warm-up for 03.20.12 – which letter below shows the gobi desert?

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Warm-up for 03.20.12 – Which letter below shows The Gobi Desert?. A. C. B. D. Warm-up for 03.20.12 – Which letter below shows The Gobi Desert. A. POLITICAL – SOUTH AND EAST ASIA. TONIGHT’S HW: STUDY FOR QUIZ ON SOUTH AND EAST ASIA’S BODIES OF WATER THIS THURSDAY!!!!. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Warm-up for 03.20.12 – Which letter below shows The Gobi





Warm-up for 03.20.12 – Which letter below shows The Gobi






a) Describe the causes and effects of pollution on the Yangtze and Ganges Rivers.

b) Describe the causes and effects of air pollution and flooding in India and China.

SS7G10: The student will discuss environmental issues across South

& East Asia.

Pollution in ChinaBy Lu Guang

Lu Guang (卢广 ) is an award-winning freelance photographer. Originally a factory worker, he later started his own photo studio and advertising agency. Skilled at documenting society through a camera,

his insightful, creative ,and artistic work often focuses on “people living at the bottom of society”. Over the years, he has attracted the

attention of the national photography circle and the media.


At the junction of Ningxia province and Inner Mongolia province, I saw a tall chimney puffing out golden smoke covering the blue sky. Large tracts of the grassland have become industrial waste dumps; unbearable foul smell made people want to cough. Surging industrial sewage flowed into the Huang Hu River…”

Fan Jai Zhuang in Anyang City, Henan province, (河南安阳市范家庄 ) there is only one wall separating this village from the steelmaking furnaces. The villagers live in this heavily polluted environment where the village is under the iron rain every day. March 24, 2008


Fan Jai Zhuang in Anyang City, Henan province, (河南安阳市范家庄 ) there is only one wall separating this village from the steelmaking furnaces. The villagers live in this heavily polluted environment where the village is under the iron rain every day. March 24, 2008


Fan Jai Zhuang in Anyang City, Henan province, (河南安阳市范家庄 ) there is only one wall separating this village from the steelmaking furnaces. The villagers live in this heavily polluted environment where the village is under the iron rain every day.

Shizuishan Industrial district in Ningxia province (宁夏石嘴山湖滨工业园区 ), the tall chimneys spit out smoke and dust. Residents protect themselves from the dust falling from the sky when going outside.

Hebei Province Shexian Tianjin Iron and steel plant is a heavily polluting company. The company is still growing, seriously affecting the lives of local residents.


Longmen town in Hanchen city, Shaanxi Province has large-scale industrial development. The environment is seriously polluted there.

In Inner Mongolia there were 2 “black dragons” from the Lasengmiao Power Plant (内蒙古拉僧庙发电厂 ) covering the nearby villages. 


Soil by the Yangtze River was polluted by Anhui Province Ma’anshan Chemical Industrial District.


Beijing air on a day after rain (left) and a sunny but Smoggy day (right)

INDIA air pollution

Every day 1.5 billion people are exposed to levels

of air pollution well over the safety limits.

Many cities are being choked by a cocktail of dust

and chemical particles in the air.

Indian cities are polluted by vehicles and industry


Asian Brown CloudA blanket of pollutants nicknamed, the "Brown Cloud" smothers large parts of the region, causing severe health problems for the people there.

Asian Brown Cloud• Extends over South,

Southeast and East Asia• Haze hovers about 4 miles

above the surface of the earth & can travel halfway around the globe in less than a week

• 75% of the cloud is man-made: forest fires, inefficient cooking fuels (woodstoves), factories, cars

Thick haze blown off the Eastern coast of China, over Bo Hai Bay and Yellow Sea. The haze likely results from urban and

industrial pollution.

India &Himalayan Mountains



Huang He

Elder shepherd by the Yellow River cannot stand the smell

Chemical waste from Jiangsu Taixing Chemical Industrial District (江苏泰兴化工园区 ) dumped on top of the Yangtze River bank. May 15, 2009



Guiyu, Guangdong province, rivers and lakes have been contaminated. The villager is washing in a seriously polluted pond.

Industrial sewage of Zhejiang Xiaoshan Industrial District (浙江萧山化工园区 ) eventually flowed into Qiantang River.

Henan Anyang iron and steel plant’s (河南安阳钢铁厂 ) sewage flows into Anyang River.

Chemical waste from Jiangsu Taixing Chemical Industrial District dumped on top of the Yangtze River bank.


On the Yellow Sea coastline, countless sewage pipes buried in the beach and even extending into the deep sea pollute the water, killing fish and other marine life.

In Ma’anshan, Anhui province (安徽马鞍山 ), along the Yangtze River there are many small-scale Iron factories and plastic

processing plants. Large amounts of sewage are released into the Yangtze River.

Changshu City Fluorine Chemical sewage treatment plant is responsible for collecting and processing industrial sewage. However they are not. Their sewage

pipe extends 1500 meters under the Yangtze River and releases the sewage there.


Large amounts of industrial wastewater flow to the Huang Hu (Yellow) River from Inner Mongolia Lasengmiao

Industrial District (内蒙古拉僧庙工业园区 ) every day.


Large amounts of chemical wastewater seep into the Yangtze River from Zhenjiang Titanium mill (镇江市钛粉厂 ) every day. Less than 1,000

meters downstream is where the water department of Danyang City gets its water.


In Haimen city, Jiangsu province Chemical Industrial District sewage treatment Plant discharges

wastewater into the Yangtze River.

There are over 100 chemical plants in Jiangsu province coastal industry district. Some of them release wastewater into the ocean while some heavily contaminated sewage is stored in 5 “Temporary Sewage Pools”. Unfortunately, during the 2 high tides in every month, the sewage leaks into the ocean with the tides.

Anhui Province Cihu Chemical Industry District (安徽省慈湖化工园区 ) built a underground pipe to discharge wastewater into the Yangtze River. The wastewater sometimes is black, gray, dark red, or yellow, wastewater from different chemical factories has different colors. June 18, 2009


Anhui Province Cihu Chemical Industry District built a underground pipe to discharge wastewater into the Yangtze River. Wastewater from different chemical factories has different colors; so the wastewater is sometimes black, gray, dark red, or yellow.

Girl collects water from a ditch in the suburb Wuhan of Hubei Province in China. nearly 700 million people throughout china lack access to clean water

Yangtze River

Warm-up for 03.21.12 – Which letter shows where the Mekong River is located?




Warm-up for 03.21.12 – Which letter shows where the Mekong River is located?





Ganges map

Ganges River

Essential question

We can send a shuttle into space, we can build the Delhi Metro. We can detonate nuclear weapons. So why can't we clean up our rivers? ~ Rakesh Jaiswal, Founder of Eco Friends

He gave up working on his doctorate to fight for the cause of restoring the Ganges River.

Thousands of Indian people throng to the Ganges River everyday.

considered Holy,worshiped by Hindus


Many Hindus believe that the water from the Ganges can

cleanse a person's soul of all past sins, and that it can also cure the ill.

washing laundry

cremated remains

Cows and animals wade through the water.

Extremely polluted

untreated sewage

chemicals from people & factories

much more are found in this river.


EFFECTS of pollution

Close to three million people die each year from poor air quality.

Air pollution actually shortens lives.

Breathing in large amounts of dust into the lungs, people get sick after working in factories for only 1-2 years. Most

of these migrant workers come from areas of poverty.

15-year-old boy from Tianshui, Gansu Province (甘肃天水 ), dropped out of the school after 2nd grade, followed his parents to Heilonggui (黑龙贵 ) Industrial District. He earns 16 yuan a day


Inner Mongolia province Heilonggui (黑龙贵 ) Industrial District, a couple who worked at the Plaster Kiln just get



In Shexian Village, Hebei Province, (河北省涉县固新村 ) there are more than 50 existing cancer patients and

more than 20 cancer patients die each year.

Shanxi Province is the most polluted area of China. It is also the province with the highest rate of birth defects. This loving farmer couple adopted 17 disabled children.

Every year, a lot of deficiency babies in Shanxi Province were abandoned. Kong Zhenlan (孔贞兰 ) in Qi town (祁县 ) who was making a living by recycling trash adopted 25 abandoned children.



no dams

or levees to hold back


Flooding in China

destroys buildings & lives

After a recent flood, the gushing Three Gorges Dam filled faster than any previously recorded flood.

Three Gorges Dam

• the largest hydroelectric dam in the world• more than 1 mile wide• almost 600 feet tall• cost about 39 billion dollars• 20 years construction time!!• controversial project since the body of it was

finished in 2006• forced 1.4 million people to relocate

July 20, 2010 • Rained for weeks• record-breaking floods• at least 37 people died and another

86 were missing after landslides and flooding

• Millions evacuated homes as levees strained against the water's weight

• floodwaters just 66 ft away from reaching dam’s capacity

Will the completion of the Three Gorges Dam on the upper Yangtze River help with flooding?

Authorities are using the dam to limit the amount of water flowing further downstream to try to minimize the impact of

devastating floods.

• 13 full-sized cities were leveled by the people who lived in them—brick by brick!!

• Over 1300 archaeological sites will be submerged.• It contributed to the extinction of the Yangtze River

dolphin.• The weight of the dam & reservoir can actually cause

earthquakes.• It took 15 days to fill the reservoir.

Will generate electricity-clean & inexpensive

A renewable energy source

Will control flooding Can store river

water in case of a drought

Will improve transportation

Requires the flooding of entire valleys & scenic areas

Disrupts natural seasonal changes in the river

Ecosystems can be destroyed

Natural flooding cleans out silt

The silt that washes downstream provides fertile soil

Pros and Cons of the Three Gorges Dam

Areas threatened by flooding

in India

Flooding in India

Floods, mudslides, collapsing houses and lightning strikes kill hundreds of people every year.

India’s monsoon season, which lasts from June to September, brings rain vital for the country’s farmers but also massive destruction.

Floods and drought have set back India's fight against

poverty by years.

Floods destroy or wash away millions of acres of cropland and

contaminate grain stocks in millions of homes.

Flooding in India• hundreds can die • millions of people can be

marooned when the river submerges roads leading to a region

Quick Write . . .Please take out a single sheet of paper, and respond to the following questions.

• How do these pictures make you feel?• Should these Chinese companies be allowed

to do what they are doing? Why or why not?• What would you do if you lived in some of

these areas?


a) Describe the causes and effects of pollution on the Yangtze and Ganges Rivers.

b) Describe the causes and effects of air pollution and flooding in India and China.

SS7G10: The student will discuss environmental issues across South

& East Asia.

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