walt whitman father of american poetry 1819-1892

Post on 16-Dec-2015






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Early Life

Born on Long Island & raised in Brooklyn

No formal education, but very well read Sir Walter Scott Shakespeare Homer Dante

Trained to be a printer Alternated between printing and


Became Editor of The Brooklyn Edge @ 27 Fired in 1848 because of his opposition to

slavery Traveled cross-country before going to

work on a paper in New Orleans observed the diversity of the American

landscape and people “I Hear America Singing”

1850: quit journalism to devote his energy to his writing

Whitman: The Poet

Heavily influenced by Emerson’s vision of a “new kind of American poet”

Writing broke every poetic tradition of rhyme and meter Free verse Celebrated America and the common man

1855: 1st Edition of Leaves of Grass Highly criticized Whittier (noted Fireside poet) threw his copy in the

fire Emerson touted the collection as “the most

extraordinary piece of wit and wisdom that America has yet contributed”

Leaves of Grass

Whitman’s “life work” Continually revised, reshaped, and expanded

the collection until his death in 1892 Viewed the collection as a single long poem

that expressed his evolving vision of the world Used his poetry to convey his beliefs

Democracy Equality Spiritual unity Potential of the human spirit

Leaves of Grass

1st Edition: 1855 12 unsigned and untitled poems

“Deathbed” Edition: 1892 383 poems Captures diversity of the American people Conveys the energy and intensity of all

types of life

Whitman: Style

Epic theme: all people of all times are connected by their

shared experience of life

Free Verse: poetry with irregular meter and line length; sounds like natural speech; does not follow strict

rules or formulas**Whitman is the 1st American poet to

write in free verse

Whitman: Style

Long Lines Catalogues/Lists Anaphora: the repetition of

phrases or sentences with similar structures or meanings

Diction: word choice Onomatopoeia: words whose sound

imitate their meaning YAWP!


page 428


1. Look at stanza 1, how does this stanza convey epic theme?

2. What does Whitman mean in stanza 3 when he writes “My tongue, every atom of my blood, formed from this soil, this air”

3. What attribute of Whitman’s writing/life is he referring to in the 4th stanza?

4. Original energy = ___________?


1. What does this section reveal about Whitman’s attitude about life and death?

2. What is the connotation of each of the following words:a) Onwardb) Outwardc) Luckier


1. What is the overall tone of this section?2. What is the image that Whitman

creates in this section?3. Why might he include this content in

“Song of Myself”


1. What aspects of life does this section celebrate?


1. What ideas are emphasized in this section?

2. How does the structure of the stanza reinforce its message?


1. How is this section different than the others in this excerpt?

2. What is the overall message of this section?

3. What is the tone of the section?4. How does this section fit into the final

edition of this collection?


Analyze the following lines: I too an not a bit tamed, I too am untranslatable,

I sound my barbaric yawp over the rooftops of the world.

I bequeath myself to the dirt to grow from the grass I love

Failing to fetch me at first keep encouraged,

Missing me one place search another,

I stop somewhere waiting for you.

Whitman’s Style “hunt”

Find an example of each attribute of Walt Whitman’s style.

Write the attribute this line illustrates, the poem section, and the line from the text.


page 435

Analysis Questions

1. What do the “varied carols” represent?2. Identify two aspects of Whitman’s style that

are most evident in this poem.3. How do we see epic theme in this piece?4. What types of people does Whitman include in

the poem (List them! There are 12.)5. What image of America does Whitman portray

in this poem?6. In the final lines Whitman makes a distinction

between the day and the night. Analyze these final lines.

Group Writing Assignment

Presumably after his trip cross-country, Whitman writes “I Hear America Singing” to illustrates the diversity and drive of the American people.

In your small groups, write an imitation of Whitman’s piece about UHS. Utilize similar stylistic elements in your writing.

Your Title: “We Hear UHS Singing”

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