warner vet winter 15 newsletter · 2016-11-18 · warner vet winter 2015 arthritis the cold of...

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Warner Vet Winter 2015

Arthritis The cold of winter is upon us, and so too is the crackle and crinkle of old joints. It is the season in which your pets suffer the most from arthritic pain.

There are many treatments and solutions that you can use to make your pet more comfortable, ranging from injections to improve cartilage replacement and repair and joint fluid quality, supplements for cartilage health to provide the building blocks of cartilage, and anti-inflammatory medications to reduce pain and stiffness and improve blood flow in the bone beneath the cartilage of the joint. There is even a prescription diet available now too.

Ask our friendly staff for more information.

Warner vet “Where Pets Are Family”

Winter Greetings "In seed-time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy" - William Blake.

Winter is rolling across the countryside, giving us clear, crisp weather. These nights let us know a warm furry companion radiating lots of body heat really is just the thing for fending off the chill. This season could be just the time to enjoy some comfort with your four-legged family, as winter is a time that allows for reflection and contemplation; it is a time to gather our families and truly enjoy the warmth and joy they bring to our lives.

I was asked the other day “why would anyone have a pet?”... I was surprised - they obviously did not know I was a vet. We were in the shopping centre looking at a pet display and a person happened to be standing next to me. I told them that I had several pets, and that I might find myself lost without them. It was their turn to be surprised. They asked "why?” I talked about the pets I remember from my childhood, I talked about my pets now, including the dogs, the cat, horses, blue-tongue lizards, the wallabies that populate our back yard at dawn and dusk. I waxed lyrical about the walks and swims in the dam with the dogs, the antics that happen when dogs, horses and my children find themselves together in the same place at the same time.... and that few things look funnier than a horse chasing a dog and a cat chasing a horse!... All at once!

They looked at me like I was from space. So immediately, I told them about the cat curling up with the dogs and the kids in front of the fire on these cold nights, and then watching the whole procession move to the eiderdown on the bed (or under the eiderdown depending on who got there first).

You could not wish for a happier life than one shared with others, and that includes our non-human family. In my excited discourse, I forgot to mention that I was a vet, but it didn't matter.... They thought I was quite mad already.....

Keep warm and safe this winter. Craig.


Our Core Values:

Team, Family


Responsibil i ty

Integrity and Respect

Passion and Excellence

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Warner Vet Winter 2015

Tick Facts:

Tick season is here. Ticks are found all year round, but they become particularly active and found in large numbers in the environment from June to January. Paralysis ticks are among the most dangerous parasites that can affect your pets. Ticks are carried by natural hosts primarily Bandicoots but can include possums, reptiles, birds and stray cats. These various animals can transport ticks almost anywhere, meaning that your pets can pick up a tick anywhere, even in your backyard! With the new range of effective tick preventive products now available, it is easier than ever to protect your pets from deadly ticks.

Can you spot the symptoms of paralysis tick?

As the ticks feed, they secrete saliva containing toxins which are absorbed by your pet and this leads to paralysis and these symptoms progress rapidly over a period of hours to days.

• Weakness or loss of coordination of the hind legs • Change in voice (husky / muted bark and meow) • Vomiting or retching from nausea • Excessive salivation / drooling • Coughing, rapid breathing or difficulty breathing • Decreased appetite • Decreased energy

What to do if you find a tick:

If your pet shows any of the signs above, or if you have found a tick, come and see us without delay. Keep your pet calm, quiet and confined and avoid any stress. Do not offer food or water as choking or aspiration pneumonia is a real risk in paralysed patients. It is best to remove the tick immediately if possible. Aim to remove it by its head and try not to squeeze the body. A useful aid is a tick remover or “Tick Hook” (a fork like device that slides and scoops the tick for easy removal). Remember, keep looking for more ticks, as sometimes multiple ticks can be found at one time. If you have managed to remove the tick, please bring it with you to allow us to identify it. Ordinary cattle ticks rarely cause problems, but paralysis ticks are deadly.

How to protect your pet from tick paralysis:

Bravecto – One chew covers for paralysis ticks and fleas for 3 months (dogs only)

NexGard – Once a month beef flavoured chew, covers fleas and ticks for 1 month (dogs only)

Advantix – Topical spot-on; use fortnightly for paralysis tick control and fleas, mites, and other flying insects (dogs only)

Frontline – Topical spot-on; as with advantix, use fortnightly for paralysis tick and flea control dogs and safe for cats too!

Tick collars – Scalibor (3months cover) – remember though, if it gets wet you will have to bin it and replace it with a new one.

No tick prevention product is 100% effective, so even with a tick preventive, your pets will be safer avoiding tick habitats like bushland, keeping lawns short and checking your pet every

day for ticks. When you search for a tick on your pet, use your fingertips to feel through the coat. Ticks or tick craters can be felt as a small lump on the skin surface. Make sure to check both outer and inner surfaces of the ear flap, around the lips, all skin folds and in between toes and paw pads, and remember underneath the collar as well. (Dr. Anna)

Hot Topic: Paralysis Ticks

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Warner Vet Winter 2015

Bravecto Are you tried of applying tick control fortnightly? Or even monthly? How would you like to do it only every 3 months? Well now you can! The Warner Vet clinic has a

brand new product in stock, able to be used from 8 weeks of age, this new flavoured chew for dogs provides protection against fleas and deadly paralysis ticks for three, making tedious and frequent dosing for tick prevention a thing of the past. What is it? It is “Bravecto”. We have sizes in stock from 2kg to 56kg in weight. The chew provides effective control of fleas within 8 hours of administration and within 24 hours for paralysis ticks. (Unfortunately this is not available for cats).

“It’s not a short term diet. It’s a long term lifestyle change”

Tam’s New Weight Management Program

Manta Rays

Obesity can cause many health issues for your pet but it can be easily managed. Join our new personalized weight management program with our friendly vet nurse Tam. The new program will give you helpful tips, measure your pets weight and body fat percentage along with supporting you on their weight loss journey. Call Tam now J

Mantas can be found around the coastline of SE QLD in the warm seasons. These elegant 5.5m creatures are peaceful filter feeders, consuming large amounts of zooplankton as they swim with their toothless mouth open. They are very intelligent and at times so playful that they circulate around divers and even hover on top of them to enjoy the tickling bubbles on their belly. Each manta has black spots on the underside of the body, which can be used to identify and track individuals. This picture was taken at Stradbroke island earlier this year; later identified as “Hook #495” and to the marine researchers’ excitement, this was the first sighting of this particular manta in two years. (Story and Photo by Dr. Anna)

Pet Photo Winner: Rory “This is my girl Rory the dal. The bravest, silliest, smartest,

most loyal and loving dog I could have ever asked for. I’m glad we met…

Thank you for giving us more time. We appreciate everything you did for Rory.” (Emer)

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Warner Vet Winter 2015

Contact Us

Meet Our Boss-man

As a child I always wanted to be a “Conservationist”. I did not really know what they did, I just knew

they went around saving animals. I was devastated later to find that being a Conservationist was not a job but

rather a life conviction, and unless you were already a superstar of some sort, no-one would listen to you

anyway. Much soul-searching, and a 2 minute conversation with the school guidance counsellor in Grade 8

meant I had decided. I like science, and I loved animals. Vet it was….and the next few years became devoted

to the sole purpose of gaining the “TE-score” required (now known as the “OP-score, or Overall Position

Score). With those years of my young life concluded, the acceptance into the University of Queensland

Veterinary School was a pivotal moment, and a relief. The direction of my life was determined. Graduation

occurred five years later, and in January 1993 I took my first veterinary job in Bowen, far north Queensland

(FNQ to the locals up that way). I then traded the small country town lifestyle in continuous, relentless heat, for

the big smoke, moving to Melbourne 2 years later and discovered coffee, not just instant, real coffee - Cappucino’s! Thus I was able to enjoy

the frosty, wet, changeable, unpredictable horror that is the exclusive right of the weather in that city. Coffee got me through.

Victoria greeted me with a short stint in dairy practise in Gippsland, then to Melbourne city at the combined specialist, general and emergency

afterhours practice, The Bundoora Veterinary Clinic in Melbourne’s north, then six months at the Malvern Veterinary Hospital across the hall

from the specialist Animal Eye Clinic. Despite the fantastic experience gained in Victoria, I felt it was time to see the sun again. I returned to

Queensland to work briefly at the Park Ridge Animal Hospital before taking up a position at the Chermside Veterinary Hospital and became

part of the furniture over the next 6 years. (Did I mention that I really like sunshine)? I decided that it was finally time to open my own clinic

and in December 2001 the Warner Vet opened. My various pets were happy that they did not have to move again.

Small humans were added to the family a few years later, and as a boy and a girl they were awesome, of course. As they have grown

into less-small humans, they have filled my entire life outside work, and some of my in-work life as well. It is every parent’s duty to

proclaim the world-altering awesomeness of their children, and I will be no exception, and I will mention that my children are,

without doubt, the most fantastic, the most talented, the most amazing at everything they do, the most…. and much, much more but

you get the picture.

Phone: (07) 3882 2288

Cashmere Village Shopping Centre Corner Kremzow & Ira Buckby Roads,

Cashmere, QLD 4500 Website: warnervet.com.au Email: warnervet@hotmail.com Postal address: Shop 12/ 1 Warra Lane, Cashmere, QLD 4500

Open: Monday - Friday: 8am - 8pm Saturday: 8am - 2pm Sunday: 9am - 12noon

Contact Us

Dr. Craig Stewart

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