walter entertainment inc. walter bros. circus - novusolutions

Post on 21-Apr-2022






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Walter Entertainment Inc. Walter Bros. Circus

Walter Bros. Circus is a newly incorporated alliance between Enrique Walter, Gaston Walter and Jonatan Walter. Together the principals have more than 100 years’ experience in promoting Hispanic events and circuses in the United States, Argentina, Mexico, Central and South America. The corporation was formed to create and promote ‘’Walter Bros. Circus’’ in the United States ,commencing in May of 2014 Walter Entertainment Inc. has been trademarked , and the principals intend to build a formidable brand or circus franchise targeting Americas Bilingual market.

The Walter family; Enrique, Mercedes, Gaston, Jonatan, Rocio, Gabriela, Desiree, Jonathan II, Sebastian, Devenae, Bianka and Johann. They are the 6th generation circus family for more than 125 years the Walter family is been in the circus entertaining audiences around the world . now in Las Vegas continuing with the circus tradition presenting a new idea of circus for children of all ages, they will amaze you .

May all your day be Circus days!!!!!!!!!!!!

contact: Jonatan Walter 817 Neil Arm Strong St.

(702)882-0588 Las Vegas Nevada 89145

For immediate release

Bilingual (Spanish / English) The Circus is coming to town!

Walter Entertainment, Inc. and Walter Bros. Circus, is proud to announce a new bilingual (Spanish/English) circus, starting on June 12th in Las Vegas. “Walter Bros. Circus” will kick-off it’s nationwide tour under a 1000-person state-of- the- art big top.

“Walter Bros. Circus” is comprised of a world-wide cast of performers, many of whom originate from Latin America. The show will include juggling acts, contortionists, single trapeze, aerial artists, trampoline acrobats, clowns, the famous flying Ventura flying trapeze act and the Walter Brothers with their death-defying “GLOBE OF DEATH”. All the acts will be performed live under a top quality, fireproof tent spanning 100 feet in diameter, with no seat more than fifty feet from center ring.

“This is the most exiting Circus I’ve ever been a part of because I have the opportunity to work with some of the greatest acts in the world who also happen to be life-long colleges and friends! The essence of FAMILY woven through-out is what truly makes this an amazing show and I am proud to share this with others.” -Enrique Walter, Walter Entertainment Inc. (Founder/Performer) “We have created a high quality family show which combines the excitement of the Circus with the power of play and imagination for children as they have fun interacting with “Chupete” the clown during his performances through-out the show.” -Gaston Walter, Walter Entertainment Inc. (Co-Founder/Performer)

The tour will be divided into two touring seasons. The first begins in Las Vegas starting September 12th until May of 2016. The second season of the tour will move to Los Angeles, San Francisco and finally San Jose. (See tour schedule for more information).

“The beauty of `Walter Bros. Circus’ is the ability to bring the show to the people by setting up our big top within neighborhoods throughout the USA where generally large Circuses are unable to due to their size. With only having a tent with such a small capacity we are able to incorporate the audiences into the shows to allow them to truly feel as though they are in the ring with us.” - Jonatan Walter, Walter Entertainment Inc. (Co-Founder/Performer) Walter Bros. Circus is intended for children of all ages and their parents to enjoy a quality, wholesome, family production in a localized venue using excellent staging and lighting production.

There will be special pricing for children and groups. Absolutely NO wild animals are used in any of the performances and there will be NO sponsorship participation by alcohol or tobacco companies. In addition, alcohol and smoking will not be permitted nor tolerated on the premises.

For more information about Walter Bros. Circus or for sponsorship opportunities visit or call (702)882-0588 or email

May all your days be Circus days!!!!!!

The Walter Family (Six Generations of Clowns)

Walter Bros. Circus is proud to present for the first time in the United States, the Walter family from Argentina. Beginning in 1905, this family of six generations of circus clowns, whom before making their USA debut with Circo Hermanos Walter , traveled all over Latin America entertaining children of all ages. They will be presenting FOUR of it’s generations on stage at the same time beginning with the Patriarch of the family Alberto Walter as ‘Chupete.’ His son, Enrique, and grandson, Jonatan, will present ‘Chupete, Jr & Chupetito.’ The last (but not least!) is youngest of the family making his debut is Jonatan Walter, Jr. as ‘Chupetin, Jr.’

Debora & Fernando Ventura (Cradle Act)

As fourth generation circus performers of the Ventura Family, brother and sister Debora and Fernando Ventura were both born in Santiago, Chile. They become world-class performers at the age of thirteen when they presented their one-of-a-kind Cradle Act for the Chilean Circus, Circo de los Tachuela.

All through-out South America, Mexico and Central American, audiences have been stunned and amazed at their spectacular and dangerous Cradle Act, an act most circus performers consider to be one of the most difficult acts to perform due to its stringent requirements in strength and balance.

Los Gauchos de Fuego (The Cowboys of Fire)

Once again, the Walter family presents to us a skill very few possess, yet they make it look effortless. Using Boleadoras, which was used by the Gauchos (cowboys) as a hunting device in Argentina more than 400 years ago, the Walters have created a combination of dance, percussion and martial arts-like movements that is passed down from generation to generation.

Being a dangerous discipline, only a handful of men and women in the world perform this act. Los Gauchos de Fuego have amazed audience in more than fifteen countries around the globe.

Raul Cubillos, age 34 (juggler)

Raul, born in Mendoza, Argentina, comes from a traditional circus family. He made his professional debut at the age of thirteen at a circus festival in Verona, Italy where he developed his original yet fast paced style of juggling involving ping pong balls, soccer balls, the traditional bowling clubs, nine rings and the famous Mexican hats.

Cubillos has performed with the touring Carson & Barns Circus, Ringling Brothers, Barnum & Bailey Circus and many more which led him to travel all over the world. His most current was at Circus Circus Casino in Las Vegas, NV.

Desiree Walter, age 10 (contortionist)

Desiree was born in McAllen, TX. USA. As the 6th generation of a circus family, ‘Desy’ as she likes to be called, started at an early age performing, following in her family’s footsteps to become a circus performer and share the spot light along with her performing family.

At the tender age of eight, Desy was inspired by her family’s mental and physical dedication to the circus art. She, with the help of her father Jonatan Walter, developed a contortion act, adding sophistication to it on her own. At the age of ten she has performed in many important venues though-out Las Vegas including the Palazzo Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, NV.

Rosa Martinez, age 18 (Flying Trapeze)

Rosa comes from a fifth generational Argentinian Circus family. Growing up in circus, Rosa has become quite proficient in everything from Hula Hoops to the dangerous yet mesmerizing Aerial Silks. For more than 4 years she has been performing at the Circus Circus Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas as part of the Flying Angels. Her precision and experience as well as her grace and beauty in the air has made her one of the most well-known trapeze artists in the industry.

Gaston Walter, age 35 (Balancing on the Rolla Bolla)

Gaston Walter was born in Cordoba, Argentina to the Walter Family, a multi-generational traditional circus family.

Gaston made his professional debut at the age of nine at a circus festival in Lima, Peru where he presented his incredible & extremely unique balancing act featuring mini tables, Rolling pins (or Rollas) and basketballs .

After successfully touring throughout South America with his family, he then began to branch out on his own, performing at different circuses, nightclubs, and Cruise lines. The overwhelming success of his act led him to an international career spanning Asia, Africa, and North America.

The Flying Venturas (Flying Trapeze) The Flying Venturas were destined to become one of the greatest Flying Trapeze Acts in the world. Encourage by their father, Fernando Ventura Sr., and their uncle, Vicente Ventura Sr., they are a fifth generation circus family carrying on a great and legendary family tradition.

They have performed and represented their native country of Chile with great honor and prestige. The Flying Venturas were the first flying trapeze artists from Chile that have performed for the world renowned ‘’Cirque du Soleil’’. They are also the first to successfully perform the Triple Pike, done by Vicente Ventura, Jr., and the difficult Triple Cascu, done by Fernando Ventura, Jr.

Their performances are indeed one of the most beautiful displays of athleticism and grace when it comes to quality, precision and execution. They have been amazing audiences around the world since 1990, when they begin their worldwide tour performing for some the best circuses in world such as Circo Servian in Argentina, Circo Fuentes Gasca in Mexico and Central America, and Cirque du Soleil in Japan.

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