissolved Sample Field Filtered L0 Sampler confirms ID and parameters are accurate fircle preservativels1ED HNO W)~ MEOH Naso ~

Please ensure this auto COC is accurate adheres to permit orsampling requirements for this sampling event and modify as necessary EAi Project ID 3902

Project Name Wastewater Analysis - Weekly

State NH

Client (Pro Mgr) Paul Pepler

Customer GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc (NH)

Address 380 Harvey Road

City Manchester NH 03103

Phone 623-3600 Fax 624-9463 (37)

EmaiAddress paulpeplergzacom

Results Needed by Preferred date----shy

Notes about project (ie Special Limits Billing info if different)

Subcontract ALL metals to Frontier Global Sciences Metals include Total AlSbAsBaBeCdCrCuFePbMnHgMoNlSeAgTI Zn Metals analyses require project-specific MSMSD

eczgt~ ~ 6Jy JSeog a1ct7so p~r (c4

QC deliverables

lll D A+ 18(s O B+ 0 C D PC

ReportlngOptlons o~151=JSi_ 181HC PONumber ~ 181 EDD PDF

Quote No to~C1f+C181 EDD email 181 PDF prelim NO FAX Temperature S- d-- degC D e-mail Login Confirmation

Ice present Yes IZfNo DONO FAX

Relinquished by DateTime Received by

Eastern Analytical Inc 25 Chanell Dr Concord NH 03301 Phone (603)228-0525 1-800-287-0525 Fax (603)228-4591

top related