waste management at lalur

Post on 07-Apr-2018






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  • 8/3/2019 Waste Management at Lalur





  • 8/3/2019 Waste Management at Lalur


    PROBLEM STATEMENT We narrate the story of a village, Lalur which has been in a fight for the right to live for

    the last 60 years. It becomes the stinking issue in the political, social and cultural arena of

    a State known to be as Gods Own Country ,in the cultural capital , Thrissur .

    For years waste from the whole districts waste has been dumped in the Lalur trenching

    ground, the heap of waste is in level with the surrounding coconut trees .Diseases are

    spreading .The water source in the surrounding are fully polluted . The air is polluted with

    poisonous gas .

    No solutions are being implemented there and the situation is getting out of hand .

  • 8/3/2019 Waste Management at Lalur


  • 8/3/2019 Waste Management at Lalur


    SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT the collection, transport, processing or disposal,managing and monitoring of waste materials

    radioactive substancesReduce the harmful environmental impacts of eachthrough different methods.non-hazardous waste residential and institutional

    waste - local government authoritiesnon-hazardous commercial and industrial waste -theresponsibility of the generator.

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    MAJOR METHODSRecyclingComposting

    Sewage treatmentIncinerationLandfill

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    Disposing of waste in a landfill involves burying the

    waste. A properly designed and well-managed landfill canbe a hygienic and relatively inexpensive method of

    disposing of waste materials. .

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    Waste is normally compacted to increase itsdensity and stability, and covered to prevent

    attracting vermin .

    Gas can be pumped out of the landfill usingperforated pipes and flared off or burnt in a gasengine to generate electricity.

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  • 8/3/2019 Waste Management at Lalur


    Incineration is a disposal method in which solid organic wastes aresubjected to combustion so as to convert them into residue and gaseousproducts..

    This process reduces the volumes of solid waste to 20 to 30 percent of theoriginal volume. It is used to dispose of solid, liquid and gaseous waste.

    It is recognized as a practical method of disposing of certain hazardouswaste materials (such as medical waste).

    Combustion in an incinerator is not always perfect and there have been

    concerns about pollutants in gaseous emissions from incinerator stacks.


  • 8/3/2019 Waste Management at Lalur



  • 8/3/2019 Waste Management at Lalur



    The energy content of waste products can be harnessed directly by usingthem as a direct combustion fuel, or indirectly by processing them intoanother type of fuel.Pyrolysis and gasification are two related forms of thermal treatment where waste materials are heated to high temperatures withlimited oxygen availability. The process usually occurs in a sealed vesselunder high pressure. Pyrolysis of solid waste converts the material intosolid, liquid and gas products. The liquid and gas can be burnt toproduce energy or refined into other chemical products (chemicalrefinery). The solid residue (char) can be further refined into productssuch as activated carbon.Gasification and advanced Plasma arc gasification are used to convertorganic materials directly into a synthetic gas composed of carbonmonoxide and hydrogen. The gas is then burnt to produce electricity and steam.

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    Resource recovery (as opposed to waste management)uses LCA (life cycle analysis) attempts to offeralternatives to waste management.

    For mixed MSW (Municipal Solid Waste) a number of broad studies have indicated that administration,source separation and collection followed by reuse andrecycling of the non-organic fraction and energy andcompost/fertilizer production of the organic wastefraction via anaerobic digestion to be the favouredpath.

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    An important method of waste management is the prevention of waste material being created, also known as waste reduction.Methods of avoidance include

    reuse of second-hand products,repairing broken items instead of buying newdesigning products to be refillable or reusable (such as cottoninstead of plastic shopping bags)

    encouraging consumers to avoid using disposable products (suchas disposable cutlery)and designing products that use less material to achieve the samepurpose (for example, lightweighting of beverage cans).

  • 8/3/2019 Waste Management at Lalur


    Other domestic options

    Adding city compost improves yield and drought

    resistance of paddy and other crops, compared to only chemical fertiliser use .

    Shredded plastic improves bitumen roads when added

    to heated stones before adding tar.

  • 8/3/2019 Waste Management at Lalur


    HISTORY Carrying the loads of stench since the rule of Cochin Kings (before theformation of the Kerala State).

    1990s AV Aryan, a Communist, the agitations echoed in the whole State, theagitators including their leaders were imprisonedMunicipality has been promoted to Corporation adding the wastes of four more Panchayats to Lalur.three youths were died of suffocation when they were cleaning a well

    2000sinstalled three Orgraver machines (used to treat the bio-degradable

    wastes)he compost plant was constructed at a cost of Rs 1.75 croreEngineering Land Filling Project

  • 8/3/2019 Waste Management at Lalur


    PRESENT SCENARIO Distribute separate bins for collecting organic and non-organic waste as part of its source segregation efforts.24,000 bins each of white and green color will be distributed tohouseholds. Green bins are meant for biodegradable waste and

    white for non-biodegradable waste.Kudumbasree workers will collect the segregated waste andtransport to the treatment plants in covered vehicles.the 'Lalur Model project' were adapted2 of the orgravers arent working

    When the Monsoon broke out in July 2009Filthy water oozed out of the garbage heap often stagnated near theplant spreading unbearable foul smell.Skin diseases, wheezing and variety of allergies along with theepidemics like Dengue, Chikunguniya etc broke out in the area.

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  • 8/3/2019 Waste Management at Lalur



    MANAGEMENT Amount dumped >>that processed .Declared a Municipal CorporationSoil here is losing its regenerating and degrading capacity

    the waste is piling up as a mountain without getting degraded.Depriving he residents of drinking waterThe crematorium nearby, lets out gases and unburnt organic

    wasteThe fumed let out by trying to burn the plasticManure produced there in the Orgraver plants are accumulatedEffective separation and processing of the plastic waste nothappening .

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  • 8/3/2019 Waste Management at Lalur


    HEALTH ISSUES the skin allergy for the residents and the respiratory problemssuffered by themthree youths died of suffocationIn 1990 ,9 wells in the adjacent area were contaminated anduseless.

    Air also has been polluted around 2 kms of Lalur.The last death happened was of inhaling poisonous gas emittedfrom the fuming garbageIn 2008, 40 more wells in the area had been contaminatedIn the Monsoon the compound the decayed wastes seeped andspread out.Skin diseases, wheezing and variety of allergies along with theepidemics like Dengue, Chikunguniya etc broke out in the area.

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  • 8/3/2019 Waste Management at Lalur


  • 8/3/2019 Waste Management at Lalur


    STEPS TAKEN BY GOVERNMENT A plant was built in the plot opposite to the trenching ground .

    Orgraver machine was introduced. These were 3 machines with a capacity of 300 kg

    each at a time.

    The Engineering Landfill Project was proposed in 2008.

    Timely inspection of land and analysis of the soil and water resources are conducted.

    A conveyor belt was introduced .

  • 8/3/2019 Waste Management at Lalur


  • 8/3/2019 Waste Management at Lalur


    LALUR MODEL PROJECT (LAMP) A professor from Agricultural University Dr. Pathiyur Gopinathan submitted LAMP

    Emphasized on decentralized processing of the waste.

    Decisions were made:

    1) A decentralised yet integrated municipal waste management programme

    2) It was decided to allot Rs. 3,90,00,000 as the initial expenses

    3) Each of the 52 division will have one primary waste processing centres in it which will be

    unified by 6 regional waste processing centres.

    4) The authority will be given to a committee comprising of Chief Minister as the head, thedepartmental minister as sub-head and Mayor as Convener.

    5) A 15 member working committee will be made including Mayor, political leaders and

    laymen to ensure the proper working of the project.

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    LAMPS 10 POINTS1) People should be aware of the implications of throwing waste in the surroundings of their houseand others, and this should be prevented.

    2) Awareness should be spread about waste management, facilitated with supervision and wastedisposal solutions.

    3) One Primary Waste Collection Centre (PWCC) is allocated for 200-250 houses. The people areencouraged and compelled to dispose the household and market waste in these centres.

    4) the conversion of organic waste into manure which requires the action of microorganisms, air andwater in the desired quantity. This requires minimal machinery and power consumption. This isfacilitated by setting up a Local Waste Processing Centre (LPWC), which requires not more than

    25- 30 cents of land. Incineration can be used as an option in the cases where recycling is not possible.

    5) A Regional Waste Processing Centre (RWPC) should be set up for 10 LWPCs. This should bemaintained very neat and clean with nurseries, gardens, meadows, trees and all. This can alsogenerate a good amount of job opportunities.

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    6) The daily waste disposal of the whole Thrissur Corporation can be managed by these RWPCsone of which should be placed in the Agricultural University Campus which can help in thefuture research in this aspect and to try the implementation in the plant.

    7) There should be Special Waste Processing Centres (SWPC) established in the hospitals,hotels, markets, etc.

    8) The foul smell of Lalur must be totally removed in the coming 6 months, which can bestarted in the summer, by separating, drying and processing the waste dumped in the ground to produce manure.

    9) The successful implementation of the project is possible only by overcoming the politicalindifferences, and the proper and effective work of the officials which has to be ensured.

    10) A committee comprising Chief Minister, Departmental Minister and Mayor is entrusted theauthority of the project, aided by the Working Committee consisting of the Mayor, politicalleaders and representatives from the common people.

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    1) The basic approach is decentralised collection and processing of the municipalwaste. This prevents the piling up of waste in a single spot.2) The separation of different components in the waste is done in the PWCCs itself thus avoiding the need for large number of people and complex machinery.3) As there is no collection of waste in a single place, the need to use sophisticatedtechnology or gigantic machinery is eliminated.4) The main instruments used include broom, furnace, sieve and chopper togetherwith micro organisms like bacteria, fungi and other organisms like mite, earthwormetc.5) Except plastic, all other solid waste components can be recycled and reused. Therecycling of plastic is a technology currently being developed which can be put topractice in a short while.6) Sanitary land filling is the technique being used right now in the trenchingground, which is the prime cause of the foul smell and toxic discharge in the region.7) Water is a resource which is capable of washing away the unnecessary part of the waste dumped. Thus adequate availability of water is to be ensured in theprocessing centres of all levels by means of rainwater harvesting and wells etc.8) The foul smell can be reduced to considerably low levels by the use of microorganisms, plants, trees etc. All processing centres will b provided with biogasplant, compost plant, vermin compost plants, septic tanks, gardens, floweringplants, medicinal plants, meadows etc. in required amounts.

  • 8/3/2019 Waste Management at Lalur


    ADVANTAGESInvolving minimal technical assistance

    The cost involved is very less

    In easy transportation, separation, handling and processing thus eliminating lot of

    resource wastage.

    A revolution in the way people think

    For solving the issues in a fixed time period which is practically possible because of the

    experiments that has been conducted in this regard since the past few years.

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    DISADVANTAGESLacks an efficient method for the management of plastic waste.

    The conversion of waste to biogas which has the following technical difficulties in

    making it effective.

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    FUTURE PLANS Waste for some purpose like filling the dividers of roads and waste land.

    Capping can be done in order to avoid the discharge of the pathogenic water and the

    fumes emitted from the mountain.

    Use of pyrolysis in which solid waste including rubber, plastic, organic waste and other

    types of waste are heated to high temperature of the range of 1800 degree Celsius at

    which it vapourises and the energy can be used to rotate a turbine to produce electricity .

  • 8/3/2019 Waste Management at Lalur


    SUGGESTIONSDecentralization concept introduced in LAMP can be made more effective byincorporating sophisticated technology in the regional processing centres. For example,

    plastic management for which granulizing can be considered if proper separation, and

    cleaning is done in the most basic zonal division itself

    Planting a thick belt of trees around the trenching ground

    Total isolation of the trenching ground is to be done in order to reduce the effects on the

    population residing in the surroundings

    Methods to be envisaged to ensure continuous collection, separation and processing of

    the waste products

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    Ensuring the separation of waste into the desired categories

    Gasifiers can be used to treat biomass in zonal centers.

    Metal waste can be separated and reused easily

    There must be a proper governing body to look into these matters working exclusively

    for Municipal Solid Waste Management

  • 8/3/2019 Waste Management at Lalur


    CONCLUSIONWe are already late in taking action against this issue.Waste accumulated has reachedthe height of a nearby coconut tree, can show us the seriousness of condition there.

    Lalur was an extremely fertile land but now there is lead and zinc in the soil

    Political Leaders and Health Commissioners are full of ideas on how to solve the issue,

    but no one is coming up to implement it.

    The plant set up in 1980s, which was worth crores of rupees are now in rust. Instead of

    solving the problem it is doing harm to the people.

    Strike has been going on for a long time now, and will continue till proper action is


    LAMP is the best available solutions for the problems existing.

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