warm up: success or failure

Post on 22-Feb-2016






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Warm up: Success or Failure. Point/ Counter point Page : Which two arguments do you think are the strongest for each side? Which side do you agree with? What do you think could have been done to ensure success? Do you think it is better that reconstruction failed? Why?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Warm up:Success or FailurePoint/ Counter pointPage:

Which two arguments do you think are the strongest for each side?Which side do you agree with?What do you think could have been done to ensure success?Do you think it is better that reconstruction failed? Why?

Major result of war:Federal government’s power over

states was strengthened

Laws enforced on south13 and 14th amendmentMilitary districtsPay off war debt

Do you think the south complied with these laws?

Official end-Hayes- Tilden Compromise of


Hiram RevelsFirst African American Senator to

be elected!!

Reconstruction key pointsLincoln Assassinated 1865President Andrew Johnson begins

reconstruction - faces impeachment/acquittal

Southern States readmittedUlysses S. Grant elected

presidentGovernment becomes corrupted

Key Points continued13th, 14th, and 15th amendments

ratifiedKu Klux Klan created and

becomes a forceDebtors want greenbacks- Gold

becomes currencyPanic of 1873- More debt than

people could handle- closing banks and another depression

Key Points…Hiram Revels seated on the

Senate 1870House becomes mainly

democratic- “redemption”Rutherford B. Hayes elected

president◦Samuel Tilden won popular vote but

lost electoralCompromise of 1877- ended


Finally…Home rule- South can run gov. no

federals watchingRestricted rights of freed African



Key Term Categories

Reconstruction 13, 14, 15th amendments Panic of 1873

Re-absorption Scalawag RedemptionAbraham Lincoln Carpetbagger Rutherford B. HayesAndrew Johnson Hiram Revels Tenure of Office Act

Freedman’s Bureau Sharecropping Radical RepublicansBlack Codes Tenant farming Compromise 1877impeach Ku Klux Klan Ulysses S. Grant

Take the following key terms and put them in categories as you see them related.

Count off by 4Go to your group corners

#2 #3

#1 #4

Sit downAs a group you will write on sheets in each


Each sheet has a topic

Write as many events/terms as you can in a minute

I will call time- move on to the next corner

#1 moves to #2, 2 to 3, 3to 4, 4 to 1… you must get to every corner

Using what you know…Complete this reading guide..

Hand it in when you are finished.

top related