want to expand your business to latin america?

Post on 06-Jul-2015



Investor Relations



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Learn about a network of resources in the Caribbean Basin and Central America specially designed for the international expansion of startups and early stage businesses. Funding channels, investors, allies, partners form part of a strong support network for expansion of startups and early stage businesses to Latin America.


Want to expand your business to Latin America?Learn about a network of resources in the Caribbean Basin and Central America specially

designed for the international expansion of startups and early stage businesses

Lorenzo Lara Carrero, President

Mentoring and venture capital for startups landing in Latin America

• Negociosdigitales provides mentoring

services and access to angel and venture

capital sources, for startups and early stage

companies, for expansion and development

in Latin America

• We focus on tech based businesses,

specially Internet companies with great

growth potential in our region

• We work together with an international

network of high level expert and resourceful

partners and allies, with extensive

experience in developing and growing

innovative startups and early stage


A regional network of partners and allies, with experience

in developing and growing innovative startups and early

stage businesses in international markets

International acceleration in Medellín, Colombia

• Strong public and private institutions

committed to innovation and


• We work in cooperation with:

• Creame, provider of comprehensive

services for starting and growing

innovative firms doing business in

Colombia and Latin America.

• Capitalia Colombia, specialized

financial services firm for early stage

business with strong growth potential

• Business angels

• Seed capital and sidecar funds

• Mergers and acquisitions

Medellin, in Colombia, was named in 2013

the world's most innovative city in a

competition organized by the non-profit

Urban Land Institute with the support of The

Wall Street Journal and Citi Bank

Panama City and the City of Knowledge

• The City of Knowledge, in

Panama City, is an international

hub for innovative tech startups

which includes:

• The Panama Business

Accelerator (PBA) and

• The Venture Club: a group of

angel investors where we are

institutional members

San José, Costa Rica

• A platform for private offerings of debt,

convertible notes and stocks, for early

stage companies

• Mercado Alternativo Para Acciones

(MAPA) in the Bolsa Nacional de

Valores de Costa Rica

• We work together with Mora de la

Orden, Soluciones de Capital

Willemstad, Curaçao

• Startup Stock Exchange (SSX) in the Dutch

Caribbean Securities Exchange is an

evolution of crowdfunding enabling startups

and early stage companies to make initial

public offerings of stocks.

• SSX´s platform for buying and selling stocks

allows for stock liquidity and for presenting

an emerging international corporation to the

global financial industry.

• Our President, Lorenzo Lara Carrero, is a

member of SSX´s Board of International


• We provide assistance in the IPO process

and beyond

¿What role can Venezuela play in the international

expansion of innovative businesses?

• Venezuelan markets are complex for

political, legal and economic reasons,

only attractive for foreign investment in

special segments like consumer

products or oil related services

• Nevertheless, our country offers

extremely interesting options for

building and leveraging a high quality

network of service providers to support

international business

Venezuela´s competitive advantages in building and

leveraging and international network of service providers• Caracas, where we have our home office, is a city

strong in high quality human resources adapted to

international markets requirements and very

competitive costs. For example:• Marketing, advertising, telecom services, software

development , content production…

• Sophisticated business design experience,

including financial structuring of international


• Wide experience developing successful Internet


• Strong softwarerdevelopment capabilities

• Specialized and tailored call centers

• Part of Venezuela´s talent network has spread all

over the world, specially to neighboring countries,

and is very accessible from any place through

online work platforms

Venezuelan diaspora

• The Venezuelan diaspora offers interesting

possibilities for international business

development. We have documented these

possibilities in several publications, in

Spanish, available by downloading from our


• Potenciando el valor de la diáspora

latinoamericana para los países de la región.

Marzo 14, 2008.Informe Final para la CAF

preparado por Latinos Globales S.A.

• Internacionalización de los venezolanos y de

sus empresas: capítulo preparado

especialmente para el libro de Michael

Penfold y Roberto Vainrub: Estrategias en

tiempos de turbulencia: Las Empresas en

Venezuela. Ediciones IESA, Caracas 2012

The Venezuelan diaspora

Setup shop in Medellín, …

Setup shop in Medellín, source your financing and service needs in the Caribbean Basin

and Central America, …

Setup shop in Medellín, source your financing and service needs in the Caribbean Basin and

Central America, leverage your service providers network in Venezuela and its diaspora


• Lorenzo Lara Carrero

• lorenzo@negociosdigitales.com

• Skype: lorenzolara

• Whatsapp: +58 412 269 1408

• Blog: Capital Emprendedor

• Linkedin: http://ve.linkedin.com/in/lorenzolara/

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